Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Under his mask, Kybo grinned. So the kid had fire. Good. All the better for when the Shadow snuffs him out.

Kybo parried the Padawan's strikes, and switched up his method. Knowing he had sufficient strength to parry blows one-handed, he drew Contempt, his cortosis-weaved vibrosword in his other hand. With two blades, he could open up new combined angles of attack, while maintaining sufficient parrying defence.

Kybo let the Padawan press ahead with his blows, parrying, before using the Force to jump up and over the Padawan, landing behind and striking at the Jedi from two directions with his two weapons.


Aboard Gehinnom II



Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Equipment in bio.



Without a word, she attacked.

The Witch's inferno charged at him, shrieking through the hallway, leaving thick blots of carbonation in its wake across the hallway's metallic surface. But Ptolemis remembers this power, this heat. The memory is burned into him, forever. He knows not to underestimate it anymore. Not again.

Sliding his right foot behind himself into a wider stance for stability, the Sith Lord raises both of his hands in front of himself to combat the focused might of this elemental onslaught. Leaning with his entire body into the defense, reaching far, he opens his palms to trap the fire's momentum in front of himself. The two forces collide, and the terrible, deep roar of the wildfire rattles the durasteel panels around them, spreading out over the invisible wall conjured by the Blasphemer with its overbearing heat and light.

Ptolemis slides back on the floor as he is pushed back by the fire, but remains stable enough. And although the wall of flames is blocked, its primal heat leaks through the Force barrier, heating up his leather gloves to an excruciating level outright. And it was only the beginning. Ptolemis may now be the secondary Dark Lord of the Sith, but the Witch of Fire grew in power herself. Just as the last licks of the terrible fire die down, she casually strides across the residual spots of flame she summoned. The Shadow Hand straightens up, and throws his smoking gloves on the floor.

He also reaches out telekinetically to recall the lightsaber hilt he was forced to drop in the face of the infernal blast. Right as the hilt impacts with his now bare palm, he engages it.

– I know you now, Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan ... I know nothing I say would matter to you. So come, and give into your anger. Indeed, he never forgot the Lady that seared him, who molded him in the vice of his own weakness. Yes, he researched her, enough to have verbal ammunition for the rest of the fight...

His response is cruel and abrupt; an attempt at a relentless sideways push to stagger her, after which he readies himself for a test of lightsaber skills.


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Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Knowing he had sufficient strength to parry blows one-handed, he drew Contempt, his cortosis-weaved vibrosword in his other hand.

A sword? Jasper noted in his head. Generally, this meant only one thing: Cortosis. It wouldn’t take much of the stuff to short out his lightsaber. The last thing he needed was to be left without a weapon. As the pirate leapt over his head, Jasper quickly turned to face him, using one arm to hold off his lightsaber. He attempted to weave out of the sword’s path, but was unable to keep it from grazing his shoulder. The blade drew some blood, ripping through the bandage wrap that covered it like butter. The wrap ribboned apart and peeled off Jasper’s arm, drifting away in the wind. Now, the warped scar tissue beneath could be seen.

Jasper wasted no time reacting to this. A cut wasn’t gonna kill him after all. If the pirate was going to play dirty, he needed to bring his opponent down to his level. Jasper mustered all his strength to hold back the pirate’s lightsaber-wielding arm. Using the force, he quickly drew his K-16 (which he always had set to stun), firing at the bicep of his sword-wielding arm near point blank. The exile planned to take the pirate’s arm out of the equation.

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Landing and rolling, Mi'la felt rather confident about the fight, as her maneuver proved to be successful. Though as she landed, the spear came for her, the Force blaring a warning in her mind. She attempted to move just a moment too late, the spear striking her across the head, her headdress managing to take most of the impact, the Force buckling as the two clashed, though staggering and feeling another flash of danger, Mi'la tensed her muscles, starting to just start the process of making barrier when she was struck. It sucked the air out of her body, the Twi'lek skidding back, striking into the wall, and promptly nearly crumpled to the ground.

Having to gather the strength within herself, she panted, eyes focusing on the dead man, and raised her hands towards him. She stopped breathing, melting herself into the force, ignoring the cries of her lungs for air, and saturated the pain with the Force. Jedi of old could hold their breath for days with such techniques, right now, she only needed a few minutes. The pain still stung, but pain was a distraction, and distractions could be ignored. Pulling herself up, Mi'la raised her arms, and a noticeable shift in the air was felt. A bit of her now broken headdress made a 'clang' as it hit the ground, and the Twi'lek gathered herself, and channeled outwards; the eye of the Void now fixated on the Maw.

Expression tight, she conjured forth air about her, curling it around her body, channeling it around her hands, before firing off her sabers towards Kyrel, the two blades spinning, guided by powerful bursts of wind from Mi'la's arms, one going high, another going low. She was focused now, intent on the battle, mind and body moving in fluid motion. If the blades missed their mark, she would advance towards Kyrel, as her sabers would be on a rebound, hoping if nothing else she could tag the man on the rebound; though she was starting to doubt if eliminating him with saber alone would be enough.

She felt odd, never feeling this in tune, this natural with her power. At least, it had been a very long time.

How strange, to feel this fixated on a fight. She had not experienced this before.

Ishani might have blinked between throwing the sand and the sudden darkness that followed. Alicio had moved quickly—he had to, if he was going to dodge several hundred tiny particles of sand.

She saw a growing blackness before her, like a tear in the fabric of reality, before she felt his blade go through her middle.

There was no dramatic pause as she realized she’d been stabbed, like in the holoflicks. Ishani felt heat and pain radiating out through her core as she collapsed. The lightsaber burned its way through the rest of her body as she fell, exiting somewhere between her neck and left shoulder.

She was, unfortunately, not quite dead when she hit the ground. Introspect had cauterized the massive wounds it dealt her, stopping her from simply bleeding out. Her heart and one lung remained intact, struggling to keep her alive. She would die within minutes, of course—one cannot survive for long with so many internal organs vaporized by a burning plasma blade—but minutes can feel like hours in moments like these.

The charred remains of Alicio's cloak (assuming it hadn't been set on fire by the lightsaber plunging through it) partly covered her mangled form. Her blade disappeared as she lost her grip on its hilt, returning to the pocket dimension where it was stored.



Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

With himself on the offensive Kyrel watched as the blade of the Hunger crashed against her head, sending her headdress flying and clanking to the ground. His armored fist slamming into her stomach and sending her flying into the wall. The blow of his fist knocking the wind out of her, as she crumpled to the ground. Kyrel approached like a Kath Hound ready for the kill, always preferring to be a man who worked with his hands the best.

Unlike her, he couldn’t tire, he had no use for breathing. His gaze lowered down pitifully towards her crumpled up form. For a moment he found himself disappointed, he expected more from his equal as he approached slowly, watching as she had managed to pick herself up. Watching as if she could barely stumble back to her feet, while Kyrel was ready to go in and unleash his rage.

Then to his surprise, he found the Twi’Lek to strike back, holding her breath in with the Force, she launched her sabers through the air. The high one aiming for his head, and the other for his torso. One blade immediately struck the death mask. “Ahh” He cried out as he lowered his face, the other blade striking his armor, and yet only causing sparks to fly, but very little damage. As soon as he turned his face back up, he saw the Twi’Lek moving on the offensive, staggering back if only for a second.

The Master of Ren quickly struck back at her with a crushing backhand of his knuckles against her jaw and cheekbone. He hoped to only stun her for a second, before countering back with an attempt to grab her throat, squeezing a little tightly, with his brute strength, and a growl he motioned to slam her into the duracrete of the pad. He swiftly followed the motion with the sharp separation of the single double-edged blade back to its forked tip, soon slamming it in place around her neck. Letting her stare at the gap that was the Hunger’s maw as crimson sparks started to form around the prongs of the forked tip, it seemed as if he was about to drain her in this very instance.

He hoped to drain her right then and there, when she would see his face, half of the death mask was cut in half, revealing the ugly, angry, stitched scowl of the Wrath, his face burning into her very memory as the Hunger was about to quell its insatiable appetite, his Wound called to hers, focused entirely on her. He had never felt so focused on one for, and yet this one had somehow managed to earn his ire and wrath quickly. As he was about to start another attempt to drain her with more power, he had forgotten about the sabers she had thrown, and was too focused to know they could quickly rebound in any moment.

Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Blah, blah. If you know, why do you have to yap? Elpsis thought disdainfully. So he knew her name. Not that it was a secret. Firemane had images of her plastered across stupid recruitment ads. There was even a cringey movie. It was always the same with Sith. Give in to your anger! The darkness will prevail! When they were not regurgitating the same phrases, they were trying to dig up awkward, unpleasant or simply embarrassing parts of your past, under the belief that this made them masterminds.

To be fair, most Jedi were not much better, because the average Jedi had been raised to think their foe, even if said Sith had been involved in genocide, was only one pep talk and some witty banter away from turning a new leaf. When they were not flirting in the middle of a fight like in cheesy holovid shows.

She was a soldier. Training, discipline and instincts compelled her to attempt to kill her foe. So Elpsis remained silent.

She took the telekinetic blow in the side, pain surging through her. Telekinesis had been Siobhan's speciality. She'd had no qualms about unleashing her power on Elpsis during sparring sessions.

If her adoptive daughter left the training room with nasty bruises or cracked bones, so be it. The same applied to burn marks inflicted by lightning. Real battle would not be gentle. The first time she'd given Elpsis something close to - very restrained and still chilly - praise was when the girl had managed to hurt her. Her mother had been right.

The telekinetic assault pushed her back, causing her to stumble and threatened to unbalance her. Her flesh leg howled in protest at the blunt force trauma, but the one forged with metal and alchemical science held, refusing to be dislodged. Her body swallowed the impact of the telekinesis, planting her further on her right for one moment to stabilise, as she dug in her mechanical heel. And then she was in motion, Elpsis was not overly fast. She could not dash forth with blinding speed or pull off great acrobatic feats. But she advanced implacably, through fires that were dying down.

And then she was upon him, and struck, feet firmly planted on the ground, right mechanical leg positioned to keep her flank safe but not impede her movement forwards or backwards. Both her hands, flesh and metal, held her crossguard lightsabre in a firm grasp. The two-handed grip gave her strike additional strength, something also bolstered by her cybernetic spine and enchanted, cybernetic left arm.

The downward slash swept towards the Sith's hand and wrist, attempting to literally unhand him. The greater than average length of her lightsabre gave her reach and thus protection against immediate counters, though it stood to reason that the Sith would have cards of his ow to play.
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Lord Odion



Post Count: One
Objective: Tracking a Connection
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


The invasion had begun, and Odion could care less. Within the Palace, he watched digital displays detailing the unfolding conflict in orbit and on the ground, his crimson eyes flickering with amusment as each dissapearance of an icon, each shifting of the battle lines depicted the death of hundreds. This was a battle that the Brotherhood had earned for itself in its mad drive towards the core, and it was reaping all that it had sown. The drive of the former Dark Lord, and now the policies of the new Dark Lord would be put to the test of time. Victory would support all they had sacrificed for in the previous months. Defeat…

Defeat was not the way of the Sith.

Turning his gaze away from the data tables and rushing officers, Odion began to sense a presence at the edge of his awareness. He had been made aware of Galactic Alliance forces landing across the world, and even of their secretive deployaments, but he had thus far not spoken or acted against them. He had not taken part in the initial drive for the core, and the fight that currently engulfed the Brotherhood was theirs to fight. However, the presence he felt was one that was strikingly similar to another he had so recently met. One he had fought, and severely wounded by. He could sense her lingering presence around him, much as he had originally sensed the man’s lingering presence around her.

The other half of the Noble family had come to Teta. A smile crossed his face as a fresh wave of agony; brought up by the memories of his duel, washed across his body. Rather than suffer the pain and shrink from it, Odion embraced it. Agony in all its forms; emotional and physical, were avenues of power within the Dark Side. Combined with anger, these two emotions were the pillars upon which Odion built himself within the Dark SIde. It was his source of power, and the gift he gave to his students. In time he would bring his understanding of agony and rage to the rest of the Sith, and the galaxy. For that, he had Valery Noble Valery Noble to thank.

Departing the interior of the Palace, Odion began to walk towards the general direction he felt the Sith turned Jedi, and the other presence he felt. He would allow them to dictate the intial terms of their meeting. As the theoretical host in this encounter, it was the elast he could do before sending them off to the world beyond.
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Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Wallgof felt his opponent force him out of his mind, it was tricky to remove the Sith Lord since he was attempting to worm him way in deep, to read the mind as he twisted and warped the mind of the man before him. Seeing the faces of weaklings and Sith who fell, it was an attempt to block while not removing Wallgof but it was too lack, there were key information points he gained that could slip the guard of this man. "That is an impressive resume, however, we could talk about the Jedi you taught, the people you failed. Like Holly, like... Ala..." Wallgof had sensed the protectiveness the man had felt around that name when he had the brief window to scour the memories.

"You trained them to be weak. Holly died because of your failings. Perhaps I will ensure that Ala will die due to them as well." Wallgof couldn't show imagery of this Ala dying, he had only grasped the name. But having the name was power and it wasn't the only name that the Sith Lord had been able to grasp. Sensing the emotions, understanding the mind of humanoids, Wallgof always knew how to gain a lot of information in the swiftest, most fleeting moments. Especially when there were strong emotional attachments. "See, the issue with attachments, it isn't what the Jedi believe. That it is a step to the Dark Side. No. Problem with attachments is that men like me, we can use them. And I will enjoy visiting Chrysothemia and breaking her mind." There was a maniacal laugh from Wallgof's lips.


Wallgof nodded his head, this name seemed to trigger the ancient Sith Lord but it did not matter. Since Wallgof had not been pushed out of the mind of the man, he returned to diving deeper into the mind. Forcing him to see the many Jedi that have died, that Wallgof had personally tortured and killed. "Did you think you were the first I had fought Caltin? My skills, my strength comes from battle. I have broken many. I have forced many more to crack and crumble. I reveal the truth. You cannot kill us, we are the Darkness. The darkness consumes all." Warping the reality once again, Wallgof seemed to be oozing shadows, appearing as some demonic entity. Dozens of these demonic looking Sith Lords still surrounded Caltin as Wallgof continued to attempt to dominate the man's mind.

"Empress Teta defeated a divided Sith force. The planet will crumble to a united one, as shall the whole galaxy."

Location: Spaaaace! (Heading to Empress Teta)
Outfit: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
It wasn't as simple for Dreidi as never caring or respecting Jax. She barely knew the man, for years she just knew him as the man that had taken her mother away. Whether he had meant to or not, it was a consequence of his actions and of Jairdain's as well. She had to at least respect the fact that Jax had approached her to keep in contact and talk whereas her own mother was still absent in her life. Her cynicism stemmed not from the death of her father, but the rumours and dark truths coming from the New Jedi Order, it seemed that at times they were hard to distinguish from the Sith and that should never be the case in her mind. While there was no issue with Sith in her mind, if you are fighting an evil, you shouldn't mirror that evil.

"Yeah, might be. But we don't always enter fights that we know we can win. We fight to protect others and right now, seems like you need protecting." Dreidi stated firmly, while she never liked that her father Yuroic left to fight in a battle when he was dying, when he was at his weakest. She knew why he did it, because if he could prevent one life, one person from suffering then it was all worth it. It was how she had felt on Naboo and brought new respect and understanding to her father's sacrifice, because she had given her all during that fight to ensure as many of the people she swore to protect were safe.

Looking at Jax, it was clear that he could hear or sense someone, something that had him terrified. When he tried to make her promise to run away when he told her to, she sighed, there was little chance of that happening. She was not the type to abandon someone to die, be tortured or brainwashed into becoming a Sith. That wasn't who she was. However, she didn't say any of this, Jax was too absorbed and she wasn't going to have him try stopping her because she refused to listen to a dumb order that get him killed. When he mentioned that it was Carnifex that they were facing, Dreidi breathed in deeply. Carnifex was a name she knew, it was a name most knew since he was one of the most renowned Sith Lords around. "Is he still an emperor? Thought his Sith Empire fell?" Dreidi commented, trying to cut the tension with some humour and downplay the seriousness of the situation they were in.

If Asaraa knew she was fighting Carnifex, the woman would never let Dreidi out of her sight till she was a senior citizen. Though, Dreidi wondered if that was possible with the slow aging that her mother has.

Then Jax dropped the bombshell this was his father too. "Wait... Are you sure?" Dreidi asked as she struggled to follow what this was going on. "Like you guys did a paternity test and the results showed you were related or did you just take the word of a Sith Lord as fact?" Dreidi asked, wondering if Jax really was that gullible to just take the word of a Sith Lord that they were related. Was Carnifex that much older than Jax for it to work? Dreidi didn't know, it was a lot for her to try and absorb as they move forward.

Dreidi stumbled up after Jax, hearing him yell at Carnifex. Dreidi tilted her head, not exactly what she expected to see in a Sith Lord, former emperor, or at least she thought former emperor. It was hard to track who was Sith Emperor nowadays... Giving a small wave to Carnifex. "I'm Dreidi Xeraic. Urm... Here to support Jax.... Are you sure he's your dad? Just seems like a ploy to manipulate you..." Dreidi turned to Jax, she was really unsure if this was really happening or not.

"Not to say you are a liar... But well, you are an evil Sith Lord intent on killing all Jedi or breaking them and it would make sense to attempt to break Jax by saying his biological father was devoted to the very thing he was dedicated to killing..." Dreidi then stated quickly to Carnifex. Dreidi was swiftly speaking as she attempted to understand everything going on. "Also, killing your father isn't the best way to rid yourself of him. If he is your father, showing that you don't care and still intend to do good despite him would likely frustrate him more?" Dreidi suggested to Jax. Now that she was here, a fight felt both awkward and a bad idea. She could feel the power emanating from Carnifex and it was a lot more than she had thought a person could have.

However, she had serious doubts that either of them would listen to her, so she grabbed her Lightsaber and prepared herself. Igniting the blood orange coloured blade behind her as she held it in the reverse grip that was natural for her now. ​

“Call me what you want, I don’t care. If you insult my family, we will take a walk. Here’s a hint, you will need an ambulance.” ― Steve Austin

Alright, the Sith wanted a rise out of him, he got it. However it would not be in the manner he was looking for. Yes, He underestimated this Dark Lord, he looked dangerous physically and was more than dangerous mentally. To be able to not only pull his attachment to Holly was strong enough, but being able to pull Chrysa… Ala… that took some skill. Vanagor would almost be impressed if he were not so focused on keeping his eyes on his objectives right now. This was standard.

All of the advantages he could have gained, and…

There was nothing to be done at this point. No point in posturing. He was going to have to do this the hard way and push his way through all over again like he had in the past. That was Caltin’s way though, wasn’t it? For all the thought of having a reputation, having pull that could make things easier, he was indeed the blunt object that others did not want to admit that he was. That was why he was not always the best “leader” in the traditional sense. Sure, he was a leader by example and in experience and so on, but tactically speaking, he was the “heavy” of any team. The one who would take on the monster and run him through a wall. That was him. It was him here too. This was going to have to be that way, too bad it took this route to get to that point.

You’re absolutely right. I did faul both Holly and Wood. They are both one with the Force because of the fact that I did not prepare them for someone like you. A madman with a lust for power. Make no mistake though, it was not my blade that killed her. It was yours. She was not trained to my level of situational awareness, this is true. So yes, you are correct. I failed them. I’ve failed Ala as well, I had in the past. Promised I would always protect her, but she was kidnapped… twice… and even killed…

He stopped for a second at the memory. Oh, his mind was closed off at this point, so Wallgof could not sneak into it (not that he could anyway), but he shared the story.

It’s a long story, but she was butchered. Her body was sent… in pieces… back to the Temple… addressed to me. Though you see, her very consciousness was transferred to another body… somehow. I can’t explain it. Some science mumbo jumbo… but her original body was cloned and she transferred back and SOMEHOW reconnected to the Force. We both were lost for a long time, but I found her again not that long ago. I promised Chrysa long ago that she would never lose me, and then she did… for eight hundred sixty years. She fell to the Dark Side. Lost her mind. Then we found each other again and she gave it all up in an instant… for me.

So yeah. Attachments can cause problems in life. They can distract, they can in some cases hold you back. They can also motivate, and make life worth living. You want to lecture about attachments, that is fine, go ahead. You will be like Sadow when he pleaded to the Dark Council to spare the Daragons’ lives only to hear those pleas ignored. I’ll bet he hated Gav Daragon… the man he primed to be a champion only to have him see the light. That must have sucked. Especially with Ludo Kresh out of the way and Marka Ragnos incessant nagging from beyond the grave.

Really not wanting to ramble, but really getting a rhythm going he stopped almost mockingly…

What was it he once said? "My people, the battles are nearly over, the political strife at an end—and peace is upon us! The seven worlds have united in a glorious alliance for greater prosperity and military strength." No…wait…that was Teta… after she beat him.

Stopping again, his mood changed.

If you want to play with my mind. You go ahead and try, but it’s a game you will lose. Yes, I have attachments… I don’t fear or regret having them. Go ahead and look for Ala. We’ve fought alongside each other over a millenia. You’ll find she is not the prissy little pixy that the memories you pilfered tell you they are. As for Chrysa? She is a former Dark Lord of the Sith. An Alchemist that would frighten your master if she wanted to. Go ahead and look for either one of them. They can handle themselves.

Cracking his neck and finally beginning to power walk towards his opponent, he concluded.

… assuming that there is anything left after I’m done with you… what? “Not very ‘Jedi Like’ of me?”

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

She moved on him, watching the sparks fly as her sabers connected, flying past him, and mentally prepared for their soon to occur return. Mi'la moved on him, intent not on throwing hands, but pummeling him with controlled air bursts, but her danger sense flared as she closed the distance. She attempted to stop short, and only succeeded in catching the outside of his fist against her face, not a direct shot, but it still staggered her, the impact throwing her guard off for the man to lock his hand around her throat, hoisting the jedi up, giving her just a moment to kick her feet, before she was throttled down hard into the ground. Her mind remained calm, almost as if her desire to fear or worry was removed. Though the pain was growing, pounding just as her heart was, and steadily growing. There was only what is, and little else could be thought of for the time being. Her prostetic Lekku snapped off at the impact, sparks and wires began to erupt from the damaged segment, her brow starting to bleed from where metal fragment had cut into her purple flesh.

She stared into those dead eyes, her face an unmoving expression of calm, even as she was being throttled, she felt almost detached from her body at the moment. It was unnerving. Or it would have been if Mi'la lingered upon it. She would not show fear, because fear was a concept she felt so removed from in this moment, it didn't even register. She caught sight of the spear, as it shifted into that of a pitch fork, the familiar lightning from earlier crackling, sparking, and struck at something within her once more. Concern sprang into existence, as she became aware of the failing state of her lungs, the dizziness in her head, and the lack of defensive options she had in this moment.

She felt like she was being folded inside out once again, her calm expression fading as signs of discomfort etched along her face. The 'bubble' she had relied on from before began to form, though she focused it, flipping it inside out, focusing it within her chest rather than around her, feeling that there was a time and a place for her actions, and she nearly needed to wait.

Her hands remained open, calling back her sabers, as the whirling 'hum' of her blades carried on the wind. On their return they cut into the duracrete, and would hopefully strike across Ren's leg and back, ideally giving the opening Mi'la needed. The power she had contained in her chest burst, slamming hard into Ren, aiming to send him flying, and hopefully give her a moment to collect herself, as this battle seemed to just be getting started.
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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform

Allies: Maw/ Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

The blade drew some blood, ripping through the bandage wrap that covered it like butter. The wrap ribboned apart and peeled off Jasper’s arm, drifting away in the wind.
First blood! Kybo looked to press the attack, but heard Kyrel yell in pain. He twisted his head and saw Kyrel battered by the lightsabers, then moving closer in. The Jedi's lightsabers rebounded, heading to the master of the Ren.

Kybo stretched on hand out, the other blocked by Jasper. He reached out and pushed at Mi'ra's blades from afar, knocking them out of the way. That should buy Kyrel some time.

"Keep on yer toes, boss!"

Jasper mustered all his strength to hold back the pirate’s lightsaber-wielding arm. Using the force, he quickly drew his K-16 (which he always had set to stun), firing at the bicep of his sword-wielding arm near point blank.

Kubo snapped his attention back and twisted out of the way, but with his other blade blocked, he almost lost balance. The stun radius still hit him partially and he was forced back a few steps.

If the kid wanted to play dirty...

Kybo stowed his lightsaber and drew his HG-88 Hand Cannon. Thumbing the ammunition counter, he fired a cluster bomb shotgun round. At this range the pellets and explosions would either hurt the Padawan greviously or force him back, giving Kybo time and space to initiate a re-engagement.


Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel glanced down angrily at his foe, the sparks of crimson energy ramped up, and in mere moments he would destroy the closest thing there was to his opposite. He watched as through the smashed duracrete, and the broken pieces of her prosthetic lekku were scattered to the ground. Even through all the rubble, and seeing what appears to be her imminent end, he could tell she would quickly struggle, but appeared calm, serene.

They’re eyes lingered pensively for a moment, as if they were both studying each other. Kyrel had wondered if she had accepted defeat so easily? Was this all she could offer him, that it only took a fraction of his might to brought him down. He found shelf shaking his head, disgusted that someone so similar could fall so quickly. He could only watch, as she struggled for breath, lack of oxygen would soon cause her to fade into darkness and by the time the spear activated, it would all seem like a bad dream.

Just as the red lightning was to activate once more, he looked over to see Kybo gain an opening in his duel. Watching as the Knight of Ren pushed back one of the blades on a boomerang, but could only barely slow the second one. The blade smashed into his own back, causing him to grit his teeth in anger at the annoyance of the saber on a rebound. Unfortunately for him, the boomeranged saber throw had given Mi’la enough time to recall the powerful bubble from before. The one that absorbed the Hunger’s devastating beam into herself, she used the energy outwards.

The distraction itself, had caused the energy she held to release. When it was released, the bubble burst into a powerful blast of air. Catching the Master of Ren off guard for a moment, he attempted to hold onto the Hunger to shorten the blast but couldn’t maintain a firm grip on the spear. Sent flying back, and soon crashing against the duracrete wall, the impact itself had sent duracrete scattering everywhere, the Wrath going through a deep opening. On the outside the hole was in the shape of the Wrath’s imposing form. Mi’la perhaps only bought herself a minute or two of time, but deep inside the crater was a darkness ready to go in for the onslaught.
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LocationRoyal Palace, Cinnegar
EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Alars Keto Alars Keto , Nadja Keto

She had heard this song before, as she watched Valery Noble Valery Noble ignite the blades of her two lightsabers, when she was just another nobody on Bastion - during the infamous night that many knew as Kyber Dark for the secretive operation of the same name. Her face had been different, then, her stature, too, and she wasn't alone at the time dueling the later Sword of the Jedi, either. The spray of molten debris that flicked upwards to trail a lightsaber as it moved towards her reminded her vividly of being paralyzed by the fear of losing someone and having to choose between putting down a rabid dog on its path to attack her or saving the person she cared about, then, the most.

Her lightsaber tore through the air in front of her without any hesitation or delay, a stark contrast to that night, as she had divorced herself from that weakness - tore it from herself like one would amputate a limb.

This was a dance most familiar to her, one in which another tried to kill her as she tried to survive. The steps were different here, the tempo higher and the music they moved to had a timbre that was far less light, but she knew how to move just as well now as she did then. Her opponent hadn't dignified her taunt with words and so she did the same, remaining as mute as one could when responding to feats of incredible speed and precise skill. It was more than skill and prowess that allowed the Sith the ability to respond to the Jedi's call with what seemed like ease - the unreadable stance in which Mori had stood to address Valery was one of her own design, a style of combat that relied less on arbitrary rules and ideals and more on her biology as a Shi'ido.

In simpler words: it changed, adapted, and shifted in very much the same way her body did.

When a lightsaber slashed towards her at an angle that would've been impossible to react to for the average Human saw the Dark Voice merely changing the function in which her elbow turned, in how far her wrist could turn - tendons lengthened, muscles shrank - all in the name of efficiency. Red and violet sparks erupted as their blades clashed but she did not forget about the woman's second weapon, nor could she given the connection to the light that every Jedi possessed. As the two blades came into contact with each other her right foot slid back as she leaned into her lightsaber and pushed forwards with her left, inching it forwards sharply across the ground, but simply applying and shifting her weight was far from the motive behind the shifting in her feet. The forward momentum of her foot and knee wasn't quite so elegant as someone versed in the subtlety of Makashi, it was like the movements of blades and the ones that carried them in a fight; staccato, abrupt.

Just as unpredictable as the explosive shove of telekinetic force that was pushed from her knee and into the woman that pressed the assault against her.

To defend against an obvious attack and preemptively counter one that was presumably on the way was a hallmark of efficiency in the economy of motion during combat, but she had no desire to give her foe the time to breath. As she poured her strength into the lightsaber that clashed against the Jedi's to capitalize on whatever advantage the telekinetic burst might've given her, another limb sprouted beneath the arm that she used to wield that weapon to bolster its strength. The drawback to wielding two weapons was relying on a single arm's strength to operate them with, which was hardly a concern when wielding a weapon that could cut through steel like a hot knife through butter against the average person, but one that was much less difficult to realize when faced against anyone or anything that it could not so easily disarm.

Much like the sparks that played at the tips of her fingers atop her spare hand.

Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Kybo stowed his lightsaber and drew his HG-88 Hand Cannon. Thumbing the ammunition counter, he fired a cluster bomb shotgun round. At this range the pellets and explosions would either hurt the Padawan greviously or force him back, giving Kybo time and space to initiate a re-engagement.

Jasper was unable to ride the high of managing to hit his opponent with the stun round for long. The pirate, though not completely balanced, managed to pull a hand cannon and fire off a cluster grenade. Immediately, the exile lept back to take cover, but one of the pellets was close enough to his chest to throw him back. Jasper’s chest plate absorbed much of the energy, but bits of shrapnel his his cheek and left ear.

Jasper hit the ground a good ten feet away from the pirate, managing to roll himself at least onto one knee. He managed a grin. The exile rose to his feet, preparing for the pirate’s next move, stowing his pistol back in its holster.

“Jeez,” he coughed. “Felt that.”

Jasper’s thoughts went back to Tython. Something had happened that day when fully opened himself to the force. He still didn’t know how it worked, but there was no harm in trying. He thought of what was at stake, the lives on Empress Tetta that hung in the balance. The exile gave his will to the force. Though faint, he began to emanate with a radiant aura.




The muscle and bone of legacy did not immediately attack. Instead, through the same mask he’d worn on Teta the first time — she only recognized it from a glimpse of a ceremonious exchange — he spoke unhurriedly.

Ishida remained braced. The after-effect of her telekinetic push still warred the winds, rolling against the sea breeze into clusters of whirlwinds, like a cold and warm front colliding to make knee-height storms.

'Welcome, Jedi.... Once Shriven I was, but now - you may refer to me as the Bloodhound.'

Silence and a sneer met the politeness of the brute warrior.

'I was sent away before I could catch your name last time, so I ask.... Who honours my blade, on this night of nights?'

The question was stupidly simple.

But she was stupified.

A name? For so long, she’d proudly identified herself as the Scion of Ashina. Heir to Atrisian Steel.

But then she’d realized that was an empire of falsehoods and atrocities on a foundation of men too weak to acknowledge the truth of their own mortality.

"Our tenants and virtues have their merits, but the truth of Ashina is itself, a lie."
Was that who she was? Or was she to cast that aside for someone who she truly admired? And learned from?
"...I never had a daughter... but... I am glad."
"-that my last act... was to save the daughter I never knew I... needed."

Or something, or nothing else, altogether?

having renounced my family name."

Or was it a title, he sought? The Shriven and Bloodhound were merely titles. She’d never achieved her Ashina the superlative name. But the Sith..they’d titled her many times over.

"Ishida, the Cowardly, or perhaps, the Weak."
"The sneaky mouse of Jedha."
Or..Sardun’s final words.

Serve them, lead them. A true leader serves first. My last lesson to you... Lord of Light.

But that still felt wrong. In her eyes, that was still who he was. It felt inappropriate to wear the same words so many used for him.

Despite the sudden incoherence that flashed behind her eyes and the tight pang that shot through her heart, Ishida’s warrior posture never waivered. Any flinch of her stoic expression was concealed by the steady rainfall, and wisps of white hairs that clung to her wet skin.

“You want my name?”

Slightly, she lifted her chin and a tiny curl etched its way to the corner lines of her mouth and deflected her internalization back outward.

“In exchange for your titles?”

Existentialism had no place on the battlefield. Especially not when provoked by a tongue she planned to silence within a few strokes.
She made a sound at the back of her throat, drowned out by the elements that roared in the skies above. Lightning crashed through the silver clouds above, flaring the two scions in half a second of auroral white.

His guard was low, inches above the sand. He’d expect her to go high and take advantage of his wide-open zones.

“That doesn't seem fair.”

Eager to transition from pleasantries to productivity, Ishida moved quickly. In a blink of an eye, her whereabouts changed from the jaw of the skull to right in front of The Bloodhound. Her sabre angled down, with both hands, to keep his blade low to the sands while one foot planted and the other kicked upward to his throat. Crushing his voicebox with her boot might prevent further distracting dialogue.


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How much will you endure?

Location: Empress Teta
Attani Implant:
Tag: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Iris Arani Iris Arani Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

Looking down at the Marauders below, it seemed that they struggled finding their target. The two Jedi hadn't revealed themselves with lightsabers or grandiose displays of the Force yet, so the woman she contacted, as well as the others, were not quite sure who to target. Nyaeli sighed, and reached out to their minds again, this time to project an image of the two Padawans who had stopped near a blown out building.

"These are the Jedi I want dead,"

She hoped that with the image and a little direction through the Force, Spindly and the other marauders would be able to engage. But to be certain of it, Nyaeli jumped down from her position and landed close to them, the hilt of her lightsaber already in her hand. The crimson blade of her corrupted crystal ignited and those hate-filled eyes turned to the Marauders. This time, her words no longed echoed between minds, "If they want their world back, we're going to make each mile cost so much blood that we strike fear back into their hearts."

Nyaeli was far from being at the top of the NSO chain of command, but she could feel and understand the momentum the Alliance and Jedi had now. After their success on Tython, it would only make sense they'd want to avenge the fallen, and for this battle that meant fear wasn't running as rampant through their ranks. So while the Maw would likely struggle maintaining their narrow corridor, it was still crucial to make each Alliance victory as costly as possible.

Nobody could be certain about making it home alive.

"Show them no mercy, Marauders. Tear them apart and I will make sure to keep you protected," she flashed a grin, and reached out to the minds of those around her. This time, she wasn't demoralizing her enemies, but enhancing her allies. Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco and the other marauders would all be able to feel it — it was like a boost of confidence and adrenaline, bolstering their fighting spirit and desire to destroy the Jedi.







Revenant Squadron
Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Open
-Revenant establish
a perimeter and set up comms
  • fuel and supplies arrive
  • Chaar sets overwatch

The Revenant pilots hurried to establish their forward arming and refuelling point. Shar moved to the perimeter of the clearing to deploy sensing-beacons and explosives, the former to detect the enemy and the latter to deal with them. Mylo worked quickly to establish secure comms with the wing commanders above them in the atmosphere and in orbit. It was impressive work for a group who were more accustomed to being in the starfighters rather than supporting them.

Chaar was about to offer a rare word of encouragement when he heard a retching sound over the commlink. He turned to see his second in command scurrying out of sight to empty her stomach contents amid the Empress Tetan ruins.

He shook his head, his look of disappointment hidden behind his helmet. “Someone check on Ten,” he ordered.

Chaar shouldered his carbine and began to clamber up the largest pile of rubble to get a better view of the battlefield. The once immaculate city of Cinnegar had been all but destroyed by the Maw’s invasion and occupation. The iconic boulevards and sweeping architecture were impossible to discern. Recapturing the planet would be a Pyrrhic victory at best. But Revenant would have played their vital part in the mission.

He reached an overwatch position as a trio of shuttles dropped appeared over the horizon, their pilots staying low to the ground to avoid the enemy TIEs. The slow-moving drop ships, laden with cargo, came to a rest near the Revenant pilots. Crewers jumped from the shuttles and hurried to unload industrial camtonos of fuel, energy cells and torpedos. The supplies would be used to refuel and rearm Alliance starfighters fighting above Empress Teta, saving them a long journey back up to the carriers in orbit. The emptied shuttles quickly rose from the clearing amid the rubble and sped away. No one wanted to stay in harm's way down here longer than they had to.

Good. All the better for Revevant's after-action report.
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Sularen's Revenge : Prologue Part II


Sularen gazed upon the massive construct that was Hivebase-1 from the bridge of the FDS Predator. A perfect replica of the original Hivebase-1 built by the Tarkin Initiative, it was first built under orders from former High Regent Derix Tirall shortly after the Destruction of Csilla, to serve as both an Archive Station and a Storehouse for Secret Projects of the Final Dawn. However to this date, the Station had yet to be fully completed, although parts of it were already operational and where already housing vital information and top-secret projects hidden from the preying eyes of the other subgroups of the Maw and known to only a few within the Final Dawn. Now as High Regent, Sularen would have full access to these top-secret projects and be able to utilize them as he saw fit without intervention from the Supreme Ruler or the so-called Wrath of the Maw. These would be his wonder weapons, utilized to change the tides of the Second Great Hyperspace War as he saw fit and assert himself within the Maw itself especially in the face of threats such as Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren and Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood .

However the High Regent's thoughts for his rise to power were cut short as his aide,
Colonel Rackham entered the bridge walking towards the High Regent at a high pace. "You have something for me, Colonel?" Sularen asked, his hands clasped behind his back which in turn was facing the Colonel himself. "Yes sir. I've just received word, that the Galactic Alliance has struck at Empress Teta. The main focus of their attack seems to be the Mawite Worldcraft 'Gehinnom II' and the Tetan Royal Palace where the Keto Family currently resides." the Colonel said. "So they have launched their counterattack, at last. What is the status of our Fleet in orbit?" Sularen asked. "So far nothing has happened. The Alliance Navy has yet to show up, although our Monitor Frigates in the Sector have identified two fleets in proximity of the area outside the System, one belonging to the Silver Jedi the other to the GADF."

Sularen pondered for a while, elaborating on the current situation. "So an attack by GADF and Silver Jedi forces is imminent, yes?" Sularen asked. "Yes, High Regent, and our forces positioned in orbit are comprised of the badly battered remnants of Wraith Squadron which suffered intense casualties at Tython." the Colonel said. After Tython he had stationed Wraith Squadron over Empress Teta withdrawing most of it's heaviest-hitting warships such the Invincibles, the Princeps Mark-IIs and the Prydes further into the Final Dawn-held portion of the Maw Corridor for repairs. The Fleet that laid in orbit of Empress Teta was one that was not meant to come back in one peice, only meant to delay the Alliance attack and inflict as much casualties as possible before the inevitable defeat. "Good. Let them throw themselves at our forces at Empress Teta. We'll deal as much casualties as possible and then fully withdraw from the System with what we can. Should be enough to buy us more time to finish the re-organization of our forces." Sularen said.

Once the High Regent's planned re-organization of the Final Dawn Navy was complete, he would be in a position to wage war against the Galactic Alliance on his own terms and bring the fight to them once more. Sularen's great resurgence had finally begun. He had a new throne, a powerful armada and now was in the perfect position to claim his rightful place in the stars, ready to truly enact his revenge against his enemies once and for all. What happened at Empress Teta would be nothing more but a little prologue to what he had planned for the Alliance and this time there would be no setbacks, no delays. He would rise no matter who stood in his way. Glory to the Final Dawn. the High Regent.

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