Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

This one totally supports dominant Phaedra now. She would be so hot! Anyhow, such thoughts were probably far from her mind right now. "Yeah, I know. Doesn't make me like it anymore," Enyo grumbled, probably sounding a bit sulky. But there was clearly no budging and in any case she was in too much pain to move much, so she reluctantly went back to bed. "Thanks...I guess I'll see you later. Makes me happy care about me. Maybe we can look out for one another," she said a bit hesitantly. Then the nurse entered the room and administered her medication.

At first Enyo felt a bit numb, but then gradually it felt like the pain was being soothed and drifting away. However, the medication also made her rather sleepy. "Don't want to sleep," she grumbled to herself, but did not feel like protesting much. Little did she know that the drug cocktail also made her more compliant and open to suggestions. Unlike Phaedra, she did not notice anything off about the nurse, but then she lacked empathic gifts. Soon the dreamlands claimed the brunette.
The redhead nodded, "I understand. I truly do." Spoken quietly as she stepped back over to the bed after the nurse had finished. "I think we can do that. It would be nice to have someone watching out for me too." That thought brought a smile to her lips, though she did give an odd glance back at the nurse as she left the two of them alone again.

"I know you don't. I don't blame you for that, but you need the rest. It would be of great benefit to you to get at least a little sleep." Phaedra then sighed quietly, "I could, maybe stay with you overnight. They might let me. After all Callisto stayed with me, my first night out of stasis." She gave a small nervous shrug, "That is, if you'd like me to."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

If Enyo had been her counterpart, she would have undoubtedly made a smutty comment about Phaedra offering to share her bed with her. However, the clone was less than a day old and thus still very innocent. Presumably such thoughts would not be coursing through her mind for quite a while. So instead she saw the offer for what it was and, after some thinking, smiled thinly.

"I'd like that...if it's no bother. I don't want to impose," she said shyly, but she was already shifting slightly in the bed to make room for Phaedra. Perhaps she had not yet quite realised how tiny the little redhead was compared to her. "Who's Callisto?" she asked curiously. She had not met the tall redhead yet.
"I don't mind at all. It's not like I have much but my books to get back to. So really, its not a bother at all." Phaedra smiled, and waited patiently for Enyo to move over enough for her in the bed. After that was done, she slowly and carefully climbed into the bed and laid down beside Enyo.

"Callisto is Moira's assistant. She's a really sweet woman. She took care of me when I was here in the hospital by myself. It was nice to have her along with me. Made my first night out here easier." Smiling she thought back to that, "She even watched a movie with me."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

It all sounded very shiny and happy. Too good to be true? Perhaps, but given how tired Enyo was, she was not in the mood to question things much. Especially when one considered that the drugs ensured she would be more compliant than she might have been otherwise.

So she gave Phaedra a tired smile. "She sounds very nice. I'd like to meet her....when I'm not about to fall asleep. So sleepy. Come closer," she said tiredly, snuggling up towards Phaedra and gently wrapping her around her, though she took care not to hold her too tight. Evidently she liked to cuddle as much as her counterpart did. "Good night, Phae," she managed to say, then the dreamlands claimed her.
It certainly was too good to be true. But neither one of them was aware of this, at least not yet. Still the nurse had made Phaedra suspicious that something wasn't quite right. The little redhead was close to figuring the whole thing out. Who knew how she would react when she finally pieced it all together.

"I'm sure you can meet her soon. She's been watching over me, just down the hall from where I live." She said quietly. Phaedra scooted a little closer as Enyo wrapped her arms around her. This she seemed to like a great deal as well. The closeness made her feel safer than she had in a long time. "Good night, Enyo. Sleep well my dear. I'll see you in the morning." She said quietly before falling asleep herself.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

And so they drifted off into the dreamlands. Alas, Enyo's sleep was not wholly undisturbed or peaceful. Again and again she stirred in her slumber, for dreams haunted her. Whether they were mere dreams or visions was something she obviously could not judge. Regardless what Enyo beheld was a vision of horrors: A city laid to waste by titanic war machines, bestial monstrosities with glowing blue eyes and with mutilated skin tearing people apart in an orgy of violence and gore.

The sky above was red with fire, buildings crumbled under the onslaught, then spider-like machines suddenly swooped down from the sky and seized fleeing humans with what appeared to be tentacles. Their captives struggled and thrashed, but their efforts were futile as they were put to sleep. Then other beings appeared on the scene, they looked human but...seemed different, somehow. More perfect, more precise...marching with an inhumane precision and wielding heavy weapons. Battle ensued between them and the feral monsters, who soon perished as they were cut down with mechanical precision. Little did Enyo know that she had beheld a vision of the future as Archangel unleashed machines and Reavers for the harvest, then disposed of its own monsters when they were no longer needed. The frightened civilians who were 'liberated' would soon find themselves being processed, but she did not know that.
Fortunately Phaedra's sleep had been relatively peaceful. For the most part, just average dreams of an average human. No visions of horrors to come. Just good old fashioned rest. Morning would come slowly, and Phaedra would stir from her slumber.

Her eyes fluttered before finally opening. Sleepily she tried to rub the drowsiness from her eyes. Rolling onto her side, she looked over at Enyo and just watched her for a moment. Though she didn't seem to be having a good time sleeping. A part of Phaedra wanted to wake her, at the same time not. She needed the rest, and that seemed more important to her now.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Eventually Enyo managed to calm down and sleep without being plagued by visions or nightmares. However, she still stirred and sometimes thrashed in her sleep for a bit before she at last managed to settle down. The hours passed by and then it was morning once again.

Her eyes fluttered before they opened at last. She tried to rub the sleepiness from her eyes. For a moment she tensed when she looked around, wondering where she was and how she had come here, before she finally realised what had happened on the day before and who the little redhead was. Only now Enyo seemed to realise just how tiny Phaedra was compared to her. "Hey, Phae. You slept well?" she finally spoke, still sounding rather sleepy.
"Morning, Enyo." She said quietly as she shifted to sit up in bed. "I slept okay for the most part. No weird dreams or anything, so I can't complain." At least for her it had been peaceful, and was much needed sleep. Even Enyo's thrashing in the night didn't disturb her. "How are you feeling, dear? I hope you slept alright yourself."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Much like her counterpart, Enyo apparently did not like showing weakness. "Yeah, I'm good. Some weird dreams...but no big deal. Glad you had a good sleep." Part of her wondered whether her thrashing might have disturbed or hurt Phaedra a bit and she felt bad about it. "So what's on the agenda today? Maddy is gonna poke me some more or can I get out of here?" she asked dryly. Nope, she did not like hospitals at all. Suppressing a yawn, she stretched slightly in bed.
"I'm glad to hear that." She said quietly, and nodded at the mention of the dreams. "As long as they were just weird, and nothing more ..... I suppose all is well." Truthfully some of Enyo's thrashing in her sleep had disturbed little Phae, but the redhead wasn't about to complain about that. It was entirely too understandable, the strange dreams and the like this early. After all, she'd had her own weird and frightening dream herself on the first night.

"Well, I'm sure you can get out of here. They don't ask for much of you the first few days because you need to heal, and rest. So, why don't we find our way down to the living level and we'll get you to your new room." Phaedra offered, not thinking that Madeline or Moira would really mind. After all she needed to make sure Enyo was settled in!

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo seemed to brighten at the prospect of finally getting out of hospital. For she had been there far too long. Well, actually only one day, but that was still way too long. Bad and disturbing dreams were forgotten and pushed out of the metaphorical airlock. With some visible effort she managed to not only sit up inside her bed but actually get to her feet.

Admittedly she had to cling to the bed railing for a bit to stabilise herself but when she took her first, tentative steps she did not fall! Needless to say she gave little Phaedra a smug, self-satisfied look. Gods, the little redhead was so tiny compared to her. "See, I can walk just fine!" she declared happily. "Lead the way. Let's get out of here."
One really couldn't blame Enyo for being so eager to get out of the hospital. While Phaedra wasn't the biggest fan of hospitals, she knew the overnight stay had been required.

Keen eye watched as Enyo got up from bed, the woman ready to jump in at a moment's notice, should the brunette fall. "Mmmhmmm, just fine. I see that." It certainly didn't sound like she believed Enyo, but still she was right there alongside her. "You know, I don't mind helping, should you need it..." It had to be offered, Phaedra couldn't just not offer such.

She finally gave a nod and led them down the hall and into an elevator at the end of it. Stepping inside she pressed the button for the floor where the clones' living quarters had been arranged. "It's not the biggest room in the world, but they've got just about every need you could possible have, covered. So, can't complain too much." She said softly as she wandered down to find Enyo's room. Undoubtedly it was right next to her own for good reason. After all, it was Phae's job to help make sure Enyo was comfortable, and happy ... and stayed that way. Well it was also part of her duties to befriend her. Not that the woman was aware of much of this at all. Phaedra was just happy to finally have another person like herself awake and alive. Someone she could relate to.

Finally she opened the door to Enyo's room, and motioned for the woman to head inside. "This is all yours." Phae said sweetly. "My room is right next to yours. So, I'll never be too far away." She said it what she hoped was a warm and encouraging tone.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

And so we shall once again utilise the time and tested methof of the time skip now that Enyo had gotten her own room and presumably bonded some more with sweet, little Phaedra. Time would pass and then the girls would be called to the training room. After all, they needed to be put through their paces and learn to be strong in body and mind if they were to service Archangel to the best of their abilities.

Failure was not an option. It was their duty to rise above the primitive mass of organic filfth that had infested this Galaxy.
Coming into the training room, Phaedra sighed softly. This kind of thing, wasn't something she much liked. She was so tiny and small that physical training always was rougher on her. And she expected that any combat training might not go so well for her. Her expectations were incredibly low for this, not that many would blame her for such. Though, certainly her mechanical mothers would expect so much more of her. For the tiny redhead to overcome her weaknesses and small stature, as well as learning how to manage such effectively.

She glanced a little nervously between Callisto and Enyo in the training room. Fidgeting, only seemed to come naturally as she shifted from one foot to the other, entirely uncertain of what they would be doing here today. "Hi Callisto, Enyo." She said softly. "I suppose they decided it was time for us to finally train."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

And so it was training day. Enyo was sort of looking forward to it. Unlike her counterpart she had not yet gotten maimed an absurd number of times and thus was in far better health and physical shape. Well, obviously Enyo did not know that, but her writer did, so whatever! Likewise she did not yet know that she had power over space magic.

So she entered the training room quite enthusiastically, though it did not escape her attention how nervous little Phaedra seemed. Over the past few days Enyo had become rather fond of her, so she reached out to the redhead's hand and gave it a good squeeze. "Come on, Phae, be a little less glum. If that gremlin can hop around with a glowstick and kick butt, so can you! What was his name again? Something silly...ah, right, Yoda. And you don't need to be tall and super strong to use a blaster," she said cheerfully, eyeing the training room, which was quite large and spacious. One could see various equipment to work out with, training droids and even a small shooting range. This one thinks Phaedra should become a master sniper and combine this with her aptitude for illusions.
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Yoda was an overrated fossile. Not to mention a reactionary cultist who could not see a Sith Lord right in front of him," Callisto said scathingly. It was important to make sure the kiddos stayed on the straight and narrow and were properly educated. This included keeping them away from false religions such as the Jedi. It was the will of the Force. Err, of Archangel. Not much of a difference! The only way to bring balance to the Force was to exterminate both Jedi and Sith and create a Galaxy dominated by well-ordered machines.

"But Enyo's point is quite correct. You are here for training. Basic working out to strengthen your endurance, hand to hand, marksmanship. Your size will make physical training rough for you, Phaedra, but we shall adjust accordingly to tailor it for you. There are many ways you can defend yourself without resorting to space magic."
While Enyo might be looking forward to it, Phaedra still had her doubts. Though she still did squeeze Enyo's hand in kind. "But that little gremlin had years on me. And I so don't like this. Not at all." Not that she was going to escape it. "I guess it's kind of needed.... So I can deal with it, I think." I hope.

She eyed Callisto for a moment, and nodded. Not that she felt particularly good knowing it'd be harder on her for her size. "Well, I don't like it. But there isn't much option really." The woman said with a sigh. Reaching up, she quickly threw her hair into a messy pony tail.

"So, what shall we start with?" That was really the question. Would it be blasters? Strength training? Endurance? Or hand to hand combat? Hand to hand, she really didn't look forward too. Not in the least. There she would always be at an extreme disadvantage. Her size made it quite the challenge.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"You will learn in time. Through diligence and hard work. Then you will become better than the little gremlin," Callisto said firmly. Clearly her two charges would not be able to get out of training so easily! Having made her point she walked over to a table and picked up two blasters, which she then handed over to the two girls.

"Standard blaster pistols. They're set in stun since I'd be upset if you accidentally hurt yourself or each other," she stated. Aww, wasn't she being sweet? "Familiarise yourself with the weapons. I will demonstrate the current stance and position to use them, then you will practice on the shooting range."

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