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Species Creation Questions

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How long does it usually take to get a species approved? I don't want to be rude, but I'm really excited to continue RP'ing with Jenson except since he is a Sorian I can't until the species is approved.
Jenson Koraz said:
How long does it usually take to get a species approved? I don't want to be rude, but I'm really excited to continue RP'ing with Jenson except since he is a Sorian I can't until the species is approved.
It depends on how complicated the sub is, but it shouldn't take more than a few days for an average submission. More complicated ones can take a couple of weeks.

Note; you can roleplay your species once it's submitted. Only that anything in the submission is subject to change until approval.
Hello! So, I have a firstly question regarding species regarding planets. I am currently making a planet submission, and I am wondering if I need to make species submission for ALL of the native species of the world, or just the ones that are significant to what I will reference in the future for the planet?

Secondly, I am curious if I should make a submission for an extinct species of the planet, because there is a material that is made from their remains by the sentient population?
Only the significant and/or special ones.

If you were doing a planet sub for Earth you wouldn't be subbing billions of items, but you might sub an elephant, a whale, a tiger and a bear for instance.
I've created a species "The Grancha Mutants".

They were approved and completed after 20 dev thread posts.

Now..a Grancha Mutant is considered being that Grudge himself has genetically modified or gene-spliced and enhanced with his serum.

With that being said, the 'races' of these species can vary immensely.

Pointing that out, for future reference I'd like to expand upon the Grancha Mutant species page I made and add new ones in there. "New Races".

I was told I'd need 10 posts of development for each of them since they are genetically altered. Is this true? will I be able to add new races into my species page when it's locked?

[member="Durza the Zealous"]

Sorry for the late response on this. The short answer is yes, development will be required. The length is dependent on the judge and how powerful the species sub is.

Any Sithspawn or artificially created race. If it's the result of alchemy or genetic engineering, extensive development will be required. Expect a minimum of 50 posts to be assigned, and for truly monstrous or powerful species, it goes on up from there.

Any species with exceptional physical or mental abilities. This includes things like regeneration, unusual strength, resistance to certain types of damage, or innate Force sensitivity. Generally speaking, development threads assigned that fall under this category will require a minimum of twenty posts, but can be made longer or shorter at the Judge's discretion.

Warrior cultures. If everyone in a culture possesses formidable fighting skills, you may be asked to write a development thread, especially if their skills could be potentially unbalanced.

The most popular way to develop a species is from the perspective of explorers or scientists studying specimens for the first time. Focus on the relevant aspects of the species's culture or physiology. How did they get their abilities? What evolutionary forces guided them to their current state? How do they perform in combat? These are all important questions that will need to be answered.
[member="Durza the Zealous"]

It depends. If it's created via non environmental radiation (i.e. in a lab), then yes. But if you build an irradiated planet into their history as a species, caused by some historical event, and the rest is just history and how they developed in response to their environment, then maybe not. It would be easier to discern if specifics are known and once again, the depth of information you put in the submission can only help in this regard.
I have an approved species, Avanian and I would like to change the name of the species (which is also mentioned multiple times in the submission) to Avarian. Could somebody please tell me if this is possible and how it would be done.
So I have one question,

There's a character I am making and I might wanna make her a custom species.

Is it allowed that I can make a species application BEFORE she is approved or AFTER she is and I have to post a link to the submitted race?

Or do I have to wait until a second character to do that?
There isn't a process for approving PC characters. NPCs of course go through Codex.

You can make the species before you make the character. You can also either leave the species line blank in the character template, and link it in after you've made the species. Or put in a place holder species, like human until you have the species ready and change it out at that point. It's up to you how you want to do that.

Personally if it was me I'd use a placeholder if I was in a hurry to get the character up. Otherwise I'd make the species first, and then make the character after.

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