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Submission Modifications

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Submission Name: Supreme Admiral Omarest Croscal, the Hammer of the Republic
Link to Submission: Click
Summary of Modification: Change all mention of Invictus II-class Star Battlecruiser to Heresiarch-class Command Battlecruiser
Reason for Modification: Wanted to update the Supreme Admiral's flagship

Weapon of Choice:
Last line of Historical Information:

Croscal was given a new warship as well, a Heresiarch-class Command Battlecruiser which he proudly christened the Vengeance for Empress Teta, vowing to liberate his homeworld from the grasps of the Alliance or martyr himself trying.
Submission Name: Soulstealers
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment and Strengths/Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff. Removing an erroneous weakness (I misunderstood a racial trait) and expanding on an actual one.

In Equipment, add:

In Strengths and Weaknesses, remove:

Fire hurts a Xioquo more than it would an Eldorai or human.

In Strengths and Weaknesses, add (at the end of what I've written in that section):

Their vulnerability to bright lights also extends to Force techniques such as Force Blinding and Force Flash, if they are exposed to them.
Submission Name: Harbingers of Twilight.
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment. Reworking Strengths/Weaknesses a bit.
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff.

In Equipment, add to Standard:

In Equipment, add to Mission-specific, incidental or restricted to specialists/upper ranks:

In Equipment, change this:

  • Thud bug launcher, grenade launcher or portable missile launcher (heavy weapons specialist)
  • Rotary blaster cannon (heavy weapons specialist).

To this:

In Strengths and Weaknesses:

change this:

They also lack the extreme brute strength and durability of Vong. Eldorai are more agile and dexterous than humans and have impressive senses, but tend to be less strong, relying more on finesse and skill than brute strength.

to this:

The Harbingers lack the extreme brute strength and durability of Yuuzhan Vong. However, their Vong slavers put them through some rather savage conditioning, including the embrace of pain, as part of their experiments on them. As a result the Harbingers are stronger than is normal for Eldorai, about equal to humans. As a tradeoff, they are less agile and dexterous than Eldorai normally would be.
Submission Name: Void Stars.
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment, Strengths and Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff. Submission mentions them being able to pilot small craft, so the update expands on and clarifies that.

In Equipment, Misc add:

In Strengths and Weaknesses, add:

They have access to Bladesinger Combat Speeders. These light airspeeders are good for recon and make excellent infantry shredders. However, they are lightly armoured and thus very vulnerable to heavy ordinance. They can use X-Wings for recon, patrols and rapid strikes. These obviously suffer in direct confrontation with capital ships.
Submission Name: Heralds of the Destroyer.
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment and Strengths/Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification: Got new stuff. Firemane has access to Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers tech per this
this thread. ArmaTech stuff purchased in the marketplace. It also appears I forgot to clarify their skill level when I first submitted the unit. So it seems prudent to rectify this. In the light of their small numbers, elite status and access to Firemane resources, Knight level seems appropriate. ICly they saw action on Tephrike, where Firemane faced many Force-using enemies, which has given the corporation a rationale to invest more in the unit.


In Equipment add:

In Equipment, change this:

To this:

In Strengths and Weaknesses, add:

They have the Force skills of an experienced Knight.
Submission Name: Sistren of the Eternal Flame.
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update Equipment and Strengths/Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification:
They can use Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers equipment due to Firemane gaining access to ARGH tech in this thread. Reassessed unit a bit, as they are intended to be a single unit of specialists. IC rationale for expansion is that following actions on Tephrike against many Force using enemies, Firemane recognised the utility of the Sistren, lifted restrictions imposed on them and invested more in their training.


In Equipment, add:

In Strengths and Weaknesses, change this:

They are mostly composed of Knights with some Apprentices.

To this:

Their members have the skill level of experienced Knights.

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Submission Name: Jena'tes

Link to Submission: Jena'tes

Summary of Modification: Destruction of what The Jen'ari Empire built

Reason for Modification: The Jen'ari Empire left Jena'tes therefore destroying all they built as a goodbye.


Removal of the following from major locations
* Akvase city
* Gerti Cantina
* Sith Citadel
* Imperial military HQ
* Sith Academy
* Akvase Spaceport
* Imperial Prison
* Ugaira City
* Sith Imperial military academy
* Vyrassu secret labs
* Sith Sorcerers tower
* Akvase city plaza
* Jen'ari museum
* Cloning facility
* Sacred temple
* Emperor private throne
* Sith archives
* Sith grand hall
* Jen'ari Emperor throne room


When The Jen'ari Empire lost at Csilla and Copero the Jen'ari Empire agreed to leave chiss space but before they did they agreed to destroy all they built. Using bombs and starfighter bombardment destroyed every city and major building on Jena'tes leaving the planet in ruins and dark jungles.
[member="Darth Vyrassu"] Before I make this change I wanted to clarify, for the History section, what happened to the people? Did every person on the planet evacuate with the Jen'ari or were they left to fend for themselves after everything was destroyed? Please let me know so I can be sure to update this correctly:

When The Jen'ari Empire lost at Csilla and Copero the Jen'ari Empire agreed to leave chiss space but before they did they agreed to destroy all they built. Using bombs and starfighter bombardment destroyed every city and major building on Jena'tes leaving the planet in ruins and dark jungles.
[member="Darth Vyrassu"] Hello - I'm just checking in on that question for the modification you requested. I know tags can get lost so I wanted to make sure you saw it. Thanks ahead of time.
Submission Name: Order of Fire Hospitallers
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Move to Pre-Codex.
Reason for Modification:
Will be making several substantial edits and bringing the unit in line with the new template.

Move to Pre-Codex.
Sub Mods - #668 Jena'Tes [Note: If anything else needs to be added/changed for this sub-Please post another request when able.], #671 Enigma Squad, #672 House Malvern, & #673 Order of Fire Hospitallers have all been completed.
Submission Name: Admiral Coroct Bartholomew Dathart III, Prefect of Commenor
Link to Submission: Click
Summary of Modification: Move to Pre Codex
Reason for Modification: Wanna do some big edits myself

Checkmark that bad boi and move it to pre codex pls
Submission Name: Mirage Squadron
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Move to Pre-Codex.
Reason for Modification:
Will be expanding on the submission and bringing it line with the new template. It was originally subbed using the Fleet Template under the old rules. However, that template has been moved to Lore and since the submission is a starfighter squadron, the Unit template is a better fit.


Move to Pre-Codex
Submission Name: The Draelvasier
Link to Submission: X
Summary of Modification: I've realised I didn't note one of the strengths of the Sraelvun and Baedurin races, and need it implemented.
Reason for Modification: Because I've been referencing it in combat scenarios and need the reference within the species template, as to avoid discrepancies and problems.


​ Add this strength to both Baeduring and Sraelvun strengths

​+ Skin like Lead: These particular Draelvasier share the trait of their forefather, possessing an extreme level of resistance to heat of all variants.
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