Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

Alicio managed to block Ishani's retaliatory swing after piercing her wing, but the force behind the blow nearly knocked the weapon from his hands. He managed to hold on, setting his jaw and feeling the pressure of the Force across his body, as he continued the back-and-forth

Her laissez-faire response was met by a mounting coldness in the Count's expression. A mask, as he tried to outwardly hide his emotions, even as he used them to fuel his own power. His movements grew sharper, quicker, less cautious. As Ishani pointed her sword at him, he faced it with a rage in his eyes, ready to parry whatever strike she would concoct.

He hadn't expected to be thrown out of the alley.

Alicio landed on the ground hard, rolling with the momentum, scraping skin off of his knuckles, his knees, his cheek. It was another miracle that he held onto Introspect, clambering to his feet with a host of new wounds across his body. Alicio's face grew a snarl, as he embraced the pain.

It was a gentler sort than what he felt inside.

"Listen to yourself! Are you trying to make me hate you, Ishani?!" Alicio's cold broke, replaced by boiling, heartbroken, betrayed rage. "Is that what you want?! Because it's working!"

Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

She was surprised that the spear managed to take on her blade, and the man's strength was more than she had expected. Grunting, she pressed her saber forth, attempting to not give ground as she allowed the Force into her, hunger met with satiate. Eyes steaded on the man, taking in his hate, his form, his weapon. They were polor opposites. He was an embodiement of everything she had feared to become, but it was now that Mi'la could see that she did have a choice in this. She didn't need to end up like him. There was a way forward, that did not result in the destruction of all she held dear. And that allowed her to finally absolve herself of the fear that lingered at the back of her mind.

Her lavender blade caught on the fork of the man's weapon, the two opposites colliding. She felt that power within her, her senses more aware, acute of several others now. It was beyond what Mi'la had felt before, as through Amani Serys Amani Serys and Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , she felt as if they were with her in this moment. Though she couldn't assist the padawan in his duel, she felt he was keeping steady; hopefully that would stay true.

It was an odd sensation, but a powerful one all the same. She did not merely stand alone against this maw, the maw now stood against her, and those she had connected with. The man was right however, there had been a void within her, there still was. But where he had tried to fill it with death, and torture, and destruction, she had filled it with compassion, generosity, and life. She did not know what her truth was in this galaxy, what she represented, but it was nothing like what stood before her.

She was not to be a destroyer of worlds. Not today, but perhaps, she could be a defender for just this moment.

"" She grunted, blade struggling against the living corpse before her, her second blade moved, striking at the top shaft of the weapon as she attempted to shove the weapon away to side. Turning with the motion of her blade, Mi'la cartwheeled over the spear, bringing her legs up and over the weapon as she attempted to kick the man across the face, and if successful, she would follow through with a force push, trying in vain to undermine his stance. She felt revitalized, whether from the clothing she wore, or the understanding she now had. It made no difference. She would try her damnedest to match this man blow for blow, or die trying.

Hopefully dying wasn't in the cards this day.
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Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Before he had time to make an attack of his own, his opponent (who had decided it was important to share his chosen profession of pirate) brought down his blade in an overhead strike. The man was physically strong, something Jasper was well to take note of when he deflected the blow, sliding back ever so slightly. Makashi was out of the picture. Jasper knew all to well that unless he really threw his weight around, something he couldn't exactly do, Form II struggled against brute strength. As for his opponent, the exile could make a few guesses. Djem So was an easy first guess. The overhead strike was a staple of the form. He couldn't rule out a strength orientation of Makashi either. Jasper resolved to wait a bit longer.

"I was just making an observation," Jasper replied to the pirate as he reoriented himself. "No need to get heated."

Now he could make his move. Jasper went for a simple strike, nothing too out of the ordinary for Form I. If he could remain conservative in the battle, he could find an opening to turn it in his favor. Of course, he knew he couldn't play defensive forever. All would be determined by time.

Haven’t you been listening?

Ishani glided out of the alley, her wounded wings unable to gain much more altitude than a few feet above the ground. She landed somewhere in front of him, not too close, but facing her opponent.

I don’t give a damn anymore what you or anyone else thinks of me. Hate me all you want, I’m sure I deserve it from your point of view.” Her eyebrows rose, and she found herself pitying him. “You never really knew me.

She even felt sorry for his lack of skill. Ishani was by no means a good fighter, but Alicio was evidently even worse off in that department. Bloody and bruised, he tried to appear furious, but he just looked like he was on the verge of weeping.

Go home, Alicio,” she said. Her free hand drifted toward the pouch hanging from her belt, fingers dipping inside and grabbing a handful of sand. “You don’t belong here in this place of death.

She tossed the sand toward his face.


Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The Force User attempted to continue the chaos around them and destroying the lives of nobodies, collateral that could be easily replaced should the Sith ever need minions such as them. Instead Wallgof saw the temporary break in the man, the slip, it did not last forever but it was enough. Enough for the Sith Lord to move onto his next step and guarantee that he would crush his opponent for thinking that he could underestimate and distract himself with meaningless beings flying their ships. Dominate Mind was the one power that Naga Sadow had instilled into Wallgof to the maximum and he could use it artfully here. Reaching forward, he penetrating the mind of the hulking man, it was impressive mind and much more resilient than one could have thought from observing outside but it was not impossible to penetrate with his skills.

He started to twist the senses, forcing the man to see the broken body of the Jedi Knight, it was still breathing, moving. The body twisted the head and in the vacant eyes pain and pleas for help screamed out to Caltin. Wallgof was only just starting, he continued to apply the pressures, allowing Caltin to hear the cries of children, of Jedi dying, the pleas and condemnation of Caltin for failing them. Wallgof was able to control what the Force User could currently see and hear, dominating the senses with faux imagery that was going to pile on and attempt to overwhelm him with the failings because no matter how many minions this man took out, how bored he felt in this duel. Wallgof was delaying him, holding him back and for this man, that meant others were suffering, necessarily dying.

It didn't matter for Wallgof, the whole world could burn and no one survived bar Wallgof and Naga. Clenching his fist as he attempted to deepen his domination of the mind. Warping the reality of world around Caltin, now there were dozens of Wallgof, surrounding the Force Master. He was aiming for Caltin to lose track of where he was, which one was real and demonstrate that there was a real concern for the safety of the man before Wallgof. The Sith Lord might not be the greatest fighter of all time, he was still very proficient when Naga took charge, his skills of the mind and abilities to drive others crazy was what had caught Naga's attention.

"You seem to think that I wanted to duel with Lightsabers, that we would be engaging in a fight that suited to your strengths. But I battle the mind. I am here and moving forward, I am going to make sure that you never forget the name of Darth Wallgof. I shall haunt your mind forever, Caltin Vanagor, man out of time." The Sith Lord's voice was coming from a dozen different sources, he was also revealing that he read the mind, the memories and was already knowing the Force Master. More time he spent, the more information he was aiming to gleam.


Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Maw/ Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Despite the sheer force that Kyrel was barring down on his adversary, he was still not up to full strength. The Hunger was a weapon not easily satisfied, in order to fully hone it, it had to feed constantly from Kyrel, drawing strength from the Wound. However, this didn’t stop the undead juggernaut in showing her who he was.
He focused on pressing the full might of the spear against her blades, the spear glowing bright orange as it seemed unaffected by the simplicity of lightsabers. He used what he knew all best his entire life, brute strength to utterly crush his foes.

He didn’t respond to her quip, studying her as her saber met the very staff of the spear, or the blade, the lock creating flashes of crimson light the longer her blades remained on the agitated weapon. As he studied her with his own eyes, he only saw a path that was too late, perhaps another reality, another life he would have been like her. Now all that stood before her was the Wrath that strives to be the World Eater. He desired to devour the galaxy and even the Force itself for the wrongs it has committed against him.

He remained stonewalled, slowly starting to push back against her. She struggled with his strength, with how strong the Hunger it was, it had indeed functioned closely to an extended reach of his arm. Before he could press his attack, he felt something odd within her. She was connected deep, while he had was his drive, his hunger to keep him going. As he was about to strike, she brought about her second blade to bat away against the shaft of the blade. He was not fast enough, and soon she cartwheeled above his blade, the kick to his face knocking him back.

He stumbled quickly, and she followed with a force push. It sent him staggering, but quickly regained his footing by placing his hand above the ground, using the Force to keep himself standing. He growled, giving her his signature scowl beneath the death mask. This one was bold, if she couldn’t be killed today, perhaps she could be turned as in a twisted way she was his only relation in the Force. Another one that had been warped, and still didn’t go deep into the abyss as he had.

Moving his hands to raise the spear up, holding it out to extend his reach. He moved with power, as he launched a semi circular swing from above, attempting to strike from her head. As the spear used to his advantage, he moved swiftly to close the gap, with a boost from the Hunger, he launched himself in another attempt if the first stage of his sequence completed, he would land a heavy fist crashing against her stomach to send her flying against the wall.
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“The definition of ‘insanity’ is to repeat the same action only to expect a different result.” ― Albert Einstein

There was indeed a “slip”, but that is all it was, and all this Wallgof would get. It turned out to be all the Sith would need to get into the massive Jedi Master’s mind, somehow. It was somehow effective which actually caught more of Caltin’s attention than the horrific images that were put into his mind. It’s not that Wallgof was not successful, he was, more than he was being given credit for up to that point and the images were horrific, but for all of his bluster he does not seem to understand or fathom in his mind that the big man might have seen things in his time.

Sure, he looked through everything, knowing full well that this was not real, none of it. It was hard not to take pause in what he was seeing, but the massive Jedi Master was Iron willed in the fact that he was not going to fail those who were here to be liberated. Then the fool began to speak again, continually professing his superiority, it was then that Caltin showed his own and shut the Sith out. Not in merely blocking his mind, no that was just an inspiration for the Sith to go further. No, Caltin was simply going to focus on the looks on the faces of all of the Sith to whom he’d defeated in the past. All of their talk, all of their arrogance washed away by the very blade he was carrying.

That helmet of his was going to have to go. It was time to start playing with his toys, this metal was unique, it did not crinkle the way durasteel did… or really any metal. It was Beskar… He could crumple it, but that would be too easy to stop. Simply enveloping the mask in electrical energy that acted like “Force Levitate'' and “yanking” it would indeed fail. It was supposed to. There was a reason for this that would be revealed later.

Your mistake is, you fight for yourself here. Your hubris, your personal ambition… I fight for those who can’t, an entire planet. You’re right… I am a “man out of time…” a history lesson for you… Empress Teta, before we are done will repeat the history of the Empress herself when she aligned with the Jedi against Naga Sadow….


Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Amidst the discharges of Force energy, the brutal clash of blades, the explosions and the gunfire, Elpsis perceived a Force presence that was very familiar to her. Her eyes narrowed. Got a Sith to deal with Secure the area. Kill the scum, she broadcast to her Spire. The senior sergeant, Vagt and Hazani could be trusted. They'd spare none, if they succeeded, though that was very much up in the air.

And so Elpsis detached herself from the group, focusing her mind. The dark aura of the Sith, emanating from the other corridor, was unmistakeable. As was hers. Her armour was not very stealthy, after all. Elpsis did not need to manipulate the molecules in the air to summon fire. Or require favourable environmental conditions. Granted, the latter made it easier. It obviously required significantly less energy to manifest blazing flames on Mustafar than on Hoth. But the point was that the power was inside of her. An inner flame, rather than an external power source. Power came from the breath, as a Qadiri fire mage had once told her.

And so the moment she caught sight of him her will summoned a powerful, incandescent wave of flame and sent it sweeping across the corridor towards the Sith Lord. Rather than remain idle while blazing heat filled the hall, Elpsis advanced, lightsabre in hand as she walked through the fire.
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Objective: Infiltrate Empress Teta
Location: Capital city
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Lord Odion
Attire: hoody and Jeans
Silas felt his master's hand pat him on the head as well as a word of confidence going into the battle. Kahlil was right, no matter how much they threw back at them they'd find a way to win, and return Empress Teta to its rightful owners. Doing so would send the Maw into a full scale retreat, as well as send them packing back to their own sorry borders.

Although, he seemed to question the padawan's behavior. Master Kahlil had a keen eye and easily noticed when his own student was off the ball. Silas looked back at him nervously and stayed silent for a few moments, his stare far fetched "Uh..., I'm just a bit under the weather today Master. I didn't get any sleep last night either." the boy lied as he casually turned his body and looked up to his master with a slight frown.

"I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me. Come on, let's just get moving." he stated as he tried to push past the giant towards the front entrance of the apartment, trying to get as far away as possible from the scenario.


Location: Cinnegar
Objective: III - Ashes to Ashes
Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo


The newly conquered world of Empress Teta; or Cinnegar, as it had been ‘rightfully renamed’ according to the Krath, had been a haven for Saevius and his ilk. The unfortunate inhabitants of the once noble world of the Galactic Alliance had been reduced to little more than cattle - forced to run as the denizens of the Maw sought them out to affect all manner of indignities upon them; whether it was as pleasure slaves by the more indulgent lords and ladies of the New Sith Order, as conscripts for the Final Dawn, or as literal food for the likes of the Kragamond Wartribe or the Knights of Ren.

Saevius, on the other hand, had a wholly unique purpose for those he brought under his influence. He felt so close to achieving his goal; of transcending his metallic form to inhabit that of another. To feel again, to taste. To feel pleasure.

To feel pain.

It had been quite a long time since he had felt even pain. The wonders of modern technology had stolen such a sensation from him - all sensations in fact. How could he be the master of the physical realm while being reduced to an existence within a metallic husk full of servos and gears?

He was of course being a tad simplistic. His new ‘body’ was a masterwork of Sith Alchemy, forged by the greatest craftsmen the Maw had to offer. Despite the advantages his body afforded him, he couldn’t help but feel disgust at the very thought that he required its masterful improvements to live and, quite ironically, breathe. He couldn’t feel pain, but he still had to breathe, and could feel it if his synthetic lungs suffered a slight lapse in synchronization down to the millisecond.

That was the extent of his sensations.

At least he had his emotions, which fueled his power evermoreso down to this day. He had seethed with rage in the months following that fateful day on Noris. He had poured out his soul into pure malevolence when he faced the sister of the woman who had done this to him on Tython.

And now, he felt a hunger as he regarded the slaves penned up by his outpost within the embattled city. They would serve as little more than ‘batteries’ for his attempts to crack the puzzle. He would eventually restore himself to a body of flesh and blood, or die trying.

It would seem the force would once again shine upon him in bitter irony, as the Galactic Alliance felt intent on seeing his death become a reality with the invasion of Empress Teta. Reports had begun to funnel in of forces descending upon the construct hovering over the massive city, as well as from the ships docked above as the GA fleet began to emerge.

If his face could demonstrate any real expression other than the deadpan impassiveness his face had been wrought with in perpetuity, he would have shown a strong level of annoyance. He drew upon the force to call his lightsaber to his grasp as he turned to one of his servants.
“Secure the slaves, and put the legion on high alert.” His metallic voice relayed his orders with a slight character to it, bearing the faintest touch of his former accent and tone. He briefly counted yet another blessing in such a fact as he reached out with the force, searching to see if his suspicions held any merit. He couldn’t quite place it, but he had marshaled the force for long enough to know that when there was smoke...

There was fire.


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2nd post






Beskar Brodie-Helm

Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia

Rusty Old Fairbairn



Darth Mori Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Saevius Darth Saevius



Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa




I think this could be the one my Mentor fought before.

The only contingent dropping with direction - and intent.

The skull carving had worked, the recognition was there for the GADF dropships as their pilots gazed on the sands below, but it was those bearing New Jedi Order insignias of which had been the first to steepen their descent-trajectories. Like proverbial sharks chomping on a river-boat's bait; not just there to wrestle with the fishermen at the other end, but to bring the damned boat crashing down and into the water with them. The Galactic Alliance had returned, only this time, they'd be hungrier for victory than ever before.


With the coastal winds dragging more rain and seawater in, the storm itself would add to the awakening feeling, washing the calm and the dreaminess away for the clean, conscious thrill. A picture-perfect moment the Warlord would never forget, and none of the Scar Hounds' opposition had even made landfall yet, making it all feel like gazing into the deeps of a canyon, with the grand scale of it all bearing attributes akin to bright, near-blinding majesty. But one was dropping lower than all the others, screeching on it's way down on a crash course for the grassy hillocks behind him, landing at speed as was known for the technological advantages the GA held over the Maw; but someone had jumped out of the dropship from several hundred metres in the air, creating their own ball of fire as the little white flame careened their way down to the beach, then taking out the sandy skull from the teeth of the lower jawline with a deep-thudding shockwave.

Expanding with bright, telekinetic energy from the flashpoint that the Warlord's Brodie-Helm was tilted back and cast to the crown of his head, momentarily revealing his auburn hair before Thomas pulled it back over in his toe-digging boots' resistance to it, there would be no reason for Barran to believe he hadn't come to the right place, especially not after an entrance like that. But when the Atrisian Jedi straightened her posture to scan the horizon for marauders, the one-eyed Woad knew that ever decision made was correct; to facilitate a duel of this magnitude by enticing his mentor's enemies, to draw in the sand an insignia he knew the Jedi would remember, it was all the Bloodhound could do just to keep himself from giving in to gleeful mirth. And when the the Katana-lightsabre whooshed into life, it seemed like destiny was clicking every last puzzle-piece into place on Empress Teta, arranging the greatest duels of the galaxy in the hopes it made for good entertainment.

'Welcome, Jedi.... Once Shriven I was, but now - you may refer to me as the Bloodhound.'

Then, during a brief silence, Barran bowed his head graciously, lifting head and posture to salute with his blade before casting it down with a slashing swipe to set his opening stance, a forward-leaning low guard - a risky fighting form to adopt against such an accomplished opponent.

But nothing worthwhile was ever meant to be easy.

'I was sent away before I could catch your name last time, so I ask.... Who honours my blade, on this night of nights?'



Location: Empress Teta
Equipment: Traveling Garments, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Jax knew that Dreidi never cared for him, she never respected Jax but that was okay. All Jax wanted to do was to connect with Dreidi and show her a different side of the Jedi considering that Yuroic's death had made her cynical about the Jedi and Jairdain Jairdain . "No Dreidi," Jax said when she questioned that he shouldn't be here. "I need to take care of this on my own. The Sith Lord I'm about to face is beyond your ability."

"Beyond my ability really." Jax thought. "You will die and painfully, right now you need to go assist the Jedi in evacuating the people here."

The Jedi Master turned to the large building, Carnifex's voice still whispering in his mind. "This is not your fight."

"Now is the time of monsters."

Jax stumbled back hearing Carnifex's words, part of him wanted to reach for his Lightsaber and try to attack the best known as his father. But he knew it would be pointless. His legs were like melted ice it was tough to climb the stairs towards Carnifex. Yet the Jedi Master was fueled by the Force, he is afraid but with the Force as his ally he had a fighting chance.

"But of course, I can't forget about Dreidi that stubborn son of a-"

Jax locked his eye with Dredi's. "You can come with me." Jax said sternly. "But If anything happens to me, run do you understand that? I'm not going to repeat myself. We are going to face Carnifex: The Worm Emperor."

Jax gulped, now he wished that he told Dreidi the truth. "And my father," Jax looked away and began to climb up the stairs, Carnifex was in sight of him waiting for Jax to embrace his destiny.

"The only monster I see is you." Jax yelled. "After what you tried to do at Tython, after what you did at Empress Teta. What you did to me! There's no shred of humanity within you Carnifex. Just a twisted abomination, a wound in the Force! And your son!"

The Jedi Master clenched his fists. "CARNIFEX!" Jax bellowed. "I will free myself from your grasp!"


Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Empress Teta, Resistance Hide-out
Action: Prepare Attack on the Royal Palace, Meet with Alliance Defense Military Operators


The situation seemed to improve for the Alliance in their attempts to liberate Teta from the Maw’s clutches. She looked over the data-slate with several new reports that her brother had sent to her. It was clear they would need to be diligent to make sure the planet was free from all Maw forces. But at the moment, breaking the dominant Maw command structure would be enough to keep the Maw from organizing into any large offensives against the Alliance. Ariana saw one of her guards gesturing with his hand and she turned around to face a new group. More Alliance soldiers and operators had made it onto the surface, but as the soldier bowed she returned a short head bow.

“No need to call me Lady, until we liberate Teta we are all without titles.”
She commented, the situation was grim for those left behind on Teta, and too few Noble Families were unwilling to help.

“We have enough supplies here for an entire battalion of soldiers, so don’t feel frugal about resupplying yourself or your men.” She explained quickly to the Alliance Soldier who removed his helmet.

“Once we get everyone situated our plan of attack is to commence strike deep into the palace and secure the rear entrances and stop any Maw Hostiles from escaping should the frontal assault of the Palace push them to think about running away.” Ariana added.

She wanted a far less deadly attack for her type of compatriots, none were trained for open assaults or battlefields. And thus this type of plan was formed for those that fall under her rather loose command. A secure and hold operation, while no less dangerous, a defensive position would prove valuable to the group of once guards or civilians turned militia fighters.

“Of course once the bulk of our soldiers make a defensive stronghold to repel any potential retreating Maw forces, or even possible Maw reinforcements from the rear, we can push further deeper into the palace to begin a search and destroy operations.” Ariana spoke with a sense of uncertainty with her own plan. Her father often explained how the only certainty they can control are one's own actions. First actions that is, then after we're forced to react and chance to what the enemies do in response.

Gesturing for the other Noblewoman and Alliance soldier to offer their insight or even questions, “-I am unaware of any other side missions that you may be assigned, but I promise I shall offer my full assistance as Ariana Du Couteau. My family has sacrificed plenty, but are more than willing to sacrifice further.” Ariana added as she clasped her right fist into her left palm as a sign of respect.


|| Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat ||
Tags: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Darth Sorn Darth Sorn

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Her brow furrowed and a scowl developed on her lips as Aaran refused to die. Surely the lack of a beating heart would kill most Jedi, but not this one. How stubborn of him.

You have become stronger, Aaran. Impressive indeed. I will relish your destruction all the more.

When he used her former name, Via, it illicited no reaction. Via was dead, and had been for years. Maestus remained, more powerful and free than Via could have ever been. Via was gone.

Still employing Morichro, Maestus decided to switch organs. The Force, the only possible explanation for Aaran's still living, was truly impressive. It kept his blood pumping despite the lack of a beating heart. would it handle lungs not working?

She moved her hand slightly, and commanded the Dark Side to do her bidding once more. She stretched out with the Force, and wrapped it around Aaran's right lung, the larger of the 2 organs. Focusing, she willed the Dark Side to crush the lung, hopefully hampering his ability to function.

She spared a glance at Sorn.

Use the Dark Side. Sabers have precious little effect on him. Amd he's right, you realize. If we dont get together on this, it's going to end badly for us. And I, for one, am not prepared to die just yet.

TAG Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze


She took a sharp breath of air, tension binding her body for just a moment before she released, exhaling as the sensation flowed downwards, towards her feet.

She had tasted it—the spark of the memory, the echo of the past that she would draw upon.

No matter what he said or did, even the strongest minds would betray you in the end. He had thought on something, even briefly.

It was painful. Even better.

A flash. Places. Ossus. The slaying of an innocent. Ziost. Young boys. 157. Older men. Betrayal. The missing piece. Relief. The slaying of an innocent. No peace. Mistakes. Love. Heartache. The slaying of an innocent…

The slaying of an innocent.


Donne recoiled momentarily. It seemed almost unfair.


Donne took a cautious step, sure to remain calm and unthreatening. She took in the visage of the hall, glorious and stoic, defiant to the carnage that would be raging above and about it.

She looked at her opponent once again and spoke very deliberately.

“When you killed her, did she die in your arms?”

Where Did That Get You?

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom | Anonymous
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Help the Maw forces with intelligence information | Continue to rebuild the mental defences and the mind palace.
Location: Capital City, Empress Teta
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Special tags: The Manifold The Manifold (as Kallan) ? | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Mercy ~
I don’t think it helped me and, in my mood, much that the command tent was in exactly that place. At the place where I sat down after my latest task here and looked at the city. I watched the road and waited for him to come after he said yes to my offer. As he finally showed up and approached me. In reality, he couldn’t smile, but at home, in our connected minds, he smiled at me as he approached. My hands clenched into fists from the pain caused by the memories. It hurt, I was desperate, lost and alone.

They say time will solve and heal everything. However, there are wounds that never heal, no matter how long we wait. Mine will be similar. They can only be healed if I get the other half of my soul back. If I'm there with him in the afterlife. Forever. Even Kallan agreed with me on this question, which was surprising.

I tried to pay attention to the data to work on them. But I failed. In just a few moments, I was paying attention to other things. Every moment he came to my mind. My husband. If he had listened to me and run away after the first battle here, all four of us would have been happy. True, the kids wouldn’t be a "problem" yet, but if everything had happened the way it was in that life, they would have happened within a few years. And then Kallan and Keilara could live separately. Not like this, not like currently.

Everyone would be happier and I wouldn’t have to worry that… doesn’t matter.

I had to agree with Kallan that Asher would probably be very sad if he saw me that way. But he knew what would happen if he left me, if he died. He knew I had told him the truth. That I will never be happy, that I will seek death, and of course that I will try to kill everyone who has anything to do with what happened to him. I felt warmth on my hand. More tears. I slapped the table angrily. I wanted to sob, but I couldn't let this afford to myself.

I saw everyone turning away rather than watching me in the weak moments. Right, at least they knew I would have killed them, as Asher did, so as not to come to light his or my weakness. Around Barran, a Jedi appeared… oh! She was Asher's opponent here last time. And the next moment, a surprising thing happened that made me unable to send a message to Thomas.

"If I think well, are you Agent Dyarron?" a man's voice came from behind me.


~ Keilara ~
Finally, I pressed the doorknob and opened the door. Outside, I was really greeted by conditions like I expected. Cold. I left the house and closed the door behind me. I reached into the snow, it was cold and wet. I smiled involuntarily; with a wide grin. I don’t know why, but I really liked it. I had to suppress the urge to run back to Kallan. I don't know if he would like it. But unfortunately, my duties were ahead.

I couldn’t remember if I had ever seen snow or just remembered it from the memories of Ziare or Mercy. Or from Freedom's memories. Freedom must have seen it, but I'm not so sure about the others. Oh! But, even on Tython, when Asher died, it was already snowing in the end. True, none of us sensed too much of it. I got worse for a moment. I wish it hadn’t had a big impact on me, but it had an impact.

Like everything Mercy did or felt. I couldn’t completely separate myself from her yet, as she had done before, before Tython. I know it couldn’t be rushed, and also that it’s going to get better every day. But at least here in my mind I was able to move quite easily. It was a moment to get from one place to another. It hasn't been this easy before. I think if the mind palace recovers, I will still be able to leave this protected area and can visit the entire mind, as will Kallan.

Although it was the most beautiful and best part of our common mind. Only the "walls" at the edges were now full of holes, rifts through which an attack could enter this area. Kallan and I are working to fix these. These injuries occurred when Mercy suffered multiple strokes when Asher was injured and died.

I sighed; we always arrive back to him. I shook my head, and the next moment I was at the part where the biggest gap was in the "wall." Even here I could feel the cold and winter weather. I was hoping we wouldn’t stay on the Empress Teta much, apparently this place wasn’t good for Mercy. And now she would have needed peace because of the children.

And she would need peace of mind for a full recovery as well…



Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Now he could make his move. Jasper went for a simple strike, nothing too out of the ordinary for Form I. If he could remain conservative in the battle, he could find an opening to turn it in his favor.
Seeing Kyrel and the Twi'lek evenly matched, Kybo continued his attack against Jasper. If he could remove the young Jedi from the fight, it would be two on one.

The Jedi retreated, moving out of the overhead attack and Kybo's follow-up strikes, reverting to standard probing strikes. Kybo knew he had the height and reach advantage. If the Padawan wanted to hold back, then Kybo was happy to oblige and continue his momentum.

He continued forward, Makashi jabs mixed with Ataru swipes from different angles. He listened to the call of the Shadow, letting it open up his movements, one moment whirling to one side of the Padawan for a full rotational strike, then one moment followed up by precise stabs and reversing his movement. He moved more fluidly and faster than his large frame implied, flowing with the attacks. His aim was not to strike a decisive blow. No, all this was to herd the Padawan closer to the edge of the platform they were on, cutting off the Jedi's retreat options with a continual offensive that kept shifting directions. The smaller the space he could work with, the more pressure Kybo would be putting on him.

Ashes to Ashes

Sergeant Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
GADF Army Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: Point of Interest ██-██, Outer Palace Canal Network, Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Objective: Link up with Resistance
Equipment: Marine Armour, Custom type, DC/02 Blaster Carbine, 2x DC/04 Blaster Pistols, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

“No need to call me Lady, until we liberate Teta we are all without titles.” She commented, the situation was grim for those left behind on Teta, and too few Noble Families were unwilling to help.

“We have enough supplies here for an entire battalion of soldiers, so don’t feel frugal about resupplying yourself or your men.” She explained quickly to the Alliance Soldier who removed his helmet.

“Once we get everyone situated our plan of attack is to commence strike deep into the palace and secure the rear entrances and stop any Maw Hostiles from escaping should the frontal assault of the Palace push them to think about running away.” Ariana added.
Rusty nodded, gesturing for the other agents to resupply their small arms. Most of them went to the nearest weapons stores, but Skinner and Chatal remained by Rusty's side.

"Thank you. Once we're done with basic resup we'll begin handing out the heavy munitions and anti-Sith weaponry in our supplies to your soldiers. I believe Lady Carmina here brought in instructions on the use of those weapons."

Carmina nodded.

"We've been training on dummy Harbinger Launchers and Reaper Chainblasters ever since we received the info drop, but it would be great to have an hour or so to handle the real things."

"The other royal guards are also raring to get their hands on the Sohei Electro-Vibroswordss for melee combat against the Sith. Can't wait to split some skulls," Serjeant Wosal gave a grim smile.

Rusty popped open one o the crates. "We also have some VB-113 "Tidefall" Vibroblades and Inferos-class Disruptor Rifles. Take care of these, they're powerful and valuable."

“Of course once the bulk of our soldiers make a defensive stronghold to repel any potential retreating Maw forces, or even possible Maw reinforcements from the rear, we can push further deeper into the palace to begin a search and destroy operations.” Ariana spoke with a sense of uncertainty with her own plan.
Rusty nodded.

"Search and destroy... the weapons will be useful, but with extended operations, mobile defensive options like the Vishnu Military Shields will ensure hunting packs remain alive to chase down the enemy. It's in that crate. And don't forget the 01x Null Grenades. With precise application of those, you could maintain control of the urban fighting in the palace with half the numbers of the enemy. Oh, speaking of that!"

Rusty jogged over to the largest crate, prising it open. The sides fell away to reveal several racks of weapons. While half were rag-tag second-hand donations from private citizens, the other half...

"Courtesy of the Alliance's citizens and private interests." He gave a wry smile. He patted the second half of weapons, racks of pristinely manufactured small-arms bearing the same company logo: NAKAIOMA.

"This here is a Kenshi Smart Blaster Rifle. Assists in aiming, easy ergonomics and small recoil. If you have runners, Lady Du Couteau, spread these out to your contacts in the city. For holding down long-range choke points, hand these Hayabusas out to your sharpest shooters. These Blaster Repeaters are light, small and reliable. Perfect for close-quarters engagement. Of course," Ronval dragged the SLAM Launcher away from the crate, still in its shipment tube casing. "Is the big one. I think keep it with your most reliable guy. Ah, these!" Ronval patted the R14 Kaitai Combat Shotguns. "Perfect against Mawites with lightsabers. Completely blows them away. Literally. And speaking of explosions, hand these out like candy," he pointed at the sealed bag of dozens of Konīde 10 Plasma Detonators.

Gesturing for the other Noblewoman and Alliance soldier to offer their insight or even questions, “-I am unaware of any other side missions that you may be assigned, but I promise I shall offer my full assistance as Ariana Du Couteau. My family has sacrificed plenty, but are more than willing to sacrifice further.” Ariana added as she clasped her right fist into her left palm as a sign of respect.
"Thank you, Miss Du Couteau. You have risked and given much for the Alliance already, and it's time we repaid the favour. I will not ask more of your help for our other objectives unless directly relevant with your plan to attack the palace. As long as any Sith our combined forces come across are put into the dirt for good, we're all set."

Taking it as their cue, Skinner and Chatal left to go unpack the heavy weapons. The other agents were already giving quick crash courses to the resistance soldiers huddled around them. Rusty turned back to Ariana.

"Miss Du Couteau, we are maintaining strict broadcast silence from our end until we hear word from above when the groundside attack commences. So until then, I suggest any resistance contacts you have in the city get ready before the Army arrives. As to here, we should be able to finish crash course and distribution within the half-hour."

Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau

Courtesy of here, permission proof here, purchase proof here
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Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

You never really knew me.

"... Fine. I believe you."

Alicio had hoped that Ishani was just trying to push him away. That maybe he could provoke her into feeling some of the pain he did. But she remained detached. She didn't care about him, not enough to care about what he said. She was willing, no, eager to murder families of refugees to attain nebulous power.

Calabiyau. The lessons. The mermaid. Sharing pictures of her children. That Ishani didn't exist. It never did.

That realization blinded Alicio to everything but the Dark.

The immediate future was laid out before the Organa, more clearly than he had ever viewed it before. He saw the sand flying through the air before Ishani had even reached for her bag. His response was precise. Three moves.

With dexterous footwork, Alicio ducked around the cloud of sand, grasping the shoulder of his cloak. Spinning, he ripped the cape off, and flung it at Ishani, so that it billowed between them, obscuring his form. Finally, with the overwhelming hate of realizing Ishani's true nature guiding him, he plunged Introspect through the cloak, aiming for center mass.

In that moment, he wasn't even thinking about the refugees. He just wanted her to stop.
Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

He continued forward, Makashi jabs mixed with Ataru swipes from different angles. He listened to the call of the Shadow, letting it open up his movements, one moment whirling to one side of the Padawan for a full rotational strike, then one moment followed up by precise stabs and reversing his movement.

Jasper’s opponent made his move, utilizing Makashi jabs and Ataru strikes in an effort to push the exile back towards the edge of the platform. Despite his larger frame, he moved with a surprising amount of grace and calculation. No doubt, the pirate was an experienced duelist.

This was good enough for the exile. Jasper’s style flipped on a dime, holding his ground to parry the incoming blows, switching between the Shien reverse grip as he did so. Following this, the exile began his own offensive, utilizing the more aggressive Djem So strikes mixed with the calculated jabs of Makashi, all while changing the orientation of his grip to best suit his needs.

Jasper may have been young, but he was more prepared for a duel than a first glance would indicate. The exile had trained extensively in lightsaber combat to keep up with his more force sensitive peers. It may not have been enough to get him the attention of a master, but it would certainly see him through this, so long as he kept his focus.

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