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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Consensus, was Callisto's response to Madeline. There was also the matter that Enyo would be born soon. If Phaedra had been appropriately indoctrinated by the time this happened, she could be a great asset when it came to helping her new 'sister' adjust and accept the power of the machine.

She gave Phaedra's hand a gentle squeeze. "Soon, dear. And when your training is complete, you won't have to fear them. Contrary to what the holovids indicate, Jedi are not invincible. I have personally killed some of these violent fanatics."
Phaedra nodded slowly, "Okay." The redhead clung tightly to Callisto's hand. "You have? They seemed so powerful from what I saw and read."

Then the clone sighed heavily. "Can I go back to my room now? I think.... I think I want to sleep for a while. I just want to rest for a while, not have to feel things for a bit." Phaedra looked hopeful as she glanced between her two caretakers. A massive headache had formed and for the most part Phaedra had tried to ignore it but no longer could. "My head hurts terribly, I really want to sleep. May I, please?"

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
"Yes, Callisto has. For Jedi are not immortals. They are quite mortal and fallible." Madeline said softly as she wrapped a loving arm around Phaedra. Well as loving as a genocidal robot could be.

"I think that it might be best if you did return to your room and rest." She said with a sigh, "Any tests I did now, the results would be skewed by adrenaline still in your system. So, perhaps it's best that we wait for now. But let me get you a shot for the headache, plus it will help you to rest." Madeline said as she rose to her feet and walked over to one of the cabinets on the wall.

After a moment she withdrew a vial and syringe. After drawing out a dose of the medication, Maddy returned to Phaedra's side. Gently she grabbed her wrist and quickly injected the medication, without giving the redhead much time to protest at all. "Just please do try and get as much rest as possible, Phaedra. You most certainly need it after a day like today."

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"], [member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Oh, yes, Jedi were very mortal. Perhaps some day little Phaedra needed to watch a movie about Order 66. That had been a fun time. Along with a couple Senate debates. In all likelihood those would give her the conviction that all Senators must be purged because apparently they're debating the rights of sentience while the Republic burns.

Regardless, held on to Phaedra's hand and helped her up, ready to carry her if needed should the woman's tiny legs give way. "Come on, dear let's get you back to your room. Get some rest. If you need anything, you know which number to call."
The shot, contained the same drugs they had been giving Phaedra all along, to keep her compliant. It also of course contained a pain medication, to ease away the headache. After all Madeline did want Phaedra's every need to be met.

Phaedra winced heavily, turning her head away from the injection as Madeline dosed the small woman. Once Maddy was done, Phaedra pulled her wrist into her lap and rubbed at it for a moment, doing her best to soothe the ache away. "Thank you." She said quietly to Madeline. "I promise I'll get some rest."

Already the drug was quickly taking effect and Phaedra was a little dizzy as she stood. Clinging tightly to Callisto's hand, her first step faltered a little as she stumbled. "Thank you." She whispered against, this time to Callisto, as she shifted closer to the woman. Somehow the closer she was to Callisto, the safer she felt. Especially when she felt so unsteady like she did then. "I really just want to sleep for a long while ... Forget that today happened." She mumbled softly. Some things she simply did not wish to remember, but without a doubt this was a day that Archangel would want her to remember.

[member="Callisto Scarlett"]
At this, Madeline let the pair walk from the room. For she had another project to attend to. Namely Enyo. The young clone was coming along nicely and soon would be birthed from her cloning tube, in much the same manner as Phaedra. And she would be just as beautiful and glorious. And of course she too would need to be controlled and properly raised up in the image that Archangel desired for them. The pair no doubt would be lethal, and perfect once Archangel had finished with them both.

After a moment Madeline left the hospital room behind and alerted her staff of where she was heading. There was still some work to do on Enyo. Though she did leave a note, letting Moira and Callisto know of the 'birth date' of the new clone. For now though she walked into the cloning room and started with the usual procedures as she went over the data from the evening before. Preparing a medication mix, she took her sweet time before injecting the fun substance into an IV line that led into the cloning chamber. Soon Enyo, you will see the light of day, and be born into a most glorious cause. You shall join your 'sister' and be great. So perfect for the things in which we planned.

(And now we can timeskip to that lovely moment of Enyo's birth)
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Another day, another clone. Well, things were obviously not that flippant, though it might seem like that. Finally Enyo would be born and she would be magnificient. Phaedra had not yet been clued in about the true nature of her mechanical guardians, but that would change soon, and she would be useful when it came to help her 'sister' adjust.

Having received Madeine's message, Moira headed down to the laboratory on the scheduled date and hour. One of the benefits of having already done this once was that there were far less details that needed to be discussed and ironed out, since Phaedra had already served as their prototype.
And so here they were again, at the birth of another clone. The clock was ticking down, as Enyo's final minutes in the cloning chamber were coming to an end. "Considering this one's counterpart, we must exercise extreme caution. There is little telling what can happen or how she will react once she awakens and comes to her senses." Madeline, just like before stepped over and prepared a syringe with a powerful sedative, ready just in case they would need it.

As the clock ticked down to it's final seconds, Madeline keyed in the commands to shift the cloning tube into a horizontal position. Pressing in a few more commands, the tube began to drain away the catalyst solution. While they waited the former Empress' eyes were locked on Enyo's vital monitors, keenly observing and looking for the slightest sign that her clone might be in trouble. But so far, so good. Things looked flawless so far. Now with the fluid gone from the chamber, she keyed in the last command as the glass tube slide away revealing the prone form of the brand new clone.

Stepping over with a large warm towel, Madeline scooped the girl up while she was still asleep and moved her to the waiting gurney. Laying her down, she then started to dry her off. Thick warm blankets were waiting, just letting Madeline remove as much of the cold catalyst solution as she possibly could. Any moment now the clone would begin to awaken, and once more the same process would begin again as they started to teach this one of the great purpose she was destined for.

[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Slowly, very slowly, Enyo stirred. Her movements were jerky, unfocused and hesitant. As if this was the first in her life she had moved her limbs, let alone her eyes, which was actually the case. The bright light seemed to blind and hurt her eyes and so she tried to avert them. Dimly she could make out strangers, but it was the first time she had used her eyes.

She tried to move, but felt too tired to actually get up, though she felt warm blankets wrap around her. Since Archangel had placed a ysalamiri above her, she would be unable to use the Force. This was good because if she was anything like her counterpart, she might become particularly volatile when confused or afraid. "W-where am I?" she spoke haltingly, as if unfamiliar to speech. Every word rolled awkwardly off her tongue as she looked first to Moira, then Madeline.

"Who...are you?" There was still a stammer in her voice, but it seemed a bit firmer, a bit more demanding. Even with the drugs coursing through her system, she was Siobhan Kerrigan's clone. But her boldness did not last long as she felt a painful throbbing in the back of her head. " I?"
Madeline merely observed at first, waiting for Enyo to speak and ask the questions that she knew were on her mind. "You're in a hospital, my dear. You've been very ill but you are safe now. We've made sure of that." Madeline said softly, sweetly as she stepped forward. A gentle smile spread across her lips, trying to be as warm and inviting as she could possibly manage. "You gave us quite the fright."

She sighed and nodded, "I am Doctor Madeline Kahoshi. And you are Enyo Typhos." For now she decided to let that sink in, and let the clone lead the conversation, letting her ask the questions and she would answer them as she could. "We've been taking care of you for some time now." She then motioned to Moira, "This is Moira Skaldi, someone who is greatly invested in your care."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

"E-enyo Typhos." The words rolled awkwardly off her tongue. It seemed like she was trying to find out whether saying the name out aloud would give her a sense of familiarity. However, if that was the case it did not work. "If that's my name, why don't I remember it? Why don't I remember anything? That's not normal," she concluded. Even with all the drugs inside her system her tone was still demanding. It was probably for the best that the ysalamiri nullified her Force potential.

Admittedly she would not have been able to do much given her total lack of training, but it would have still messed up the room a lot if she lost control. As Phaedra had shown earlier, an uncontrolled, frightened and angry Force-user could be rather dangerous. "W-where do I come from? Do I have family?"
"It's a bit complicated I'm afraid. It's a terrible disease of the mind." Madeline said sadly, "You were brought to us, quite ill. By the time they got you here, your memories were already lost to us. Which, I know is not what you want to hear." She said with a sigh, letting that bit of news sink in before Madeline moved on. "In some ways lucky, you are only the second to survive this far, dear."

Another sigh came, "As for family, documentation says you have none. And unfortunately, we do not know your home planet. So, there are limits to what can be done there." Not that Madeline would have told her any different if such information existed. Plain and simply it did not. And she wasn't about to hand out clues as to where her counterpart was born, because she wasn't about to give her details that could on the off chance lead her to Siobhan. That could not be allowed. Ever.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Enyo looked suspicious, then broken up. She might look like a mature woman, but deep down she was still a child, with no friends, no memories, no life experiences to draw upon. "I have no family," she spoke quietly, sadly, as if saying the words out aloud would magically turn things different. Of course it did not. They never did.

"What is this place? What happens to be now?" Her tone was demanding, but despite the harshness she also sounded lost and alone. After all, she had been thrust into a life without a single memory. Undoubtedly this was something Archangel could and would take advantage of.
Reaching over Madeline gently patted the clones hand, trying to be as comforting as she possibly could manage. "No. No family. I am sorry. But you aren't alone here. Not at all." A small hint of a smile formed upon the HRD's lips, trying still to be gentle as she could manage. "There is another woman here, just like you. I imagine you both could help each other through this experience."

As for what the facility was that was a bit more complex. "It's a hospital and research facility, into diseases like your own." She said quietly. "For now, what will happen, is we will continue to treat you. We were only just able to find a treatment method that truly helps. It will take time, but eventually with some luck you'll be reunited with the greater galaxy out there." Then came a sigh, "There is a surgery we need to do as well, to help you further along. The sooner we do this, after you coming out of stasis the better the results, and the healthier you'll be as a whole." A part of her wondered if Phaedra would be needed to help convince the poor woman of what Madelin was saying. After all, the firemane trusted them thus far. "It's minor really, I promise."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Enyo looked uncomfortable. Internally she seemed to be at war with herself. She was trying hard to be brave, but then she got told that she needed surgery! Needless to say that spooked her quite a bit. "Surgery? Let me guess, if I don't have it, I never get healthy, right?" A frown creased the forehead of the confused brunette. "I don't even know you. I just woke up a couple minutes ago and don't remember anything." Enyo leaned back, thinking.

"How much time do I have to decide? And who's the other woman you mentioned? Can I see her?" Clearly it seemed like the best option to have the little firemane pay Enyo a visit and help convince her of the benevolent intentions of Archangel. After all, the tiny redhead was very sweet and empathic.
"It's not that you won't get better, progress will be extremely slow." Madeline finally said. "I entirely understand your hesitance. Especially under the circumstances, but trust me we have your best interests at heart. And I would not push this, if it were not extremely important." She said softly.

"You will need to decide quickly, but I can give you twelve hours." A nod followed, "Her name is Phaedra Amaryllis. A lovely woman, going through exactly the same thing that you are. I'm sure she won't mind meeting you." With that she sent an aid off to get Phaedra.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
A few minutes later the petite redhead entered the room. She gave a glance to the occupants and then smiled gently at the woman on the bed. That position she remembered being in. Though she had tried to run after first. Not that she made it far with legs that were not used to walking. "I'm told I was needed." She said quietly, folding her hands neatly in front of her as she entered into the room.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo looked nervous whilst being left alone with Madeline. Then a few moments later a petite redhead entered the room. Well, actually petite was not the right word, given how...vertically challenged she was! It took Enyo a few moments to realise how tiny Phaedra was compared to Madeline. Still there was something about the woman that seemed to calm the brunette down a bit.

"Hey, I'm Enyo. I...woke up here with no memory. You're Phaedra?" she asked. Her own name still rolled off her tongue awkwardly. Saying the name did not make her more familiar with it. It still did not feel like hers. She glanced over to Madeline. "Could we be alone please? Just for a few minutes." Clearly there were a few trust issues to work though.
"Hello, Enyo." Phaedra said softly as she approached the bed. "I remember that, waking up without memories as well. It wasn't fun." Not at all, and certainly not with her futile attempt to escape while quite panicked. "I tried to run. It didn't work out so well. Had been in stasis for too long I suppose." She said with a shrug, all while emitting a nice soft calming aura of her own natural empathy, without even really trying or knowing what she was doing. She simply felt how nervous and frightened the woman seemed and wanted to help.

She glanced to Madeline, "Can we?" Asked as well, because what would it hurt. The two humans desired a brief alone time.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Madeline was hesitant to leave the clones alone. But this time it seemed needed for Enyo's comfort and trust. She glanced to Moira and the others, and motioned for them to join her in the hallway. "Phaedra, when you both are finished talking, please meet me in the hallway, so we know we can return." Granted Phaedra and Enyo would not be alone in the usual sense. They of course were being monitored, every word, every movement. Phaedra did nod at this command, confirming her understanding. With that settled Madeline finally filed out behind the others and allowed the doors to seal behind them.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]

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