Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Technology Submission Modifications

Submission Name: Leina and Joza's Nonlethal Animal Taming Talismans of...
Link to Submission: Leina and Joza's Nonlethal Animal Taming Talismans of...
Summary of Modification:
New Image
Reason for Modification: I finally found an image I liked for it

Image Source: Pokeball google search​
Submission Name: Meshla Meshurok Beskargam
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Change/Update Image.
Reason for Modification: Found a better quality/less cartoony image.

Link to image - Here
Image Source: Here
Ghul Taran said:
Submission name: Gheleon's Bo-Rifle

Link to submission: At work atm and it won't let me link it :( Sorry, Lis. If you can use the search bar in the approved technology for me, I would be really grateful.

Reason for Modification: Old character (Gheleon) is dead so I am changing the ownership of the weapon to this one - Ghul Taran

Summary of Modification: New affiliation.


Affiliation change to Ghul Taran
Just copy and paste the URL to the submission in a reply.
Submission Name: Meshla Meshurok Beskargam
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: Update wording in Strengths/Weaknesses.
Reason for Modification: The Strength/Weakness section was terribly written, perhaps even hastily and it needed to be redone properly. There have been no changes to the strengths or weaknesses, just simply re-written in a more comprehensive/understandable manner.

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Designed with flexibility, comfort and protection in mind. It allows the wearer maximum maneuverability without sacrificing protection during acrobatic feats.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The various areas of exposure are protected by an Armorweave Body Glove that is coated in Desh-Terenthium. This provides a protection against standard weaponry such as blasters and bladed weaponry. Lightsaber penetration is not immediate, however, prolonged exposure to a specific area will penetrate the armor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]It was designed with the Yuuzhan Vong threat in mind and was equipped with a Universal Dispersal System, Big Shock webbing integrated into the fingers and palms as well as crushgaunts. Hand to hand engagements with either Vong or heavily armored individuals would prove up to par.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Limited armor coverage over the body. Unlike traditional Mandalorian Beskar’gam, this armor does not cover every square inch and has exposed areas.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Reduction of features that allow for more speed and maneuverability while sacrificing utility.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Limited propulsion system and flight time. The system was designed for quick bursts of speed and requires a small recharge time when depleted. [/SIZE]

Sor-Jan Xantha

Submission Name: O/S Cresh

Link to Submission: [ x ]

Summary of Modification: Change the Affiliation section from "New Imperial Order" to "Private Market."

Reason for Modification: The faction that requested that this be developed has since gone inactive and its key player has left the site. Rather than lose all the work put into developing it, I'd like the option of putting this on the market and leveraging it for other uses in the roleplay. I could sub a new O/S, but it would pretty much be just copying the one already done.

Modification: Affiliation: Private Market
Submission Name: Cthulhu-Class Wardroids
Link to Submission: Cthulhu-Class Wardroids
Summary of Modification:
Company Changed
Links/images fixed
Reason for Modification: When they were made Chai La was tier 1 now it is a tier 3 and can handle it


Image Credit: [x]
Intent: To create a basic front of the line war droid for the mandalorian forces
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry/Chai La Armory
Model: Cthulhu
Affiliation: Mandalorians

  • Yes the handheld rifle can be changed for other rifles
Production: Mass Produced

  • Durasteel (frame)
  • Beskar alloy (exoskeleton)
  • Agrinium mesh (around droid brain)
Designed to be a standard front line droid with different weapon options. The Cthulhu droids are programmed to strike hard using their shoulder mounted grenade launchers as the first line against crowds. When encountering force users it can use its one (of the eight stocked) forcebreaker grenades. A standard while allowing for the seven others to be selected to fit the fight. One can never be to sure on the battle field.

The Cthulhu has slightly more to its programming but it is to a lesser extent, the Cerberus's ability to learn can moderately command the infantry droids. If a building has enemy combatants in it the target can be painted by the war droid. Their basic command structure is programmed into a controller who can command the battlefield. Usually the Alor of Mand'alor (whoever is highest ranked and there)

Classification: Fourth Degree (military war droid)
Weight: 80kg
Height: 2.2m
Movement: Bipedal

  • Mandalorian river rifle (handheld)
  • Grenade launcher (shoulder mounted 4 grenades [varies] per tube x 2 tubes)
Misc. Equipment:
  • Warfare programming
  • Motion Tracker
  • Basic Processor/ Back up Remote processor
  • Parabolic Guides
  • Broadband Transmitter/Receiver
  • Droid Perception Sensors
  • Multi Frequency Target Acquisition System (MFTAS)
  • Removeable Knowledge Core
  • Heads Up Display
  • Micro-optic Sensors
  • Motivator Booster
  • Memory Core
  • 4 Mark IV fuel cells
  • Internal Comlink
  • Uplink to Cerberus War Droid
  • Vocabulator (chants Dha Werda Verda on a loop when in a battle)

Submission Name: Cerberus Wardroids
Link to Submission: Cerberus Wardroids
Summary of Modification:
Company Changed
Links/images fixed
Reason for Modification: When they were made Chai La was tier 1 now it is a tier 3 and can handle it


Image Credits: Google Search lego Basilisk
Intent: To upgrade the standard Basilisk war droid
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry/Chai La Armory
Model: Basilisk
Affiliation: Mandalorians

  • Yes it has weapon mounts that the rider can customize
  • The nose is modular allowing for anti infantry, anti vehicle, anti jedi armaments
Production: Minor (limited to PC use)

  • Titanium (shell)
  • Duranium (frame)
  • Beskar alloy (at hardpoints)
The growing wartime footing and conflicts throughout the galaxy saw the need for the mandalorians to reassess their armory and, in particular, the Basilisk War Droid. New tactics and technology revealed the need to create an improved War Droid that retained the learning curve of the original design, allowed an improved targeting system, and provided a versatile support platform for a wide range of scenarios.

Using armor grade titanium and duranium with beskar-alloy plates protecting core systems, the new design provides excellent protection while maintaining a manageable weight and adequate maneuverability.

The Cerberus is a heavy repulsor-lift vehicle that uses it's superior size and weight to bull its way through difficult terrain and is capable of ripping apart fortified enemy positions while relying on its thick, armored hide to protect it and its rider from harm.

A small fusion reactor is located within the droid's chassis where the miniature sun is protected by thick, beskar-alloy plates. A redundant power source is located beneath the spine of the metal beast in the even the primary power fails or becomes damaged. The Cerberus, like it's predecessor, is capable of atmospheric reentry and even features customizable holster locations for the rider to tailor their own, personal weapon load outs.

An advanced sensor suite featuring a variety of visual imaging and motion/target tracking helps both rider and mount stay completely aware of the battlefield and their place within it.

The design is not without its faults, however. The Cerberus can aptly deal with most situations on the field, but it is not perfectly suited to each individual task as more dedicated weapons and vehicles are. Also, while fast and agile for its size and weight, lighter vehicles and dedicated starfighters can give the droid pause in one on one combat as the enemy vehicles are far more agile and much faster.

Cerberus Riders must train constantly with their beasts to better understand their unique HUD systems and to lessen the risk of sensory overload during combat. While the droid features a secondary power source, the smaller source will only operate for two to three hours before recharge.

This means most riders tend to use their reserve power to return to friendly lines for refit and repairs. Also, as with its predecessor, the Basilisk, the rider is fully to partially exposed to enemy fire depending on the angle of incoming attacks. The droid's effective operational time is limited as well as some of the droid's weapon systems only retain a limited amount of ammunition, meaning the droid must return for rearming more often.

Finally, while the Cerberus is capable of learning, much like the Basilisk, the droid brain requires time and experience in the field. This means that the longer the droid has served and the more combat it has seen the more effective the droid and rider will be. While this means that "older" droids will be far more dangerous in combat, it also means that commanders and riders are less likely to take unnecessary risks to preserve their mounts' combat ability and therefore only turn to the droids as a last resort or when the situation can only be handled with their support.

The Cerberus War Droid is the pinnacle of Mandalorian design and embodies the Warrior Race's preference of shock and awe tactics. The War Droid's heavy armor, brutal weaponry, and ability to learn on the battlefield sets this metal beast apart from any and all challengers.

Classification: Fourth Degree (military war droid)
Weight: 3741kg 165.50g
Height: 17.5m
Movement: Quadrupedal, Repulsars (in space)

  • 2x E-WEB Repeating Blasters (Back Mounted)
  • 1x Belt Fed Grenade Launcher with Box Magazine (Shoulder Mount)
  • 1x AA Concussion Missile Pod with 8 missiles (Shoulder Mount)
  • 4x Weapon Holsters (optional)
  • 2x Claws (Forearms, Retractable Monomolecular talons)
  • 1x Nose Mounted Weapon (Double Barreled Laser Cannon, Pulse Wave Cannon, Quad-barreled Heavy Repeater Blaster, Mechanical Head with Toothed Jaws)
Misc. Equipment:
  • Comlink jammer [1]
  • Sensor suite [1]
  • Biometric sensor for access Access [1]
  • Heuristic Processor [1]
  • Back Up Processor [1]
  • Secondary Battery [1]
  • Target acquisition system[1]
  • Magnetic feet [4]
  • Oxygen scrubber under seat
  • Submission Name : Advanced Heads Up Display Tracker
  • Link to Submission :
  • Reason for Modification : Ownership change , Auction results
  • New Ownership : Mandalorians and Clan Rekali
  • Summary : Judah's son Makai Dashiell was gifted Laravan Corporation in an auction by Danger Arceneau .Judah currently runs the corporation. In a recent auction, Judah took the currently unused HUD Tracker and used it as a bargaining chip with the Mandos and Clan Rekali. HUD Tracker rights have been revoked from the One Sith(in place before his acquirement) and are now transferred to those he promised it to under his leadership.

Laravan Corporation : +corporation[Ownership transfer at bottom]
Gordian Reach Auction :[Auction results]
Advanced Heads Up Display Tracker :�

UPDATE : Repost with the proper new owners.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Sasori Amulet
Link to Submission: Sasori Amulet
Summary of Modifications:
  • Added Shield Tech
  • Small Touch ups
  • New Details Increased
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev
Intent: To Create a special item for lightsiders
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Shield Amulet
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No
Production: Minor Production

Created with research into ancient Shield amulets, the darkside artifacts being destroyed in the process of experimentation but yielding testable results as Matsu went to work. The crystals she harvested from Rhen Var with Grandmaster Iella for her sabers and research into them. Those proved what she needed to use to augment and improve the amulet as she forged a small plate of plexisteel that she poured force energy into. Forging and slowly augmenting it with art of the small to produce a barrier as the solari crystal's properties of feeling the lightside to detect the person wielding it.

The amulet will not function for anyone not of the lighside and works almost on a sub conscious level that allows it to project a small barrier of energy to protect from a blow.... For around thirty seconds. It isn't like a personal shield generator, it doesn't have a power source it has a wielder and uses the force energy of those it is attached to. The energy it draws is moderate able to be reduced with training and understanding by stronger force users but without the special training it can tire out most people. The second major thing is how it works with no on switch. The amulet slowly bonds and attunes to the user.

With that bond it is able to read their thoughts and react when they fear for their lives creating a barrier to resist energy and kinetic impact but then it will dissipate after thirty second with a small pop of energy that can push back small things. Afterwards though it needs to recharge and rebuild energy both with itself and the one using it. The hybrid plexisteel hardened with the force like force armor or a blade increasing its weight and resistance to blasters which can protect it from shattering as well as provide minor resistance against a lightsaber striking it.

As with lightside artifacts a powerful enough darkside attack can remove the properties and leave it a decorative amulet. Some additional testing of it allowed for one to disable it prematurely but at a greater cost of energy then if they let it run its cycle and pop. The treatment of it and further testing might be able to improve this but for now Matsu was just glad that she was able to work and create something able to be used by the jedi. The amulet can create a protective barrier for the wearer now and sustain it longer while improving the force within them, the barrier can be projected outwards to make a bubble against force energy and blasters. When a darksider tries to use the amulet it will backfire creating an arc of heart stunning energy to incapacitate them.

The as jedi work on the amulet continued to go they built more onto it using xythan force shields recovered from ancient droids and manufacturing additional ones for the team to work with. They worked to increased the production of the amulet itself while letting small amounts of continued force enhancement through new synthweaving techniques. THe lightside of the force enhancing and allowing them to augment it while keeping the amulets away from the hands of those who do not follow the lightside of the force. WIth darksiders it can cause unease and nausea being around or holding it as the amulet works to protect itself from misuse. With lightsiders it creates a continued sense of serenity and holding embedded it in a sigil as well as a pair of murr earrings that have been inlaid like jewels.

  • Energy Resistant Shield
  • Force Resistant Shield
  • Enhances force powers
  • Lightside Restricted
  • Consumes Force Energy
  • Requires Special Training
  • Recoils Darksiders who try to use it
  • Does not Function on worlds without the force
Primary Source:

Note: The work had been there originally for the improvements with the sub and the increased production. Hopefully much like the channeling gloves previously the production can't be changed but the work for improving upon it can go through still.

Submission Name: Reclamation Cloak
Link to Submission:Reclamation Cloak:
Summary of Modifications:

  • Increased Production
  • Touch Ups
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev
Modification: Increased Dev, Increased production
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: To provide an upgrade for Shane's ship when it is finished being overhauled
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Chai La
Model: Cloaking Device
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: NA
Production: Limited

  • Desh-Terethium
  • Components
  • Stygium Crystals
Description: Constructed by the sisters of Chai La, the cloak for Shane's ship is designed for one purpose. To work with the additional stealth systems being built on the ship and provide a solid stealth cloak. The stygium being recovered from pirates and droids on Aetan when the mandalorians went back to recover their world and the aging mando worked with Strider to clear a processing facility for the asteroids. As the battle waged on the mandalorians cleared and secured the facility off loading the stygium recovered to the different clans who were there helping fight. Shane took his and had it set up for his ship leaving the rest alone for his clan.
Primary Source: N/A

Submission Name: Sasori Guard Armor
Link to Submission: Sasori Guard Armor
Summary of Modification:
Increased Production
Increased Details
Tweaked Details
Increased Weight
Reason for Modification: More dev

Image Source: [x]
Intent: To complete a stronger set of armor for advanced units
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Guard Armor
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: Colors can be customized
Production: Minor Production

Classification: Other
Weight: 26kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:

  • High Grade Reinforced Duraplast threaded with lamanarium Plates
  • Hybrid Plexisteel-Kinetic Chainmail
  • Sasori Heavy Armor
  • Sasori Toolkit Wrist Weapons
  • Shoulder Mounted Micro Missile Launcher
  • Shoulder Mounted Chai La Cannon
  • Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield
  • Stun Rod attached to thigh
  • Biometric thumbprint for removal
  • Power Armor Strength and Speed
  • Built in Flight systems
  • Kinetic, Sonic, Blaster Dissipation
  • Lightsaber resistant
  • Internal Air Supply (60 Minutes)
  • Hermetically Sealed
  • Sasori Amulet
  • IFF Circuitry
  • Digital Life Support System Readout
  • Electromagnetic Sole-Plates
  • Anti-Energy Field
  • Combat De-Ionizer
  • Hologram projector in right palm
Designed and built as an advanced suit of armor for guards within the Jailhouse 41. A Silver Jedi Prison under the Silver Shadows temple. With its security measures in place special guards were needed and the armor crafted to handle situations should the Warden droids were overwhelmed.

A high quality temperature bodyglove with an overlayer of duraplast threaded with lamanarium to aid in it reforming. Multable systems being created to augment the armor into a suit able to move quickly over areas with mounted weapons. Shoulder compartment of micro missiles able to be fired with a tracker in the helmet.

A sonic neutralizer that is able to non lethally incapacitate prisoners. A line launcher firing gel that would harden on contact with air to become a cord around the limbs of prisoners or attach to sections to repel. A dart launcher to use non lethal paralytics and miniature rockets for stunning with flashbang rockets.

The shoulder mounted weapons designed to work with the armor systems and add additional ways to neutralize prisoners who riot or attempt escape. The countermeasures for the armor being torn off is a dangerous shock to the system of the one grabbing at the armor unless they are programmed into the armor computers.

With additional upgrades and refined armor techniques. As well as the advice given from Draco to her one some of the armor Matsu deployed to give the armor a composite matrix lightening the armor with hybrid plexisteel that is strong and super lightweight. Upgrades suggested by Draco came in and the jedi master was testing it.

As the work with Sasori continued they found new ways to improve upon the design and increase the production, tweaking the base of it with the newer and more compacted heavy armor variant over the Armatech components. Using the more sasori oriented pieces to develop the guard armor into a superior version of itself.

With the higher production values and components they could use in the armor to build it with their more specialized technologies like the synthweaving materials, the retractable wrist blades, channeling crushgaunts and shoulder mounted cannon system. The built in materials deigned to offer only the best for elite units that move around the galaxy.
Primary Source:

Submission Name: Temple Cloak
Link to Submission: Temple Cloak
Summary of Modification:
  • Increased Production
  • Increased Dev work
Reason for Modification: Increased dev
Modification: Increased Production
Image Source:
Intent: To create a special exclusive cloaking device for sale
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Stationary Cloak
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: N/A
Production: Minor Production

  • Hibridium
  • Internal Components
  • Stealth Cloak
  • Double Blind Cloak
  • Reacts Explosively to hyperspace
Description: Constructed as a less pricey alternative to a stygium cloak. The sasori is made for planetside use with a large reactor that can power it. The main and only function of the cloak is protecting the temple as Corvus asked to have for the jedi. With it being stationary and on a planet one of the major drawbacks of a hibridium cloak is nullified preventing explosions from entering hyperspace while it is active. The double blind sensors is still in effect and once activated the target area become hidden to sensors but prevents technological sensors from detecting if the threat is gone. The jedi being cloaked would need to rely on their force senses to tell them if whatever they are hiding from had passed. The mining group from Sasori worked with the cryptium droids to get a good amount while their master worked with the droid Ultimatium to give him support and a facility on the world while expanding. Further discoveries of the world Sangral and a large three pronged expedition discovered large sources of Hibridium crystals being used on the planet that were discovered by the locals. With markers in place to harvest and mine it the temple location cloaks had a chance for a large increase in their production.
Primary Source:
Matsu Ike said:
Submission Name: Sasori Amulet
Link to Submission: Sasori Amulet
Summary of Modifications:
  • Added Shield Tech
  • Small Touch ups
  • New Details Increased
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev
Intent: To Create a special item for lightsiders
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Shield Amulet
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No
Production: Minor Production
Created with research into ancient Shield amulets, the darkside artifacts being destroyed in the process of experimentation but yielding testable results as Matsu went to work. The crystals she harvested from Rhen Var with Grandmaster Iella for her sabers and research into them. Those proved what she needed to use to augment and improve the amulet as she forged a small plate of plexisteel that she poured force energy into. Forging and slowly augmenting it with art of the small to produce a barrier as the solari crystal's properties of feeling the lightside to detect the person wielding it.

The amulet will not function for anyone not of the lighside and works almost on a sub conscious level that allows it to project a small barrier of energy to protect from a blow.... For around thirty seconds. It isn't like a personal shield generator, it doesn't have a power source it has a wielder and uses the force energy of those it is attached to. The energy it draws is moderate able to be reduced with training and understanding by stronger force users but without the special training it can tire out most people. The second major thing is how it works with no on switch. The amulet slowly bonds and attunes to the user.

With that bond it is able to read their thoughts and react when they fear for their lives creating a barrier to resist energy and kinetic impact but then it will dissipate after thirty second with a small pop of energy that can push back small things. Afterwards though it needs to recharge and rebuild energy both with itself and the one using it. The hybrid plexisteel hardened with the force like force armor or a blade increasing its weight and resistance to blasters which can protect it from shattering as well as provide minor resistance against a lightsaber striking it.

As with lightside artifacts a powerful enough darkside attack can remove the properties and leave it a decorative amulet. Some additional testing of it allowed for one to disable it prematurely but at a greater cost of energy then if they let it run its cycle and pop. The treatment of it and further testing might be able to improve this but for now Matsu was just glad that she was able to work and create something able to be used by the jedi. The amulet can create a protective barrier for the wearer now and sustain it longer while improving the force within them, the barrier can be projected outwards to make a bubble against force energy and blasters. When a darksider tries to use the amulet it will backfire creating an arc of heart stunning energy to incapacitate them.

The as jedi work on the amulet continued to go they built more onto it using xythan force shields recovered from ancient droids and manufacturing additional ones for the team to work with. They worked to increased the production of the amulet itself while letting small amounts of continued force enhancement through new synthweaving techniques. THe lightside of the force enhancing and allowing them to augment it while keeping the amulets away from the hands of those who do not follow the lightside of the force. WIth darksiders it can cause unease and nausea being around or holding it as the amulet works to protect itself from misuse. With lightsiders it creates a continued sense of serenity and holding embedded it in a sigil as well as a pair of murr earrings that have been inlaid like jewels.

  • Energy Resistant Shield
  • Force Resistant Shield
  • Enhances force powers
  • Lightside Restricted
  • Consumes Force Energy
  • Requires Special Training
  • Recoils Darksiders who try to use it
  • Does not Function on worlds without the force
Primary Source:
Note: The work had been there originally for the improvements with the sub and the increased production. Hopefully much like the channeling gloves previously the production can't be changed but the work for improving upon it can go through still.

Submission Name: Reclamation Cloak
Link to Submission:Reclamation Cloak:
Summary of Modifications:
Increased Production
Touch Ups
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev
Modification: Increased Dev, Increased production
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: To provide an upgrade for Shane's ship when it is finished being overhauled
Development Thread:
Back in Control (Mandalorian Dominion of Aeten II)
Would you kindly - Stygium mining
Flesh of my Flesh - Stygium mining
Weeping Angels - Stygium mining
Timewarp - Stygium Mining
Manufacturer: Chai La
Model: Cloaking Device
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: NA
Production: Limited
  • Desh-Terethium
  • Components
  • Stygium Crystals
Description: Constructed by the sisters of Chai La, the cloak for Shane's ship is designed for one purpose. To work with the additional stealth systems being built on the ship and provide a solid stealth cloak. The stygium being recovered from pirates and droids on Aetan when the mandalorians went back to recover their world and the aging mando worked with Strider to clear a processing facility for the asteroids. As the battle waged on the mandalorians cleared and secured the facility off loading the stygium recovered to the different clans who were there helping fight. Shane took his and had it set up for his ship leaving the rest alone for his clan.
Primary Source: N/A

Submission Name: Sasori Guard Armor
Link to Submission: Sasori Guard Armor
Summary of Modification:
Increased Production
Increased Details
Tweaked Details
Increased Weight
Reason for Modification: More dev

Image Source: [x]
Intent: To complete a stronger set of armor for advanced units
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Guard Armor
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: Colors can be customized
Production: Minor Production
Classification: Other
Weight: 26kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:
  • High Grade Reinforced Duraplast threaded with lamanarium Plates
  • Hybrid Plexisteel-Kinetic Chainmail
  • Sasori Heavy Armor
  • Sasori Toolkit Wrist Weapons
  • Shoulder Mounted Micro Missile Launcher
  • Shoulder Mounted Chai La Cannon
  • Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield
  • Stun Rod attached to thigh
  • Biometric thumbprint for removal
  • Power Armor Strength and Speed
  • Built in Flight systems
  • Kinetic, Sonic, Blaster Dissipation
  • Lightsaber resistant
  • Internal Air Supply (60 Minutes)
  • Hermetically Sealed
  • Sasori Amulet
  • IFF Circuitry
  • Digital Life Support System Readout
  • Electromagnetic Sole-Plates
  • Anti-Energy Field
  • Combat De-Ionizer
  • Hologram projector in right palm
Designed and built as an advanced suit of armor for guards within the Jailhouse 41. A Silver Jedi Prison under the Silver Shadows temple. With its security measures in place special guards were needed and the armor crafted to handle situations should the Warden droids were overwhelmed.

A high quality temperature bodyglove with an overlayer of duraplast threaded with lamanarium to aid in it reforming. Multable systems being created to augment the armor into a suit able to move quickly over areas with mounted weapons. Shoulder compartment of micro missiles able to be fired with a tracker in the helmet.

A sonic neutralizer that is able to non lethally incapacitate prisoners. A line launcher firing gel that would harden on contact with air to become a cord around the limbs of prisoners or attach to sections to repel. A dart launcher to use non lethal paralytics and miniature rockets for stunning with flashbang rockets.

The shoulder mounted weapons designed to work with the armor systems and add additional ways to neutralize prisoners who riot or attempt escape. The countermeasures for the armor being torn off is a dangerous shock to the system of the one grabbing at the armor unless they are programmed into the armor computers.

With additional upgrades and refined armor techniques. As well as the advice given from Draco to her one some of the armor Matsu deployed to give the armor a composite matrix lightening the armor with hybrid plexisteel that is strong and super lightweight. Upgrades suggested by Draco came in and the jedi master was testing it.

As the work with Sasori continued they found new ways to improve upon the design and increase the production, tweaking the base of it with the newer and more compacted heavy armor variant over the Armatech components. Using the more sasori oriented pieces to develop the guard armor into a superior version of itself.

With the higher production values and components they could use in the armor to build it with their more specialized technologies like the synthweaving materials, the retractable wrist blades, channeling crushgaunts and shoulder mounted cannon system. The built in materials deigned to offer only the best for elite units that move around the galaxy.
Primary Source:

Submission Name: Temple Cloak
Link to Submission: Temple Cloak
Summary of Modification:
Increased Production
Increased Dev work
Reason for Modification: Increased dev
Modification: Increased Production
Image Source:
Intent: To create a special exclusive cloaking device for sale
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Stationary Cloak
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: N/A
Production: Minor Production
  • Hibridium
  • Internal Components
  • Stealth Cloak
  • Double Blind Cloak
  • Reacts Explosively to hyperspace
Description: Constructed as a less pricey alternative to a stygium cloak. The sasori is made for planetside use with a large reactor that can power it. The main and only function of the cloak is protecting the temple as Corvus asked to have for the jedi. With it being stationary and on a planet one of the major drawbacks of a hibridium cloak is nullified preventing explosions from entering hyperspace while it is active. The double blind sensors is still in effect and once activated the target area become hidden to sensors but prevents technological sensors from detecting if the threat is gone. The jedi being cloaked would need to rely on their force senses to tell them if whatever they are hiding from had passed. The mining group from Sasori worked with the cryptium droids to get a good amount while their master worked with the droid Ultimatium to give him support and a facility on the world while expanding. Further discoveries of the world Sangral and a large three pronged expedition discovered large sources of Hibridium crystals being used on the planet that were discovered by the locals. With markers in place to harvest and mine it the temple location cloaks had a chance for a large increase in their production.
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