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The Imperial Remnant

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[member="Zander del Sangue"], your character's affairs are your own. The Imperial Union doesn't officially exist. Right now the Empire is still a shattered collection of squabbling warlords and likely will be for several months until it's either reunified or completely destroyed.
[member="Darth Vornskr"], since the whole concept of this would be to reunify the warlords of the Empire, I figured it was a kosher name.

[member="Adar Bralor"], the Imperial Union would be "The Empire." Reunified.

[member="Terry Devron"], jump right on in when we get up and running. We'd love to have you.
[member="Terry Devron"] [member="Julius Octavian"]

Hey Terry this guy is currently on Tatooine considering potential contract options. He could be how you got off the planet and ended up meeting up with Julius.
[member="Julius Octavian"]

"Rabble rouser, you've caught our notice so you will be told once. Fall in line as you say, or join Major Fayor in his future accommodations once we make him acquainted with them. The Remnant will not tolerate traitors, rebels, or fools."

[member="Terry Devron"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Julius Octavian"] [member="Zander del Sangue"] [member="Callista Telvnn"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Adalric Vastor"] [member="Weiss"] [member="Janus Viminal"] [member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="KenRath"] [member="Yvette Dusong"]

Well it took me long enough to notice this thread without being told, no party invites ;-; . but hi everyone!

Did I play a good part? Mostly asking you Julius since that sounded like the sort of Imperial response right? If I missed it lemme know!

I guess seeing as I've been referred to that everyone is assuming I am the current leader, and I guess I am. To be truthful though I haven't paid much attention beyond light recruitment and setting up threads because in actuality I was approached by someone quite capable an enthusiastic to try and bring the Remnant back, but certain events and also the recall ruining his plan set things back. Waiting for him to take charge as promised, its come to a point where sadly he's become busy IRL right now, but if the faction is still around when he's free again he will join it and boost it as much as he can.

Which brings me to my point. I know I haven't been very hands on recently since I was hoping very much for him to do so as I did as much support as I could. Since that didn't pan out, and my other character is slowing down, I do intend to correct that. Our activity is picking up and we're currently focusing on a faction thread where we'll be enacting an action packed and, hopefully, well written subjugation of an Imperial warlord post-the site event as we're incorporating it into our story as to why the faction collapsed.

I have no recollection of not listening to anyone though or saying they couldn't make a certain character yet, so if are problems if Adalric or Zander would like to talk to me about them or offer ideas I would gladly hear them. I've seen your post in the faction Zander and I hope you find my reply as well. Adalric I can't see where any mention of your problem is but if it was with a former faction leader I am sorry I am willing to try and hear you out and see if any input you have would fit in.

I also see everyone's concerns with the name. The original faction owner wanted that name and we've kept it. Post the first leader, the idea became to grow and then change the name. Staying as a Remnant until The Empire Strikes Back. The name change will be in consideration for the next time we possibly go major, admittedly the person who wanted to take charge wanted to try the Path of the name Empire in Exile.

Because no matter how hard the Empire is hit. . . . . we will always Strike Back!

"And you damn well fall in line when we do. . . . ."
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

These threads usually pop up when someone looks into taking the reigns of a dead or dying faction. If you're planning on getting the Imperial Remnant back to an active state, I implore you, do so! It would be fantastic to see the Remnant doing what its supposed to be doing; squabbling and pecking over the scraps of the dilapidated Empire.

I look forward to meeting the Remnant on the field of battle. Whether they fall in line with the new ideals, or subjugate me to their own ideals is yet to be seen. My OOC goal is activity and unity. My IC goal will be to reunify the warlords of the remnant under one banner, an Imperial banner, or die trying. Those who fall in line will be compensated. Those who don't will be subjugated and subsequently destroyed or imprisoned.
Don't try to frighten us with your bureaucratic ways, [member="Alva Calvarona"], your sad devotion to your dying faction has not helped you to conjure up user activity.

No offense intended, but I couldn't resist. Also you forgot to tag me. :angry:
[member="Julius Octavian"]

Oh? I don't see where you see us as different then, as our latest thread is quite the showing of similar ideals.

"Major Fayor is paying for choosing the path of a Warlord after the galaxy shattering event gave fools the chance to rebel. He will be brought in line, and so will you. The empire will not be scattered, it will not be broken, the Remnant will make it whole again."

But yes, if you insist, we will gladly convert or crush you.
[member="Alva Calvarona"], I don't see anyone as competition. I don't have an Imperial faction to recruit people into my own and leave the Remnant hanging. I'm merely recruiting for a story line/campaign to restore the Empire. What comes of it is strictly up to the players.

But at first, the Remnant will be a target. They will either fall in line with Julius, or they will be destroyed. They may even destroy him. Who knows? That's the fun of role playing. I have no set plan other than to gain momentum and activity for the Empire.
[member="Adar Bralor"]

The @Mention didn't pop up for you for some reason, so I'm doing it manually here. And oh contrary, I have conjured activity since 3 new members is 3 more than what there was, and I've only honestly started trying to pick things up in the last day or so. As I've said I've mostly just hoped and tried to play the second fiddle support for people in charge, we just have strokes of bad luck where they get busy irl at the wrong time after they've got plans out and people don't know what to do when they expect to do them and we're out the person heading the charge.

I'm just hoping I don't fall to whatever curse is on this position as well. . . . .
[member="Julius Octavian"]

Didn't you confess doing so once before though?

Though I certainly hope you don't. I can see some very intriguing plot lines in the future if we both survive whatever trials are thrown our way.
[member="Alva Calvarona"], I left this community a few years ago because of health issues and role playing retirement. Things have improved and I've been itching to get back into role playing.

I retired from TGC as the leader of the Empire because I don't get a long with their administrators.
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

I meant it as a joke, but while we're measuring s foils...

We've got about ten, (Including me) people in two days interested in a faction that doesn't exist yet, and a "kinda" leader that started the thread to drum up activity for the remnant, but through some peculiar twist of fate, (And a couple of good ideas) he's got quite a few people, (Including and most especially me) clamoring for a faction.

That is quite the accomplishment, especially for someone that hasn't been in the game for years.
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