Patches merely smirked, disguised as he was, at the bidding that provided all the entertainment one could need. He no doubt would have to check some of his associates credit limits, as they had been more than a little reckless with their hard earned credits in his humble opinion; but when juxtaposed with the reckless bidding for a few seconds at heaven's gates... well, suddenly Miss Mertaal's spending habits on shiny new things seemed quite frugal.
Don't get Patches wrong, Miss Danger's decolate was something to behold; it was like looking at heaven's gates, but therein lay the problem. It was only got you as far as the gates, and provided no key nor guaranteed any opening of said gates. Now what others did with their credits was of no concern to him; if others wanted to declare bankruptcy over a few seconds of motorboating, that was their own perogative. He doubted few, if any of the attendees had that kind of personal credits, which meant they would be dipping into their companies accounts. Investors and boards of directors would be certain to take notice, and it was there that Patches saw his future opportunities.
So by all means gentleman, bid up... each bid only provided further future opportunity, he mused to himself, leaning against the doorway to one of the exits, arms crossed, as he too, saw credit symbols twinkle in his eyes... his were just of the more opportunistic manner.