Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


His boot made connection with her and she was jerked back away from him, collapsing. Between the both of them, it widened that invisible gap that connected them. Every cracked bone, every layer of skin and flesh that was cut, it only furthered them from each other. He was conscientious of it all, but he could not stop himself on this path now.

Not that he wanted to anyway.

He had learned that the life of a Ronin was rarely fair. Less so as a mercenary, even lesser when fighting for the Mawite fanatics. Though his goals were solely separate from theirs. Their conflict brought them to blows against the entirety of the galaxy. To fight with them meant the odds would not be fair. But that was how the Greats made names for themselves, wasn't it?

Dark eyes stared at the Ashina before him, his own sister, the first for him to cross blades with. The first of the Ashina he'd have to take down to get where he wanted to be. A necessary sacrifice. He'd give it to her cleanly, no matter how much she spouted the vitriolic denial and shame unto him.

"You want to use your earned Ashina name to be remembered."
"No," head shaking. "I chose my path apart from the Ashina name."

As far as the words he spoke, Qiy'on spoke true. He had wondered the stars, not as Qiy'on, the Dark, or as the Black, but as nobody. He had exiled himself, not solely from Atrisia and the Hebo Estate, but from his own identity. The only thing he retained from the past were his memories, and the lessons that had been ingrained into his everyday life.

His head shook again. She wouldn't understand. She couldn't understand, what it was like to be an outsider.

Both a drive to feel accepted, but the reality of being different.

She couldn't.

Not with a Father whose name was respected and feared, and a grandfather who was the same. They were not his blood, but Qiy'on knew of their exploits. He could not say the same for his biological grandfather. He was a forgotten man that he had never known, and his own blood father was much the same. The Ashina's Way was what he was raised with, but in the end, it had ultimately been his choice to be his own person.

To be a Jedi, to retain the name Ashina, no, that was the path she had gone on. It was not independence, it was not even her choice; It was a willing servitude to destiny. He created his own path, denied the familial ties that'd usher him down the path of Ashla. He was the Lost, and he would find his own way.

They were close now, and his blades flashed in at her. The first, his sabre was avoided, ushered up and over her shoulder as she stepped into his wingspan again. She was small, weaker, from outward appearances one could never have anticipated the stunt she'd pull.

The Steel sunk into her wounded thigh, and she pushed herself through it. The action alone as his arm reached out to his collar, the size differential irrelevant as his eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. The blade sunk almost past the halfway point, and by then, he knew nothing but pain, as the butt of her sabre crashed into his sternum.

First was the wound created by her laser sword cutting its edge across his bicep. Searing pain gave way to the death grip he had on his saber laxing and dropping in a single moment, as his shocked eyes snapped to the wound. Singed through robes gave way to the burnt and seared flesh underneath, a gaping wound that he hadn't the time to process as wounds, long since forgotten flooded his sensations.

His genetic physiology had always ensured that he'd heal quickly from non-fatal wounds. Scars almost never formed on his body, not unless the wound had struck deep enough. Even covered in all his robings, she should've never seen it. The path of a blade that he failed in protecting himself against. One of the first occurrences where the Ashina youth had sparred with edged blades.

Of course she would've known, for it was her, who had struck the blow.

But it was not the only wound that awoke from times past. Both visibly healed on his naked body, and those that were too shallow to generate a blemish once healed, were aflame. It reminded him of the ripping and tearing that had caused them. Rocks, as he climbed the waterfall during the final Trial of the Carp. The searing heat of a saber from the Sith whose lightsabre he'd stolen after defeating them in his wanderings as a Ronin.

The pain was enough to shatter his repressed mind into breaking. His body - already in the midst of toppling over - crashed into the cracked duracrete.

It was unfit!


The thoughts he could barely form as he screamed aloud. It was one of agony, one that curdled blood and caused bones to quiver as the empyrean empowered it. Years of physical taxation, of toil and punishment were reborn, all at the same time as the suffering poured out from his mouth. The ethereal gave voice in his weakness. The unquestionable cold that rolled off of him during his screams only comparable to forcefully induced fear; it was of the make of the Dark Side.

His once dark orbs were alight with fury and rage, only focused on the white-haired Ashina as a deluge of salted tears flooded and blurred his sight and streaked down the sides of his face as closed wounds pulsed as if they were alive.

The Force Scream was all that was manifested from his maw, unintelligible words that would've shattered the wills of those lesser, if there had been any nearby.
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He could feel their powerful tether though the empyrean as they bound themselves together. The mind, the body, their actions all coordinated and brought together by the Battle Meld. A powerful technique that when utilized held the capacity to bring swift victory, but a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link.

Rurik Fel Rurik Fel , Sovereign Imperator and Master of the Imperial Knights wisely saw through this folly. It was clear from his disregard and steady advance toward the Dark Voice, toward the beating heart of darkness saturating the Senate Chamber with the miasma that was the Dark Side of the Force. He set his terrible glare upon his honored foe, his eyes burning with sulfuric hatred, his will an inferno blazing across the surface of Coruscant while they continued this Duel of Fates, this titanic clash in the very center of Democracy’s Great House.

Time to let the past die. With it, the great illusion that entranced the galaxy, keeping it turning along with labored breaths.


And there was only one way to truly kill it. Pain. Experiencing it in it’s entirety. No matter how hard it was, or how painful it became, the galaxy must accept and embrace it. When they are completely hollow, they can accept the inevitable and be molded with reinforcement. Finally with imbibing they can be turned, let loose on their former comrades and contribute to the Second Genesis the galaxy awaits. The rebirth long overdue.

His eyes slowly drifted away as the Sovereign Imperator summoned a senate pod to his person. The Dark Lord momentarily allowed himself to be distracted, a foolish endeavor but nonetheless a truth. He looked upon the image of Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor , so full of courage and immediately robbed of it upon seeing him for what he truly was. There was no quirk, no basking in the fear for this one. Observance, only cold observance and silent reservation before sensing a shift in the empyrean current that demanded his attention.

His eyes snapped to, immediately drawn to the source by his preternatural senses. The Dark Voice hissed audibly upon bearing witness to a hurled senate pod forcing him to abandon his position. He let his body lift off, his feet leaving the surface of the floating vessel as he spirited away in silent levitation, or better yet a controlled rise and descent.


The two pods collided with immense force, shattering against one another with twisted metal and explosion of debris. The Elder touched down into another pod docked a few rungs down, his eyes drawn to the enemy in his vessel. The Sith’ari chuckled under his breath with dark grimace as his hands reached out, one to wrap around the source of Rurik’s travel and the other to wretch another senate pod from nearby into the air. With great force he hurled the freed pod, the Dark Lord’s own lifting off from his own will suspending it freely. His sulfuric gaze snapped back to the Jedi gathered below, he let loose a maniacal fit of laughter as the decision came to just freely grab and toss as many pods as he could get his hands on.

He attempted to make it rain. He shifted his gaze back immediately, it wouldn’t be long before Fel was upon him again. He would end this fight and destroy their fit of hope.. once and for all.

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Anja Doreva Anja Doreva // Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Shards of the splintered time window splattered across the walls, destroyed by the oncoming desk that fractured Aeris’ shield in total and sent her reeling into a nearby bookcase. Her body slid across the ground and came to a stop with a sickening crack as her chest impacted against its metallic edge.

Breathing got harder.

Something hissed.

“It will not.” Aeris groaned as she got up off the floor and coughed. Something clung to the roof of her mouth. “My death means nothing, this vessel is temporary, the force is eternal.”

She spat out a heft chunk of crimson before she wrapped her mind around the desk that had been thrown into her to return it to sender. A maelstrom of debris began to lift from the floor to encircle their little battleground before they all pounced towards the Sith one by one.

“Stand down.” Aeris spoke as her posture straightened out into the same self-righteous, knows-better-than-you posture that she had carried herself with before she had been struck. “Leave.”

Dagon’s name coming out of Danika’s mouth threw Kai for a loop. Wait… was this entire conflict all because of Dagon? Did Danika have some kind of score to settle with him? Did she come to the library thinking he would be here? Or what—wait, howwhy was it always about him—?

The bewildered expression was promptly slapped off his face by her double attack on himself and Aeris. Kai dove behind cover, narrowly escaping the blast of Force lightning Danika sent his way. If the Nether-born electricity had struck him, it would have had dire consequences for the doppelganger.

Aeris fared worse, being struck in the chest. There was blood. He didn’t know how badly she was hurt, but she was able to stand, so that was a good sign, at least.

She spoke about the meaninglessness of death. Despite the absolute conviction in her voice, Kai felt a chill at her words.

<Come, boy! Pick on one of your own caliber!>

<You are not a nice person!> Kai shot back. He launched out of cover, slashing at her neck and shoulder with his lightsaber. Feeding from Samron had restored his vitality; he fought as if he had just begun to fight. A good thing, too, for no doubt Danika was a far more dangerous foe. Worse, he used some of Samron's moves, drawing from knowledge of combat absorbed directly from the general's mind.

He wanted to try and divert her focus away from Aeris. What better way to draw her ire than to use her now comatose friend's techniques against her?






Through the Empyrean, she saw the dark lines of his injuries snap and grow. Intersections and divergences of pattern, lattices, all networks of contusions forgotten and unseen without the Force’s guidance. And like the light seeping its way through all those cracks, she dug in and navigated through the hemorrhages. Inside, she felt the raw depth of his pain, and she gnashed her teeth, forcing herself to continue this exploitation and bring him to his knees.

So focused on exploiting his pain, Ishida felt her brother’s body more than she felt her own. The white-hot, painful spasms of her thigh’s muscles went mostly unfelt, and she matched the rhythms of his breath, ragged through her misaligned ribs. His breathing was growing sharper, shorter, uneven, more desperate, and starting to edge with a certain shrillness.

When he fell away, she lost her centre of gravity and staggered likewise. Slapping her hands to the ground, she caught herself from collapsing but the shift in weight shoved against the sword buried deep in her leg and she yawped in surprise, biting her tongue to silence her suffering. Instead of vapours riding through soundwaves, pain found another way to manifest and quickly lined her eyes with tears that readily fell.

The volume of her misery was no match for the tormented bellow that erupted from her fallen brother. It was so raw, so loud, so powerful, that whatever balance she’d managed to achieve was toppled and she slipped to her side.

It started out as hoarse notes of pain and mutated into something far more terrible. Anguished and infuriated shockwaves ripped from his stretched jaw and out, out, out. The ripples that emanated from his lungs were deafening. All other sounds were drowned out, her face stung from the almost-gossamer waves. Distantly, she could feel incredible heat and wetness building in her ears — she didn’t need to touch them to know she was bleeding.

He was looking at her, glaring through the pain. His face had changed. Where before she was unsure what she’d seen in those eyes, there was no denying what stared back now. Hatred. Raw, pure, unadulterated hatred.

Dread welled up from her belly, swamping her heart. The furious contortion of her countenance softened in the wake of her observation, and she shivered through the cold that rolled from his body.

Around him, darkness swelled. Its pulsing influence overwhelmed and curdled the neutrality she’d felt before, mutating it into something hideous and wicked.

Sith. She could stand, she could try to — there was still strength in her zealous heart — and she could kill him now while he was down. No! No.
That's not what the heart was meant for.

“No..” she whimpered, dragging her hands against the stone. She couldn’t hear herself speak, only feel the faint buzzing against her vocal cords.

What had she done?

His cry would stay with her forever. She’d know what it meant. What she had done.

It was reprehensible. A vile way to treat her own brother.

She’d forgotten softness and healing because it didn’t serve her, and she’d reacted to his insult and attacks with only the violence she’d been raised with. Abandoning the challenge to be the greater, kinder, more opportunistic soul.

The storms in her eyes fixated on the fires in his, moving left-right-left-right between his, as if she could force the communication she wanted to through that erratic concentration alone.

“I’m sorry.” Ishida whispered too late.

“I’m so sorry.” She tried again, pushing through the terrible tremors that rattled through her soul and the plaza. Her body tightened in defence, and she tried to worm herself closer beyond any intelligent rationale.



ALLIES | NJO | SJC | GA | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First | (AC)
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Senate Building
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies:: Geiseric Geiseric
Enemies:: Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus | Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I'm a Valkyrja, chooser of the slain." she explained in short what she was.

Although she did not hope that the man knew what she was. The Valkyrja typically appeared invisible during a fight, watching the worthy souls. Eina felt her people from outside, but she knew no one would intervene in the battle. They were similar to Shadow, they were observers. Different sides; because of Geiseric, she chose them and because they wanted to help the fallen. She was not interested in the war between Light Side and Dark Side, she was different.

"I am standing on the side of the weak and unprotected, irrespective of the sides. My job is to protect them from those who want to hurt them. My other task is to accompany the dead's souls to the Netherworld!"

She stood motionless when the man activated the lightsaber and pointed at her. Eina looked at the man without the smallest sign of fear. She was currently at her original height, so watching was downward. She heard and saw the other fight from the corner of her eyes. The relationship between the woman and Geiseric was tense recently, but she was worried about the man. This was slightly embarrassing her; she never felt concern or worry for any mortal, so far. But fear was not in the woman; her swords in X shape were still on her back between her wings but she did not try to reach them. Poor decision…

"So you're that kind of Sith who is a coward and afraid to attack an unarmed woman?" She asked with a slight mockery in her voice. She may not understand social, especially intimate personal behaviours, but mocking and how to force someone to fight, yes. After all, she was a warlord at home and she fought centuries with demons..




Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

A pirouette of carnage, was he, enveloped in a cloak of flame tongues and shrouded by the vestige of smoke. His permanence, the very tangibility which anchored him to the realm of the living was surrendered, his form wisping into poise and rear, swelling as a dragon poised to exhale a breath- until only coils of haze remained. This slithered across the floors of the corridor, propelled by the same desire as his corporeality- the drive to chase his prey until her legs would collapse and her breath vacate her for the last. One moment, the flame-borne assassin was there in the hallway, and the following saw his body evaporate in silence. This insidious stream of smoke slid beneath the crashing doors, each sealing attempt to bar his path discarded, so long as his speed was on his side.

Yet this form could not carry his momentum eternally, and though the first couple of officers were sealed between the drop doors, he found himself snared between two with another pair at the ready to face him in the stead of their Chancellor.

<"Stand down and surrender now, by the authority of the Galactic Alliance, you will face justice for the lives you've claimed,"> the senior officer of the two bellowed, strafing in a circle with her back pressed tightly against her underling's, a positional strategy to minimize the chances either of them would succumb to a blade puncturing kidneys or the severance of spinal column. It was a wise strategy, though as the two tracked his veiled motions with physical sight, the cogs within his skull set to work.

A superior officer likely had the authority to override the security doors, granting access to sealed locations in the event escape or reinforcement was needed. It was most likely carried in the tac-pad mounted within the left gauntlet of the armor, or inscribed somewhere on their suit to require a personal touch. Retinal identification nor voice command was likely, given the urgent nature where such an override would be deemed necessary. The Dark smiled upon him, to see him snared in the trap lain for him with one of the very hunters who could remove his paw from its teeth. Swirling about them in a methodical circle, Chimera's incorporeal form coasted gracefully without wind to carry it. Overwhelming their senses with his smoky presence in the sealed space was unlikely to work, given their helmets. He had faced enough similar foes to assume they were equipped with rebreathers.

No, poisoning the air in their lungs was not an option.

So be it for the peaceful route.

In a blinding flash, the assassin's frame snapped back to its original form, devoured by the very flames which burned within him. He offered them little room to react to such a thing, and the cracking whip of his rope dart sliced through the tense air, the wicked curved blade slicing through the armor with its superheated edge outright. A single motion, one poetic brushstroke, splintered the tac-pad-wielding arm from the shoulder and painted the walls in a streak of blood. A scream of surprised pain burst from the woman, one deafened only by the reflex of her comrade. Thunder bellowed its wrathful howl in the space, lead sent crashing into the center mass of their target.

The force was enough to stagger him backward, his own rotten ichor splattering the artwork he had only just created, sullying the precise image he wished to maintain. His body pressed against the wall and, in his typical fashion, though he felt no pain, he shook his limbs and frame as though pain overwhelmed him. Knees crashed into the hard floors. His armored chest next. And then, the hooded head. He coaxed himself to remain still, feigning death where such wounds were of little consequence to him entirely.

<"C-check for vitals, move to restrain..."> the officer stuttered, grasping at the cauterized stump of an arm she had left, <"Confirm kill, standby.">

Chimera lay with the stillness of the dead, milky eyes watching the ink pool grow around him.

<"Confirming..."> the much more hesitant voice of a younger man crackled over him. He felt a shadow wash across his back. Pressure wormed by his hood, nosing through his clothing to compress the long-dead artery in his neck. <"Checking pulse... I've got nothing, Captain.">

<"Cuff him, no risks. The assassin has been slain, we have no evidence of vital signs on scan or physical touch. We will cuff him, dispatch containment and medical teams to my position, immediately.">

More radio chatter in his ear.

The assassin lay in wait, counting the passing seconds in his mind until both shadows settled over him.

<"Light, look at this guy... are his fingers rotting? Look at that Captain, his whole hand- urk!"> Blood spewed from the man's helmet before he could finish his words. The same skeletal hand clutching the hilt of his curved blade, its guard now buried deep beneath the chestguard of the inferior officer.

Before his superior could call for a dismissal of her previous order, she shared the same fate.

The assassin rose from his crouch and stooped over to pick up the severed limb, swiftly sliding the pad from its mount and navigating the various commands and interfaces until he found what he was after.

And at once, each heavy door hissed, hoisted right back upward where it belonged.

Thus he went, rushing through the hall yet still.

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KILL Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , All Jedi


She didn't think.

The Jedi charged forward with a battle cry escaping her lungs. She leapt over the rumble in a single swift movement, clearing the debris below with her saber in hand as she fell upon him.

“You’re not a Jedi yet.”

He extended his palm into the air and attempted to exercise his will upon the empyrean. Letifer attempted to freeze the apprentice midair through the power of Force Stasis, he arched his arm back as if to let loose his own blade from his hand, but the moment never came. The Sith assassin was suddenly ensnared by the bounding grasp of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze .

Eyes wide open, the Sith struggled in anger to break free. His motor functions seemingly deadened, locked up in place like an engineless speeder. He could feel the hate welling up within him, he just needed to free himself, just needed to kill.

As he was locked into place, open to any whom would finish him, his eyes freely moved forth into the dark thick clouds of smoke and debris as he sensed.. ‘power’. Letifer internally laughed aloud, his haunting voice trailing through the vocabulator as a pair of gleaming red eyes pierced the veil. The dreaded form of Darth Mori approached from the wreckage of discord, in her wake an unseen change in the empyrean current, a wind carrying with it his chains that bound him as he felt his motor functions return to him.

Within seconds of freedom his eyes gleaned forth upon the flickering image of the Sith Lord upon the Jedi, her brazing sword thirsty for the blood of the Lightsworn. The Sith assassin roared , immediately following suit to join the fray alongside the Sith Master before him.



The Sith Cultist tightened his balled fist held behind his back and turned, shifting his angered gaze to his Deck Officer and Vice-Admiral standing at the ready. Lifting his freehand he stretched out and pointed into the vast vacuum of which they engaged the enemy. His balled fist rose into open view for the two high ranking members of his staff to see in his moment of extreme displeasure.

“Why haven’t you blasted those fighters into oblivion!?” The Final Dawn Admiral cried out in rage.

The Vice-Admiral proudly puffed up his chest Sith disciplined stature, “Those heavy fighters are making swift erratic movements, unorthodox methods our point defense weaponry is having trouble targeting. Our TIE’s are performing under maximum efficiency standards.”

Aldo dropped his fist and pointed finger, his eyes filled with anger faded away as he straightened his posture. He was silent, staring at the proud Vice-Admiral who offered little reprieve to their situation and instead offered yet more excuses. The Sith Cultist smiled offering a change to a more warm demeanor, “I see.”

Admiral Garrick stepped forward, wrapping his arm around the second-in-command in comrade fashion. His left arm wrapped tightly around the officer who offered little beyond what his disciplined conditioning taught him, more stunned by the sudden breach of character for Garrick than anything else. With a swift slight of hand, the Admiral’s right hand fell to the Vice-Admiral’s holstered blaster and removed it.

Flash. Two bursts of crimson light illuminated the officer’s chest at close range before his body plummeted onto the ground, lifeless.

“Get this filth out of my sight. The Final Dawn does not tolerate the weak, destroy those fighters. No excuses!”

He spun around and marched back to the viewport as two deck hands eagerly and emotionlessly came forth to retrieve the still warm corpse from the Bridge for disposal. Garrick looked out the viewport overlook and scowled, “Bring in the interceptors, reroute two squadrons from the enemy screen to the ‘


Meanwhile over Coruscant..

The World Devastators descended, peeking through the thick clouds to look upon the magnificent cityscape below and spiraling towers that normally would glisten in the light. The beauty of such was never lost on those who approached the Queen of the Core, today that beauty would be stripped clean by the Brotherhood of the Maw.

As the skilled Warriors of the Alliance and the forces led by Lt. Vile of the New Imperial Order approached ready to engage the powerful and hearty World Devastators, the heavily armored and shielded vessels let loose their garrisons from their hangars. TIE’s and Divine Eagle heavy fighters swarmed out from the inside of the vile warcrafts. They moved to engage the enemy, forming an intensive firefight in the skies above Coruscant.

The World Devastators would buckled down and take whatever we’re thrown their way, activating tractor beams and firing the molecular furnaces as they came closer and closer to the surface. While the majority slowly approached the surface one managed to close in on one of the glistening spires. Immediately metal twisted and groaned audibly in a ferocious roar, duracrete shattered and glasteel fragmentation’s exploded outward. The powerful grip of the hungering behemoth greedily fed on the once beautiful monument as it tore itself apart and was sucked upward into the great maw of the World Devastator ‘Tu’teggacha’s Mercy’.

The stakes had been raised.

Fleet Actions:
(1) Ordered 2 squadrons of TIE/fd advanced fighters to engage Revenant Squadron.
(2) Watched WS-1 World Devastators descend further into Coruscant's atmosphere, deploys fighters to engage enemy. ‘Tu’teggacha’s Mercy’ begins devouring city.


He had always adhered to honour, when in combat. A single opponent, though reality was oft unforgiving in that manner. Martial skill with a blade was the go to, but it was typically a handheld weapon. No tricks, save for the expertise illustrated when handling the blade. Konrad - wherever he had gone - had never adhered to the Way. He rejected it in favour of winning, than a respectable fight. Abhorrent, but he had had the mettle to persevere nonetheless.

Besides, his existent made for the metaphorical wrench, for a warrior should be able to adapt to any situation, or at the very least, make the best of it.

Combat evolved with the Force however, that much was obvious when he had ambushed them. They were skilled practitioners, their prowess only amplified by the gift, it was expected that they'd use it. Strength enhancement, speed, it was akin to a stim, or a steroid of a kind, but what she had done...

Unexpected, it did not abide by the Blade.


The glowing orbs that burned in his skull were only hateful. Jedi perversion, that was what it was. How was it fair? How could he beat that, he wondered in the recesses of his mind where the pain did not reach. How could he defeat a Jedi, if their tricks were what kept them ahead? His beliefs and taught tenets that kept him restrained from untapped potential?

Even as they made eye contact, his head twisted to look away. His eyes shut as he reached into the depths to summon the vestiges of strength he had left to regather himself. His bodies screams, given voice by his vocal chords were hoarse. He could not stomach his own weakness, he was better off dead. Left here, forgotten on account of his failure.

Failed before he had even begun.

The sporadic thoughts raced through his mind, never leaving him a moment of conscious thought that lingered in one place for too long. The Hebo Estate, the Stars, past prides and shames.

It was in those moments where he recognized that they were what defined him. The moves he made were the things that people would remember.

Even as his body tensed, conditioned by the very same pain he felt revisited, he fought to raise up. The echoes of her words soft, but deafening in his ears.

“I’m sorry.” Ishida whispered too late.
“I’m so sorry.”
He could speak a thousand words, Qiy'on felt. To lambast her with hatred, and crawl over to her and strangle the life out of her body. To offer his heart, to truly make her understand why he as doing what he was doing. Even as his mouth opened to speak, throat dry, nothing came out, not even as she dragged herself across the ground to come closer. Weakly- no, apologetic.

It was not until he saw his blade protruding from her leg did his eyes widen again. Reminded of the crazed look, the determination, the strength it took for her to push through it. He was both shocked? Proud and yet hateful, impressed, yet jealous, of what she had achieved. No, she was not Ashina the Weak, nor was she the Coward.

He reached an unstable and trembling hand into his robes and produced the severed Ashina Clan Symbol pendant. It shivered as he pinched the singed fabric. Trembling as he dropped it between them. With every move he made, new pain dragged across him - the glass trapped in his padded robes - though it was secondary to the pain that pulsed from his clavicle. That wound...

All others faded in its wake, and it reminded him of why he was here now.

His unmarred hand clenched to his chest, as if that might stave off the pain as he shifted - away from her - and wavered as he rose up to his feet.

Pain emanated from his throat, choking, but he fought through it, even as he stumbled, unable to breathe. His body straightened, though hunched, and he stared those sulfuric daggers into her soul.

He stared at the girl he once called Sister, who he had striven to make accept him through skill with a blade. His eyes dropped, staring at his blade... His blade, lodged in her leg. And his jaw set, clenched as his one good fist clenched. The other, almost severed by the bicep leaked blood higher up the arm, where her saber had almost taken his arm off entirely. It hung limply, he did not care, even as his sight, the reminder, brought that burning pain back to the forefront of his mind.

"Keep...It." He said in regards to his merit. The blade he had been gifted. Aside from himself, it was the last true physical testament to his ties to her and her family. She was the Heir, if she did not want him, then he was gone.

His hand raised, reaching out, and his helmet was wrenched from the corner he had thrown it in. The rocket boots came to life soon after, and he raised, clenching his wounded arm to his torso and flew off into the fire filled skies.

Everything he lost today, he could have back.

Take back.


Issue #15 - vol finale


His mind was torn in a thousand directions, quickly degrading his focus. Jem's reckless disregard of her own life (not too different from his own M.O, sadly), the state of their evacuation through the underground and Aeris' troubling lack of response, Anja Doreva Anja Doreva 's cruel and (somewhat expected) treacherous appearance, struggling to control the sudden surge of the Force within, and the New Sith putting the sacred Temple and Coruscant to the torch. Months spent investigating the Sith's infiltration through the ranks of the Alliance, chasing Letifer's specter from one world to another in a fruitless pursuit, right after returning from their victorious, albeit costly, Stygian Campaign against the Sith Empire - an unmatched experience which should've made him more prepared for this.

Should have but it didn't.

Somehow the home advantage was lost to him. A mere candle against a ravenous squall.

His free hand was about to spring forward and push Letifer away through the Force, keep him separated from Jem, but it was his lightsaber that snapped in a desperate guard against a sudden sword of steel locking the two blades. The plasma scorched against its iron surface but melted nothing. Alchemy. Strained, blue eyes darted from the blades to the new assailant. Sulfuric gaze, orbs of molten on a pale surface gravelled with corruption, met his. There was an unholy, underlying charm beneath the repugnant hold of the dark side, not too different than Danika's but somehow more... wrong. What Bogan did to its servants' flesh paled in comparison to its wicked corruption of their hearts and minds. The prettier the face, the sicker the brain. Azrael's law.

Her appearance shrouded his vision from Letifer and Jem, leaving him completely out from the slanted fight. That had to change. One hand slipped away from his hilt and feigned a Force push, before he launched himself in a sideward salto above and over the newcomer, then swept kick at her heels to topple her down flat.

ALLIES | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENGAGING | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer | Darth Mori

Location: Coruscant, the Jedi Temple; Courtyard
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Their duel had transformed, at least momentarily into a verbal spar. Vanagor spoke once Kol had concluded however the Dark Jedi was unmoved by much of what the Jedi Master had to say. The Jedi Master was also incorrect, especially when it came to his initial comment about Kol being afraid of his rage.

Rage was a part of Kol, the Dark Hunter was a part of Kol's psyche. It would exist there forever, Kol exercised control over it the majority of the time however it occasionally snuck out. When the Dark Hunter was dominant the normally calm Dark Jedi became filled with his rage, sometimes Kol would have to wrestle with that part of his psyche to regain control. Vanagor had seen some of that but now Kol was in control again.

Out of the rest of what was said when Vanagor touched on how he was a Jedi because he chose to be this did resonate with Kol. The Dark Jedi chose his path, he chose to stay the course. In that sense the two of them were no different.

As Vanagor began to move Kol, whose almost complete focus was on the Jedi Master picked up the side stepping motion. He didn't attempt to counteract Vanagor's movements, instead Kol just turn on the ball of his foot so that he could remain center with his enemy. Since speaking Kol had remained largely quite but he took a moment to correct the Jedi Master about one thing...

"Don't you see the irony in everything you've just said? If the Sith have said the Jedi will fall for thousands of years than the Jedi have done the same concerning the Sith. This is a failure of both ideologies and it has created a war that will never end." now Vanagor was walking towards Kol, the Jedi Master might note that the outline of the Dark Jedi's form seemed almost blurry then. Instead of reaching for the 'Dark Sacraments' Kol would outstretch his arms to either side of him almost as though he were welcoming Vanagor to attempt striking him down now that he'd reactivated his lightsaber. It could be that Kol was attempting to bait Vanagor in leaving the question of how the Jedi Master would respond.

One thing seemed ultimately clear however, Kol had no intention of leaving and that tone aggravation hinted at in Vanagor's voice was another success unto itself.​


PINGS | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

— 868 BBY, 500 Republica, Galactic City, Coruscant.

Nukth let a discreet grin appear on his face, as he heard the beast's roar. Finally, this Sergeant and those Wookies were not bad men. They were professional, like he and his Banshees. As Maw's minions went to crash themselves on the covering, Kappa was protecting Banshees' positions with their 12.7 Machine Guns from Dalness Manufacturings. Veersov and Kieph'err platoons were with Nukth, waiting for a breakthrough from the Maw, but nothing went to them. A commando had been declared down and Nukth rushed on him while he was calling a medic on his position. He took the soldier in his arms and reassured him:

"Everything's gonna be oski. Just stay here, with me, little boy."
"Uuuh... Cap... I think it's time for me to go..."
"Don't say that!"
Kelga'an interrupted him. "Wait for your medic."
"He's here, Cap!"
he said, browsing the last meters to join his position. "It's my job, now, sir."

Kelga'an nodded and called two soldier to replace the one who was down.

"A'right. Veersov, come with me: we're gonna kill those motherfuckers. Let's fight!"

A concert of 'Yes sir!' was heard on the battlefield's back and, in a few seconds, the commandos were with their Captain, ready to engage the Maw as soon as possible. Nukth jumped over a barricade and the soldiers immediately followed him, zapping all those who wanted to stop them in their progression. Quickly, Kelga'an lost his men's sight in the battle, taken by the plasma cloud that came over the battlefield. Nukth grunted but continued his progression in the enemies' ranks. After a few minutes -- maybe it was hours? -- he encountered a Sith. Immediately, he activated his speakers and said:

"A Sith?! Ahah! Time for a revenge!"
"I can feel this rage, this anger in you. Accept it! Use it! Come on!"
"To us both, bastard!" he replied.

Kelga'an put the explosive maser on his rifle's barrel and sent two bullets in his direction, trying to disorientate him in the beginning of the fight. The Sith easily dodged his attack and quickly approached him to replied with a saber stroke. Surprised, Nukth was pushed backwards, hitting some dead corpses during his fall. Not discouraged, he stood up and came to his senses while the second stroke was coming to him.

"Not this time." he thought.

At the last moment, he dodged on the left and he sent a kick in his stomach. The Sith staggered but quickly sent others stroke accelerating the rhythm. The Captain took some hits but stood up as he could, trying remain proud in front of his enemy. He was breathing with difficulty, but he was not dead for all that. The Sith walked back on a few meters, observing his prey because he thought that he was going to die... in just a second... But Nukth did not agree with that. He threw himself on the warrior, his knife ahead, hurting the Sith as he could while he was dodging his strokes. He finally disarmed his enemy but this one took his right wrist and also disarmed Nukth. The Captain let out a rattle and threw his punch is his enemy's face, linking it with other punches. The Sith replied with strength and Nukth returned to the charge aggressively, trying to take the lead of the fight, but his enemy took out a Cortosis sword.

"It's time for you to leave us!"

Nukth smiled, taking out a thermal detonator and activating it in the same time. As the sword pierced his tummy, the Captain put the detonator in the Sith clothing and gave a headbutt to him. The grenade exploded and Kelga'an had been thrown ten backward. He expired, while taking the sword out of his corps. He was injured but still conscient.

"Now, it's mine."
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Issue #3



The word rang in a wicked mix of voices - those of his grandfather, father, and himself. All supported by the Great Galactic Orchestra of Sneer in the background.

It was, after all, truly pathetic. Buried under rubble by a mass driver's shrapnel, crawling out of this pitiful tomb to the freedom of reeking sewer. Long gone were his infant years to run into the warm, shielding embrace of his mother. Only contempt drove him to squirm through the cramped-up sewage. He busied his mind from the repugnant crud through which he plodded by thinking of all the ways he would murder that Ashina imposter. The HUD feedback on his domino mask told tales of the Maw unleashing World Devastators upon the Coruscant and he could care less. If that meant the death of this pleb, then so be it.

And so he marched and marched, the Demon's Head, descendant of the Old Man of the Mountain, grandson of He-of-Two-Horns, the One Who Is All, destined to usher the galaxy into a New Age, but merely ushered his beat up form through the galaxy's slop instead. How anticlimactic.

Upon emerging from a hole open in the ground and finding Ishida drowned in blood and-- tears?! Tears, HA! The spite finally found an outlet. The weavers of the galaxy smiled upon the young assassin - she basking in glory and he basking in dross would not be! It was not that Konrad was a giving person per se, but his generosity in sharing his misery was unmatched. His drew an excessive amount of air, filling up his lungs in preparation to unleash a torrent of sneers, snides and disparaging mockery upon his former classmate but the more his eyes remained locked on the pathetic figure of the Prized Daughter, the Heir of the famed Ashina Clan, the more his cursed memory drew out his own moments of failure. Figments of uncountable times Konrad lay on his knees, heaving, and a head unwilling to separate itself from the dirt until the tender arms of his mother wrapped around his downtrodden form.

In the grand scheme of things, they were ephemeral at best. And it's what made them all so priceless.

And thus, the raging thunder of mockery to be let loose upon this inane puritan was stolen from underneath his feet and his second wind followed thereafter.

What was supposed to be a hammering tirade emerged merely as a pinching remark, a compliment by the standards of a rather socially inept teenager, "Stop wailing like a moulting porg, Ashina - it's embarassing. Even for you." he cleared his throat and added, "somehow you've exceeded my expectations - you are alive."

ALLIES | Me, myself, and I
HEADACHE | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
ENEMIES | He Who Was Lost He Who Was Lost



The High Regent's gaze turned to meet that of the Vice Chancellor. The bureaucrat of bureaucrats. Aerarii Tithe. A vivid remainder of how vile and disgusting the cancer that infected all democracies was. It wasn't the man himself, however. It was far beyond him alone. "Mister Tithe, do allow me to introduce myself"

"I am Derix Tirall, former Prefect of Anaxes under the late Core Imperial Confederation" The very word Prefect was spoken with venomus intent, a reminder of the failures of the many lords the Core once had. "I advise you not to waste your time attempting to bring up any records of my existence" he warned, "Unlike Sularen I prefer to remain shrouded in mystery"

"Today I am but the High Regent- a rank far above Grand Overseer - of the Final Dawn. Fanatics as they may be, a cult we are not" He touched on the words of the Vice Chancellor earlier, one that accurately described the Maw, not their benefactors. "We are far more powerful than you could possibly imagine"

"By the way, recalling your armadas to reinforce the Home Guard would be pointless, our withdrawal will have already commenced by the time they arrive"

It wasn't an invasion afterall, such an endeavor as that would be idiotic, not to mention impossible. Courscant was valuable, and the Mawites knew that. But to conquer a planet so deep within the territory of the enemy? Without a clearly defined supply line? He sighed. Impossible simply didn't cover it.

"Your skills are of note, Mr. Chancellor" He added the extra emphasis on Chancellor on purpose. Of course he wasn't truly aware of the status of Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra , but it never hurt to take a guess. "Negotiate if you must"


Location: Above the New Jedi Temple
Equipment: Staff of Dakrul, Cursed Gen'Dai Flesh Armour, Dread Blade, Conduit shackle receiver
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw - Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


It was done, destruction imminent. A wrong made right. Tegan Starfall was returned. The twists and turns of fate strung up and roped in, the will of the Avatars manifested. Blessed be their dreams of chaos and fire, praised be their vision of ashes and renewal. These were the moments Dakrul felt closest to the gods. The Heathen Priest was beyond mortal wishes and desires, for he had seen hell, lived, and breathed in it, walked it just a few moments ago. Looking down at the crumbling holy site of these pestering light bearers the necromancer recalled just how vain their struggles of hope were. They would all be burned, charred to the bone, and in the end, nothing but dust would remain, specters of themselves, molecules meant to fuel the endless machinery of life and death. Sparkles among the stars.

He would have loved to indulge the thought but moments later the doors to their ritual site were blown open and figures hushed through, they were here for her. For Tegan, to take the life that had just been returned. Dakrul would see to it they be reminded of the ground on which they walked, the incantations they were meddling with.

As his priesthood huddled around the witch supplying her with the tools that their Master had laid out for her, Dakurl rose to his full height. A tower mess of flesh and steel a face veiled by an iron crown and all his four clawed digits wrapped around his crimson-tipped staff. As Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan and Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim entered the hall of the Mawite ritual pit the cries of the dead erupted. Charred carcasses of those lives burned by the hellfire would begin to twitch, then twist, and lastly with azure glowing eyes in their hides turn their attention at the intruders.

"A floating vessel, vessel, vessel, vessel" Dakrul answered into the mind of the woman before him, projecting images of the scavenged and crafted hauler into her mind. She should now all the details of her whereabouts.

Almost simultaneously the horde of charred undead began their charge towards the door and the newcomers nearby. Those that could walk would run, those that could not would crawl. Each of the two dozen or so rampaging corpses implanted with the sole goal of extinguishing the flames that kindled the lifeforce of the two creatures before them.

Dakrul would remain beside Starfall, she was to be protected at all costs, not that she couldn't do enough of that on her own but because her gifts of death and destruction could be put to better use elsewhere. The Heathen Priests among the group must have thought the same as they send word over comms to the deck of the ship where a prompt input of buttons began the opening of the large cargo latches of the transporter.

Lights from the city below all of a sudden flooded the atrium in which they all stood. The hauler's huge freight doors swung open behind Tegan and Dakrul at the opposite side of the entrance doors revealing the Jedi temple and the city below. A battlefield to the horizon, a landscape of war.

The Avatars must have been proud, the center of the known galaxy laid in shambles, beaten and broken by their loyal servants.

"Dakrul will send you alllllllll to helllllll" The booming yet scratching voice of the Cha'ta'ri ringing into the minds of all those present in the vicinity.

[Flight Officer Qellene Tyliame]
[Revenant Squadron -- Callsign: "Revenant Ten"]
[REC-AI01 A-wing Interceptor]
[Coruscant - Orbit]

She couldn't breath. Why could she breath?

It wasn't vacuum that surrounded her; No. No. It was liquid-y. Water. Water. Salty water. Pamarthe. It was Pamarthe, again. She was gasping for air, rising above the ocean's stirred surface during exhales; forced under before completing a full inhale. Each time, she fell a sliver closer to a distant sea floor, the water clinging to her clothing and weighing her down further with every bob.

Oh lords- she was laughing. Qellene cackled through tears, giggled amidst screams, tore violently at strained vocal chords while the water tore violently at the rest of her. Then... silence. The laughter cut harshly, accented by the familiar sound of thunder barreling through the heavens. And when the ringing in her ears subsided, she realized that she couldn't laugh anymore. But she was screaming something-- she felt that, knew it for a fact. What? They weren't words that she uttered, Qellene quickly realized. No... she was crying.

And she couldn't stop...

The world reshaped itself around her, once more constricted into the darkened, yet familiar space that composed her A-wing's cockpit. Colors returned, new hues having arisen from terrible greys. Smells came next; sensations. They were pleasant enough at first; short chiming and clicking from the dashboard, and the almost mesmerizing rush of LEDs running down its sides. She blinked-- the sensations rushed to warp immediately, to contort into monstrous clangs, agonizing bursts of color. The Brotherhood fired-- from all sides, the Magnus's shipboard point-defense cannons in front, the salvos of enraged starfighters behind.

“Any time Ten,”

"{Don't Rush M-}" Qellene barked roughly through the static-laden comm channel, cut short as a TIE/fd littered the space around her portside wing with a clatter of bright green. Thankfully, one of the other A-wings caught it amidst its retreat, the sensors reassured her.

She spiraled violently now, came a safe distance above Tren Chaar Tren Chaar 's spinning B-wing before reorienting the A-wing's guns to face a synchronized pair of TIEs. Before either could turn to face their hunter, the massive solar arrays came alight in flame. Qellene's first spray had cut one of the hexagonal panels in half; the other had seemingly perforated an engine, forcing the Brotherhood craft to limp into safety.

She giggled again; not mockingly, but rather painfully. The TIEs had the luxury of a safe retreat, behind the swarms of their allies. Revenant Squadron... Revenant Squadron had no such hope.

Wait. Why were the klaxons sounding now? Qellene listened more intently to the fighter's chirps, at the same time struggling to shoot down her own nearing attackers.
Alright, another TIE broke apart. She spun again, watched another. She had gone through another few salvos before recognizing the sirens' rhythm. Contacts. They were new contacts. She pulled back momentarily, though still kept an eye on the Commander's exposed targeting profile; and searched for answers in the Plan Position Indicators. Oh lords... Her face fell.

"{Hostile Contacts! Bearing One-Sixty - Mark Ten! Two more squadrons. ETA: One minute!}" Qellene repeated the readings quickly into the comms. For the first time in the battle, her voice betrayed noticeable fear; a revelation the flight officer already regretted concerning herself with.

A pause. A short notification informed the entirety of the Alliance fleet of a troubling update.

The World Devastators were breaking through Coruscant's atmosphere. And they were beginning their attack.

Qellene wanted to cry.

Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
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Objective: Dispose enemy forces
Allies: New Sith Order, Brotherhood of the Maw
Nearby Allies: Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
Engaging: Geiseric Geiseric Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Staring along the edge of his lightsaber, Tennacus continued to ponder on the idea of what she might have been, even after she shed light on it. He was not as gullible as to take in first impressions - and exposures - as signs of truth; the epitome of the Sith had thrived from such cunning, deceit and misdirection. But it seemed she was not lying; there was little benefit in telling him otherwise, in any case. He believed her, but mostly because he wanted to. If what she was saying had such truths that he had hoped, then she would have made for an interesting specimen.

The crimson weapon retracted back into the hilt. "Interesting," he started, lowering his arm. "If you wanted to protect the weak and slay the corrupt, then you're certainly in the right place. There's enough politicians in here to free thousands of planets from such shackles." Through victory, my chains are broken. "As confident as you are in your abilities, I recommend leaving such a revolution to the Sith. By the time we've purged this planet of the Jedi, there'll be no one left to oppress the galaxy from freedom. You should have stayed in the Netherworld where you belonged. This is not a fight you can win."

Tennacus was not as blind as to be baited so easily into instigating the battle. She may not have had a weapon to grasp in her hand, but she was still a creature he knew little about. He had seen but a mere fraction of her potential. If he wanted to outwit her, he needed to tread lightly - and observe keenly.

The dark side poured out of him in an intangible tide, splashing over the six corpses dotted around him. Where they were once lifeless in their defeat, they suddenly rekindled animation, contorting broken limbs and snapping into place broken necks twisted from formation at the hands of such vicious lightning. Simultaneously, they rose up from death around the Sith Lord, crooked postures and stances brought on by fractured limbs that strained on dead muscles. Death might have dawned upon them, but to a Sith, such an aspect was never absolute. And with weapons raised, they were ready to instil a death from which the Sith Lord had unnaturally pulled them from. Through the Force, there were no limitations. Through the dark side, there were no shackles.

The Force shall set me free.

"Maybe you can all return to the Netherworld together."

Tennacus gave the unspoken order for them to loosen their blasters. One among them lunged out of the crowd towards her. Within its hands, two grenades ticked with rapid scarlet lights, accelerating with each passing second.


Whispering Swarm
Objectives: Unknown
Allies: New Sith Order
Enemies: Jedi (Open)

Tennacus could feel the creatures through the Force, their connection strengthened by a hunger sought out by the deaths of several enemies who dared to stand before them. Such savage slaughter came to them as second nature; and if not controlled, they would certainly know no bounds. But there were some among them who did. Some among them who knew how to be cunning, much like the Sith Lords to whom they served loyally. Not only had they been domesticated, but also trained - vigorously. They served to a greater purpose other than mindless killing; if Tennacus truly wanted that, he wound have sent a hundred more to carry out such a task. No, these particular creatures had a goal. Killing enemies who stood in their way was just a means to an inevitable end.

Four of the beasts regrouped further within the Jedi Temple, making their way to the infamous archives where the dark side drew ever stronger. They were after something. Something they had been trained to snuff out, drawn to it through a connection embedded deep into their cores, serving as a hunger no amount of feeding could quell. The archives laid just ahead of them; pheromones alerted for the rest to regroup and follow in suit. The more that would get there, the more they could delve into a longing that only the dark side could satisfy.
Master San Tekka staggered through the maelstrom to his comrade's side. One arm hung useless while the other kept pressure on scorched armor plating. Searing pain lanced through his abdomen where Darth Caelitus had once more pierced the Jedi's guard. Zark was never a master duelist and even empowered by the Light he'd been overcome by a clever riposte.

He was exhausted. His connection to the Force nearly spent, the battlemeld began to fade. Still Zark could feel enough strength left within to reinforce Cotan's flickering barrier while the Judge served as a lightning rod for supernal torment. Together with Halketh they both formed the eye of an unnatural storm. One that might quickly grow out of control and destroy the entire temple.

"If you cannot reach him," he wasn't even sure Sar'andor could hear the Jedi Master's words, "I must do what is necessary. For all our sakes!"

Zark could barely raise the lightsaber hilt still clutched in a haggard palm. Marching beyond their barrier toward the maelstrom's source would most likely be a death sentence, but he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: HPI Tower, Coruscant
Objective: Stop the ritual.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Enemies: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Dakrul Dakrul
[ Fire and Blood ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Last time, I intentionally let you kill me because I had to die for the task. But now the Sith and the Maw are both enemies to us." she said in a cold voice.

The Empress had already arrived late and paid more attention to the events outside, so she did not feel the deaths of those on board, she didn't really focus on that. Ingrid followed the woman, she felt exactly the same as the other woman. Death, blood, and depravity. Death can often be pure, simple, but here it was dirty, corrupt. She always strived for this, even when she developed death and murder to an artistic level. As an Assassin, she had her own ambitions. The sensors of her biochip indicated a quantum bomb on board.

Feth! She knew that the person who had detonated such a bomb at Byss was now in Maw's service. It took a long time to find out who it was. She may be wrong, but Ingrid had a feeling the two things had something to do with each other. Not many have been crawling with such a bomb in the galaxy. Especially not in the Maw's circles.

"I think this is the ship of the one who detonated the quantum bomb at Byss. There is also a bomb on this ship. And before you might ask, no, it was not our man and I would never have let it be used." she said softly to Elpsis honestly.

He could feel the auras appearing, and Elpsis did the same to Ingrid at Byss. It was not a pleasant encounter when the woman shot her too, even though she had armour. She's seen the bomb here. If it explodes here, there will be far more casualties than on Byss. Ingrid, meanwhile, sent a quick message to Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe via MANIAC, in thought.

<< Vice Chancellor, this is Ingrid L'lerim; I'm here on one of the enemy ships, they have a quantum bomb, I think the same person who used a similar bomb at Byss. Try to order an evacuation… I will try to neutralize the bomb. Take care of yourself, old friend! >>

~ I try to take the bomb to the Netherworld before they detonate it. ~ she sent a telepathic message to Elpsis.

The undead had to be disappointed, Ingrid didn't really have a life-force, as a semi-Force Entity, the Force formed her body. But she had no intention of caring for the undead. The woman, too, was a necromancer, and souls were her specialty. Her work was far more sophisticated than this barbarism. Concentrated, she trusted that her current partner would take care of them with the flames. Because she had to be fast, she had already absorbed a lot of the forces nearby anyway; it was time to use them. She uttered a few words on ur-Kittât, but she still remained neutral in the Force. After a brief concentration, Ingrid teleported behind the bomb.

Some of the undead had already gotten there and scratched her or just tried to bite her, but after the teleportation there Ingrid arrived alone for the bomb. She looked at the couple, the crazy priest, and the crazy witch with ice-cold blue eyes. The red-haired woman touched the bomb, uttered another word of ur-Kittât, releasing the spell, her strength much stronger and more powerful than that of the Byss, much improved. For a moment everything was covered in shadows, then the Eternal Empress presumably arrived with the bomb in one of Netherworld's most empty areas, presumably alone…



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