Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Critique Thread: June 2013

Well that faction kind of snuck in recently. We typically have tags come out in waves with an announcement. I am sure that a tag for them is in the works eventually. It just didn't manage to sneak into this update. I am sure one will come out in the next week or so.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
My critique:

This is the best staff I have ever seen in any online roleplaying, ever. Ten years and you guys are hands down the best, but knowing what you guys have had to go through to get this level of professionalism and experience, that's more or less a given. Well freaking done.
Allaina Mare said:
My critique:

This is the best staff I have ever seen in any online roleplaying, ever. Ten years and you guys are hands down the best, but knowing what you guys have had to go through to get this level of professionalism and experience, that's more or less a given. Well freaking done.
Agreed with this post, in fact, here's a like
My commentary from the last Staff Critique thread stands: No complaints; all I see is a ton of dedication and effort being put forth, with attention to the voice of the members. Still a spanking good job, imo.

I briefly skimmed through what everyone else has touched on in this thread. The one that caught my attention the most was the comment about seeing a lot of over-powered players. It's something I too have noticed, but feel that the RPJ's have been actively working to keep a hand on. I realize I'm not staff here, but some advice that might help with that (to any and all who are reading this): The fun is in writing a story, not just winning all the time. I can easily say the best RP I ever had was moments when Ryori was getting the ever loving shit beat out of her and left to die. That's when she always showed the most character development, how she grew and strengthened as a person. If you try to keep your focus on telling a damn good story, rather than just coming out on top all the time, then chances are exponentially higher that RP is going to be more enjoyable for everyone all around.
I just wanted to say I have appreciated the awesome RPJ known as Sirella Valkner. He has helped me numerous times and has really worked with me and explained things such as ship building and helped me with some questions regarding my merge and such. So I wanted to aknowledge all the great help he has provided me.

Ragnar Wulfe

Oh, and I wish to compliment @[member='Selena Halcyon'] for posting one of, if not, the longest response to one of my tech submissions, I have a good feeling she'll do well in the staff.

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