Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Technology Submission Modifications

Submission Name: Aegis Molecular Shielding
Link to Submission: Aegis Molecular Shielding
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation, add Open Market.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Colossus Reactor
Link to Submission: Colossus Reactor
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
Affiliation: Open Market

Submission Name: Vortex Macro Cannon
Link to Submission: Vortex Cannon
Summary of Modification: Remove SSC from affiliation.
Reason for Modification: Firemane wishes to expand its markets, and has cut ties with SSC.
(Change prefix to ‘Approved’)
Affiliation: Open Market


Disney's Princess
Sub Name: - Gem's Coat
Link: - Gem's Coat

Summary: - Delete old image & add this new one
Reason: - New Art

Mod: -

Submission Name: Grip of Enlightenment
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Adding Mara to Manufacturer; adding one paragraph to explain.
Reason for Modification: Mara got much better at crystal-related crafting, and got experience with the Grip of Enlightenment
  • Add Mara D'Lessio Merrill to the Manufacturer line.
  • Add the following paragraph to the end of the Description: When Rave used a Grip of Enlightenment on [member="Kaili Talith"] to treat PTSD, her niece Mara became fascinated with it. After Rave's death, Mara continued to grow as a specialist in crystal-related Force crafting. Eventually the creation of a Grip of Enlightenment was within her reach. Suffering from PTSD herself, Mara became interested in making the Grip of Enlightenment available to others.
Submission Name: Boo Chiyo's Personal Lightsaber
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Archive Topic
Reason for Modification: No longer an item associated with this character.
Modification: Archive topic/submission

Submission Name: Primeval Inspired Light Combat Armor
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Archive Topic
Reason for Modification: No longer an item associated with this character.
Modification: Archive topic/submission


Well-Known Member
Submission Name: Zerstören Droids
Link to Submission:ören-droid/
Summary of Modification: Change of metals
Reason for Modification: Wrong metal was tagged and named for some reason. MerrTitan is the incredibly lightweight one.
swapped for the MerrTitan link
Ali Hadrix said:
Submission Name: Verpine Assault Rifle
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Production Level Change
Reason for Modification: Increase in Production
Modification: Increase Production from "Unique" to "Limited"
Affiliation: Ali Hadrix (Family hierloom)
Manufacturer: Myra Hadrix.
There is nothing which justifies an increased production in the submission, it's made by a single person, and you haven't provided any other changes or development which justify this request.

Your modification request is denied.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Submission Name: OmniTech System
Link to Submission: OmniTech System
Summary of Modification: changing up how configurations work for Solar Ionization Cannons.
Reason for Modification: Nerfing it a bit in line with what was discussed in this newer tech entry. The addition include increased space for Solar Ionization cannons.

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (1 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (3.5 OmniSlots)

Light Solar Ionization Cannon (2 OmniSlots)
Solar Ionization Cannon (3 OmniSlots)
Heavy Solar Ionization Cannon (4.5 OmniSlots)
(Requires Solar Ionization Reactor to work)
Submission Name: Verpine Assault Rifle
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Production Level Change & Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Increase in Production
Modification: 1) Increase Production from "Unique" to "Limited." 2) Change "Affiliation" from "Ali Hadrix (Family Heirloom)" to "Improvised Designs/CSAF."

Myra Hadrix, the currently labeled "manufacturer," owns "Improvised Designs." With the change in production from "Unique" to "Limited," I need to show that the manufacturer is no longer "Myra Hadrix" herself, but her company, "Improvised Designs."

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Submission Name: Sith Aspis
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Orcus died after the Invasion of Ruusan. His apprentice, has taken the belongings of the now dead Herglic Sith Lord and has resized them to fit a human user, rather than a Herglic.

Manufacturer: Draco Vereen
Model: Sith Aspis
Affiliation: Darth Orcus Darth Athyssius
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Impevium, Sith Alchemy, Devaronian Edge
Classification: Shield
Weight: 13kg 7.5kg
Quality: 10
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Submission Name: Mk 26 'HARM' Guided Missile Weapon System
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Updating my former OS tech to the FO.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'


Submission Name: 'Bastion' Advanced Fighter/Missile Defense System
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Updating my former OS tech to the FO.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'


Submission Name: 240mm/83 Mark 74 Hypervelocity Cannon
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Updating my former OS tech to the FO.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'


Submission Name: Mk 50 Mod 1 'Mauler' Turbolaser Turret
Link to Submission: [x]
Reason for Modification: Updating my former OS tech to the FO.
  • Change Affiliation to: 'The First Order'
  • Change Manufacturer to: 'The First Order'
Ali Hadrix said:
Submission Name: Verpine Assault Rifle
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Production Level Change & Change of Affiliation
Reason for Modification: Increase in Production
Modification: 1) Increase Production from "Unique" to "Limited." 2) Change "Affiliation" from "Ali Hadrix (Family Heirloom)" to "Improvised Designs/CSAF."

Myra Hadrix, the currently labeled "manufacturer," owns "Improvised Designs." With the change in production from "Unique" to "Limited," I need to show that the manufacturer is no longer "Myra Hadrix" herself, but her company, "Improvised Designs."
I need a link to the manufacturer so I can hyperlink Improvised Designs to its submission, please.

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