Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta



Starlin’s wide-eyed surprise soon gave way to a huge grin.

Amani! Holy crap!

It had been years since he’d last seen her. Starlin was no longer a carefree teenage boy; his Padawan braid had been shorn off, one of his eyes had been replaced by a cybernetic, and he was sporting the beginnings of a beard on his older, more mature face.

Yeah, I remember! We were on Tatooine, and we fought those witches, and I kissed you on the nose, and we almost died. It was fun. It's great to see you again, greenstick.

“Pretty sure we’re gonna need a better plan than charging straight through the bulk of their army, by the way.”

Relax, girl. I got everything under control,” Starlin reassured Amani. Behind him, a half-ruined building deliberately collapsed on top of a group of Mawites, kicking up a cloud of dust. Coughing and waving his hand before his face to clear the air, Starlin spat grit onto the ground… and paused, his gaze drawn to a figure standing in a ruinous garden a few yards away.

At such a distance and in the darkness, the rot was less apparent. All Starlin saw was a muscular woman with a long flowing mane of magnificent reddish-brown hair, clad in armor that shone in the moonlight.

Ho-ly smokes,” he muttered. Grabbing Amani’s arm, he asked, “Who is that over there? Is she on our side? Is she single?







  3. License to Kill: Granted
    1. Brotherhood of The Maw flight personnel who resist arrest only.
    2. All members of the New Sith Order are subject to termination.
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.... complete






LocationRoyal Palace, Cinnegar
EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Nadja Keto

The subtle rumblings of gunfire and explosions that rocked the royal district of Cinnegar echoed distantly from within the palace that sat at its heart. The clattering of heels, of the shoes of hers and the two Ketos that followed, could be heard throughout the expansive stairwell like droplets of rain preceding a torrential downpour across thin glass panes. Her attention had, for a moment before they left, been fixated on Nadja and Alars Keto Alars Keto but that concentration had all but faded as she turned her enigmatic gaze elsewhere, the focus she held made opaque by the red mask that adorned her face. Her gait was relaxed, perhaps even subdued, as if she had an intention of not reaching the landing's doors quite so quickly as a more urgent pace might have taken both her and them.

A consequence of her bout on Tython was a pair of milky-white eyes that saw very little in the way of physical sight, making out only blurred shadows and bright halos of light with so little contrast between the abysmal grays that separated the two, but this impairment was one that made little difference given her preference to observe the world through an entirely different lens. Allyson Locke Allyson Locke had taken her by surprise, once, on the world of Korriban when she had tried to kill her with an arrow of light - it was one mistake that had stuck with her ever since, one that taught her to see the world around her through the force in a way not quite dissimilar to the Miraluka or those who shared similar method of sight. It wasn't the proximity to her that revealed her adversary, nor was it the woman's presence in the force in the more mundane sense of noticing her strength that gave her away, but rather the plain sight of Valery Noble Valery Noble approaching the gaudy doors that led into the interior of the palace.

She lifted a black-gloved hand, dark sleeves falling back to reveal a complexion paler than one could consider healthy, and pushed her two charges back without a word of warning. An iridescent sheen separated her from the two Ketos as she lowered her hand while the Jedi made her arrival clear with the opening of the doors that led beyond.
'Leave.' Came the voice of the Dark Lord like thunder in the minds of the Tetan aristocrats. She didn't care a lick for their safety but it made it all the less difficult if she could ensure the Jedi wasn't able to play to the emotional weaknesses of the two power-hungry whelps behind her, not out of concern but merely for the pragmatic sake of convenience. Like so many of her ilk before her, Valery did not engage her as the threat she truly was - perhaps out of some misplaced notion of playing the savior card, again, or an even more naïve belief that it was safer to assess the Sith before attacking.

The result was the same, however, in that it gave Mori all the time she needed to size her opponent up - and the two the chance to escape without distracting the Dark Lord any further.

"It is better not to expect anything from your enemies, Jedi, or else you run the risk of being taken unawares." She warned, her tone tame - unenthusiastic, even - as she beckoned her adversary to approach with the wag of her finger; and the simultaneous shutting of the doors behind her. A lightsaber spirited itself away from her hip before flying into the quickly opening hand that had made that same gesture, a terrible red pillar of hatred erupting in the space before her. Her hips tensed and her shoulders relaxed while her stance widened and her saber lowered to point towards the floor. Her posture and stance did not match any of the known forms of saber combat, nor did she make any attempt to do so.

"All of us meet death, Jedi, allow me to be yours."

Wearing: Spy Gear

Armed with: Guard Shotos (2, Blue Core, White Aura)

Laser Knives (2)

"Mother..." Vera said in the study of the Castle Morpheus, sipping on a glass of blood, in the public form she used as a lawyer, that of a curvy, ivory skinned woman with long raven hair in a tight white leather dress.

"You're going to have to make a decision. She is your last living relative. But she is too dangerous. Her crusade against the Jedi Order... including this ghastly attack on the Silver your your daughter...I am advising you...drop the schutta...She is as a mad whaler, pursuing some pale beast across the water for an old Injury dealt. She will take her whole house down with her, and possibly ours as well should our role in her rise come to light." Vera argued, starting to reach the limits of her patience with the whole House Io situation.

"You say I should kill her?" Nine asked, the ancient vampire reading an old poetry text.

"Not you. We'll get the Jedi to do it for us." Vera argued..."They gotta be good for something..."

Nine was silent. Vera said what she said next firmly because Nine needed to hear the truth.

"Taking in Laertia Io and teaching her your science was the single worst decision you have ever made. Your continued support of her, even as she slipped further and further into her dangerous extremism, was the second worst decision you have ever made."

Vera forced herself to be calm.

"I have held my peace as long as I could. But you should have dropped her after Rhand. Even her finding a lost Sith Treasure Planet is not worth this."

Nine was silent for a long moment.

"I do not want to destroy House Io, Daughter. There is a chance it might still recover. But it can have no future with a leader who cannot see past her old grudges."

Nine rose from her seat. "Come with me, Daughter."

The immaculate looking Assassin Biot followed its creator down vast shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls.

"I will do as you ask, Vera. But after I do must take over House Li-Ves. For it is the only way to avoid all out war with the House if I fail."

"My Protocols require I be ready to fight to the death to protect you."

"In this you will make an exception. If they demand me. You shall give me them."

Vera was unusually still and quiet.

"Don't ask me to do that. I...I love you, Mother. Don't ask me to hand you over to the Io."

"To do what you ask will be to betray the last of my mortal bloodline to a potentially painful and ignoble end. In spite of what she has done, to do what I must...there is no coming back from that act. And...I..."

Nine hesitated, her face concealed under her hooded green kimono with white rose embroidery in the shoulders.

"I do not want to have to live with the memory of selling my last bio relative out. Even to save my own House.

Vera's lip trembled.

" owe her nothing. She owes you everything. Owes our house everything."

"Vera, don't make me order you to hand me over if they ask."

"TO HELL WITH YOUR ORDER!" Vera shouted, red tears falling slowly down her face.

"I would rather spend the rest of my life with my brain in an astromech body if it would keep you out of their hands. Don't ask me!" Vera hissed through gritted teeth.

Nine sighed, the taller woman going over to hug her daughter.

"There there. This is only a worst case scenario. If all goes right, the rest of House Io will never be aware of the Your gift..."

Nine reached into a shelf and pulled down a box.

I got these during my years in the Jedi Order...tonfas were almost unheard of back then..."

Vera opened the box and pulled out two silvery guard shotos.

"I...Mother...this won't distract me. Please don't order me to do that."

Nine sighed.

"Vera, I am ordering you to hand me over if they ask it. Especially if the Jedi discover what I did and ask it."

Vera winced.

"Why? Everyone sees House Io as monsters and fanatics!"

"They are my monster..." Nine replied, both hands going on Vera's shoulders. "Just as you are. To paraphrase a very immoral is the way of people to make monsters. And it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

"I don't want to destroy you." Vera pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Vera. It has to be this way..."

Nine hugged her. Vera couldn't stop crying.


Her guise as the spy/assassin for hire, "Alice", had gotten an easy spot in on the job for the palace. Her task was simple, infiltrate and free captives, especially fresh rebels from the Palace dungeons, disable security as necessary for other squads. Her stealth form and it's equipment allowed for nearly unparalleled sneaking.

Vera was still on the verge of shaking at having been made the successor in such a manner. Mother was ready to step down. Vera was to be the next Matriarch.

If she was to be in charge, Vera knew House Li-Ves and House Io could not continue in its present relationship. And unlike Nine, Vera was willing to act.

House Io would need a massive reorganizing if their relationship was to have any future at all.

"Alice" crept through the palace, headed to her first destination, a security checkpoint that had an entire intersection locked down with an E-Web.

She felt surprisingly bad for the mawites. She knew they were often forcibly reprogrammed. She killed them as quickly and as painlessly as possible as a result.

Like so. Her neck snap of the one manning the turret almost didn't catch the attention of the others until his body hit the floor. By the time they turned had already de cloaked, and her saber tonfas flashed on, rapidly destroying their weapons in a precise swipes that also scorched their throats open.

Another guard turned but Alice had already closed the distance, kicking him violently into the wall...

Alice, in her scant looking white gear gave the signal and a number of Alliance commandos filed in quickly, covering their angles as they moved. They began splitting off to find prisoners. Alice grinned and re engaged her cloak field to find the next security checkpoint up ahead...
ALLIES: GA | Iris Arani Iris Arani
ENEMIES: Maw | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Nyaeli Nyaeli
ENGAGING: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Nyaeli Nyaeli
GEAR: In bio​

Ara glanced over to Iris as the girl came sprinting over to her, a hint of worry on the Zabrak’s face as she turned to face the girl. It was obvious that Iris could see her concern, the fear of it all weighing her down. But Ara didn’t let it remain on her face for long. A smug grin appeared on her face as she gave a nod. ”Of course! I mean, come on. We’re Jedi! You think they’ll be able to beat us? I’ve met swoop gangs more scary than anything the Maw got going for them.” She reassured her with a determined voice. Whether her statement was true was up for debate, but the fear still lingered on the girl.

She looked around for a moment to make sure they were alone before she quickly yanked Iris into a tight hug. It was over in a second, though it did help the Zabrak to feel a little better. ”Come on, we got a job to do.”

The girl made her way to the hangar and boarded the ship destined to drop them off in Cinnegar. ”Okay, so we gotta get to the palace and sort the Maw out there. Easy enough. Can’t be that difficult.” She commented as she strapped in and glanced over to Iris. ”This will be a walk in the park!”

The facade of bravery faded somewhat as they entered the atmosphere and the destroyed city came into view below them. Ara stared for a long moment as she gripped her lightsaber for some encouragement. ”Yeah… walk in the park…” She muttered to herself.

The moment the ship touched down, Ara was up and off the boarding ramp with her weapon in hand. She checked her pistol tucked in behind her back. Locked and loaded, just in case. She knew it wasn’t exactly what a Jedi was supposed to use, though she trusted her skills with it more than her skills with her lightsaber. ”Okay let’s move. Palace isn’t too far from us.” She studied a hologram of the city’s layout for a few seconds as she walked with Iris through the destroyed streets.


Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Naga had caught the use of the Force to sweep the Jedi Knight corpse away, sliding in close to Wallgof, he whispered the next step. This Force User was not a Jedi, his actions were not of a Jedi but someone who thought standing in the middle was where strength laid but it wasn't. It was weaknesses, the inability to fully tap into either side of the Force was a weakness and a large one. Any power of the Dark Side this man attempted to use, Wallgof would always be stronger. He would always be able to remain superior, especially with Naga on his side. Wallgof smirked under the helmet as his opponent focused on a Sith Assassin, a being that Wallgof did not care about. However, that distraction was perfect as he reached out and lifted the corpse of the Jedi Knight he had killed, clenching his hand into a tight fist. As he did this, he crushed the body, bones were heard to snap as the corpse crumbled into ball.

It didn't matter whether this body was dead or not, Wallgof had seen the weakness of this man already. His attachments, the protectiveness of this dead Jedi was all that the Sith Lord needed. He was going to break him, demonstrate that while he thought he could use the Dark Side, only a true Sith understood how to use that power. "But you have no understanding of the Dark Side, you see it. You understand how to tap into it but you cannot use it correctly. See this is the folly of Jedi and those that claim to be Grey, you stick to this idea merely tapping into your emotions and using the Force powers that the Sith do is using the Dark Side. But you are wrong, you are weak and these powers you try to demonstrate, they are nothing compared to when I use them." A sinister laugh burst forth from Wallgof as he threw the crushed ball of a corpse that was the Jedi Knight at the Force User. While this man wasn't a Jedi Master, at least not one according to Naga, he was still a threat to the resurrection of the true Sith Empire.

THAT'S IT! DESTROY WHAT HE CARES FOR! DEMONSTRATE THAT HE CAN NOT BREAK YOUR MIND BUT YOU ARE WILLING TO BREAK HIS! SHOW HIM THAT YOU KNOW HIM, YOU KNOW WHAT MAKES HIM WEAK! Naga screamed at Wallgof, who sighed and stepped forward again. There was no need to rush this fight in Wallgof's mind, the longer it took the better, it would allow him to continue to demonstrate the folly, the weaknesses and the futility of this being. Show him that he is a failure.

A maniacal laugh erupted from his lips as the Force User's comments. "See, yes, no true Jedi would be capable of display such witty in the face of all the darkness that this world has obtained. You are a grey Force User, a curious case but still weak, still limited and while you might think yourself of a god, you shall fall like a man." Wallgof continued to move forward, to step towards slowly to the massive man. His crimson blade in his left hand, ready to fight but the Sith Lord not rushing towards it. He preferred playing the mind games, seeing the different cracks in this man's mind so that he could invaded and destroy it when given the chance. Muscle mass mattered little when you were curled up in a ball sobbing like a baby.
Post: 3
Location: Throne Room, Royal Palace, Cinnegar
Objective: See Me in My Crown
Equipment: Gold and Black Krath holy battle Suit | Blood Blade (Dagger) | Krath Dire Sword | x2 Stiletto knives | Crown
Allies: BotM | Darth Mori | Nadja Keto | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

x20 Personal Guard in Heavy Gold Mandalorian Armor armed with Krath Double swords
x2 Death Witches

Dyans felt the rage swell and as the words leapt from the Mandalorian woman's lips were heard but before Dyans could say a word the EMP was released. Dyans could only hold her bodyguards at bay for so long from an impending threat but the moment the Mandalorian choose to attack there was no longer a way to hold them back. The Flood gates had been open and as the Mandalorian fired her cryoban shot hitting one of the guards the others had already began to move to surround the soldier girl. Twenty on one was hardly a far fight or nineteen at the moment as one was frozen in place unable to move their armor frozen in place.

Dyans thought over the girls' words as her bodyguards attempted to incircle the woman. The Woman in turn charging up her gauntlets as the guards put out their Krath double blades reading to deflect melee attempt on them. The Death witches on each side of Dyans where readying spells to support the bodyguards but Dyans quickly lifted her left hand and motioned for them to stop. The Bodyguards slowly started to move in on the Mandalorian they were going to attempt to restrict her movements as much as possible before they would, full on attack her with out remorse with there bladed weapons.

As they started to move and the Mandalorian start lashing out with her crush gauntlet Dyans slowly rose up from her throne. Her jade eyes kept firmly on the Mandalorian woman surrounded by her bodyguards. "The Maw ended the Sith Empire of Darth Carnifex the one that enslave Mandalore and committed the acts of genocide against your people. It ended the Sith Eternal yet another empire that would have kept your people enslaved and continued to rape your world of its resources. The Maw destroyed your captors and they offered me my people's freedom as well." It had in the moment never been a question of the sith, it had been a question if the Maw was capable of such a feat and in the destruction of two sith empires, they had shown they were the only group capable of freeing the core. When Dyans had chosen to ally with the Maw she knew a day would come when she would have to deal with the sith problem keep friends close but your enemies even closer the old adage was.

"The alliance wants to take my worlds sovereignty, strip it of its heritage. Much like the Mandalorian we are a proud people, and we cannot let the Alliance do that to us. Mandalorians have made so many deals with the sith devils in their history, did what ever it took to conquer and take back what was rightfully theirs. Tetan's are no different, sometimes we make deals with devils if it means we get what is rightfully ours. We broke no alliance we sided with the ones who dealt the killing blow to or ancient allies' enemy." Dyans said it as she stood their and took in a deep breath the first signs of emotion showing on her face. Sure, the sith infested the Maw but nothing Dyans had said was a lie two empires that were the enemies of the Mandalorians had fallen to the Maw's feet. Sure, they loomed in some obscure shadows but they weren't the powerhouse they once were and might never be again.

Dyans tone had raised as her bodyguards fought the attacker now full on striking at the woman with their blades. "Now here you are joining those tyrants that are trying to take my world and my peoples freedom! Here you are trying to tear down the Empire of the Mandalorians ancient ally and friend!" There was clear rage rising inside Dyans as the words that the woman had spoke about the Maw ate her. It ate her because she had been questioning her alliance with the Maw as of late. It ate her cause part her knew the girl might be right but there was also the fact alliance wanted to tear down the crown of Teta and rip it of its culture and identity. Those Jade eyes flashed a tinge of red as her voice had raised and her fist clinched together. She was right, she had made the right choice putting her faith in the Maw she had to be nothing could change that choice now.

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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Darth Mori Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

His eyebrow raised as if intrigued by this discovery he said with sadistic glee. “It seems we will have company after all.” Feeling the Jedi and this sibling, this cousin to his Wound grow ever closer.

Kybo watched the master of the Ren focus intently, his body visibly reacting to the flow of energy. There was much afoot.

"Lead the way, sire." Before he could continue, Kybo felt the singed hairs on the back of his neck prickle. In a motion faster than the eye could blink, the Pirate Lord of the Stars drew his shotgun and whirled around, unloading a spray of explosive plasma at the parapet above and behind him. Three Alliance commandoes clad in midnight black armour fell from their vantage point, hitting the ground behind the two Knights with a satisfyingly wet thud, their weapons sliding across the angled roofs of the fortress and sliding into the long drop from here to ground level.

"M'apologies, m'lord. Now we can hunt."
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How much will you endure?

Location: Empress Teta
Attani Implant:
Tag: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Iris Arani Iris Arani Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

From the rooftop of a heavily damaged building, Nyaeli glanced down at the battle in the streets below. Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco and many others were fighting soldiers of the Alliance, but something was very different about them. On Tython, many fighting on the side of the Alliance had been struck by fear and hopelessness when the surface of the moon was shattered, and the planet itself was turned into a warzone. After their victory however, their hope returned, and their hearts were filled with a lust to avenge the fallen.

It allowed them to fight with far greater intensity, and made it a lot more likely that they would prevail today. But whether they did or not mattered nothing to Nyaeli — she was going to make the price of each mile so high that this war was going to continue ravaging the hope of the Alliance's citizens. From her current position, this desire manifested itself through the Force, as she reached out to the minds of her enemies to crumble their willpower and desire to fight. For Ardana and the others down below, it would offer an advantage that couldn't possibly be ignored.

But it was an advantage that could be lost as well — through the Force, Nyaeli felt the arrival of others strong in the Force. They were undoubtedly a pair of Jedi sent to assist the Alliance out here in the streets of the city. For her to go up against two Jedi would be a difficult task, and so she allowed her mind to extent to them through her Attani Implant.

"You shouldn't have come, Jedi."

Her words were meant to pierce into the minds of Iris Arani Iris Arani and Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan but whether they did or not, her expanding darkness would surely alert them to the dangers ahead. Nyaeli hoped to get them closer, so she could turn her hostile mind against them. But she needed some assistance to fight them up-close as well. And so, her mind connected with her allies fighting below, and in particular, Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco .

"Two Jedi are coming this way. We need to kill them."


Ashes to Ashes

Sergeant Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
GADF Army Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Point of Interest ██-██, Outer Palace Canal Network, Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Link up with Resistance
Equipment: Marine Armour, Custom type, DC/02 Blaster Carbine, 2x DC/04 Blaster Pistols, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

The sky above Cinnegar was an inferno.

Lasers, flak shells, falling craft, and burning flame. As the Gehinnom came under attack, warriors across the city were mobilised, ready to repel the Alliance. Their attention was fixed upwards, watching the starships and aircraft explode into pieces. Once in a while, some might have spotted strike teams quietly descending the atmosphere, and some might even be intercepted by fighter craft and anti-air systems.

Hate to be up there with them.

Staff Sergeant Ronval 'Rusty' Rubat took a deep breath before donning his helmet, balancing carefully on the wobbling wooden craft as it exited a covered canal and into a stream flanked by dead reeds. The SIA, of course, had already filtered agents into Teta days ago, and Rusty had been given the privilege of joining the fight. Though support of Teta's resistance groups did not technically fall under SEAFOAM's jurisdiction, SpecDiv was happy to pull the ex-Army sergeant out of his usual role for a quick excursion into the heart of hell due to his 'specialisation'.

The man at the front of the wooden raft signaled in the dark. Rusty's helmet allowed him to see the man's hands: one minute to drop-off. The agent checked his weapon and kept himself hunched over, weapon up and scanning the surroundings as they glided lazily down the brackish stream. The raft carried a third agent, and behind them were two more rafts. Rusty's left hand shot out to grab the side of the raft as it wobbled again, glancing at the heavy cargo situated in the middle of the rafts that unbalanced them so. Gifts courtesy of the people of the Alliance.

The dim orange flame-haze of the city bathed the stream an infernal colour as it wound its way through and under the outskirts of the palace district, and Rusty tried not to think about the screams of mass death taking place at the hands of the Sith in preparation for the invasion. The anger steeled his nerves and sharpened his senses in cold fury.

The rafts floated onward, winding past an abandoned bridge, its shadows cutting black shapes out of the waving orange light bathing the water surface.



Blaster fire rained down on the rafts, and the agents took evasive actions. The rafts' engines, heretofore quietly unused, roared into action while the operatives snapped their guns upward, pouring fire back up. Several Mawite warriors were blasted off their perch, falling into the water as the rafts sped past.

<"Skinner, rear cover! Chatal, raise our contacts on comms, they know we're here!"> Rusty called into his communicator. The agents on the rear raft pointed their guns rearwards, blasting another Mawite off their vantage point, while Chatal, in the second raft, began broadcasting a warning.

<"Striker 8 to Red Knight, code yellow, code yellow. Displace to alternate rendezvous point-">

Rusty opened fire upward into the sky as Maw droids floated towards them from the sky, their blasters wildly missing the mark. The floaters scattered, a few taken out by the Reaper chain blaster of one of the SpecDiv agents on another raft.

The rafts sped past the embankment that would have been their rendezvous point: instead of an empty stony shore, several Maw soldiers crowded the embankment, flinging explosives at the raft, who easily dodged it. The explosions, however, would definitely draw attention. The din of the explosions died down, but the cacophony of the rafts' engines were joined by unfamiliar mechanical whines from behind. Looking back, Rusty's heart sank as he watched an armoured patrol boat speeding down the canal towards the rafts, searchlight mounted on its front, its light sweeping the up and down the canal.

<"I'm spiking my raft."> Skinner radioed.

<"Don't do that, we just need to outrun to the inner tunnels!"> Beyond this section of open-air canals were a series of covered sewer tunnels, too low for the patrol boat to follow.

Rusty watched as the burly man began planting charges on the crates on his raft to the rear.

<"No time! They'll be right on top of us in seconds.">

Rusty opened fire at the Maw boat, his rifle's bolts impotently scratching the hull of the patrol boat as it gained on them. Return fire almost took his head off, but it only damaged his helmet. Rusty cursed, pulling his helmet off, just in time to see the patrol boat suddenly explode. A fireball annihilated half the boat, splitting it wide open and sending its crew into the air. Rusty's HUD had to dim to keep out the bright glow.

What the-

Along the raised sides of the canals, Rusty spotted the silhouettes of two wheeled off-road vehicles smashing through the reeds. Improvised munitions mounted on their rear opened fire again, cutting down the Maw drones tailing the raft.

<"Red Knight to Striker 8, you weren't thinking of destroying equipment paid for by the great families of Teta, now were you?">

Rusty sighed in relief, ordering the rafts to head for the nearest embankment. No use in finding proper ditching spots, he thought. The rafts beached on the nearest shore of the canal, thuddering to a stop as their engines failed for the last time.

The SIA agents disembarked immediately, unloading the crates with practiced ease. The Resistance fighters on the buggies dismounted, moving forward to help load the crates onto their vehicles.

"You Alliance types sure come in loud, huh?" one of the resistance soldiers, clad in dull brown armour, separated from the rest to approach Rusty.

"Serjeant Wosal, servent of of House Du Couteau."

Chatal walked up to the pair.

"Formalities are what they are, but I'm still going to need you to give the counter-sign."

"I don't-"

"Don't think we'll be needing a counter-sign?" another soldier, this one in dark red, approached. Though masked, Rusty could hear the smug amusement in her voice.

"No, ah don't think there's need for that," Rusty said, trying not to reveal anything in his voice.

Red Knight took off her helmet, chuckling. Chatal wisely said nothing.

"Nothing else for an old friend?" the Teta noblewoman smirked.

"Well.. you are taking quite a risk being here and now, so thank you kindly, Lady Carmina," Rusty finally said. He was beyond embarrassed at how close the task force had been to total disaster, and how she, of all people, and her cell had to witness it, and the Lady Carmina's behaviour that lay outside M's instructions. Today was not going great. How did he miss that they were spotted?

"Just doing my job. Come on, let's get the goods to the contacts."

As they headed to the vehicles, all loaded up, the Serjeant peered closely at Rusty's unhelmeted face.

"If you do not mind me asking, Agent, I wonder why you look so familiar..."

Now even Chatal was suppressing a laugh. Blushing, Rusty increased his speed put his helmet back on.

"Yes, I do mind."

Location: Resistance Hide-out, District ██████████, Cinnegar, Empress Teta

The SIA agents and their resistance allies rode for several hours, turning outwards from the palace and into old, ruined sectors. As the sounds of battle continued from a distance, they went underground. Not on foot, but on their vehicles, so cavernous was the underground complex.

Rusty bit his lip as he fixed his helmet in the dark. Carmina knew what game she was playing showing off her face to the other SIA agents. He idly wondered what exactly she was planning, or if the other agents knew her secret. Well, mysteries for another day.

Or hour... Rusty could not help but be impressed as the vehicles passed under a gigantic subterranean archway, carved and filigreed to an almost nonsensical detail. At this scale, he wondered how long it took to complete, and why it was forgotten.

His train of thought was interrupted by his helmet sparking back to life. Putting it back on, the wind went out of his face and he could see a message come in:




Well, Task Force Striker had its own mission, but it was good to know that things were Definitely Happening now, and besides, Rusty was happy to cap Sith if they appeared.

Carmina signalled and the vehicles stopped at an unassuming junction, one of many in the underground complex. The group disembarked and pushed their vehicles into the pathway, so wide it was. Down and down it went, until they reached stone wall. Carmina touched a few spots on the spotless wall, and it slid open, revealing a door. The group continued, and suddenly the narrow passageway seemed to open up to a large chamber, domed and with some source of light from above. Rusty's first impression was the grandeur of the simplistic architecture. His second was that it was a military base. Arrayed around them were hundreds of warriors, preparing weapons and armour and vehicles. At the centre was a young girl, flanked by guards garbed in royal armour. Carmina made her way to the front of the group and bowed deeply.

"My lady, we bring warriors and arms from the Alliance. We are ready to strike with these heavy munitions."

Rusty took off his helmet and bowed. So this was Lady Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau .

Last edited:
“Likewise,” Amani couldn’t help but chuckle with his enthusiasm. A nice, if very momentary, reprieve from the conflict waging around them. “You look good. I don’t think the rat tail did us padawans any favors.”

Starlin disposed of their current round of attackers with a bit of a show, though unlike him, Amani managed to spare herself from excess dust with the Force, creating a barrier that the plume rushed over but couldn’t penetrate. As it cleared, she followed his gaze to another figure not far off. His curiosity grew, but the Mirialan could only scowl.

“You are kidding me,” That figure was unmistakable. She was here. It only figured she didn’t have the grace to crawl into a hole and allow the Rot fade away. They were both too stubborn to let that crash on Tython be the end. “Trust me Starlin, you do not want any of that,” She smacked his shoulder as if to refocus him, and solemnly approached her proverbial white whale.

“Should’ve guessed you were still around,” Amani called once she was across from Surea. “You know, for how often we run into each other, I’ve still never learned your name.”



Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

Ishani was right about one thing; Alicio didn't like her answer.

As the Chaldean explained herself, slowly inching her blade closer to his throat, he tried to make sense of her, tried to see things from her point of view. But he couldn't. Nor could he completely banish from his mind the person he knew her to be. Or, at least, who he thought she was. His eyes were stormy with conflict. With fury. With pain.

"I refuse to believe this is the real you, Ishani."

He waited until the alchemized blade she wielded against him pricked his neck, beginning a small line of blood down his collar, before acting. Introspect flashed up, pushing the blade away from his neck, even as his feet shunted him to the side. In the same movement, the thin blade arced down towards the hand that held the weapon, in an attempt to cut it from her grasp. But his attack was still slow. Hesitant.

He didn't want to hurt her, even if all she said was true.

"Was Calabiyau nothing to you?! Just a mask?"

Believe whatever you want. We all do.

Ishani narrowly avoided losing a hand as Alicio slashed downward. He pushed to one side, she to the other, but the narrow quarters of the alley prevented them from moving too far apart.

His attacks were hesitant. He didn’t want to hurt her. She didn’t want to hurt him, either, so what they wound up with was the two of them trading half-hearted jabs.

Ishani was still trying to buy him time, convince him to give up and save himself.

I made Calabiyau to be seen by others as good. But my heart wasn’t in it.” Her eyebrows rose. “Did you ever stop to think about how foolish it would be to build a refugee city that close to the border? If the Maw attacks, all those people will be doomed.

Her tone suggested that she had done it on purpose. That she planned to orchestrate the destruction of her homeworld, and bringing refugees there would increase the level of carnage that would result.

Alicio, the more questions you ask, the more painful this will be.” She swung suddenly at his right shoulder. The power of the blow was limited by her momentum, but unless he was wearing armor underneath those dark clothes, her blade would bite into him. She didn't stop there, attacking rapidly, aiming to wound but not to kill. If he had to limp home, so be it.


Objective: II - Nemesis Games
Location: Aboard the Caragol in orbit around Empress Teta
Brotherhood of the Maw: Open

Galactic Alliance: Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach | Open

    • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (1) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (2,000m)
      • Brakka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (1) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (1,800m)
      • Varak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (2) Bhorgoth Destroyers (2,500m)
      • O’goroth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ligash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (4) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (4,000m)
      • Bezarakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • H’roggoth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’ashbenaz’ungol
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Cimeno’ath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (8) Vagabond Raider Frigates (4,000m)
      • Cleaver
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jocasta
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Rotund
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ren’fiki
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’gash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’enak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

    • (1) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (2,000m)
      • K’rggah
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (3) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (5,400m)
      • Ra’jaka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Faerûn-V’okath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mela’giroth’vaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (6) Bhorgoth Destroyers (7,500m)
      • Io’eth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Akash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ri’noam
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Arv’inash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Bakavh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Enakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (6) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (6,000m)
      • Re’oam’ak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khand’evaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ni’meloch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ganakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • U’toch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jenakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (24) Vagabond Raider Frigates (12,000m)
      • Vak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ikbal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Chronakhal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Xinoan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Desecrator
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Sev’Tok
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Empress Tetah II
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler #AV-037
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Begaan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khandar
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Vekht
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mollach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Stabba
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • The Ram Skull
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Gromandach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler AV-#047
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mining Hauler #AV-004
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Striega
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • BRAAAM
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%


”Lord, over two-thirds of our warband are undergoing repairs and resupply, or their crews are planetsi--”

A massive durasteel crate flew through the air toward the speaker; a nervous looking Theelin who bore iconography indicating him to be of significant position within the Wartribe. The slender being narrowly avoided the projectile, only for a much larger being seemingly wrought in muscle and sinew to follow mere moments after. Hands seemingly the size of a Renda bear gripped the Theelin’s throat and lifted him nearly a meter into the air. He gasped for air, his own slender hands desperately clawing at the uncompromising vice-grip choking the life from within him. Slowly and deliberately, his writhing form was slowly brought closer to the face of his assailant.

Akûz the Ravager’s face was caked in layers of white ash, as was his custom before every battle since the attempted annihilation of Tython, and more significantly; since the death of his former master, Darth Solipsis himself. Streaks of white could be seen across his seemingly stone-cut form, mixed in with his normally pallid, grey-hued flesh. The helots that normally set about applying his ceremonial ash and armor cowered back in fear as their Warlord erupted in fury. As he brought the Theelin’s face closer to his, his grip lessened ever so slightly. Akûz’ voice carried the slightest edge of a growl as he spoke:
<“Nu ai arsija iw drijuri!”>*

His grip tightened yet again, causing the Theelin to gurgle in response. But then, almost as suddenly as his outburst had arisen, Akûz released his grip upon his first officer, allowing the marauder captain to fall unceremoniously to the ground in a heap. The Theelin attempted to catch his breath and sooth the developing bruises around his throat before speaking again - this time in a very pronounced rasp. “I... I dare not trouble you with excuses, lord. The men are working to get what ships we can up and running. We have begun mobilizing a force for you now. You shall have ships at your command within the hour. The... raasssp... the Caragol awaits your command.”

The Theelin’s voice was broken with a coughing fit as his vocal chords protested the strain speaking put them under. Akûz appraised his first officer with a pitiless gaze before he reached down and picked the man up - this time, placing him on his feet with a modicum of gentleness. Without a word, Akûz nodded toward the exit - clearly giving the Marauder leave to continue what preparations he could make. Without delay, the Theelin turned and made for the door. As he approached, Akûz’ deep voice called after him:


The Theelin stopped in his tracks, and turned to face the warlord. The helots had continued their work of preparing their master for the unexpected battle erupting throughout Empress Teta. As they finished their task, Akûz spoke again: <“Jitzi ri nykiiw. Jani arsia anim dzis tutita.”>**

Without further explanation, the Theelin bowed his head and exited the chamber. Empress Teta had been a fruitful destination for the Kragamond Wartribe, being granted a healthy number of slaves for their service to the Dark Voice to the battles which led up to the ill-fated confrontation on Tython. Despite no explanation being given, the purpose behind the order was clear.

The tribe would not march without their food in tow.

  • “I grow tired of excuses!”
  • “Load the slaves. Prepare them for departure.”



Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Other tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

The corners of Valery's lips briefly tugged up in response to the warning, but a far more neutral and calm expression quickly replaced any of her usual charisma. To an extent, she knew more about the Sith in front of her than she'd ever care to show — her husband Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had once faced off against her, and through their bond all experiences were shared as if they had been through them together. But Valery was no fool, and even a quick glance at Mori made her realize that a lot had changed since then. Valery herself was no exception to that either, and so she understood that relying on information she had gotten through others would only handicap her.

She could only trust her own capabilities and the Force.

"I'm sure you experienced that first-hand on Tython," she finally commented in return before the waggle of the woman's finger brought Valery several steps deeper into the room. The massive doors behind her shut and the sound it produced boomed through the hallways, but Valery didn't spare it a second of her attention. Both thumbs searched for the activation switches on her lightsabers and with a quick tap, a pair of violet blades ignited into existence by her sides while crimson plasma highlighted her opponent's pale form.

She knew that sizing the Sith up physically had no meaning, not when it could change at will, and so her focus was on the Force and its endless streams of possibilities. It could be her guide where her eyes and expectations could cause surprise.

"All of us meet death, Jedi, allow me to be yours."

Valery's body tensed briefly and while Mori assumed a stance Valery didn't recognize despite her past as a Lightsaber Instructor, she began to adjust her own. Her feet shifted apart a step, her off-hand blade crossed diagonally in front of her body, and the main weapon was held slightly behind her on the right, angled up and forward. A moment of silence followed where sound and echoes in the Force from all around her faded far into the background, but finally the fire in her eyes ignited and with powerful focus and explosive speed, she closed the distance to the Dark Voice.

Her right-handed blade lowered, cutting briefly across the floor with its tip, before it swept up towards her target with the intent to kill. In this clash between Dark and Light, there was no hesitation, no holding back.



Someone familiar. Someone not.

Surea turned her head towards the approaching pair. Amani. The boy wasn't with her this time. Had he died in the fall of the moon, then? The acolyte stood slowly. Her metal arm split, letting the blade within spring out. Alloyed steel dully glimmered above the reddened garden. And again, the Jedi was talking first. Tython was a set back at best, but that didn't mean they were on speaking terms.

They were enemies. The moon itself had fallen, and that was the only reason they didn't kill each other. Not that Surea hadn't tried. This time she wouldn't fail. Lightning danced around her still living hand before she unleashed a torrent for the two.

That was the only answer she'd give today.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Amani Serys Amani Serys

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” ― Mark Twain

The desecration of Holly’s remains was a crass move and it did affect him, but ultimately the effect was little more than “short lived.” She was one with the Force and this action was doing little more than wasting everyone’s time. This Sith was destroying any credibility that he might have had by doing so, but then again it was his decision to try and play mind games that just troll and troll. Holly’s death would not be meaningless, but it would not be because of this.

“Gray Jedi”... Caltin had inwardly laughed to himself at the observation, all but ready to come back with a “Name Calling?” assertion when he realized that technically he did call the man an “idiot.” Comedic aspects aside, it was clear that this Dark Lord was more interested in jabbering on than anything. That meant to the big man that he was little more than a distraction, at least for the time being. So what Vanagor would do was focus on his surroundings.

Blinding a TIE pilot with an aura of light so the fighter would crash into a wingmate.

Catching and crushing dropship before sending it flying.

Slamming his fist into the ground sending a Force wave into a group of oncoming assassins sending them off of their feet.

Oh he was still paying attention to the foe in front of him, and this was not another showing of his skills, he was bored. In truth Caltin was also dwelling on some of the things that this Darksider had said. He was so “honored” to carry power transferred to him. Speaking in metaphors that were clearly dated. There was something about what he was saying that was beginning to make sense. This man was possessed by another, clearly, a powerful Sith Lord. Now it was simply a matter of narrowing it down to exactly who it was. Whoever it was, the being was possibly around “The Rule of Two” or even earlier, not that it made any kind of difference. It made the most sense because of how he listened to and believed in such archaic terms and phrases.

If this Sith knew the big man so well, he would know that Vanagor was a student of history and while he did not know that it was Naga Sadow, he knew who the former master of the Massassi was. It was only a matter of time.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Excuse you, the rattail was punk as hell.” But he beamed at her compliment anyway. “It’s the robes that are stupid. Why did the Jedi all dress like they were on a desert planet, anyway?

In short order, he learned that the mystery woman and Amani had a history, and that she was a bad guy. “Aw man...” Starlin rubbed his shoulder where Amani had smacked him. “Why do the cute ones always have to be evil?

As if on cue, his danger sense flared. Starlin grinded the lightning the woman aimed at him with his lightsaber, deflecting it harmlessly.

Woo, baby!” he laughed, walking towards the woman with his lightsaber and shoto drawn. Y'know, just in case she fired more lightning his way. “I’ve heard of a first meeting being electrifying, but that really takes the cake!” He gestured toward Amani. “Just so you know, I’m not with this green broad. Well, I’m on her side, but I don’t judge people based on what other people say about them. In other words, hi, nice to meet you! I’m Starlin Rand. What’s your name?


Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Oh. Right. She entirely forgot about that. "Oh, erm, I'll fix that in just a moment." She told the padawan, making a hard banking maneuver, before twisting the ship up, pulling it into a corkscrew, and coming back around on the two fighters that had trailed the pair, and giving Jasper his opening to fire.

With the ensured destruction of the two, the Twi'lek broke off, focusing again on that void in the Force, which lead them to the port that was nestled at the mouth of the city. A sinking feeling formed in Mi'la's gut as she neared, as Light and Dark began to intertwine, her muted presence in the force seemingly clashing against the Maw.

She had a bad feeling about this. Punching in various commands onto her computer, she began to speak to Jasper, hands setting over her sabers. "Jasper, when we arrive, I'm leaving the ship. I've put it into the computer to depart the moment it can't detect me in the cockpit, so be aware of that." She shot the young man a glance, hoping he would be able to keep up with what she was about to tell him. "I don't think I can keep you safe and fight this foe without issue, so it is essential to clear your mind, and focus on the present. Okay?" Nothing like training 101 classes on the route to disaster. Up ahead, the landing pad came into view, and the cockpit slid open. Mi'la rose, standing on her seat, wind buffeting her robes and Lekkus now, and the Force filled her inner being. Whatever Jasper was going to do, she only hoped he did it with conviction, as before her stood an abyss of shadow and darkness, one that could cause a hardened jedi to buckle.

Fortunately for Mi'la, she had faced a similar darkness once before on Yavin, yet she would be lying if she said this new entity left her without a trace of doubt. The Jaina Class fighter banked overhead of the landing pad, as Mi'la leapt from the vessel, falling down into the darkness of the two force users, before wrapping herself in the Force, aiming to slow her fall, and hoping that Jasper could manage the same. Sabers in hand, two lavender blades erupted forth, as her fighter would circle back around, coming down at a lower angle before it departed, giving the padawan a much safer attempt to leave the vessel if he wished, as the jedi knight stood ready, eyeing the two dark jedi, mind at ease as she let out a breath. "Hello there." She managed, forcing a smile across her face, blades humming faintly as the tension hung in the air.

She hadn't a clue of what to expect.
Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

As Mi’la pulled back behind the fighters failing them, Jasper was quick to take his shots. Only a few were needed to clear the air around them. With the enemy ships neutralized, they came up on a port with a particularly dark feeling about it.

"Jasper, when we arrive, I'm leaving the ship. I've put it into the computer to depart the moment it can't detect me in the cockpit, so be aware of that."

“Alright,” the exile responded. “Guess I’ll be quick about following you then.”

The master gave him a concerned glance, as if to tell if he was truly processing what he was being told. Mi’la made sure to remind him that she couldn’t guarantee his safety going forwards.

“I’m okay with that,” Jasper assured her. “Don’t worry about me. I’d like to think I’m tougher than I look.” The exile briefly thought of Lana and Dex, his friend and mentor. He couldn’t die here. He promised them he’d be back.

As they drew near the landing pad, Mi’la opened the cockpit, wasting very little time leaping over the side. Jasper, with little hesitation (and a slight nervousness) followed, using the force to slow his decent as much as he could. The landing was still a little rough, causing him to wobble slightly when his feet touched down. The feeling of darkness was far more intense now, reminding him of the Sith Lord he had faced on Tython. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , right? He briefly wondered if the Sith was here now, perhaps the Jedi he had met that day as well. He pushed these thoughts aside as two figures stood ready to face them.

"Hello there."

Bold opening, he thought as he took hold of his lightsaber. Jasper wanted to go into this battle as calculated as possible. He didn’t immediately want to make his dueling skill known just yet. The exile lead with a basic Shii-Cho opening, hoping to put his enemies at ease.

“Well,” he sighed, managing a faint grin, “Here goes nothing.”

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