Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine


DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

Poor blind luck for them to be stuck like this, it was a dam sight easier when one had the comfort of their command post and a plethora of units. But instead, Tal and his band were fighting in the blood-streaked steel halls of the senate building, defending a chokepoint like it were the last gate to Galidraan itself. Except with the rest of the planet engulfed in fire and misery, Tals own predicament looked quite rosy. But with the sheer amount thrown at them, they'd need something bigger and more explosive to deal with it more permanently.

Tals patience was met with the bloodied sword clad visage of Lord Barran joining him in repelling another charge, the two working in the same clockwork-like symmetry they'd mastered so well on countless battlefields. With the Mawite assault receding temporarily, Tals question to Barran was answered with an abrupt no toward having any grenades. Putting the pair in an awkward predicament, Tal paused and looked down either which hallway, before looking towards the mountain of corpses and gore from which the Maw had tried to push through.

"I'd say one needs to procure a canister or three, but where old sport?"

These creatures didn't know when to quit entirely, and if he wagered so, they'd be crawling over him and whatever remained of his bodyguard unit and Barran by the time dawn arose. Not that Tal wished to theorise on what those bald cultists would do to his corpse, but such thoughts did not conjure up pleasantries, to say the very least. Then an idea emerged, one that was stupid but effective and could only be born of sheer creativity or desperation.

"What about the canisters in the kitchens? Those things have enough fuel to set half those buggers on fire, and perhaps the senate building with it."

Why did he care?

It wasn't his building.





| NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-huggers
ENGAGING: Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
3/4 Company of Legion of Bone among which is 1/2 force Ash Hellions - All led by General Samron Gerron Legate Aether Ferris
The Fortuna in orbit


Tear-filled eyes watched as Samron's limp form was carried out of the library.

When the escort left the room, Danika turned her attention back to the task at hand. The Jedi had, surprisingly enough, conjured a barrier to contain the impervious hellspawn that had crippled the Falleen.

Contain or protect?

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry that you felt the need to attack the library and archives. And I apologize that I assumed that I knew why you were here.”
Danika's glassy eyes narrowed as she turned them on the Consular, anger and resentment blossoming within her. Slowly, she rose to her feet, swaying slightly from the exhausted head-rush.
"Your pity means nothing to me. Not while someone I hold very dear, is fighting for his life because the Jedi rely on feral beasts instead of the Light Side." she sneered as she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. "Your dear archives would have been a nice to have, but they are not my end goal." Indignation at the whole situation, the reason she was here in the first place, stirred within her. It caused the bottomless Abyss to slowly ebb into existence again within her once more.

She glanced at the Padawan still locked behind the barrier before looking back at the other woman.
"Let him out. My men will stand down, as I promised. But let's see how innocent your little protegee really is." she said before looking back at the boy, a knowing light in her eyes.

She almost wanted him to lash out at her.

Just to topple certain Jedi from their high horses.




'I'd say one needs to procure a canister or three, but where old sport?'

<"Meion to Four-Nine! We have your right flank covered for now, adjust and link accordingly if you can!">

<"Copy that, sir! Good luck up there, Four-Nine out!">

'What about the canisters in the kitchens? Those things have enough fuel to set half those buggers on fire, and perhaps the senate building with it.'

And with that, and a singular sad glance at the DT who didn't make it, the old lords ran off in the general direction of the kitchens, encountering little-to-middling resistance along the way; and though they were in the midst of the fight of a lifetime, the nostalgic Galidraani nobles were making steady and successful work of it as they brawled, shot, slashed and stabbed their way to the kitchens. With the support of the three remaining Red-Jackal bodyguards, the path to the kitchens, though confused as to where the kitchens might be on a couple occasions, would be cleaved open with assured cohesion from all who dared fight their way through the masses of Mawsworn in the process. If the people back home were to see, or even remotely to hear tell of the endeavours of the Galidraani delegation under fire, they would scarcely believe what they were seeing or hearing of the encounter; news like the Battle for Galactic City would reach the farthest corners of the Galaxy, and though the people of the Free-State would know of it, the common archetypal Calavaran would find such things unbelievable without being there to see such actions with their own eyes.


Rushing through the gloom of the dim-lit Senate building's central hallways, and clearing up whatever space they tread upon along their way, the unshaken, booming voice of the Woad was spurring the others by means of bringing the wilder qualities out from within his brothers in arms, by means learned through decades of near-death experiences and struggles for survival of almost every variety. The only one of the remaining five Galidraani who understood this as well as Lord Erskine would be the Lord-Protector himself, encouragements that Barran was glad he wouldn't need to express as they fought for every relevant corner of the Senate building on their way to the kitchens, a journey that would end up being even shorter than they all thought; aided by one of the chefs peeking out to see if they were safe to flee yet or not, the door was just ajar enough to reveal cooking utensils hanging from a rack behind the curious cook in question, giving the aristocrats' DT-guardsmen every excuse they needed to clear a path for their commanders.


Tal would burst through the small gap first, shoulder-shunting the peeking chef out the way to make room for Barran and the others as they laid down covering fire and barricaded the door behind them, using all the nearest counters and cookers to the door itself as Lord Erskine shot and stabbed through each new axe-chopped breach the attackers created in the process. Taking up the slack from there, the chefs would finally elect to defend their kitchens properly, stepping on top of the chest-high barricade and chopping every arm that dared reach though, wielding broad, sharpened meat-cleavers that allowed the Galidraani defenders enough time and safety to plan their next steps in the desperate defence of the Senate building. Once again, Lord Erskine would make a joking show of lazily looking around for anything that might make a big enough explosion under the right conditions, then pointing and wheezing with laughter at the desperate swiping of the cooks before calming himself enough to query,'So what d'you reckon? Gas, maybe cleaning materials with an incendiary primer? You're definitely on the money in this place anyway.', steadily beginning to express genuine interest towards the Lord-Protector's plan as the puzzle-pieces started fitting together.




'No gawnty lie, Aron.... The latter option sounds mare akin ti oor stubborn nature than the former ever will', Lord Erskine said in reply to Lord Aron's veiled friendly warning in apprehensive foresight. Gowrie was beginning to show a hint of anger in his demeanour, gritting teeth in anticipation of hearing his friend and duelling-rival turning rogue, but what the Tuath didn't know was that the Woad's intentions were on a completely different wavelength entirely, and that Barran had every intention of seeking a solution that worked to the benefit of all the Imperials fighting for ground against the Mawsworn hordes. Holding up a cautionary hand for room to speak, Barran would consider Gowrie's temper as he said,'The times are changing around us, aye.... But what happens when those same folk who reject our doctrine call for it once more? And what of the duellists among us? Can ye no retain enough seniority to call out a singular opponent? I see no reason why ye shouldn't.', holding the Tuath's gaze with unwavering intensity.

'As long as no toes are being tread on, an' as long as a Laird's presence gives courage to Imperial hearts, ceremonial duties need not remain such if the situation calls for it.... Like the Heartlands, which will be soon by the way. Rest assured o' that.'

With eyes rolling in begrudged acquiescence, the Kellas would take that small mercy for what it was worth, also taking solace in the fact the Stormchaser was admitting that he would no longer serve as Lord-Aron's duelling gatekeeper as a result; for a rare moment it had to be if his greatest rival would allow the Ancestral Chieftain-Governor over all Tuatha to get closer to attaining his natural advantage once more, especially after seeing how close their fifth and,"Final", duel had been before the Cairn-Chieftain of the Heartlands' cunning snatched victory out from underneath his Tuath-born friend. 'I suppose it will have to do, Erskine. Better than nowt, I guess.', the Kellas began, briefly pausing to step towards and past Erskine for a short respite from the biting northern winds, and to continue without straining his voice in the chatter between them. As soon as they were both standing shoulder to shoulder, Gowrie took a second to take a look on the scabbard of the sword that carried him farther than both of the duels between them that resulted in inconclusive draws, then looked back up to Erskine and drawled,'An' besides - no like ah can dae anything aboot it noo, eh?', to which the Lord-General chuckled in reply.

'Nonsense! You heard me, so ye did! You've got the freedom t'duel any foe ye want noo, mah hint wasn't that thinly veiled, honestly.... You could even challenge for a,"Best o' Seven", if ye wanted, so dinnae gies none o' yer defeatism. No at this stage o' the game, no for the first time in yer life. Understand?'
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Location: Senate Building

Tags Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Objective: "Collect" Heinrich


Shining armor glistening in the heat of blaster fire Romund made his way room by room within the halls of the senate building. Firstly to crush any resistance he came across. He led the charge with his small platoon of mobile clones. Sadly their jump packs wouldn’t work as well in the close off indoor environment. So most of them kept a patrol of their exit if things got a little too dicey inside the senate building.

By this point Romund heard the commotion from deeper inside the building. It rumbled to it’s very foundation. A ship had managed to hit the building it sounded like. Either some sort of fanatic hit the building with him still inside or there was a freak accident. Nonetheless it provided an excellent distraction for him to cut down the senate guards he was currently facing off against. Echoes allowed him to hear the battle cries of others loyal to the Maw.

Using the force to guide his speed and movements he blitzed down the halls of the building, all the while his clone soldiers outside radioed in to make sure that he was okay. Reassuring them that he was, he met up with the other “Mawsworn” close to the main senate chambers.

That’s when he saw it, standing between him and his goals. A man in armor with an emerald blade coming into the scene as well. The other mawites didn’t seem too keen to engage yet. Even with their fanaticism. Romund didn’t recognize the man standing before them. Holding up his hand he signaled to the other mawites to leave the place and to wreak havoc elsewhere. Afterall he didn’t want them killing his senators before he got his hands on them. Backing away the mawites scurried off into other reaches of the building.

Looking at the “knight” before him, Romund spoke. “You… You’re one of those crusaders I’ve been hearing about aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for them to answer his question. “Oh you’re quite the score, possibly a far better find then those senators.” Grabbing both his lightsaber hilts, their bright crimson blades ignited, one in each hand. “I do hope I need not ruin the newest addition to my collection.”

Romund came here looking for senators and their guards to add to his growing collection and displays back home. But freezing a crusader in carbonite might be a higher priority now for him...
Keeper of Secrets


Objective: Find the artifact

Allies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Darth Caelitus, BotM

Enemies: Jedi & allied forces


Not all battles are fought in the open. Lightsabers and shows of strength certainly had their place, but to outwit the enemy was the true key to success. To know their movements, their plans, their very thoughts... that was the true path to victory. Mensis left the rest of his Sith brethren to the more base aspects of warfare. It would be his task to handle the rest.

While the bulk of the focus was on dramatic entrance of the Sith upon the Jedi's doorstep, Mensis took the opportunity to find an alternate route into the temple. The hanger provided him the ideal entry point, allowing him to slink among the ships in silence. He had taken care to mask his presence within the Force, and the battle that raged across the planet would only serve to keep the eyes of the enemy off of him.

His objective was a simple one; there was talk of a particular item hidden somewhere within the temple walls. Whispers of a crystal long since forgotten had reached the Maw, and Mensis was to retrieve it. The task itself may be simple, but he would take care to remain unnoticed. Any Jedi that grew too curious could botch the entire operation, and failure was not an option.

Mensis took a moment to get his bearings, doing what he could to sense the object's location without making his presence known. Through the ether he could finally sense it, allowing him to lock on to its location. From here, he would only have to remain unseen. Moving as silent as the grave, he entered the temple, eager to find the crystal.



Location: senate building

Engaging: Romund Sro Romund Sro

Allies: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , AC, Jedi & allies

Enemies: Sith, BotM


Light of the Seven

Heinrich had been pressing through the halls, attempting to find his way back to his comrades. His progress had been incredibly slowed by the ever-growing presence of the Mawsworn, and though he continued to cut them down, Heinrich saw no end to their assault. That is, until the Sith showed up. Heinrich didn't recognize the man, but he could feel the dark stench of the Bogan around him. With lightsaber in hand, Heinrich pushed toward the stranger as the Mawsworn left them to their own devices.

"I am only a humble servant of Ashla; a soldier that serves in her name."

He slowly raised his blade, taking up a traditional Makashi stance as he prepared himself for his inevitable clash with this new opponent.

"Works for me, you'd have to get through me to get to those senators anyways, Sith."

Heinrich couldn't make sense of the last comment. Could this Sith be a slaver? A serial killer? No... the way that he said 'collection' felt like his victims were sentenced to an even darker fate. Heinrich could sense that, whatever it was, he could not afford to lose this fight...

Nor did he intend to.

"There will be no trophies for you today. The only thing you will find today is defeat."

Heinrich didn't press the attack, opting to hold his ground instead. If the Sith made any attempt to attack or move for the senate chamber, Heinrich would put a quick stop to it. Though his side ached from broken ribs, he would not let this man through.

Get a vehicle.
The Mongrel The Mongrel | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco

Ignatius and Kerri hobbled further down the darkened alley, it was empty, with no vehicles in sight. But it seemed at least to be some sort of apartment complex. At least the back alleys of one. There was very little in the way of any cover, but the main goal at this point was to get as much distance between them and the New Imperials. At least, that was Ignatius' directive. If the stories of this Mongrel were anything close to true to the reputation he held, there was no escaping him. Not at all. Not with his penchant for brutality. Especially without his ruddy letter. "Oi, up ahead!" Kerri gestured with his head to a roller door. The sort typically put on a maintenance entrance, or garage. Ignatius approached, and leaned down, scowling. It was sealed. He slowly got up, searching for some sort of console.

Ignatius eyes trailed further down the alley. A smaller door. That might be a fit. He approached, waving Kerri over. "I couldn't get that one. But there's another." He grunted, still sore from the jolt to the Kings Men. "But I'll see if I can-" He paused as he reached it. It had a console. Well that was something. But there was something else. Stirring. On the inside. Someone was in there. Ignatius swallowed, and raised a finger to his lips. Silence. Ignatius reached to the console, and tried to disconnect it. It was still locking him. He needed to hotwire it. Reaching to his belt, he unholstered his pistol, and took it by the barrel, before repeatedly bludgeoning it against the screen. It crackled and sizzled, as the glass display revealed the mechanism beneath.

Satisfied, Ignatius began to reach in, and disconnect, and reconnect wires. The doors gears, and locking mechanism whirred as he reengineered it, until after the fifth attempt, feeling the low buzz of the current in his greasy, dirty fingers, it opened. The occupants inside began to scream as the door opened. They had not only locked the door, but tried to barricade it with some weak attempt at it. Using cheap plastoid bins stacked together. Kerri took point, and with his non-weakened arm, shoulder charged, it sending the bins clattering to the ground. "Right! Shut ya gobs and I won't 'ave to shoot any of youse!" Ignatius followed very quickly, and entered behind.

What it was clear once they were in, is that they were in some sort of garbage disposal site, slash loading dock. In the far corner of the garage, opposite them was the only vehicle there. A large speeder, still hooked up to the garbage disposal, and with a dumpster hoisted up with prongs. It seemed to be a reasonably advanced model. With it even having a mechanical arm on the side, probably to delicately retrieve and dispose of smaller bins. It was emblazoned, in golden letters "The Hugenot Arms Building". There was a small foremans office on the loading dock, which was occupied by one Pantoran, in a greasy green workman's outfit, with logo which matched the vehicle. And outside of that, two well dressed denizens. Screaming and crying. "Let us in! Let us in!" The woman shrieked over and over.

Kerri raised his pistol at the two of them, "You two, get over 'ere or I blow ya brains out." They turned to face the weequay, petrified of his features. They were both human. And seemed to have been caught up in all this after a high society event. He wore a suit, smart and neat. She was in a dress that glistened a glorious emerald, even in the low light of the loading bay. They were both stunned by what had happened. And raised their hands to Kerri. "Now!" Kerri held the pistol at his hip, "Iggy, get on the truck!" The two clambered down toward Kerri, whimpering.

Ignatius obliged, and approached the large, bulky vehicle. "Alright you three, no one needs to get 'urt here." Kerri warned them, "We are merely 'ere for ya truck, and then we'll be outta 'ere." Ignatius scaled the ladder to the driverside door, and approached it. It was, strange. This locking mechanism, it was different. Rausgeber reached for it, and tried to do the usual. As you would with a LuchsHai, tear off the panelling on the lock and see what to do. But this, this was entirely different. He physically couldn't. Rausgeber snarled as the two hostages whimpered toward Kerri. "Come off of it love," Kerri barked, "Nice and easy. Just sit down right there." Kerri commanded, "But remember, I'm also watching you!" He wagged the pistol at the man in the workman's kit, "You right up there, you silly looking wanker!" Ignatius tried to use the butt of his pistol, to no avail. It seemed, the door was magnetically sealed. "You right Iggy?"

Rausgeber sighed, and dropped from the cab of the speeder. "It won't budge Kerri. The door, it's got some fancy lock on it." Ignatius limped forward, and swallowed, "I haven't seen anything like that before." He conceded, "It's some sort of, magnetic lock. I don't have a pick, anything to break it." He added, grimacing.

"That's cos," The driver from the foreman's office called, "That is a 20-600 series." He paused, "I uh," Kerri scowled at this, "I have the key here." He raised his right hand, and dangled it in front of the screen. Kerri snarled at this development, and with both arms reached to the male of the couple. Wincing as he did so. The man was hauled to his feet. Kerri gripped his right wrist, and pressed his pistol to his back. Ignatius sighed. It was time for the classical standoff. Something he had become increasingly adjusted to since becoming an Auxiliary. Hostage taking and all that.

"Well then!" Kerri barked, tears welled in the man's eyes as Kerri jabbed the pistol further, "How about this matey, you give us the key, and I don't shoot the wankers here dead!" He licked his lips, "Nice and easy there mate." The workman's face was that of horror, but over the next several seconds, formed into something of a determined glare. "You come out that office, and I don't shoot. We get outta 'ere." Kerri then glared right into the Pantoran's eyes, "Don't be a hero."

The Pantoran seemed to consider his options. And then bit his lower lip. "Shoot 'em then." Both hostages cried out in horror. And even Kerri was taken back by this. Staggering somewhat. "Shoot them. See if I care."

Ignatius' eyes widened and he swallowed, he moved to the fore, "I-I don't think you understand, sir, if I may." He put his pistol back on his belt, "My associate here, he is a cold blooded murderer." Ignatius added, "He will, murder both these people, and then you if you do not give us what we want." Rausgeber paused, "He will kill you." Ignatius paused, and softened his gaze, "Please, there needn't be any more bloodshed today."

The Pantoran shook his head. "No, you know what? Kill them." He snarled, "Kill them both, and I'll give you the key!" The workman scowled and glared at the man and the woman, "This is what you get Mose. For paying us jackchit!" Kerri's grip loosened on his hostage, "You stupid prat!" And the man scurried out, standing tall. "Cheapskate, small knobbed twat!"

"Lionel, be reasonable!" The man barked, some ferocity having returned to his voice. "My life, Janice's, they're at stake here! For Force sake boy!" Mose glowered, "Don't be a fool!" Kerri looked at Ignatius, and Ignatius back at Kerri. There was a profound sense of palpable confusion. What exactly had they gotten themselves into.

"There you go again!" Lionel snapped, "Calling me 'Boy', Blueskin, White Hair!" He shook his head, "You always stiffed us Mose, always kriffed us over, you and your stuck up schutta! Askin' fer loyalty, long hours and payin' us pennies on the credit!!" Ignatius looked at him. "Always underpaying us. Always lookin' down at us! Well look now Mose!" Lionel jeered, "Look whose begging who now!"

"Lionel, Lionel!" Mose snapped, "Be reasonable Lionel! We can talk this later, I promise!" Mose added, "Please Lionel, I'll-I'll give you anything! I-I'll get you a new-a new statue! To your Moon Goddess! I'll give you half-No-A million!" Mose begged, "Please, Lionel, please, I'll make it worth your-!" Kerri fired a shot in the man's back and he slumped to the ground, grunting. Janice shrieked before Kerri slammed his boot into her face, smashing it against the duracrete. Ignatius was taken back by how things had shaken out.

"Will you all just shuddup!" Even Lionel, the Pantoran was shaken by this. "Look, kid, do we have a deal or not?" Kerri glared at the Pantoran. Who silently nodded at the two of them. "Iggy, grab the key wouldya?" Ignatius nodded, and approached Lionel, who had opened the door. Ignatius scaled the loading dock to the foreman's office. Another two blaster bolts heralded the end of Mose whose own hair was sizzling from the impact at the top of his scalp.

Rausgeber scaled the stairs, and snatched the key from Lionel's hand. "A pleasure doing business." He offered with the risible imperial contempt he could muster. Blood smearing from his upper lip to chin. He clambered down, and watched as Kerri hoisted the now widowed Janice to her feet, holding her by the glistening jewels adorning her neck. She gagged and fought against the far taller Weequay, who held her very close, shoving her against the door, as he reached for the control panel for it.

"Start 'er up Iggy." Kerri commanded, as Ignatius slid the key up to the lock. It unsealed with a hiss, and a clunk, opening the door. With success in sight, Ignatius clambered up the cab, and began to make himself comfortable. The vehicle's insides were not luxurious. Although it was spacious enough. There was a console for controlling the hydraulics, a driver seat, and room for a third. Ignatius began to take care of clearing some room for himself, Kerri and presumably the Mongrel if they got back to him on time.

"Wait!" There was a call from Lionel, "You uh, you said you'll uh, you'd uh... You'd shoot both of 'em." He had followed both Ignatius and Kerri down, as Janice whimpered, huddled over on her own beneath Kerri. "Cos I mean, she's seen what I did right, ya not gonna-... Ya not gonna let 'er, like, like tell on me, right?" Kerri glanced down at the woman, and then at Lionel. He considered the request for but a moment. Before firing two bolts into Lionel's chest. Killing the Pantoran stone dead. Ignatius rolled his eyes as Janice began to scream again.

"Was that truly necessary?" Ignatius inquired, as he began to start up the motor. He began to familiarise himself with the gauges, bits and bobbles. It seemed presumably Lionel had just been finishing the buildings garbage run, based on the screen which informed him he was at eighty seven percent capacity. "You're not-Gah!" He groaned as he watched Kerri, with his hand around the back of Janice's neck, frogmarch her to the vehicle cab, "You're not actually taking her with us are you?"

"It's leverage lad," Kerri growled, "Ya don't think some stormtroopers are gonna look at Prime Rib Janice 'ere, and start bagging on 'er? She's a lil too pretty and vulnerable for 'at. Aren'tcha there Janice?" She whimpered in response, as Kerri hobbled in, taking the middle seat. And forcing Janice into occupying the seat on the end with a blaster stuck in her hip. "We move in, we pick up the Boss, and use 'er as our lil hostage." He cupped her neck, and began to undo her jewellery, "Plus the glitters she's got," Kerri continued as she continued to sob, "It's a nice check off." Ignatius looked about, and began to lower the dumpster on the front hydraulic, it'd make at least a somewhat decent buffer against any opposition they had.

"Alright," Ignatius revved the engine, and began to slowly move out into the taut alleyway, "Kerri, pilfering aside, see if you can get a handle on that," He gestured to the controls on the hydraulic arm on the right side, "And see if you can get this thing here, swinging maybe... I-I dunno." Ignatius began to rig on the comms unit. He was met with an initial bulletin.

Alert. Alert. This is a Coruscant Civil Defence Alert! All citizens are reminded to stay inside for the course of-" Well that was a bit boring. Ignatius began to change up the channel. Local drive radio? Gone. Local news? Gone. Mixtape? Ooh, there was a mixtape. Ignatius looked over to Kerri who was in the process of tearing out a ruby laden earrings.

"Lets have us a change of pace shall we?" Ignatius mused, he had never really been one for music. Other than the pretentious classics he'd had to learn in order to blend in at dinner parties. As the garbage truck began to trundle, scraping against the wall of the Hugenot Arms Building, a nice little bop began to play.

As Ignatius began to tap the wheel, increasing the pressure on the repulsorlife vehicle's engine, increasing speed, Kerri opened the window, and took in the greasy, repugnant air, "You smell 'at Janice?" The woman, still petrified, and bleeding from both lobes shook her head, "This is adventure." He cackled, "A right good time!"

The dark feeling that washed over the place had been mostly ignored with her mind on other things. But it could not be ignored further as the group held their breath in anticipation of finally seeing what wicked thing was coming down the hall.

There was a faint flicker of eyes from down the way, something darker than the shadows swishing behind a mass of shadows that lazily emerged before the fear that had gripped her lessened.

The unknown danger had a face now.

Terrible beasties no doubt given she had a strong idea that the New Jedi Order didn't use Vornsk in their defense ideas. Her mouth puckered a bit as it came further into the light and revealed a gore covered maw as she waved a hand backwards to the pack of younglings.

"Get to the landing" She hissed as the beast barked and began to pick up speed in their direction.

"If you see anymore danger borks, then pick up the fething pace!" She hollered, drawing her lightsabers as another peaked from around the corner from where the first had emerged.

<"Southeast pad, Vorsnk in the halls. Younglings in possible danger!"> She prepared her final message as she heard the thunder of boots behind her.

"Would you like me to put the odds in your favor?" Arthur spoke suddenly, making Phalsi squeak and jump in surprise.

<<"Please do!.">> She snapped, taking what she figured would be the best defensive stance she could against an animal.

"Very well then."

A door further down slammed shut as the second Vornsk found itself caught between the sealing doors. There was a sickening crunch and screeching sound from down the way. The first vornsk did not seem at all fazed by the demise of the other as it continued its charge with maw wide and yapping.

"Let's rattle, snake." Phalsi hummed, feeling the best moment to strike at hand as she dove forward and under the beast slashing upward. The beasts tail slapped backwards, the other saber prepared as she threatened to dismember the thing.

It seemed better sense won out as the vornsk tucked up and away before landing with a skid and turning toward her. It hesitated, listening to the meal behind it as she snapped a saber off and drew a needle from her belt. It looked back in time to catch the needle in the eye rather than the brain as she had hoped.

The howling of pain reverberating through the halls.

The teen leading the younglings out to the landing pad found the two adultiest-looking adults and waved then down. Travot Ravenna and Zorah Cinsilo was their chosen to wave down as he pointed to the hallway behind them.

"Fals nee dunkin is back there! A vonsk...vorsk...and a mean dog lookin thing is attacking her!" The teen hollered, flustered and near to stammering before he ushered the others along and out of danger.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Objective III : Crisis in the Core

Location: Coruscant's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | NIO | HHA | GA | NJO | SJC | AC | TE | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Atlas Drake Atlas Drake | Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene
ENEMIES | BotM | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Mith'arn'oura Mith'arn'oura | Isabella Pavan Isabella Pavan | Dyans Keto Dyans Keto

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Escort frigate X101-Pride of Anaxes
Commanding officer: Commodore Albrecht Herlock

The two frigates were still fighting. They were delivering blows with all their weapon sysytems but it barey made a scratch. On the other hand, the four Crucufix-class destroyers were making more damage. The Pride's shields were broken on some parts, the hull was breached at some points. The same occured to the Courageous.

"Close all the bulkheads. Send the damage control parties !"

"Aye Sir !"

Some fires had started inside the ship. Most of them were quickly extinguished, but some were still burning, menacing the integrity of the ship.

"Send an ecrypted message to the Silencieux. Tell them to regroup with the Tonnant and the Audacious and to intercept any ennemy craft going to the surface. And signal the Courageous. We are going to retreat in order to do some emergency repairs."

"Aye Sir !"

"And open a channel to the Fatalis, I wish to leave a message to their commander."

"Aye Sir. You may speak now."

"Greetings Taskmaster. I'm Commodore Albrecht Herlock. I may retreat for now but be sure that I'll always be there to try to stop you and inflict damage to your fleet, just like over Csilla and Korriban. Herlock, out."

The Pride and the Courageous retreated from the battle against the four destroyers. They may have left this battle, that didn't mean they wouldn't come back...

Stealth corvette Silencieux
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Lucas Traumen

The small corvette was still firing.They were just under the huge Fatalis, delivering blows but they didn't do any damage. Then, Lucas' console bipped. There was a message incoming from the Pride.

"Sir, the Pride has just ordered us to regroup with the Tonnant and the Audacious and to hunt down any hostile craft."

"Alright. Cease fire and get to the atmosphere. We're no match for the Fatalis."

"Aye Sir !"

The tiny corvette began to gain speed, flying under the Fatalis and soon joined the atmosphere, where it started to hunt down any hostile craft with the help of the Tonnant's starfighters and bombers, wile the Audacious' squadron was protecting the carrier and the frigate.





"You know,"

The radical candour of his exposed face was undeniable, and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t avoid the brutal reality that had been concealed beneath his intimidating disguise. It had only been a few years since she’d seen him, but he was undisputably himself, maybe just a little angrier, more focused. There was a hardness to the lines of his face that hadn’t been there before.

Their eye contact was fierce. Stormcloud greys warring with bleeding, burning ember. Within, there was the briefest flicker of connection that seemed to recognize there used to be a light in his eyes, she tried to remember. It wasn’t there now. Out. Or no, not out. Not extinguished. Only wrapped in something. Armour. Or hate.

Hate for her.

She felt it in her sternum, like someone taking a hammer to the bones over her heart. It pounded loud enough to force out:

“Qiy’on..” she whispered, her voice so hoarse it was just a soundless buzzing on her vocal cords. She wasn’t even sure she said it out loud, but she felt that name she’d said so many times before pass through her lips and die in the space between them, falling into the void of respect only shared between two duelists actively engaged.

Realization hit her like a tidal wave, and it felt like drowning. Comprehension’s current encircled her and threatened to submerge her entirely.

It was one of those things where she would have denied it, accused anyone of being a liar, that her brother had turned into a mercenary. Was a hired gun for the galaxy’s most gruesome, dishonourable, and cruel butchers.

Above the waves of terrible awestruckedness, she furrowed her brow and resolved her expression with the same strictness he tossed back at her. A furious tremble travelled through her muscles, and she tightened her grip mid-swing.

"They belong to me."

"Once, maybe."

How could this be? Is this where he turned to, after all they’d done together? After everything he’d been raised to ——

"I'm on the only side worthy of an Ashina,"

Of course.

“How dare y——” the audacity of his boasting blinded her to the trill warning that spiked at the nape of her neck. In an instant, the orientation of his physique changed, centre of gravity shifted forcefully right into her.

“—Uh!” Her body buzzed like she’d stepped into the blast from a firehose. Shockwaves of pain tore through her chest and spread through her entire torso. It almost felt as though, and very well could have been, her ribs had given way. At least one when the flat of his foot connected with constricted muscles that forced the air from her lungs and knocked her balance. Ishida was thrown back and dropped unceremoniously her knees while technicoloured dots danced in the peripheries of her vision.

Her heartbeat hammered loudly in her ears, above the din of Coruscant’s pending collapse. Eruptions and quakes rolled through the city’s multiple levels somewhere in the distance, and the Force wailed out far away from The Temple.

"An Ashina should be remembered. You think the titles Undefeated and the Invincible come with fighting alongside the many?" "Yes,"

"Titles? That's what you're after?"

He sounded just like him. Like her father. Like the words he was speaking weren’t even his own, as if he’d been there the day she’d chosen to leave and track down Inosuke, the exile. The foundation of the insult was the same.

"I believe you will be remembered Ishida, for the great strength it took to fight with the superpowers of the Galaxy, and crash down upon uncivilized Space!"

Everything internal and external was so loud, she could barely hear his vehement denial. The only sounds she could make in rebuke were guttural gasps, pleading for fresh air. The breath that left her lungs found conflict with all that wanted to flood back in, and she sputtered to regain a sense of awareness while her dread alarm rang loud. Her brain was firing off desperate commands through her body, and she leaned forward to force herself to heave once-twice before finally being able to feel air’s sting swell in her chest and belly again.

Collecting herself, she pushed herself back up to a stance that would be ready to engage again.

“No. Permanence.” She corrected her earlier question. Titles and names were tied to legacy. The words brought another bout of ouch; her ribs ached and hurt badly when she tried to breathe. Her leg continued to bleed and tighten. Her mind engaged in another war with her heart; This was her brother. She was supposed to guide the family, to be instituted as the heir. Authority and influencer.

And here they were, in the hotbed of conflict, ready to soak themselves in the other’s blood.

"You want to use your earned Ashina name to be remembered." The word earned was scornful. Especially in the wake of now.

Before, she might have agreed, proudly that he was an Ashina. But here he was, reeking of tainted Force connection. Preventing her from helping her Jedi friends. From helping...any citizens. Instead, they were together, caught in a struggle of strength and pride.

That was not the family her mother would have wanted. That was not the head she was supposed to be.

"Ishida, the Cowardly, or perhaps, the Weak."

It hurt more when he said her name. It meant even more that he knew her. Knew her beyond just recognizing her face, that was hurtful, but he knew the fears she harboured inside. That one that had been so deeply ingrained: Failure.

His words stung, ripping through her just as the residual aches of his kick did. His taunting epithet of her was too close to her present shame. Too close to the wounds she’d experienced since leaving Atrisia; she’d been untouchable once. Here, amidst the altruistic, she was ill-regarded and it brought fault to her work.

She was the granddaughter of Ashina the Undefeated, daughter to Ashina the Invincible and sister to Ashina the Manslayer. Noticing faults and harm done by others was just a painful reminder on how she’d failed to secure her own Ashina title. Ashina the Wounded was a pathetic insult.

Purposefully, she’d fallen silent again. Not just to get her strength back, but to resort back to observation. There was more one communicated with what they didn’t say –– though with the punctuated vitriol he spoke with, there were few words left unspoken. Other than the fervency of his resolve. He was ready to kill her, this much was clear.

Beyond reading between the lines of his scarring jeers, there was a lot to consume. The years had been generous to him, bulking and making him stronger –– angry, powerful. So much that it was almost tangible in the Force. So tangible in fact, that there were little threads she could almost touch and follow.

The glass shards she’d kicked into him earlier, from the speeder’s glasteel, were still there. Not actually the shards themselves, but the exposed fissures of his flesh. All tesselated and unconnected, fault lines on his body, separated and ready for exploitation with the right touch. She had to get close.

And if she had the time, there were wounds from days long past that would forever been unhealed. Those could be exploited too, with the right amount of connection. She had to secure precious time, intimacy, keep herself close.

Somewhere in the midst of it all, they’d closed their gap. She’d regained enough strength, fuelled by her fury and focus, to strike at him and he’d hit her back. The clash was brief, the buildup much longer.

Twisting her shoulders to avoid the incoming attack to her upper body, she moved to slide in and get close again. But he was ready and when she moved to defend, he plunged that super sharp blade into her thigh.

Anguish stung her throat as fire flashed through her bloodstream, white-hot pain tore through her leg but she shoved herself forward through the incredibly numbing torment to maintain her momentum.

Her father's condemnations rang in her ears, almost as loud as her guttural gasp of extraordinarily blinding suffering: Weakness is next to uselessness. My heart is not a home for cowards.

She forced herself to speak through the bite of the metal in muscle: “Do not forget who you’re speaking to.” she grimaced, growling through a toothsome sneer, Ashina the Weak is still more of an Ashina than the strongest pretender.”

At this proximity, she had access to those fissures she’d seen. Had the ability to activate and control them. The heel of her sabre hand shoved into his torso, the blade flashing outward to his arm while her skin sought to press against the pillar flesh he’d exposed when he removed the helmet. With her touch against his neck, she’d be able to exploit those tiny fractures of cuts all over, make them spread, reopen them, expand them. The Force seared, superheated, through her and angry. Networks of partial nerves snapped and hissed in her mind’s eye, and the little Jedi worked to exploit them. The opposite of the healing touch she was supposed to have. Those old injuries would be used to tear him apart.

Distantly, pedagogical reminders scratched at the corner of her mind.

" Its capacity for healing, for compassion, and forgiveness."

But they had no place here. They had no place in family business. How could she forgive the boy she’d grown up with for terrorizing a peaceful home? For leaving Ashina estate after all they’d given him?

He knew her, but she knew him. Or, she thought she did. And he’d certainly revealed through his harping how obsessed he was with legacy. A legacy that they should have been sharing, but he was on the wrong side. He was paid by murderers to prolong pain.

An individual mercenary marauding as a warrior and bringing reproach on a name that had been steadfast for Centuries.

She would not let him. Family was strength and a weakness; there was still a chance to perhaps alter the pair’s warped conception of which definition the Ashina name weighed more heavily.

“Blood’s legacy is far stronger than a title.”

Her katana hand was not done –– she shoved it forward toward his ribs; keeping him locked enough with his own sword in her femur.



ALLIES | NJO | SJC | GA | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

Last edited:
She tried to get underneath Aeris’ skin with these mentions of using beasts instead of the light side. In the end they were just wounded words from a wounded individual. Irrational, goading words meant to give Aeris a moment to question herself and what she was doing here as her Sithspawn friend made ready to pounce at her from behind their screen.

“I think you and I both know that will not happen.” Aeris said and raised her brow. “What would we stand to gain beyond some sort of smug sense of satisfaction if we were to prove either you or myself wrong?”

“Your friend was injured doing what you told him to do. His presence here was your doing. His life, if lost here today, was because you wanted to attack the Jedi Temple today.”

“No more lives have to be lost if you just stand down and turn back. You still have that option. You always had it from the start.”

Meanwhile, between just herself and Kai there was a brief moment where Aeris shared her thoughts, just momentarily as to not break full concentration on her shield that waned for just a moment.

< Kid, get behind me. If this does not work in our favor…>

Then Aeris just kicked a whole hornet’s nest.

Anja Doreva Anja Doreva // Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

It would be too much to hope that the Sith lady’s words wouldn’t have an effect on Kai. He had little awareness of when he was being goaded into anger and indignation.

<I’m not an animal!> he shouted into Danika’s mind with teeth-rattling intensity. <A Sith did this to me! I won’t let you get away with—>

His tirade ceased abruptly as Aeris spoke. It was probably obvious that he had received secret orders, as he began to edge toward Aeris as much as possible with the shield still up. His gaze remained fixed on Danika. One wrong move, it seemed, and the whole house of metaphysical cards would come crashing down on their heads.


Location: Senate Building
Tag: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Objective: "Collect" Heinrich


Romund watched the crusader as they prepared themselves. Witnessing the second form defensive stance. Listening to them speak of humble servitude to the lightside. How self degrading of them he felt. Regardless of his personal views they would make for an excellent display in his collection.

However, hearing them mislabeling him as a Sith irked Romund greatly. Hearing them see him as something so demeaning and beneath him stung a little. Even if it wasn’t purely intentional.

His mind raced with what to do next he didn’t even really listen to them speak about how he would only witness defeat today. Tightening his grip on his lightsabers his eye narrowed from behind his helm. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, his buried superiority complex began to boil up from within himself. Feeding into his dark side and emotions.

“I am no Sith…” He hissed from under his helmet. As the clear aggressor he needed to play up his role as best he could. Readying himself he bolted over to the crusader but before he did he performed a fast cartwheel flip before getting within striking distance. With his dominant/right lightsaber he used it to lock with his opponent’s with a bind before quickly following up with a blow aimed for the arm of his opponent by their shoulder with his offhand/left lightsaber. If he wanted to capture them alive he needed to disarm them, rather literally in this case.

His attack would be done in committed motion. Clearly utilizing Ataru for his attack with the high level of motion to build up momentum for his power attack right out the gate. Romund wasn’t the best fighter, he knew that, so he wanted to end this as quickly as possible.

Location: Coruscant, Senate District
Tags: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

  • The Mongrel brings down many NIO troops, but suffers many wounds
  • He is bisected by Aenarion's slash, but survives due to his cybernetics
  • He hitches a ride on Ignatius's garbage truck with a grappling hook

Was this how it felt to be a Jedi?

With each swipe of his dread blade, The Mongrel carved a widening swath of carnage through those who had sought to ambush and entrap him. Limbs flew, heads rolled, and chests splayed open like halved fruit. At a range this close, none of the soldiers he attacked could get their guns up in time to blast him point-blank, and their further-out fellows dared not shoot at him for fear of hitting closer-in comrades. Propelled by inhumanly-powerful arms, the corded synthmuscles beneath the flexible metal chassis working overtime, the blade sang.

As the group The Mongrel had initially burst into fell dead at his feet, scattered around the ruined bus stop with terror frozen on their rapidly cooling faces, his human cover diminished. Surviving troops opened fire at him, and the warlord felt blaster bolts sizzle right past him - or slam into his armored chassis, nearly driving him to the ground. This was where the power fantasy of being one of the Jedi mage-knights ended, for his dread blade was no lightsaber; he could not deflect the incoming fire, only either weather or evade it.

Or perhaps there was another way...

Snatching up one of the corpses he'd just created in his off-hand, The Mongrel held the dead soldier by the neck, thrusting him out to catch the incoming fire like a limp, rubbery shield. That he could hold an entire 90-kilogram person up one-handed, and at arm's length, spoke just as much to the tremendous strength of his cybernetic limbs as tearing open the bus stop's back wall had. He might not have a lightsaber, or the gifts of the mystical Force, but he found ways to compensate. The main two were grit and technology.

He'd need to leverage both to survive these odds.

Advancing behind the cooling body he held, which twitched and jerked with each shot it intercepted, The Mongrel charged each of the remaining soldiers in turn. His improvised mobile cover reeked of charred flesh as it absorbed blaster bolt after blaster bolt, burning it down to the bone. Even carrying its weight, he was fast, fast enough to chase down the hunters-turned-hunted that had thought to slay a Warlord of the Maw. He dispatched each one with a single, brutal swipe of his blade. There was efficiency in each movement, but also savagery.

The NIO soldiers were well-trained, and far from helpless. Each time he turned to attack one, another shot him in the back, making him stumble. Smoke curled up from a dozen rents in The Mongrel's armor, and the chassis that had once been his flesh was covered in scorch marks where his breastplate had been pierced. One of the last two got him in the leg, the bolt blowing through the weak point where his thigh armor met his knee and dropping him into a forced crouch. The warlord hissed in rage and pain. His body-shield tumbled from his hand.

He had come too far to let this be his end.

Internal cybernetic systems pumped adrenals and precious bacta into the site of the wound, enabling him to rise despite the damage and agony. The Mongrel snatched up the blaster rifle of the soldier he'd just killed and aimed the entire thing one-handed at the soldier who'd shot him. Even with the iron grip of his augmented arm, it was a highly inaccurate way to fire a rifle-sized weapon, and it took him a dozen frenzied shots to finally catch the man in the throat and put him down. Another blaster bolt hit him in the back, nearly toppling him.

The Mongrel caught himself on his hands, letting the rifle drop. His dread blade, still clenched in his right fist, cut a deep furrow into the duracrete pavement. There would be a poetry to falling here, a voice deep inside him whispered. You're finally home, back where your life began. Perhaps this is where it should end. But the warlord shook the thought away, even as a follow-up shot clipped his shoulder, carving a molten furrow into it. He did not get to decide when to die. Only the Avatars could do that, and he would not shame himself in their eyes.

With a wordless howl of defiance, the warlord pushed himself up... and hurled his dread blade, end over end, like a massive throwing knife. The energy sword pierced the last of the ambushing troopers through the chest, giving the woman just an instant to stare blankly at the embedded blade before shock caught up with her. She crumpled to the ground, the laser blade still caught in her torso, slowly charring the flesh around it. Slowly, painfully, The Mongrel stood tall, bloodied but unbroken. The bodies of twenty soldiers lay all around him.

They had been slain by his hand alone.

Hobbling forward, the warlord glanced around at the carnage-strewn bus stop, a place utterly changed from when commuters had waited quietly for their speeder bus just that morning. He was proud to have stood against so many and lived, though he'd taken a severe beating in the process... but he was less proud of whom he had vanquished. His goal on Coruscant had been to capture or eliminate key strategic targets, the kind of targets that would weaken the whole Bastion Pact, but he had spent all his strength on a few squads of NIO grunts.

He would have to rely on his agents to do better.

Speaking of his agents, where were Iggy and Kerri? Surely it wasn't so difficult a task to find a speeder on Coruscant, the planet with perhaps the densest air traffic anywhere in the entire galaxy. The Mongrel limped forward though the circle of carnage he had wrought, scanning for any sign of the two auxiliaries. Although he had just killed a great many soldiers, he doubted he'd completely thinned out this checkpoint, let alone the NIO presence on this highway. They needed to get moving, or they were going to get surrounded, pinned down, and killed.

But first, a brutal reminder that he was no Jedi.

A Jedi, or Sith, or whatever have you, would have the Force as his ally. He would have sensed the White Cloak sneaking up on him, leaping over the corpses of the dead in an unannounced surprise attack. But the Force was not The Mongrel's ally, and he did not see the stealthy mage-knight until it was far too late. Even if he had, his dread blade was still embedded in the last soldier he'd killed. He had no defense against the flashing saberstaff... and it cut right through him, bisecting him from hip to hip, leaving legs and torso to hit the ground separately.

For any ordinary man, this would have been instantly fatal. The trauma to the spine would have raced up to the brain and overwhelmed it with shock; end scene, close curtain, lights out. But The Mongrel had been growing steadily less ordinary, less human, for years now. As his organic legs flopped to the ground, neatly severed from his torso, his spine remained ensconced in the chassis of his cybernetic torso. Overwhelming trauma inputs racing along his nerves were soothed and slowed. Automated repair systems raced into action, trying to seal the breach in the organ containment unit.

And The Mongrel, only half a man now, rose.

The maimed warlord was a horror to behold. He held himself up on his bulky cybernetic arms, his weight resting apelike on his durasteel knuckles. His body simply stopped where his hips should be, replaced with a glowing line of molten metal at the bottom of his torso. His chest drooled a steady trickle of machine oil and nutrient fluid where the lightsaber had not fully cauterized the metal. "You can't kill the Maw," he told the White Cloak, chuckling wetly, staring up at him from half his height. "Our victory is preordained."

He laughed again, then coughed. "You only prolong the inevitable."

He could not fight like this, of course. It would be all too simple for the White Cloak to finish him, taking his head from his shoulders with one more swipe... and that would be fatal, even to him. So as he spoke, The Mongrel leaned on one arm, pointing the other skyward. His visor had detected Ignatius in the driver's seat of an approaching garbage truck - not ideal transportation, perhaps, but durable - and his left wrist was aimed right at it. A magnetic grapple shot out of the cybernetic limb, latching onto the moving speeder... and snatching The Mongrel away.

He looked an odd combination of silly and incredibly sinister as he dangled beneath the moving vehicle, twisting in the wind. "Drive," the warlord commanded, speaking into his right-handed wrist comm; it was the only practical way to contact Ignatius from his current precarious position. "Find me a medbay, or a droid shop." What he left unspoken, but was strongly implied, was an added command: but get us the kark out of here first, before the White Cloak or his reinforcements bring this speeder down, too.



Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Courtyard

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“Fear itself is the Vanguard of wisdom” -Pema Chodron

Caltin did indeed see the struggle in him. This was no coincidence, as it was something that the big guy was seeking to bring out. The Dark Jedi Master was no slouch and he was “better” than what was happening to him. Caltin didn’t care at all about his usage of the Dark Side, everyone was capable of making their own choices. It was this “dark rage” that he was focused on. That was a hindrance to someone who proved that they did not need it.

Kol could make his own choices, to be sure, that made him unique, this rage just makes him bland.

You’re afraid of your rage. I was like you once. Don’t suppress it, make it a part of you. Fate is Ronto(censored).

Now it was his turn to holster his weapon. Hands now at his hips the massive Jedi Master just looked at the man in front of him. Not in anger, or rage, or even disappointment, but in a manner of looking at someone who was not meeting their own potential. No, Caltin was not delusional in thinking he could change Kol, or “bring him to the light”, he was just looking at someone who should see what he did.

You are what you choose to be, not what the Force does. If that were the case, I would be your colleague, not your foe right now. I’m not looking to make you into something you’re not. Just saying, I’m not a Jedi because I have to be. I’m a Jedi because I choose to be.

Would that make a difference to Kol? Probably not. It needed to be said though. Now that Kol was suddenly done talking, Caltin noticed his “Padawan Mistake” and was inwardly kicking himself, but there were other Jedi in there, they would slow him enough for the big guy to catch up. He didn’t care about the rest. He didn’t care about what Kol thought about him, he had his priorities. Right now, those were standing across from him.

Heard them all, “Pride is the mask of one’s own faults.” “Pride is the trap of ego”. There is also my personal favorite: “Pride will cost you everything and leave you nothing.” However when it comes to pride, the Jedi inadvertently live by the phrase “We are powerful because we have survived.” That’s what we do. Jedi survive. Look at this Temple! It has survived for thousands of years. Do you think this is the first time it has ever been sacked? You’re delusional if you do.

Slowly he began to side-step away from the courtyard towards the walls of the Temple. His steps were slow, almost sliding, almost to the point where it could be missed if someone wasn't paying attention.

That’s what people like you don’t get. I don’t care who says it, “The Jedi will fall”, “The Jedi will die”, blah blah blah. The same crap has come out of the mouths of degenerates for thousands of years and it will reoccur for thousands more. The fact is, even one Jedi in the galaxy could change it and no Dark Sider seems to get that. Jedi will never fall, and you know it. Call it “Pride”, call it whatever you want, history confirms my claim and you know it.

Grabbing “Conservator” from his back one more time, Caltin slowly began to walk towards the foe in front of him. There was a tone of aggravation in his voice as someone tired of the “blustering talk” and the tempo in his walk echoed this. Kol had his chance to leave quietly, now that was gone. He could still leave, but he would have to run to do so at this point. There was no malice in him, but it was time again to fight.

You’re right though, enough talk.


Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Location: 500 Republica, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Open
[ Beauty Of Annihilation ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I didn’t get an answer, but at the moment it didn't even bother me. If that had been a problem, they would have told me not to do it anyway. I crunched my fingers and sat down at the terminal after taking his data chip from this guard as well. My first thing was to lock down this floor and leave an escape route. With the man’s codes, it was all child’s play. I seemed to have access to everything by doing so. Very good! MANIAC also confirmed this.

What was inconvenient, however, was that the system was protected from external attacks, so I couldn’t ask MANIAC to connect to the network. Although I was still able to take advantage of his abilities, he projected the necessary codes to my retina, lines of programs that I didn’t happen to know because I wasn’t completely familiar with the system they were using. However, I wasn’t too complicated with the codes. And it was even fun.

First of all, I turned off the internal security systems, weapons, and alarms. I left the lights and cameras, but turned off the sounds. Deactivation of the weapons system was important; I did the same with outside ones. so at least ours will be able to come inside. The next step was to close the suites and hangars. Deactivation of shields protecting buildings and droids operating indoors. I also blocked the elevators and then locked the hallways so the internal guards wouldn’t be able to move either.

As a final step, which could actually have been the first, I changed both the access codes and the root code, and finally I blocked the internal and external communication and allowed only the frequencies used by Maw to be used. So suddenly I couldn't think of anything else that I should have. One thing, but it was already outside work, luckily the Warlord offered it, so I tried to take advantage of the opportunity.

<< Warlord, this is Mercy! I took full control of the 500 Republica. You can send reinforcements to gather trapped nobles, diplomats, escorts, company leaders. And I also send the codes so the Maw can move freely here. >> I said and at the same time I transmitted the codes.






| NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-huggers
ENGAGING: Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
3/4 Company of Legion of Bone among which is 1/2 force Ash Hellions - All led by General Samron Gerron Legate Aether Ferris
The Fortuna in orbit

The Abyss was scratching at the door.

It demanded even more blood - lusting after it. One other had already called upon it this night. The Herald of Death could feel as much. The souls of those that have risen from the dead at the hands of one that fancies himself a divine Dark Lord, were whispering to Danika - seeking peace, revenge or to just cease to exist altogether. But despite all the souls that were suspended between planes, Samron's wasn't among them.

There was still hope.

That hope did not take the bite out of the Jedi's words, however. The boy shouting in her head was amusing, but the other woman started to dance on the coroner's front porch. Danika suppressed her anger at the situation well enough, because deep down she knew what the Consular said about Samron was true - all of it was her own fault. Was because of her own conquest.

What tipped the scales and swung the pendulum was the presumption of the Jedi that she was free to make choices. That she still had a choice to turn back. Teal eyes flashed bright as she glared at the woman.
"You and your self righteousness claiming that I have an option. That inability to make that choice is why I am here in the first place, wench. I have come to collect what was promised to me by one of yours or exact judgement on him if he doesn't." she said, her voice starting to echo with the voices of the dead once more. "Now I am curious - would news of your demise finally draw the cowardly Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze out of hiding or not?"

With the flick of a wrist, Danika flung a desk straight at the Jedi Consular and her protective bubble with the Force. With the other hand she then let loose with a steady stream of Nether-strengthened Force Lightning at the boy who had been inching toward his Jedi protector.
<Come, boy! Pick on one of your own caliber!> she projected telepathically toward the Padawan. The gnawing little voice of reason inside of her was drowned out by the chorus of dark spirits that were clawing at the veil to be let free onto the plane of the corporeal.

Her imprisonment both a blessing and a curse.




FRIENDS: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Darth Senthral Darth Tennacus
Lightsaber, Armour, Shield (x)


Geiseric easily knocked Senthral's strike away as the Sith vaulted over him, though it was it quick follow-up strikes in succession that put the Jedi on his toes. A graceful Makashi-like spin put them face to face again, and Geis managed to deflect the first of the blows with his shield. The second blow followed too quickly to maneuver his shield in front of, and the two combatants found themselves locking blades.

"You are no fool to think true Sith would ever surrender. Though I wonder what manner of fool you are? Afterall, we are all fools following the tides we've set ourselves upon. I am Sith because only the Dark Side can offer me the freedoms I seek. What of your own ambitions?"

"I have felt the darkness within before, but I cannot give in. The Dark Side is seductive, but it only offers falsities, not freedom. Perhaps driving you from this place will show you that truth."

The two men broke from their blade lock, once again putting space between them. There was an honour to this Sith, it seemed. The words he spoke were no act of Dun Moch as was common with his kind. Geiseric sought to honour his own words, and drive them back. That was his only ambition.

The Jedi raised his energy shield, looking square at the Sith across from him through its translucent blue shimmer. He leaned in on the balls of his feet, dropping his left shoulder forward and with his shield held high out in front of him, he broke into a charge, aiming to bash into the Sith.


Location: Senate Rotunda
Allies: BOTM
Enemies: NJO/NIO Jak Ross
Equipment: Lightsaber

Zinn Zinn awoke, his head spinning as if the Senate rotunda around him had seem to be filled with bright white lights. That or the crazy Gungan had a concussion. Whatever had managed to come first. His head was pounding as well, his hand reaching to rub his temple. As he heard shouting, the sounds of lightsabers activating and clashing once more. Worst of all he found himself dangling over the cockpit window, strapped to the seatbelt. The mad Gungan was now dangling several feet from the ground, his head spinning and pounding all at once. The effects of the spice in his system had only increased with the battle raging all around him. It was hard for the Gungan to comprehend, what was worse was the adrenaline was kicking into high gear. All the Gungan wanted to do was go out and kill. It was bad enough when the other Sith were already spilling out getting into the fight.

"Oooo Boy... Well isn't this berry berry bad.... Now meesa all stuck in the belt... Where is the button for this thing... Oh no... Nosa..." He said as he started to dry heave while starting to spin by the seat belt. The belt the only thing keeping him from falling hard into the ground. With the room spinning, the spice and the adrenaline in his system. Along with the battle. It had all been too much for his system. He began to start throwing up on the floor, it was as if his vomit started to transition into a rainfall. Covering the nice floor with a mixture of his spice that he snorted up, and the fish he had for lunch. By the time he was done, his body was still spinning by the seat belt. A groan came from his lips. As if this day couldn't get any worse than it already had.

His eyes later found it's way to a Jedi of some sorts... Some Force User with a blade, and if the Gungan didn't know any better. He would have to say the man didn't look too friendly. His fingers still fidgeting with the button to release himself from the seat belt he was attached to.
"Finally got it... Come here yousa.... Ahhhhhhhhh" He said, as soon as he started to release himself from the seat belt. Sent him tumbling down near the Jedi.... Right into his own pile of vomit face down. "Doo doo... Owww... WHY? WHY wesa got be dealt lika this huh?" He said slamming his closed fist on the floor.

Standing up slowly, his body started to wobble. Still under the influence of the spice, it was as if he took a drunken stance. Looking at the Jedi before him. He spoke.
"Who yousa to deny us Jedie.... Huh Yousa think yousa better than mesa!!?" He said in a drunken stance in his own vomit, brandishing his red lightsaber, flapping his tongue around as if he was just crazy. "Mesa fuckin kill you Jedi! UGHHHHH!" He said, waving his saber about until he tried to make the first move. In the attempt, he slipped on his own vomit and found himself colliding into the Jedi.


Location: Senate
Allies: NSO/BOTM
Enemies: NJO, NIO Black Mynock Black Mynock
Equipment: Lightsaber

A bead of sweat started to form on Interitus's forehead. An obvious sign to show how nervous he was. Standing in front of some costumed freak no doubt, trying to take the law into his own hands. All Interitus was trying to do was not risk detection. To safely try and leave as best as possible. It seemed this horned crazy just had to wander into his office, and try to block his only way of getting in or out. His own palm was sweating, keeping a grip on his own lightsaber. Just in case things went ugly, but for Interitus he wanted to make sure he could handle it all as smoothly as possible. Even with his nervous explanation of him holding onto his case, the man still wouldn't leave.

The tension was starting to grow more thick in the air. The senator was slowly starting to sweat bullets it seemed. He even tried to go around the man, only to be met with being blocked entirely. It seemed that the situation wouldn't be solved peacefully. Interitus would have to risk exposure, or to be captured. Time was running out, and with any second Interitus realized that some type of choice had to be made. What that would be, would be up to him depending on if this man, this stranger attempted to try something funny.

When the man said he wasn't a Jedi. That was the moment Interitus had swallowed his own throat. Then when he had made the move to use his own saber, trying to lop off Interitus's own hand off. In that split second, he debated on taking the hit and losing the hand. Yet it had all moved so fast, his hilt soon sprang out of his sleeve. A bright red blade activated catching the man's blade in a bladelock with only reflexes a Force Wielder would possess. In that moment Interitus knew that the jig was up. He was ousted in that single moment. His nervous mask, all but drifted away, with his blade locked with the man before him.

His next move was to break away from the lock, by using his free hand dropping the case and sending a blast towards the man. Sending him through the durasteel floor, and out into the hall surrounding the rotunda. Still in his bright blue senatorial robes, he gave a twirl of his saber, and spoke once more. "Guess this ends negotiations huh?"

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