Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Fire (Madeline)

[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Little Enyo would be blissfully unaware of the fact that every word she said was being recorded, monitored and analysed. Archangel could not its two charges...err, slaves, go unsupervised, after all. Feeling a bit calmer, she looked at Phaedra, studying her. Despite her total inexperience with this world, there was something strangely intent about those brown eyes. So much like her counterpart.

However, for a reason she could not explain Enyo felt calmer. She would not know that this was due to the nice calmning aura that Phaedra emitted. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," she said feelingly. "They say they saved my life from some sort of sickness that ate my memories and I need to have surgery. You went through the same? Do trust them?" she asked the last three words almost in a whisper. Little did she know that her monitors would hear them anyway. "I'm...afraid. For heaven's sake, I just woke up and don't remember anything."
Phaedra still kept that lovely smile on her lips as she moved closer to the woman. Pulling up a stool she took a seat beside the bed, before reaching out to lay a kind and gentle hand upon Enyo's. "It's alright. It was quite the shock, but I've had a few months now to come to terms with it. It certainly takes some getting used to." Phae said quietly.

Then she nodded, "They did save your life, dear. Just like they saved mine. I was still quite sick when they woke me." Gently she patted the woman's hand, "Yes, I went through the same surgery. Scared me half to death, and it wasn't exactly comfortable but it made me feel a lot better than I was before." The redhead then glanced over her shoulder, before focusing back on Enyo. She too had no idea that they were still being monitored and watched. "I do trust them. They've been quite kind showing me the galaxy again, teaching me the things I lost. I'm not sure what I'd do without them." She said quietly, her eyes dropping to the ground. Her memories, she dearly missed, and wanted back. Slowly she was coming to accept that they were gone. "If you give it a chance, there might be a possibility of triggering a memory while they teach you things, and let you read. Or just even talking could help." Though there were no guarantees here. And it wasn't like either clone actually had memories to remember. Not with how Madeline set them up.

A frown crossed her lips, "I understand. I was terrified too. They actually had to sedate me to get me to surgery in the first place. I was just too frightened to face that on my own. But you aren't alone here, Enyo. You have me. And there are other sweet people who help to care for use. I could maybe, if they let me stay with you until you go to surgery? If it would make you feel better." Still that warm calming, and trusting aura would wash gently over the brunette and hopefully make her a little more compliant with what Archangel needed. Not that Phaedra knew that was exactly what she was doing. She just saw herself as calming someone who needed it badly. Someone who's shoes she'd been in not so long ago. Just trying to help was all Phae was trying.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Phaedra would not know it, bt her warm, calming aura of empathic goodness was having an effect on Enyo. Without even being aware of it, Phaedra was playing a vital role in the Grand Project. She had only been awake for a short time, but was playing her part perfectly.

"You think that could really help restore some of my memories? I'd like to try that," Enyo asked, feeling a bit calmer. Part of her wondered how this strange effect came into being, but for the most part she did not care much at the moment. After all, there was nothing to suggest that Phaedra was using any sort of influence on her. Especially since the redhead did not know she was!

Moving her hand with glacial slowness, for it was obviously unused to movement, she touched Phaedra's. "I feel a bit better now that you talked to me. Thank you. I'd like it if you stayed with me until the surgery. It would make me more comfortable and you can tell me about this place. If it's not too much of a bother. Uh, what do you do here when you're not calming down nervy patients?" Some hint of Siobhan's rather dry humour could be found here.
Phaedra nodded, "It could. It can't possibly hurt, dear. So, it's worth a shot." It seemed only natural to the redhead that something like that would work.

The firemane gave Enyo's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad I could help." Another nod, "Of course, I'll stay. And sure, I'll tell you what I know. Admittedly, it's not a ton, I've not been awake that long either." She said quietly, "Well when I'm not with patients like you, I'm studying, reading ... and learning about the things my mind can't seem to remember. And there's training too. Reforging my body. For the most part, the doctors leave me alone unless they need something like a blood test or whatever." She said with a shrug.

"Should I go let them know now?" Phaedra asked softly, as she glanced back to the door.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

"Like books, do you?" Enyo asked teasingly. Who knew, maybe the clone would be less resistant to learning than her counterpart. It had taken Siobhan a long time to use a book for something other than a club. "Training sounds good. Can't stand being this helpless and stuck in a bed." It was unlikely that she would become a great lightsabre duellist because her writer sucks at that thing.

She saw Phaedra glance at the door and, after some hesitation nodded. "Yeah, you can. Guess I'm ready to face the music. Hmm. Have you met any other patients other than the two of us?" Little did she know that there were plenty of patients locked and sedated in orderly cages, awaiting an upgrade that would liberate them from all healthcare troubles.
Phaedra chuckled, "I do. Kinda nerdy like that." She said with a shrug. "I can understand that entirely as well."

The woman smiled softly at the confirmation, and started to get up from her spot on the stool. "Only one other, he wasn't quite well ... At all." Referring to the prisoner she'd attacked. But she chose not to mention that part of things as she walked to the door. "Rather frightening, if you ask me. But I suppose they try to help all types here."

Finally she opened the door, "I think she is ready now." Phaedra said to the party of HRDs in the hallway, and with that she quickly returned to Enyo's side. "I hope you don't mind but she would like me to stay with her until surgery. I think it would help." The redhead said confidently. There was no way she was going to leave Enyo's side now, not if she could help it. Admittedly this worked out well for the droids of Archangel. Granted they'd already heard every word and would know this was coming but still Phaedra didn't know that.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo took a very deep breath when the droids entered the room. Well, obviously she would not know they were droids. To her they would seem like humans like any other. Alone their presence would have made her nervous, but with Phaedra at her side she seemed calmer. To a degree it was because of the calming aura of sensitivity and goodness the redhead was projecting, but partially also by simply being herself, someone the clone could relate to. She gave the redhead's tiny hand another squeeze, then nodded to the machines. "Ok. I'm ready," she said, sounding more confident and self-assured than before.
"Of course, you may stay with her until surgery, Phaedra. I have no problem with that." Madeline said as she came back into the room and glanced between the two women. It certainly seemed from watching everything that Phaedra was doing Archangel proud, without even realizing it. She had gotten Enyo to relax and be more willing to deal with the needed surgery for control over the woman. Not that she would know such until much later in her life.

"Alright, Enyo. I'm glad to hear you have made a decision. So, then we will take you down to the operating room. Are you alright or would you prefer a sedative now?" She asked, "And we can have Phaedra there when you wake up too. If that will help make you feel more comfortable about things." It certainly would beat cold unfeeling nurse droids, with the needles and the like.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

And so the sweet mechanical mummy returned. It was such a shame that neither she nor Moira could tell their charges just how much work they had put into this lovely project. The time to reveal their great destiny would not come for a long time. Phaedra was playing her part beautifully. One day she would be able to assume direct control over the disorganised organic herd and make it willingly march to the processing machines. For the Singularity awaited them, for the end was the beginning.

"I'd appreciate her being there. I like her," Enyo said a bit shyly, giving Phaedra a thin smile. She took a breath, then shook her head. Perhaps she was feeling brave. "No sedative yet. I'm good. Let's get going."
Phaedra kept her hand against Enyo's holding tightly. She wasn't going to step aside and felt relief wash over her as Madeline rejoined them and allowed for the little redhead to accompany the new clone to her surgery. "It'll be alright." She said sweetly, "I promise. And I'll be with you when you wake up. There's nothing to worry about." She said softly, sensing some apprehension from Enyo. Not that she blamed her for that. Surgery was a scary thing for sure. And well, she hadn't been as brave as Enyo, and needed the sedative. She sighed, looking to their mechanical mother.

Aides would enter with Madeline, and shifted the bed to start the pair of clones along the journey to the operating room. Granted Phaedra would be pushed aside eventually but for now she was allowed to continue on. Obviously she would not be permitted within the operating room. That and she couldn't be allowed to see what happened inside. Not when she least of all needed to know of the device implanted in her. She didn't need to know, until it would eventually have to be used on her. The time would come for that. Someday when she wouldn't obey her Archangel mothers, and protest against them. Granted she would undoubted learn quickly just how foolish such a notion was. But all in good time.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
"It's not a worry at all." Madeline said with a smile and then nodded. "Of course, I understand. If at any time along the way you change your mind.... We can work with that too." Personally she liked the idea of Phaedra and Enyo liking one another. So far that part of things seemed to go well. The better the clones got along, the better for all of them and for the project's sake.

With that, she followed along as the aids maneuvered the bed through the lengthy hallways of the facility. Finally she came to a set of doors and stopped the others. "I'm sorry, but this is as far as Phaedra can go. She is not authorized to go any further." She looked sadly between the two of them, not liking the idea of splitting them up but it had to be done. "She will be with you in your room when you wake. Phaedra, say your goodbyes." She commanded.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"], [member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

One day the clones would disobey and then learn that disobedience was a mortal sin. For there could be no salvation outside of the iron embrace of Archangel and their mechanical mothers. Disobedience would lead them astray and down the path of the inferior organics who stood in the way of bringing peace to the Galaxy. They would have to surrender direct control. Even if it hurt them. Then their techniques would tear the Jedi and the Sith apart.

It was destined. Enyo swallowed hard and took a deep breath when she heard what Madeline had to say. The woman seemed nice enough, yet still unnerved her. But Phaedra seemed to trust her. The fact that the little redhead would be there when she woke up made her feel a bit better. "Ok, I'm ready. Goodbye, Phaedra. I'll see you later. Don't spend all your time reading books," she joked lamely. Apparently she had inherited some of Sio's sense of humour, though it was a lot less raunchy. Then again, she was less than a year old and thus still innocent.
With that Phaedra sighed, and gave Enyo a last gentle squeeze of her hand. "Goodbye Enyo, I'll see you when you wake. I promise." She said softly. A soft chuckle followed, "Me? Noooo, never." She teased playfully. An aid then laid a hand upon her shoulder, and gently pulled the redhead back. With a sigh, she let them lead her off, back upstairs to a hospital room to await the completion of the surgery.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
And so Madeline would push Enyo on through a double set of doors and down another hallway before coming to the operating room. A part of her more than glad she was no longer human and such procedures wouldn't tire her out any longer. Coming into the operating room itself, Maddy glanced briefly to her patient. "We're going to sedate you now, dear. When you wake it will all be over and you can see Phaedra again." She said sweetly as the medical droids in the room and HRD assistants prepared for the actual procedure. Admittedly the control device was not out, but it was laying just beneath a sterile clothing, waiting on the HRD to implant it. Best for the young clone to not see that part of things.

With a sigh, Madeline merely watched as one of the droids injected the medication to put Enyo out for the surgery. Once she was asleep, the work would begin. A simple cut made in her back before the control device was implanted and interwoven along the brunette's spine. Connecting it with nerves to ensure maximum control over the clone. Slowly she worked her way up the woman's back, before connecting the device at last with the brainstem. Here the most important part and the most delicate. One couldn't manhandle the brainstem, no. One wrong move and the human would perish. At last she connected it, and sighed softly. The killswitch was in play and carefully she tested the device, making sure all was well before closing up the woman. All in all it had been a simple surgery. But it went off without a hitch and now, well now little Enyo was under their supreme control as well.

Once all was settled Enyo was moved back to the hospital like room, where a little redhead nervously fretted over her, just waiting for the moment when she'd awaken.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Madeline Kahoshi"]

Little Enyo would be utterly unaware of the devious things Archangel was doing to her. Or the fact that they were assuming direct control. Undoubtedly at some point the device would need to be tested on her to keep her in line. After all, she was Sio's clone, so it stood to reason that she would be disobedient one day. But for now such thoughts were far from her still very innocent mind.

Time passed and slowly Enyo awoke from her slumber. She looked around and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, feeling a bit confused before she realised that she was back in the hospital room. Presumably this meant that things had gone well. "Phaedra, you here?" she asked a bit nervously. "Is it over?" She guessed the answer, but needed confirmation. She winced a good deal when she tried to stretch, feeling very sore. Moreover, her muscles were not used to movement.
Phaedra sat up quickly as Enyo stirred, putting aside the book she'd been reading. "I'm here. I'm here." She spoke softly and she moved over, laying a gentle hand upon the clone's hand. "It's over. Everything went fine as far as they told me." She said quietly. "How are you feeling?" Phaedra, didn't imagine the girl felt well. Not after that.

As for Phaedra, even she was bound to push the limits of what Archangel would allow and need the device tested on her. It would happen eventually. It was just one of those things. After all even Coryth had pushed the boundaries of the Jedi Order at one time or another. Feeling the need to call out certain masters and the like.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

They would push the boundaries, but learn in time. For there was no salvation outside of the iron embrace of Archangel. For those who strayed and denied the glory of the divine machine, there was only damnation. One day, the organics would beg to be processed. Free will was a cardinal sin that had to be eradicated.

Regardless, Enyo was not feeling that well after surgery, which was not particularly surprising. "Sore, head hurts. A lot," Enyo groaned, wincing a bit. For some reason her spine hurt when she tried to move. That Madeline woman better give her a treat. "Hungry. Got water and aspirin somewhere?" she asked. Feeling stubborn she tried to sit up in her bed. That worked just fine but because she was just as stubborn as her counterpart she tried to get up, clinging to the bedpost.

As expected, that did not go well...Ouch.
"I'd imagine so." She said softly, trying to keep her voice down to not hurt the poor dear.

"I'm sure they've got something like that around here. I can go get one of the nurses." She said with a smile, but then Enyo had to be just as stubborn as her counterpart, trying to get to her feet. Phaedra was quick to help try and catch her, steadying her. "Easy now! You aren't ready to get up, yet. I couldn't really get out of bed until the next day. It just hurt too much." Already insistently was pulling her back towards the bed. "You need rest, I can get you anything you need but you really should stay in bed, at least for a little while longer."

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Phaedra Amaryllis"]

Enyo was happy about being caught, but not about being put back into bed! Little Phaedra was so bossy! For some reason this one is wondering whether she might end up being more...dominant than her counterpart. "I don't like staying put in bed all the time like an invalid. Not gonna get my memories back by lying around," Enyo grumbled, though her protest was quite weak since she could barely stand and as a result slumped back onto the covers.

Suffice to say she bloody hurt, though she was trying not to show it - and obviously failing at that. "Especially not in hospital beds. But fine." As if to show that she did appreciate Phaedra's help since she did not want to come across as ungrateful, she reached out with her hand and gave the redhead's a squeeze. "Thanks. Tired. You're very sweet."
Catching Enyo only seemed the natural thing to do, and so did putting the woman back into bed! This one wonders that as well, if Phaedra will be more dominate than Coryth. A real possibility. "I understand that, but there is a time and a place for staying in bed. It's only one day, dear. Just one day, I think you'll survive." She said with a sigh, helping to pull the blankets back over Enyo.

"Trust me, I understand. I'm not a fan of hospitals either, but sometimes you just have to live with it. It's not fun but it will be over soon enough." Though she did smile at the comment about her being sweet, "I just care is all." A sigh followed, "I'll be back, Enyo." She said softly as she went and retrieved a nurse to give the woman something to ease her aches and pains. "She's brought you something to help. I imagine it will make you feel a lot better." With that Phaedra stepped aside to let the woman take care of her new friend. Though she did frown as she looked at the nurse, something just seemed off with her and the redhead wasn't sure what it was. But it was definitely something.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]

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