Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modifications

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Apologies on the obscene wait for this modification, but I must ask

1. If you are the original creator/author of that submitted planet. (the posted account has been deleted)
2. If that planet was already placed on the Chaos map at the original coordinates.

If so, you may not change the planet's coordinates as they are final once they are placed on the map. If not, then refer to question 1.
Submission Name: The Darksteel Dragons
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I made new Tech, I wants them to has it
Modification: Addition of the ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids

Add ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids to links please
Dev thread: If Needed

Submission Name: ArmaTech Security Group
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I made new Tech, I wants them to has it
Modification: Addition of the ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids

Captain (Armor, Laser Designator, Gun+Mod, Pistol, Grenades[2], Control Node)
Master Chief (Armor, Laser Designator, Gun+Mod, Pistol, Grenades[2], Control Node)
Command Squad (1)
[Armor+Mod1/2/3, Weapon, Pistol, Grenades(2)]
- Squad Leader (Laser Designator, Mod, Control Node)
- Team Leader (Mod)
- Specialists (2) (Mod)
- Troopers (4) (Mod)
Add ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids to links please
Dev thread: If Needed

Submission Name: ArmaTech Armor Group
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I made new Tech, I wants them to has it
Modification: Addition of the ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids

Add ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids to links please

Dev thread: If Needed

Submission Name: ArmaTech Mythosaur Assault Group
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I made new Tech, I wants them to has it
Modification: Addition of the ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids

Captain (Armor, Laser Designator, Gun+Mod, Pistol, Grenades[2], Control Node)
Master Chief (Armor, Laser Designator, Gun+Mod, Pistol, Grenades[2], Control Node)
Command Squad (1)
[Armor+Mod1/2/3, Weapon, Pistol, Grenades(2)]
- Squad Leader (Laser Designator, Mod, Control Node)
- Team Leader (Mod)
- Specialists (2) (Mod)
- Troopers (4) (Mod)
Add ACS-301 Modular Probe Droids to links please

Dev thread: If Needed
Submission Name: Veran Fox
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: I figured that since Foxes are agile, it wouldn't make sense to take away their best feature for a boost in strength.

Normally capable of carrying 700 kg to Normally capable of carrying 455 kg
This strength comes at the price of their weight, causing it to be impossible for the Veran foxes to follow their zorren riders into the trees. Remove this, please.


News They Don't Want Heard
Submission Name: Eshan Industrial Corporation
Link to Submission: EIC
Reason for Modification: Deletion of character.
Modification: Insert the following into Description:

When Niamh Raste died on the battlefield, her final protocol was instituted in an effort to bring prominence back to the Echani. The first of the SHROUD clones was unveiled, in this case a direct copy of Janira Fenni, who was taught using advanced training the art of combat as well as the mechanics of running Eshan Industrial Corporation. Per Niamh's will, SHROUD-001, aka Janira Fenni, was installed as the new owner of the company.
Submission Name: Open Circle Armada Marines Division
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: To update it, I kinda just skimmed through it.
Modification: Different Unit Chart, more types of units and addition of weapons they use.

Name: Open Circle Armada Marine Division
Intent: To provide an infantry unit and boarding unit for the OCA
Affiliation: OCA
Availability: Common
Type: Infantry
Strength: 35,000

The Open Circle Armada Marine Division or more formally the OCAMD, is the main and only infantry fighting force for the OCA. Although currently without a leader it's capability is still quite impressive. Branching from space-to-ship infiltrations to ground defense the OCAMD is well rounded as an infantry. Being a marine division also limit's it's ability as an army, especially versus large forces. It is somewhat balanced placement between ships and the HQ on Terminus, making sure it is not too spread out.

It's standard armaments and armor the ACS-202 and ACS-003 make's the OCAMD a valuable asset anywhere. Alas, the division while new has no vehicles or explosives of any kind but in the near future that shall be fixed. Each soldier goes through a grueling six months of training on neighboring planetoid Polis Massa. Where they learn combat from a range of Zero G to ground assault. And to keep them in shape and on the bounce the OCAMD makes them do quarterly exercises. Two of which are military invasions, one defense, and one relief exercise.

Unit Chart:

Close Quarters Squad-
2 Rifleman
2 Shotgunners

Sniper Team-
3 Rifleman
1 Sniper

Heavy Gunner Fire team-
5 Rifleman
2 Blaster Canon Soldiers
1 Detonator Launcher Soldier

Fire team-
8 Rifleman

1 Close Quarters Squad
1 Sniper Team
1 Heavy Gunner Fire team
18 Rifleman
2 Communications Troopers

Links: to factory making gear, not yet started)
Standard Weapon:
Side arm: BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
Sniper rifle: BTI-LRBR "The Reclaimer"
Blaster Canon: ACS-206 Variable Output Blaster cannon
Shotgun: BTI-CES "The Retaliator"
Detonator Launcher: BTI-TDL "The Reckoning"
Submission Name: Warbird Wing
Link To Submission:
Reason for Modification: Unit Updating

Name: Warbird Wing/Nightstinger Commandos
Intent: To create a submission on a background NPC group central to the Starchaser story. With the possibility of combat usage.
Affiliation: Starchaser family and Allies
Availability: Unique
Type: Starfighter Wing/Sniper Team
Strength: 12 TIE Advanced/Exalts (Peregrine Squadron), 12 TIE Flashpoints (Osprey Squadron), 12 TIE Booster (Ugly/Canon) (Kite Squadron), 4 Skipray Blastboats (Vulture Squadron)/24 person sniper unit
Description: Warbird Wing was once the 174th Warbrid Wing, serving under an Imperial Warlord during the end of Imperial reign in the galaxy. Soon enough, as these things always did, the Warlord lost steam and with no where to turn, the Dawn Treader was left alone, without command.Holding the last vestige of the Warlord’s base, the Treader and her crew, the Wing and a group of commandos known as Nightstingers, fled for the Unknown Regions. Warbird Wing used their function of a strike fighter wing, mixed with Nightstingers’ specialization of infiltration and anti-insurgency, the two units were performing strike-and-fade operations around Csillia and the Unknown Regions against anti-Imperial interests.

They, along with the Dawn Treader found themselves in the service of the short-lived Fel Empire, and when that collapsed, found their home in the Fringe Federation, working on the Unknown Region response team. During the recent events with the Fringe Federation, Warbird Wing was activated as a space-superiority fighter group under the command of Jared Starchaser, working to cause as much damage as possible, while protecting any VIPs that were in the active space.

Following the collapse of the Fringe Federation, Warbird Wing and their Nightstinger infiltration team remained on the Dawn Treader and made their way to the Levantine Sanctum. They began working with the Sanctum's Defense Force, and when the Sanctum fell remained to defend Oswaft Station. Working at the call of their Wing Commander, Jared Starchaser, they are engaging in Remnant combat, when not needed for planet defense.

Warbird Strengths
Imperial training creating a stronger than average working combat unit
Warbird Weaknesses
Two of three fighters are cobbled together using the Treaders machine shop and are not always running on 100% of systems
Zero-G pilots nearly exclusively, lack atmospheric and air-to-ground expertise

Nightstinger Strengths
Sniper unit
Able to hunt down insurgents
Nightstinger Weaknesses
Not front-line unit
Lacking mid-range and hand-to-hand combat skills

Links: Dawn Treader, home base.
Warbird Wing makes use of three primary fighters - Exalt Flashpoint
The last one is a canon droid Starfighters and would be instead swapping droid brain for pilot seat.

The Nightstinger unit basically uses Nightstinger Blaster Rifle
Inspired armor/sniper rifle.
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