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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

Jacen walked off, trying his best to admire the ruined planet. He passes by a group of Stereb men talking in hushed voices. The men eyed Jacen warily as he passed and he nodded awkwardly in their direction. Continuing onward, he made his way farther than he'd meant to from the Agenda.
He saw people of varying races in ragged clothes or mismatched armor shuffling around in small packs or as individual scavengers.
"This place is creepy..." He whispers to himself as he moves onward.

He eventually came to a strip of dry dirt with surrounding trees that appeared to be twisted together loomed overhead like intertwined fingers. He felt something strange, a warning from his soul to his mind. What was going on..? Jacen slowly scanned the surrounding area and saw a flash of color in the white and jagged trees around him.

A man came into view, stepping slowly toward Jacen and stopping about six meters away from him. He wore a grey poncho over colorful Mandalorian armor; his chest piece was a dark blue and his helmet a light red, basically pink. He appeared to have a pack of some kind on his back and visible weapons on his belt...

"Uh, hello there." Jacen spoke nervously, "Out for a walk as well, eh?"

The man tilted his head to the left, "Yeah, something like that."

Jacen felt the fingers of his left hand twitch as he thought about reaching for the blaster on his left hip. "What brings you here, to Serroco I mean."

"Business. Nobody would come here for pleasure." The man spoke as he stared at Jacen. The man noticed the twitch of Jacen's fingers and likewise made a small but noticeable movement toward the blaster on his left hip.

The two of them moved in unison, drawing their blasters and taking aim at each other. Jacen managed to get a shot off first and shot the stranger's blaster out of his hand.
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"Alright, who the hell are you?" Jacen aimed his blaster at the man, looking around carefully to see if the man had brought friends with him.

"That was one hell of a shot kid but, sloppy handling on my part." The man stood staring at Jacen.

"A-Answer my question!" Jacen's voice wavered slightly and his arm began to shake as he trained his sights on the Mandalorian before him.

"I am Gon Fol." The man answered slowly. "Y'know that there's a secret bounty out for you?"

"A secret bounty? What the hell does that even mean?"

"Some secret group of fanatics are hunting after Force Sensitive kids to do who-knows-what with 'em. Kill them. Torture them. Whatever it is that they do, a price has been put on your head. This feral pack of Inquisitors wants you..." The man spoke slowly.

"The Thirteenth Sister..." Jacen mutters to himself.

The mysterious Mandalorian, Gon Fol, quickly lifts his left hand up at Jacen and attempts to rip the blaster from his hand with the Force.

Jacen keeps hold of his blaster and takes a few steps back as his eyes widened, "Y-You? Are you an Inquisitor..?"
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"Looks like I'm a bit rusty.." Gon shakes his head and sighs, "No, I'm not one of them. I just accepted a job to capture you."

"Yeah, well, how's that going for you?" Jacen chuckles nervously.

Gon Fol sighs and moves quickly, gripping a strange looking hilt from his belt and igniting his Darksaber. "Let's make this easy, yeah?"

Jacen holsters his blaster and smirks, "What the hell is that thing? It looks awesome!" He laughs nervously.

Gon Fol began walking towards Jacen, gripping his Darksaber tightly, "I don't want to hurt you. Let's just take a walk back to my ship."

Jacen grabs and ignites his Blastersaber in one swift motion. He twists the dial to Setting 6 and his lightsaber blade ignites to a length of three feet. The Mandalorian stopped advancing and watched as Jacen gripped his hilt with both hands and took deep breathes to calm himself.

Gon Fol sighs, "Seriously?"

Jacen skips forward and swings horizontally at Gon and the two clashed blades swiftly. Gon Fol moved quickly and continued to parry Jacen's attacks with ease, as if his Darksaber had some kind of magnetic pull on his own saber. They exchanged a mad flurry of swings and the Mandalorian sent Jacen back with a kick to his stomach.
They two dash at each other and clash their sabers in another furious flurry. Gon Fol continued to block and parry Jacen's attacks with ease. Gon Fol slammed his left fist into Jacen's face and directed his right arm in a horizontal fashion, slicing Jacen across the chest!

"Gah!" Jacen gritted his teeth as he stumbles away from the Mandalorian. He takes another series of deep breathes and took a stance similar to what Laphisto had used during their training.

"Kid, just surrender. I don't wanna deliver you without limbs..." Gon Fol spun his hilt around in his hand and began advancing toward Jacen.
Jacen deactivates his Blastersaber and switches it to Setting 3. He aims and fires a few Disabler bolts at the Mandalorian.

Gon Fol reacts sloppily and deflects two of the bolts, the third one missing. Upon deflecting the second Disabler-bolt, the Darksaber began to flicker wildly before turning off entirely!

Jacen switches his Blastersaber back to Setting 6 and activates his lightsaber as he charges forward at Gon Fol!

The Mandalorian skips back and dodges swift swings from Jacen as his own saber refuses to reactivate. After a few seconds, Gon managed to reignite the blade of his Darksaber and the two swiftly clashed sabers again.
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The two of them clashed sabers and skipped away from each other.
"You almost had me there for a moment or two. Your weapon is- odd."

Jacen grins and grips his Blastersaber tightly in one hand, "It's meant to be weird."

The two of them skipped at each other and swung their sabers swiftly as they met in another mad flurry. Gon Fol parries one of Jacen's strikes and slashes the boy's right leg down the calf.

"Gah!!" Jacen screams as he swings his saber upward and causes the Mandalorian to jump away from him. Pain shot up through his body as he put pressure on his right leg and he winced.

Gon Fol twirls his saber around in his hand and skips at Jacen.
They clash intensely and move around quickly as they exchange strikes.
Jacen points his left hand at Gon Fol and attempts to use the Force to yank the Mandalorian closer.

Gon Fol stumbles forward but manages to keep his feet planted as Jacen lunged forward and landed a powerful horizontal slash on his right side!

With Gon Fol's Beskar armor, Jacen's saber acts more like a club as he slams it into his side. Gon Fol staggers to his left and Jacen takes the opportunity to take off running..!

Gon Fol deactivates his Darksaber as he watches Jacen sprint off back toward the landing area. He picks up his blaster off the ground and holsters his weapons as he turns and walks in the other direction..

Adrenaline pushes Jacen forward as he runs on his injured leg, away from his battle. He deactivates his Blastersaber and focuses only on making it back to the ship, which he manages to do in around five minutes. He comes limping closer to the Agenda as he clips his weapon to his belt.
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would be climbed up on on one of the walkers legs grabbing onto one beside with one hand as his clawed feet scratch. And grip onto what ever they could have at the moment. With a wrench in one hand he would be working on the hydraulics of one of the walkers haven either decided to take it apart to keep busy or haven found something wrong with it.

With a perk of his ear he would look over twords Jacen raising a brow and cocking his head to one side curiously. The blue glow flashing over his eyes before realizing that he was injured, dropping from the walker Laphisto would jog twords the kid hand gripping his lightsaber

"Jacen what happened?"
Jacen limps toward Laph and the Agenda, his right leg was trailing partial footprints of blood that had ran down his injured leg. He gritted his teeth and sighed loudly
"I got into a fight with some bounty hunter. Had his own weird lightsaber." He grits his teeth as he puts pressure on his right leg. "I didn't exactly lose but, I didn't win."
A strange detail would be easy to notice. If this so-called bounty hunter had a lightsaber, why weren't Jacen's wounds fully cauterized?
"He was a Mandalorian in some weird armor..."

The Confessor

"How Interesting."

A voice would echo out. Above the Agenda, standing in a rather regal noble pose, legs together sharply with his back completely straight. Looking downwards onto them, his hands were wrapped around the hilt of a rather luxurious cane. Leaning a bit forward, he eyed the pair as he did not know them all that well, nor even with his dual knowledge understand what people they were aside from the fight he barely observed from earlier. This Chiss seemed not to well versed in the arts of fighting or so it looked like from a distance.

"If it was not for the amulet, I would never have guessed that I would have run into a pair of Force Sensitives on this bombed planet the Mandalorians so tried to annihilate millennias ago. No true matter of course, many things are laid secret on this planet, a hive of villany and those with dark secrets. I dare say, I don't know the one with wings and I have been around for a long time."

Gave a wide grin, it almost looked feral though it was probably due to his bloodline. He merely stood on top, looking downward at them. How did he even get up there?

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto Kayin Verde

The Confessor

"Oh I? I got by a few names in the past but...Confessor is what people know me now. Ever since the death of the Tenth, I been in charge of the old organization. I just happen to be...passing by per say. You, look as if you need to wear something a bit heavier to not get killed."

Was of the astute observation, noticing the Chiss wincing in pain as he was injured. The lightsaber, not knowing it was a blastersaber, bore no concern from the Pureblood Sith from the distance.

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy

The Confessor

With a small bit of thinking, he finally gave another nod before tossing from inside his robe, a small device as either the Chiss could catch it or let it clatter to the ground. The device was not to old but it seemed to have been through better days. Though it bore not cracks, it has seen some use and inside the glass, seemed to be something swimming in it. The armor when used however, would be more than worth it.

"I believe this would be of help. The Eleventh liked to create unique armor for himself...nanobots that formed over the body. Fond of them to...only made very few copies of them, then again, he was a bit of a holo-fanatic. I advise not using it till you are healed up."

Laphisto Laphisto Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would hold a hand up to signal to Jacen to stand down. Perking his lone ear he would look over at the true sith sniffing at the air softly before perking his ear

"I recognize that scent, least your species, your sith but in the literal term. " Glancing to Jacen Laphisto would give a small chuckle pulling his own lightsaber away to signal to Jacen that things were fine for the most part " his species, not the conventional sith you may be used to, his people hold an a admirable amount of honor in there actions and themselves, I wouldn't have guessed the species to have lived on this long, well considering how things were left the last I saw your kin. Though that was well over four thousand years ago "

Looking to jacens wound he would kneel down reaching into his satchel and pulling out some cloth to wrap and try to stop the bleeding
Jacen moves his hand away from his Blastersaber and catches the device thrown by the Confessor. He looks at over as Laph motions for him to stand down. He listens to his Master's words and nods his head.
"An actual Sith Sith, huh."

The Confessor

The one with large wings finally spoke? Still not an answer of what species it was but that was of little matter. Though it seemed able to speak so that was better than half the species in the galaxy. Though it spoke of its age, four thousand impressive age though then again, many have lived to a quarter of that period, some even beyond that limit. That being told of being a Sith Sith but not being a Dark Sider gave a small wide smile, speaking his own mind.

"A majority of us start there yes...most delved into the dark secrets before they become more knowledgeable and pull their heads out of the dark water. Some in our circle in the past, still dealt in the Dark Side and some encouraged it completely. It is only of recent matters did it finally become balanced once again. Though I was not truly Sith first in species, the one other was...complicated, I know but nothing to think to hard on."

He seemed content on keeping on the roof, he tapped the cane gently on the starship, half expecting it to fall apart due to how it appeared.

"The Sith Pureblood has made a resurgence in the last few decades, some holdouts from times forgotten but honorable is not generally the word used. My advice is if you see more of someone like me, to be more on guard. The Sith Empire of the previous decade, the emerging Sith Order and even the Brotherhood of the Maw seemed to have drawn them all like flies, using their anger to their advantage."

Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy Laphisto Laphisto
(Wasn't able to connect to the site for a while haha)

Jacen nods his head, "It seems like the Dark Side is a shortcut to power. Using your hate and anger to fuel your power. It's, truly evil..."
He pockets the strange device and raises an eyebrow at the Confessor
"You say you were passing through here? Where exactly are you headed?"

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