Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine



Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Courtyard

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“Do not mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.” -Proverb

” To land a punch, sometimes you must eat a punch.” - Atrisian Martial Arts strategy

The consequences of his actions were unintended. There was not meant to be a continuing conduit between the two of them, and he could feel the energies of one afflicted by the Dark Side beginning to take hold. Like nectar covering, coating a glass he could feel what Kol felt in regards to the Dark Side. It was powerful, destructive, and it was taking hold. Was this some sort of mental manipulation? It’s possible, but the thing is…

...Caltin Anselmo Vanagor was someone who teetered on the edge of Darkness every day of his life.

What would Kol see if he wanted to learn more? He would see the foster parents who either neglected or beat him, one or the other. Kol would see the juvenile hall inmates who would gang up on him, the guard who tried to kill him. If he probed further, Kol would see how Caltin spent years on the run but fighting those who would prey on the weak. Kol would see the few who would try to help him and what would happen to them as a result, Ian Miller being drawn and quartered, Farraday Corbell being left for dead in his burning clinic. Kol would even see the Hutt gang that scalped him, leaving Caltin permanently unable to grow hair on his head.

Kol’s bias’ and usage of the Dark Side would take hold, sure, but the hold was already there. Caltin Vanagor is not lying when he tells you that he is a Jedi because he chooses to be, not because he has to be. Will he resort to the levels he could easily sink to? Probably not. Not because it is too difficult to cross that imaginary line, but because it would be too easy to. It would be too easy to cross and do so to a point where he could not return.

What effect would this have on Kol would depend on the Dark Jedi Master? He could try to use it against Caltin, he could blow it off, he could just look at it as irrelevant, but the one thing that was certain...

... he had no idea just who he was dealing with.


if they're watching anyways
"There is no plan," she said, staring as the cackling Sith Lord maneuvered and tossed the first of the Senate pods. "I'd been desperately hoping that something like this would never happen."

Watching Solipsis move, so unbridled, so free -- his ascension to Sith'ari seemed a crushing weight to her. How deeply she wished Kaigann had been who she'd thought he was. An ally, a mentor, a friend; even briefly she'd had so much happiness to have even that. Now she drowned, the waves of regret stifling whatever flow she hoped for in this moment. She'd reacted quickly earlier, but she couldn't hide how much it still hurt.

Yet, she kept it from the others. Nimdok reached to her mind, and like the Iron Imperator she turned the link aside. It felt too dangerous to risk bringing the others down. Or, worse still, being brought down herself. Saan'an's arrival and subsequent paralyzed state was proof enough that not everyone was prepared for this.

Another regret.

It took her a little longer to gather herself, but she was just fast enough. She raised her hands, her power leaping from them to meet the Senate pods flung by Solipsis. They became caught in a thick, translucent webbing, as though she were some fantastical spider spitting silk to ensnare flies. It was strong enough to hold back the Sith's telekinetic attack -- partly. Big as the pods were, she still couldn't stop them all, some Jedi left to handle it on their own.

Lucien, meanwhile, commandeered one of his own, another pod launching towards Solipsis.
"Always at the right place at the right time, aren't you, brother!" he called to Rurik. He charged forwards, intent to engage the Sith in close combat again.

With the initial attack mostly stopped, Auteme too leapt to another pod, struggling with the controls a moment before it, too, set forward.



Location: the icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi-ish & also Jax Thio Jax Thio

Pom did not like what she witnessed manifest before her eyes one bit.


This would be the second time that this same being before her managed to wholly reject and actually physically shred his darker nature, so proven by his current outward display. She has no idea how he is able to do it. More confusing yet is why he obviously intentionally does it!

"Your little light show means nothing!" she accosted, but she recoiled, instantly. Jax manifested a sensation the Nightsister doesn't have much experience with. That same revolting nauseousness he caused Pom now permeated from Spasa, and that is how she is able to identify it today. Although Jax suffered the same manifestation of the Light unto her once before, and the present seems far worse than that prior…just as any pain does, because its now.

She must snuff it all out and fast, or her little game between the walls of the labyrinth and Spasa could be destroyed entirely. Jedi really do stand in opposition of everything amusing!

From behind where she stood, Pom heard Spasa animate as she whipped the chain sickle in Pom's direction. Although temporarily blinded, the Nightsister immediately jumped back while tossing a tiny potion vial into the air right where she had been standing a moment before. The chain of the whip-like weapon was rendered a sudden snap back. The Nightsister duckedThe razor sharp tip of the chain sickle came in contact with the glass vial and shattered it, dispelling its contents into the air between Pom and Jax. The potion spattered towards her victim.

The Nightsister had ducked and stepped away from his reach. With swiftness and confidence, she recited her incantation to activate the potion. Black tendrils suddenly grew out of the mist.



Libertas quae sera tamen


O P E R A T I O N : K N I G H T F A L L
The Aegis of Woe | Ace | Lightsaber
Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Ezra Dune
"Halketh!" he called out above the din of the maelstrom, stone breaking and lightning striking against his shield. "By the Force, Halketh, come to me! It doesn't have to end like this!"

The fury of the maelstrom was unrelenting, its chaotic throes spurred into further instability by the whim of tragedy. It spiraled further and further, lashing its hateful ire unto the unprepared and unprotected, sweeping them into its howling, telekinetic onslaught as barely more than misty remnants. Within, the heels of his boots dragged against the tarnished floor, his poise threatened by the design of his own design. It was a glimpse into the inexplicable, what he housed within his being, the power that always threatened to rip him apart. With his heart exposed by Ezra's ploy and the Jedi Masters closing in, he was trapped.

"If you cannot reach him," he wasn't even sure Sar'andor could hear the Jedi Master's words, "I must do what is necessary. For all our sakes!"

They endured it, both bravely piercing the torrential walls of emotion he unleashed, trudging through the destruction to reach him, each for his own purpose. One to save, one to fulfill his duty. One to extend temperance, the other justice. The wounded heart within his chest cried out, screaming unto them, thickening the howling air with a nauseating, loathsome miasma. They dared to brave the storm and crash themselves into the rocky shores. The bloody masque of his twisted, fixing its hollow face in their direction, still wet with the blood of their slain. Cruel thumb tore from the wound inflicted upon his wrist, bathed in a crimson wash that trickled into the streams of charged air. Once more, lightning flashed, its blinding strobe raining debris from the shuddering ceiling, adding to the massive projection.

Debris crashed and overturned bodies, some unfortunate enough to be caught up within his fury still living.

Hands unseen wrapped themselves around his throat, choking out the lingering sobs of breathless torment he espoused. It was to be no more. Enough sniveling, enough keening, enough crying. Enough pain. He would suffer the petulant woe of his shade no longer. One half strong-armed the other back into submission, shoving the guilt and remorse for his actions aside for the sake of the broader picture. For the future. For the galaxy to come after this one had perished.

'Gaze beyond the veneer, judge only the truth.'

Ezra was working against him, it was so simple, wasn't it?

'He was to provide them an opening...'

The better half of himself rejected this notion outright, though deep down, the insidious reach of his paranoia could not deny the evidence suggesting otherwise. Why had Ezra waited this long, then? Why hadn't he tracked him down sooner?

'He never wished to see you rise.'

The Dark Lord watched the two approaching through the whorl of torment, testing their mettle against his own. Their strength was waning, their efforts to subdue him and maintain meld had worn them too thin. His own dwindled at the expense of so much energy, but he endured it, pouring his raw emotion into the cast. Protected at its heart, he was within his blackened barrier, obscured within a sphere of malice that denied the entry of the unwelcome. He could not see anything beyond the reaches of his storm, his Force Sight warping and distorted by the chaotic churn of The Force. He did not know who remained in his proximity, save for these two, and he cared little if his own were caught in the result if he was able to complete his invocation.

Cotan reached to him, beckoning for him to submit.

Zark trudged toward him for another purpose.

And barely, each could still clutch their weapons. So focused were they on he that it left them exposed. Bloody fingers curled into a fist beckoning the retraction of the debris he could sense within his lattice of horror, and at once, would it be done. From behind them, rebar, glass, corpses, shattered marble, and a myriad of other deadly projectiles were ejected from the wall of the storm and cast toward the eye with lethal speed.

A hand lashed forward, cracking the chasm of narrowing space between his position and the two Jedi with an explosive crash of lightning. It was to occupy, to weaken them further, perhaps to even overwhelm their barrier. But most of all, it was to distract from the projectiles rushing inward from their flank. So be it, let them break themselves upon his shores.

"Then die."




Equipment: Oneness
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Jax was once again one with the Force.

He told Jairdain Jairdain once that if he slipped into Oneness again he would die. Jax was also told by the natives during his stay at Gaia that it'll be very unlikely that he would go into oneness. The Force has a will of its own and only those who give up themselves fully can know its power no one not even the strongest of Jedi could do it save for some exceptional individuals. Yet here Jax was, an average Jedi with a rebellious streak transforming into Oneness. Like before Jax was the Force an extension of its will the Light Side burned bight within him yet he maintained calm. The Jedi didn't fear death, he experienced it before. Jax believed it was the Force's will that he should live, there was so much for him to do before he departed. The last time Jax unlocked Oneness it was through anger but now it was because he gave himself to the Force and filled his body with power beyond his understanding.

"If it means nothing," Jax's spoke with the voice of many legendary Jedi in unison. "Then why can I sense your fear?"

Jax could sense Spasa animating again, Pom sensed it as well as she took a leap back dodging the whip strike from Spasa wielding a chain sickle. Jax quickly saw Pom taking out her potion the same one that got him killed at Ziost. Before Jax could do anything the potion splattered all over him the dark tendrils wrapping around his body. However as soon as it touched Jax it dissipated with a wave of his hand Jax managed to cleanse the tendrils from his body but the vines struck at him through the mist one hitting Jax in the jaw. He spiraled onto the ground but he quickly recovered raising his hand to summon beams of light to counter act them.

"The dark side has no hold on me!" Jax said with an eerie calmness leaping towards Pom his glowing fists cocked back. He aimed his fist towards Pom's jaw hoping to break it.




Waymar Geyer
Clunky, durable machine met refined advancement, the Imperial Knight facing The Hand. Whether or not the Knight Paladin would be a worthy sacrifice to his Avatar remained to be seen, though his eagerness to find out was perturbed by the sudden empyrean shove that forced him backward and urged the dig of his metallic feet into the desecrated duracrete beneath. It was a mighty push, a glimpse into the will of his opponent to be sure.

And much as he suspected, it was not the only part of the counterattack.

The gleaming blade swept forth, painting a swipe toward his third arm. Microseconds were all he had to calculate a counter, even less time to enact it- had he been unclean perhaps his flesh would have panicked at the notion. Yet he formulated and set a plan into action almost immediately, pressing his guard into the charge. As Waymar slashed, the targeted limb would lie still, making it an easy target, bait realized too late. The Hand could replace a limb, especially one auxiliary in nature- it was inconsequential.

He pondered while the steel clattered to the ground behind him if the Knight Paladin could do the same.

Inhuman strength whirled the haft of his axe, sweeping it low as his upper half torqued to pour his effort into the motion. He aimed to knock the legs out from his opponent with its grip outright and carried his momentum to peak in a single fluid crescent, cleaving the heavy blade downward and focused for the Paladin's right shoulder.


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Objective II.
: Bastion Accords Besieged
: 500 Republica, Coruscant​

The crowd stood there as if frozen in place before one gray-bearded cultist stepped forward, clutching a handmade club with two hands. "Get them!" The Cultist who looked like what went for an NCO in the Maw, thousand-yard stare and all. The old sith believer ran straight at the clone warrior and attempted to whack him to death with the trooper sidestepping his first strike followed by a shot to the man's skull. "Its not going to be that easy..." He fired his pistol from the hip, taking off one of the old-timer's arms and then firing another bullet into his neck, making the old men fall to his feet and clutch the wound as he bled to death on the stone clod pavement.

Omen's attention was already on the rest of the crowd, firing into it with abandon as he mounted back upon his friend. They didn't have time to stay in one place if they wanted to live. With a mental push, he urged the beast on back to the barricade, stomping through the horde of crazed men and women in order to get to relative safety.
Skotah of course didn't like not having any snacks nearby and had to roar defiantly just to save face. It would have to do to save his beast's ego. All Omen could do now is join the Imp line and defend a building that predated even him. Now that was saying something.

Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an


Location: Coruscant, High Orbit
Foes: Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick

  • Tu'teggacha's fleet continues its bombardment


The transmission came soon after. "Greetings Taskmaster. I'm Commodore Albrecht Herlock. I may retreat for now but be sure that I'll always be there to try to stop you and inflict damage to your fleet, just like over Csilla and Korriban. Herlock, out." The Taskmaster inclined his bulbous head as Herlock and his brave but hopelessly outnumbered battlegroup began to withdraw. The Commodore was determined, always dogged in his pursuit of the Mawite flagship; he had done some of the most serious damage it had ever suffered the first time his stealth corvette had ambushed it. There was no doubt in the Ebruchi's mind that he'd be back.

"You are a bold one, Herlock," Tu'teggacha replied. "I will be ready for you." Perhaps the next time they crossed paths, Herlock would have a full fleet at his back, one more capable of engaging the Taskmaster's forces head-on... or perhaps he would once again catch the Fatalis isolated, and take his chance to bring it down despite the small size of his battlegroup. Whatever the truth, the Ebruchi knew he would have to be on his guard. There was no chance that the stubbornly determined Commodore would give up his quest to cripple the dreadnought. For now, though, that part of the battle was over. The small NIO presence withdrew.

"Pull back the Crucifixes," the Taskmaster ordered, "and intensify the bombardment." Down below, he could see the utter ruin the World Devastators were unleashing - including the one named for Tu'teggacha himself. The thought, and the sensation of terror and misery rising in waves from the ravaged surface, brought him great pleasure. But it was only just beginning. With Admiral Garrick and High Overseer Sularen holding back the Alliance defenders, the rest of the Mawite armada was free to unleash its full power on the spires of Coruscant. Each burst of the orbital autocannons shattered not only durasteel, but hundreds of lives.

And there were a great many autocannons unleashing the full wrath of the Brotherhood...

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtBombarding Coruscant
Aeon's End, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Bonfire of Vanity, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Nightmare Eternal, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Forge of Laments, a Praetorian-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Wrathborn, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Oblivion Herald, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Mournfang, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Soulbreaker, a Crucifix I-class Star DestroyerBombarding Coruscant
Ten Samael-class FrigatesEscort Positions

Location: Coruscant, the Jedi Temple; Courtyard
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The Backstory while impressive was irrelevant to the Dark Jedi. If Kol saw anything at all he only saw it with indifference. He wasn't interested in the life of the Jedi Master, the Dark Jedi focused only on what he had begun. The Force Affliction was more than merely the influence of the dark side taking hold of the mind, it was also a corruption of the body. While the Jedi Master might teeter on the edge of darkness every day Kol had no reservations when it came to attempting to twist both his mind and body, tainting them completely.

Any memories of Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's that Kol would see were mere silhouettes as the brightness of the mental light that had blinded him dimmed. To see a physical representation of the conduit shared between the men now one would likely be able to be able to visualize the dark veins crawling over it, piercing through it and creating cancerous tumors that pulsated with toxins. With no attempt made at barring his attack Kol would only reinforce the dark side energies so that they could further entrench themselves.

The Dark Jedi stood further from Vanagor still, his senses stretching out all around him as he manipulated the force to project some image of the surrounding area. He was still blind, the bright light Vanagor had initially cast back into his mind had seen to that but he was not helpless. The Dark Side showed Kol what he needed to see, manipulations of the force expanding and extending his senses while while he cast malignancy unto his foe.

In time the Force Affliction might roll over and evolve, transforming from a fast acting toxin into a full blown disease but that took time, effort, a skilled hand. At this point it was a poison not a disease but it was growing in strength, in potency every moment that it was allowed to continue to flourish. There was no play on the memories of Vangor, just the parasitic corruption of the dark side of the force.


Kol, standing out of reach of Vanagor seemed focused on the Jedi Master but the blindness that had touched to him seemed to shine through in his gaze. He stared but didn't see, not in the same way that most men saw at this point. The Dark Jedi, manipulating and amplifying his senses through use of the force drew on the rainfall that had blanketed the area and used it in concordance with a kind of echolocation that would create a picture in his mind, drawn but those senses.

Neither of the 'Dark Sacraments' had been drawn or activated. The Lightsabers were within reach but this seemed to have become a purely mental battle, at least for the moment.

Teeter. Teeter and twist like leafs on the wind.​
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Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Location: 500 Republica, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Open
[ Beauty Of Annihilation ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I didn’t even have to wait that long because the answer soon arrived that a group would come and do the harvest. That is, two; a vehicle arrives in one of the hangars and from the outside comes another group who gather the one who is worth it. And my job remained to help them with their work from here. I would have liked to have gone to the field to help them there, going from room to room, but this job also had to be done by someone what I did.

My job now was to keep the inner guards still closed and open the necessary doors. Since I got a quick list of the targets we need, I even made things easier. I started extracting oxygen from the right rooms, so most fell asleep due to lack of oxygen by the time the Maw people arrived. Minimal resistance was to be expected. I know, I know, we can stun them with a rifle, but in that I don’t have any fun. True this wasn't fun either, but at least they're not having fun either, I mean the others, not the future hostages.

And it feels good. From the outside, meanwhile, the data came that the siege was coming to an end, so it was time for us to hurry. Luckily, everyone was moving fast enough, so we were still on time and there was no lag. Fortunately. About ten to fifteen standard minutes later, the last persons were also gathered and on their way to the vehicle. Finally! That's when I got the following message:

<< Mercy, we have everyone we need, head to the hangar! >> I got the order. Music to my ears! I’m already starting to feel like taking root in this place. I got up from my seat and shot the terminals. My and the other’s way was already free. And if the locals want to regain control, they have to work for it. I hurriedly left the security room and headed to the rendezvous point.



Coruscant’s sky was burning. The heavy guns of the NIO and 253rd had finally opened up on the descending world devastators. The beastly flying factories continued their dreadful descent. We followed into the atmosphere.

“Captain Sorrene,”
I had little to do but continue to direct the line. “I am tasking you with a simple mission: Destroy the devastators. Do not allow a single one to reach Coruscant’s surface. Only engage enemy fighter craft if they engage you. Ignore any bombers that strike at the line.”

An impossible mission.

Enemy small craft were engaging the corvettes. The Warrior-IIIs, though not a dedicated anti-fighter ship, had plenty of such weaponry. Their anti-fighter guns had already opened fire, each one a blazing beacon of life from the ships. But even they couldn’t hold against such numbers.

“Sir, another request has come in to withdraw from the Myrmidon!”

“Deny it. Ensure Captain Jeremus knows why we can’t withdraw.”

“Aye, sir.”

My hand was curled into a tight fist, nails digging into my palm. It was the only external sign of the dilemma I was faced with. I often claimed officers had a duty to their men, to get them home safely, just as much as they had a duty to achieve victory. Now, watching the world devastators take shot after shot, seemingly unaffected, victory appeared impossible. Any commander who truly held to that doctrine would have retreated, abandoning Coruscant in favor of being able to fight another day. Why didn’t I give the order to pull back?


I knew why. I knew that if I didn’t stop fighting these men wouldn’t have homes to return to. I had witnessed the apocalypse. Most of those serving within the 253rd had as well. That’s why they continued to fight, even if reason dictated flight. That was why we couldn’t stop.

“Sir! Myrmidon is reporting depleted shields and hull damage!”

The ship didn’t last much longer. Twenty lives were snuffed out as an explosion rocked the vessel. Its wreckage began to fall down to the city.

“Order all ships to maintain the assault. Focus on the lead ship.”

I had cast the dice. We would die here, but we would die well. If even one of the devastators was destroyed, or if they could be delayed, I would be satisfied. There was little I could do, my orders had been given. No amount of maneuvering could be done to increase effectiveness, no clever flanking behind a moon as I’d done at Bastion and Byss. Those victories had seen a young, ambitious man taking advantage of opportunity.

If I could’ve seen where I’d end up only a few years later, my younger self wouldn’t have believed it. Perhaps before Namadii and Csilla I’d have kept trying to find something new to do, even as the fight wore on and victory seemed impossible. Opportunity, that fickle god, had abandoned me now.


I’d spaced out. Something was happening. Something terrible.

“The enemy fleet has begun bombarding Coruscant!”

Another world was burning. Scanners registered a hit on an apartment complex, leaving thousands dead in an instant. The first of the world devastators was getting closer and closer to the surface, it’s furnace hungry…

“There’s nothing we can do about that. Maintain the assault.”

And so we did. Even as the Peltast and Cataphract fell, following Myrmidon's fate, we fought on. Cheers went up when the bastard’s shields finally broke. We kept fighting, though the beast did not fall. It’s armor was making sure of that.

“Sir, Hetaroi has launched her escape pods!”

“What? They didn’t have any damage!”

“Message from her bridge!”

A hologram appeared before me, the Hetroi’s young captain met my eye. Captain Trent Iolade, who’d been promoted after Csilla. He’d once served aboard the Hawk.

“Sir,” he spoke with a salute. “You’ve given me an opportunity. Move on to the next devastator, I’ll make sure this one doesn’t reach the surface.”

With that, the message cut out. Hetaroi broke formation, charging down the World Devastator. An echo of what I’d done in Csilla’s final moments. Iolade intended to ram the monstrous vessel. The ship’s weapons had all been fixed forward, firing directly at it’s target as the ship accelerated.

Cheers honored the Hetaroi’s death. I stayed silent. There was still work to do.​

Waymar Dathrohan



Ozma Olumivius Ozma Olumivius



The Paladin snatched at the bait of the stilled metal limb, swiping at it only for a long reaching axe to swipe at his legs. His eyes widened beneath the helm as his Force imbued instinct took control. The shrieking scream of metal running against the greave of his Imperial Knight plate sounded off in a gruesome symphony of valiant struggle as shifted his weight back and slammed against the broken earth behind him. The axe dug through the armor and underlayer beneath, swiping against vulnerable flesh in a jagged laceration that bit into his leg harshly enough for the bacta auto injectors began to surge to the area of the wound, sustaining him as he collapsed unto his knee, breathing heavily with exertion.

He sought to press weight unto his feet again only to collapse backward and slide further down a jagged slide of rubble. His argent plate was marred by urban ash and scratches along the metal and his body wounded from the blow, amazed himself how his leg managed to stay together, even if he couldn't trule assess the wound and realize how truly bad it was. Exposed blood, flesh, muscle and bone breathing choking air as he pressed a desperate palm into the beaten earth. Even in the wake of the prevailing wound in his leg, he would strive to endure. To press his mortal coil to its limit.

He rose to his feet, barely able to maintain the stance as he looked in the direction of Ozma, his lightsaber joined to his hip once more in deactivation, he snatched a thermal detonator from his utiliy belt before vaulting himself forward with the Force at his beckon and call, veering the activation of the detonator before thrusting his arm forward to slam the grenade into Ozma's chest as he closed the gap, fully extending his left arm out to deploy the ordinance as it rapidly beeped down the final seconds of its fuse before finally.

It exploded in his hand.
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Location: Above the New Jedi Temple
Equipment: Staff of Dakrul, Cursed Gen'Dai Flesh Armour, Dread Blade, Conduit shackle receiver
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw - Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


Dakrul thoroughly enjoyed the reanimated Starfall's eagerness to promptly deliver utter destruction onto this city of stone and ember. Having glimpsed out into the night it was undoubtedly clear that the Avatars had arrived at the capital of the core. Their presence would leave a mark. A brand of terror and annihilation burned into the mind and hearts of those that called this place home. All the way at the center of the universe the Maw had struck. What was believed by many to be nothing but an obscene horde of occult marauders somewhere in the fringes of the galaxy now drove their blade into the depth of the world soul of Coruscant.

He sadly didn't have time to stand in awe of their grand crusade, instead, he had to protect the reborn witch. Having taken a closer look at the two female humanoids facing the pair of Mawites it became clear there these weren’t simple intruders. In his vision of the world, one in which the mortal plane was mashed with the Nether he could feel a looming presence over the red-haired female. There was something strange about her, a particular aura, a lasting odor. She was no ordinary light bearer so much he could tell. The other was a burning figure, clearly hinting at the sheer volume of living force energy that flowed through her.

Then they attacked, the strange one first, promptly vanishing from the entrance only to appear next to the towering Cha’ta’ri Heathen Priest seconds later. She was going for the bomb. His hideous veiled face turned to Tegan, it didn’t seem she minded. The women before him promptly changed shape and dimensions. Dakrul was in awe. The female had plane shifted in an instance, no ritual, no sacrifices, somehow she bypassed all-natural laws the warlock had been taught about the process of traveling to hell. Not just that but she had taken the bomb with her. The monstrous necromancer was thoroughly impressed and it seemed he would be even more startled as the reanimated Rhand spell weaver beside him uttered an incantation meant to keep the plane shifter at bay. He couldn’t translate word for word but he had been taught similar magick back in the days of his study upon the Gehinnom.

this demonic sorceress grew on him quickly.

In fact, he had been so impresser that he had not caught up to the movements of the other attacker. A mistake that would cost him dearly as the warrior before them cut through the horde of his undead minions before blasting at the one creature the Dakrul was meant to protect. Tegan was sent hurling out of the vessel's opened cargo doors.


The maniacal insectoid panicked for a moment. How could he fail? How could he let his Master and his priesthood down like this?

He wanted to sprint after her, throw himself into the cold night in a vain attempt to save her when he suddenly heard her voice in his head. Could his toothless rotten orifice bring upon a smile, it would. This witch was really something. He thoroughly understood why that Avatars had seen it necessary to return her onto this plane, why they keep such a close eye on her, and lastly why the Master was so keen on having her around. With Starfall having made an impact and immediately jumping into a frenzy of killing Dakrull felt it was best to keep his distance and instead send his thrall to aid her.

Tegan would stand witness to the dead rising, all around her, and as she added to the numbers of those perished in today's attack those killed would also follow her. In a radius around her, all souls lost would be returned, would stand again, and through them, Dakrul could see, and hear and smell the chaos that they ushered in.

He would have loved to use the remainder of their time to observe as this city dubbed a prime target would bend to the will of the Avatars. Watch as it was thrown into war, smell the stench of death in the air and listen to the silent woeful screams of those souls reborn. This was such an important target to the Mawite crusade yet there was still the issue with the second intruder that would have to be cleared.

At this point the only live upon the vessel aside from Dakrul and his opposition were the crew on deck. Yet the ritual hall was eerily alive, for killing the undead was an impossible task. The charred remains of those that had been chopped apart or cut in two would twitch and wrangle but ultimately move again and take action against Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan .

With this much energy expanded Dakrul would feel the shortness of strength. As if there was not enough air to breathe he could feel his powers fade and grasp over souls dwindle. He needed to maintain both the undead legion rising around Tegan, those inside the ritual chamber, and lastly, he needed to maintain his own curse of immortality.

His eyeglass gaze would once again come to rest upon the blazing flame of living force coming of the women before him. He would take from her, a flame so strong could be harnessed made one's own. With a rather swift motion for such a half-rotten giant, he spun his necrotic staff in the air before pointing its crimson tip right at the attacker.

@Elpsisi would feel her power tucked, pulled, ripped, and clawed from m here. Dakrul was known for his endless, undying hunger for more. The women would experience this insatiable appetite first hand.

"If you once walked in the Light, then I pity what you have become. The Dark Side blinds you while your true brothers and sisters are slaughtered." he chided as he knocked the man backwards. He readied himself for the man's next attack, sensing the rage in his opponent was reaching its boiling point. Anger was a strong weapon. It was unbridled yes, but not free. It had its price for those who could not lay that weapon down when they were done. Geiseric knew deep down his words didn't penetrate his assailant, because he knew the Sith would carry his anger home were he to survive this encounter.

He parried the next strike with a deft swing forward of his shield, but his blade failed to blocked the second strike in time. Hooking the Sith's blade with his crossguard, he managed to bring the two blades down between them, but not before the tip of the crimson blade scored the right side of his chest and down his abdomen. The searing pain made Geiseric roar as he jumped backwards and fell to one knee. Holding his lightsaber in the air next to him with the force, he clutched his scorched armour. The cut wasn't deep, but the strike of a lightsaber was painful no matter how it came. It wasn't his first, and it wouldn't be his last. if the Sith wanted to defeat him, he had to break the crusader's willpower. And that was no easy task.



Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Courtyard

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“ The Darker the Darkness, the Brighter the Light.” -Anonymous

” Light will always shine, even in darkness.” - Anonymous

There was nothing left to say, even if teetering on the edge, Caltin had great balance. Apparently, Kol believed otherwise, but nothing he had done had been anything that Caltin had not already been through. If the Dark Jedi had been paying attention, he would have seen how the Jedi had more than enough anger and aggression in him. Kol may think otherwise, but really all he had done was give the big guy a bit of a headache.

The Force, his connection to it, was another thing that Kol had not accounted for. His body was being invaded by Kol’s Affliction, it was doing its job. However, the Force in his body was already attacking it. It may not be an illness, but a poison, but the Force was his shield and he was going to be protected. Not that he needed it...

...but everyone could use a little help every once in a while.

The storm was increasing, which was good though as it might have a positive effect on the fires. As he stood there, waiting for Kol to do or try something, though it looked like he wouldn’t, Caltin just held up his lightsaber in a “Makashi Salute”. He may not think much of Kol, they may never be colleagues, he may be ideologically and predominantly opposed to everything that he stood for, but the big guy could show respect to someone who earned it.




Location: Rooftop Of A Nearby Building
Allies: GA, Jedi
Enemies: Maw, Sith, Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

No more running, no more hiding
They want war? They can have it


A gulp went down his throat as the hulking beast turned towards him.

While a helmet separated their eyes from meeting, the Jedi could still feel the fiery gaze being cast upon him. This was more than just a hate-fueled rivalry for the light sided warriors. No, this anger had been boiling for a long time.

The grip around his lightsaber tightened as the red blade was pointed his direction. Each lumbering step the Mando took was another second ticking away from possible doom. The deep voice spoke out to the Jedi as sweat collected around his forehead. He needed a delay, and fast.

"Really, a Krayt Dragon? You strike me more as a Bantha. Big, slow, and nothing more than a pet to Tuskens. Plus, it is always the Womp Rat everyone seems to forget about."

Leaning forward, the Knight held the lightsaber in front of his body, shifting to more of an offensive stance. The blaster stayed at his right side, waiting to be raised.

In what seemed like a split second the Sith shot forward, his blade ready to strike. They were trying to take out his blaster hand, the one most vulnerable. Frantically, the Jedi dropped the pistol and brought both hands onto the hilt of his weapon. The crimson blade struck his own, sending the man sliding backwards a considerable amount.

The strike brought the man down to a knee, leaving him even more exposed for another attack. Reaching out his right hand towards the Sith, he tapped into the force.

"Here, I can fight like a Sith too!"

Light blue bolts of electricity shot out of his palm. While mainly powered by force static, a small amount of dark sided force lightning was being used as well. Hopefully it would set the Mando off balance, but the battle was in the force's hands now.
Location: Coruscant Streets, The Senate District
The Mongrel The Mongrel

Ignatius rounded the corner of the alley with the hefty rumbling of the vehicle. "Faster Iggy!" T'Kerri barked, "Move it, move it move it!" The Auxiliary listened to his immediate superior and put his foot down, hurtling toward the carnage. But there was no Mongrel to be seen. Blaster bolts from the remaining New Imperial troops began to clash against the hull. Causing the engine to splutter. Ignatius slowed the vehicle slightly, in case the Mongrel caught on. "I don't see 'im!" The windshield shattered as a stray bolt slapped against it. Chit. Janice began wailing again, and Ignatius looked around. Before raising the dumpster with the front hydraulics, shielding them from any further incursions. It was blinding in two senses. First physically, with Ignatius not being able to see much in front of him, and the second, that putrid pong of rancid waste.

"I'm not sticking around!" Ignatius barked, put his foot to the peddle and letting the speeder lurch forward. He needed more speed to be put on this thing, and reached to the back tray control knobs. Twisting and turning them. There was a clang, and then a sudden rush, as the refuse piled in the back emptied. Most of it in the terms of food scraps, but some crates trundled after. It wasn't much, but it at least provided some screen from the New Imperial forces, and whatever specialists they had among them. Ignatius winced, as he turned to Kerri. Kerri looked somewhat similarly. Aghast. What was Rotgut going to do? He'd kill them. He would literally kill them.

Ignatius tried to muster the courage to say something, when his comms unit crackled on. "Drive," Ignatius' eyes widened as the Mongrel wheezed into the unit. So he was alive. Perhaps this was permission to piss off. "Find me a medbay, or a droid shop." The order was simple and succinct, as Ignatius pressed further and further into the senatorial district. Kriffing. Kriffing hell this was stressful. And that’s when he saw it, dragging along, the unmistakeable glare of the red visor in the mirror. The Mongrel was with them. Damn it. He’d somehow survived. Bisected.

Rausgeber glanced to Kerri, and gestured to the mirror, and then the console for the mechanical arm on the side of the truck. “Bring him in.” Rausgeber commanded coldly, as he moved to look at the navigation unit of the speeder. It was off. He tried triggering it on, but nothing. Not even a frustrated smack of his fist could turn it on. Perfect. Just perfect.

All the while, Kerri manouvered the mechanical arm around, latching it gently around what remained of the Mongrel’s waist between two tight mechanical mandibles. Picking him up, and then for a moment, dangling him upside down before correcting the error. “Open the door wouldya Janice?” Kerri cackled, as the arm pressed itself toward the door, the arm brushing against the hull of the speeder as Ignatius sped through. Janice complied, wind howling through the speeder. "I knew it Iggy, I knew nothin' could stop the Mong'el!"

The Mongrel peered through, Janice shrinking as the arm reached inside, before releasing and dropping the deformed cyborg on her lap. To be quite frank, the screaming was piercing. “For the love of all things holy, shut her up!” Ignatius barked, to which Kerri smacked her head with the butt of the pistol. Rausgeber nodded his thank you as he rounded another corner. Nothing. Just apartment blocks. Restaruants and boutiques. No hospital, medical anywhere. Typical. Typical. He looked at the Mongrel. He was surely in very bad shape. And he knew Kerri, admiration he had for the man, would kill Ignatius if they didn’t get him help. He pulled around another corner, and arrested the momentum of the vehicle with the brake. “There’s no use. I’m not about to keep driving toward a warzone looking for help.” He paused and gave a nod to Kerri. “Get her out, would you, and the Mongrel as well.”

Kerri looked at Ignatius, “You’re uh, you’re gonna do it yourself?” Ignatius was already no rummaging around the cab, looking for tools. Any and all sorts. A simple ‘mmhmm’ punctuated what was to occur. Kerri swallowed, and with his good arm took the Mongrel, from Janice before nudging her, “Out slag!” He commanded, to which she complied. “Ya don’t ‘ave to worry Boss, Iggy ‘ere is the best in our band.” Kerri comforted the man, looking around the barren alley for anyway to prop him up with dignity. “He’s a nice sawbones. Good and quick.” He then grunted, as he dropped down, keeping the Mongrel steady. “Slag,” He barked to Janice, “Down.” She sat down, as Ignatius came out the cab, with a small toolbox. “Hold onto ‘im.” He plopped the Mongrel down on her lap, and gave a nod, “I’ll keep a watch. You fix ‘im.”

Ignatius nodded, and approached Kerri, opening up the box, and providing him a syringe. “Painkiller. For your arm.” Ignatius informed him, before kneeling down before Janice and the Mongrel. His eyes examined the man, as he clasped on two rubber medical gloves, and began to peer into the monstrosity which was the Mongrel. He pried back some of the looser plating, and estimated the wounds, before looking at the cybernetics. “Up please,” He whispered to Janice, who then lifted the Mongrel briefly, as so Ignatius could get a full look. It was not great. But he had done worse. Far worse. With a lot less.

We’re going to need to cauterize those wounds. You’re not going to survive too long with just bandaging,” Ignatius explained with a cool, professional curtness. “I can get you help, make sure you won’t bleed out. But you’ll need proper help within the next day or so before sepsis sets in.” Rausgeber looked through the box, looking for something. Anything. But there was very little. He reached in, and stabbed the Mongrel’s jugular with the needle. Soothing him some painkillers, before scowling. “Who-who bloody keeps a medkit with no bloody stitches?” He Rausgeber snapped under his breathe, before sighing, and looking at the Mongrel’s red visor, “I’ll see if I can find something to improvise with, bear with me.” He turned back to the vehicle, and then to Kerri, before looking around the outside of it. Around, and under, before he hit it. Bingo. A tool box.

Ignatius opened it, revealing a fusion cutter, which he then sparked on. It fluttered shut, and so, he hit it again. And again. Until it flared once more. He then pressed it to the hull of the truck, and started it. Seeing it spark against it, before then examining further. All the while, Janice’s breathes, sharp and steep washed into the Mongrel’s ear with honeyed whimpers of sick terror. Ignatius’ fumbling was brief, and when he tried again against the hull, it began carving a hole. Whatever he had done, he had amplified the power supply massively. He returned, and siddled up to the Mongrel. And piece by piece, over exposed flesh, began to burn into it. Singing and searing his tender parts, until they shut with sizzling. It was crude. But effective. An old Jedi’s trick.

The pungent odour of the Mongrel’s burning ligaments made both Janice and Ignatius gag, until the latter was happy with the progress. At which point, he looked to the cybernetics. Eyeing them up. “You’re suffering a rupturing.” He diagnosed, moving back to the toolbox full of maintenance supplies. “Power rupture.” he added, before hauling out a long, thick black cable. “Presuming.” Ignatius added, “That these are the type of additions which you need to live, I’ll need to spark them up. Kick them up a gear.” He looked over the body of the Mongrel, and scowled. No points for connection. Perfect. “Kerri!” Ignatius barked. The weequay glanced over at him, “The jewellery! Janice’s jewels, stat!” Kerri seemed to be about to protest, “Either the Mongrel lives or dies here Kerri!” Rausgeber reminded him. The hefty sack was lobbed at Ignatius, who caught it, and immediately set about pilfering its contents.

Each piece of jewellery, he bit into. Earrings, necklace, and rings. And each dented. He smirked a little, and looked at the Mongrel, before attaching the earrings and rings to his metal plates. “These, are conductive. Will make sure, hopefully, to mitigate the current.” He added, “But also,” He began to lace the chain necklace through the different jewellery and around the Mongrel’s deformed form. He then began to lace the cable around, tying a knot. And then letting it hang loose. “Janice, I suggest you move. Just in case.” She swallowed, lifting the Mongrel, and then resting him against the wall, while Ignatius trailed the cable back to the speeder. He looked around, and found his outlet, below the large hinge of the mechanical arm, opening it up, and sliding the cable in.

As Ignatius prepared to cause the jolt of power, his eyes glanced back to the Mongrel. Severe, palpable hatred in his gaze. The sort of smouldering look which told the Mongrel now, his life lay in the hands of Rausgeber. However, despite this, when Rausgeber flicked the switch, it was nought more than a buzz, a trickle, as he powered up his ligaments. “Should keep you up and running until we can be evacuated.” Rausgeber drily glowered, “Speaking of, when are we leaving?
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: HPI Tower, Coruscant
Objective: Stop the ritual.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Enemies: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Dakrul Dakrul
[ Fire and Blood ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid could still hear the words the crazy woman had said. She recognized them, though not particularly worried, to the best of her knowledge, not being as easy to banish a living being from the world of the living as a spirit. Although she didn't know she was a little wrong with that. I mean, she never had a chance to gauge what it meant to be part of the Netherworld. Thanks to Tegan, she was able to learn this lesson today.

The teleportation was successful and, along with the bomb, arrived in one of the very desolate parts of the Nether. As far as she knew, it was a place where if the bomb had been in the area of the original explosion, it wouldn’t do any harm to anyone or anything because there were no settlements nearby, but not even souls. She couldn't have found a better place. However, Ingrid did not want others to find it either. Thus, with the Force, she created a larger hole and buried it in it.

Once she was done she just had to go back. Ingrid first tried the normal, traditional method of creating a rift and slipping through it. Here now it wasn’t enough, she felt like an energy wall blocked the way out. The Empress spent the next few minutes trying to break through this. In the end, it took a lot of energy and was damn painful. After teleporting, she appeared panting and smoking, kneeling exactly where she had disappeared before. On the ship. Her every muscle was in a cramp, all of her pain-sensing receptor cells screamed in pain, and it felt like a million needles or knives were being inserted into her body.

<< Vice Chancellor, the bomb is secured, in Netherworld, it is no longer a problem to Coruscant. >> she sent a new comm. message to Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe . Her voice trembled with pain, it could be perfectly felt that she was in great pain.

In any case, she gritted her teeth and turned to face Dakrul Dakrul ...


Last edited:
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First | (AC)
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Senate Building
Objective II.: Bastion Accords Besieged
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies:: Geiseric Geiseric
Enemies:: Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus | Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was the first Valkyrja, but even among them it was special. She was different from her fellow species members in many ways. Among other things, the woman was born from the energies of the souls of the Eternal Empress and a powerful Sith Lord, Darth Prospero. But from specific feelings. She inherited some of her "parents" ability, she didn't have to learn alchemy and sorcery, but in her nearly three hundred years of existence, Eina learned and developed a lot. The woman was closer to the Light Side, but through Force Entity, and as a resident of Nether, the necromancy had no Dark side effect on her.

"You are wrong, this fight will only be won by my people by your constant, stupid fight creating more and more worthy souls to become a Valkyrja. Mortals cannot win in this fight!" she said.

She wanted to believe what Gei believed the light could win, but the Force didn't work that way.

"Freedom is not the chaos you cause. Chaos is not freedom because, according to it, only the strong can survive. The weak have the same right to life." she said again.

The man was an amateur, these were just bodies, the woman's mother would have pulled the soul back into them, as she did with the 267th. Eina was capable of it, too, but it was just necromancy. The woman also let her Force Energies flow around, but it was neutral, the four soldiers simply collapsed after the woman's hand gestures. for the other two, the grenades fell to the ground and the soldiers lay on the grenade to cushion the come explosion. During the Force-using, the woman's blue eyes glowed with golden light, her entire eyes including the white part too.

It was then that she felt Gei's injury as well, just as the two opponents were a little further apart. She swung, arriving there with two flaps of wings. A moment before the explosion, she hugged and embraced the man with her wings and raised a golden telekinetic shield around the two of them. The explosion was powerful because the grenades at the other dead ones also exploded. Gei was probably completely defended by Eina, but she herself suffered more serious wounds in her wings and back. Only the crusader could hear her scream under the explosion. Afterwards, the shield shattered, and Eina fell to her knees in front of her friend, pointing her back and wings at the Sith, facing Gei.

The feathers on her wings were torn in many places and burned. Despite the pain, she smiled kindly at the crusader.

"You aren't injured, are you?" she asked worriedly.






Revenant Squadron

Picket Line 253

New Imperial Order

Brotherhood of the Maw

Chaar unleashed an Umbaran curse as Revenant Ten announced that more enemy starfighters were on a minute out. The B-wings tactical display light up a moment later with the signatures of sixteen TIE/fd advanced interceptors. While Revenant had managed to hold back the regular TIE/fd fighters, their more heavily armed colleagues would cut the squadron to pieces.

One minute. A lot could happen in one minute. A lot of glory could be earned.

“I’m going in.”

The commander pushed the B-wing’s engines to overdrive, rerouting power from the shields to extract every last amount of thrust he could from the engines. His evasion maneuvered became less erratic, risking a lucky shot from an enemy gunner in exchange for a more direct route to the massive battlecruiser One Flight tucked in behind their flight leader as they dove toward the Magnus. Like colo claw fish they smelt blood in the water and could sense that a kill was near. They knew when Chaar was on the scent nothing could deter him.

“We’ve got an opening,” announced Revenant Five as the B-wings quickly closed the distance to the enemy ship. The three X-wings - Revenant Seven was noticeably absent - had cleared out the surface turrets astern of the massive proton beam cannon. Two Flight’s ion cannons had peppered the area to soften the target.

“Coming in hot,” Chaar announced. The X-wings pulled back to give the B-wings a clear attack run.

Each of the heavy starfighters launched two proton torpedoes in a tight grouping, targeting what Fleet Intel believed to be a reactor bulge. The Umbaran had very little faith in the pen pushers and analysts, but with interceptors closing in, he didn’t have time to explore the hull of the five-kilometre long battlecruiser for another target. Massive explosions were ejected out into space as the ordinance found their mark. The B-wings switched to their heavy laser cannons and peppered the target as they sped past, eliciting geysers of flames from the wounded Brotherhood capital ship.

“Another pass,” Chaar ordered as he wheeled around his B-wing. “Make sure to target the…”

“No need sir.”

The Umbaran was about to tear apart Revenant Two over comms for interrupting him when klaxons began ringing out in his cockpit. A second later he saw what his wingmate has had seen.

A chain reaction of explosions was cascading along the hull of the Magnus like a wildfire caught in the wind. Bulkheads were rent from their frames as compartment after compartment exploded. The flash screen on Chaar’s cockpit activated to subdue the blighting light. Whatever they’d hit must have been important. Running lights dimmed along the hull as the battlecruiser lost power and began to list to the side.

Then the interceptors were on them, hungry for revenge.

“Three Flight, we need an clear vector!” Chaar duck and wove his starfighter, diverting power back to his shields as swarms of interceptors fell upon him and One Flight. “Ten, where are you!?”

Hits called with the permission of the absolute madman Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick


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