Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Techno Union Invasion of Rebel Alliance Geonosis

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: S0916
Objective: Be dope
Allies: Vrag | Darth Carach | Draco Vereen | Raziel | Aron Rodrie | Marek Starchaser | Darth Venefica | Death's Hand | Orick T'ane | Greta Kohler | Zhol Kash Dinora | Adekos | Jemmila Kyrgen | Hion the Herglic |Morgan Redeaux | Abraxas
Enemies: Thane Drexel | Nyos Val | Tionne Thanewulf | Blane Nightfall

Kiran pondered his life for a few moments.

His blaster was smoking, his eyes were wearily watching the skies as the dropships fled. For a brief moment he simply thought about how this battle wasn't turning out at all like he had thought. Geonosis was a planet that wasn't exactly difficult to defend. There were high places and the hives were well defended, the huge open spaces made it easier to pinpoint attack and most places should have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of defenders in place.

Yet it all seemed...easy.

Nothing here was really resisting, and Kiran could have sworn the enemy was fleeing more than standing there ground.

His fingertips beat against the handle of his blaster, a contemplative gesture that caused him to shift. His eyes fell on the AT-AW, and he wondered why the Rebels hadn't even tried to destroy the thing. His lips turned down into a frown and he shrugged, trotting alongside the Sith Lord with an odd disinterest that had begun to fall over him.

This was all too easy.

His head tore to the side as a voice echoed through his mind. His lips thinned, and his head shook slightly. The voice that torrential scream, it was almost...familiar. Goosebumps rose across his flesh, and his heart skipped a beat. What the feth was she doing here?
Location: S0616 - S0715
Objective: Sow the horrors of war.
Allies: Kiran Vess | Darth Carach | Draco Vereen | Raziel | Aron Rodrie | Marek Starchaser | Darth Venefica | Death's Hand | Orick T'ane | Greta Kohler | Zhol Kash Dinora | Adekos | Jemmila Kyrgen | Hion the Herglic | Morgan Redeaux | [member="Vrag"]

Enemies: Thane Drexel | Nyos Val | Tionne Thanewulf | Blane Nightfall​
The end for the rebellion was nigh, the figurative bells tolled for their lives to be whisked away by the ferryman and delivered to the deepest hells where their souls would writhe within the filth of failure and misfortune. The undoing of many lay behind Abraxas as unidentifiable cadavers that no longer held much importance other than feeding the planet's soil with their decaying flesh. Here, allegiances didn't matter to Abraxas. Any and all that stood before him were in danger of facing the product of his deliberate psychosis.

Another soldier fell here, and then another there. Such mass amounts of casualties surely upset the other still living rebels that Abraxas saw only as prey - humiliation was a very peculiar emotion to the creation. To see a human being cry in anger was by far the most interesting response that was ever elicited. Even during the end times of any battle, Abraxas would be there to worsen the shattered hearts of hero and innocent alike. Their pain and loss was his benefit and gain, after all.

Why did they cower, these rebels? Their hearts must not have been as true to their allegiance as they had first thought. If it weren't for his intoxicated state, Abraxas might actually stop to wonder and look into the eyes of each and every head that he had decapitated to ponder their thoughts and hopes. Was it hope? If so, there would be nothing. Like a poverty-stricken and starved family, all they would have is each other until death comes to pillage and kill dreams and said hope. Such primitive ideas and thoughts would be the end of many it seemed.

As Abraxas carried himself onward through the bodies and slaughter, he felt the tug of a hand upon his leg; a boy in critical condition with a missing arm, bleeding out onto a corpse next to him. The amount of sorrow in a human's eyes was something else to be studied and questioned. These organic sacks of fickle demeanor were truly something to behold when it came to researching them. Drawing the slugthrower strapped his right thigh, Abraxas fired off two rounds into the boy's face - a massive hole being blown out the back of his head as his grip on the creation's leg went limp.

That's when he spotted [member="Vrag"] in the distance, charging after her with the intent of aiding in the slaying of the Jedi.

There would be no escape for the rebellion, no peace to lay down upon and rest. The beds of every man woman and child would be set ablaze with the infection of war and its never ending flames that welcomed any and all into its maw. Their skin would blister, and screams would only fuel the fires that will consume the lands once cherished by those that settled upon it.

No amount of pleading would ever change the fate of what the Jedi and Rebels had brought upon themselves. Their flesh was to rend.


[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Eliminate Enemy Runtimes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Techno Union, and similar runtimes. [member="General Mayhem"] [member="Orick T'ane"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Rebel Alliance, and similar runtimes. [member="Oddball"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Windows: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Structural weakness, will not be using them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]1418[/SIZE]


Prime was here for war. And that was what Prime was doing. The droid, thanks to [member="General Mayhem"], and her lovely death machine of a body, had been given information about the conflict. The issue with Prime was that the unit was wiped from its short term battle memories, but not the tactical data. It never really remembered that it enjoyed murder, or that it enjoyed skinning bodies of its foes. But it did remember how to be a more effective killer and what programs and tactics worked when and how.

As of now, Prime was ducking behind two TA-4s for cover as it was starting to tear armor off of a dead Rebel soldier. Prime also had two hands, one from a droid and one from a human lodged into, and welded/cooks onto its shoulders. Prime was looking pretty.

Prime wanted a face though. But there was no time for that. There was battle. Prime did have armor plates, still with some of the flesh that it cut away from the arm, attached to its body. Sure, it’d not protect it, but it made Prime feel better. Prime didn’t really have a solid program, but for whatever reason, the programming seemed to ease and make it less murderous the more flesh it attached to its body. Strange droid.

But it turned. Mayhem and the pirate were in conflict. Pulling its rifle out again, Prime laid down fire. Lucky for this unit, it was not able to network with the TA units from Hegemonic Automaton and hence was working as its own unit, with no chance of data overload. But it did scan the battlefield, recognizing high priority targets. There was one it recognized. It was called [member="Oddball"]. It was a Dread Guard.
Dread Guard, in Prime’s internal dictionary came across as something very akin to ‘Vong abomination’ and Vong was really closely defined with Rebel as ‘those who seek to destroy Prime forever.’ Meanwhile Techno Union was ‘The God Creators and Provider of Upgrade,’ and death, maiming, dismemberment came across as ‘happy birthday,’ ‘presents,’ and ‘joy.’

Right, Prime was a war droid. Prime was targeting Oddball. Prime was squeezing the trigger while a burst message was sent out along the comlink to the other units to engage all enemies nearby.

There was another word that needed to be defined. That word was ‘war.’ When one went in to Prime’s databanks there was only one word that showed up.

Location: 0716
Objective: Skipping Through The Sand
Allies: Techno Union l [member="Greta Kohler"] l [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: Rebel Alliance l [member="Kian Karr"]


x2 AT-AW
x75 Dagobah Knights 4 Companies (18 per)...25 killed in ambush

It took more cunning and plotting, and patience, to pull off an ambush on Darth Venefica. She had made a lifestory of killing her enemies before they even knew death was at their doorstep. But the Jedi had played this game well, and earned her respect; slightly. It also took bravery, even for a Jedi Master, to make any attempt to surprise a Sith deep in the clutches of killing. Even more so when the Sith was plagued with madness, and at times, couldn't comprehend reality from fantasy.
Yet, here he was in all his shining glory.
Even before his second collection of words slipped casually from his lips, she watched as some of her boys fell to the ground, their lives no longer hers to control. Then as if killing her little men wasn't insult enough, he had the audacity to ask her to surrender. That was the difference between Jedi and Sith. They asked, Sith just took 'no' as an answer; at times not bothering with asking.
Slowly and casually, showing no fear of the Jedi, she turned to face him. A Kel Dor! Before she could reply to his abstract words of surrender, her Apprentice quickly responded for the both of them. And she acknowledged her Apprentice's response with a cold smile.
"You have been answered!"
With a hiss and dragging the tip of her blade against the sand, she cautiously moved toward him, all the while drawing on the Force. Quickly she gripped a dead Republic soldier's body and hurled at him, attempting to distract him, and charged toward the Jedi, one eye focused on his hips. One thing she had learned about lightsaber combat was that everything began with the hips. No matter what her opponent did, it started with the hips. Her other eye watched his feet, the moment they moved, she would attempt to throw him off balance using the Force.
Her lightsaber, the killing tool of a Sith, was not her primary weapon. And soon, this Jedi would learn a hard lesson.


  • 73 Order Members of Network Bha'Lir (Warriors)
    2 Master of the Elements (Pyro/Cryo Kinetics, Lightning, Alter Weather, etc.)
  • 2 Masters of Telekinetics (Force Choke, Crush, Grip, Push/Pull, Levitation, ad nauseam)
  • 1 Master of Mentalism (She'll turn your soldiers on you.)
  • 68 Other Assorted Knights and Apprentices

The tension broke. They'd eclipsed and passed the Rebel Alliance fleet without a hitch. Now the last leg was left, as the ships turned their noses down and locked onto the warzone. They slowly accelerated, their engines thrumming higher to life as they drew nearer and nearer to the site upon which the Obsidian Order would have its day. The were afraid, they had a right to be so. Their Archon had abandoned them, they were left under the charge of enigmatic unknowns who rarely spoke... but their resolve had never been stronger. They had the sense of the right to prove themselves. To show that the Order was still strong, was still great without Asher Valentine or Salem Norongachi. They could survive, persevere, overcome. When all accounts showed they should fall, they chose to rise. Their Archon would have been proud if he knew that, and they knew that simple fact to be true. It bolstered them in these moments before they touched down, or engaged enemy fighters, or joined any manner of the chaos consuming Geonosis.

So they gripped their weapons tighter, they locked their eyes forward, they gritted their teeth and let the Force flow collectively through them all. They shared morale, they shared resolve, they steeled themselves to put on the greatest performance they had in the absence of their founder. In a strange way, they nearly bestowed a form of inspiration upon themselves and one another. The Obsidian Order was coming, and there would be blood and death before the end.
Location: A bad and sore place
Allies: [member="Oddball"]
Enemies: [member="Freanne"], [member="General Mayhem"], [member="Orick T'ane"]

*Da-Ding!* I already hacked it?!? Well, that was quick...Oh, shiaska...It's a comm device...Welp! Time to educate these clankers in some culture.

Jarven started playing this song on full blast through the droid's comm device to the rest of the droids.

Well, Jarven had more hoped that snipers didn't shoot at him. However, they did...


It was a good thing that he was circling the droid erratically. Otherwise, he would have been a ganked Gank...filled with cheese...dead meat....a bad sandwhich---(ah, forget it.) LAZARS streaked by him and scared the bejeezus out of him. He tried to hide himself from the sniper fire by hovering in front of the giant tank droid...t'wasn't a good idea. Just like being penta-dunked by Dunkmaster Darius, he got Space Jammed down to the ground. (Yes, the humor is high in this one, just like me...ow the cat)

The impact left him aching all over. OH! And the jetpack shorted out and became a glorified paperweight. He rolled away and got up. Slinging the now useless jetpack off his back, he dropped it in front of himself as he stared at the droid through his visor.

Frell! It's got too good of shielding for me to take down with this gun...I've got to play this smart. A wireless attack won't do and I don't know where to plug in to get the right connection...Frell. I'm going to have to get in close. Let's see how well this thing can monologue.

And with that, he let his submachine gun strap slide off of his arm. The submachine gun hit the ground and he crossed his arms, 10 feet from the behemoth. He waited patiently to see what would become of his new tactic. He also tried to keep the droid between he and the snipers, taking steps sideways if the droid tried to create an opening for the snipers.
Location: Foundry Catacombs
Objective: Hold Fast
Allies: Rebels/ None near
Enemies: Sith [member="Zhol Kash Dinora"] [member="Raziel"]

x80 Geonosian Soldiers
x35 Elites
x35 Rebel Troops
-x8 Snipers
-x5 Rocket Launchers

As Nyos and his men held up in the catacombs, scouts sent reports of enemy in the tunnels. Luckily for Nyos, no trap layers had been sent into the tunnels and therefore lost none. Scouts were dying though, yes, but that would change when he himself entered the last known location of insurgents.

He witnessed the grotesque images of Sithspawn, perfect. Target practice was started as he let loose with the Ripper. Shredding those before him and cutting down any who got too close. It was a wonderful feeling to end the lives of the horrors of the Galaxy. They were a plague and Nyos was their antivirus. Trained by a Jedi as a younger man had its advantages when facing Sith spew. The Geonosian Elites accompanied him down there with their beam weapons. Made to slice through opponants like butter, the Beam rifles would make short work of the intruders. Nyos moved on and found his targets. Two ugly Mother Sithers had shown their mugs finally. One that looked like Granny and another who seemed like a fart a friend had after a bad Bantha Steak.

"Come you slime, get some medicine!" How appropriate for a doctor, hmm?

The Ripper spat forth bolts in rapid succession. The weapon was weaker in caliber than most blasters but the amount of fire should give the Sith something to think about while they ran.

Above ground the Snipers had spread out and were continuing their assault. The Anti tank rounds would be plenty strong enough to smash through armor and take out high value targets. Like the walking wet whilly's and tank drivers and artillery operators. It appeared that a few Rebel troops had gone to face them with little more than handfuls of men. The Snipers have what cover they could. Blending into the rocks, their weapons spat death across the landscape.
Location: Skies over 0616
Objective: Eliminate Enemy Armor
Allies: Rogue Squadron [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]
Enemies: TU [member="Adekos"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Hion the Herglic"]

Thane launched a pair of Torps just as he passed the skycars to eliminate them from his path.
Pushing the boundaries of the sound barrier, Thane came in on the enemy armor location. Even though their units could eventually track him, te stealth coating prevented preemptive strikes and made the enemy play catchup. By the time Thane was mid strafe, the ground units were just launching counter measures. It wouldn't be like shooting down a Techno Union Pilot who constantly made mistakes and lacked experience.

The laser cannons of the Nevermore lit up the ground units, slaying troopers and droids as if they were standing still. Thane banked hard to come around for another pass as the first set of AA countermeasures finally got behind him. Pulled down low and come in from behind the Techno lines, Thane released four proton torps and a volley of cannon fire. The torps held a blast radius large enough to knock out multiple targets simultaneously because of how many had bunched themselves together. Yes the Union had numbers, but not a brain between the lot of them. Having come in so low, the AA guns were ineffective and the previous missiles would be flying right in to friendly lines. The concussion missiles striking their own vehicles and troopers was a good way to lose moral quickly.

Thane pulled up and shot for the lower layers of the atmosphere. His speed would carry him away from the AA guns and remove him from radar until he came back down And by then it would be too late to stop him. With plenty of targets to spare, let's see if they learn anything from their mistakes.
Location: 1418
Objective: Smash the Tube-Baby
Allies: [member="Dagora-Kel"] [member="General Mayhem"] [member="Freanne"]
Enemies :[member="Oddball"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]​


Orick lined up his shots again, he had missed with his first set of shots and as he let his arm steady on the flying target he felt something slam into his shoulder armor. The impact knocked him back and he felt a second shot graze the side of his helmet. Looking up he saw the clone commander, he guessed that he was tired of talking and wanted to fight. He dropped to the ground and rolled to his left, allowing the tank he had just vacated to provide him with cover while he regained his footing. He looked down at his shoulder armor and saw the scorch mark from one of the high impact bolts, it was by luck alone that the armor had held, more likely the skill of the armorsmith. He sighed and let the chaos of the battle around him fade out for the second that was needed for him to activate his cybernetics. He felt the system activating, his entire body tingling with the increased blood flow and bio electrical input to his muscles. He felt the familiar rush throughout his system, the feeling of being one step ahead of the world.

With renewed vigor he stepped back into the fight, he scanned the battlefield for [member="Oddball"], knowing that he wouldn't just sit still and wait for him. Once acquired he would fire off a short burst of blaster fire as he moved, his body now flowing across the battlefield much quicker than the normal troopers. He closed the gap between them just a bit, his fire taking out a small number of other troopers around his target. He wanted there to be no misunderstanding that this was their fight, and others entering it would be dealt with accordingly. He had been singled out for combat, and he wouldn't allow anyone to interrupt his win.

He took cover behind a small bit of debris and grinned, using the cybernetics always made him giddy with anticipation, his body wired and humming with the delight of the conflict ahead. He peeked out from behind his cover to see where his opponent was, he hoped that this long range duel was going to gt close and personal, shooting was fine, but the real pleasure in the win would be when he ripped the clones helmet from his head with his hands.

3xACS-501 Redeemer Battle Tanks [100]

3xCRAM Spider [30] 1417

3xF5 Buckler [30] 1417

5xConfederate Hunter-Killer Droid( support) [5] 1418
Location: Boundary of foundry catacombs and cavern system, U0711
Objective: Enter foundry catacombs
Allies: [member="Raziel"]
Enemies: [member="Nyos Val"]

NPC Forces:
-245 qo'saarai tuk'ata catacomb guardians, each outfitted with:
--Fett Kal trench knife
--Lazy Eye Merr-Sonn Power 5 heavy blaster
--Cater Coat
--Leviathan bracers
--Echani Mk2 combat shield
--Eyes of the Dunaan
100 at U0711, 102 at U0809, 23 at U1011, 5 at U1219

-1 sea of spirit-infested blood and pulped bone that used to be a Leviathan of Corbos

The bolter was a wonderful and devastating weapon...against anything but a basic Force shield. A half-sphere of green light obstructed the barrage. Stray shrapnel whined about the tunnel, around the edge of the shield; Kash caught a ricochet across the bridge of her nose, too close for comfort. Blood dripped down her face, into her mouth.

Bolters meant Omega Protectorate, or Firemane preferred customers. At worst, it could mean [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] was here. At best, it was just someone with a big gun and a death wish.

Kash didn't run. She wasn't in the business of running.

Her specialty, by way of alchemy, was aperion, the aspect of the Force that controlled time, gravity, and electromagnetism. Her primary combat technique had always been lightning. So a torrent of green lightning sheared through the shield, aimed for Nyos Val. The lightning branched and forked, closing in around him like claws.

Geonosian Elites were deadly combatants, when they had room to maneuver and when their opponents weren't capable of similar maneuverability. Their weapons took long seconds to charge between shots -- a highly visible process -- and for ammunition they drew upon the body fluids of the Elites. With all these factors in mind, the tuk'ata opted not to make themselves ideal targets. Their immense strength and agility sent them leaping and scrambling out of the way of the beams, coordinated by their telepathic link; unlike Republic troopers, qo'saarai could scramble up walls and easily leap high enough to take down Elites at their normal shooting altitude. To say nothing of the ridiculously overpowered sig-loaded heavy blasters, which could nearly match the beam weapons for strength, didn't obscure half your field of vision with fire glow, and didn't take several seconds to charge up. Pretty much perfect for chewing into Elites' armor. There was no way to fully counter the Elites' devastation, of course; deaths began to filter through the tactical telepathic link, and the chant took on a different tone.

Back at the tunnel mouth, the five qo'saarai elders continued their work in the slurry of the leviathan. When killed, leviathans tended to release their trapped souls -- but not when the Taurannik Codex was being invoked by two hundred fifty Sithspawn and the Codex's undisputed master. The mulch of cursed meat and compelled spirits formed a patternless, eye-watering rune on the floor of the cave. The air shimmered with vaporized leviathan. The Force continued to warp, impelled by the ritual of the Codex and by the power borrowed from Kash.
Location: Moving from 1213 --> 0814
Objective: Deploy ground troops to 0814 and fire cannons at artillery at 0814
Allies: Techno Union [member="Death's Hand"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]


Forces: Morpho Security Division - 100 soldiers with the following: Olympian Battle Armor, T-21 Light Repeating Blasters, sniper rifles, MiniMag PTL missile launchers, thermal detonators/50 soldiers from the 77th Bothan Ranger Battalion: Special Forces, scouting, sniping and placing KE-6b mines/7 Heavy Tanks

Commander Vereen and his troops had entered the Foundry and subsequently the catacombs. The forces around the Foundry appeared to be lessening and there were more urgent battles taking place across the Geonosis landscape that would require the Hapan officer’s soldiers and firepower.

“Lieutenant, deploy the Monarchs and the Bothans. Have them move south and eventually our convoy will meet just north of the first main ridge directly south of the Foundry. We’re going to be lending support to Death’s Hand. Apparently he is engaged in firefight with a Jedi and her troops in that location.”

At that order, the Mythosaurs disgorged all of Tmoxin’s units at once, and they stormed out onto the desert floor. These were soldiers, snipers and former Imperial shock troopers who were primed and ready for engagement. They were not weary. They were not bloody or battle-scarred. They had been lying in wait this entire time, just for this moment, to enter the fray. With a few snipers still entrenched nearby, her units were vulnerable to a lone bullet or two, but it appeared the Commander’s forces greatly outnumbered the pitiful cluster of Rebels left at the Foundry.

Using Death Hand’s data, the Commander compiled the location of the artillery within the Techno Union’s battlefield computer system. These particular Rebel tanks were positioned on either side of the ridge she was targeting. It was getting too warm in her Olympian armor and she longed to wipe the sweat off of her brow which dripped down her nose and into her mouth. But comfort and convenience was for another day.

“Double check that they are ours. Death’s Hand has tanks in the area too,” Tmoxin said through gritted teeth.

Once the coordinates were re-reviewed, the ACS-501 were programmed to turn their gun turrets to the location of Seraphina’s artillery and a thick barrage of cannon fire would scream towards her artillery, pounding directly into her Siege Tanks, perhaps surprising her forces if they were currently only focused on Death Hand’s position.
Allies: Techno union [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Draco Vereen"][member="Dagora-Kel"][member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Kiran Vess"] [member="Abraxas"] [member="Prime"] [member="Orick T'ane"]
Enemy: Rebel Scum [member="Oddball"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
plus others who I have missed

Forces 165 soldiers full infantry company
+scout platoon of 35 men + freanne
145 harbinger infantry company
20 Repeaters
36 Harpy scout platoon
201 blaster pistols all
201 Phase armour
and every one has a knife and few grenades

Her scout troops have been trying to take pot shots at the fob, and taking down anyone in the area fighting for the rebel scum. She was enjoying her position of safety, in cover and higher up than enemy troops. The was not much for her to do, other than listen to coms reports, whilst she removed people heads at long range. Good time to be a sniper, and if was never going to be this good again.

Meanwhile captain emerton was moving to flank the fob, after climbing down the ravine where Lieutenant Roscoe was. They then quickly using what cover there was, and they had ample amount of it moved to behind a small hill. After this bit they would have less and less cover to from, and get to, if they did as they hoped and flanked the forward base of the rebel scum.

Infantry company is know in grid number 0915, using the hill as cover. Scout platoon, is raining sniper fire on fob.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Location: Techno Union FOB
Objective: Attack
Allies: Rebel Alliance [member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Enemies: TU [member="Prime"] [member="Orick T'ane"]

A bolt from a blaster rifle slammed into Oddball's back at around his kidneys, the kinetic force absorbed by durability of his armor that could stand up to even Verpine rifles and the exosuit that augmented his strength. So this meant his was being engaged on two different fronts, it was time to get creative then. Reaching to his grenade belt he quickly grabbed and pushed down on a Ray shield grenade. throwing it to the ground a shield immediately expanded out from the grenade and the rest of [member="Prime"] 's blaster bolts bounced off if it, along with the incoming bolts from [member="Orick T'ane"]. Time to go on the offensive and make these people hurt.

Lifting up his DC-18 oddball had a few seconds before the shield would fade out, so using that time he stood at the edge of the barrier and pointed his rifle half way out the shield with one hand and in the other he held the .50 caliber Good Samaritan loaded with explosive tungsten known as Sith Killers and with the strength of a wookie at his disposal handling the rifle and pistol was a breeze. Coupled with his HUD it tracked both targets and told him where to aim to hit the targets where they stood now, prime being exposed while shooting and Orick taking cover behind some rubble.

"COME AND GET SOME!" He yelled in his classic Clone Trooper accent.

The guns ripped and started roaring rounds down range at both targets. Oddball didn't wait for the shield to fade out and become exposed though, after he fired about four shots on his pistol at the droid and a slew of automatic bolts at the man in cover he rushed forward and dove to take cover behind one of the weird rock formations that Geonosis was famous for. From the current angle he had a decent amount of protection from the two targets unless they decided to push up and flank, then they could easily hit his sides. But Oddball wouldn't let that happen, he was a Dreadguard and whether he was a Vong abomination or not he was born and bred to fight. He was a warrior and was once part of one of the best damn elite military forces the galaxy had to offer. So taking out a soulless droid and a juiced up smuggler was going to be another day at the office.

NPC: Background noise
140 Rebel Troopers with jet packs
75 with blaster rifles
40 with rocket launchers
13 with LMG blasters
15 with anti tank sniper rifles
3 drop ships

Oddball's gear
Location; FOB
Objective; Give Dagora a heart attack
Allies; Techno Union ([member=Dagora-Kel], [member="General Mayhem"], etc)
Enemies; Rebel Scum

For the most part, good children did exactly what there parents told them. Decent children did mostly what there parents told them.. And, then there were children like Deneve who did exactly the opposite. When told to stay out of harms way , she decided to do exactly the opposite and thus she found herself stowed away in one of the various pods her father had prepped. Donned in her father's Cater Coat, conveiniently swiped because it made her look baller, Deneved looked out the window to see all the 'Fun'. She saw explosions. She saw droids. She saw her father ride off on his iron war thing.(Overkill much.) Finally, the coast was clear, so she shoved her way out of the pod and onto the planet below. What she saw confused her. All there was were rocks, more rocks with a side of rocks. She could understand if this was a super populated city world, but rocks?!

In her opinion this was dumb, but whatever. Placing her hands on her hips, she took at look at the other pods scattered about , and decided to kick a rock at one of them. CLANG! And for a moment she thought that was it until she heard the droids, more pods opened, TA-1s stepped out and suddenly one hundred robots were looking at her expectantly. "Huh." She said before each and every droid said. {"Awaiting orders. Awaiting orders."} Then the sadism came out, rubbing her hands together like a kid about to dive into a cake they weren't supposed to touch, she said, "Let's go kill stuff.."

Blasters were cocked, and Deneve readied her Merr-Sonn Power 5 blaster.(Also stolen from her daddy, yay lots of toys to play with.) She decided to give her father the biggest heart attack possible and so ordered the droids to march at the FOB . Meanwhile whilst walking alongside them, she called Dagora over the comm,"Hello Father, guess which child of yours is inbound towards you with more droids!.." Pausing, she took a deep breath before once again speaking. "Your favorite."

x100 TA-1 Battle Droids

Cater Coat
Merr-Sonn Power 5
Location: Near [member="Nyos Val"] assume U0709
Objective: infiltrate rebel bass
Enemies: [member="Nyos Val"] and anyon in the foundry who wants to tango
Allies: Capitalism [member="Zhol Kash Dinora"]

NPC Force:
47th Artillery Battery: 2xPounder Heavy Mech (immobilised)
12th Artillery Battery 5x J-1 Proton Cannons
GBAD: 2xF5 Buckler Anti-air walker
1xCRAM Spider
(Assume a FOO is going forward with troops to ridge)

Stealth was no good in an all-out melee between two packs if vicious creatures in long, winding tunnels. Having been in near-silence for so long, the screams of the living, the groans of the dying, and the constant wail of weapons was almost offensive. Having scrabbled up the side of a tunnel, he watched from a dark alcove. The wily assassin took a moment to centre himself and pick his next course.

One of the sithspawn clambered up the rock side. Its movements unnatural, it slowed and then exploded upwards with extreme speed. Awkward, yet at the same time beautifully graceful. A geonosian tracked the creature with its beam weapon. Not taking any chances with his own safety, Raziel delivered a swift kick to the abomination as it reached his position. It twisted awkwardly as it fell, the Geonosian elite frying the creature with its cannon as it hit the cave floor.

With a clear line of sight, two shots from his splinter pistol covered the elite with poisoned shards. It stiffened almost immediately, before falling to the ground. Returning to his observation, he watched as a Sith Lord stalked through the Sithspawn. Truth be told, he wasn’t even sure who that was. A chatter of heavy fire signalled the arrival of another combatant. That noise was familiar; the typical Techno Union battlefield was punctuated with the sound of Omega weaponry.


Barely audible, yet the most noise Raziel had made in hours. With the breach closed, he settled his smart grenade launcher onto his target. Setting it from airburst at the distance of his target, he allowed the Force to guide his aim. The trigger was depressed with the greatest ease, his grip set to avoid torqueing the light launcher.

The sonic grenade shot through the air towards [member="Nyos Val"]
OOC/ It's been two days, but seeing as we're still sorting strategic positions and approaching I thought I'd just post!

Enemies: [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Location: Space

“Alright, analytics, what are we looking at?” Irys called across the bridge.

“Four light star destroyers, two cruisers, two frigates. Only a handful of fighters in the air so far. We’re running a full suite of battlefield simulations now, passing you high level results. No orbital defences in the immediate vicinity.”

“Auresh group, hold tight and accelerate to full speed. Besh, skirt the fringes of their flank, look for an opportunity to turn them. Cresh, keep in our wake and prepare for full volleys. I want a squadron of Rapiers and Havoc’s moving down our starboard at pace to try and get around them.” Irys called.

Engines flared cerulean, yet with little nearby but the stars to measure against, the fleet seemed to move with a casual grace. Only the sqaudrons on the flank seemed to accelerate with any pace, their relative motion ovious.


Ship name	Loc	Speed(hexes)	Shields	Hull	Orders
1xGrevious	1416	2		1980	1980	Advance
1xGrevious	1616	2		1980	1980	Advance
1xHood		1516	4		600	600	Advance
1xScythe	0513	5		600	600	Advance
1xScythe	0614	5		600	600	Advance
1xMaladi	1617	6		540	450	Advance
1xSev’rance 	0613	7		300	300	Advance
1xSev’rance	1615	7		300	300	Advance
1xDirk		1415	7		257	257	Advance
1xDirk		0714	7		257	257	Advance
Gunships 36
Droid Fighters 6 squadrons
Fighters 2
Droid interceptors 4
Droid Bombers 2
Bombers 6


Objective: Eliminate Enemy Runtimes
Allies: Techno Union, and similar runtimes. [member="General Mayhem"] [member="Orick T'ane"]
Enemies: Rebel Alliance, and similar runtimes. [member="Oddball"]
Windows: Structural weakness, will not be using them.
Location: 1418

The unit before you was known as Prime. Prime was a war droid. Prime was designed because there were flaws in the inherent system of organics in combat. Namely fear, emotions, and a problem with processing speeds. Prime was better than that. Prime was designed to ensure that Techno Union interests were enforced. Prime was designed to ensure that clones were destroyed. With the Dread Guard program an overall failure, according to reports from the Techno Union brass, additional war droids were created to combat this flaw in the galactic order. This was one reason Prime was here.

It was not to be said that Prime was a hunter-killer unit, no. Prime was not given that luxury. Between battles, Prime would be shut down, the body repaired, additional modifications made to its housing and weapon systems. Prime was a killer. Prime was the peak of Haor Chall Engineering’s vision for an automated soldier. Prime recognized its purpose here. Prime understood the protocols. Not all organics were foes. Not all droids were friendly. It was based on the data package that it received once activated.

It had fired on the clone, because in Prime’s databanks, clones did not have rights. Clones were an abomination, grown in a lab and they thought they had a purpose and their own life. But they were programming and forced training and experiences gone wrong. Prime was the solution to this.

Prime understood that organics learned to adapt, similar to part of its own programming. That made this one, this [member="Oddball"] deadly. Oddball had survived a record amount for its model. Released years before Prime was created, the Dread Guards needed to be cleansed from the galaxy. Soulless, Force-less and traitorous. These words were defined plainly for Prime. For a unit created of metal and programming, Prime did not care about the galactic order.

Prime cared for one thing.


The units that accompanied this platform down to the war were going to work to engage the ones that joined the Clone, all but a trio of TA-4s, which would be flanking Prime and providing distraction in the times when the droid needed to reload. Droids did not suffer, not like the smuggler would should Prime not do its job. Protect the members of the God-Creator’s chosen and you will be born again, with more effective killing methods. The underlying protocols that were being activated here were for the droid army to fight the Rebel soldiers, for the droid army to protect the smuggler and for the droid army to reclaim Prime should it fall.

Prime had no intention of falling.

When the bolts came from Oddball, Prime stood, lumbering forward. The droid was taking the hits to its frame, one, two, three… And four. That was starting to interfere with some of its internal systems, namely the left arm. The one that was firing the BTI-Ripper that Prime was armed with. The droid was not worried about moving, not yet. It was still 82% combat effective with the damage it was taking. The unit could manage without the left arm. The unit was still capable. Before switching the Ripper to its right arm, Prime opened up with a blast from its right wrist, a small rocket, not unlike the ones found in most beskar suits with the similar product. With that fires and the salvo finished, Prime continued its way towards the Clone. The trio of TA-4 battle droids were following and were prepared to move in front of Prime, as they were walking towards the Clone in a diamond fashion, with Prime as the lead.

One thousand one hundred and seventy kilos of top of the line killing machines.

The clone needed to end

And Prime needed its flesh.
Location: S0916 ->
Objective: Eliminate hostile (Sith/Techno Union) forces; ensure survival of Rebel Alliance.
Allies: [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Tionne Thanewulf"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Foes: [member="Vrag"], [member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Adekos"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Jemmila Kyrgen"], [member="Kiran Vess"]
NPCs: Crimson Aces
12 x T-65XJ3 X-Wings (Not including Lok's personal X-Wing)

The entire flight of combined fighters and bombers made quick work of whatever obstacles stood in their path. Be it angry Sith, heartburn from the earlier meal, or the numerous tiny insects that splattered across their viewports. The Crimson Aces had yet to dispense any of their ordnance just yet and things seemed pretty calm for the moment - save for the Sith column that was Oscar Mike just south of the Air Base and the allying defenses. They'd seen some action before and their ranks had been marred by bombing runs. But the most peculiar thing about them happened to be their little contingent of Imperial Guards, the red-clad men who had once defended the emperor.

Now they probably defended someone just as powerful. Lok was mulling the thought of eradicating someone important when a burst of chatter came over the squadron comms. "Cap'n, we better hit 'em quick and fast. Can't have any o' those Sith goons hogging up all of our southern sector, so let's make 'em wish they never came to this godforsaken rock." It was Sev and he seemed pretty riled up about something, especially with an entire payload of Proton Bombs surging in the belly of his Scurrg bomber.

"Let's roll, then."

Spotting an entire column wasn't too hard, especially when it was still firing at the defending Rebel forces. All twenty of the craft were high enough in the atmosphere to be safely guarded against flak or other mass driver weaponry. Energy weapons didn't faze the Crimson Aces, shield technology was their saving grace despite the extra weight and density. Once the entire flight started to near closer and closer to the Sith contingent, dive bombing runs ensued.

The X-Wings went first, splaying the entire area with heavy laser fire and proton torpedoes. The bombers lumbered in right behind them and dumped their entire bomb bays full of proton bombs on the artillery batteries, the bomblet generators churning out bomb after bomb.

Raining hell was the business, and business was good.

(Whole post dedicated to targeting [member="Vrag"] and her NPC forces.)

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
Location: Still in the pefabricated base.
Enemies: [member="Oddball"], [member="Jarven Zexxel"], single-payer health care
Allies: @Dagora Kel [member="Prime"] [member="Freanne"] [member="Orick T'ane"], neo-keynsesian methods.

The droid general hear her radio blaring. How impressive. The boy had odd taste in music. She preferred something you could dance to. Ah, well. The important thign here was neither strength nor power. It was war. And war had a simple response. Fight back.

The man stood, taunting her to make a move. She smirked. Good. He realized that melee would involve engaging on her terms. However, it was the only way to approach this fight. She raised two legs up while moving towards him and kicked right for his chest. She wondered how much he could take. When would this immature brat give in? Time, power, these were not on his side. Ah, well. Soon he'd learn. The kick flew forward towards the smaller man. One minute and five seconds.

OOC: Edited due to a misread on my party.
Location: 1418
Objective: Smash the Tube-Baby 2: Electric Boogaloo
Allies: [member="Dagora-Kel"] [member="General Mayhem"] [member="Freanne"]
Enemies :[member="Oddball"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]


Orick ducked back behind the cover as the clone commander sprayed blaster bolts at him. He could hear the clone yelling out loud, even over the roar of the battle around him. He peeked out again and saw an odd looking droid firing at the clone as well. He wondered who had built that droid and where the others were, no one build single droids anymore. He saw one of the HK drones fly over and he watched as it mowed down a group of clones in it's path.

He noticed that it was still carrying its full load of concussion missiles. He knew that those were supposed to be air to air, but for this idea, they would be perfect. " HK dromes 210 through 215 gain altitude and release all concussion missiles at these coordinates." He said as he relayed the coordinates of the rock formation that [member="Oddball"] was hiding behind. He didn't expect much in the way of damage to anything, but the force of the explosions would work perfectly. he leaned out from the cover and he unloaded the remain shots from his power cell and he ducked back into cover. the key was to keep the clone's head down and thinking this was a protracted firefight.

He reloaded and watched as the drones gained the altitude they needed to unleash the hell he had planned. He crouched and grinned, the first of the drones was on it's attack rum. He had to get the timing right to keep from getting caught in the blast. The first of the missiles were away and they crashed into the ground 10 meters from the rock formation. The explosive wave wasn't very large, and only a few clones were actually caught in the blast at all, but the force of the missile kicked up a huge cloud of dust. With the first volley down, Orick moved to his right, flanking the clone commander on his blind side. The second set of missiles impacted in the same place, making the dust storm even greater. With each missile hit, Orick would move to another cover position, his intention was to get as close s he could without the clone knowing it. He hoped that the droid would continue to keep the cloned pinned in place.

Hoping for something during a firefight was a great way for things to go wrong, nothing ever worked out how you hoped it to, but then he was sure the rebels had hopes this day wouldn't come.


3xACS-501 Redeemer Battle Tanks [100]

3xCRAM Spider [30] 1417

3xF5 Buckler [30] 1417

5xConfederate Hunter-Killer Droid( support) [5] 1418

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