OOC Information
- Intent: To Customize The Slave's personal Mephirium Class Battlecruiser
- Image Source: Here. Photoshopped poorly by me.
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: Neuranium - (6 Posts)
- Primary Source: Mephirium-Class Battlecruiser
Production Information
Techinal Specifications
Passengers: 48,000
Cargo Capacity: Enough for a party ship.
Consumables: 5 Years
Maneuverability Rating:
Speed Rating:
Very Low
Hyperdrive Class: Class 0.4
Special Features
Ghostwave Transmitter
Encryption Module
MC1005 Dolfin-Class Communications Array
MC1004 OPAL-Class Communications Laser Projector
Enviromental Systems:
Propulsion Systems:
Sensor and Targeting Systems:
Entertainment Systems:
Miscellaneous Systems:
Privacy-7 Audio Curtain
IPI-1000 Security System
Anti-Ion Emission Tracers
Molecular Furnace
QQ-1453-DR1 SFRC
AXIOS Central Artificial Intelligence System
1x Lifeboat (Singular, for The Slave)
2x SG-ED-02 'Daedalus' Reactors
[*]Reinforced Captain's Quarters
Security Weapon Systems:
- The Parable of the Madman -
While the ship sacrifices almost everything it has in terms of short range, small ship interception weapons; it makes up for it in full force through the use of massive capital to capital grade weaponry. From its main gun, to the many others, the Technicolor is a ship that is a threat to anything that dares face it down without a plan in mind. In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "God is dead."; and so too shall this ship personify his words by killing Gods.
Excalibur -
- The main gun of the Technicolor is a monster of offensive proportions, taking up the entire length of the 3000 meter ship. Its power is just over that of 8 Heavy Long Range Hypervelocity Guns, creating an abhorrent display of power that requires the full attention of the crew and its reactor. Save those on the receiving end of the behemoth, its as experimental as it is deadly.
Kessel Run in less than Twelve Parsecs -
- With the replacement of the previous hyperdrive, the ship is granted with superior jump speeds when travelling through hyperspace. In this sense, its extremely fast; able to outrun most ships of equal size and often less so.
What is that? -
- At the long ranges the ship chooses to engage targets at, it is granted the ability for secresy when firing for the first time. Although not a true stealth system, the amount of sensor based jamming devices make it not only difficult to target, but doubly hard to find due to its black exterior.
Ammo For Days -
- The Molecular Furnace aboard the Mepherium Class Battlecruiser was not repurposed in its redesign, only cut between ammo generation and party favors. Of course, while it is only able to create one of these at a time, the fact it is able to in the first place is an extreme advantage in the situation they are lost in space for any reason.
Judgement Day -
- With a new and improved female personality, the AI of the ship aboard the Technicolor is by far the most important piece of its equipment. Taking care to monitor nearly all the ongoings of the ship at any given time, and the primary controller of the weapons and aiming protocals; there is nothing more important than allowing her to do her work. In all likelyhood, she could perhaps be the only reason the ship stays afloat at all considering the drugs going around.
Powerhouse -
- With two highly experimental Zero-Point reactors, Technicolor is given a power source of equal parts danger and prowess. While plating is surrounding the reactors, they still have the chance to unbeknownst disintegration of everything aboard and in the local vicinity. Extreme caution, while adviced, is often ignored by the passengers and the crew; who are far too deep in enjoying themselves to adequetely care about their safety.
Barrier of Iron -
- Between the customized armor plating across the ship, and the quadruple redundant shielding; the ship can take a very serious beating. To break the shields in the first place is extremely difficult, but to breach the hull of the ship itself requires an additional push that'd demand the use of powerful weaponry.
The Outrider -
- Due to its ability to travel through Otherspace temporarily, the ship is able to traverse certain hyperlane routes without knowledge of them doing so. This works at a far slower pace than the main hyperdrive, but can be an extreme advantage in the situation of a suprise attack.
- Slowly Rolling -
To compensate for the outstanding armament, power has been permanently diverted from the ion engines to other more 'demanding' systems. Ranging from the varied sensor packages, to the party goer's entertainment; the ship is as slow as slow comes when it comes to subspace travel. Even ships larger than it can often outpace it, leave alone ships of equal or smaller size.
Forward Firing -
- Every single one of its weapons are either fixed or semi-fixed; and facing forward. There is nothing the ship is capable of doing outside a 20 degree firing arc short of readjusting the entire ship to better aim. Effectively, if flanked; it is entirely defenseless in every sense of the word. Due to this, its most advantageous position is far from the fleeting and in the rear, firing when able and destroying when given the chance.
No Hanger Craft -
- To allow for visitors to enter and leave the floating 'luxury weapon', all craft have been removed in place of a more comforting hanger experience for guests. There is absolutely no combat ships able to respond to bombers or strike craft, leaving it exposed to bombers and more.
No Short Range Defenses -
- Short of missile interceptors, Technicolor is at a complete loss in terms of defending itself outright against fighters and more. The Ship takes the 'All-In' approach very seriously, taking every weapon on its massive form and letting it stand against capital ships exclusively. Should the shields ever drop, she would be exposed to the elements of war and likely fall within minutes to enemy fire.
Mechanically Complex -
- While the original design of the ship was difficult to maintain and understand, all the changes, additions, and otherwise added features of the Technicolor make it nearly impossible to work on it without highly experienced drive yards and engineers. Anything short of a very serious company and its full attention could not repair the ship, and the molecular furnace aboard it would take a very long time to ever replace serious damage to any major parts of the ship. This makes maintence draining on anyone who holds the veseel, and further troublesome when considering how often things break.
Absolute Destruction (Randomly) -
- Due to the reactors aboard the ship, there is an ever glaring chance that the ship will simply disappear into nothingness in a macrosecond. There is nothing that can stop this, predict it, or do anything about it; and while the production versions of the Zero Point Reactors are more stable than their predecessors, they continue to be extremely dangerous in the long run with vessels of any sort.
Weak Points -
- In addition to dangerous reactors, if one was to ever be hit by any round of ammunition there would be no possible chance of survival for the ship; forcing a cataclysmic meltdown of everything involved and killing all aboard almost instantly. While reinforced to assist with this, there is still very little hope of actually stopping a dedicated capital grade gun from causing such a destructive meltdown.
All or Nothing -
- When the main gun is firing, no other weapon system can. This is due to the immense draw of power the proton beam requires; both in its charging and firing, and a few seconds following as the systems recuperate. In addition, the main gun is only able to fire every thirty minutes; effectively creating one of the most singular dangerous weapons this side of the galaxy in ship to ship combat, but if she misses then its out of action.
Sacrificial Speed -
- With the addition of the 'Outrider' Hyperdrive, and the expansion of the current system, there is no room for an actual backup. There is a singular hyperdrive, and a system to allow said hyperspace drive to go into otherspace; which creates the defining weakness that is a malfunctioning or damaged propulsion system and how it applies to not only everyday situations, but combat scenarios.
The Technicolor Beat is a ship of massive proportions, and nothing short of a serious cash drain for those involved in its creation. Under the slightly under experienced and obviously immature overwatch of The Slave, the ship was created with one intention in mind; to deliver the deadliest party in the galaxy. In this, it does it job extremely well, with a series of potent weapons that are strictly anti capital class, while the interior has been gutted and replaced by a number of party implementations.
In retrospect, much of the design was made with a mixture of fun and damage in mind. From the various levels of crew and passengers quarters, to the absolutely massive main proton beam that runs the length of the center of the ship, there is not a single inch of the design not used. Most notably however, much of the current space utilized was replaced by a series of space saving alternatives that better allowed it to operate.
Most notably, the removal of the Solar Ionization Reactor opened up an absolutely massive space in the center rear of the ship that was filled with the main section of the bar and entertainment sections. From bars, Zero Gravity Dance Floors, and a number of VIP rooms, the heart of the ship is hedonism made manifest; only to be a betrayal of duty to those that actually serve aboard it. With a number of dancers offered by
Heartbeat House, the quality that it provides for the members that stay aboard it are amongst some of the most luxurious in the galaxy.
Much of the usual quarters were reduced to mere portions of what they were prior, stuffing the crew into carefully designed rooms that consolidated on space to alleviate the fact that a significant amount of forces were needed to maintain the vehicle. Once upon a time, due to the cramped quarters and obviously lower morale, many of the soldiers find themselves taking a copious amount of leeway into the other areas of the ship; effectively creating a cesspool of malcontent behavior on an otherwise well oiled war machine. Over time, this was deemed 'unsatisfactory' and all crew members were sold into slavery or human trafficking rings around the galaxy, soon replaced by thousands of Southstar Battle Droids.
Still, to compensate for this, the AI support for the ship is tasked with maintaining almost every system on a far higher level than they normally would. This however is not a strain on the behemoth of a supercomputer, which utilizes much of the Zero Point Generator it has running through its cybernetic veins. The only alteration in truth to the system is a romantic and lovesick voice modulator and personality that favors the DNA and ID credentials of The Slave himself.
The other reactors were replaced by highly experimental Zero Point Reactor, which in themselves power the entirety of the energy gluttonous ship. One has a primary focus on the AI, but supplements the other reactor when able to run the various levels of the ship’s requirements. In themselves, they are expensive to put in, but extremely cheap in the long term fueling of the ship due to their wonderfully space friendly light years per tons of matter used.
Much of the power is constantly diverted to the entertainment districts of the ship, effectively forcing weapons to be offline during the general traversing of the galaxy. Due to this, bringing the weapons online following a surprise interdiction or attack would take a number of minutes even with the AI’s guidance. The real trouble comes in those sneaking aboard for ill intent, even with the extreme VIP status many of the guests require to get aboard. Should someone get aboard, only the ID scanners and security systems stand in between them and destruction of the vessel.
Overall, The Technicolor Beat is a weapon in its entirety. While all the guns are forward face and semi-fixed (or entirely fixed), almost all of them are capable of decimating ships in only a single shot should they be hit directly by one of the massive barrages. Most powerful of all the singular weapons, is the absolutely maelstrom of destruction in the form of a Prototype Beam Cannon designed by not only the minds behind The Dominion, but one of the leading influential powers in the area of science; being Lorrd, the planet directly under the control and governance of The slave himself.
This main gun is so powerful, it takes almost the entirety of the main reactor to fire; taking time to not only charge but fire and recuperate. During this period of time, other weapon systems are entirely unusable; effectively creating a glaring weakness in the eyes of any naval commander. Because of this, it is almost never used unless in the first instance of a battle, and due to the cooling process requires an additional thirty minutes before being able to be used again. While extremely powerful in the grand view of things, the prototype status of the weapon is not due to change and effectively makes it a danger to use at any given time.
However, to compensate for the outrageous single shot status of the main gun, four forward facing superheavy Hellbore variants were created and put aboard the ship to allow for continuous and destructive long range fire on any ship that dares face it down. So long as a target is in the firing arc, The Technicolor Beat is able to unleash and absolutely torrential bombardment of energy packets on any unassuming subject in gatling terms. With all four firing at once, the entirety of the ship’s high grade reactors are put to the limit, creating eight individual energy torpedos per second at an absolutely massive range.
On a more standard level, the ship is armed to the teeth with fifteen heavy Javelin Hypervelocity Cannons that can create a field of destruction in only a matter of moments. While taking up a large portion of the vessels front half, they each serve as a monumental strike force in themselves; able to breach shield and armor plating in only a moment's hesitation. Each may serve as less deadly than its other counterparts, but are preferred in general combat for the sake of power conservation and the downtime the main gun is forced to cause on the rest of the vessel.
The entertainment area of the ship has an entire style of its own. From the raunchy sub sectors that resemble a place more suitable on Nar Shaddaa, to the luxurious upper levels that hold nothing but the richest pleasure seekers to ever wander aboard the ship. From spice that could kill to the finest drugs you could ever snort off another person’s body, there is absolutely no end to which you could have when searching for something to enjoy yourself with.
Within the Subsectors more notable criminals have formed, areas of ship employees and lurkers who seek kidnapping off the massive vessel and otherwise standard drug dealing. They serve little more than a nuisance for the rest of the vessel, attempting to blackmail and haunt the others of the ship but only serving to be shot down whenever they stray too far outside their collective cesspool.
However, the standard for the vessel is found only a few floors above; within the main reactor housing for the previous backup is the graciously explosive bar and nightclub known as The Technicolor Beat. With various sound systems, and unbelievably potent pheromones littering the area from a number of dancers, effectively creating an environment of love and ecstasy not often seen in the vacuum of space. Alcohol imported from corners of the galaxy unheard of, and various people with a reputation for being especially beautiful; there is absolutely everything for the careless sybarite who is sucked deep into her depths.
On the upper floors, there is quietness and rooms for those who can afford them. Creating an effective brothel of hotels, there is an almost endless amount of VIP’s that are forever addicted the pleasantries offered within her hull. So much so in fact, a number of individuals have even been noted missing after disappearing aboard her deck for months. With rooms decorated and themed according to The Slave’s will, and those who pay an extra amount, there is an almost endless amount of variety in the artistic value seen in the luxurious sections of the ship.
In all ways, she rolls from being a military vessel to something far more pleasant to the careless bounty hunter and rich corporate man. It doesn’t matter what track of land you may come from, but those who come aboard are forever given the chance to submit themselves to the bon vivant that exists. So much so, some are known to even disappear after boarding the ship; forever lost to whatever incarnations form in The Slave’s will.
With a vessel so advanced patrolling the galaxy, there is little in terms that it doesn’t have; however some of the most important features it carries is heavily dependent on the monstrous power supply that is housed in the rear of the vessel. From the AI to the Outrider hyperdrive, there is little in this ship that is not experimental, or extremely dangerous for itself to even use.
Much of the communications on the vessel are heavily encrypted by the onboard AI, creating a nonstandard, ever evolving and changing code that is nearly impossible to crack. Including this, utilizing a long forgone technique used by the CIS, the ship uses Ghost Wave technology to force each message to piggy back otherwise public messages in an almost entirely unseeable fashion. Past this, backup encryption and decryption methods make for a wonderfully done ship that offers nothing but the best in regards to secrecy onboard; from the personalized VPN system to the various defenses for those incoming messages.
Propulsion wise, the ship is given one of the fastest hyperdrives to ever be witnessed this side of the galaxy. Able to move at nearly twice the speed as most standard ships, it is capable of outpacing ships of even small size and variety in FTL travel. In addition, there is the ‘Outrider’ Otherdrive that has taken the space of the backup Hyperdrive to allow almost completely secret entry into systems that have normal hyperlane security methods. In addition, while in the Otherworld, there is little most ships can do in terms of tracking and interdiction until the ship comes back into hyperspace.
To top all this off, much of the ship is covered in various sensor masks and jammers to help create an aura of secrecy when first entering a system. Although not a stealth ship in actuality, the focus on these methods (and the black paint) help to create a ship that is able to fire a single instance of its weaponry with surprise in mind. Effectively, there is a chance that less advanced scans will miss the massive vessel in the distance of the star system and be forced to realize its mistake only when it is being bore down on by an extremely powerful arsenal of weaponry.
As far as interior goes, there is a number of systems to keep not only the guests safe, but the various employees and high security areas safe as well. From standard surveillance systems given complimentary life form indicators and more; there is little the ship can not detect within itself. All the while, almost any weapon detected or otherwise forces an almost immediate response from the AI, who controls not only many of the ship's various features but in addition the Constable Class Police Droids that help maintain the peace of the vessel in a nonlethal manner.
Despite all this however, there is a singular lifeboat should something ever go extremely wrong. Able to carry nearly fifty people, The Slave is the sole person to have access to the vessel should its use ever be required, leaving all others on the ship to die without their own ability to reach the hangers within in time. Simply put, the massive arrangement of space force this inclusion, in addition to the completely abhorrent morality of its designer.
Overall, the ship known as The Technicolor Beat is something so on the cutting edge of technology and more, that is as much a danger to itself as it is others. A vessel so incapable of meeting close quarters combatants with anything, that is is restricted to long range engagements less it die within in moments of those around it. Simply put, she is by far one of the worst, and best, vessels to ever strive to reach the galactic plane.
Gods save those who board her, and those who face her.