Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Abyssal Zone (GA vs. OS: Invasion of Dulvoyinn)

Location: Onboard her Phasma Class Infiltrator.
Allies: One Sith, Sith Assassins. [member="Isamu Baelor"], [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance. [member="Sieb Tevv"]
, [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Ryan Korr"].
Objective: Hello from the outside; engaging the bridge of the ANS Fondor's Aegis.

Assassin armour.
2x curved-hilt lightsabres.

Nagajj & Tsaisibola.
Rudis of the Dark Lord.
3x thermal detonators.
Standard issue vibrodagger.

Some Lords of the Sith did not retain Ophidia’s faith in the restorative powers of meditation. Sitting on the floor of the Phasma, she could feel her spirit engulfed in cool liquid and probed with searing hot needles, poking incessantly. Meditation did not belong to any side of the Force, it was a tool to sharpen the mind and put the ego in control of the impulses. It was how she directed her darkness without choking it; how she immersed herself in the chaos and gave it direction. Much like the philosophy of Darth Krayt gave direction to the Sith. It reinvigorated her, kindled her fire, and reminded Darth Ophidia of her purpose.

In her meditation, a sound crackled from the transmitter in Darth Ophidia’s helmet. Her usual com device was on the left, but this was on the right; a secure channel reserved for members of the Dark Council. When the council called, one listened. Her right hand touched the concealed button on the side of her helmet to respond.

‘Darth Ophidia. I trust you've not forgotten your phasing tricks? I want you to assist us in capturing the ANS Fondor's Aegis' bridge.’*

A smile crept over her lips as she listened to the voice of the Iron General, a man who had risen to the top ranks of the One Sit without the aid of the Force. She would never see him as an equal, but she did see him as a valuable asset to the Empire. If they could capture the Fondor’s Aegis they could turn it on the Belshazzar. It was a gamble but knowing the fighters they had stationed on the flagship, she liked the odds.

Darling, Vark, Geist Protocol; get me to the bridge of the ANS Fondor’s Aegis.

Aye, my Lord.

Darth Ophidia’s left hand traced over the Tsaisibola coiled around her waist. It twisted in appreciation of its bonded master’s touch and tightened around the beskar cuirass. Her right hand pressed the response button on her helmet as she called to reply to the Sphere of War.

‘Put the kettle on, dear. I’ll be home in a jiffy.’

The Phasma turned and picked up speed until it retained a maximum velocity in its cloaked state, considerably slower than when uncloaked. Either setting had its perks within the frame of the ship’s intended purpose. Again, they made a point out of avoiding the combat zone. They did not want to get stuck in another dogfight as the ship could likely not take the damage. Though the Phasma was currently functional, it would still require repairs post battle.

Standing up, the Pale Assassin brushed off her robes and secured her weapons while her crew of two made sure the ship could make its run to the Flagship. She turned and watched the battle from the view port. The dark backdrop of the void was alight with turbolasers and missiles, as well as speeding ships and floating wreckages. Her hands clasped behind her back as she turned once again and strode with determined steps to the Phasma’s exit. Her eyes closed as she put her hands on the metal walls. A door closed behind her, shutting the minute corridor off from the rest of the ship.

Tsaisi, anizi an takota.

The Tsaisibola twitched in response before slithering underneath the hem of her robes and attaching itself to her leg, nestled against the warmth of her inner fabrics. They had practised attacking from many positions, the leg included. Inside her flesh, she could feel the subtle movement of the Nagajj, waiting.

Once more, Darth Ophidia exhaled slowly from inside her helmet. She needed to get the timing perfectly. Trust your instincts. To phase was no easy task and speed was of the essence. What was inside that bridge? She did not know, but she would have to fight it quickly. Multiple enemies had never been her speciality, but Ophidia had a few tricks up her sleeves. She was the Pale Assassin, after all.

The Force sparked inside her, kicking her to action. She gathered herself and punched the glowing button to vent herself out, and dove into uncertainty. Like a bomb, she floated the dangerously short distance between the Phasma and the Fondor’s Aegis. It was a matter of seconds before her body was supposed to hit the view port. Instead, her body would glide through the transparisteel like a phantom and her feet touch the metal floor of the bridge. Her burning eyes surveyed the immediate area for a split second before she unleashed her attack. Ophidia's gloved hands reached for the three thermal detonators at her sides, pressed the buttons, and released them along with a wave of telekinetic energy blasting out from the epicentre of her form.

Permission given by Isamu Baelor's writer.
Location: ANS Fondor’s Aegis.
Allies: The One Sith, Blackblade Guard, [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], Raien Keth, @Isamu Baelor.
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Cole Katarn"]
Chimera Blaster rifle.
MK III Blackblade Combat Armour.
One Sith SK2 Ripper.
MOHC Dauntless Blade (W. fire enchantment).

The death was all around them, sending ripples through the Force like a rainstorm on a still lake. Joycelyn could feel it, taste it in her mouth. It touched something in her, not just the fire in her heart kindled by the Goddess Vahl, something deeper and far more sinister. Perhaps it was the deep bloodstained roots of her Zambrano heritage that called for her. Her heart pounded within her armoured bust, adrenaline pumped through her system.

Do you know where we are?” Her sister’s voice cut through the fabric of odd sensations and brought Joycelyn to thought. “Not quite, but I know where we should go.” She felt a draw, an urge to go in a certain direction. “Trust your insticts, Sister.” Joyce grinned under her helmet. It was a wicked grin all too resembling their father, if he ever smiled. Joyce looked left, following the draw of the Force. On quiet feet, she lurked forward, her hands gripping the Chimera firmly. For all her efforts at being quiet, the weapons and armour clinked and rubbed audibly. Stealth was never her forte, nor would it ever be.

Joyce waved for their group of Blackblades to follow as she led them deeper into the bowels of the ship. At every turn, she stopped and listened like a bloodhound on a trail. She did not know what exactly it was she listened for, but there was something egging her own. The Force beckoned for them, and the Sisters Lyn would follow. “Be on alert.

The fire sparked. A word of warning, “Blast them!” And the exchange of blaster fire begun. Joycelyn lifted her Chimera and unloaded a salvo of plasma goodness on the soldiers. Focused shots, precise and deadly. The Blackblade guard did not fool around. Then again, nor did the defenders of this ship. Joyce aimed her blaster through the crowd to take out their command when she heard the snap-hiss and saw the emergence of the lightsabres. Found you.

The tall acolyte threw her Chimera to one of the other troopers and pulled the Ripper from her belt with her left. Her right begun drawing the Dauntless blade from her hip. As the blade emerged, fire begun trailing down the metal, flickering blue and orange upon the dark grey bar of alchemised steel.

Witness my Wrath.
Location: Assaulting the Immortal
Objective: Make an entrance
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron: [ 2: [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | 3: [member= Tela Uolmi] | 4: [member="Berric Kelso"] | 5: [member="Loske Matson"] | 6: [member= Alicia Frost] | 7: [member="Choli Vyn"] | 8: [member="Encouragement Gets"] | 9: [member="Asmus Janes"] | 10: [member="Areiana Slayer"] | 11 [member="Alexandra Russo"] | 12: [member="Lucius Varad"] ]
Enemy: The One Sith
Equipment: TX-100 X-Wing Fighter

Loske Matson said:
“Five, engaging some sloppy seconds.”
"Look, after the bollocking we got last month we're not playing 'pass the flight ordnance technician' ever again!" Asmus called. "Two, I'm too far away to assist," he confirmed before One could chastise him for poor comms discipline again.

He kept his eye on the Wyrrlock as they formed up with squadrons of bombers and made for the Immortal.

"All squadrons, that Immortal class has some failure in the Proton cannon. Assumed sabotage. Hit that region of the ship with everything you have!"

Like a bird of prey, the ship loomed in space before them. Asmus could see the flickering orange appearing near the protrusion of the main weapon.

"Ive got no ordnance," he reported. "One or two Rogues form up on me and let's hit their point defences."

Flak guns fired on them, accompanied by the bright beams of defensive lasers turrets. Asmus saw a Ywing wink out of existence at Flak struck it's hull. Somehow he weaved a path through it all, squeezing the trigger to strafe a line of flak cannons, tearing them apart.
L: The Mynock
A: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"], Meeristali Peradun
E: The OS

Imperieuse stopped her in her tracks with the news; the ship was going to blow! Could she run? Her response was to take off back the way they came like a bullet. Beside her, the Master had her head on a swivel, not knowing what awaited them around every turn. "What about Master Voidstalker and the other?," she asked as they ran.

The last she'd seen of him, he was fighting a masked Sith Lord. Nia didn't think he'd been killed, no, she would've felt that in the Force. Some of her friends among the War Dogs were not so fortunate. They didn't stand out like Voidstalker or the other Jedi, but she had a general impression that there were now less of them.

It made her grimace as she fought down the sadness that tried to creep in on her mind, even now....

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Location: ANS Fondor's Aegis
Objective: Take control of, or scuttle, the enemy flagship.
  • The One Sith
  • [member="Darth Vornskr"]
  • [member="Darth Ophidia"]
  • The Galactic Alliance
  • [member="Sieb Tevv"]
  • [member="Taeli Raaf"]
  • 1x Iron Guard Battalion: Iron Wolves
  • 1x Iron Guard Battalion: Iron Vanguard

The turret unleashed a volley of blaster bolts, cutting down a few Iron Wolves. Quickly, the other turned their energy shields on the turret, blocking it’s hailstorm of bolts. Quickly, the turret exploded into a shower of debris, as Isamu fired a grenade from his blaster rifle at it. Swiftly, the doors control panel were bypassed. The last line of defence had been breached, and the heavy metal doors opened themselves to the Iron Wolves. Now exposed, the Iron Wolves pushed in, under cover of their energy shields, firing on those Alliance soldiers who had not been obliterated by Darth Ophidia’s thermal detonators. Tripping the mines, the first wave was destroyed by the explosion, while the following waves pushed through.

Each corridor of the ANS Fondor’s Aegis became a battlefield in its own right, as the Alliance forces and the Iron Wolves engaged in all-out war. During the fighting, the Alliance brought heavy blaster rifles to bear, and unleashed them on the wolves. Torrents of blaster bolts rained down on their position, ricocheting off their energy shields, or whizzing over their heads. While safe from the bolts, the energy shields did little to stop the enemy grenades. Erupting in explosive hellfire, the grenades killed, or maimed, some of the soldiers hunkered behind their shields. However, the Iron Wolves did not crumble, and responded in kind. Under-slung grenade launchers, a standard attachment for the Iron Guard blaster rifles, rained explosive death on the encroaching Alliance forces.

The Iron Wolves orders weren’t to haphazardly throw themselves at the Alliance forces. Rather, they were there to impede the Alliance advance, to buy time for the bridge to be captured, and for reinforcements to arrive. Slowly but surely, the Iron Wolves surrendered ground. They retreated to checkpoints closer to the bridge, while laying explosive traps along the way for their adversaries. For every inch the Alliance gained, the Iron Wolves made sure they paid for it in blood.

With the bulk of the Alliance forces heading to the bridge, the Iron Vanguard faced little in the way of retaliation at the secondary bridge. With time, and space, they were able to break through the door and enter the secondary bridge.


Location: Not headed towards the main bridge, apparently
Objective: Destroy the Sith
Allies: [member="Nia Siroc"]
Enemy: The One Sith


"Don't know," Lilin said, trying to keep her speech short and to the point. She was not used to really talking much when she was running, but she figured it would be needed this time. "Think we have time to meet up?"

The girl didn't really know where the hangars were, but she tried to use her Force Sense powers to locate where the ships could have been. It was kind of difficult; she was not really used to looking for anything but living creatures with the Force Sense. And ships were definitely not alive unless they were Vong, so the situation was difficult.

She tried to keep her pace so that she wouldn't be really tired when she would make it to ships. Flying while being exhausted would have also been a new thing for Lilin and she definitely didn't want that to happen.

"Y'know what, I'll contact them," she said. "Or you can do that, perhaps?"

They had holocomms with them, so that wasn't really that much of a hustle, she figured.

Location: Aboard the ANS Fondor's Aegis
Objective: Knock over the Grandmaster's Sand Castle

  • The One Sith
  • [member="Isamu Baelor"]
  • [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]
  • [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
  • The Alliance
  • [member="Ryan Korr"]
  • [member="Taeli Raaf"]
  • [member="Kana Truden"]
  • [member="Cole Katarn"]
  • Two Battalions of Zero-G Blackblade Guardsmen

"Did it though? How long have you toiled away with me? How long have you stayed in this location, fighting someone like me?" the Sith Lord goaded and laughed despite the welling of blood that stained his teeth behind that horned helmet. He took a single step forward with his right leg, threatening and aggressive, and now finally angled the tip of his blade towards Korr.

"And have you forgotten your history lessons, Korr? The Sith will never truly be destroyed, our time will never come to an end. Empires may rise and falls, just as Republics and Alliances do, but one thing will remain constant throughout all of eternity. Jedi and Sith will always fight, will always wage war to destroy one another, and the galaxy will suffer from our perpetual conflict. It is the will of the Force."

Meanwhile those Blackblades that had survived the explosion and the retaliation by the Alliance marines that had converged on them began to make their trek to reinforce Isamu's position further up near the bridge, and though their numbers may be insufficient to rout the opposition the Military Executor faced, they would gladly sacrifice their own lives.
Location: Rerouting to Titan since Mynock is seemingly going to blow.
Objective: Boom baby!
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron:
[ 2: [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | 3: @Tela Uolmi | 4: [member="Berric Kelso"] | 5: [member="Loske Matson"] | 6: [member="Alicia Frost"] | 7: Choli Vyn | 8: [member="Encouragement Gets"] | 9: [member="Asmus Janes"] | 10: [member="Areiana Slayer"] | 11 [member="Alexandra Russo"] | 12: [member="Lucius Varad"] ]
Enemy: The One Sith
TX-100 X-Wing Fighter
Background GA NPC fluff -- whatever other fighter squadrons that carrier has xD I cannot be arsed to keep up. Just pretend they are there.

Alexandra Russo said:
"Scratch that… We are going to hit the One Sith's flagship instead. Follow me in. Watch yourself,"

[ Roger that Eleven! ] Choli gave a grin, R2-D9 giving a rather elated beep, hoot, beep at not having turned into space dust so soon.

"We got this Arr-Two," the Epicanthix said, checking her stats and flying along side the Allycat. Sensors were still scanning, and the pair of Rogues flew.

Alexandra Russo said:
"Stay on target, Seven. We may not be edge-on anymore, but we can hit the guns from below. Commence weave, thirty seconds to firing position,"

This was it. They were getting close. The sweat that had built up over the earlier fight was saturating the inner liner of her helmet. Beyond the yellow visor, she saw the fleeting streaks of X-Wings and TIE fighters flying like gnat's on a Bantha's ass. The ass in question being the carrier.

Asmus Janes said:
"All squadrons, that Immortal class has some failure in the Proton cannon. Assumed sabotage. Hit that region of the ship with everything you have!"
"Astral!" came her curse of surprise. They really must have made some quick work there. Another crackle through her comm. It was the Ally cat.

Alexandra Russo said:
"Seven, you still with me?"

[ Right here with you, Eleven!] her voice crackled through the comm. Were they going to redirect? Taking the cues from the brunette starfighter veteran, the Tatooine native rolled her snubfighter along with her.

Asmus Janes said:
"Ive got no ordnance. One or two Rogues form up on me and let's hit their point defences."

Well, guess that meant they were heading to the Immortal. Panning the X-Wing towards the direction of the Titan, Choli saw it a the distance. Honestly, even with the distance between them, that Immortal appeared formidable. Terrifying. Choli's throat bobbed in her throat.

She'd heard about them. What these ship's capabilities and their proton cannon could do. They appeared to be this dark, mass with massive claws that seemed to be extending out to capture its prey.

[ We are going to hit that?] her voice buzzed out in mild shock through the squadron comm.

[ Well, I guess it is time for a battle song to psyche us all up Twelve.]
Location: Aboard the OSN Hungry Mynock
Objective: Destroy the alliance dogs.
The One Sith
[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

The Alliance
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Two Battalions of Zero-G Blackblade Guardsmen

Dreadplate Armor
Valthris the Dark Crystal
Cortosis Gauntlets
ACS-205 Dual Weapon System
Sith Lightsaber 1
Primordial Signet Ring

As battle raged all around them chaotic and brutal in nature blaster fire surging through the air, all of it seemed to fade away in the background as he two masters of the force locked in the sweet embrace of battle. Prazutis fell upon his opponent like a falling avalanche of strength and raw power, using all the advantages of his large muscular form to bring down a relentless barrage of strikes to the smaller man. The mans cocky attitude seemed to fade away in combat as he was forced back and back again in a defensive posture, using excellent footwork to keep himself grounded as he parried and blocked the attacks. Some the man even managed to block head on, which impressed the massive hybrid.

The relentless assault paid off as Jacen was forced to keep intensely concentrated on the raging battle around them, A momentary lapse in concentration merely a second and Prazutis struck flesh a grimace on the mans face as he tried to force the pain away, breathing new life into a more relentless assault. But the man was backing away using an application of the force to send a databank hurling through the air at him while sweeping lightsaber strikes carefully designed to give the man room. Prazutis made a subtle gesture with his hand commanding the force to send the projectile hurtling away from them while blocking the mans quick jabs.

It was an cunning tactic to keep him locked in place and prevent Prazutis from making use of the more powerful downward strikes of Djem-so, but he had more tricks up his sleeve and immediately the Sith Lord hatched a plan. Prazutis let Jacen fall in closer and closer with each jab subtly making the man reach while feigning a struggle to deliver powerful downward strikes. He let the man fall into his facade until finally letting the mans blade jab in, making contact with the heavy phrik plating the lightsaber blade briefly sparking as it made brief contact, a loud hissing sound manifested. But if it overextended Prazutis grabbed the blade with a freehand using the cortosis gauntlet to deactivate the weapon momentarily.

If the maneuver was a success Prazutis pressed forward instead firing a powerful gout of fire from the flame projector on his gauntlet, charging through to renew the assault. The alarms blared in his helmet about the integrity of the ship they were fighting on. Prazutis brought his chin down and opened up the channel with the Blackblade Guard commanders. "The ship is going down begin pulling all units out."

Sieb Tevv

Location: ANS Fondor’s Aegis, Bridge
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Ilsa Voll"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Enemies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Hale could hear them on the other side of the door, still coming through despite best efforts. He glanced toward the viewport. Outside the space battle raged, if only- wait, what was that? A shadow against the viewport. That made little sense.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Suddenly, a woman materialized through the viewport like a ghost from the ether. Sergeant Hale watched for a brief moment, before she produced thermal detonators. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Intruder!” He screamed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A shockwave rippled out from her and flipped him screaming into a nearby terminal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The bridge crew closest to the woman were flung off their feet or slammed back in their chairs. The furniture in the bridge didn’t go flying everywhere, thankfully, as it was designed with exposure to vacuum in mind. Everything was nailed to the deck. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sieb turned in his commander’s chair to see what looked like grenades rolling from her fingertips and into the rows of consoles. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Reaching forward, he slammed the button that would trigger emergency shutters on the viewport. They whooshed shut, sealing off the more fragile transparisteel with a thick layer of durasteel. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Communications officer Kells never wanted to be a hero, but when he saw the appearance of a sudden intruder, and the grenades she lobbed toward his comrades, he reacted without thinking. Leaping out of his chair, he sprinted forward, past comrades who’d been in the blast zone of whatever she’d released from her body. He scooped up the thermal detonator and kept running. Straight toward her. He closed his eyes and vanished in the atomizing explosion, hoping he took her with him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The other two thermal detonators blew, taking sections of consoles and crew with them and rocking the bridge. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Leaping from his command chair, Sieb drew his sidearm. He shooed the taccom away from a terminal. He could hear the blast doors whooshing open behind him and the sudden chorus of blaster fire. Working quickly, Sieb entered the burn-out protocol that shut down all the bridge’s command functions. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The guns of the Fondor might still thunder, but the gunners would no longer be receiving commands from the bridge. Not until Sieb Tevv said otherwise. The encryption program was the highest military software the Alliance could get their hands on, straight from Omega Pyre’s R&D. It could be hacked by an expert, but it would take a day to run through the necessary algorithms. However, Sieb and only Sieb had the password to bring it all back online.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He wouldn’t be giving it to them, though. Not ever. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Shaking slightly, Sieb backed away from the terminal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The detonation of the tripmines turned his head in the direction of the blast doors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Hold them, don’t give up the bridge!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ducking behind a console, Sieb opened fire with his pistol at the soldiers streaming through the doors, while the marines unleashed enfilade fire. [/SIZE]
ANS Fondor's Aegis
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Cole Katarn"] [member="Sieb Tevv"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]

NPCs: 31 Harbinger Droids, 7,687 Alliance Marines (they're having a really rough day already)

They were giving ground, but it was being costly to both sides. Alliance soldiers and droids were being felled by explosives that the enemy were laying as they fell back. These Sith forces were trying their hardest to hold them up from reaching the bride, but there was only so long even an elite unit could hold out. Blackblades, those that were still alive anyways, were pushing against Alliance forces, fighting their way to reinforce the other Sith forces at the bridge. Alliance marines fell as they were attacked from behind, but more men were arriving. There were would be many casualties, but they would overwhelm the enemy through sheer numbers.

Taeli was having enough of this attrition business though. Deflecting an ax blow from an enemy, she skewered him through the chest with her lightsaber before sending his body back among his comrades. Blasters and explosives still kept going off on both sides, felling men and women. The Force was called to her hand, forming a slightly glowing sphere of energy. A pause, and then she unleash the energy in a powerful Force Push that blasted all the enemies in front of her away. Their lines completely disrupted, disoriented from her Force Push, the Alliance marines surged forward. There was no mercy for the enemy that had killed so many of their comrades, but they also took advantage of the fallen enemy. Marines started grabbing fallen energy shields, turning their own equipment against them.

Turning a final corner, she could see the breached doors to the bridge ahead, more enemy soldiers performing a rearguard action as their comrades headed inside. The sounds of combat filled the air around the bridge, the enemy being squeezed into one place. Another Force Push left her hand towards the enemy at the doors, looking to disrupt them completely.

At the secondary bridge, the room would be empty because none of the systems of a secondary bridge would be active or manned unless the acting commanding office of a ship ordered them to be. Capturing it, while a goal, was not one that would be critical to the ship in anyway. Especially with Admiral Tevv activating bridge control burnout, so unless he gave up the password, the Fondor's Aegis would continue to engage the Sith navy as no bridge controls or comms would work.

Sal Katarn

Location: Immortal Titan, shield generator room
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Enemy: [member="Ronan Vizsla"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The slicer managed to get the blast doors open and they slid apart with an ominous hiss. Inside, Sal didn’t see anybody, which wasn’t as comforting as it should’ve been. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Slowly, cautiously, the platoon moved into the chamber. The three generators rose from the deck, columns that branched out into a v-shape. Above each of the pillars sat fat, cones that jutted from the ceiling. Each pair fed an energy beam from the nozzle of the cone to the centerpoint of the pillar. Their humming drowned out all other ambient noise. The blue glow of the beams cast a shadows through the chamber. Was it just a trick of the light, or had Sal seen something in those shadows?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The marine on top of the hover gurney wrapped anxious fingers around the handles of the E-web. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Steady,” Sal growled, but clutched his scatter gun a little tighter. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A pair of cries came from behind, followed by a series of snapping hisses. Sal whirled, bringing his weapon up. A sith stood over the corpse of a dead marine, in the process of tugging a lightsaber from the body. A second one dropped down from a catwalk above, directly in front of Sal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Time to die, M-’[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]00 buckshot took the Sith’s face and spread it halfway ‘cross the room. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Ambush!” Qassi called into the comms. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“No kriff,” Katarn grumbled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]More lightsabers sprang to life and Sith sprang from the shadows, assaulting the SpaceOps forces with everything they head. Blasters and scatterguns blarred, sabers hummed, and above it all could be heard the whining whump-whump-whump of the E-web repeater. [/SIZE]


Location: ANS Belshazzar, Hangar

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Enemy: [member="Lyle Baelor"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Abel barely deflected another two slugs, the superheated metal vanishing inside his sky-blue blade. Blood seeped from his injuries, staining his robes a deep red. Moving hurt and even this short exertion had set the tubby padawan sweating and puffing, sandy brown hair matted to his forehead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He knew he couldn’t keep this up as he weren’t all that good with a lightsaber. And he didn’t want to have to kill this man. How did he stop him? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Oh right.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Before the bad guy could get off any more shots, Abel reached out in the Force and tried to yank the blaster pistol out of the guy’s hand. [/SIZE]
Location: ANS Fondor’s Aegis, Passageway
Allies: N/A
Enemy: [member="Darth Vornskr"]

“You’re right. There will always be men like you, Kaine, but there will also always be those who stand against tyranny and oppression. In the end you will fall, your villainous dominions crumble, and nothing will remain but a memory of sorrow. Everything you sought to destroy will grow back anew, whether it be ten years from now or a thousand.”

Blood streamed from Ryan's mouth and cheek to drip off his chin, spotting the deck with crimson drops. He clearly favored one leg, features etched with pain beneath the gore.

The Butcher King took one step forward and Ryan held out one hand, as if to stall him. A sudden surge of power poured from the Jedi like a burst dam and he sought to grab and rip the Sith toward him with a ferocious pull in the Force.

Korr’s other hand reached out and slammed the activation panel. The door hissed open once more, exposing the pair of them to vacuum. Air howled past, whipping locks of red hair about the Jedi's grim face. He clung doggedly to the doorframe while yanking on Kaine in the Force with all his might in an effort to hurl him out into the emptiness beyond.
Location: Open Space - Advancing towards the Enemy Flagship.
Objective: Redirected, Assaulting the Titan.
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron; [ 2: [member="Aedan Lochlan"] | 3: [member="Tela Uolmi"] | 4: [member="Berric Kelso"] | 5: [member="Loske Matson"] | 6: [member="Alicia Frost"] | 7: [member="Choli Vyn"] | 8: [member="Encouragement Gets"] | 9: [member="Asmus Janes"] | 10: [member="Areiana Slayer"] | 11: [member="Alexandra Russo"] | 12: Lucius Varad ]
Enemies: The One Sith
Equipment: T-70 X-wing Starfighter, MF-9 Scattergun, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol.​

As much as I would've relished the chance to land the killing blow against the Hungering Mynock, it had seemed that someone else had beaten me to the punch. Alliance transmissions from every sector surrounding the enemy carrier had lit up, carrying forth the message of impending Victory, and causing quite the stir when dozens of various TIE models had broken off their attack and began retreating towards the Flagship. The Carrier was lost, so it only made sense that they fell back to provide whatever Void-bound forces that remained some meager measure of cover. There was a part of me that felt cheated of my prize, but after several heats of my thunderous heart, I knew that if we had won this battle and overthrown the trap that had been set - such trivialities would be meaningless aside from the victor's bragging rights. Plus, whoever had slain the Carrier deserved my respect. Not many people would brave the perils of a Sith Warship and come away triumphant. I'd have to buy him a drink after all of this was said and done, or at least make the offer if the chance presented itself.

Pulled back into reality by the irritated chirps of my Astromech Droid, I shook the delirium from my eyes and yanked back on my flight stick, narrowing avoiding a deadly face to face encounter with an enemy fighter. Heaving out a sigh of relief, I inhaled a mouthful of stale recycled air in the hopes of focusing on the task at hand. Though the Alliance had virtually slain one of the two vessels that they had been trapped with, the battle was far from over, and it would do me little good if I were lost in the labyrinth of my mind. Thus, with my calming exhalation, my starfighter had resumed it's killing rhythm as Green Group, and I had engaged the enemy. That was until I heard all too familiar voices fill my Squad-Level Comms. Rogue Squadron had regrouped within the Eye of this Storm, and by our combined might - we would spear through the enemy formation and plunge our blades deep into the One Sith's Flagship. Had I been a Scholar, rather than a Slave, I would've said such a deed was almost poetic.

However, as Green Group's K-Wing's fell in behind the Rogues, I had received a transmission that I wished was never sent. Of all the things that I was known for, thanks to our first mission together and the get-together that happened after, I had become one of the unofficial Morale-Boosters of the team. I blamed the generous helping of alcohol and the woman that dared me to take the Karaoke stand, just as I blamed her now for doing the same thing - but in a different venue. Curse her for being so cheeky and young! Had she been older and able to drink like the rest of us, She might've forgotten the entire ordeal.

That was when Princess chimed in, the sassy devil had been eavesdropping and had already uploaded a little something to my X-wing's interior speaker system. She even started to play the beat long before I was ready!

"Someone's getting a Memory wipe," I grunted as the music began to sink its fangs into my mind. "And if we make it out of this Alive, Seven, I'm getting you back somehow." The words were idle threats, and it was more than likely that she knew it - but they had to be said. It wouldn't have done my dour personality any justice if I merely accepted this chance to sing without some form of protestation. Breathing in once more, I began when the cadence demanded my vocal interjection.

"It's all in mo-tion, no stopping it now. I've got nothing to lose, and only One way up!" The heavy pounding beats of the Drum were echoed by the lengthy strum of strings, as I waited for the right moment to resume this part of the verse. "I'm burnin' bridges; I destroy the Mirage," As if by mere chance or by Fate, I yanked the control stick to the left and forced my X-wing to vacate the suicidal vector an Enemy TIE fighter had taken. How fitting, I thought as the music began again. "All vision of Collisions, Karkin' Bon Voyage!"

I paused, leaving a single beat of the tune to take hold.

"It's all Smmmooooooth sailing, from here on out, yeah."

Beneath the enticing rhythm of the ancient melody, I could hear my BB-Unit snicker - knowing full well that there was no turning back now. Well, at least if I wanted to keep my reputation in check, and ride the stimulating pulses of adrenaline that spiked through my veins with every modulated measure.

"I've got: bruises and hickeys, stitches and scars." In a higher pitch, descending to my sonorous tone, I carried on - almost lost in the music. "Got my own theme plays wherever I are."

"Fear is the hand that pulls your strings," As the words had slipped past my lips, I banked my fighter to the left - hard. With the danger of yet another collision averted and consigned into the immaterial realm of the past - I resumed the verse without missing a beat. "You're useless Toy, pit-iful Plaything. I'm in Flagraaaaannttteee, in every way, every day."

And now for the Hook.

"It's all Smooooooth sailing, from here on out!"

As if the music had tied into the unseen pattern of the battle taking place all around us, my targeting computer had chimed softly to match with the beat of the projected music, causing my finger to slam down upon the trigger. Brilliant crimson lances stabbed out of my vessel and atomized another with a direct hit.

"I'm gonna do the Damage, that needs getting done!"

We were nearing the Flagship now, and it only seemed fitting that the song was pulsing towards its climax - I would need every iota of focus that I could muster if we were to survive the ensuing Chaos.

"God only knows, One long vacation! If reason is priceless, there's no reason to Pay-for-it! It's so easy to see, Yet so hard to find. Make a Mountain of a Molehill-la - if the Molehill's... miiinnne."

Pausing to let the beat take over, and so I could recover my spent breath, I fell back into formation - only to let my lips once again become one with the tune.

"I hypnotize you, ignore-and-defy-you," Another Chime, another Confirmed Kill. "I blow my load over the Status Quo."


"Oh, here we go! I'm a Lil' bit nonchalant when I dance, I risk it always, No... second chance. That's-why-it's-gotta-be, Smoooooth sailing from here on out. I'm gonna, Doooo, the Damage 'til the Damage, is done, yeah."

Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat.

"Well-ah, God only knows, so mind your be-havior! Follow prescriptions of your-ah Loaded savior! Every temple needs gold, like every Hook, needs to shine. Headaches at the Temple of the... Closed minnnd."

Another Bogey had interjected on Rogue Squadron's approach vector, and as the beat carried on - another chime sounded softly.

"Closssed Miind. Cloooosseed Miiiiinnd! Clllooooooosseed MIND!"

Leaving nothing behind but an atomized echo, We passed through the head of the needle and swept across the surface of the Immortal-Class Warship - free to engage whatever targets we wished. As Asmus had fallen out of the formation with One of their flight mates in tow, I had pulsed my acknowledgment and followed behind - strafing the point defense weapons with a deafening staccato of crimson death.

"It's all... Smooth sailing from here on out."

| [member="Choli Vyn"] |
[member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen ran as fast as her little kegs could carry her. Drawing deep from the Force, that was actually quite quick, but she wasn't a distance runner. Without words she followed that constant connection to Micah to speed on ahead. He scoffed at the notion and kept pace beside her.

Danger tugged at her senses constantly. Energy flowed in great bursts around the ship as critical fail-safes struggled and failed. It was all too much, overwhelming for the simple defel.

Which was why she didn't react quickly enough. Heat blossomed across one side if her body as a panel blew out from the left wall. It just missed her but the hot hair behind it carried such force it threw the small furry bundle into the far wall hard. Something went crunch. A cold, damp feeling spread up her right hand side.

"I'm okay!" growled at Micah as she made her way back to her feet shakily. She whimpered softly. "Keep going, we migh' need an escape pod."
Location: The Immortal Titan
Mission: Defend the Jedi / Destroy the Ship
Allies: Galactic Alliance - [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Cameron Centurion"]
Gear: Personal Heavy Armor - Usual Equipment - Mk. II Omega Boltgun - BTI-CC13 Blaster Rifle - (2x) BTI-WB Heay Blaster Pistol

Kyber slowly stood himself with a few pain-filled grunts and the aide of the wall he'd been previously leaning his back against. This was not going to end well for anyone if they didn't get out of there soon. Kyber knew he had to get out of the Weapons bay alive with the Jedi, but the Sith Lord that had seemed to appear from dust might make that a bit more difficult. After Kyber pulled himself up fully he stretched out a bit, cracking a few bones in the process as he just then looked up to the Jedi who was sprinting towards the door near him. With a slew of shyriiwook explitives said under his breath, Kyber began to sprint towards the exit with a speed that rivaled even the Jedi, although Kyber was sure that if she really tried the Jedi could easily outrun him in his heavy armor with the aide of the force. Once Kyber reached the door he looked back once again, this time catching a glimpse of the Jedi using her force powers to redirect one of the arcs of lightning. See, now this is one of those times Kyber really wished he was force sensitive. Alas, Kyber had no chance in the first place. A lot of things were predetermined when Kyber was 'born', but he'd made his peace with that a long time ago.

Kyber gave himself a whack to the head as he snapped out of his brief mental doldrums. This wasn't the time. As the Jedi continued to make her way over, Kyber knelt down next to the control panel and ripped off the casing. Kyber quickly unsheathed Arrikazza and began cutting and stripping various wires, his eyes flickering back and forth between the systems screen and his handiwork. After a few moments he'd figure out the correct order and prepare the wires, twist-tying a few off to the side before focusing on the main two he needed to close the emergency bulkhead. He'd wait until the rest of the troops made their way in before looking out again, watching the Jedi motion for her uncle to follow. Obviously she didn't want her Uncle to die, but there was no way they were gonna be safe in close-quarters with that beast. Luckily for Kyber, the Sith Lord found his own way out up and through the flames. Now all he had to do was wait for the Jedi to come into the hallway so Kyber could seal the bulkhead. After the bulkhead was sealed he'd stand up straight once again and face the Jedi, ready for her next orders.
Location: Aboard the ANS Fondor's Aegis
Allies: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"],
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Cole Katarn"]
Evaelyn rolled her eyes underneath the visors of her helmet. Then she grinned. Her twin had a hunch, and when her twin had a hunch, Evaelyn had learned to trust it. Suppose she ought to trust her own as well. Now that she gave it some thought... "I feel it too" There was a pull. Her destiny lay ahead. Despite the same armour, despite a similar armament, Evaelyn seemed to be making less noise than her sister. It wasn't even a conscious effort at this point. Could it be that her recent training had had some kind of effect on her? Subtlety was a virtue often forgotten among warriors.

Joyce tensed, as did Elyn. Something was about to happen. Her blaster stayed close at hand. It would be needed soon, she could tell. Then it would become obsolete. Only then would the true savagery of the day be unleashed. Only then would she be complete. "When are we ever not?" she teased back when Joy told her to be on alert. Elyn joked but she took the advice to heart.

In the next moment the second battle commenced. Her back pressed against the wall. Her arm was held out straight to the side, as her blaster tore holes in many a marine. Like Joy, Elyn noticed the lightsabers. It was clear who the real targets were. The Blackblade officer fired off a few well-placed shots in their general direction, before revealing she was much more than that. With another snap-hiss, she bathed her dark armour with the purple of her lightsaber. Time to dance. Elyn charged while blasterfire covered her approach.
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Location: Inbound to the Titan to help take her out!
Objective: Survive strafing run to get a drunk on later at the post-mission party
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron [member="Aedan Lochlan"] 2 [member="Berric Kelso"] 4 [member="Loske Matson"] 5 [member="Choli Vyn"] 7 - wingman [member="Encouragement Gets"] 8: [member="Asmus Janes"] 9 [member="Areiana Slayer"] 10 @Alexandra Russo 11 [member="Lucius Varad"] 12
Enemy: OS
Equipment: T-70 X-wing, Pilot sidearm, Cherry-flavored lip balm

"Good to know, Seven. Let's keep it that way, hmm," Alex replied back to [member="Choli Vyn"]. The young Jedi had proved herself to be a good wingman; one she'd proudly fly with any day.

Oh by the Force was Twelve doing what she thought he was doing? A big grin spread across the Taanabian's face with a chuckle ushered under her breath as Alleycat brought her X-wing around to mount up with the other Rogues to do another strafing run. The One Sith's flagship needed to go up preferably in a ball of flames from stem to stern; if only they could be so lucky!

"This is Eleven. I've got six to lay down. Right behind you, Nine," Alex keyed over the comm to [member="Asmus Janes"] letting him know she still had proton torpedoes in her arsenal left to use.

This time through the flak was more intense. There was a feeling of a more desperate urgency coming from the Immortal-class capital ship's gunners. Russo's gut clinched every time her T-70 rocked, but the seasoned pilot stayed on target due to her years of training; not letting her nerves get the best of her, which would get the Taanabian killed in quick fashion if she did.

When Russo got a solid target lock on the area Rogues were hitting, the brunette pulled the trigger and dual-fired two proton torpedoes, then re-calibrated and sent another two screaming out towards the Titan with two more in rapid succession. She pulled up hard and away from the embattled ship to find the shimmy on the starboard S-foil of her X-wing worsening… with a warning whistle from Rusty.

"I know, I know… We just need to keep her together for a bit longer."

Come on baby, hold together...

Matthew Robinson

There's an herb for that.
Location: ANS Belshazzar
Objective: Defend and protect! Dole out narcotics.
Allies: GA [member="Bryce Bantam"] (fightin' his own) [member="Aeron Kreelan"] - I'll set up the medbay all nice-like for you
Enemies: OS [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] (bromance) [member="Darth Ophidia"] (somewhere)

The empath cringed but not because of the hover stretch's impact on the sith. Because of the bloody mess of his hands. Sparks flew as the lit saber hit the cart and continued on its way down. Whew, getting all hot in here.

Matt let go and continued to swing himself to Kylath's exposed flesh for the point of the nighty-night needle.

The medic felt the man's rage. Felt the shift in attention. Felt the explosion of the outward kick coming. But it was only enough for his already extended right arm drop in a sweeping block. The syringe went flying out of his grip and landed on the ground near Aeron.

The bone in his forearm snapped. Most likely the Radius. Nerdy anatomy. Med school in the outer rim paid off. His forward momentum turned into a 360 spin, then a stumble backwards. "Bloody tosser!" Matt's face paled, broken arm cradled against his chest.

With a grunt of effort, the force wove forward to form the shiny-shimmering blue-tinted force bubble around his space angel for the sith's initial stretcher attack. Would it hold up against the blow? Did she already have a plan in mind? Would it be enough to clear her?

Matt and his throbbing body hoped so.

Blaster fell into his good hand. He released a stun bolt at the sith's pretty face wondering if his fancy shield had been damaged. Wondering if he was too close for the shield to work. Wondering if it would help Aeron as a distraction.

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