Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


Location: Corridors of the Senate Building, working to find an exit and to locate Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Tags: Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj
Allies: GA, SJO, Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
Enemies: The Maw, Sith

She smiled and she was even sure why she would nerves perhaps. Commander Gale often made a point of reminding her what he was here for, her protection.

She was calm, she was evenly toned when speaking to him, as her dark brown eyes rested upon his face,
"You're right we did not bring medical corps, but there are hospitals and hospital ships here already that can be put to use." Now she didn't have authority to boss the Corusanti, but she held enough position she could say to them get your arses moving. There were Alderaani on this planet, as well as countless other citizens of the galaxy.

He wanted her to call the ambulances back, what would Tia do? Tia would run out there herself and help. She nodded,
"Becca call them back. But we will help who we can along the way and get them to safety as well." Everyone stood looking at her for a moment why? Who knows?

"Well then let's get moving along." She was waiting for the additional conversation from Ike he was as determined as Draco when it came to certain things. She often wondered if the two of them plotted these things together. Faith would need to talk to the Commander's wife to find out if he had the same habits as Draco.

Especially in regards to socks and their placement. She and Draco had spent an entire battle part of one battle arguing over a pair of sock he had left sitting in the middle of the floor.
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Equipment: Faithless, Lightsaber
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

Life, death, then life again - this was the cycle of death and rebirth that the Maw, the Sith in antiquity even, believed in. The sound of steel made slick by the viscous blood and fluids of the body the Faithless had found itself impaled through was silenced by the cacophony of duracrete and metals and as the roofing over the entrance of the Jedi Temple came crashing down over the landing just beyond the top of the steps, urging the Sith to raise her head and forget the woman she'd caught sight of as the sensation of self-preservation replaced the relaxing of hesitation that had nearly let her hatred take control. A slender hand lifted up, like one might to shield one's eyes from a bright light, and then forcefully waved away, as if swatting an insect from flying towards her face. Debris scattered around her and the attention she might've given to those within the building was instead directed towards the source of what might've spelled a painful, and early, end for the Sith.

Red eyes raised over the dust that rose as she straightened at the back, rising up from the bent position she had taken, and the limitations of mortal sight was cut short with their closing to allow the force to grant her sight beyond physical means. A dark shade, Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , was locked in a confrontation between two that were at least a glimmer, if not a light, in the force - Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze - where the latter had been the reason for the abrupt obstruction to her, or the Sith, advance. 'You may destroy what you see fit.' Were the words that rang, again, in her ears like the whisper that had been their origin before their arrival. She didn't trust its source, the man that had acted as her invitation into the New Sith, but she didn't quite care much about things like that - not anymore.

She strode forwards, towards the makeshift wall, and lifted a hand - the one which hadn't been carrying her sword - to its collectively coarse and jagged surface.

It took concentration, strength of will, and a degree of desire that the Sith wasn't generally ready to admit that she had, but to exert will over nature, through the force, had been the origin of the schism between Jedi that brought about the Sith as they now were in the first place - and it was this dominance she displayed here, now, as stone, metal, steel, and more broke apart at their bonded seams like so much sand, a fine powdery dust that slid down and over the smooth ground atop which she, the Jedi, and the Sith together stood. There would be no halting progress, not even the stubborn, regressive, conservatism of the Jedi could stem that tide.

She stepped in, darkness washing in with her, both from within her and the blade held in her tight grip.

An unseen gust of wind, or perhaps an invisible hand of telekinetic make, swept across the ground and the sandy mess was dispersed with little fanfare, making the man's effort seem for naught - pointless, even, as was his efforts to further fight. She might have diverted her focus towards Halketh Halketh and helped quell the Jedi defense that Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka was offering with Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor - it would have been a worthy test for the blade she carried, to make them witness the horror of their disappearing light pulled into its gaping maw like a singularity - but there was something of interest in Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze that she couldn't quite place, though she'd seen it better when viewing him through the lens of the force.

It was there, then, as he restrained the Sith, that she saw it - that there was a place she could expose within him as she had her own apprentice.

A weakness.

Not one for words, she was upon the pair of Jedi without further pause - a glint of steel cutting through the air as she made a leap towards the knight. He'd likely feel her approach well before he'd seen her, though perhaps with so much weight of the dark side present he might not, she only hoped he'd make this as interesting for her as she hoped --

or died quickly.


Post: 3
Objective: Watch Me Bleed
Location: Coruscant, Near the Jedi Temple
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives | Holopad | Quantum bomb
Allies: Dakrul Dakrul
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


A hand came down on her shoulder as she stood there looking over the rocky plains towards the lights before. The giant called her sister but Tegan did not turn to look at them, she knew by touch and sound of voice it was one of the Heathen priest. Then he began to quote the words of the Avatars and she nodded her head just after those words. “Once more the Mortals call out for my return.” With hat she felt herself being thrust back into real space, the feeling was disorienting and nauseating every time she had experienced it, it had not gotten any better.

They landed among the dead those sacrificed for her return, she landed on her hands and knees at first. She needed a second to get herself straight, she took a few huge deep breaths of air actual air letting it fill her lungs like she had never tasted the recycled air of a ship before that had an odd taste to it. Was it Coruscant, had she been called to crown chit heap of the Galaxy? After a few heavy breathes of recycled and smog tainted air Tegan began to rise to her feet as heathen priest came in and began dressing. Quickly they dressed the Goddess of destruction and began casting spells to help her with her return and reinvigorate her.

As The began to paint her nails with defender and her face with Dathomiri war paint she felt out there just outside the ship the chaos, destruction and turmoil of the world being besieged. As she the Chaos and Destruction began to flow through her eyes began to flare up a dull orange became burning embers of carnage. The will besieging the Crown Chit Heap invigorated her more then Heathen priest could. As the ones painting her nails and face finished, she began to push them off and began attaching her weapons.

Then she saw it a device carried in by two heathen priests was sat before her and those eyes of fury flared up and a wicked smile crossed the painted face of Tegan Starfall. She then looked to the one who had Brought her back into the land of the living. “A Quantum Bomb you really do know how to impress a God.” She let out a little chuckle as she felt the intruders on the ship then. They weren’t Jedi though she could feel them off in the distance she knew they were near the Temple.

“We on the ground?” She asked not sure still getting herself oriented to Real space. “I need to cast my web.” Though she could it in the air it was more efficient to do it on something more solid that it could spread across easily. Once she looked to the Heathen priest, she pointed to the Quantum Bomb. “Protect that with your life, we will be needing it.” She then tried to call out and connect to a nearby computer interface but then reached and touched behind her neck. “Right new body.” She said disappointed as her Mind Crown implant was missing no matter it wasn’t like she hadn’t lived or fought without it before. She then pulled a one of her sabers from her belt the diminutive figure stared at the door to the entrance of the area they were at as the door was busted in and fire opened on them though Tegan's vision was obscured slightly as Heathan priest jump in front of her to protect her.
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Libertas quae sera tamen


O P E R A T I O N : K N I G H T F A L L
The Aegis of Woe | Ace | Lightsaber
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Ezra Dune Ezra Dune

"I'll be back before you miss me."
In the midst of battle throes, the Dark Lord bled, his blood sputtering from his sundered wrist in a streaming trail to the floors beneath the duel. His resolve was unparalleled, his mercy all but spent. Finally, it seemed, he situated himself into the rhythm of battle, surrendering himself to the lattice of hatred blooming from his broken soul and enduring the consequences. His mind had all but gone completely, merely his instincts guided his hands in the woeful collision of unyielding wills. A new person the others had seen him as, perhaps, reborn by the hand of The Sith and unleashed upon the galaxy to seek vengeance for all the wrongs done unto him in his piteous years. It was easier, to see it that way, to see him that way; viewing the suit of armor as nothing but another monster worthy of slaying.

Yet beneath lay mortal flesh and bone, blood surged through his veins, a heart pounded in his chest.

All of those things had become inconsequential to him now, the Dark Lord lashing chains around the withering corpse of his previous self, Halketh, and throwing him into the abysmal depths of suffering to perish upon the spires of his malice. It was always to be this way. It had to be this way. The coin had overturned, at last, revealing its true face, and with it had come a revelation that baptized the galaxy in flames and the fetid decay that answered his summons. His wings had spread, casting a cataclysmic shadow over the Bastion Accords, breaking The Confederacy, and ushering the New Sith Order from its brooding perch in the fringes to the heart of The Core. A new king had been crowned.

The Light had been broken thrice over.

Iron had shattered to dust.

Hope had died in his grip, crushed to unrecognizable pieces thrust back into the very hearts of those who fostered it for decades.

Caelitus had succeeded Halketh, outgrown him, and banished him beneath heel as he would do any who would see him falter.

The monster which heralded the fall of The Light was everything he could become; an apotheosis complete at last.

-.-. .- -. / -.-- --- ..- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / ..-. . . .-.. / -- . --..-- / .-.. --- ...- . ..--..

And yet, the enigmatic Warlord clung to life, fighting against his torment foolishly, his will unbroken. He would not go into the night so easily. He would not be conquered. He raged within, clawing through the ravenous hunger and consuming hate, he struggled against his binds, lashing out with the very fetters meant to subdue him. Amidst this internal turmoil, the Dark Lord of the Sith froze. Beneath his masque, the separation between faces shattered- a gasp drew in softly at the gentle vibrations felt around the base of his finger. Tsunagu. Try as he might over the seeming eons which had passed since the specialist had left his fortress for the last, he could not conquer the burden of dethroning the ring.

A choked, staggering breath of disbelief croaked inward, strangling the venomous words he had poised in his maw to deliver to his foes next. Hands unseen had struck him, snaring him in their grasp as humanity fought against the tumultuous tide he governed himself by.

“There is nothing I can say to quell the pain you feel. If I may, I would like to sit in this chamber with you, Lord Halketh, so that you are not alone...”

"N-no..." he hissed breathlessly, tightening the grip he held of his saber.

"You don’t have to put on a front for me, you know, even though I don’t get sick from it, I can still feel how heavy you are.”

"Liar..." he spoke softly to the fading voice calling from the echoes of his psyche.

“I... tr-trust you did... what you thought was r-right...”
"I needed the time by myself. I should have told you that, I should have just told you everything... don't cry... shh... please don't cry..."

Beneath the shield of apathy, that blood-splattered masque, scarred lips twisted into a feral snarl. Ragged, hissing breaths heaved his shoulders, sweat curling from his temples to drip from his jaw. He couldn't breathe. The world was closing in around him, his palace of triumph tremored, threatened by the power held by a man who had created him as much as destroyed him. The man who had tamed his fury, urging him to heal, to grow, to recover from the horrendous hands lain upon him by Fate. The man who had shown him such love and tenderness when all others spurned him or brushed him aside.

The man he had loved.

The debris scattered about the Dark Lord's form vibrated, the walls of the entry groaning as the binds of restraint his taming discipline had placed on his unyielding rage began to snap. One by one, the cords were severed. One by one, the metal bars of the cage warped and snapped out of alignment. He pooled it, smearing the corruptive lay of consuming hatred across every memory that poured forth from the breach of his subconsciousness, allowing it to build and build until it felt as though his skull would explode. The very earth far beneath The Temple seemed to groan with the power coalescing upon its surface. It turned over, unable to lie still in the face of such perversion of The Force.

Pain consumed him, one of his deepest wounds ripped wide open to flood the Temple with his suffering.

Corpses hefted from the bloodied floors first, the shattered remnants of all the pillars after, and a gale of icy, howling wind spiraled from the Dark Lord's position. It wrapped around him, writhing and turning until it became almost entirely impassable. Blackened lances of cracking lightning flashed and shattered the walls, the floor, and slew duelists aside him outright- their bodies swept up into the maelstrom manifesting with The Saint at its heart. He fed it, saber relinquished, at last, to drive the armored thumb of his right hand deep into the wound upon his left wrist, expanding the physical torment to scale the metaphysical. Blood poured from the gouged veins, dancing in the grooved plates of his armor in its quest to reach the floor. This font, too, was swept into the horrendous hurricane.

It built, and built, the corruptive Darkness consuming the Light, offering those unfortunate enough to be directly in its path time to escape or take cover before the cataclysmic orchestration would achieve crescendo. His allies in The Sith, those corrupted by the horrors of the Darkness, would feel their power grow tremendously as his own bled freely into the atmosphere.

At its core, the obscured Dark Lord mourned, his choking gasps drowned out entirely by the horror of his will made manifest.

A massive Force Maelstrom is forming on Darth Caelitus's position! All within The Temple entrance hall, in the area of effect, beware.

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Konrad’s attack came in at the perfect time, preventing the sharpness of the blade from digging into the point where it would tear through her muscle and drop her to her knees. The onyx figure ahead of her convulsed –– but did not fall –– from the chord’s electric current. As his body contorted, the pressure from his blade against her leg was relieved and a flash of something at the edge of his hilt, a small pendant that glint reflections of the angry yellow and orange fire within their temporary arena, the plaza.

Flames danced in the steel circle, sparks glittering in the horizontal lines within the curves of the tiny piece.

Ishida felt it difficult to breathe through the pain and now the breathless horror of what that pendant was. It made her break the tenant that drove her. It made her hesitate — long enough that the mercenary could fire off destructive discs at Konrad. And she was only moving to stumble away, with blood seeping from her wound. The laceration pulsed and gushed with her backward stomp. A reserve of metaphysical imbuement was all that kept her from hobbling, though her footwork was impaired she at least had the wherewithal to kick away the sabre he dropped.

The decorative clan emblem moved with the katana, with a fluid motion, and severed the attachment to the distant assassin. Ishida moved to take advantage of the staggering individual, forcing herself into his backward-stomping-motions and further pushed him off balance.

"Always... Too weak, To fight... Fair."

Despite the difficult delivery, and the modulator’s impairment on the attacker’s natural voice, the statement was jarring. Familiar. Almost as if she heard it unhampered, and from a faraway place in the recesses of her memory.


She blinked, away from the present and into a vortex of silhouettes that whispered too weak, fair fight, fight fair, fair, fair.

Too fight..fair


Twilight broke over the walls of the Ashina corridor. Colour was lost to the break of dusk and all her focus was on the suffocating grip on her throat. She was too young to die. Too young to go this way. If anyone asked how old the pair were, the semi-siblings couldn’t truthfully hold up all ten fingers. But age meant nothing to an Empire.
Clawing at her adopted brother’s hands for several seconds was proving useless, the overwhelming dread of her trachea being crushed was her fatalistic outcome if she didn’t… if she didn’t…
With her last ounce of strength, everything ferocious she could muster, her knee shoved into his unprotected groin.
Her freedom was temporary, and her gasp for air was interrupted with incredible pain to both her psyche and her physical. Her father intercepted the sparring arena and hit her twice; once with words, once with his fist. It was the kind of pain that made the memory tangible again, painful, –– so visceral that she tasted distant coppery wetness in her cheeks.
Ishida was staring down at her own spit and blood, globbing from her mouth to the dirt while she gasped for air. Starved for oxygen compounded from the aftereffects of suffocation and then from the numbing hurt to her face. Kaleidoscopic shadows moved slowly in her vision, the memory fading to shadows but her father’s words, the first time either of them had heard such a phrase, reverberated in her skull even now, as it had then. Thinly veiled disgust, condemnation toward her. She knew she’d disappointed him, his blood child having to resort to wretched tactics and the adopted child triumphing her; until she got desperate and acted like an animal instead of a warrior.
She’d exploited biology for her survival, but there was no honour to be found in exploitation.
Glassily, she was looking up to the memory of her father looming over her. His handsome expression was snide, disappointed, looking down at his child while Qiy’on writhed in the background.
"Pathetic." But he wasn’t criticizing the agonized youth, he was criticizing his daughter loud enough for them both to hear those words for the first time: “Too weak to fight fair.”
It was a lesson the pair would not soon forget.


Dirt curled away from the three children, dust licking around their feet as they scuffled around with precision beyond their years. Contained within the dojo’s training courtyard, two Ashinas and a Harrsk exchanged a series of well-practiced strikes, clack, clack, clacking with wooden training staffs.
“That’s cheating!” She heard a younger version of herself bark out at a childlike representation of Konrad, levelling an accusatory finger at him while jumping out of the way of some finagled lasso he’d put together from their outing to the jungle. It was crude, just twine and vine but enough to loop around her brother’s ankle. He promptly stomped it out, twisting and jutting the butt-end of their sparring rod into the stomach of Konrad. He was lesser than them on so many levels. Not Ashina-born, and despite the efforts of the school’s instructors, resorted to methods that only Keishiro Hayata found amusement in. Dishonourable techniques that had no place amidst samurai.
She heard Qiy’on’s words echo those of her father, reproving the Harrsk boy. It was as condescending as her father had been; like an echo: “Too weak to fight fair.”

“N-.” She murmured, the vowel dying on her tongue.

It couldn’t be.

“That emblem...your steel..

Her last question had been met with silent scorn, and dread swelled in her belly that it might have been because they hadn’t killed anyone at all. Not in the sense she’d initially interpreted. Not in the sense where the murderer could point to the body of the deceased as proof of their spoils.

Both she and Konrad were relatively exposed, their identities unprotected. If it was –– but surely, it couldn’t be –– her brother, he knew what he was doing. Who he was attacking. Time was not made of steel, it was impermanent and unsteady and had a way of melting and remoulding things she thought she knew.

Confusion travelled like venom in her mind, inhibiting her perception and overwhelming her with chaotic realizations and denials all in a convoluted whirlwind.

"Both are a long way from home."

Training took over, the only sense of rationality she had left and she maintained her position; recovering the space she’d lost to her staggering and his stumbling away from their origin.

If he wanted to fight, then they would fight. Whether or not it was the past in the present, they’d have the conversation with his throat at the end of her blade.

“You’re on the wrong side to be decorating your sword with the Ashina Clan emblem.” She snarled and planted her good foot on the ground, bringing her leg around to kick at his knee and further destabilize him while her katana jabbed forward at his midsection, and her left hand with the sabre arced toward his katana; mostly toward the pendant to sever it off. It was shameful to be aligned with a Mawrauder.

"A dishonourable misrepresentation. It doesn't belong to you."



ALLIES | NJO | SJC | GA | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

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Immediate Engagement: Halketh Halketh , Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , Ezra Dune Ezra Dune


Despite himself, Cotan couldn't resist the small moment of satisfaction when his blade bit into Caelitus's hand, sliding narrowly between the armour plates covering the Dark Lord's arm. He didn't have any time to really enjoy it, however, as Caelitus launched forth into another barrage. Ever in motion, never stagnant, Cotan was already stepping backwards, but the Dark Lord in his pained fury was too quick for him to evade unscathed forever; the tip of the fiery orange blade seared across his thigh as he drew back, the quick redirection of his follow-up attack into a deflecting parry saving him from losing his other leg outright.

There were no words spent in response to the successful riposte. Breath left his lungs in an animalistic growl, mind shunting the pain of cauterized nerves aside until he'd have the time to feel it. He fell back, letting Zark take the lead for the moment, grasping tighter onto the Dark Lord's mind—

He found full purchase at last—

The crystals in his blades and the Force seemed to scream out a warning—

And Caelitus swept in. At once, Cotan severed the link connecting both of them to Zark's battle meld, ensuring the others would be spared any further mental onslaught. But where he expected something direct, he was met only with the Dark Lord's presence, for the moment.

Agony would be mercy.

He didn't waste any time reaching out, trying to corral the other consciousness before it could try to wreak any damage, but he wasn't fast enough. Where he glanced in one direction, he saw a childhood friend, already without name, fading away. In another, the pain and anger Caedyn Arenais had unloaded on him ages ago was being wiped away even as he struggled to force himself to remember it. To remember his face in that moment, his words.

You have no idea how hard thi

And in just a moment, he couldn't remember the younger man's words, his tone, even why he was there. Wiped away without a care. Cotan wasn't unfamiliar with the technique—it had been used against him before, just as hastily, when he was still held captive under Lord Mythos years before—so he was already blocking out Caelitus, fighting against the Sith Lord's whispers to lock him down in one space.


Rhia, so small and frightened, waking in the dark just after discovering the dangers of processed sugar on her little Zelosian body; he wrestled Caelitus away from that memory, but couldn't stop some damage from being done.

I won't allow this.

He looked out again, and saw Lief Lief , just after he'd given her the crystal that so surely linked his soul to hers. With a howl of rage both mental and physical, he grasped fully onto the corruption trying to spread through his mind, pushing it away from his memories with bestial force. Every shimmering tear would remain as vivid as when he'd first seen it, the feel of her hands against his, the small catch in her voice—

I won't be wiped away like that!

He pushed again, this time forcing the Dark Lord back out of his mind, back into the nebulous in-between where he felt all melds tried to pull him. Ensuring the rest of his mind remained safeguarded, he could poke and prod on his own, taking in the Sith just as the Sith could take in him. He looked on with detachment as he parried more blows, noting that Caelitus fought on with the same sort of instinctual response. But he could still feel so much, from the Sith Lord's mind.

Pain. Smugness. Self-satisfaction. Self loathing. Despair. Gloating triumph. Utter apathy. Hatred, and the tide of darkness like a sea of corruption; they all merged together in a maddening fracas of competing sensations, but through them all he could ferret out the divide in the Dark Lord's soul. Though the self-assuredness of Caelitus pushed him away, gloating in glory and already convinced of success, the pain underlying it called to him. Where there was corruption throughout, there still remained something pure deep within the Sith that was what drew him in closer.

'Cotan' fell back again, orange blade unable to get past the whirling shield of blue, body fully surrendered to the guidance of the Force. He'd entirely lost track of Zark, though no doubt something in him was keeping track of the elder master. He prodded deeper, trying to get past Caelitus, trying to find the heart—

And the agony spiked tenfold. It was as though a disruption swept through the both of them, driving his mind completely blank but for the searing, white-hot pain and rage that jolted from the heart of the Dark Lord to the core of himself. The connection between mind and body couldn't be denied in that moment; Cotan fell to his knees, the last of his breath torn from his lungs in a tortured roar. He was forced to stop, to catch his breath, to recenter himself as the kyber crystals filled his ears with their soothing melody.

In that moment, he had no clue what happened to Zark, Dagon, or the rest. He held his hands out, ice-blue blade flaring again as a protective bubble materialized around him, whether Master San Tekka was close enough to shelter under it as well or not. The maelstrom whipping up beat against the edges of his shield, beads of sweat starting to run down his skin from the effort to hold it up. Under the crushing weight of darkness around him, he stepped forward, coming closer to the wounded Sith inch by agonizing inch.

The storm he'd always known crept in closer, the eye threatening to disappear entirely and cast Cotan back into the depths of its uncertainty. He pushed back against that, too, willing a pathway to open from himself to the Miraluka he could see mere meters away. Another step. He hoped any Jedi who were close were smart enough to run from the madness unfolding before him, but this wasn't a fight he could walk away from so easily. As much as he and the Dark Lord had been fighting each other's will, the connection between them—whether spurred on by Caelitus's efforts to attack him or Cotan's own tendency to bond too strongly and too quickly—had afforded him a share in the Sith's sensations and memories, just as it had given Caelitus access to his own.

He knew there was something beyond pain and hatred to be found in the depths of the Dark Lord's soul, and he intended to help bring that to the fore once again. He'd been right in his initial assumptions. There was something more than Caelitus, after all.

"Halketh!" he called out above the din of the maelstrom, stone breaking and lightning striking against his shield. "By the Force, Halketh, come to me! It doesn't have to end like this!"


Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Saan'an Gaelor | Kirie | Morteg | Auteme | Romi Jade | Errik Nimdok | Metis Athena Elpis
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


The battle came to him, just as he anticipated. The symbolism and grandeur of the Senate Chamber undoubtedly had a tantalizing pull for the Sith'ari. The profane and adherents to darkness most often dined on symbolism- to establish the glorious irony of the death of their opponents. The ideal death for Rurik Fel at the hands of Solipsis would never be on the field of battle or on his Throne World of Exegol- no. It would be in the Gardens of Pellaeon, Fel's place of rest and meditation, his portal of introspection. That would be where he'd want Fel to see his end. Just as Tavlar's brain ruptured from explosive trauma in the very bowels of power on Bastion, a killed by one of his own. A traitor's death for a traitorous man. Such was the demented way of the Sith- to spill blood over symbolism and irony. No doubt as a means to channel their own sick fantasies and power, even if it was inevitably a universally satisfying occurrence.

The Jedi entered in an errant flow past and around the Iron Imperator. Lucien among them, at the side of his love in her most dire moment, but far from strife when it struck the Empire. He offered his kin a faint glance before he honed in on the growing malevolence that was Solipsis's nearing presence. He tightened his metal grip around the argent blade, narrowing his eyes.

They coalesced around him, the Jedi. Eager to meld their minds and mortal souls as one in an attempt to weather this tenuous struggle.

Rurik refused to join them. He refused to cede his consciousness to that bind. The Jedi had proven weak in body and mind many times before him. The very Grandmaster of the most resilient Order had just been cut down by the man coming for them and they were helpless to seek reprisal as the New Jedi Order's temple burned in his wake.

The time of their creed which bent mortal nature to virtuous suffering and willful hypocrisy was coming to a just end. But the Jedi soul was a resilient one at that, they'd fight and fight until they'd be reduced to nothing once more- all the while serving to siphon their will and power into the ravenous clutches of the very Sith they sought to destroy. The light cast a shadow.

Then...there he was.


"It is only fitting you die here alongside the Jedi. You can share in their failure one last time."

"Someone will." Rurik said, his booming voice of unfettered iron and dark consecration thrumming through the Senate chamber as he snapped his gaze in the direction of the nearest Senate pod, willing it toward him with a pull of the Force before setting himself unto it with a surge of his form, retaining his invisible grip around the vessel. Ceding the means of levitation to the senate pod's navigation and repulsor systems before he stepped unto the front aft of the pod, eventually throwing his hand out to grasp ahold of another before all but throwing it in the direction of Solipsis as he closed the gap, Rurik seeking to batter at his focus as they neared in the hopes of catching him in a feast of blades weary and off kilter.




Revenant Squadron

Picket Line 253

New Imperial Order

Brotherhood of the Sith

The space around Chaar’s B-wing erupted with light and energy as he came into range of Magnus’ turbolasers. The commander tapped his flight stick up and down, left and right, always keeping the heavy starfighter on the move. The gunners on the massive Resurrection-class battlecruiser, be they man or machine, attempted to predict his erratic movements. To duck and weave in a truly random pattern was harder than it looked - nature always tended toward the predictable. A practised hand, and the latest developments from Republic Engineering Corporation, certainly helped.

“One minute to drop,” he explained flatly over the comlink as the rangefinder continued to tick down. Now past the enemy fighter screen, One and Three Flights found themselves hemmed in from all sides, with turbolasers and anti-starfighter missiles to their front and TIE fighters to their rear. Heavy shields and slick flying only went so far.

The B-wing battle computer scanned the target battle cruiser as Revenant Squadron closed in. It was an impressive piece of machinery, littered with turrets and warhead launchers and protected by a heavy hull and even heavier shields. The missiles and beam weapons carried by Chaar and his wingmates, designed for knocking out energy capital ships, would have their work cut out for them. With Brotherhood ships blanketing Coruscant space it was unlikely they would be able to return to base and rearm in one piece. They’d need to make their shots count.

“I need an opening Six,” he ordered. The X-wings of Two Flight, with their torpedoes and laser cannons mounted on a fast and maneuverable space frame, were ideal for knocking out the enemy defences. A weakened shield generator or a dead zone near the main reactor stripped of turrets would be perfect for the B-wings to unleash their deadly payloads.

Chaar could already see it now - a fourth pip pined onto his rank insignia, a commendation from High Command for knocking out an enemy big hitter and turning to tide of war. He’d have to share the glory with his pilots of course, but they’d all know the cunning pilot who led the charge…

A new klaxon rang out through the cockpit, warning the Umbaran that a TIE fighter had a missile lock on him. “Any time Ten,” he commented. Any time he spent looping back to shake the pursuer was time wasted getting ordinance on the target, and that all-important capital ship kill.


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps


— 868 ABY, 500 Republica, Galactic City, Coruscant.​
Omen could only grin as he replied as the whistle of the wind whistled around his big angry friend."Thanks, though I might have jumped the gun" The Officer could probably hear the beast's roar from his position as he clawed through enemy Maw soldiers. Skotah definitely wasn't taken prisoners or heads intact today. The Clone even tried to help out where he could by firing his verp pistol into the hordes as they started to surround them, cutting them off from the Imp's perimeter and safety. The ARC clearly had overestimated the factor of his surprise attack and these Maw, whatever unit was clearly not new at this whole rampaging thing.​
They were out for bloodlust until... suddenly they formed a circle around him and his partner before one person in full customized armor walked into the ring. "I am Damien of House Daedelon and today, you will die in a pool of your own blood Nobody." It was clear this guy was experienced but by the time he had finished saying his monologue, Omen had already hopped down from his beast and as hitting him straight on in the head with an armored beskar elbow, forcing the armored warrior back. "I... do not care..."
The underdog then pulled out his flute with one hand and held his pistol in the other. He was not one to be dealt with lightly today. The Clone quickly took a stab at the Lord's exposed neck. "YOU HAVE MESSED WITH THE WRONG GALAXY!" The Lord nimbly dodged while drawing his dread blade and striking out in anger. His flute met the blade with a large sizzling sound, giving him a couple of seconds to unload his full pistol mag into his neck, causing his head to roll off its previous inhabitance. The killer clone then turned to the crowd and shouted. "I HAVE TAKEN DOWN YOUR BOSS. HOW EASILY WILL I TAKE YOU DOWN?! LEAVE IF YOU ARE SMART AND NEVER COME BACK!" Maybe some of the crowd would actually listen before they swarmed the clone and cut him to bits.​
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A Nightsister don't need saving!

Location: the icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi & also Jax Thio Jax Thio

ALL Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's FAULT!!


She focused deeply on he who stood before her. She settled upon him her spell as the Black Widow weaves her web, vast and unanticipating, resulting little hope for escape.

“Now Jax Thio, you know full well what you would do if you met yourself as flesh and bone, existing one-hundred percent as a Darksider. You would do to him just what you wish you could do to all those who are unrelenting intending the same towards you. From Spasa I learned that it all begins with…" She took a firm hold of Jax’s hand in her own and as the thin shard pricked into his palm, its potion would numb away all awareness. “…the unrelenting, condescending lectures to redeem another's soul.”

The Nightsister brought her other hand to cover the top of his and grasped him firmly in her grip.

"I have a feeling you are going to find your future very amusing. I picked you because I know you. This event is a good lesson for you. There is something holding you back from becoming a jedi master.”

Her mind building upon her incantation, solidifying her Spell upon him. Not releasing her grip, the Dark Mistress PomStychTivé suddenly dumped a massive weight of Darkside Force directly upon Jax Thio.

"Succumb thee now unto the curse of the Blood Trail."

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Location: Labyrinth of EEEEVVVVIIIILLLL
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Jax didn't know what to do if he faced his dark self, he never really looked inward before. Jax could barely remember his trial of the spirit and it was said to be the most traumatizing trial a Jedi can face. In truth not many people could handle their dark selves, they try to suppress it and deny it. Yet by denying their dark selves, the darkness is allowed to fester and spread to the point where it was in control whether the person was aware of it or not. "No," Jax began. "To destroy a piece of yourself means-"

He didn't get a chance to finish as Pom took hold of his arm with surprising strength and began to unleash the Dark Side energy on to Jax. His entire body became cold and unfeeling as the Jedi collapsed his knees buckling. Jax gave a gasp as he heard voices in his head whispering at him, he couldn't make out what it was. "No," Jax said slowly getting up and began to force push Pom. "I won't give in!"

He began to breathe heavily clutching his arm. "I will not give in to the dark side Pom," he said. "I think you know that."


Raus Garrat


A wall crumbled, debris jabbed into Raus' body as the impact from a blast sent him flying across the lobby; ears ringing, he struggled to get to his feet, arms collapsing as he pushed his body up, trying to look around at his surroundings. Without much of a chance to react, he found himself lifted from the dust-caked tile and slapped against the ceiling of the room. His head hit first, rattling his skull within his helmet, only to be dropped back down to the ground again.
"Raus... get UP! GET UP!"

One voice chimed in, followed by others, but for naught since they were drowned out and overrun. Even in the bleakest moment they championed him, cheered at him with a fire unmatched. Even with the foot soldiers of tyrants swarming like insects, they did not flinch nor show any attempt at throwing their weapons down; battered and beaten, composite armor marked by mindless bloodlust, innards aching from kinetic fury and oversaturation of combat stims. Yet there was nothing that would make them kneel.

A raging, spiteful roar of thunder silenced everyone within the complex. Maw and Sith stood aside, parting to reveal a lumbering giant clad in darkness; the very presence that abused Raus from a distance, still having a hold on his body as he struggled with what strength he had to escape somehow. His men rushing in unison as they opened fire and chanced upon closing the distance, anything to give Raus enough time to regain his footing.

The first man to close the gap was met with a crimson blade across the chest, yet the massive amount of stim within his bloodstream prevented his outright demise, falling back and crashing hard against the floor. As for the other two, they successfully landed multiple shots, all of them fatal; however, the hulking Sith did not seem to tremble nor fall, instead only sluggishly walking forward as if trying to flex strength in the face of mere men and mortals, despite grievous injury.

On fire with anguish, Raus finally lifted his fractured bones from the ground and immediately activated his jetpack, his body breaking the sound barrier as he purposely crashed himself into the daunting figure, knocking him down but furthering bone damage due to the connection during impact. Now having him on the ground, Raus unleashed a fierce war cry as he retrieved a vibroknife sheathed in his left boot. Focusing on the back of the man's neck, Raus stabbed him multiple times. Again and again, puncture after puncture, he ripped into the beast until his robes became saturated; head nearly detached, but connected still by a few strands of muscle and skin.

He didn't move anymore after that, his lightsaber snuffing itself out in shame and defeat. In this moment Raus and his men then focused their attention on the remaining OPFOR in front of them, silence still lingering over both parties.
"C'mon Raus, let's get out of here. We showed them what we're about."

Nobody opened fire, not even a whisper nor nonverbal gesture. They simply stared each other down as Raus and his surviving unit cautiously inched their way out of the building. They were all tired, even those of the Maw. All of them were fodder, even those who feel they have the most valiant and just reason for carnage and pain. A strange calm loomed over the Arkanians as they found themselves on the streets.
"What now, sir?"
"Sir? That's a first..."
"Don't get used to it."
"Heh, we did alright boys. We did alright."
"Not too bad I'd say."


- A Moment To Rest -

Senate District, Alleyway, Complex Exterior
Allies: NIO | GA | ETC
Friendlies In Unit: 4x Imperial Corsairs
Situation: Medical Assistance Needed





Location: Southeastern landing pads of the Jedi Temple
Allies: Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen | Zorah Cinsilo Zorah Cinsilo | Viera Viera
Enemies: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze

Chaos was typical of battlefields, at least the ones that Travot had begrudgingly participated in.

Orders were misinterpreted and the simple fog of war was omnipresent, regardless of the powers of Force users or the technological wizardry wielded by galactic governments.

Today was no different, perhaps even worse given the very nature of a surprise attack in the heart of a friendly stronghold.

Travot watched as padawans, temple employees, and other visitors attempted to flee down the pathways to the landing pads, even as a Sith'rai managed to slip in among them in attempts to slaughter them. Travot managed to quickly catch onto one such interloper appear among a group just before he was about to strike with a newly drawn blade. The jedi knight stretched out a hand and attempted to wrench the weapon out of the sith's hand.

It didn't work, but the sith warrior found himself straining to bring the blade down at all. Far slower than ever should have been possible, and giving the padawans and temple employees ample time to escape from his clutches. They quickly snaked past him while warrior's sulfurous glare bore down on the susevfian. A gust of wind caught the sith warrior's dark cowl, briefly tugging at it before it fell backwards to reveal a misshapen chrome and ebony mask. An almost guttural voice boomed out of its mangled vocader.

"You have a death wish, jedi."

A statement rather than a question.

Travot thinly pressed his lips together as he drew his own saber, "Not for me."

That reply seemed to enrage the sith further. Before Travot could assume any sort of semblance to a truly prepared fighting stance, the warrior bull-rushed him, swinging his blade forward in an almost vertical hacking attack. Travot used his free hand as a focus to generate a weak, half-formed Force barrier which blunted the man's forward momentum and knocked the blade back, but buying for himself such time only seemed to enrage and empower the warrior even more. But it allowed him to assume a classic Soresu stance, with his feet and body slightly angled and his blade held in a close vertical guard.

He assumed it just in time, before the sith'rai warrior unleashed a series of hammering blows that battered away at his blue saber. The jedi kept the blade swinging in tight arcs around his body, managing to just bat away the sith's blows far enough that they missed his body. Facing one particularly heavy blow, the jedi side-stepped to his right and brought his free fist up in an uppercut to the sith'rai warrior's masked head. The sith warrior staggered before wildly swinging his blade upwards which Travot's saber promptly caught and deflected.

And then he felt it.

Now is the time...

Continuing to use his saber to defend himself from the warrior's blade, the susevfian put the rest of his body to work in beating back his opponent. A crushing stomp to the shin was followed up by an elbow smash to the now-lowered sith's face. Whoever said the Jedi could not fight without sabers had never seen a demonstration of Broken Gate. As the sith warrior reeled backward from the unusual offensive, Travot halted his own advancement before stretching out his hand, producing a Force push that sent the warrior stumbling backwards down a set of stairs. Travot heard a brief cry and a sudden ebb in the aura of hate around him. He's least for now...

With the warrior down, Travot turned his attention to the rest of the scene around him, managing to catch a glimpse of Zorah dispatch a pair of warriors by herself. He could feel an almost immediate kindred draw to her as she caught his attention before leaping over to him.

''I have got to say, the Southern entrance is looking a bit... splintered already. But that shouldn't be our top priority right now, we have to find all of these younglings and Padawans before the Sith do. Because I don't assume this is all of them.''

Travot nodded in agreement, “I can't say that I have been to this temple before...but the padawans and others seem to keep on coming...along with the Sith. Do you know the way around here? Another of our Order said she was on her way here with more padawans...but she might be able to handle them herself if you feel we are better put to use somewhere else...

Imperial Knight Armour | Lightsaber

ENEMIES: NSO, MAW, Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber The Mongrel The Mongrel
Blaster fire rang out in the street, causing his head to rotate in its direction. It was the first thing he heard since the explosion. It was also a reminder as to why he was there, as to what happened.

While in the throes of rising to his feet, rapidly shuffling feet closed in on him. His hand extended, searching, searching and then he had it. Before he could call for his staff, a duo of figures emerged from the ashen cloud.

“White Cloak, you’re alive!” One stood before him, the other immediately moved to prop him up, though the Knight-Errant was gradually beginning to stand on his own as every moment passed.

“Give… Me… Stims.”

“Do it,”
the first trooper urged the medic. “We wouldn’t have survived in the Capital without him. I want to make it out again!”

They remembered him from Bastion? They must’ve been green then, when the Sith attacked. Hadn’t even completed basic before early warning systems and high command deployed them to the front lines. They’d held the line for hours then, beyond the use of equipment. The named sector they had fought in, forgotten. Less on account of time passed and injuries incurred, but moreover due to the lack of distinguishing features in Imperial cities. It was only then that it dawned on him, and it annoyed him greatly.

Besides, he had never been there long enough to memorize the intricacies of the lackluster world. Home was the Crusader Fleet, constantly on the move. He was more comfortable amongst the stars with the nigh imperceptible feel of it traveling through hyperspace, than he was on the ground. Though, war torn cityscapes were quickly becoming a familiarity that was impossible to escape with every passing deployment.

“Fine, fine,” the medic answered, giving in after observing the Knight pinch, squeeze, and pull a metal shard out of his shoulder. One needn’t have the gift of the Force to know they were reluctant. "Bacta stim first," he says. The stimpak, initially unseen came out and pressed into Aenarion's neck, through the fabric. A moment later, it was tossed away forgotten, and the medic was rummaging through their carrier.

A miniaturized stim canister was produced from one of the medic side pouches. Devoid of anything at first, a second hand reached into the next pouch to draw out the pack and insert it in. In anticipation, the White Cloak stuck his arm out, and nodded. The medic, plunged forth, not letting themselves second and third guess them and sunk the syringe through the fabric and into the skin beneath.

There was a pinch where skin was pricked, and a moment later he felt the adrenals' effects taking hold. Relinquishing his grasp on the trooper beside him, Aenarion shot a hand out. From out of the darkness, his saberstaff came spinning. Landing in his palm firmly, he shot a glance over his shoulder to the duo, "Find any survivors, and hold here. No one gets past."

Before they could answer, the Knight-Errant was headed in the direction of the fanatic Mawite battlecry.

By the time he got to the source of the cry, the bus stop resembled a morgue, than a waiting place for transportation. The fireteams on the ground were either dead, or close enough to it that their quietening moans of pain were overshadowed by the sound of his heavy footfalls approaching.

His digit depressed the ignition button, and this time both sides of the staff came to life. The staff rotated before coming still as he vaulted over one of the dead troopers, and sent a sweeping slash from the Mongrel's right to left, in an effort to bisect the Marauder where he stood. Distracted or not, the Imperial Knight did not announce himself to his enemy this time. Momentary respites were gone.

Location: Senate District
Equipment: Single Blade Lightsaber | Mantellian Vambrace | Commlink
Allies: Darth Insatious
Opposition: Shai Maji Shai Maji | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Zoraya Ives-Ayres

The Dark Jedi watched as the piece of rubble struck true, grinning almost maniacally behind his mask as the armored individual went flying through a nearby window. The sound of a nearby jetpack amidst the chaos caught his attention, for a moment Cadere wondered if it was the same armored warrior from earlier but realised it was another entity entirely. Cadere's yellow eyes peered at the figure approaching, discerning the dots that descended from their hands and what followed was a domino effect of explosions.

Cadere stood in place as he watched this new individual fly over him just before he would swat away any descending detonators that came near him with the Force. His robes fluttered from the shockwave of the exploding detonators just out of harm's reach, turning his body around to face the new adversary behind him, Cadere's shoulders hunched over as he prepared to attack only to take notice of the device in their right hand.

He then heard cannon fire drown out the sound of surrounding blaster fire, curious, the Dark Jedi's head turned to where the sound was coming from. Catching sight of the Basilisk, an old memory on a droid attack on Silver Rest returned to him, one in particular when Tynen and a few other Jedi took down a Basilisk together. "Thanks for making things interesting." he called out, smirking behind his mask while still glaring at the Basilisk.

An annoyed sigh escaped him, however, when he turned back to face the Basilisk's master and two particle beams shot in his direction - he lifted his right arm and coupled with his inhuman reflexes granted to him by the Force. He telekinetically froze the two beams headed his way, a year of rigorous combat with a single arm and no lightsaber had managed to strengthen Cadere's connection and usage of the Force. However, the Ripper slugs accompanying the beams forced the Kiffar to acrobatically maneuver away from the slugs. As he landed in a crouched position, his lips pursed and a commanding whistle bypassed them.

Whatever clone of his that remained and wasn't guarding their 'father' would whip their heads in the direction of their genetic template. Cadere called out "I don't have time for this. Deal with them." ordering at least two clones to attack her, igniting their crossguard sabers, Cadere would sense the disdain for him emanating off of his clones as they begrudgingly charged toward Shai Maji Shai Maji . The Basilisk seemed much more entertaining than the one currently trying to kill him.

As Cadere approached the Basilisk, lightsaber clasped in both hands, the Dark Jedi had forgotten about the first armored warrior he'd attacked earlier and paid for his ignorance when the shockwave of a concussion missile striking the ground near him launched him off of his feet and into the side of a building. Landing onto his knees, dazed, Cadere growled and summoned his displace lightsaber back into his left hand - now, he was even more irate than before, fuelling his connection to the Dark side that surrounded him like a black fog. The sounds of sonic blasts snapped him into focus as his head whipped in the direction of the sound.

With milliseconds to react, Cadere rolled forward as he made out the familiar figure within the smoke. Dragging his right hand across the ground, Cadere threw his arm forward and a telekinetic push in the direction of Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt followed as he got up to his feet. Using the smoke to his advantage, the enraged Kiffar leapt up and dived toward his adversary before landing behind them, twisting his body around along with his lightsaber to strike at his opponent.
A weight from his blindside crashed into him, knocking him further unbalance as he both saw, and felt the ivory haired bladeswoman c He stumbled away before he realized what happened and crashed against the edge of the promenade, leaning over - cornered - and peered over the edge to the frightening abyss of the Coruscanti Underworld, before spinning back around.

The sword rotated forwards, spun as he gained his bearings. She wouldn't take him from the blindside again.

In that moment he paused. It had been attached to the hilt of his blade for as long as he had the weapon. Earned, the weapon. He was not Ashina by blood, that much was true. But in skill with a blade, it was undoubtable that he was a spawn of the Invincible. His jaw set as he realized what occurred, and his gaze swept the ground as he pulled away from the ledge.

A burning heat rolled off of him, that he was quick to identify as frustration mixed with anger. It was embarrassing, for as much as he loved the family that took him in, he hated them. In youth, not but a few years ago, he had had to prove that to be Ashina was more than blood. It was both talent, and disciplined training, it was traditions and a way of thinking. The latter of which, he shamelessly turned from in recent times. But the way of the warrior and the blade was never shied away from. It was embraced as he wandered the stars.

The hilt was clenched in his hand, though he did not move to close the distance. Not to strike her down. He could sense the thoughts festering in her mind, recognition, as she began to realize who it was she was facing.

“That emblem...your steel..
"You know," he answered. The voice modulator in his helmet contorted and twisted his voice to become unrecognizable. His open hand raised, to the helmet, and in the midst of raising it, he paused. And wrenched it the rest of the way off, tossed away. The blossoming heat of anger in his chest plateaued and he knew battle was inevitable.

"Both are a long way from home."
"They belong to me."

The trials were all that mattered. Her would be denial of what he had earned was naught but shock. She'd get over it once they crossed blades again. Then there'd be determination. And a drive to prove to the both of them that he was in fact, not worthy. A reality that, he too as determined to prove was untrue. He'd prey on her weakness.

That of being a Jedi. Her pride would create mistakes, and he'd force them into the light.

Her first had been giving him a chance to catch his breath with her patronizing.

“You’re on the wrong side to be decorating your sword with the Ashina Clan emblem.”
"I'm on the only side worthy of an Ashina," he laughed. This time, he'd close the distance. Shuffling his feet forward, he knew the importance of a stable stance. And he was unafraid of facing the petite Heir head on.

Her upraised foot was countered with a raising of his own leg, and with it he twisted horizontally. The size difference abruptly diminished as his body height shrunk as he leaned to the side. His large foot flew up to kick her in the abdomen. The difference in size meant it'd be crippling if he struck the wrong - or in his case - right spot. In regards to her blade, a gloved hand lanced out, his open right one, and pushed his palm against the side of the jabbing katana and sent it away from plunging into his belly.

On his stable foot, he spun. Her arcing sabre almost severed his hand from his wrist, as he felt instinctively flinched it away. As he came around with his foot dropping to the ground, his right hand shot forwards to catch it.

"An Ashina should be remembered. You think the titles Undefeated and the Invincible come with fighting alongside the many?" He snorted in derision, his contrasting features - in comparison with her own - twisting into mockery. "Yes," he answered himself mockingly. "I believe you will be remembered Ishida, for the great strength it took to fight with the superpowers of the Galaxy, and crash down upon uncivilized Space!"

He dove, tucking into himself as he somersaulted away, pocketing the Ashina clan symbol and reached his hand out as he came up. Black hilt spinning out from underneath rubble and into his hand. The crimson beam bursting to life as he spun back around to face her. "Ishida, the Cowardly, or perhaps, the Weak."

His right hand jerked forwards, scarlet beam plunging at her left shoulder as he flourished with the Ashina blade in a bait to feint her defense, before stabbing downward to her wounded leg's thigh.


Engaging: Okkeus Dainlei

Allies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Halketh Halketh , Kyrel Ren, BotM

Enemies: Jedi & allied forces


Temple of Doom

Khamul was about to enter the temple, when suddenly, there it was... the annoying ping accompanied by the minor discomfort of blaster bolts ricocheting off of beskar. It was clear that someone was trying to get his attention... and it worked. Khamul calmly turned, his gaze falling upon a Jedi with weapons in hand, claiming Khamul to be weak.

The ways of insects is to pester and feed on dung, he would think to himself. These Jedi wanted to believe that they could hold a candle to the might of the Dark Side, as if one could stop the inevitable nature of life itself. After all, the only certainly in life, is death.

Khamul held his lightsaber out toward his opponent, his gaze never leaving the Jedi as he slowly started to close the gap.

"What do you know of being a warrior? Jedi are only children playing at war. My people have been forged in the fires of battle for millennia. In that time, we have slain more Jedi than you could count. Your words mean nothing to me. A Krayt dragon does not concern himself with the opinion of womp rats."

Behind the mask, his eyes narrowed as he sized up his opponent. Behind the confidence and haphazard insults, there was a sense of desperation; a yearning to prevent the death of one's comrades. Khamul took note, as it would likely serve him well in this fight. His grip tightened around the hilt of his crimson blade, taking a stance that was somewhere between Makashi and Juyo. For all of his hatred toward his former master Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor , Khamul couldn't deny that the dueling techniques he learned under him had served him well.

"If you are so eager to die, then I will happily send you to the next world!"

He broke out into a full sprint, gathering the darkness around him in an effort to close the gap with inhuman speed. His lightsaber swung horizontally, aiming to remove the arm that held the blaster. Whether the blow landed or not would be inconsequential; one way or another, this Jedi would be dead before the night was done.

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Location: Coruscant, High Orbit
Foes: Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Karlist Rax Karlist Rax | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene | Culas Vile | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Tren Chaar Tren Chaar
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

  • A warning to tiny attacking forces: you are outnumbered and outgunned
  • Tu'teggacha's fleet begins to indiscriminately bombard Coruscant from orbit
  • The fleet launches drop pods full of savage creatures to cause more chaos


Though the Taskmaster waited with bated breath, his forces poised to intercept Orcana's attack and duel high in Coruscant's skies, no further maneuvers by the NIO commander were forthcoming. Tu'teggacha shrugged; he was not here to break a fleet, but to ravage a world. If the opposition was distracted, that would only free up his forces to unleash their full power on the planet below. With Sularen and the Final Dawn distracting the Alliance ships, the Brotherhood fleet closed in, preparing bombardment positions. The World Devastators, already en route, would cause terrible havoc if even one of them reached the surface.

The Ebruchi aimed to add to that havoc with his own guns.

Of course, there was one particularly persistent gnat that seemed determined to buzz around the Brotherhood fleet: the ships of Commodore Herlock. To the Taskmaster's utter shock and amusement, the two tiny frigates refused to break off their attack when confronted by twice their number in Star Destroyers six times their size. Some of the guns that the Brotherhood fleet was using to fire at Herlock's ships were nearly as big as the ships themselves. The orbital autocannons mounted on each Crucifix I-class Star Destroyer could vaporize a city block in a single shot, and were often used to blow apart capital ships. These were frigates.

And the frigates, attacking without any fleet support, were outnumbered.


If the Pride of Anaxes and Courageous had attacked as part of a full battle group, supporting larger (or at least a larger number of) NIO craft and helping to wear down the shields of the Mawite star destroyers, they could have had an impact on the tide of the battle. But charging in alone? They were like to the Crucifixes like small rodents were to humans - irritating, but hardly threatening. If the firepower of a 300 meter frigate could have any significant impact on the shields and armor of an 1,800 meter Star Destroyer, no fleet in the galaxy would build any big ships. They would all stick to their tiny superweapons instead.

The comparison was even more ridiculous when it came to the Silencieux attacking the Fatalis. The corvette had managed to inflict good subsystem damage over Korriban by attacking from stealth and using shield-bypassing anti-capital torpedoes... but the Brotherhood had been ready when they'd tried the same thing a second time. Now the Silencieux was trying a different attack: its laser cannons. Medium laser cannons, starfighter grade, mounted on a 144 meter corvette... against a 10,000 meter Super Star Destroyer. The shields of the Fatalis were designed to withstand capital ship barrages. This? Not even noticeable.


As far as Tu'teggacha could see, there were really only two outcomes to this foolhardy attack. Herlock could break off and retreat, perhaps to return with reinforcements that would make this a more even fight, and count his lucky stars that he somehow hadn't been blown to shreds already. Or he could continue to attack an entire fleet that vastly outnumbered and outgunned him all on his own, in which case he would surely perish. If he did neither, if he somehow held his position and kept shooting without taking a scratch, he was surely some kind of Force god; the Taskmaster could not see any other way to survive such odds.

But he was no longer paying the brave but foolhardy Commodore any mind. Instead, the Ebruchi was beginning to conduct the symphony of suffering that was to come. The Fatalis and the four Praetorian-class vessels drifted into bombardment positions, targeting their weapons on districts far from where the Mawite marauders had landed... districts untouched by the attack, until now. There were residential districts, full of apartment buildings and public parks; entertainment districts, studded with trendy nightclubs and fancy restaurants; business districts, full of corporate offices and megamalls. Ordinary places, full of ordinary people.

They weren't military targets. Not remotely. And that was exactly the point. The Maw was here to strike terror into the heart of the galaxy, and sometimes the recipe for that was massive, indiscriminate destruction. Orbital autocannons locked their firing solutions, peering down at the terrified masses of innocents far below... and began to open fire. Their goal: level everything they could reach. Strip away the urban tangle of life and commerce, melt the towers of transparisteel and duracrete, until all was scoured clean down to the planet's very bedrock. They would cause as much devastation as they could before the Brotherhood withdrew.

But the Taskmaster knew, just as The Mongrel did, that even the most egregious scars inflicted by big guns from orbit were ultimately temporary. Coruscant had faced such bombardment before, and although the ruin and death had been terrible each time, the Jewel of the Core had always risen again. The Coruscani were a resilient people, a melting pot that came together in time of crisis and stubbornly rebuilt again and again. So the Brotherhood had decided to leave them a lingering gift. "Deploy the creature pods," Tu'teggacha ordered. At his command, cargo bay doors opened... and huge metal containers dropped to the surface.

Each container, fitted with microthrusters to ensure a relatively soft landing, bore a terrible gift for Coruscant: a belly full of the Maw's savage warbeasts. There were swarms of skitterwings, spiderlike horrors that would climb and glide through the underlevels, gorging themselves on the unwary. There were fearsome branchlurkers, savage ambush predators capable of ripping apart tanks and gorging themselves on pounds and pounds of raw, wriggling meat. There were tall, slimy bogaranths, normally mounts for Mawite cavalry, now loosed without direction to cause mass confusion and fear as they spread their caustic saliva everywhere.

Many would die in the crossfire of this battle, launched as they were among the wild marauders and heroic defenders... but others would likely escape into dark, dank places deep within the mazelike planet-city. There they would breed, and new generations of monsters would be born in the underlevels, a fresh supply of horrors to terrorize those who worked to rebuild their world. That was the Taskmaster's vile present to the city planet, a little something to remember him by... and with every moment that his bombardment went on unchallenged, the scars would grow larger, and the creatures would burrow deeper and multiply.

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtBombarding Coruscant
Aeon's End, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Bonfire of Vanity, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Nightmare Eternal, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Forge of Laments, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Wrathborn, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerIntercepting the Pride of Anaxes and Courageous
Oblivion Herald, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerIntercepting the Pride of Anaxes and Courageous
Mournfang, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerIntercepting the Pride of Anaxes and Courageous
Soulbreaker, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerIntercepting the Pride of Anaxes and Courageous
Eight Samael-class FrigatesFiring on the Proudheart and Pride of the Emperor
Two Samael-class FrigatesHunting down the Silencieux


Objective - Crisis in the Core

Maw Irregular Fleet - Core Fleet

Maw Irregular Fleet - Group Aurek

Maw Irregular Fleet - Group Besh
Maw Irregular Fleet - Starfighter Corps

So far the Battle was going in the Maw's Favor , their Fleet spearheaded by the Fatalis Star Dreadnought and the Maw Irregular Fleet heavily outweighed that of the Bastion Accords with the Mawites having both advantages in number and firepower with the enemy already splitting off to pursue Admiral Garrick's World Devastators which only further weakened the position of the Combined Fleet of the Bastion Accords. Sularen had already given his ultimatum and it seemed that they wouldn't budge , remaining defiant until the end. His Thoughts were confirmed when he was interrupted by communications from the enemy responding to his Ultimatum.

"Sularen, this is Commodore Constantine Oliva. I have come a long way since I helped ambush the Eternals over Bastion. Now you are a traitor to the Alliance. When you’re faced with misfortune you run, seeking another power to hide behind. I’ve lost much in the fight against the Brotherhood. I’ve lost much to your forces. Yet I don’t surrender. I do not give up. I witnessed the destruction of Csilla, an action you took part in. I have sworn an oath to eliminate the threat of the brotherhood, even if it kills me. Anaxes, my home, and the home of many now fighting you, was once known as the Defender of The Core. I intend to live up to my heritage. And if we ever meet off the battlefield again, it will be because you are in chains."

Constantine Oliva. Sularen once saw the Man as a potential ally in his campaign against the Alliance , as someone who saw through the Lies and deception of their Democracy and who saw them for what they were , Corrupt and Self-righteous Rebel Usurpers claiming to be the rightful owners of the Core. But instead , Oliva had chosen to side with the Alliance rather then side with Sularen and the Final Dawn just like Vel'alari , choosing the path of defiance although it would be in vain for no matter how much resistance the Bastion Accords would put up to the Maw , they would always win. It was only a matter of time before the rotten structure of the Alliance would collapse under the weight of the Final Dawn and Sularen would demonstrate today why their downfall was inevitable rght here at Coruscant itself.

"In time your eyes will be opened once more Constantine" Sularen said to himself once the Alliance's Commodore's Transmission had ended. The Grand Overseer then focused his attention to the Battlefield once more as his Fleet zeroed in towards the Combat Zone where Mawite vessels were clashing with their Bastion Accords counterparts. "What's the status of the Mawite Fleet , Captain Fisk?" Sularen asked to the Captain of his Ship , seeking a potential target in this colossal battle as the MIF had yet to engage any enemy Fleet. "Taskmaster Tu'teggacha has already engaged a small Imperial Task Force while Admiral Garrick has deployed a group of World Devastators to the surface. Alliance and New Imperial Forces alike have diverted some resources to combat them , leaving us with a significantly weaker Fleet to deal with." Fisk replied. Then a Bridge Officer proceeded to speak up adding new info to Fisk's analysis. "Captain , Grand Overseer. We have detected a considerable detachment of New Imperial Vessels advancing towards the Fleet. They seem to be charging at us."

Fisk looked at Sularen as if he was waiting for the Grand Overseer to respond. Soon enough , Sularen gave his reply ready to bring the Maw Irregular into the Battle. "Move the Fleet to engage all New Imperial Forces that haven't engaged Tu'teggacha's Forces. I want a list of all Vessels within each Fleet/Task Force and for any potential weaknesses to be identified. Today we show these New Imperials the true might of the Final Dawn." Sularen ordered. His officers then scrambled to carry out his orders , proceeding to inform the rest of the Fleet of Sularen's new orders while also moving forth to identify the New Imperial Warships present above Coruscant in order to provide their Grand Overseer with the List of Vessels and their Potential Weaknesses. Within just a few minutes Sularen received the List he had requested on the Datapad attached to his Command Chair providing him with the necessary information needed to decimate the New Imperial Fleet.

To his surprise , most New Imperial Vessels present were developed before Sularen's departure from the New Imperial Order shortly after the Battle at Prefsbelt IV in exception for the Flagships of two Fleets which had been identified as primary targets for the Maw Irregular Fleet : A Task Force belonging to Prefsbelt Command and another Fleet identified as Azure Hammer Command which was directly affiliated with House Haskler. Both Fleets to some degree represented to some degree Sularen's frustrations with the New Imperial Order given their affiliations with Prefsbelt representing the Last Battle Sularen fought alongside the New Imperials prior to his dishonorary discharge not to mention that Sularen had listed Prefsbelt IV as a potential site for a Forward Base of Operations for his planned return to the Core Worlds while House Haskler has demonstrated to be a major thorn on Sularen's side as they represented a threat to his ambitions in the Core due to conflicting interests. However this did not matter for Sularen had more Starfighters and Firepower then both Fleets , enabling him to annihilate them at ease.

Fully confident of his position , the Grand Overseer issued new orders eager to see both Fleets reduced to floating hulks in Space. "Alright listen up , i have new Orders for the Fleet. Have the Vengeance , the Invincible and 5 Supremacies split off to engage the Fleet from Prefsbelt Command while the Annihilator , the Challenger and another set of 5 Supremacies are to engage the Fleet from Prefsbelt Command. The Rest of the Fleet are to head towards the surface of Coruscant. We will soon join Garrick's World Devastators in devastating the surface of the Queen of the Core." Sularen said. "Today Coruscant will burn"

  • The Maw Irregular Fleet splits into 3 Groups
    • The Core Fleet which proceeds to head directly for Coruscant's Surface
    • Group Aurek which moves forth to engage Vessels from Prefsbelt Command
    • Group Besh which moves forth to engage Azure Hammer Command
  • Starfighters and Bombers remain in Hangars with Pilots on standby for immediate deployment


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