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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
" if you must go inside something do come to fetch me beforehand. would be a shame to have you trapped underground somewhere" chuckling softly his gaze would flick to the data pad " oh and we have training scheduled for later so do be quick"

Kayin Verd

Kayin was just about to take a step over another set of rugged rocks when Jacen called for her. She turned her head and sighed, not too happy about walking back and forth but sure, if Laphisto wasn't cool with them exploring, she wouldn't push it. Kayin then returned to hear Jacen and Laphisto discuss this little trip and it seemed Jacen had convinced Laphisto to let them go. "Come on already" She laughed and spun around again and this time she decided to run, showing off her ability to force jump onto some larger rocks. Maybe it was to blow off some steam too.

Kayin Verd

Pausing for a second she waits for Jacen to catch up, grinning widely. "I know! Maybe my favourite ability, beside illusion" She gives a silly flip to her hair and quickly makes another jump to a boulder further down the hillside, each time waiting for Jacen before making another jump. Finally reaching the bottom where the ruins of the ancient arena could be seen from above.
It was admittedly more difficult to see it down here but some walls still stood and the arena itself was surprisingly unclaimed by nature. Kayin walked out onto the plain field and looked around. "Feels odd. Do you think its still in use?"
Jacen walked beside Kayin as he looked up at the surrounding pillars and broken arches, smiling as he took in the sight.
“Man. I hope not.” He chuckles. “I saw a handful of people around earlier but I don’t know if they’re hosting fights here or anything.”
He laughs nervously and rubs the back of his head

Kayin Verd

"You did?" She asked, surprised to hear about there being people here before. She looked down at the ground and tilted her head slightly. "I don't think so, i can't see any blood splattered around. Might just be a training facility at best" She shrugged and walked along the length of the arena taking notice of the evidence of quick movements in the sand.

Kayin Verd

"Treasures!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Yes, if this is an old site for fighting, surely we'll find old trading goods of value too! Although, it might be further inside" She smiled and pointed towards the rumbles of what might once have been a gate of sorts. "I know, i know! Laphisto told us not to go climbing anywhere we won't get out, but we won't go that far! And we'll pull out before it get dangerous." Kayin explained and it was very obvious that she was used to testing her luck by going where she knew she wasn't supposed to go. "What if we can find something rare and forgotten! Lost in time" She lured

Kayin Verd

"Great!" Kayin grinned widely, happy to have a friend to go exploring with and better yet, not feeling like she had missed out on something. Once again she walked ahead and by breaking a few branches and pushing aside a few medium sized boulders (hopefully with some help from Jacen) a small opening that'd take them inside came into view. It was a tight fit, but by really squeezing their body through the opening, they'd just be able to fit. It was pretty black on the other side but Kayin had the solution to this as she lit a dancing flame to her hand and revealed how the room was basically the top of a wide stairway made of solid rock and the walls had roots covering them so that the once beautiful decorations was now barely seen through them. "Are you coming?" Kayin smiled and nodded down the stairs as she started to walk with the flame in her hand.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
finishing up his work on the walkers Laphisto Decided to make his way back inside of the Agenda heading for the mess hall. upon grabbing a meal that he could effectively eat within his hands he would walk to the edge of the small hill where kayin and Jacen had ventured to, taking a seat and looking to his holocomputer. setting his meal on his lap he would tap at the wrist-bound device setting a timer meant to count upwards, if it got to a certain point then he would come looking for them, but until then he was content letting the two explore.
Jacen would help Kayin move the boulders and follow her into the small opening at the top of the stairway.
“How are you doing that?!”
Jacen smiles as he admires the flame in Kayin’s hand. He grabs his Blastersaber and puts it on Setting 4, the stun-saber, to add illumination to the dark chamber with the glow from his blade.
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Jacen chuckles
"This place is immediately creepy."
He begins descending the steps slowly, each footfall echoing loudly into the vast stairway below. Thick roots, vines and moss blanketed the walls of the stairway as they made their slow descent down the dark steps. Jacen wondered if they were the first people to venture down here since the holocaust of Serroco. He had an strange-excitement rushing through him as the two continued downward on their expedition.

Kayin Verd

It was probably the combination of the hollow sound their footsteps made and how they couldn't see the bottom of the stair that made this quite creepy. But she didn't mind as she was quite happy with the excitement of not living a mundane and repeating life! She heard him switch on his blastersaber and together they have plenty of light as they kept walking. "Oh, this?" Kayin stopped at his question of the dancing flame and took the oportunity to show off, increasing the size of the flame and with a few quick dancing steps over the length of the stairs, she had the flame split to follow her hands which would have been quite the sight. She let the flame calm down enough to only be in her one hand again and she continuied down. "Just something I've practised, it's nice to be able to distract certain people" She shrugged off and by a few steps more, the sound of something large scraping across the floor in the distance could be heard. Kayin stopped short with a silent gasp. "D-did you hear that?"
Jacen stops walking and grips the hilt of his lightsaber tightly. He looks around quickly and turns his gaze back to Kayin.
“Uh, y-yeah. You reckon we’ve got company down here?”
he takes a few more step forward and stands still, trying to listen out for more sounds.
“Or maybe something opening or closing down here..?”

Kayin Verd

Kayin was about to stop Jacen from walking past her but he was too fast
She stood a few steps behind him and tried to listen for the scraping sound again. For a while they stood in silence, but then the sound came back just further away this time, echoing over the walls. "Well... now i have to figure out whats making that sound!" She said with a pinch of nervousness to her voice as she stared to walk again and after a few moments more, a floor could be seen, all covered in sand over the years, revealing that it hadn't been untouched but that something large had walked here. "Whatever it is, it's HUGE!" She gasped
“Holy Shab...”
Jacen looked down at the floor and back up to the hallway that the duo stood in.
“I agree, let’s see what that was.”
Jacen grins and takes slow steps forward, trying to his to keep quiet down here. He wondered if there was some creature down here or maybe a nest of monsters...
Whatever it was, nervous excitement bubbles through Jacen’s body as he moves forward

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