ENEMIES: GA | NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-huggers

Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
3/4 Company of Legion of Bone among which is 1/2 force Ash Hellions - All led byGeneral Samron Gerron Legate Aether Ferris
The Fortuna in orbit
Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
3/4 Company of Legion of Bone among which is 1/2 force Ash Hellions - All led by
The Fortuna in orbit
The Jedi had both risen to the challenge. Danika had to get rid of the emotion and frustration somehow and how better than to sate the bloodlust of the spirits that were milling on the other side of the veil, than with the blood of the self-righteous?
Laughter at the Consular's words escaped Danika's lips, even as the debris around them rose up into a maelstrom. Raising both hands, the Herald of Death suspended the debris in place momentarily as the collective amount was thrown towards her.
"No, my dear, I don't think I will." she spoke in her haunting tone in response to the order to leave.
Then she hurled the collective amount back at the duo just as the Padawan poked his head out from behind his cover.
<So kind of you notice.> Danika replied, summoning the saber that still lay on the ground and igniting it just in time to stop the freakish boy's own saber an inch away from her neck.<You are not a nice person!>
Her bright teal gaze bored into his own for a second as they met over the crossed blades.
<You should have listened to your superior and remained out of this, boy.> she said before shoving him away and unclipping the crimson blade from her belt and igniting it once more.
The boy renewed his onslaught, coming at her with vehemence. But the movements were oh so familiar.
<You fool.> she said as she met his assault head on, gritting her teeth as one of his blows charred into her bicep slightly. It was unsettling to have her friend's techniques used against her and her heart clenched. But this was familiar territory all the same. <I have trained the Falleen as much as he has trained me.> Deflecting his blade with an upward parry with her amethyst blade, the crimson blade simultaneously came up from below, aiming to slice the boy from hip to shoulder.
Unfortunately for the Jedi, the Lady of Conquest did not run.
Hell had to freeze over before she did.