Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Systemic Security [Techno Union Dominion of Doldur]


Well-Known Member

Rilus could tell something was coming. He had that kind of intuition, though he'd been nagged at in the past by Jedi that he was 'sensitive', whatever that meant. He didn't quite buy it, but as he stood in the massive window of his executive office and looked skyward, he saw the looming silhouette of a warship. Its shadow eclipsed him and moved on, and he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Now what could they want?" he mused quietly, still staring at the ship.

Sure, he'd had a small share of traffic in and out of the system. Especially recently, with that odd influx of ships over the marshes almost on the other side of the world, but nothing as imposing as this vessel he now stared at. He clapped his hands and turned around, taking long, leisurely strides to his desk, where he flicked the communicator on and spoke to his secretary.

"Be a dear and open up a channel to that ship that just entered the system, would you?"

"Yes, mister Sieron." came the effeminate reply.

Rilus just nodded his appreciation through the transparisteel panes and switched his desk communicator over to the channel that popped up on the screen of his terminal. He waited a moment for a chime to announce the connection was secure and accepted before he spoke.

"Unidentified warcraft, this is Rilus Mercer Sieron, chief executive of Sieron NovaTech. As the only real civilised pseudo-government on this world, I'd like to know what exactly you're doing here." his voice was level, polite.

He just hoped they wouldn't try and commandeer his operations. He heard about the Rebel Alliance down south and its nationalisation of all property. If that happened here, he might just have to break out some of the experimental weapons they had laying around. They'd either be effective or explode, in either case they might do something at least.

[member="Marek Starchaser"] // [member="Irys Arist'lar"]

[member="Aron Rodrie"] // [member="Dagora-Kel"] // [member="Freanne"] // [member="Seto Du Couteau"] // [member="Chaos Maxtor"] // [member="Besh Prime"] // [member="Charlotte"] // [member="Draco Vereen"] // [member="Adekos"] // [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] // [member="Siyndacha Aerin"] // [member="Darell Irani"] // @Anyone Else

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek Starchaser was definitely reaching sometimes. He was getting decent at listening to the board and doing his own research to find companies that will serve a purpose in the Techno Union. And that was what brought him out here. Of course there was a lot of work to be done on Doldur, an ancient imperial world, but for him? There was one task. And that was to discuss with Sieron Novatech. He had a meeting set up and had make sure to let the rest of the Union know hwere he was going. Somewhere that was being plagued by an enemy that was more annoying than terrorists.

Yuuzhan Vong.

Another world, another mission, but this one would bring profit and another view on technology. He enjoyed pulling companies into the collective, it made the Union stronger.

Taking his Santhe Challenger, he and an assistant, Alana Flag, finally taken back from whatever boring bit Sasha had her doing, he landed on the out of the way world. He had a meeting to get to. From the starport, he grabbed a cab and made his way to the SNTC headquarters. Hopefully this would go over fine.

[member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"]
Location: En Route to Groung
Objective: Besh, Annihilate Vong Presence
Allies: Techno Union, Capitalism
Enemies: Vong, Rebels, Socialism

Still encapsulated in the borrowed armor from ArmaTech, wielding an ArmaTech weapon and using ArmaTech ammunition (High Explosive, duh), it would seem that Aron's life had become an advertisement for Armatech Combat Services. To be honest, it wasn't entirely far from the truth. ArmaTech was supporting the Techno Union, Aron lead men and droids for, fought for, bled for and earned for the Techno Union. It was a match made in capitalism, with a capital cha-ching. As payment for utilizing the Olympian Armor set, Aron was testing out a new generator for them, an Isotope-5 Generator. Aron wasn't dumb, he knew a great deal more about more subjects than most people would give him credit for. He did not, however, understand the physics behind such complex power generators, nor even what Isotope-5 was. That didn't matter, though, Aron used the generator and would report back to [member="draco vereen"] his thoughts as a professional on how the system worked. So far, the few trials he's put it through have barely made a the power tell tales in his HUD quiver. He'd used the jump jets to help him scale a cliff, a la mountain goat style, then he'd run at top speed for half an hour. The generator seemed to be far superior to what had previously been in this suit.

Now, however, was the real test. Aron was entering combat against the Vong, again. With their revolt in the core worlds and their continued nuisance out here in the Union, they were becoming a galactic scape goat almost. Certainly, they would be almost as reviled universally as they had been when they first tried their shenanigans ages ago.

Aron led a force containing five ACS-501 Redeemer Main Battle Tanks, each with the new isotope-5 generators in them, three Acklay Class IFV's, sadly sans new generators, and their complement of clanker droids wielding ArmaTech battle gear, forty-eight droids in total wielding either ACS-201's or ACS-202's. The slugthrowers, at Aron's behest, had been equipped with the high explosive rounds. Normal rounds would work on Vong, but HE always worked better, in Aron's opinion. He wasn't here to suppress a revolt of them, he wasn't here to help keep the peace between them and Union forces. He was here to exterminate them, plain and simple. For that, making them blow up with tiny bombs would make things far simpler.

Union satellites were overhead, triangulating the position of Vong forces. Aron was in the area of a large concentration and was only waiting on detailed data on enemy movements before he engaged.

[Post 1/20]
Location: Surface
Allies: TU, Obsidian Order
Enemies: Those against me
Post Count: 1 out of 20

"Quiet!" Seto half shouted at one of the Obsidian Assistants that probably did not deserve to be yelled at.

He was a tad edgy.

Seto huffed as he crossed his arms over his armored chest. Perhaps he was a bit more than just edgy, regardless of his emotional state Seto was brimmed with anticipation of his new orders. New I guess Seto murmured darkly. He wasn't exactly thrilled with his assignment of tracking and removing the Vong from their planet. They were perhaps too perfect warriors and difficult opponents to take down. He would be lying if he said wasn't excited at all to once again to test their might, but Seto had already tested their strength and now repeating encounters would soon bore him.

Is that why I'm uneasy? Seto asked himself, shrugging off the idea, he knew he was being melodramatic and that he needed to focus. His eyes rolled at his own self accusation, his helmet expertly disguising his facial expression as he started to move towards his speeder bike. His orders were waiting for him out there in the battle field.

His fingers traced along his utility belt, finding his training lightsaber hilt still firmly attached along with his Wester K-12 blaster pistol for a more threatening look. His fingers than traced along his back as he assured himself his own durosteel blade on his back was as well firmly attached to his back. The Obsidian Armor allowed for far more space to include extra weaponry but instead Seto had found extra bandages and Medical items seemed to have occupied the space. His smirk pulled on the corners of his lips as he tapped lightly on his wrist, he had added a flamethrower attachment that he felt was cool to have in general.

His leg flying over the other side as he sat comfortably on his Lancer speeder bike, his fingers curled around the handle and without further thought his accelerated forward. Light and quick response operative, Seto rather enjoyed the ability to the move around freely in the battle field. At least I get to choose the more interesting fights He mused as narrowed his eyes, his HUD providing him locations and information on his own allies.
Objective: C
Location: Construction site of Obsidian Spire
Allies: Obsidian Order, Net Zillo team, Eridium Industrial Engineers.

Jenn was sent over to watch the Obsidian Spire construction. Marek hadn’t had many tasks for her from the Hegemony lately and she was putting a lot of time in with the Obsidian Order, working as one of the lead slicers. She was helping develop a new bit of Obsidian transponders and comm network, but for now? She was making sure everything went off without a hitch on the construction site. More protecting it from Vong while Marek went and did his business dealings.

The slicer wasn’t sure what Marek had in store for her, but she had heard that Token Waters might be coming to take more of a hands on spot with Bright Star, not something that terribly concerned Jenn. She had a whole textile company to help build up. Still, it would’ve been nice to be considered. Though Jenn knew Token, and her skills weren’t nearly as useful as Jenn’s.

She checked her armor, the new Isotope-5 energy source was holding, but she wasn’t doing any real work yet. She’d get to that once she needed to start slicing into the City’s systems. Still, for now? It was good.

[member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Aron Rodrie"] [member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"]

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Doldur, Doldur System[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Cresh, The Obsidian Spire[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Jennifer Blanchard"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]At first glance the system of Doldur did not seem as very important, it didn’t have a lot in the way of information feeds or anything else that might show off or boast anything of vital importance. But Darell Irani knew the truth of the matter, and the truth was that Doldur was a vital core world of the Doldur Cluster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Long time ago it had even been the Imperial-controlled capital of the Doldur Sector, of which the Doldur System was a part.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]And the Doldur Sector held systems like the Druckenwell System, Falleen, the nebula of the Silver Station, all things considered and if you take all of that in? You start to realize that to control all of those aforementioned systems, you really needed the [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]capital[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] system to begin anywhere.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So perhaps the choice of Doldur hadn’t been so strange in a more strategic map-sense of the word.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Irani’s shuttle was scheduled to land in a few minutes at the construction site of the Obsidian Spire, the headquarters of [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]this[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] chapter of the Obsidian Knights, there he would meet up with Jennifer. In a different form, the Hegemony form, Carach was her unofficial Master.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But as Darell they hadn’t actually ever met. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]First thing for everything, no?[/SIZE]
Objective: Cresh, Citadel
Location: Construction Site
Allies: [member="Darell Irani"]

Doldur was a different world. And really, it was more what Jenn was useful for than say… the battle torn desert of Geonosis. Jenn was definitely a cyberpunk and needed to be somewhere that had some bit of urbanization. She always felt more comfortable in the cities made of gray and duracrete and durasteel. She needed to be there, where she could reach out, with her cybernetics or her Force skills and feel wireless networking of devices, a way to get to the holonet. When she was too far from a city?

Well, she got weird. It wasn’t even that her holodriver needed to worry about being recharged. She kept it good and in repair and with this new Isotope-5 reactor? She doubted she’d ever need to plug in as long as she was in her armor. Not that she was going to stay in her armor. Sure, she was a tiny little thing, but she didn’t need to be big and impressive for the jobs she did.

She knew that Marek was doing his work and would have others coming in to check in on the construction, but she wasn’t sure who would be sent. She wasn’t sure who it was, someone from the Union itself? Or Eridium. Still… she was waiting.


Well-Known Member
[member="Marek Starchaser"]​

"Marek Starchaser, Foreman of the Techno Union."

Rilus stared at the screen for awhile. He apparently had an appointment today to discuss business affairs. He had no memory of this, he probably agreed to it while he was drunk. Either way, it explained the sudden influx of space traffic and the reports of landing craft elsewhere on the world, and a whole other series of events happening all at once. The pseudo-Lord of Doldur was well-connected on this world, and he had all the strings in his fingers. Sure, they were his uncle's strings that he inherited, but they were useful strings.

"Send him in, then."

The redheaded secretary pressed the summons button, and an automated voice beckoned Starchaser climb into the elevator and come to the second-to-top floor for his appointed meeting. Rilus' first business meeting, that would be interesting.
Objective: C
Location: Construction site of Obsidian Spire
Allies: [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] [member="Darell Irani"]

For the second time, Morgan was accompanying Mr. Irani on a business trip. She was very pleased that her employer allowed her these excursions off planet because while she enjoyed her job as Chief of Security for Hegemonic Automaton, the HRD was designed originally as a protocol droid. So ultimately, translation, assistance, keeping records, information... all of these fit securely in her wheelhouse. The fact that she was trained to kill and could slice into just about any electronic device, database, machine, console, or droid was a bonus to any individuals she would assist.

The HRD had an interesting history with the businessman and had, on occasion, served as his companion. But Mr. Irani had many love interests, which Morgan would sometimes help with - either making dinner reservations for him or picking up a bouquet of flowers for his paramours. But discretion was key to all of these relationships, and as she normally kept her mechanical status quiet, she should also keep her personal liaisons with the Duke quiet as well.

They were presently about to land at the construction site of the new Obsidian Spire and were scheduled to meet with Jennifer Blanchard, a fellow slicer. "Darell, is there anything else you have planned today aside from overseeing the construction site?" Morgan asked. While she knew they were both there on business, she was hoping to see a little more of the capital city and tourist attractions while they were on Doldur.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Location: Snatch HQ
Objective: D
Post: Three

Starchaser was patient, especially when the new acquisitions seemed worthwhile. And that was what he was hoping from these guys at Sieron NovaTech. Additionally, he had an inkling, thanks to SpyNet, that Sieron here was a big deal on this world. And that was fine, if the Union was going to help improve the world, why not convert the business man who was in charge into its Viceroy? The Union’s rep to the world and vice versa. Made sense to Marek.

He got the summons from the office and made his way to the elevator. He traveled light, a simple datapad that had all the information on what the Techno Union could offer, both to SNTC and to Doldur as a world. It was simple, really. And most didn’t know how to say no. Plus, getting this world? It was the former sector capital. Smart move.

He grinned as he exited the elevator. “Hello, darling. Where to from here?” He smiled, a little more than politely, not really wanting to put too much effort into sleeping with the secretary, this was a serious business issue for serious business people.

[member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Marek Starchaser"]​
[Rough Scene]
"Up the stairs, through the door. He's waiting for you." the currently nameless secretary replied, her voice sweetly professional.

She was good at her job, body language and voice tone playing off of the Techno Union Foreman's flirtatious motions and returning with just enough to keep him tied into the locale without distracting from business. She gave him a playful wink, then pressed a button that opened Sieron's office doors. A silent conclusion of their exchange, and a notification to the CEO that his guest had arrived. Her attention returned to managing the transit system, making sure that employee pay was in order, and keeping tabs on income and expenditure. Administrative stuff.

Rilus prepared for the arrival of Starchaser. He tapped a pressure tile with his foot and a transponder in his shoe authorised the action. A table and two stools rose from the pattern work of the floor, and the stools grew backs and arms, and became proper chairs. He ducked behind his desk and reached into a miniature bar there for a bottle of whiskey and two tumblers. That's about when Starchaser would walk in.

* put on my wizard hat and robe... *​
[member="Aron Rodrie"] // [member="Seto Du Couteau"]​
The Yuuzhan Vong long knew this would come. They were enemies, hunted, hated. These heathens of the Force and of technological monstrosities would not rest until their kind were destroyed... but their kind would not simply roll over and die. Yet still, while honour came form battle, there was no honour in wasteful, senseless death. They learnt from Rodia and Zhar. Now, on Doldur, their last bastion before their presence was diminished beyond a thread near Techno Union space, they waited. They spread themselves within this marsh, lurking among the creatures and pitfalls that were here. They wanted to assault the technological atrocity that lie in a more urban area far to the west of their location, but they couldn't without sacrificing their position and drawing even more attention to this planet than there already was.

Why the marshes of Doldur? There were monsters. Beasts. Things that made them happy, deadly enough without Vongforming*. On top of that, the ground was muddy, unstable. There was more water than earth, and that made walking treacherous for droids or those wearing heavy armour. Watery pits awaited the unwitting and unwary, and drowning was very much a danger. This sector of the planet Doldur was named the Death Marsh for good reason.

*[OOC: I expect you guys, or at least hope, to flesh this place out. Make up creatures, their appearances, their abilities, where they come from, what they do. Have fun with it. Don't limit yourself to what I've put here. You're creative writers, so create within your writings. Have fun!]

Location: Outskirts of the deeper marsh
Allies: TU, Obsidian Order
Enemies: Those against me, or trying to kill me
Post Count: 2 out of 20

The speeder bike made it through the fields easily, Seto's HUD displaying a clear enough path into the marsh. The rest of the deployment were already on the move to remove the Vong infestation but Seto was not entirely sure if such a large scale of force was needed. His fingers revved the engine to push the bike into a faster gear, Seto's body lurched backed for a moment as he forced himself forward.

The environment might have been something to watch carefully but the young Du Couteau heir had already spent enough time dawdling back at the compounds. His mind focused on quickly eradicating the Vong off the Union's planet. The marsh was quickly indicated on his HUD as he slowed down his approach, he was certain that the remaining Vong would be awaiting them inside and use traps and lighting quick attacks to throw off any forward offensive movements. But that's why I'm here Seto mused to himself, breaking up the traps and perhaps even getting the attention of more than just a few Vong should be enough. Of course I would need to repeat this several more times across through the entire marsh Seto thought as he focused onto the marsh lands ahead of him. The thick foliage as well as the muddy waters would make for terrible terrain movements that required any sort of traction, he evened knew that if he were fight on such soil that that would terribly cumbersome.

Seto's fingers tightened around the speeder bike's handles as he slowly moved himself forward. His HUD constantly searching and scanning around as Seto focused and honed onto the Force. His speeder bike hovering over the muddy soil as he ventured deeper into the marsh. Breathing was steady as his speeder bike continued to move, dodging the occasional tree and branches. He sensed 'danger' but with the feeling of the entire marsh wanting to kill him, his danger sense was a tad overloaded.

A whip of sorts, green and slimy, slashed across Seto as he barely had enough reaction time to move his head out of the way. He turned his head as he was glad he was able to dodge the attack, the whip had broken through a rather thick branch. Seto though had little time to think too much into it as he sped forward, the entire ground seemed to have began to rise and try to encase the Obsidian Knight. Seto pushed forward but was forced to brake as he had no time to turn away from the tree directly ahead of him.

Seto jumped up as he landed on top of a thick branch, he Forced pushed his bike away as he noted that the 'ground' that had tried to trap him had several lines of teeth. His eyes narrowed, noting that the green whip had vanished. His eyes tracking all around, his right hand tightened its grip on his steel sword. The green whip shot forward at him and Seto slashed forward with his sword but the whip wrapped around the blade, its slime making a small splat as it did so, but Seto smirked underneath his helmet. His left had already ignited as the Flame thrower attachment shot out a torrent of flames before quickly turning off. The whip no longer slimed, but now dry and somewhat burnt to a crisp quickly broke off the sword with just a quick tug. A shriek though emitted from a patch of darkness that Seto could not sense much from.

The whip slumped as it slowly began to move back, but before Seto could react second one shot out and Seto slashed forward again. His eyes narrowed in minor annoyance as the whip instead of wrapping around his sword it continued its trajectory and smashed into Seto's shoulder's plate knocking him back. His left arm too slow to react with flames as the whip swerved away as its owner appeared. Seto had little time to really delve into whether or not he was fighting an actual Vong, but the creature appeared bipedal and either scaly with some notable patches of armor or some sort of crab armor. Regardless Seto jumped back, his feet landing onto the uplifted roots of the nearby tree.

Seto held onto his sword as he scanned the creature a bit more but immediately a green whip lashed out, now across from his left side but Seto jettison out inferno of fire that simply did not allow creature to retract the whip. The green whip once more was easily sliced as Seto's sword slashed downward. His eyes widen as he quickly crossed his arms as he prepared for an impact of four green whips slamming into from the front. Seto focused the Force to soften the blow as he launched backward and into the mud. The mud thankfully dramatically absorbed much of the momentum and Seto quickly stood up, his left hand reaching for his lightsaber, igniting it as he looked around. There stood two more, what he would now call monkey cowboy lizards (MCL for short), the third stared with red eyes at Seto. The two new appeared with fresh green whips in their hands, while the first had wrapped what remained around its fists as each growled and hissed.

"Come and meet yo-" Seto started but ended with "c-crap poodoo!" Seto cried as he jumped backwards, focusing on the Force once more to assure the mud wouldn't stick onto him too quickly.


A giant jaw, rows upon rows of teeth, had smashed nearly in front of Seto, a sound of a tree breaking and falling into the mud as Seto got a good look at what had nearly tried to eat him twice. The body seemed really like just a overly large mouth, it had a lengthy body that had no limbs but moved much like a snake, and its tail had snapped just one but two more trees as it tried to once more lurch forward with its large mouth. Seto noted that it had no eyes but he couldn't focus much as he dodged to the side as two green slimy whips nearly missed Seto's body as he landed one of the broken trees. His eyes once more narrowed as he formulated his next plan of attack.
Location: Ground
Objective: B
Allies: Techno Union, Capitalism
Enemies: Vong
Post: 1/20

The newly minted Viceroy, and member of the Obsidian order marched behind the troops appointed to him. His new armor and helmet covered his body and face, and the long cape behind him him showed his rank. Wearing such cumbersome attire, even as light as it was, in a marsh was far from ideal. Humidity was the greatest enemy, and he was glad that the maker of this gear had thought of the environmental challenges that different climates could bring. After seventy years spent wandering the galaxy with one faction or another, he had seen the different armors that the galaxy had to offer. Memories of nearly sweating to death, or dying due to lack of protection came back swifty.

He shuddered, but no one noticed.

Blaster shots could already be felt, and through the darkness he could feel life being taken. His nerves were on edge due to their opponent, and his right, gloved hand rested on the curved lightsaber hilt on his belt. It’s electrum plating shone brilliantly against the dark material covering his entire body. The respirator allowed him to breath freely, while the cooling systems and HUD kept him cooled and informed. Who exactly he was with was unknown, he had just been sent to defend them. Their lives were meaningless to him, and he barely noticed them as they marched. The entire world of Doldur was being subjugated, or whatever word the Techno Union wanted to use. He was just here so he wouldn’t be fined or called out for being a selfish bastard.

That secret needed to be kept for now.

He knew [member="Tmoxin Temi"], but she didn’t know it was him. She had helped him get off world, but she didn’t know he was with her in the Union now. That could stay a secret as well, instead the soul vampire looked at her behind his helmet. “Your troops, lead the way commander and I will assist in the best way I can.”

Even if that meant abandoning them and fighting another day, but hey...he was evil.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: D
Location: Snatch HQ

Yes, Marek Starchaser was claiming this place to be called Snatch now, it was just easier, and well, calling it Novatech was a lot less fun. He smiled and gave the secretary a wink. “Guess I’m off then.” Marek was a bit distracted in this place, he had his mind over on the concepts for Maramere, and knew he needed to get Bright Star ready for construction on that world. Maybe he’d send Token there, probably.

He wasn’t really needing to go everywhere, not with the way the Union was working now, but getting this company involved? That was important. And he needed to get the rest of them here to clear this world from the Vong. It was disgusting how that plague of a species was allowed to perpetuate. He knew that [member="Adekos"] was doing his murder thing lately, maybe he’d like to come help out?

Plus he knew that others from the Order were here, like [member="Seto Du Couteau"], [member="Aron Rodrie"] and [member="Draco Vereen"] were supposed to be testing new power units, and well, Net Bha’lir was the most qualified for wiping Vong remnants from their borders. So much to do, so little time, and that was another reason he was thankful for [member="Darell Irani"] and [member="Morgan Redeaux"], they were keeping things working smoothy when he had other things to do.

What he was hoping was that Net Taozin was keeping everyone in the loop, he knew one of the newly arrived Ascendants in [member="Jerec Wraith"] had been tossed around as arriving on this world.

Or people to do.

He knew that the war concept against the Vong was wearing on troop morale, and he was going to fix that shortly, he was going to give them another enemy to fight. Probably criminals. But first, he needed to meet with [member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"] and assimilate his company. He made his way to the office doors.
Location: Ground
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Jerec Wraith"]
Enemies: Vong
Post: 2/20

He called himself Commander Wraith. The surname was familiar but not uncommon, so after Tmoxin tried to recall serving with a Wraith on the battlefield, she left it alone, content to assume this was someone she had not met.

The Hapan herself wore the Olympic Battle Armor provided by the Techno Union. The officer beside her wore the Obsidian Order armor which she recognized during her incognito trips to the Obsidian Citadel where she would train in various Force and lightsaber fighting techniques. But for now, she still kept that pursuit hidden from the rest of the Techno Union.

Tmoxin had never opposed the Vong directly. In fact, during the siege of Ashera with the One Sith, she fought side by side with Sith Lords who used Vong troops. But this only meant, she knew the absolute dedication they had to swiftly killing anything in their path. They were a race biologically engineered for war from birth and a highly formidable foe.

Like Commander Wraith, her nerves were also frayed but she wouldn't let it show. "Your assistance is most welcome," she said as Wraith addressed her. Although being on the ground, especially in the humid marsh was far from ideal, there was a pocket of Vong resistance that they would literally need to extract by hand and foot. Otherwise, Tmoxin would be an air conditioned and comfortable confines of a mobile command center.

"Right now I have scouts locating the enemy position. While you would think a marsh would not offer much protection, there are groves of very large and thick trees on Doldur, not quite as big but similar to Wroshyr trees. The surveillance droids have picked up unique heat signatures from those trees. And only eight out of the ten droids have come back. We think the others were shot down."

Presumably the scouts on speeder bikes were farther ahead. Tmoxin motioned for Wraith to follow her through the shallow water, choked with thick reeds.

"For now, you and I are going to take a stroll through this lovely marsh," she said, smirking. They would walk behind the Morpho Secuirty Division until the scouts came back with actual coordinates.
Location: Towards the main Military Units, Leading into Deeper Marsh areas

Objective: B "The Yuuzhan Vong"
Allies: TU, Obsidian Order
Enemies: Those against me, or trying to kill me
Post Count: 3 out of 20

Seto growled as he lunged forward, his right hand now free with his blade sheathed on his back and his left hand holding a lightsaber hilt, the blade turned off. He ducked and side hopped onto one of the broken trees in his path as two whips lashed out at him. Seto’s eyes targeted on one of the whips he had scorched, damaged and without the slime he would have no trouble holding on tight. His right hand grasped out, the Force enhancing his reaction time as he held steadfast on the whip as he wrapped it around his forearm and tugged on it with all of his strength. The creature was caught off guard as it fell forward and smacked into the muddy grounds. Seto leaped forward and landed almost on top of the fallen creature, Seto stabbed down, his lightsaber ignited, and tore through the fleshy back of the creature’s head. It wiggled and its limbs sprawled, Seto did not wait for it still as he smashed by the tail of the large jaw creature. Seto braced himself as he smashed on the trunk of a tree, his eyes dazed slightly as he tried to read the HUD, feeding information of his target’s next attack.

He raised his left wrist up and shot out the remaining fuel of his flamethrower, he wasn’t exactly sure if he had hit all the whips or if the creatures had even used all their whips to attack him. Seto had more pressing matters as he climbed up and jumped away landing on the muddy grounds. Nearly crushed once more by the creature’s giant jaws, Seto sighed as he started to run but his feet were sinking deeper and deeper into the muddy soil with each step. Seto’s eyes narrowed as his HUD brought up his location of the speeder bike, he commanded the bike to travel to his location. Seto lunged back, his feet back pedaling as two whips smacked the ground and kicked up a lot of soil. His fingers grasped his Wester blaster pistol and started firing at the creatures. The mud was substantially slowing his movements but he only needed to last a bit more.

The creatures howled in anger, as Seto kept firing, trying to keep them at bay, at least moving instead of attacking. Seto’s eyes narrowed as he took aim, two shots fired and he tracked them as they smashed into one of the creatures. It got knocked back but picked itself back up, Seto cursed as he tried to keep himself moving. A familiar roar of engines was picked up by Seto, his left hand reached as he grasped one of the handles of the bike, with some aid of the Force Seto threw himself on the seat and sped forward. His hands quickly turning as his HUD mapped out more of the trees as Seto drove himself to circle behind his targets.

Seto now was certain the creatures have an amount of protection in the front of their bodies, but what was more interesting was how they had so little on their backside. Did they really not expect to have their enemies come from behind them? Or rather did not expect an enemy to be capable enough to get behind them? Seto mused, but it mattered little to ask “why” such things occurred, instead the real question was more on “what”; as in “what” should Seto do to fight back. He turned a harsh right, slowing his bike tremendously as well, as to force the turn quickly. His moved himself to stand on his bike, he crouched as his legs sprung him forward. Flying into the enemy he pulled out both his sword and saber, engaging into close combat between the two remaining enemies with whips.

The two shrieked loudly, they had no time to keep Seto back with their whips now that he was in less than arm's reach. Seto attacked, the left and right hands slashed downwards, than he brought them both up and stabbed forward. His mind focused on the Force to give both his stabbing attacks with more power. He growled as he drove his sword and saber deeper into the creature’s chest. His saber burned into the Vong while his sword pierced deep, but while the one on his left slumped and fell off of his lightsaber the Vong on his right side growled loudly and attack with its clawed hands but his claws smashed against his saber. Seto focused again, but instead of pushing his sword forward the last bipedal Vong was thrust forward into Seto’s sword. Seto also felt himself pushed back, the Vong gave its dying cry as a muddy crash of a tree falling behind the creature.

Seto sighed in relief as he pushed the Vong off of his sword, whipping his wrist once to remove the strange blood off of his steel. He sheathed his sword and clipped his lightsaber back to his belt. Eyes trained on the large jaw snake, squirming its way towards him, much slower than Seto had first thought. It’s become much more docile now that the other three Vong had died He mused silently as he walked across the muddy ground to his bike.

Best to warn the rest of the units before I scout deeper Seto thought, his hands already shooting his speeder bike back towards the rest of Union’s military unit. His HUD displaying the quickest route he punched forward to debrief his allies.


Seto slowed himself, the marsh appeared lighter as he moved himself out of the more condense part of the marsh, his HUD displayed that he was just a few minutes away. Seto transmission his approach, as to not get anybody trigger happy a reason to shoot, Seto made his way.

The sound of hovercrafts and people slugging their way through soft soil assured Seto that he was indeed among a Vong free area for the moment. Seto approached towards the forward party of soldiers as he hopped off of his speeder bike. His eyes locating the Officer as he saluted the man, “The Vong have laid traps and small squad ambushes, exactly one point one kilometer from our position, the ground ahead has spots of pure mud where they hid themselves to surprise us as the others attack from the tops of the trees,” Seto quickly explained to the Office. "Have your sensors detect for movement and heat and perhaps density to located those laying in wait beneath the muddy grounds, and have your men alert of attacks from above," Seto warned as he nodded at the Officer.

The Officer nodded and began to transmit the information down the chain of command, Seto himself decided to take that time to make his leave. His face winced as he suddenly felt his left leg shoot up a stinging pain. His eyes turned to look down, he noticed his suit had been slightly compromised as the mud had dried around his feet and legs but something wet was dripping down. Seto moved quickly, calling for a medic as one of the troops ran his way. His looked at his HUD, noticing a silent alarm that Seto remembered he had turned off during the beginning of the fight. Never turn it off He silently reminded himself, as he knew the dangers of relying on his armor and suddenly realizing it was comprised someplace.
This was post five.

This post was not Jenn.
This post was on Doldur.

There was so much going around. The one issue? No one really know how to handle it. No one except the hacktivst only known only by his sign on name of ‘Stinger.’ He knew that Novatech was the big dog on the planet of Doldur, they were the number one employer and provided a lot of wares and goods. Life was good, for some.

But what they didn’t see? They didn’t see the bad it was doing. So many people were having issues just making it through the week. It was all ‘do we have enough money for the end of the week?’ That was what happened. Make cybernetics and enhancements on this world just expensive enough where people can rightfully think, ‘yes, I can afford that.’ The thing? They weren’t sure where they were going to get their next paycheck.
Most industry was taken over by Novatech, and with Bright Star bringing their casino ships around? People were chasing their good feelings.

Sure, Stinger here, he knew what was going on. He was a part of it. A former employee of Novatech, his job was cut off when droids were doing what he could do better. SO what did he do? He spent his money, he enhanced his brain. He plugged one of those iBorg implants right into his brain and started jacking in.

Now he was the HoloNet. Breaking the protocols on the holonet, into Novatech, hell, into the police droids. They were going to come for the people? Watch them when they were doing nothing wrong? Well, two could play at that game.

And he spent enough time on the posting forums to know he wasn’t the only one that was feeling the same way. The Techno Union wanted to come here? And well, he knew the politicians were going to see it as the right thing… But leave Novatech in charge?

It was time for a change.

The Union could help them rid the Vong from this world, that would be good, but beyond that?


(All aboard the hype train [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Seto Du Couteau"] [member="Darell Irani"] [member="Rilus Mercer Sieron"] [member="Jerec Wraith"] @Abraxes @HypeTrain Choo-Choo [member="Lord Theatrum"]

Lord Tarantula

An Arachnid, not a Cephalopod
Location: Future Site of Doldur's new Obsidian Spire
Objective: Defend the site; Yell at people to start doing things the way I want... (Mix of B and C, I guess)
Allies: Obsidian Order, [member='Darell Irani'], [member='Jennifer Blanchard'], [member='Morgan Redeaux']
Enemies: Yuuzahn Vong, Lazy Workers, and anything that thinks it's a better arachnid than me...
Post Count: 1/20

Kyale knew how late he was to the party. In fact, he had planned it this way. The visual feed of his upper right arm was seeing something moving ahead of him. It might have been a small animal, but both the Force and the eight-limbed cyborg's hunch told a different story. Slowly matching pace with the creature just outside the so-called "safe zone" where the Spire was being built, the self-named Lord Tarantula literally cut through the foliage in his way. The vibroblades extended from the 'palms' of his other three arms sliced low-hanging branches and trees, allowing him keep running without any real hindrance.

He slowly managed to close with the scuttling thing, seriously thanking some deity out there that his whole suit was vac-sealed against this disgusting marshland. If it hadn't been, he would've risked all sorts of infection and respiratory damage, even with prosthetic lungs and an air filter.

As he reflected on this, he didn't notice the creature escape the field of his arm's photoreceptor vision...
Location: Doldur Spaceport
Objective: Slice slice baby
Allies: These little hands and this beautiful brain
Enemies: Boredom, oppression
Post Count: 1/20

Say this for Dae-Sung Hye, he was a man who kept his ear to the ground. Or to the comm unit as the case may be. If the Techno Union intended to invest in Doldur, then it was clearly going to be the next big thing and he intended to be part of it. He was not a big player, but oh how he wanted to be. He had toiled and worked, strived and maneuvered to that one day we would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with names like Starchaser, Irani, or these days Vereen. He was pointedly blind to their failings. One was a womanizer who spent far too much time and too many credits on things other than business and the last had been a criminal of all things. Still, what mattered was where they stood now in the stock market. All three were interested in Doldur, so he was too.

"We will acquire land here, expand into it. We will be on the ground floor when the boom hits!"

"Yes Father."

This delivered not in the bored tones of most teenagers, but in the properly respectful and subdued tones of a female of House Hye. Jeong Hye was nothing if not a proper and dutiful daughter.

Zero Overdrive on the other hand.. The holopad she was studying, were one to long at, switched between observations on customs and propriety and several different language lessons. Both proper and acceptable matters for a young woman to be concerning herself with. They were not however, what Zero currently saw. Her cybernetic eyes were filtering out the false front and revealing the true data. And what she was looking at what.. Everything. Doldur. It's networks. Its caches and nodes. Oh likely much would be overhauled and replaced if the Techno Union was making its mark felt. But right now there was an opportunity.

Right now security was far lower than it would soon be. Right now was the time to introduce self perpetuating crawlers, set to peek and snoop and insinuate. To find data, any data, all data and ferry it back to several highly secured drop points where smarter programs would sort it for relevance, for patterns, as well as hiding it. So much lived on the holonet. It was so easy to hide information. Within peoples favourite holonet show broadcasts, things could be slipped in, encrypted, hidden, and then protected by the shows own security. Safe, preserved, waiting until it was needed again.

So while her father plotted his empire, she put in the pieces to control it, to take it down. Him and others like him.
Location: Unmarked slicer bar on Doldur
Objective: Dig for info, erase data
Allies: [member="Marek Starchaser"] (oh bby)
Enemies: Badly written code, maybe [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] and [member="Jeong Hye"]
Post Count: 1/20

Cryax Bane thoroughly enjoyed the return of his anonymity. The One Sith slicer had recently begun to be able to travel around the galaxy unfettered. While some would always be driven by the lure of cold hard credits, many galactic bounty hunters did not hunt their quarry for credits alone. Big name criminals were the juiciest notches on their belts. Bane's stock hadn't quite plummeted, but since the Chiss worked mainly in shadows of the Coruscant Undercity it had begun to flat-line. It suited him just fine to be off of the bounty boys' radar, however. The Chiss' vast wealth was shored up in galactic tax havens like the Inter-Galactic Bank of Mando, run by members of the Techno Union. He was content to do two things. Be rich and run the Coruscant Underworld, and he did both very, very well.

Bane was currently hunched over in a booth in an unmarked slicer bar on the planet of Doldur, holding his own digital court. His fingers tapped across virtual keyboards and walked up floating Holo screens arranged asymmetrically in the air around him. Using his ARCs to slice into the Holonet was almost as invigorating as a sport. For the skinny Chiss, it was as close as he got to physical activity these days.

The job was one of the easier ones that he'd been hired for. Marek Starchaser, a friend from his days running the Red Ravens, had hired him to do some digging around in the darknet. Once he had sliced into forbidden places, he would find out all he could about Doldur's most shadowy criminals, siphon the information to Starchaser, and then, who knows? Maybe he would use it himself. Maybe he would erase it. Maybe he would sell it to the highest bidder.

In the battle between friendship and opportunity, which one do you think Bane would choose?

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