Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine




| NJO | SJC | NIO | AC | Any other Jedi-huggers
ENGAGING: Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Force-imbued dual Phrik Blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
3/4 Company of Legion of Bone among which is 1/2 force Ash Hellions - All led by General Samron Gerron Legate Aether Ferris
The Fortuna in orbit



The Jedi had both risen to the challenge. Danika had to get rid of the emotion and frustration somehow and how better than to sate the bloodlust of the spirits that were milling on the other side of the veil, than with the blood of the self-righteous?

Laughter at the Consular's words escaped Danika's lips, even as the debris around them rose up into a maelstrom. Raising both hands, the Herald of Death suspended the debris in place momentarily as the collective amount was thrown towards her.
"No, my dear, I don't think I will." she spoke in her haunting tone in response to the order to leave.

Then she hurled the collective amount back at the duo just as the Padawan poked his head out from behind his cover.

<You are not a nice person!>
<So kind of you notice.> Danika replied, summoning the saber that still lay on the ground and igniting it just in time to stop the freakish boy's own saber an inch away from her neck.
Her bright teal gaze bored into his own for a second as they met over the crossed blades.
<You should have listened to your superior and remained out of this, boy.> she said before shoving him away and unclipping the crimson blade from her belt and igniting it once more.

The boy renewed his onslaught, coming at her with vehemence. But the movements were oh so familiar.
<You fool.> she said as she met his assault head on, gritting her teeth as one of his blows charred into her bicep slightly. It was unsettling to have her friend's techniques used against her and her heart clenched. But this was familiar territory all the same. <I have trained the Falleen as much as he has trained me.> Deflecting his blade with an upward parry with her amethyst blade, the crimson blade simultaneously came up from below, aiming to slice the boy from hip to shoulder.

Unfortunately for the Jedi, the Lady of Conquest did not run.

Hell had to freeze over before she did.


Anja Doreva Anja Doreva // Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

The white blade of the librarian’s saber ignited towards the ground as her opponent began to gather the dust and debris around her. Slowly it rose until Aeris kept it before her with one hand above the other on her ornate hilt. Her eyes closed, calm albeit ragged breaths filled her lungs with pain, and yet her body radiated with a calm that only a Jedi could have mustered. Just like she had predicted, the attack she had granted Danika was handed right back.

Small pellets of dirt brushed against her arm with a sting as the saber tore through the pieces that would have posed her harm. She felt her skin tear, the fabric of her tunic break open as piece for piece were torn away by the smaller, miniscule pieces of the storm that swept her by.

Dust and grime covered her as she emerged through the dust and cloud seemingly no worse for wear. Her eyes snapped open again as her blade reached out to intersect the red one that came swinging towards Kai.

“Leave.” She demanded with a far more firm attitude than before. “You are stuck in an endless struggle.”




Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Courtyard

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“The mind reflects the world, and the world reflects the mind.” -James Pierce

Caltin was indeed prepared to fight it out when Kol made his observation. It was as simple and ridiculous as he was becoming, the “Dee-Jay” was not wrong in his assertion, but it was nothing that no one else really had any true misunderstanding over, at least deep down. In fact, it was Caltin’s central belief when it came to the Force, both “sides” had it wrong, but he was still choosing one. Fate had nothing to do with it.

Two sides of the same coin, yeah, but if you are so ill-concerned about the “dark” or the “light”, why are you fighting me? Why are you among them? Why do you care what they do? You choose to be… just like me.

Yeah, Vanagor was annoyed, agitated, all of that but more at the situation than anything. Kol was just another Darksider to him now, but that doesn’t mean that the big guy could just look past him. Right now Kol seemed to think that he was dumb enough to jump at him with both lightsabers engaged and extended. No, Caltin controlled this fight, regardless of where he was in it.

The way that Kol was in and out was proving to no longer be a challenge for him, but for Kol and while that could prove to be advantageous, it was more pointless than anything for Caltin. What he saw though was someone who was fighting no longer to attain their goals, but to prove that they could. Yeah, Kol could make his own choices, but he was proving to make the wrong ones, maybe not wrong “today”, but more “tomorrow”.

Meanwhile, there was something in his mind, something going on inside the Temple.

Either way, as Caltin made his way towards the door, yes, the door, his eyes were on the fallen tree behind Kol. That would be perfect for what he was about to do.

Now it was just a matter of getting to the entranceway...

... and get Kol to think it was about him.


Tag: Cadere Cadere | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
Location: Senate District
Equipment: x2 Lightsabers
Propeties: Marr-class Star Destroyer | Death Squad | Al Galaare (Blood Eagles) | Project-TC


Sensing and feeling the suppressing of his influence over her mind, Insatious dropped the attempt at causing her to gain insanity. Raising his hand, the Sith Lord formed a claw-shaped form with his fingers, almost nonchalantly blocking and redirecting any blaster fire away. The roaring fire in the dinner started to hiss and crackle with displeasure as Insatious took a step forward, launching his hand forward. Right before Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres eyes, she would watch as the fire from the dinner was with an unnatural movement, controlled to take the shape of a great firestorm and sent flying by Insatious in her direction. The fire would engulf everything as it raged toward her.

The Death Troopers that had charged Zoraya and her men was blasted to crips along with the men that were closest to the Death Troopers and Zoraya would have to think fast, if she wanted to escape third-degree burns and most likely die from the smoke and heat alone. Having temporarily dealt with the first irritation, Insatious turned just in time to look up at the incoming artillery fire and raised his hand once again, completely freezing the cannon fire in the air and then swapping it to the building around them, cause even more to explode around them. However, Insatious only really stopped the cannon fire that would put him in danger as Every single remaining Death Troopers behind him behind the cover was blown up, laying dead on the ground as smoke rose from their bodies.

The clones did as they were commanded, though, they hated how the inferior, in their mind, force user would command them as they clearly were the better versions of him. At yet, Shai Maji Shai Maji would find herself jumped by two robed force users, the first one reaching out with his hand and swiped it to the left, which instantly had Shai feel something invisible grabbing her leg and throw it in the left direction, causing her to lose balance, if not much, then enough for the second clone to come down on her, with both hands on his hilt, in quick successions, both of Shai's pistols would be cut in half, followed by the clone sending an intense blast of high telekinetic force into her stomach to push her flying back.

A loud crack in the distance as the air was ripped, as a 20x82mm slug round was fired directly at Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt 's head, though because she moved, the round would connect with her back instead. The slug was fired from a high-powered Anti-Materiel Rifle and would send a devastating ripple effect through Aerith's entire body. Depending on how strong her suit was from handling anti-material high powered slug rifles, its shot would completely shred the target's matter to pieces. Even if she would survive, it would still create a massive knockback effect, followed by the shockwave to her internal organs.

Not only that but a loud beeping could be heard upon the rooftop of a nearby building close to them, where a massive man clad in matte
red and grey coloured Mandalorian armour. In his hands, resting on his shoulder, an equally large anti-tank rocket launcher as the Mandalorian was locking the launcher onto the Basilisk, firing a deafening blast as the missile flew in a direct line towards the great Mandalorian war machine.

Whether Shai managed to outsmart the two clones and dodge their initial attacks, or Aerith survived the sniper shot to her back, they both would suddenly feel a rain of fire from above as two other Mandalorians appeared in the air, firing their own DE-10 blaster pistols. While the blaster pistols wouldn't do much in terms of damage, it was meant as an annoyance and suppressing fire.
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Location: the icky jedi temple
Enemy: jedi & also Jax Thio Jax Thio

“To free one to the Darkside, all that must transpire is that the sleeper within awaken. To redeem one, they must ever deny that which naturally exists deep in their core being. You affirmed it yourself just now, Light and Darkness make the person whole! All you choose to see in me is my Darkness, like I don't care or love anyone at all in my life. Your ways Jax Thio, the way of living in Light only are unnatural and unrealistic! How long does a jedi believe himself able to keep up the charade?! You already walk in the steps of Darkness or you would not be the one here seeking me out!” accused the witch. "Your doctrine is highly biased and flawed. Nearly the same beliefs we hold to, yet your application is so very different from my ways."

As he shrugged off her hand, as she figured he would, her lips curled into a thin secretive smile. The prick of his palm where her potion was introduced into his bloodstream, she knew would bleed minimally for the moment, but the magick would cause the small incision to take days to heal like that of a wasp sting, and leave behind an intricate and unique scar. The Blood Trail historically used to keep servants whereabouts trackable, would allow the witch to locate the jedi everywhere he goes; through him she shall be able to track the jedi forces and lead them to their fall.

Spasa gained enlightenment over her senses little by little, crying out from where she stood behind the two, as the Sith unleashed all manner of genetically modified beasts upon Coruscant. She stared down at the chain sickle dangling in her hands.

"You have to feel the weight of the Dark Forces overcoming our surroundings. I can walk out of here untouched among them. It is you who will have to put forth alot of effort to walk out of this temple alive."

Pom would take Spasa out of here with her; it would not be Jax!

"You are born unto so much potential," she remarked with great disappointment. Spasa can never rejoin Pom, but Jax is free to choose for himself a far better path than the one he has chosen. She never thought he would have crossed that line, seeing him as he was the last time they had met. Pom felt for sure, he would have unleashed his inner darkness by now. The exact opposite had occurred.

Objective: 2
Location: Senate District
Equipment: In bio | armour | 1x Big Boy Baby
Tags: Darth Insatious Darth Insatious | Cadere Cadere | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres | Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt
Theme: Resist and Bite

The carnage raged around them as they fought against the sad excuses for life before them. The little man seemed to be quite skilled. He avoided her shots and moved with the precision she was hoping for. She wanted to enjoy this fight before she wrapped her jaw around his throat. Unfortunately he didn't seem too inclined which frankly was an insult. "Oh you karking cowardly piece of crap!" She barked as he set his lackeys onto her.

Things kicked into high gear when she felt her leg move without her say-so, sliding out from under her and throwing her off balance for a moment. Her jetpack kicked in and stabilized her, but it happened too late as a second attacker came at her and sliced through her particle pistol. Thankfully her Ripper was in its holster already. In an instant she retaliated, angling her forearm down and using her left vambrace to block the blade and hold it at bay while simultaneously unleashing her right vambrace's flamethrower directly on the man at point blank range, followed in parallel with two shots at his center mass from the wrist blaster contained within the vambrace. Her attacks were quick and sharp, serving to interrupt his force push while hoping to get rid of him in order to divert complete focus on the other. With no Force counters, she had to be careful with these guys. The Beskar would hold against the lightsabers and years of war had sharpened both her senses and reaction time. She could beat them.

Soon blasterfire rained down from above, earning a snarl from Shai as the shots bounced off her armour, doing next to no damage thankfully. She couldn't take all of them on. The two Sith, sure, but not a bunch of traitors as well. Luckily she hopefully wouldn't have to...

Baby was doing a marvellous job of annihilating the sith troopers, though it let out a curious hum when every shot aimed at the Sith Lord simply redirected away from him. A missile then impacted, its deflector shield absorbing the damage and merely annoying the massive beast. It immediately retaliated with a missile, locking onto the enemy on the roof and firing a homing concussion missile at him in hopes of deleting him as well. The skies soon filled with more Mandalorians firing at Baby's friends. A low droning sounded from the Basilisk in anger, the howl of its thruster growing louder as it blasted into the air, just above everyone's heads but still low to avoid detection from other fighters in the vicinity. It was time to show them who owned the airspace around them.

The launchers fired a few more homing missiles at the flying Mandalorians as its cannons came to life as well, firing at them in hopes of taking them out as soon as possible.
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Kai’s face was a puzzle, the pieces taken from various sources. Glaring at each other over locked sabers, Danika might find his blue eyes, wreathed in raven-black lashes markedly different from his shock-white hair, strangely familiar as well.

But then Kai was shoved backwards, the lock broken. He lunged forward again, continuing his barrage until his blade bit into her shoulder. If he could land a successful blow while using Samron’s techniques, maybe her familiarity with it didn’t matter. He had clearly unsettled her, and if it worked...

Her upwards parry forced his arms up, and he saw the red blade coming to gut him. Yet Aeris jumped back into the fight, her white blade meeting Danika’s red before it could bisect the doppelganger.

Saved, Kai resumed his vigorous attack upon Danika’s side. He was trying to move behind the woman, or far enough to her side that he had access to her back, forcing her to divide her attention between him and Aeris on opposing sides of her body.

<Yeah, go away! We don’t need noisy, disruptive people like you in the library!>

With that, he aimed a crippling upward slash to her back, hoping to cut through Danika’s spine.

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Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Honestly Pom was right, it was foolish to lay staunchly in the light for the brighter the light the darker the shadow. One trap that the Jedi often fall into was that denying the darkness especially within themselves is a foolish endeavor. In fact It was how many Dark Jedi were produced because they held back the darkness inside. Once it was unleashed, there was little they can do to stop it from consuming their souls and becoming an agent of the Dark Side. But the major flaw in Pom's plan was to completely reject her light side, to pull out her soul and kill her in order to become more powerful. However through destroying her light side, Pom's soul will be reduced to being a relentless, aggressive, destructive animal driven by rage and bloodlust. Though given what Pom did to Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin and how she killed Jax, the Jedi should let her go on the path of self destruction. But he couldn't, not only because another life was at stake but he felt some compassion for Pom. She had children and they needed her, she was going down a path that they couldn't follow and this was a chance for Jax to make things better.

"You're right, there is darkness inside me." Jax declared pushing Pom back and ignoring the blood trickling down his palm. "But unlike some Jedi I do not hate it nor I fear. The darkness is nature just like the Light but I use the power of darkness to serve the Jedi and the light Pom. To destroy your light side is to become a rage filled animal bereft of a soul. One cannot live without the other!"

Jax closed his eyes channeling the light inside of him. "I've been into realm before Pom," he said a burst of light radiating from around him. "And you're wrong within the depths of darkness there is a light that never goes out!"

It was then that Jax's mind became calm as he began to merge with the Force becoming an extension of its will, a being of pure light.


"You remember this form Pom?" Jax said his voice sounding ethereal, his entire body cloaked with the light side of the Force. "You can never infect me with the Darkness for I will find the light. I have become Oneness an extension of the Force!"

He raised his hand channeling a large ball of light energy towards the Nightsister.


Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sidearm 2, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer.
Enemies: Maw/Sith
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Dakrul Dakrul , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Things happened in rapid succession.

The Empress said something about a big-arse bomb that sounded like really bad news. Darkside cultists threw themselves into the breach, shielding their dark mistress with their lives. Quite literally, for quite a few shredded by Elpsis' initial salvoe, though it had failed to hit its intended target.

Then suddenly a horde of charred undead, animated by sorcery most foul, arose and charged towards them. Or crawled, for some lacked the necessary limbs. Regardless, naught but hatred and ravenous hunger drove them. The hauler's freight doors opened, exposing the war-torn city and the temple below.

It was not a sight that shocked Elpsis. She had been here before. Coruscant was not her home, and she was well accustomed to hellish battlefield. Being tormented on war-torn, hellish Tephrike had awakened her to many things. The Empress said something about teleporting the bomb to the Nether. Elpsis didn't have the slightest idea of how that would work, for she was no Nether creature. However, she didn't dally.

So while Ingrid...vanished to do her sorcery, Elpsis made herself a target. It helped that the undead were quite single-minded. She got one shot off with her boltgun. Given the size of the horde, aiming was unnecessary. Some undead fell to the ground, shredded into chunks. However, ere Elpsis could get another shot off, she had been swarmed.

She slammed her gun into a zombie's skull. Another was not just brutally smashed by her cybernetic fist, but caught flame. But that was not the end. They were simple undead, but tireless and fearless. Thus those that had gotten close started beating on her head and body with their fists. They could not effectively penetrate her armour, but they could hurt the body inside. A zombie even bit her mechanical gauntlet.

Pain surged through her when blows landed upon her head, the kinetic energy having transferred through the helmet. It made her reel. Pain shot through her flesh hand, as undead tried to seize her wrist to crush her fingers. Her little finger broke. The feeling of bone splintering triggered rage inside her. Telekinetic energy swept from her, sending zombies flying. Some fell off the ship into the abyss below.

Finally, she had some breathing space. Elpsis could not yet determine whether the Empress had succeeded in her attempt. But she did need to give her some cover. She grabbed her hard-sound gun and fired shots into the direction of the dark witch who'd earlier been protected by the priests, and the Sithspawn. Channelling the fiery power inside her, she hurled a precision thermic lance at the woman.


Iron Skin | Lightsaber

Saan'an Gaelor | Kirie | Morteg | Auteme | Romi Jade | Errik Nimdok | Metis Athena Elpis
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


The horrific crash of metal against metal at high impact rattled the Senate Chamber after he'd launched a pod into Solipsis's own, the Dark Lord naturally able to avoid the thunderous sunder of heavy metal upon him. It was no matter. An errant jab in a heated, desperate scrap. Immediately after, what was the surface beneath his feet fell from under him, naturally incurring the propulsion of his body invigorated by the Force to offer a reprieve from falling free unto a fate that while wouldn't spell instant death, would choke the initiative away from him in this bout.

Against Solipsis, there was no breaking focus, there was no breaking rhythm. Each movement of his body and blade must be in concert with one another, a perfectly flowing symphony to combat what was ultimately a creature, nay, a deity of chaos and unpredictable volatility.

As he vaulted into open air, he was feet away from Solipsis's own platform when two of the many senate pods raining through the chamber in thunderous calamity slammed into Rurik's person. It jarred his focus before he immediately retorted with a repulse of contained force energy around his person, shattering the vessels on impact with the sphere of contained power wrought around his form. He pulsed himself unto Solipsis's platform, reigniting his argent blade in his right, cybernetic hand before wielding lightning in his other, he fired a energetic burst from his left hand before following through in righteous reprisal with a lunge and cut of his saber.

Anything to break his focus.

His silent rage propelled him into the fray with Solipsis again, that perfectly controlled and tempered anger held beneath a visage of metal. His cold eyes and argent electric fury beared down on Solipsis without quarter. Just as he brought Prazutis to nigh death in the greatest venue of all Galactic revel - the Gardens of Pellaeon in Ravelin, he would render the same fate unto the Father of the Maw. The Apostle of the Apocalypse himself.

"You came here to bring the end to the Jedi and all their virtuous suffering...and I've come here to bring the end to you. Wherever your scourge treads, I will be waiting. Your only escape from me will be the grave, Sith. You will be brought low- I will make it so." The Iron Imperator sounds out in warped, ethereal distortion to his tortured voice.



Equipment: Faithless, Lightsaber
Tags: Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

Discord, the natural conclusion to clean up the crumbling pieces left behind by so-called order; her arrival was chaos, an interruption that was both unexpected and undesired, blade cutting through the air and pushing against a lightsaber wielded by a man that couldn't hope to stave her off for long. She didn't say a word as the man made his maneuver over and around her, she didn't need to - she began to rotate towards him at the hip and, feeling her legs come out from under her, two new legs were formed to replace the two that were receding back into her torso as they gave out. She landed several feet away from where she intended to, of course, having made an effort to avoid the gesture she assumed was intended to be a telekinetic thrust, but it seemed that taking her footing would require more than clever footwork.

The lightsaber hilt she had been carrying in her other hand ignited, blanketing them both in its eerie red glow, and it was made clear exactly how she intended to deal with him - or anyone that happened to try to intervene. She blinked, once, and in the passing of time that took place between closing her eyes and opening them again it seemed a change had taken place within her - like she'd resigned herself to something, chosen, accepted even, what she'd found herself face-to-face with. Deep within her a hunger had been growing, jaws struggling against a muzzle of her own making, but the moment her red-ringed eyes set their gaze upon the Jedi that restraint was gone and that hunger exploded.

She was on him far faster than she had been before, a veritable storm of hatred and spite - the darkness that coursed through her veins surging like adrenaline, like lightning, and drove her with fury that could only be described as unnatural. Each step was thunderous, color leaving the earth wherever she placed her feet, each movement of her arms, her legs, drew moisture, warmth, from the air, and as she drew closer to him, to the Jedi, it was clear that all of this was being pulled into her. She, Darth Mori, was the living singularity that had consumed what scraps had been left to her on Rhand as the Confederacy fled. The hunger that feasting had left her with had been unfathomable, the thirst she felt unquenchable, and by sheer force of will alone she had kept it at bay, like a beast bound and chained deep inside of her.

Only now it was unleashed.

She struck with the sword first in a downward arc, the thrusting of her saber following soon after from her right with the weight of her rotating body thrown into it. Perhaps the Jedi was unfamiliar with the theory of a tear in the force, of what it meant to step foot on a world like Nathema, but every waking moment, with every step she took and every breath she drew, all life on Coruscant was gradually being put at risk. It was only this area now, but for how long? Could Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze afford to keep his focus off of her - would he let her devour the planet, all of it, for the sake of one apprentice?

Was Jem Fossk Jem Fossk that important to him, was one life worth that much?

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Post: 4
Objective: No More Light
Location: Just Landed int he Temple!
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives | Holopad | Quantum bomb
Allies: Dakrul Dakrul
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Indeed it was Tegan who acted as the Terrorist Darth Sokar on Byss killing hundreds of millions. The Dark had led her there told her the one of the dark secrets of the Eternal Empire. The Eternal Empire or faction with in sought to end the force and all the carnage it brought upon the Galaxy that was the secret the Dark had told her. The Dark vison told her of an emperor or leader of some kind one of his lieutenants calling him Tacitus leading a crusade to purge the force. That vision led her to byss her interpretation of it was The Eternal Empire need to be taught a harsh lesson, destruction was Tegan’s domain and an offering without sacrifice was unacceptable. You also could not destroy a construct like the force with out killing everyone and if you weren’t willing to go that far then you had no business trying.

Though Tegan herself had no idea she was even being sought after, though through the bodies of priests and zombies she did notice Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim the figure head or some such in the Eternal Empire. Tegan really didn’t keep up much with politics, so she had no idea for title or rank just that woman was some big wig. It was peculiar though someone of her stature and position waging into war headlong. Though Tegan didn’t have time to dwell on the why’s the woman was there personally. It was made clear they were here for her regardless.

Tegan was about to snap her lightsaber to life though by no means the best duelist she would fight to keep herself alive longer than the few minutes she had been. Yet before she could Ingrid had teleported in front of her and next to the bomb. If Tegan had her mind crown she would have trigger it right then and there but she didn’t have a remote link to the bomb it had to be manually armed or linked to her datapad which it wasn’t yet.

Tegan’s burning orange eyes caught Ingrid'ss icey blue eyes. Tegan stared right through the woman, Tegans stare figuratively burning right through the woman like she was nothing just some meat puppet to Tegan. In fact that is how Tegan saw most of the world around her just her play things. As she stared at the woman and she began to reach out and touch the bomb, Tegan’s eyes widened and time seemed to move slower around her. She noticed the moment it started Ingrid began to flicker out of existence and fading into the nether with the bomb. Tegan made a split-second decision as everything moved around her slowly.

Her free left hand shot up and words left her lips. “Εγώ Επίπληξη Σε, Εγώ Εξορίζω εσείς από φιρμα προς το κόλαση χρόνος Σκοτεινός.” Tegans other hand joined in quickly adding hand gestures as she spoke the words. Energies flowed forth from Tegan and directed them at Ingrid they were words of banishment, Tegan could have inversed them forced Ingrid to stay with the bomb instead Tegan choose to sacrifice the bomb but bar Ingrid from easily returning and forcing her to the plane of Tegans choosing that of Hell. It would keep her out of Tegan’s way for a time Tegan wasn’t sure how long Ingrid would be gone it could be ten minutes or ten years or anything in between. She didn’t have time to add an extra incantation to banish the woman for a thousand years.

Translation roughly: “I Rebuke Thee, I Banish you from the Firma (World) to Hell (Plane of the Nether) for time undetermined.”

As Tegan finished up the Hanger doors began to open and Tegan could see the crumbling Temple below and all the carnage going on, on the Ground. As she lingered there for only a second as one of the hard sound shot from Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan slammed into her side and knocked her back hard and Tegan went flying out of the Hanger the fire lance missing as Tegan began falling through the sky to the ground below. She sent a message to Dakrul Dakrul as she fell through the air. “See you on the ground, plan B total annihilation!” Tegan began to right her body as she feel through the air preparing for her landing slamming into the ground with a force shield protecting her as she did her superhero landing dead center in the temple falling through the crumbling roof. As she stood up she was sure she had probably cracked a rib or too and her knees ached something fierce. "I might be getting to old for this chit." After she said that she quickly looked around to make sure Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was no where around to hear that.
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Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | MAW
Guarantor | Visions of Gold


The robed gentlemen stepped forward to introduce himself and bar Tithe’s way. While simply walking out of the situation would have been ideal, the Vice Chancellor had a history of talking himself out of dangerous situations. While the word ’slippery’ was often thrown around, he much preferred beguiling.

“Ahh, High Regent did you say?” The Aargauun offered a bow of the head in reverence. “My, your majesty, the pleasure it but mine.” Some of the terms and titles Tirall used were familiar, while others were fresh to Tithe’s ears. As the High Regent had warned, Tithe’s faithful data goggles couldn’t find a match on him. The Brotherhood was proving to be a multifaceted organisation indeed. “I, uhhh, I hope you’ll pardon my imprudence,” he added. “What with the poor lighting and ambiance.”

He committed to memory the revelation that the Maw’s attack was not an invasion. A raid perhaps, to secure an item or individual? The World Devestators bearing down on the planet did speak to a proclivity for carnage. Then again, there was so much about the Brotherhood which was still unknown, including - much to Tithe’s chagrin - how the marauders economy operated.

What was known was that he doubted they were more powerful than he could imagine. No sentient knew the true meaning of power until they counted Gat Tambor Gat Tambor among their business partners.

Tithe’s commlink chirped. “I should, ahh, probably take this.” He activated the device and heard the voice of Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim explaining that she had found a Brotherhood quantum bomb. That wasn’t good. If the device was anywhere near the Senate or the Jedi Temple he was at risk of instantaneous vaporisation.

“Well, ohh boy, I really don’t know what I can offer,” Tithe replied to Tirall with a shrug of his shoulders. “An unarmed legislator deep in the bowels of Coruscant. Now, how about this - High Regent, what can I do for you in this juncture we find ourselves sharing?”


Return of the Jedi vol. I
Issue #3 - The Battle of Coruscant

Darth Interitus Darth Interitus
It came as no surprise when the Senator's hilt snapped out of his sleeve and into his hand. As much as he tried to play the part of a sniveling Senator, under the threat of physical harm, the facade collapsed and the true being beneath appeared.

Mynock was glad for it, even as the plasmatic blades crossed, locked in position, it'd been a while since he had came across an opponent in melee. The beasts of the underworld, leftovers from past battles hadn't the need of sabers, or blades, or even modern weapons, not when their bodily functions were seemingly created for war and causing pain.

His eyes were drawn to the case, dropped out of the revealed Sith's hand, and his other saber sprouted from around his back, plunging forth at the Sith -- too late.

The Force crashed into him, momentum and ethereal energy carrying him through the floor and to the next level. His sabers deactivated after his back crashed through the floor he had just been standing on. There was no time to try and twist into a more favourable position, to come out of the fall rolling or some other dexterity fueled maneuver.

No, he felt his back plate crash into the next floor, a gasp of both pain and surprise leaving his mouth as he rolled over to his side.

Out of practice.

Not that he had ever fought an opponent that favoured the Force.

His hand shot up, his reach, nudging through the miasma of permeating energy that bonded living beings, and through it, tugged on the strand that was the Sith's energy force, and pulled Darth Interitus Darth Interitus through the gap in the floor he had created. Throwing himself backwards so he was not stomped under foot, his twin sabers burst back to life, two beams of sapphire energy slashing from opposite sides in an attempt to split the Sith Lord in half at the waist.

Location: Coruscant, the Jedi Temple; Courtyard
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

This time there was no response. In as much as Vanagor thought that Kol had it all wrong the Dark Jedi had started to liken the Jedi Master to a man blinded and ignorant due to his own biases. Maybe Vanagor thought the same of him. Truthfully they might not have been so different at their core just opposing sides that had made their decisions and were now rooted in them.

When it appeared as though Vanagor declined Kol's invitation the Dark Jedi chuckled. Arms still outstretched to either side of him as though welcoming the Jedi Master forward Kol hadn't faltered. In fact as the Jedi Master began to move back towards the Jedi Temples entrance way the Dark Jedi seemed subtly pleased. For all his talk Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor wasn't as simple a man as he appeared to be.

Of course it wasn't over between them.

Kol would strategically place himself behind Vanagor at a distance, letting the Jedi Master move back towards the entrance way of the Temple unimpeded. It was at this point that the Dark Jedi reached out with the Dark Side again. In a sense Kol was building on previous interactions. He'd discovered that Vanagor was both physically and mentally stoic. The Jedi Master had repelled his initial assault on his mind when Kol had attempted to cast visions into it. Vanagor had been able to differentiate between the illusionary doubles that Kol had created. The Dark Jedi was like a parasite though, sinking his teeth into the force whether Light or Dark and infecting it, he just needed time and between verbal exchanges with Vanagor he'd had some time.

Now that he was centered again Kol's mind could extent outwards, touching the ambient force around him. Manipulating it like water, directing it where he needed it to be. Metaphysically speaking he was a toxin, injecting himself into the force and then thrusting towards Vanagor. Dark Siders called it Force Slow, Light Siders knew it by another name but it was gateway manipulation of the force that targeted the mind again, clouding it and causing them to fatigue both physically and mentally.

He stood behind the Jedi Master, out of reach but aware of his surroundings. The 'Dark Sacraments' remained deactivated, if Kol had proven anything it was that besides his mental acuity with the force he was extremely skilled insofar as alterations of speed and acrobatics were concerned.

"Your thoughts are on the other Jedi?"

...Kol chimed, he wasn't actually going to attempt to read Vanagor's mind but he assumed...

"Pity you can't help them."

...every word was like a little poke at the Jedi Master concerning futility. As Kol cast the Dark Side at Vanagor like a poison he;d no doubt the Jedi Master would shrug it off, in fact he was expecting it but that was the short game and Kol had a longer game in mind. Even if Vanagor got away from him he'd leave a mark, a taint that the Jedi Master would remember him by.

As he stood, from where he stood Kol let his right leg turn outwards, planting his heel and turning his foot so that it braced him. Almost as though he were expecting something.

Coruscant burned. The Dark Side grew stronger.​






His voice cut through the ringing of her ears, and she opened her mouth to speak, to beg or to apologize, but he was gone. The face she knew, she’d grown up with, concealed once more beneath the mask of a mercenary.

The Ashina Clan emblem lay in the dust where he’d stood, and she stared at it until she could touch it and run her thumb over it, to clean it off.

She was a fool. They’d sparred before, grown up fighting one another, but this was different, so so different. They weren’t bowing at the end, and that scream ——

Her stomach tightened in reflection, and dread overwhelmed her; spilling over the confines of her heart and bleeding up through her throat in a heartwrenching sob. Grieved pain made little pathways down her cheeks through the grime, and she screwed her eyes shut. Her head was filled with every buzzing, cutting word he’d ever said, the echoes of that last statement, the sound of the metal emblem dropping to the duracrete, the yells of his pain. She wanted to turn to wax and melt away in the fires that threatened to consume the plaza. Wanted to erase every wrong cell of her body; it felt so bad to be alive at this moment. Consumed with the comprehension of her wrongdoings and the effects it had —— and worse, knowing that she had promised to try and put a pause to her actions. To try and understand. To be patient.

To be better.

And she’d failed. She’d failed Qiy’on more than herself.

It was one of those moments where she’d never felt crueller. The split second she’d stopped being cruel, it was like turning on the lights and realizing how dark the room had gotten.

She’d gotten cruel.

"Stop wailing like a moulting porg, Ashina - it's embarrassing. Even for you. somehow you've exceeded my expectations - you are alive."

For a while, the world had just been herself and her brother, now lost. Konrad’s sudden reappearance startled her, and she snapped her eyes open.

Irritatedly, she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and shoved her pitying revelations to the side, refocusing on the reality that threatened to consume her.

“And from dust you’re made and from dust you managed to crawl back out.” She muttered back in response, frowning deeply. He wasn’t wrong. Qiy’on was gone, and her whimpering about her failures wasn’t going to remedy them.

Shuddering her ragged breaths in and out, Ishida turned over to sit properly and stare at the sword driven through her thigh.

Gasping through the pain, slowly, so so slowly, she withdrew the steel from its place embedded in her femur. Blood poured from the wound, rapidly soaking through the pearl-white fabric of her pants. Within seconds, her entire leg was red, the hole unignorable, and she set the bloodied blade down by her side with a final clench of her teeth, biting through the hissing discomfort.

“We still have to get to the temple,” Ishida said, convincing her will to become ironclad as she ripped a part of her tunic to wind around her leg and apply pressure to the open wound. "That was a distraction."

It was so much more than that, but she feigned a crispness she didn't feel.

Giving a final pat to the knot wound around her thigh, she tested distributing her weight to stand. As expected, there was no hand offered to help her up. The Jedi would have been there to help, to offer a hand. And where was she when they were being attacked?

“The mercenaries are trying to keep us away from that perimeter, something terrible must be happening.”

She pushed herself up, biting down on her tongue to avoid the pained groan that threatened to roll through her belly and throat. Standing up was agonizing.

Mind over matter. Mind over matter.

By the Force matter was painful.

Once standing, she decided that stooping immediately would be bad for her. And with a few small gestures, her Katana snapped back to her hand and she re-sheathed it, her hilt soon afterwords, re-clipped and after a few seconds of hesitation, her brother’s katana as well. Sharp.

Her conviction to waiver paused, and she drooped her shoulders to look at her raven-haired companion, limply holding out the emblem for Konrad to witness.

“I don’t understand why Qiy'on would do this. How he could do this.

All of Coruscant is crying out and he's..."
her sentence went unfinished, looking back up to the sky where he'd sailed away to. Her disbelief rendered her speechless and heavy-hearted.



ALLIES | NJO | SJC | GA | Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

Last edited:


//: Coruscant //:
//: SIA Headquarters//:
//: Dimitri Voltura //:
//: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan //: Kyyrk Kyyrk //:
//: Cuz I'm a Space Cowboy //:
Maybe she should have checked to make sure that the holy whiskey bottle had actually connected with the devil. Instead, Allyson Locke found herself suddenly frozen mid-step in her office. It was a pity about the foyer, but the Jedi figured it was the least of their worries. Right now, there was Sith deep in the intelligence branch of the Order and the Alliance.

The tattoo on her back burned worse as the sudden attack connected with her. She was getting tired of people seeing her through her most potent Force ability. Allyson couldn’t help but smirk, wondering if her reputation was preceding her and he had come prepared.

She took a step, her bow so close to her hand, yet farther than she had wanted it to be. Telekinesis was never a strong suit for the Spy; even so, she tried reaching out, trying to extend her thoughts and the force farther than she could bear. The bow twitched slightly but refused to heed its master’s summon. Slowly, Allyson could feel her form returning to sight and exhaustion weighing down on her from the draining. Once more, she tried to reach her weapon, but she was only met with the same results.

She looked over her shoulder, eyeing the glowing hue of the lightsaber. “Ah, great. You got one of those too.” She snorted, trying not to focus on the draining energy of his attack. Her figure fully reappeared, and she fought to stay standing. Whatever he was doing to her had started to hurt. Every muscle twitched and cried out starved. What was he doing? The Spy’s mind racked through her memories; she had never come across anything like this before.

Another step, she tried to escape only to have her concentration broken with Kyyrk’s stubbornness. It was the last thing Allyson needed right now, and she groaned, trying to respond to him. The battle was all that Kyyrk could hear from the Corellian’s end until the line went silent.

Ripples through the Force echoed, and Allyson tried to silence them. She recognized this ripple - it was one she felt before and one that at times missed. Taiia was closer than Allyson had expected, stupid woman, she thought through gritted teeth. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched his gaze suddenly take notice at the desk. Despite the exhaustion setting in from the drain, Allyson summoned everything she could and focused it into one capable attack. In her hands, a warm light began to glow, shifting and forming an elongated rod. The arrow formed, but without a bow, it was near useless.

“Well, you and your kin are pretty rude for showing up unannounced.” She shrugged and motioned as if she was drawing the holy arrow through a bow. Spilling out from the base of the arrow, a thread moved in two directions. The bowstrings soon grew to create the riser and the twin limbs of a recurve bow. Allyson smirked, impressed with herself, as she fired the arrow quickly towards the extended hand of the Sith. Hopefully, in time to protect the little spider droid, who continued to burrow itself into the trash under the desk.



Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Courtyard

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: (engaging directly) @Rannan Kol


“The sky’s the limit if you have a roof over your head. .” -Joel Hurok

It was funny, genuinely funny that Kol thought that a mental attack was going to work again. He was more than good at his craft, so it’s not like Caltin could “let him” make his play, he was going to whether the big guy tried to block him or not. The thing is though, Caltin knew his mental tricks as well, and while he was not as apt at this as Kol was, he could recognize it.

The slowing of his mind was telling… it was something that would open his mind to the attack of the Dark Jedi Master, but that opening could backfire as every single image in his mind was now filled with overpoweringly bright, energetic images. Almost a manner of sending an electrical current back to its source. He could soldier through any mental anguish, he did so every day of his life, it was just a matter of adapting to it.

You’re absolutely right, it is. It’s a good thing that I can trust them to handle themselves though, right?

It was of course a rhetorical question.

He was paying attention to everything around him, it was what he did, what his type had always done, be aware of their surroundings. He could still throw some comedy into the serious nature of the way the world was right now. Within moments the skies darkened, clouds drew unnaturally and rain began to fall, washing over any fires. Not necessarily putting them out, but washing over them nonetheless.

Looks like Coruscant won’t burn for too long.



Location: Coruscant, the Jedi Temple; Courtyard
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostles Vestments
Allies: The Maw
Enemies: The Jedi; Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Any images Kol had passed into the Jedi Mater's mind had long since passed. Like ripples in a pool of water Kol had been building on previous interactions as noted, touchstones and residual gateways to the mind to follow back to the source. Every success no matter how minor was a pathway to follow back again, every defeat a synapses to test in other ways. Vanagor had proven his stoicism though his knowledge of the mind might, in fact be his downfall and what the Dark Jedi could exploit.

The Dark Jedi recoiled when Vanagor cast light, almost blindingly excruciatingly light back into his mind. It made him stumble backwards a step and raise his left hand as though he were actually looking into the sun. The Backfire would occur exactly as Vanagor pictured no doubt. Kol was momentarily put on the backfoot and he would have remained there too if not for planning for this exact occurrence.

The Light existed in his mind as a blinding beacon, difficult for Kol to even look upon. The Dark Jedi had touched Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's psyche and in turn the Jedi Master had used that connection to reflect some part of his own power back onto Kol. It might have been better for Vanagor to shutdown the connection between their minds rather than reinforce it. By his own actions he had created a conduit between them, a highway of mental voracity that could see them battling with their wills if not their bodies.

Precisely what Kol would have hoped for.

Insofar as the parasitic Dark Side was concerned Force Slow was but the first of several stages that could corrupt, debilitate and even kill. Kol had established that basic connection first and Vanagor had responded by thrust the light back through the connection they shared. Where he'd recoiled momentarily, his eyes narrowed and struggling to see because of the light cast mentally that affected him physically the Dark Jedi would wrestle with the mental conduit the two men now shared and sink his teeth into it.

Using the dark side like a toxin, a poison that dimmed the light and followed it back to its source the Dark Jedi would taint the connection between their minds. Naturally the Force Affliction transitioned out of this, the next stage of a cancer that sought to insert into the mind of the Jedi Master. Like a fast acting toxin, a true poison of the mind if not the body it could prove incredibly debilitating to its victims, crippling them.


The Dark Jedi hadn't spoken, their back and forth had proven enough for him. One had to wonder if he even felt the droplets of rain falling from the sky as they touched his skin and cooled the ambient heat of exertion rising from his body. As the Battle of Coruscant continued Kol would realize he couldn't even see it now in all its splendor, the light shot back at him by Vanagor had blinded him, temporarily. The Dark Jedi could only rely on what the Dark Side showed him for now though it remained a potent ally....​


Objective: Assist the forces at the Senate District
Nearby Allies: Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus
Nearby Foes: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and Geiseric Geiseric (Engaging)
Weaponry: Crimson Cross-Guard Lightsaber "Hope's End", DL-22 Blaster Pistol, and the Dark Side

"There are no truths you can show me Jedi. I have lived among the Light, and I found clarity by my own. I fear I must inform you my standing is ever static." Though his own words denied the Jedi's before him, under the mask a smile arose. To fight an enemy strong-willed in his own way. That was a battle worth taking by the reins.

As the clinch broke, and the Jedi came into a shield-raised charge, Senthral simple opened his arms to embrace the hit. He must feel the damage this man was capable of. See if it were true when they said the best offense could atimes be a defense. When the shield collided with his own raised 'saber, Senthral was thrown back some distance. Stopping himself with his boots, he stood and readied for anything else. It felt like something cracked in his 'saber hand though, and the seething pain brought forth needed emotion.

He flexed his hand, and almost dropped his weapon through the pain.
"Your strength is brute Jedi. So be it. No nonsense, this is a true duel. Let us pit our purest strengths against each other." With those words he threw himself forward with a sloppy slash at the shield which once bashed him, the 'saber recoiled, and he hoped it was all disarming enough so that the straight stab he threw between the Jedi's own 'saber and shield went through.



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