Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta


Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

For one sick, twisted moment, Alicio felt accomplished.

His blade plunged through the cloth, and stuck something on the other side. A grim sort of success flashed across his face. Alicio had done it! He'd...

What did I just do?

Both cape and Ishani fell off of his lightasber, the smell of burnt flesh scorching his nostrils. The Count held his pose for a second too long, his anger gradually being torn down and replaced by muted shock. His lightsaber fell from his hands, clattering uselessly to the ground. Alicio's mind closed itself off from the future, being flooded by panicked white noise.

"No..." The word was a whisper, a rumble half-formed in the back of his throat. He crashed to his knees next to the covered form of his former friend, his disbelief bubbling up from deep inside. "No-nononononononono..."

The Alderaanian reached a hand out, placing it on what exposed skin there was, feeling the pressure of the Force squeeze his body as he called on it. He reigned it in, attempting to heal Ishani, in the way that she had taught him. But as bad of a duelist as he was, he was a worse healer. It was hopeless.

He tried anyways. As spent and tired as he was, he poured all of himself into the healing, wishing to take back his killing blow.

"Hold on. Y-you'll be alright. I swear."



Aboard Gehinnom II



Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan

Equipment in bio.



Just like on Imynusoph, it was a tense struggle between the Witch and the Blasphemer.

His telekinetic push slammed sideways across the body of Elpsis; however, just like on that faraway planet, her cybernetics gave her an edge… An edge that Ptolemis understood came at a great cost, but proved incredibly useful all the same. As he looked at the Fire Witch, he wondered if flesh is a gift of malleability, or a hindrance of softness. Mirroring the direction of the ominous Sith Lord's sweeping arm movement, sparks flew as her mechanical heel screeched across the metal flooring, carving a dent through the dense material. But she took it, as the Sith expected she would. She was a unique foe. Unlike the Jedi. He knew that only his lordship over the Force could combat her skills truly.

Then she advanced with crossguard saber ignited, stepping over decaying embers of molten debris. Both of their sabers alive and burning, the Masked Sith awaited the descent of her long saber solemnly, without a single word. Both hands gripping the hilt firmly.

A forebodingly quiet, sleek whirr preceded the roaring fury of her cybernetic arm's kinetic output as it swung her saber downward, resulting in already her first strike ruthlessly testing the frail limitations of the mere meat and bone that made up Ptolemis' arms. The Masked one springs into a slightly wider stance just before death would arrive from above, and amid an explosion of plasma, the two sabers collide.

The white flare even allows Elpsis to briefly peer beyond the permadark eye holes of Ptolemis' mask, revealing charred eyelids that frame an orange-purple, thoroughly discolored iris and sclera… an unmistakable sign of irreversible Dark Side corruption. Despite the Force augmenting his frame, The Shadow Hand buckles to one knee beneath the sheer cybernetic might of Elpsis' strike, barely avoiding outright mutilation. But his wrist is weakened. Greatly. Two more swift strikes he blocks, but he is cornered. Above him is the Fire Witch, and on his knee, forced to block again and again is the Blasphemer.

A third strike he cannot take. He blocks, and a cracking sound is heard from his left wrist. His otherworldy roar echoes along the elongated corridors. His saber is dislodged and flung from his grasp as he instinctively clutches his aching wrist. Weaponless and a final strike on its way, he is left only one choice; Ptolemis jumps up and sublimates through Elpsis, leaving disgusting feelings of the Dark Side upon her soul as his physical form, through immense effort transfigures into an ethereal state of matter, and frightfully re-solidifies behind her.

Left wihout a lightsaber, he quickly unsheathes his ornate dagger that is strapped to his thigh and attempts to thrust it into a weak spot of hers with vile malice.



Location: Empress Teta, on the ground
Outfit: Beskar armour with tattered robes
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

All Wallgof did was talk yes, but that wasn't because he was letting slip opportunities to win. It was calculated, it was forethought and it was accepting simple facts. This man was very large in physical stature and Wallgof doubted that his skills would be enough to defeat his opponent. Instead, he wanted to mentally attack, to disrupt the ideas and plans this man had or believed a fight would go so that if he charged at Wallgof with the brute strength he had then Wallgof could dance, slide around him. Avoid any attacks because he was already in the mind, he was already ruining the man's attempts to be a Jedi, or demonstrate that there was any good in him.

The removal of Wallgof from Caltin's mind was enough. He had won this fight. No posturing, no bravado of confidence or attempts to dismiss Wallgof as a threat. He had won, he had bested the man and left his mark. Caltin was unlikely to forget him now, he was likely to warn his family. Whether Wallgof would actually chase down these leads to curse Caltin and destroy or ruin everything he loved... Well that was a decision for another day. For now, he was present and ready to face this hulk. But it seemed that Caltin was more in the mood for talking, Wallgof laughed during the conversation. Not fully paying attention, it was hilarious to him that this man mocked him for a lack of action and boring Caltin yet here he was, his family threatened and still he did not raise his blade.


"Oh I know I took her life. I was the one to watch the life fade from her eyes as her body fell to the ground. I was able to watch this and not you because you were too busy demonstrating that bravado in strength. Showing off your power instead having the back of someone you cared about. If you had focused on looking out for Holly then I should never gotten the drop on her. While I killed her, your need to show off and demonstrate your silly powers is what got her killed." Revealing the failings of Caltin was important, even Naga could tell this angle was working. It was eating away at the man that boasted of his strength through meaningless actions.

It seemed like this man wanted to give Wallgof his life story before he died. Was this a thing? Boring the Sith Lord into death?
"Your attachments you say make you strong as well as leave you vulnerable. But all you told me is that the people you have touched either die or fall to the Dark Side because of you. You do more harm to the Jedi than most Sith. You have killed more Jedi through attachments than most Sith. Maybe it is time you realised that you are a danger to everything you love. That you will get them all killed." Wallgof laughed deeply when he said this. He couldn't believe that the ones around Caltin died or fell to the darkness, that made this discussion all the more amusing.

HE SPEAKS AS IF HE KNOWS MY LIFE BUT HE HAS ONLY READ WHAT THE VICTORS SPEAK OF! WHAT THE REPUBLIC DARES TO ADMIT! WE WERE WINNING, I WAS BETRAYED! THE LIGHT SIDE WAS NEVER STRONGER, WE ONLY FAILED OURSELVES! ALLOWED THE INFIGHTING TO RETURN! THEIR REPUBLIC, THEIR LEADERS, THEY WOULD HAVE CRUMBLED AGAINST MY BATTLE MEDITATION! Naga roared in anger, it was boiling over and Wallgof could feel the need from the ancient Sith Lord to rush in, to fight and murder this liar, this fool who knew not the truth but spoke as if he did. Wallgof rolled his neck as he tried to contain the anger that was bubbling over inside him.

"Cool it! He is trying to get a rise out of us by saying the Sith have failed in the past and therefore will fail again." Wallgof explained in hushed whispers to Naga who was refusing to calm or remain still. In Wallgof's mind, the Sith Lord was frantically moving around.

"The... The Sith.... The Sith were winning that battle. It was the infighting and desire of power from weaklings that allowed the Republic any victories. Naga would have won if his battle sphere had not been attacked by foolish Sith seeking power during battle." Wallgof never understood why Sith would risk everything during a battle. Malak had done the same to Revan. Many more had all done it, fight once the battle was over. Demonstrate your feats of strength then, not during where tides of battle could be entirely swung differently.

Wallgof sighed, it seemed that Caltin was underestimating the Sith Lord again, it was difficult enough maintain control with Naga, let alone argue with a fool. "Ala has died already because of you, do you think she won't die again because of your arrogance? As for Chrysa, I am sure I can find ways to destroy her that aren't necessarily killing. You have already admitted she fell to the Dark Side because you left her life, think she would fall again if I showed her the ways I killed you?" Wallgof smirked as he knew that he was triggering the man, Caltin was power walking to him. Wallgof held his Lightsaber in a fencer stance ready for the first strike.

LET ME ASSUME CONTROL! I AM THE BETTER FIGHTER WALLGOF! THESE MIND GAMES DID NOT WORK AS I PREDICTED! LET ME FIGHT! LET ME MAKE HIM RUE THE DAY THAT HE ASSUMED TO UNDERSTAND THE GREAT NAGA SADOW!! Naga screamed for control but Wallgof breathed firmly, maintaining control. He couldn't let Naga take over, he needed to show he can fight.

"Not yet, I can do this! I can fight!" Wallgof growled under his breath.

She should’ve been dead by now.

Something was keeping her alive. It took Ishani a moment to figure out that it was Alicio, wasting his energy trying to sustain her for just a little while longer. His technique was primitive and unrefined—he was no healer—but it was keeping her soul attached to her body, at least.

If he hadn’t been a friend, she probably would’ve taken the opportunity to consume his essence, killing him to save herself. But she was still quite determined not to cause Alicio’s death… even if it meant she died. Again.

Tsisaar would have her head for it, after all the hard work he had done to resurrect her. But her life was still her own to do with as she pleased…

Something else was beginning to flow into her as well. Ah, she had forgotten about the ritual! The battle for Teta was in full swing now; the more killing there was, the greater the power it absorbed would be. Enough to heal her wounds and bring her back from the brink of death.

And Alicio had kept her alive until then. How nice of him.

<That was not very smart, but thanks anyway.> Her voice speared through his mind as her flesh began to knit back together. <Why did you do it? Did you feel guilty about killing me because you know I have a family?>

She grabbed him by the throat.

<I’ll raise them to be just like me.>


“All warfare is based on deception.” ― Sun Tzu

That was it then.

He had learned all he needed to know about the foe standing across from him and vice versa. There was nothing left to do but what they came here to do. Clearly Wallgof was here to make himself a celebrity of some sort. He was almost doing all he could to keep from fighting it seems.

You talk about how I seem to think you are new at this, yet you think I haven’t heard all of that crap before… oh well.

A strong backhanded swipe at Wallgof’s weapon with his own lightsaber should pin it out of the way long enough for his other hand to grasp at the Sith’s throat and push him through the Force. It could be blocked, if it was, Wallgof would have a boot in the chest to deal with. That’s all. That’s all he needed to do. No sense throwing down just yet.

Yes, yes… I kill everything I touch… which if it’s true doesn’t bode well for you, huh? I am also a danger to everyone around me… again… not good for you… You’re going to fall just like Sadow did… with nothing but excuses and misplaced arrogance.

He shrugged as his free hand slowly became enveloped in the electrical energy that coursed through his body. Once it reached a crescendo he balled that hand into a fist and slammed it into the ground sending the shockwave at Wallgof. He was tired of waiting, he had a Palace to help liberate.

Tags Allies: TEAM LIGHTSIDE! / Anyone wanting to interact!
Tags Foes: @
Darth Wallgof/ TEAM DARKSIDE!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

One blow came. Then another. And finally a third. Preceded by the sleek whirr of enchanted cybernetics. Each launched with purpose, each relentless and brutal, seeking to batter the Sith's defences.

For but a moment, she had peered beyond the darkness of the Sith's mask. Though not in the physical sense, for Elpsis could not see in the conventional sense. As such seh did not perceive the charred eyelids or the orange of his eyes. But she perceived the unmistakeable, sick stain the darkness has left upon him.

And then he buckled to one knee. There was a loud, satisfying pop in one of his wrists and his lightsabre was flung from his grasp. Inferno was already raised, and came crashing down once more...but then he leapt and vanished.

Elpsis was suddenly overcome by a feeling of dizziness, of wrongness, as his transmogrified physical form phased through her. She was no stranger to phasing, though she lacked the talent for it. Her good friend Laira Darkhold had been a specialist of this craft. It left her with a momentary feeling of sickness.

Realising dawned upon her quickly and she spun in the moment she felt it. But in this moment the Sith had drawn and thrust his dagger towards her. Briefly, the blade found purchase upon her right armpit, stabbing straight up. Where she still happened to be flesh and blood. She wore her armour, but joint areas were less protected, though there was mesh. As red viscera streamed from the wound, pain surged through her arm, making her grit her teeth. It made it harder to hold her weapon, forcing her to lean more on her cybernetic arm.

But she stood, and with pain came aggression and focus. Swiftly raising her cybernetic leg she launched a brutal kick towards his knee. The prothesis burnt red-hot. As with her mechanical arm, this was no ordinary prothesis, for it was Force imbued with a portion of her power. To be precise, a successful kick could not only mess up bones, but burn its target.
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Ashes to Ashes

Location: Cinnegar
Tags: Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Kybo Ren Kybo Ren Allies: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Feeling the Hunger now gone, the release of the power carrying her foe away and into a far wall, Mi'la allowed herself to breath, sucking down air as her lungs were starved for it. She rolled onto her front, going onto all fours, sabers slipping from her hands as they deactivated. She could feel the tension floating around her, the stillness that hinted for more conflict to come. She found herself after a moment, channeling the Force to mend and repair the strain on her body, easing back into a state of normalcy, though she felt the strain starting to take hold.

She was doing too much. This was not a battle she had done before, and it was starting to show within her. She pushed herself onto her knees, and managed to rise, pulling hard on the bonds of those she could feel, and the strain ebbed slightly. It wasn't enough, but it would do for now. She collected her weapons, and turned to the crater that Ren had disappeared into, the Twi'lek ignited both blades, and calmed her mind, losing the thoughts into a passive blank slate of being.

She swirl of energies about her began to halt, creeping to a slow stilling around the Twi'lek as she drew in a breath, and held it within herself; the Force would be her breath now. Eyes closed now, she braced for what was to come, as her prosthetic finally snapped from, breaking into fragments on the floor beside her.

There was a calm before the storm she had been told, for such conflicts as this. She just never expected to be one of the storms, let alone between two of them.

That pressure was building up, it was only a matter before she released it once more, but for how long could she keep this up?

She tried not to think about that.
3rd post






Beskar Brodie-Helm

Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia

Rusty Old Fairbairn



Darth Mori Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Darth Saevius Darth Saevius



Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa




'You want my name?'

Disdainfully, the very visage, the very aura that surrounded the Jedi as her true, previously internalised intentions were put forth was nothing short of wrathful; and the Bloodhound could see it, feeling it as if a pulsating orb was throwing fragmentations at his resolute form, and all while the sands were still dancing with the raw power of this energy of which Barran could see at their feet at the time. Dancing all around them in a strange illumination of the rainy, windswept arena, an arena that had been chosen by the one-eyed Woad with his powerful foe in mind, the benefit of being far from any Duracrete or metallic surface would soon prove the sort of punishment he was expecting to endure, expecting the pain to be great enough without added factors presenting risks to his life-expectancy.

For enemies of great wit would always make use of their surroundings, this had been proven against him already, by his golden-eyed Sith-Pureblood adversary in their last two fights, learning this harsh lesson both on Tython and Mustafar alike. Suffering fractures, muscle-tears, cuts and grazes in abundance for the hubris of his fighting propensities; and for one in particular, receiving pains aplenty for the purest gluttony as punishment in an ironic twist - one such that drove his obsession to strengthen his baseline power beyond it's natural limits.

But even then, the one-eyed Woad knew he would need to fight smarter this time, knowing his freakish strength wouldn't be enough to survive the Atrisian's attacks for long.

'In exchange for your titles?'

The Omen of Durace, the Bloodhound, this entity would never have known how to comprehend such a response, let alone formulate one of his own; but of the one who remembered who he was, Thomas Barran, the deceased successor to his father's ancestral domains, this entity would. The who's and what's that defined both the Woad and the Atrisian alike seemed outlandish, almost indefinable, though all sense of self still burned brighter than the nearest star, resonating from within their souls as their grasps on reality kept them grounded enough in their singular, separate needs to find out once and for all. Of all the weird and wicked circumstances such individuals could have in common, in any war of their likes, neither extremes of dark and light would ever want it to be that, but fate, or the second like of the other, always had the worst of tricks to play on their champions.

Eternity's sleight of hand, in plain view for both to see like mirror-images staring back at each other. And they hated it, both opposites of the same inquisitive coin with equalling, rivalling measure.

'That doesn't seem fair.'

With just enough time to glare with infuriation and bellow,'FAIR?!?!', with a disdain of his own before Ishida leaped forth with her first attack, Thomas would be left with no choice but to switch to dagger-grip form, tilt the blade upwards and hope for the best as he tried to backpedal at the right moment. But the push backward was late from the front foot's first step, and though the stomp for the Woad's throat had glanced off the Durasteel cuirass beneath, it was too high and too heavily-delivered to make proper recovery-tumble, such that the Woad learned from fighting the Sith-Pureblood before.

Ashina's downward kicking-trajectory landed well despite her opponent's quick thinking, bouncing against thick, metal plating with a loud thud, and Barran had only acted quickly enough to keep the toe-end of her boots away from his trachea, though the Jedi had hit high enough (and with enough forceful impact) that it sent the Bloodhound tumbling across the ground in several thudding collisions. Losing his shin-guards, his Brodie-Helm and scabbard to the sands until he eventually stopped several feet away, though still being coherent enough to keep a firm grip of the Romphaia throughout, the dancing, windswept sands would tell quite a revealing tale of the difficulties Thomas would be facing for the duration of the fight itself.

Without even considering how close he had come to dying by the Lightsabre-Katana, even though it had come within inches of the Bloodhound's temple at the point of impact, though his lack of a right eye was another factor in how he couldn't perceive the deathly precipice his life had neared so closely.

'Oh.... So you want my real name, is that it?! The name I was given by the same man who SENT ME TO MY DEATH?!?!?!'

Using the sword's size and weight to hold his own as he pulled himself up to his feet, pulling his mask off in complete dispensation with his own secrecy, the Bloodhound then found his footing again, setting southpaw stance before switching his Romphaia to a traditional left-handed grasp. It wouldn't have taken the Jedi very long to learn of the Warlord's impairment, so the mask mattered little anyway, especially not if his limited spacial awareness was needed at it's fullest capacity. However, after the stance, grip and visual center of perception were established, the one-eyed Woad completed form by resting the sword on his left shoulder, lazily poising for the next attack as he concluded,'Fine, if that is what you wish; my name - is Thomas Barran! Or rather, it was in my first life.... So I ask once more - WHO HONOURS MY BLADE, ON THIS NIGHT OF NIGHTS?!?!?!', letting the Jedi dictate the pacing of the fight before he fully committed to drawn out struggles of any sort.
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"Thine kindred," spoke the Dark Lord of the Sith, slowly rising several centimeters off the ground. Pebbles and small stones scattered on the courtyard floor rose in concert with Him, levitating at different elevations, with some spinning left to right, others right to left, and the rest remaining perfectly still. So too did the dust that coated the cobbled stones rise up into the air, a thick blanket of detritus spread out shin-high above the rumbling ground.

"Thou understand little, thou fledgling understands even less." The stones held aloft by the Dark Lord's power began to circle around Him, swirling and swirling, until a cyclone of dust and rock now completely encircled Him. He was now completely hidden from view, the swirling debris-storm too thick to pierce with mere vision. "I am the shadow which swallows the sun," resonated the voice from within the cyclone, amplified above the scraping and whirring of the storm.

Suddenly, and without warning, the Dark Lord appeared to break out from the cyclone with lightsaber ignited and raised to deliver a punishing overhead strike. But right before He was about to swing down, the vision of the Dark Lord shuddered before disappearing completely. A trick of the light, an illusion of the senses. The true danger originated at their back, the shadows behind them writhing before taking on solidity and draining of umbral pigment.

Carnifex lunged out, blade held parallel to His body, before swiping in a wide horizontal arc at both Jax and his apprentice. The blade's trajectory would've cut clean through both of their midsections had it gone uninterrupted or unavoided.

"And your eyes shall be opened!"


Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

Location: Cinnegar, Landing Platform
Allies: Maw/ Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Enemies: GA/ Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Jasper hit the ground a good ten feet away from the pirate, managing to roll himself at least onto one knee. He managed a grin. The exile rose to his feet, preparing for the pirate’s next move, stowing his pistol back in its holster.

“Jeez,” he coughed. “Felt that.”
"For yer sake, let's hope ye learned your lesson not to toussle with a Knight of Ren," Kybo taunted, striding over to the downed Padawan.

He thought of what was at stake, the lives on Empress Tetta that hung in the balance. The exile gave his will to the force. Though faint, he began to emanate with a radiant aura.
Kybo was not as versed in the ways of the Jedi as he was of the Ren, but he knew a Force power when he saw one. Grunting, he sprinted towards the Padawan, blade raised and slashing downwards-
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Location: Forward Landing Zone, Empress Teta
Objective: Secure landing zones
Equipment: Alliance Marine armour, Tactical Air Control type. Rifle w/ grenade launcher. Explosive charge and detonite tape.
Tag: Lead: Tren Chaar Four: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Six: Mylo Thorne Ten: Qellene Tyliame

“Someone check on Ten,” he ordered.
Shar looked up from the last of the perimeter defences. Captain Tyliame was funched over a pile of debris, seemingly struggling to breathe.

The Gossam jogged over and bent down.

"Captain, it's okay, we're all here. Let's get this done and we can get outta here." He reached a hand out to help her up, one of the discarded welding torches in his other hand.

The slow-moving drop ships, laden with cargo, came to a rest near the Revenant pilots. Crewers jumped from the shuttles and hurried to unload industrial camtonos of fuel, energy cells and torpedos. The supplies would be used to refuel and rearm Alliance starfighters fighting above Empress Teta, saving them a long journey back up to the carriers in orbit.
Kinda wish I was up there with them.

Another set of transports came in, this one depositing a few maintenance crew, also decked out in Marine armour, albeit stripped down for mobility. They exchanged a few words with Revenant Lead before moving into position as the first few Y-wings touched down, their pilots hopping out to start refueling and re-arming.
Enemies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Allies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari

Kybo was not as versed in the ways of the Jedi as he was of the Ren, but he knew a Force power when he saw one. Grunting, he sprinted to wards the Padawan, blade raised and slashing downwards-

As the blade of his opponent came down, Jasper moved to block it. The force behind the strike was intense. The exile’s force light faded. It seemed his force sensitivity was still too weak to maintain this new ability he was beginning to develop. His doubt kicked in at that moment. The pirate had far more experience and tools at his disposal. Winning was not a likely outcome, not at this rate. Jasper glanced over at Master Undari. She was holding her own, but was clearly wounded. A second opponent would greatly decrease her odds of survival. The exile needed to find a solution, and fast.

Jasper paused, feeling a faint breeze against his cheek. He turned to see that they were rather close to the edge of the platform. The cogs began turning in the young exile’s head once again. If he couldn’t beat the pirate, maybe he could take him somewhere else.

With calculated steps, Jasper inched back towards the edge of the landing pad.




Flesh and muscle met sole, and Ishida felt the resistance of the connection. She snapped into a recovery, rolling into a follow-up to kick at his heels, but the Bloodhound was already tumbling down the gritty shoreline. Imprints were left in the sand from his body, and scattered bits of his panoply.

Ishida drew herself back up to ready-stance as the Mawite recovered and addressed her attitude with rage and frustration. Fair was a word The Maw despised — and as it has his mentor, it unwound something further in the opposing warrior.

Hate amplified his words, the volume of his venom rose beyond the sound of Teta’s storm. She didn’t remain idle through this grace period but continued stalking forward, and kept her eyes trained on him and closing the feet that had stretched between them from her attack.

There was a man beneath that mask. One-eyed. His face she didn’t recognize, but the name Barran was one that carried a legacy her father hoped she’d achieve for Ashina. Betrayal boiled in his bloodline.

“One man gives you a name, the other gives monikers.” Mockery bled into her tone as Ishida continued to deflect. It was easier to project her conflated perceptions outward, and avoid confronting them herself. “Both have sent you to your death.”

How many lives did he have?

His right side would have more blind spots. She measured the zones and how to expose them. He might swing from left to right, ending up in his own trajectory where he couldn’t watch the follow-through.

She took a step in that direction.

"Well, Thomas the Bloodhound.."Her back foot drew a semi-circle into the sand, connecting herself with the natural life force of the beach. It was rich here, verdant along the shoreline. An overlap of the ocean’s vitality and the land’s. Water’s fluidity reminded her to be malleable, serene, and flexible. The land was firm, strong, and resilient.

“I am Ishida.” She answered, finally, simply. She bent at the waist to mirror the honour he'd offered earlier, her blade perpendicular to her face and pointing to the sky before it levelled at shoulder height. The tip pointed at the sword rested on his shoulder. A wordless invitation — use it or lose it — for him to honour the blade he boasted. Rain sizzled against the opalescent plasma, twisting up spirals of smoke. If it was her name holding him back, he could release now.



Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Empress Teta, Resistance Hide-out
Action: Continue to Prepare and Get Ready for the Assault


Ariana glanced around the many crates, filled to the brim with weapons and ever growing tide of battle slowly shifting to their favor with newer tech. Her father often spoke about the wonders of Republic Engineering, very few Companies that had earned his respect over the years, and here she was grateful for the Alliance’s continued support. Gesturing towards her guards, they and many others quickly began to help to move and unload the many crates.

She nodded along as both the Noble Carmina and the Alliance Soldier explained the roles of both the weapons and the soldiers would take during the operation to retake the palace. It was all quite easily digestible for Ariana, her military career among the Tetan Nobility was rather short lived, so she was thankful for the brief explanations.

The enthusiasm of which the weapons' benefits and abilities being explained were a tad too excitable in her opinion, but with another nod she counted her blessings that at least they were being used against the Maw. As they talked further Ariana held her hand against her chin in a thoughtful expression, “The lack of a steady stream of communication will be difficult, but I trust in our Royal Officers to maintain cohesion among the militia during the attack. And we should quickly prepare for the assault.” She spoke as she gestured for another pair of guards to help with the new supplies and weapons.

“We haven’t much time to waste, and as for the initial assault I’ll be joining with the lead elements.” Ariana added as she pulled out her data-slate to study the Palace’s floor plans again. “-Ah, Trooper, I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.” Ariana explained, turning her head to face the Alliance Soldier. Be a shame, she figured, if she still didn't know at least his call-sign before the battle began. After all my father taught me better manners than that.

|| Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat ||​
Marauder of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Kill everyone!
Location: Surface, Empress Teta
Equipment: 2x Geysa Hybrid Pistol | Assault Rifle | Armour and weapon (weapon is lightsaber resistant) || OPBC-01m
Allies: Nyaeli Nyaeli
Enemies: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan | Iris Arani Iris Arani
[ Valley of Death ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Moments later, Spindly and her teammates, roughly a dozen of them, saw images in their minds of who the said Jedi were. Even though the Sith apprentice wanted to help, the marauders were terrified. The scare was even bigger than Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd 's battle meditation. The warriors were all ordinary people without the Force, probably none of them had ever experienced what Nyaeli was doing now. And that really scared them. They have never been in a place to be led by a Force User. At least it didn't happen often during Mongrel's leadership.

It was precisely for this reason that it was necessary for the girl to use a mind trick to make them believe that this is what they really want. The others started hesitantly in the direction they needed to go, however it looked like they didn't really want to. However, Spindly stopped after a few steps. She snorted angrily and nervously as she reached for her head. she wasn't a Force user, and she wasn't really a Force Sensitive person either, not more than most of the twi'leks, but she was sure she didn't want that.

Nyaeli's battle meditation had no effect on Spindly or her dozen or so companions. The young Sith may have been skilled, but at the moment, the Heathen Priestess's similar ability was still stronger than the apprentice's. The Twi'lek companions had already left, and she looked back at the fighting, confused and somewhat saddened…

After all… she can die against the Jedi and it can be a glorious fight. Unless they immediately attack with a lightsaber. Because Spindly didn't really wear lightsaber resistant armour. Parts of the armour were the same, as was her weapon, but otherwise she was just a Marauder, not some mighty warlord. Yet! It also depends on how the Avatars show their mercy and favour in her direction. They make her a martyr or a warlord...

However, she didn't want to miss out on the fun that awaited her and her companions when they met the Jedi. So, in the end she ran after her dozen companions and probably soon they all saw the approaching Padawans.




Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

For a few tense minutes, Alicio kept Ishani breathing.

It took everything he had, but the Count was happy to give it, for the slight chance that she would survive. He kept that idiotic hope alive for as long as he could. But as the minutes stretched on, and Alicio's essence lagged, he knew he wouldn't be able to sustain her for much longer.

But still, he healed, past his limits, until his muscles shook with exhaustion.

He'd felt overjoyed when her wounds closed. He felt less happy when she began choking him.

Alicio had given everything he had to save Ishani. He had no strength left to fight back against her ritually-augmented grip, or reach for his lightsaber. Even if he had, he wasn't sure if he had it in him to fight her again

"I... just didn't want you... t-to die..." He managed to gasp out.

Thanks to his mercy, he was at hers.

Objective: II - Nemesis Games
Location: Aboard the Caragol in orbit around Empress Teta

Brotherhood of the Maw: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Galactic Alliance: Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause

    • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (1) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (2,000m)
      • Brakka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (1) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (1,800m)
      • Varak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (2) Bhorgoth Destroyers (2,500m)
      • O’goroth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ligash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (4) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (4,000m)
      • Bezarakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • H’roggoth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’ashbenaz’ungol
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Cimeno’ath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (8) Vagabond Raider Frigates (4,000m)
      • Cleaver
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jocasta
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Rotund
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ren’fiki
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’gash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • A’enak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%

    • (1) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (2,000m)
      • K’rggah
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (3) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (5,400m)
      • Ra’jaka
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Faerûn-V’okath
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mela’giroth’vaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (6) Bhorgoth Destroyers (7,500m)
      • Io’eth
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Akash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ri’noam
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Arv’inash
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Bakavh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Enakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (6) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (6,000m)
      • Re’oam’ak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khand’evaim
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ni’meloch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ganakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • U’toch
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Jenakh
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • (24) Vagabond Raider Frigates (12,000m)
      • Vak
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Ikbal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Chronakhal
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Xinoan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Desecrator
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Sev’Tok
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Empress Tetah II
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler #AV-037
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Begaan
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Khandar
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Vekht
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mollach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Stabba
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • The Ram Skull
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Gromandach
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mine Hauler AV-#047
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Mining Hauler #AV-004
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • Striega
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
      • BRAAAM
        • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%


Over the course of the hour, the ships of the wartribe deployed from the docking bays of Gehinnom. Vagabond-class frigates surged forth, interlaced with a strong core of Bhorgoth Destroyers and Crucifix-class Star Destroyers. Akûz stood upon the bridge of the Caragol, his massive armored hulk towering over the majority of the crewmen tending to the stations throughout. Thus far, the Alliance fleet had not yet arrived to assault the station or support any troops in their attempt to secure the planet from the clutches of the Maw.

Despite elements of the Final Dawn being present, the Kragamond Wartribe a significant portion of the fleet presence above Empress Teta. The upjumped, self important husks wearing uniforms often considered their marauder counterparts as little more than chattel to be expended to preserve the Final Dawn’s assets. But the question remained - who shattered the alliance fleet over Empress Teta? Who split apart the Tython Accord’s flank while the Final Dawn stood bruised and battered near the front lines?

The Kragamond did.

They were regarded as expendable, only until they were called upon to deliver the strike the Final Dawn - or any other force under the banner of the Maw, could not. There was a reason the Kragamond were feared amongst the ‘civilized’ navies of the galaxy. There was a reason they were granted boon after boon by the Dark Voice himself, and his successor.

All of that being said, Akûz was unaccustomed to being on the defensive. More often than not, it was he who was the shadow in the darkness of the void; who would spring upon his prey much like a Nexu in the wild. Communications filtered back and forth between the gathering Kragamond host and the Final Dawn contingent. Reconnaissance revealed the approach of an SJC and GA fleet presence, to which Akûz had given the orders for his small fleet to begin preparations to meet. Warband Grinâsh arrayed itself on the flank of the world station, aligning itself opposite that of the Final Dawn, with Gehinnom occupying the space between.

As his crew scrambled to make final preparations, Akûz set about doing so himself. Would he face the Rear Admiral he did during the previous battle for Empress Teta? Admiral... Cat House? The warmaster had never understood the names mere mortals often possessed, nor why this specific one would live by the name of a residence for felines. But he understood war. The last time they encountered one another, he was cheated from his final victory when she had ordered her fleet to make an emergency entry to lightspeed while he and his forces had boarded her vessels. He had lost many of his tribesman that day, and had narrowly managed to escape himself. If she chose to fight here again, he would make it a point to settle the score with her once and for all.

Whatever the case, the Caragol itself was arrayed at the center of the Kragamond formation, with the loose collection of ships roughly formed in a ‘speartip’ formation. Now, all that remained was for them to wait.

To wait for their prey to arrive. Then, Empress Teta would once again witness a level of carnage it had not seen since.



Location: Cinnegar, landing platform
Allies: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren
Enemies: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Equipment: The Hunger, Kyrel's Armor, Necrochasis, Lightsaber

Kyrel was like a smoldering fire buried in the rock. He was stunned, unable to really move; his own arms stiffened as, he tried the shuffle his way out of the buried duracrete. His own gaze burned deeply into the hole of light, the hole being his own entrance into the wall he was thrown into. The dead man’s muscles had slowly started, to break free from the confines of the rock. His rage had went from smoldering embers, to a blazing ineforno that would consume all in its entirety. The Hunger’s own rage quickly seeping into his body empowering him.

With his own rage, he felt the Jedi’s own strength start to wane. She could not hope to stand to the Wrath himself, and now she truly earned all of his rage. He managed just enough room to direct the Hunger’s gap in its forked tip towards the opening. There was a glow of crimson light; the crimson light quickly enveloping the darkness and shot outwards, under the draining power the spear held. The spear devoured the duracrete all around them, reducing the rock to ash in a of cloud of dust.

Through the hazy cloud of dust there was a snap hiss; Kyrel’s own lightsaber had ignited quickly and as, the cloud disappeared and there was nothing but the glow of his lightsaber in one hand; the heavy light of his spear in the other. The ugly scowl had fixated on the Twi’Lek and let out a savage snarl, before he leapt out towards her. Fueled by both his own hunger, and that of both of his weapons feeding on him, he went into berserker mode.

Growling angrily he proceeded to strike; using the extended reach of his spear. Striking first with a circular swing towards her legs; he quickly rushed in once more. This time he was armed with the extended reach of his lightsaber; The unstable blade had crackled with fury as with his second attempt he would follow with heavy slashes aimed towards her torso. The Master of Ren had carefully made sure not to give her in an inch of ground; with his saber his swings were powerful focusing on a series of heavy attacks attempting to have her backpedaling. His attacks would show her the Wrath was an expert in close quarters fighting and, a Djem So Master.
Last edited:

Ishani was quite frankly disgusted by Alicio. He couldn’t make up his mind whether to kill her or not, to be ruthless or merciful, hateful or loving. Now he was too weak to fight back, having spent his strength trying to save her after he had nearly killed her.

She was literally holding his life in her hands. But even after everything, she still couldn’t bring herself to snuff him out. She already had what she wanted, the power to regenerate from her wounds, to defeat death by death.

All that was left was the bitter lesson she had to teach this poor little rich boy masquerading as a Jedi Knight.

With a sigh, she released her hold on his throat. Her hands instead moved to either side of his head, holding his face in her hands.

I’m going to let you live,” she said, now strong enough to use her voice again. “So that you can learn from your mistakes.

Using the Force, she attempted to knock him unconscious.


Location: Empress Teta
Objective: Ashes to Ashes
Other tags: Dyans Keto Dyans Keto
Post: #4

In battle, Valery was rarely one to spend much time taunting, insulting or debating with her opponents, especially when she was dealing with Sith. To an extent, it dated back to the days prior to her stasis, when she was part of a more extreme Enclave who didn't believe in the redemption of those fallen to the Dark Side. Each encounter at the time was with the intent to finish it the same way, and it had taken a long time for her to adjust after her stasis. But another part of it was much simpler — she was in a state of fiery focus that she wasn't going to allow to be interrupted.

Against a Sith of Mori's magnitude, it was even more crucial. A single mistake and she'd be dead, a moment of hesitation and she'd never get out of this Palace in one piece. But such high stakes would never dissuade her from committing everything she had to the mission.

There is no emotion, there is Peace.

With incredible speed and power, Valery had made the first move and lashed out at the Dark Lord, whose crimson blade violently crashed into her violet plasma. But it was in that moment that Valery felt a sudden shift in the Force as well. She knew about the Shi'ido's ability to alter physical appearances, but she had never once seen it in action herself, and Mori had mastered its potential exploits in combat like no other. The knee that shouldn't have been there struck her midsecton as a result, and due to the telekinetic blast it carried, Valery was knocked back with a shock of pain echoing through her body. It wasn't crippling on its own, and gave the Jedi her first insights into Mori's abilities, but it had disrupted her flow completely, and the Sith wasn't going to give her time to breathe.

The crimson lightsaber followed up quickly, but while it moved, a second arm protruded from the woman's body to strengthen her grip and take advantage of Jar'kai's lack of physical strength. However, Darth Mori wasn't the only combatant with unusual tricks up her sleeves. Drawing on her training as a former Jedi Shadow, Valery altered not her physical state, but the way it was bound to the environment, and explosively jumped towards the woman, only to phase through a follow-up attack and the Sith herself.

This way, she hoped to end up behind her opponent, where all her muscles worked together to twist and spin her body back around in the blink of an eye, thus offering her the rotational momentum to sweep her right-handed blade into an arc aimed across the woman's back.


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