Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: East Beach
Allies: no one
Enemy: who ever is in front of her
Operation: Run interfearance.

The ship hung over head as Anaki jumped out of its cargo bay. She Wrapped herself in a telekinetic sheet and landed after a 77ft drop. her knees ached for a few seconds.
"And let the fun begin." she smiled as enemy troopers converged on her.
Casually she ignited her saber. its snap/hiss also emitted a low humm that had a low psychological impact.
it made the opponents feel a sense of dread.
She kicked the shaft up and charged the troopers. swingeing its blade threw several.
more drew back and oppened fire but baska and a lightsaber made for an opposing enemy
West Kachiro Beach, behind the main lines
Allies: The Galactic Republic (+associated allies)
Enemies: The Mandalorians ('n friends)

Battles were always excessively loud things. Dune couldn't hear over periodic artillery barrages. It irritated him because it got in the way of his work. He was here to save lives and not deal with the noise.

The Bith was dependent on his assistants for triage. There were few enough doctors or Jedi healers circulating. Only the most serious of cases garnered a Jedi. Injured beings came from many species.

Blood matted the fur of a Wookie as often as it did the skin of a human. There too were Twi'lek and Zabrak among those injured. Even a few Rodians and more obscure species. He had even spotted a fellow Bith being assisted by a medical droid.

Those who he couldn't tend to received more basic treatment. Bacta patches and more basic stitches. The latter would leave very nasty scars indeed. Dune would've normally abhorred such primitive treatments.

Yet they did what they must. The injured and near-death piled in fast. Every time a being had been healed another replaced them. The metallic tang of blood hung in the air thickly.

It made him cringe with his acute olfactory senses. But the Jedi ignored it as he ignored the moans and cries of suffering. There is no emotion, there is Peace, he told himself. There is no death, there is the Force.
Location: Forest --> Outer City
Allies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Briika Tor"], MC
Enemies: The Republic
Gear: In Bio

One after another the Wookie warriors and their Republic allies had come through the treeline in a vain attempt to encircle and destroy the Mandalorian landing party, but their fate was sealed as soon as they left the protection of the foliage. With each heat signature came a quick and efficient spray of blaster fire from the Mandalorian battle circle that had formed to counter the ambush. It was ruthless, and Marcus was all too happy to show the Republic and their misled allies the foolishness of such an attempt. With each collapsing, furred form of a Wookie who had had the misfortune of being part of such a careless tactical mistake, Marcus began to realize the true ignorance of the Republic command. It had been a valiant attempt, there was to be no doubt of that, however, leaving positions of concealment in an attempt to charge an enemy with superior firepower, especially with such large heat signatures as Wookies might have seemed to be asking them to die for no reason! And it showed in the slaughter that ensued. For a few minutes, no, he supposed it might not even be that long, the Wookies seemed as though they might breach the circle and began slaughtering their party, but this was far from the case. As more and more Wookies poured from the brush, the blaster fire was ceaseless and soon, they were on the run. Marcus smiled at the fact. From what he had heard, they were fierce warriors, but now he knew they bore the same foolish resolve of the Republic when it came to battle tactics. Nevertheless, their job was far from done.

Gathering up new elements of his own vod who had either lost their commander in the short fray, or had no leader to begin with, he set off with the rest of the formation, headed by their courageous commander. What was happening on the other fronts? He hardly had any idea. From what he could make over the comm channels, their forces were advancing, though the Republic seemed much more adamant about keeping this world than they had about keeping Roche.

What do they see in this place?

Kashyyyk didn't interest him much, that was true. He was much more used to the streets of the core worlds or the endless plains of Mandalore, rather than this forest coated nuthouse. From what little he knew about the planet, there wasn't much here besides the Wookies and their vast cities contained within the trees. But, it was their territory, and he could hardly blame them for pursuing victory in that regard. It certainly didn't hold much beauty... Not when all the trees around him burned the red fire of conquest. In the distance, he could see the smoking city that had been their goal when they first landed, and for a few moments he hoped that their allies didn't breach its defenses before they arrived! That would have been disappointing beyond belief. No, now was the time to advance, and as they did, he and the few clansmen that followed him began to joke about what sort of opposition they might encounter when they arrived. The popular opinion was that the supreme chancellor might be waiting to unleash a vast horde of citizens armed with clubs to stop them! That might be more interesting than the spineless Republic troopers that seemed to litter every inch of the field.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: MC120 Independence-class Battlecruiser Dauntlass, Over Kashyyyk
Objective: Fleet
Allies: None Currently
Enemies: [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Likar Kejis"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

302nd Republic Heavy Flotilla - 10,120 meters
Dauntless - MC120 Independance-class Command Cruiser 3,000 meters
* 3 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 4 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
* 3 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Monarch - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Barrington - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Riptide - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Ocean View - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Mako - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Tempest - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Trafalgar - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Triad - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Moments after the Republic force reverted from hyperspace the forces of the Mandalorian navy were upon them. Fire fell on them from three separate forces as the Dauntless readied for combat. Beside the massive command cruiser, the second of the destroyers attached to Commodore Ritens group fell under the brunt of fire from the two forces at range. along its flank hypervelocity fire from both formations in the distance raked the ship rippling its shielding under the constant kinetic bombardment. A moment later one of the enemy formations layed down a barrage of fire on the second destroyer.

"They are targetting our escorts admiral" said Captain Lorkin as he hurried to finish the final targeting solutions. "Sir, they are jamming us also. It is hard to lock onto their lead ship." exclaimed Lorkin frantically. Reshmar nodded expecting as much. He entered in a set of commands and the command concolses communications channel came alive.

"All Republic assets, engage passive comms, turn off all radio emitting systems and close down all transceivers, Laser comms from here out. You all have your orders and know what to do, Now do it." Said Reshmar to the fleet then made a gesture to his communications officer to cut everything off. He typed in a second set of commands and linked his console to tactical.

"There!" said Reshmar loudly as he highlighter the image of the closest Champion Star Destroyer. "Those boomers on the edge of the zone have us blinded but our old friend there does not. Open a channel to Mister Miles for me" said Reshmar.

"Captain Lorkin, send Tempest a laser burst, have them blind those two Sovereign Destroyers" ordered Reshmar. The Mon Cala captain nodded and sent a lser burt transmission to the support cruiser. A moment later the tight beam jamming arrays of the ship fired on the two destroyers bombarding the Republic Destroyers. Reshmar looked down at his console now displaying a magnified image of the two Centurion

" Comm, is that channel to Aedan's fleet open? I have business with the pirate king." said reshmar. A moment later the comm officer nodded with a "channel open admiral" A channel opened up on Reshmars console which strangly had no video. "MIster MIles, under article 10557 subsection 226 I hereby am obligated upon special order from the Supreme Commander to inform you your services are no longer needed, and hereby reposses the property loaned to you by the Republic. I would prefer you surrender said property in one piece but we will take it back a hull plate at a time if nessicary." said Reshmar not wanting to further deal with the pirate knowing the man would respound negativlly. HE closed the channel from his console then entered in a code freeing all guns.

"Fire on the Centurions" said Reshmar calmly. Reshmar grinned when he watched Force Longbow unlesh a volley of energy torpedoes on one od the Centurion destroyers. the barrage of one hundred and eighty energy torps traveled the distance between the ship and force Longbow instantly. A second later long range turbolasers and ion cannons saturated the ship in a stutter fired barrage. The light show lite space up around the Mandolorian vessel. Reshmar turned his attention to the Monarch now losing her shielding rapidly. The Commodore was slow to adjust to the threat but Reshmar watched as the man diverted power from his engines and weapons to his shielding. It would not hold out long but with the Support cruiser blining the Sovereigns and the commodore adjusting his shielding he had a better chance than he did a minute ago.

The ship vibrated slightly as the array of weapons bristling her hull let lose on the Centurion closest to him. The Republics too opened fire on the second but with much reduced power to their weapons. Their shielding nowhere rivaled the Command Cruiser and power had to be diverted to keep them in the fight. The attack wing sped past Dauntless each on their own without the ability to communicate with lasers. The Section leaders and squadron commanders had been given orders before hand and now moved to engage the fighter squadrons launched by the Pirate King. A moment later the Bombers sped past opening up ion cannon fire on the second Centurion.

The battle was underway and Time was against him. Now he had to paint a picture, A vivid display of tactics verging on the edge of nervonic art. A painting of war and death only those wielding absolute power can attempt. Reshmar was the painter, laying color to canvas painting his masterpiece.

Fired on Aedans Destroyer with energy torps, LR turbolaser, and LR ion cannons from force longbow.
Fired on Aedans Lead Centurion SD with LR, heavy, standard turbolasers from Force Fortress
Fired jamming arrays from Tempest at Sovereign and Nad'alyr engaging from LR
Bombers from Fotress engage Aedans second Centurion with ion cannons
Fighters enegaged Aedans fighters

Force Fortess
Dauntless - MC120 Independance-class Command Cruiser 3,000 meters
* 3 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 4 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
* 3 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Monarch - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 40%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Barrington - Republic-class Star Destroyer
* 2 Whirlwind-class Interceptor Squadrons
* 1 Cyclone-class Bomber Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Force Longbow

Riptide - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Ocean View - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Mako - BC75 Scythe Mk II-class Battle Cruiser

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - none

Trafalgar - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons

Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Triad - MCE62 Repellent-class Escort Cruiser
* 1 MCF5 Thrasher-class Fighter Squadrons
Hull - 100%
Shielding - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Systems - 100%
Hanger - 100%

Kashyyyk System


Well-Known Member
Location: Kashyyyk, Royal Embassy, Command Center
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: Clan Betna | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] |
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"]
Collateral Additional Allies: [member="The Gray Assassin"]
Post (5)



Thankfully for Buruk he caught the motion of the Republic Soldier's knife at the last second, the blade grating against his Beskar helmet as he scrunched his shoulder up, bringing the edge of his helmet and shoulder plate together. Unfortunately however, it also meant he couldn't make a follow up attack with his own trench knife. His momentum carried him just past the Zabrak by two steps before catching himself and turning on his toes to face the Zabrak. He was distracted slightly as the Zabrak's eyes gazed upward... what greeted his own sight caught him just as off guard. A giant slash spider had breached the room, likely behind his own men. Looking back down and doing an extremely quick head count he found that the last to arrive inside was Lorsima Gratiir. He might have to talk to her about not pissing off the wildlife... but right now he had more important concerns. A stray ricochet slug slapped his chest plate, jarring him back to reality.

Buruk threw himself behind cover as the slash spider scurried further into the room from the gaping hole he and the rest of his squad had blown into the ceiling above. Re-sheathing his trench knife, he quickly transitioned to his sidearm, a Mandalorian Ripper Mk II. Briefly popping up from where he was crouched, he fired several rounds straight into the body of the creature, the superheated slugs tearing into the beasts carapace. With any luck, it would soon succumb to his wounds. Only several seconds had passed but it felt like a lifetime. Trying to locate the Zabrak, he realized he couldn't get a clean shot from where he had ended up. He swore silently, trying to get a bead on what the situation as a whole looked like, listening to the communications he could from other teams.
Republic Artillery Emplacements.
Mandalorian Clans and their Allies.
[member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Funky Balor"]
Galactic Republic and their Allies.
[member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August "]
In a thunderous crash and a cloud of sand, Kano's Besalisk finally succumbed to the ministrations of the republic's ion grenades, and the Alor had to assume there would be others suffering the same fate. How many there were, he didn't know and quite honestly he didn't care at the moment. Being surrounded by hostiles generally had that effect. His blade kept moving, deflecting melee attacks even as it grew all the more red with the blood of his enemies. It was going to need a thorough cleaning after this battle. Onak worked his way nearer through the chaos, lashing out as often with his esoteric magics as he did with the polearm he wielded. Lightning lanced from his fingertips to consume one enemy soldier even as Kano drove his bes'kad through the neck of another, then both were moving on to other targets, once more separated in the desperate struggle for dominance.

Their armor and shields protected them from the brunt of the ranged assault, now that the repeating cannons were mostly taken care of, and the besalisks soon set upon those that remained. Slipping between his armored plates, a bolt burned its way through Kano's armorweave and into the joint of his knee, dropping him to the ground in a flare of unexpected agony. He rolled to gain distance from his opponent, and Onak reached out with his mind, unleashing a blast of force that would send flying those who dared to encroach on his wounded Alor as he sprinted the distance to him.

"Can you stand, my Lord?"

"You know full well I can stand. It caught me off-guard, that's all. I'll be fine in a minute or two."

He winced as he rose to his feet, and favored the leg that had taken the hit while his mother's heritage went to work undoing the damage done. By the time their remaining enemy had regrouped, their shields had recycled and the brief barrage of blasterfire was absorbed, followed immediately by a strong simultaneous pull on the republic soldier's weapons. Whether it was enough to render them unarmed or not was of little consequence, as by the time they would recover the Alor and his clansman would be upon them once again.

Overhead, the dull whine of engines could be heard growing louder as the mandalorian second wave, replete with besalisk riders and besu'liik fighter escorts, closed in rapidly on the artillery section.
Location of Force A: Finally in system behind Longbow
Location of Force B: In system in front of force Fortress
Allies: [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Likar Kejis"]
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]
Objectives: Destroy stuff and steal a new ship.

Aedan looked up as his force came out of hyperspace and he nodded moving them forward as their fighters launched. They had already been within targeting range but he wanted the Alor where it could deal the most damage so it was to move into the midst of Force Longbow and target the ships in the front. The Salvation closed on the rear of the escort firing into it with all weapons as its bombers swept forward to follow suit. Fighters screaming forward to engage those present in Force Longbow while half of them split off to provide a screen between Force Longbow and Force Fortress. Aedan strode forward and slowly sank to his knees staring at the large holo display before him as he started to meditate drawing upon the force he used it to boost the morale of his forces while demoralizing those of the Republic.

The forces facing Force Fortress smirked as the other half of their fleet arrived and the Wyvern slowly drifted backward toward the rear of the fleet. The Deliverance-class moving forward to shield it from anymore damage as the bombers and To Vhin moved in a long arc towards the rear of Force Fortress hidden from Sensors by the Electronic Warfare equipment on the To Vhin. The Shinigami and Dragoon fired their weapons into the dauntless boldly as the Dire-class and gunships moved forward to engage the other Republic-class destroyer. His fighters started the deadly dance of a dog fight with those of the Republic Forces.

Alor-class and Salvation-class launching fighters.
Alor-class moving to engage the four ships at the fore of Force Longbow.
Salvation-class targeting the Escort cruiser at the rear.

Centurion A (Wyvern) Falling back due to damage dealt to it.
Centurion B (Dragoon) and Shinigami targeting the Dauntless with all weapons.
Fighters moving to engage Reshmar's as Bombers hidden by the To Vhin move to the rear of the Dauntless to target engines.
Gunships move to engage second Republic-class
Dire-class targeting the same Republic class as the Gunships.
Deliverance-class drifts back and parellal to the Centurion A providing cover for it while preparing to evacuate if nessecary.
Location: North by Northwest / approximately 18 kilometers out / Elevation 8,200 meters and falling rapidly
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: [member="Kista Fel"], [member="Kara Runo"], Republic
Objective: Dev Thread / Engage Republic Air Units

Hyperion Security PMC Prototype Combat Group
Unit: Marauder BioShip Interceptor Squadron
Composition: 12x Hyperion Security Pilot (Sailor loadout) + Marauder-class Mesen'loras (10-12 meters long)

Unit: Marauder BioShip Fighter Squadron
Composition: 12x Hyperion Security Pilot (Sailor loadout) + Marauder-class Mesen'loras (14-18 meters long)

Unit: Marauder BioShip Fighter Squadron
Composition: 12x Hyperion Security Pilot (Sailor loadout) + Marauder-class Mesen'loras (14-18 meters long)

Unit: Marauder BioShip Heavy Fighter Squadron
Composition: 6x Hyperion Security Pilot (Sailor loadout) + Marauder-class Mesen'loras (28-32 meters long)

As other Hyperion Security forces initiated their own operations (Naast'ika Laaran doing his non-combat thing), seventy-two strange, living creatures descended through the atmosphere of Kashyyyk, gracefully bending and twisting in subtle ways as they used air pressure and etherics to control their descent. "Keep the formation tight." Lieutenant Correia said aloud from within the center of a living starfighter. The ship's Villip Organ translated and broadcast the message to the rest of the formation in a manner that Lieutenant Correia was not even close to understanding.

He was himself, but he was also physically, mentally, and emotionally connected to the juvenile creature that he flew within... flew as. It truly felt as if he was flying. He could feel the wind against his skin. He could feel the fear and excitement and joy of the young creature as well as his own emotions. And it was not an easy task to separate the two sources.

He banked left, then right as he glided towards the ever approaching forest canopy. They had the benefit of observing the approach vector of their big brother- <The Naast'ika Laaran> Lieutenant Correia thought as he mentally corrected himself. "Initiate Dovin Basals in 5. Center them as a singular mass. We'll all ride in on the same gravity bubble." He said to his herd <Squadron> Lieutenant Correia through to himself... mentally correcting both himself and the ship.

Five seconds counted down and Lieutenant Correia activated the four Dovin Basals that comprised his Neuroengines. He could feel as the other ships in his squadron poured their own gravitational effects onto his own. He could feel the pull of gravity massively increasing as it pulled him ever quicker towards the ground. <Adjust as so.> Lieutenant Correia thought, knowing that the organisms he was in symbiosis with would broadcast the thought to the rest of the squadron. He moved the gravitational singularity he was projecting higher and higher until he could feel it counteracting the effects of the planet's gravity. He felt as the rest of the squadron did the same, keeping their singular point of gravitational effect in sync with his own. He twisted his body ever so slightly, letting the etheric rudders within his nacelle and tail maneuver his body to maintain maximum aerodynamics. In his three-dimensional awareness of his surroundings, he watched as the other organisms of his squadron did the same.

"Contact." One of his squadmates called out. The villip organ connected to his mind translating the intent behind the words, drawing his own awareness towards the point indicated by the squadmate. "I see it." Lieutenant Correia responded. A brief mental flash translated the combination of sensor readings into a recognizable object that he could identify. "Starfighters. Not Mando'ade. Republic, Alliance, or Imperial in origin." He said aloud, momentarily curious as to which of the three they actually were.

"Engage with lethal force." Lieutenant Correia said aloud as he maneuvered himself and his singularity onto an intercept course.

He felt excited and afraid.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Win the fight or die trying.
Allies: GR
Enemies: [member="Varien Moxla"]
Equipment: Standard Republic Infantry Armor, combat knife

Myles curled in slightly and lean back the attack from Varien slicing open his arm and narrowly avoiding slicing open his throat. Myles grimaced as the blood flowed from his arm. His knife hand shot out slicing out towards his opponents torso and back. If nothing else Myles had remembered something from his training. An extended limb is a lost limb. Therefore he pulled back just as fast as he had slashed out. He would attempted to follow it up with a round kick to the man's knee. His best hope was to stay alive until help arrived.

The sound of the airstrike screaming in was deafening as missiles fell all around them threatening to kill Myles just as much as the Mandalorians surrounding him. Myles instinctively curled up at the bottom of the trench to avoid the fire and shrapnel. Dirt from the wall of the trench pelted him all of his body.

Myles staggered to his feet looking back at his enemy forcing himself back into a stance.

Varien Moxla

Location: West Beach,
Objective: End this game.
Allies: Mandalorians.
Enemies: [member="Myles Savar"].

The man rolled past him in the trench, having scored a cut across his arm there was not much for him to be bothered by. However, he didn't just stand in place after he performed the slash, he was turning to meet the slash that would've gone across his back, but instead went across his chest as he leaned backwards, striking across the engraving in the chest of the beskar. He glanced down to his upper chest, surprised, but when his purple gaze couldn't see anything else, he lifted his leg, lifting his leg and spinning into the side of the trenches, the Republic soldier's kick met nothing but a face full of dirt most likely when Varien released the invisible shove of the Force point blank into the man's face.

Enough to take the breath out of someone.

Pushing off of the wall, he heard the explosions, but his armour protected him. Dirt pelted his armour, but he remained there.

There was death. People died. But the two of them remained.

He still held his beskad in his hand and that was all that mattered.

This time he lunged, attempting to stab directly into Myles's chest with the extension of his body.

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Embassy
Objective: Await extraction (and get kidnapped apparently)
Allies: [member="Enery Deate"]
Enemies: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] [member="The Gray Assassin"]
Equipment: See second post

His blade scratched across the mando's helmet, who in turn had moved a couple of paces away due to momentum. Then Thoja heard it, through the comms a man's voice.

"Took your goddamn time. Track my comms, I've had enough of this embassy for today." He responded, before moving his attention to the assassin, who was also on his comms. Removing his sidearm, he aimed at the man, and as he went to shoot, the assassin outstretched his hand. Arlos suddenly felt extremely light headed, as if he'd been hit in the head with a brick. He fell, his eyes heavy, looking briefly round the room before. Blackness. He drifted into a state of unconsciousness, unable to do anything.
Allies: [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]

Fleet Group 3,200 Meters
Sovereign Sovereign-class Star Destroyer
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Roche-class Light Corvette
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Dominance Guardian-class Shield Carrier
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Hecr-class Sentry Fighters (5)
To Vhin-class Electronic Warfare Fighters (5)
MKII Cabur-class Starfighters (10)
XS-115 "Naast" Missile Boats (12)
Ra'gr-class Superiority Starfighters (36)

Jaded Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (4)
Cabur-class Patrol Ships (12)

Devil's Eyes Warden-class Sentinel Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters
Tengaanalir-class Patrol Craft (2)

Witch Sight Ulur'uur-class Frigate
Equipped with MH-PU04 Overdrives, MH-PU07 Maneuvering Thrusters, MH-PU12 Emergency Vector Thrusters

Likar Group 2,200 Meters

"Sir, enemy Jamming Signals." An officer called from the crew pits.

"Are the Data Relay's from the Devil's Eyes still up?" Tet asked as he sat comfortable in his chair. The long guns were still tearing forward into the enemy Star Destroyer labeled Monarch alongside the Republic Dreadnought. Tet smiled seeing the guns opening up as they pulled to standard Naval Engagement range. "Compensate as best you can comparing the Devil's Eyes sensor data to ours. Fire ten Deck gun batteries at the Escort, everything else throw at the Monarch. Fire Proton Rockets for the volley, have fighters engage." More HVC rounds fired, a continuous stream of firepower from the Sovereign, now joined by heavy deck cannons, and sixty four Proton Rockets streaking across the void. Beside it, the Nad'alyr matched its aggression of the Monarch, firing its full armament at the Star Destroyer.

Energy and slugs laced through the blackness of space at the side of the Republic-class Star Destroyer, the powerful targeting computers of the Sovereign reduced in accuracy, but with the back drop of the Republic-class being the very large Dreadnought from the perspective of the Sovereign, a miss was likely still a hit to some degree. Behind the Sovereign, its escorts drifted quietly, the Jahaatir turning its Electronic Warfare modules into the Dauntless while the Sovereign kept its own pointed at the Repellent and Republic-class. The Guardian drifted back, moving slowly given its intentions. The Republic had never dealt with the Shield Transfer arrays so far, in fact they probably didn't know they existed, and a carrier that had emptied its complement already was normally at the very bottom of the list of things to attack. The Fleet group continued to use its Interdiction capabilities to cover its rear while they trudged forward, flanking the Republic force unleashing hell into the Pirate King.

Nynir-class Frigates opened up their weaponry into the Repellent-class, holding missiles for the time being as they continued their approach on Force Fortress. Starfighters, previously hidden by To Vhin's wide angle Dedicated Energy Receptor Projectors dived into runs against the Repellent-class, Ra'gr-class Fighters moving into dogfighting against enemy starfighters while the Naast Missile Boats and Cabur-class Patrol ships engaged the capital ship. The To Vhin, having disengaged the DERP's used their jamming frequencies on the Repellent, in the hopes of reducing the effectiveness of its point defense. Cabur MkII Interceptors remained cloaked outside of the engagement zone, dispersing slowly along their predetermined courses, lying in wait for their part in the grand plan. Roche's sat in a triangle perpendicular to the Sovereign while Tengaanalir's turned their smaller Jamming beams onto the Repellent-class for good measure.

"Still good, Tet?" The old man's voice came from the Holocomm on his chair.

"Yes, still flanking. Still shooting at a Star Destroyer. The Pirate King dropped his Alor-class and a Carrier into position on top of the Republic's Long Range Support." Tet answered shrugging as he did so. He didn't like this kind of oversight.

"Transmit me the Devil's Eye's sensor data so I can review your progress with the rest of the Mandalorian Fleet Commanders. [member="Captain Larraq"] will be interested to see how the battle goes, real time." The old man's voice growled out again, but Tet waved a hand at a communications officer and made sure the command was heeded.

Summary of Action
Sovereign, Nad'alyr, Nynirs, Tengaanalirs, and Roches moved to Standard Range, Rest of Group sitting just beyond Standard Range
Nad'alyr firing all guns on Monarch
Sovereign firing 4/5ths of Weaponry on Monarch (HVC's, Missile Launchers, 1/2 Deck Cannons, EWAR)
Nynirs firing all guns on Repellent-class (Holding Missiles)
Sovereign firing 1/5th of Weaponry on Repellent-class (1/2 its Deck Cannons)
Jahaatir turning EWAR on Dauntless
Tengaanalirs turning EWAR on Repellent-class
3 Squadrons of Ra'gr, 15 To Vhin, 1 Squadron of Naast Missile Boats Engaging Repellent-class
6 Squadrons of Ra'gr moving to Dogfighting
Rach Vizla said:
Allies: [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Reshmar"]

"Transmit me the Devil's Eye's sensor data so I can review your progress with the rest of the Mandalorian Fleet Commanders. [member="Captain Larraq"] will be interested to see how the battle goes, real time." The old man's voice growled out again, but Tet waved a hand at a communications officer and made sure the command was heeded.
Location: Undisclosed

Somewhere in the vastness of space, Larraq's ears burned.
Location: West Beach

Allies: Republic

Enemies: The Crazy Mando's. Also [member="Ra Vizsla"]

OOC: Joined the Republic officially, Since IC I don't approve of the Clans. PM for any concerns, will be happy to work something out.



It was something Jack was not a stranger to. As blaster fire and death pockmarked the beach the sands blasted to and fro and the tide became crimson with the blood of the fallen. From his left E-web emplacements were firing upon the lines of Mando'ade closing in with ruthless efficiency. This beach was a kill zone, and the way his kin fought, they hadn't a chance.

That was until he showed up himself with what remained of his clan. Politics be damned, news had reached his ears all the way on Nar Shaada of what was occurring here. How the Mandalorian Clan's had gone completely off their rocker and sided with the Madalorian empire to create some bloody, Zealot like crusade.

He was on the beach, clad in his gray pitted Aliit'Gam. From his neck the sash of his Clan Colors, red and black hung fluttering against the fur lining of a Wolf that adorned the chinks in the joints of the armor. A Din'Ul on his chest, two Zeison Sha discblades and his old trusty Besk'ad hung at his side.

"Hold the line! Rangers to the fore!"

From the sands burst the green figures of the Queens Rangers. Whilst the Mando'ade had the brutality and speed, the Rangers possessed skill and guile. Each armed with a plasma bow,long gun and vibro hatchet, their green emerald cloaks swished across the sand as they rose up from their grave like hiding spots.

"Fire!" Jack roared, waving one hand forwards. The skies broke apart as plasma bolts from their bows seared the blue and came crashing down amongst the din. The crack of rifles followed, slugs sailing through the sea spray and acrid plumes.

As they attacked Jack's own mind was elsewhere. From the back of his mind rose the chants of an elusive Tusken Raider Warlock spell. He felt the familiar tingle of the force prickle around him, filling his body like an electrifying water where previous there had been none.

One man in particular was whom he looked to challenge. A descendent of a traitor bloodline whom in a repeat of history had thrown away Jaster Mereels Supercommando Codex and brought his people back to darkness.

The helmet speaker systems kicked on full blast, and he blinked twice, opening up a channel to any and all folks on the beach.

"[member="Ra Vizsla"]."

There was a pause in the speech, crackles of more rifles firing, vibro tomahawks flying.

"The Republic paid their reparations to the Clans. I was at Roche, I know because I saw it. I know you're listening. What you've turned these Clans to is lunacy. Complete and utter desecration of the Resol'Nare. Come face me, one to one combat and let's settle this the old way."

Now it was just time to wait.

The chant grew louder, and the surge grew deeper in his soul. From his right hand the Lever action shotgun came up and he pulled the trigger, sending a Beskar Slug through the armor plates of charging Mando'ade.
Location: Main Hanger aboard Dauntless
Objective: Evac Embassy
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] anyone in the embassy needing a ride out
Enemies: [member="The Gray Assassin"]

The eight remaining Bantha assault ships sped down towards the trees below. The world of Kashyyyk was getting larger and the sky was now completely blue. No longer could the crew of the Bantha see space above them. What the did see how was a group of fighters speeding at them at top speed.

"Captain we have company" said one of Deates gunners. Enery looked at the radar display and the icons which now marked a squadron of fighters gaining on them rapidly.

"Major, get word to the High marshal we will be running late. We have dinner guests" said Enery to his co-plot. The man tried to raise the High Marshal but got no answer. Enery shook his head then rubbed the bridge of his know in disbelief. "Who sends a squadron down a gravity well after corvettes" said Enery out loud. he considered his next move then smiled. "I got a plan" Enery said to no one then opened a channel to his Banthas and all of their passengers.

"Alrighty kidos, We're gonna pull a crazy ivan and deal with our new guests. Start a thirty second timer on my mark." Deate paused then continued. "Mark" he said and starte dhis own timer It started counting down from thirty and what was the most dangerous maneuver Deate had ever tried. "OK we practiced this in drills on Yutan. Let's get it right this time so no one dies." said Enery remembering the three crews who dies in the exercise. "Hit you stems boys you will need them." said Enery as he pulled out an injector and slammed it into his neck. Instantly everything seemed more vivad and bright. His mind was clearer and around him the colors of the world glistened with fervent hue. "WOOOHOOOO! Damn that feels good!" he yealled out as the stimulants shot through his blood stream. The timer counted down as all of the crews and assault personnel buckled into their crash couches and prepared for what would be a near death experience. The time hit zero and Energy yelled once again. "Here we go boys and girls, Time to cash in any checks you may have with your god because for the next fifteen seconds we are all in her hands."

Enery slammed on the retro thrusters and engaged the Repulsors bringing the decent of the bantha to a screeching halt. Beside it the other Banthas did the same pulling up and stopping their decent in what was neat a twelve gravity maneuver. If not for the stems every member of the crew would have passed out from the maneuver. as it was Enery and everone else who remained conscious now sat in pain as their bodies fought back against the crushing pressure of the maneuver. Enery killed the thrusters and bypassed the power from the engined into the shields. He gave the controls a turn and spun the Bantha around to face the oncoming fighters. All eight of the assault ships now faced their would be attacked hovering in place ready to swat them like flies. From his raised command pod he could see the dots in the distance growing larger. He turned on his targeting computer then began tagging incoming craft as they grew near. The eight banthas opened up as one on the incoming craft each unleshing more anti-fighter weaponry than a New order lancer frigate. The rapid fire light turbolasers were specifically designed to lay down heavy area denial fire. the defense turbolasers fired in crossing paterns strafing from left to right with their combined thirty two defense turbolasers. The indirect cross pattern fire arcslanced out at the incoming craft effectively putting up a wall of heayv energy. Each Bantha then targeting multiple incoming fighters with their sixteen rapid fire laser cannons then unleashed a wall of one hundred and twenty eight laser cannons bolts on the incoming Mando fighters. Enery grinned at the fighters as their shaped become easier to make out and they became much easier to target visually. He squeezed the triggers on his controls sending out flechette missiles at the unsuspecting Mandos. "Lets show these beskar heads why chasing corvettes is a bad idea." said Enery over the ship wide com.
Location: Moving Back To The Beach To Address Jeedai Dar'Manda Raxis
Objective: Beach Assault

Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Kano Oda"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member=3X744] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member=Sko'saht] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member=Tusk] | [member=Goran] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rach Vizla"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Aditya Mantis"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Alena Reckar"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Jack Raxis"]

Ra stood from the explosion, blaster marks and explosions rocking his armor. The Iron Wolf had previously believed that the explosion had sent him further towards the second line of the trenches, towards the city. Apparently it had disoriented the Mand'alor, for he was now checking his surroundings and his sensors - the bombing of the trenches had in fact sent him further back towards the beach head. Blaster rifles and mortars exploded all around him. A turkey ran past, gobbling hysterically, its feathers lit aflame as the avian began zig zagging up the beach and towards the trench lines.

The Mand'alor quirked an eyebrow, intrigued, and then began to run a system diagnosis on his armor after the explosion.

Everything was still intact.

Ra looked across the beach. The Queen's Rangers. Ra narrowed his eyes. They were firing on Mandalorians.

They were Clan Raxis's men.


The comms unit began to relay a public message broadcasted on the beach.

"The Republic paid their reparations to the Clans. I was at Roche, I know because I saw it. I know you're listening. What you've turned these Clans to is lunacy. Complete and utter desecration of the Resol'Nare. Come face me, one to one combat and let's settle this the old way."
Ra's eyes lit aflame.​
Clan Raxis would dare speak of the Resol'nare while turning on it's own people.
Clan Raxis would dare speak of honor, while stabbing it's own people in the back.
Clan Raxis. Whose leader has cautioned against the war.
Whose leader had been shown respect by the new Mand'alor, had been granted sovereignty as is the right of the Clans.
Except in a time of War.

Education and armor,
Self-defense, our tribe,

Our language and our leader

All help us survive.
Every child learned the Resol'nare as a rhyme when they were children.
Clan Raxis had it's chance.
But to turn on its own people, its own blood during war?
This wasn't honorable.
No, betrayal was cowardice.

"COWARD," Ra bellowed, beating his chest and moving forward down the beach towards [member="Jack Raxis"]'s position. "You've turned on your own people."

Ra's vizor turned red. He clicked a button on his belt. His voice began to transmit over the same comms channel as his targetting system kept on Clan Raxis, who was in the far distance down the beach, locked in.

"The Republic paid their reparations to the Clans."

"No amount of Republic credits can buy me," Ra roared, marching through the sands toward Jack. "But they seemed to have bought you, Clan Raxis. What was the price for this betrayal, Jack?"

Ra roared.​
"Come for me, Dar'manda
And let me grant you a coward's death."
Ra's path for [member="Jack Raxis"] remained undeterred.​
Kachirho Beach (West Bank; Republic-controlled territory)

Objective: Defend the West Bank
Characters: Alena Reckar, Lord Commander of the Civilian Security Assistance Force

Enemies: Mandalorian Clans
Targets: [member=Ra Vizsla], [member=Draco Vereen], [member=Funky Balor], [member=Rekali the Hutt], [member=Aver Brand], [member=Caspian Rekali], [member=Isley Verd], [member=Kano Oda]

Alena threw an arm up to shield herself as the turret of her MAT-TE swung suddenly to the left. Before she could bark out an inquiry to the gunner's station, the cannon smacked into her side and knocked her to the armor plate at her feet. The cannon fired a quick, shaky shot, putting a sabot round into the vehicle to its side some hundred meters away. DOOM! The round exploded against the walker's shields, the resulting molten scatter searing through the armor plate of the center leg. A shower of sparks and flame erupted at the vehicle's side, mushrooming into the air before dissipating into smoke. The leg itself went half-limp, its actuators twisting and creaking as the automatic terrain adaptation systems attempted to correct for what they perceived to be a change in elevation. The leg jerked and twitched for several moments before the vic engineer cut off power to that side. The limb went still, then suddenly dropped off of the vehicle as the engineer activated the release. Alena gritted her teeth in anger as she pulled herself up to her side. "What the hell was that!?" She demanded over comms. From the inside of the vehicle, it sounded as if a scuffle had begun. After a moment of shuffling sounds, the platoon leader, breathing heavily, offered a response.
"They've got Force Users. Hit Ainsley with some variant of mind trick, he marked Whelmer 2-1 for target in a spat of confusion. He's alright now, but now we know to be extra vigilant."

Alena growled, "Replace him, now. And get your men ready, they're pushing the bluffs and 1st ASCB is almost here." The Leftenant acknowledged Alena's order with a bitter "Of course," then got to work warning the rest of the force to steel their minds. CSAF's Commandos all endured strenuous training in defensive techniques against the mind-addling abilities of Force Users. While less effective on an intrinsic level as showcased with the MAT-TE's gunner, the techniques were rather effective when consciously applied. From here on out, the Mandalorian Force Users would have a tougher time affecting the minds of CSAF's operatives, and would have to apply specific strength to individuals they personally encountered.
Reaching out through the Force with her rudimentary senses, Alena managed to identify the massive void in the Force being emitted from within the Mandalorian formations. She put a notice out to [member=Arisa Yune], the young woman who had so bravely, and perhaps foolishly, challenged [member=Ra Vizsla] for the title of Mand'alor. ::Yune, this is CSAF's Alena Reckar. Do you have a fic on that Force Void? If you can pinpoint the source, I can destroy it.::

As CSAF's line of MAT-TE's continued pummeling their disadvantaged foes on the beach, 1st Airborne Commando Support Battalion made their arrival over the battlefield. While the Mandalorian air defense forces were occupied with the Republic's own gunships and CSAF's existing air support, the A-10's of 1st Batt were able to dip beneath the air defense cloud and initiate their assault on the Mandalorian forces advancing on the beachhead. Swarms of Larty gunships maneuvered into place above [member=Draco Vereen]'s gargantuan shield walkers, their bay doors sliding open to disgorge squads of CSAF Commandos. The soldiers lead with grenade launchers, sending the slow-moving rounds through the shields of the large vehicles. These detonated on impact against the walker's surfaces, damaging and disabling defensive weaponry and any exposed crew. They then leaped from their vehicles and employed quick-burst jet packs to slow their descent, allowing them to land effectively on the walker's armored body and limbs, locking themselves into place with mag-boots.
Immediately the Mandalorian defenders reacted to the assault, and available weaponry cut down CSAF Commandos exposed to their firing angles. Still more survived, however, and managed to plant high-powered white phosphorous-based detpacks onto the joints and armor gaps of the shield walkers, blowing them after releasing their mag-boots or jet packing away. One group managed to target the shield generators of one of the walkers. A series of blinding explosions enveloped the large shield walkers as the phosphorous detpacks seared the mechanical and electrical components of their targets, rending armor plate and burning through hydraulics. One of the mechanical beasts shuddered and stumbled as several of its legs were separated from its body. The shield generator of the same vehicle disappeared in a series of white-hot flashes, and the energy barrier protecting the Mandalorian force flickered and weakened.
From here, the disengaged CSAF Commandos led their ground assault from the midst of the Mandalorian war machine, burrowing like a molten spear through snowfall. Both sides found themselves beset on all sides, and the casualties of the battle reached their peak here. CSAF operatives targeted Mandalorian Myrkava tanks with anti-armor rockets, rending hulls and disabling propulsion systems and tracks, though many of these teams were soon cut down by return fire from Mandalorian support elements. Captain Alec Brewster found himself and his squad on the rear flank of the Mandalorian infantry that had previously cleared the Republic's trenches, and began overturning this progress from behind as they took their enemies by surprise. The battle here would be the most hard-fought of the invasion.
Operation Twilight Raid​
Location: Wookie Embassy​
Allies: [member="Buruk Surhaai"]​
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Enery Deate"]​
The head pilot of Echo squadron was no stranger to a dogfight. He had seen combat for over twenty years as a pilot and had lived to tell the tale. Therefore, when he saw the Banthas begin to hit a complex maneuver, he knew they were up to something. Ships of that size didn't typically stop in mid-air like that. Hell, no ships were meant for that amount of g-force. How had the crew survived? Nevertheless, Lieutenant Commander Gorv was impressed. No doubt the enemy ship's captain was a bold one.​
"Scatter!" He yelled into the mic. "Hostiles are up to something. Probe em, hit em in the weak spots. Remember, we are here to delay. Nip at their heels, and by the time they return fire, make sure you're already gone. Trust me boys, these Bantha carriers are aptly named. Big fat and slow. We're faster than they are, so let's make use of it! And watch out for those AAs!"
As the carrier began firing back, most of the fighters had scrambled and began swarming around the carriers. Each time one would fire back, the speedy fighters darting around and about would pull off and hit another location. The ships' initial volley had been less effective than likely expected, but it still sent three fighters plummeting to their doom. Then there was the matter of the embassy's anti-aircraft guns. As soon as the artillery detected them the fight would be in the enemy's favor. No matter how quick the fighters were, they wouldn't be able to evade the guns for long.​
In the meanwhile a heavy carrier would cruise into the atmosphere. It would be the ground troops' ride home, if they could get close enough to evac.​
Hooked up to the ships' comm systems, Ajihad had heard everything. The ships had engaged, but couldn't move in any further without those ground anti-aircraft guns blowing them the shrapnel. The assassin frowned. He would have to do something about it.​
As the Mandalorians were shooting at a giant spider that had somehow entered the room, Ajihad jogged over to the unconscious body of the Grand Marshal. He would drag the Zabrak over the the control room's back door, blasting it ajar with the force. It was the control room's computer terminals that controlled everything that went on inside the embassy. He sat down at one of the terminals and pulled out his compact spherical slicing drone. It deployed, floating over to the Marshal and scanning his prints and retinas. It would then return to the computer and use his credentials to access the embassy's defense systems. It took a minute, but Ajihad was in. He quickly moved to reprogram the anti-aircraft measures to instead target the Banthas and not his allied ships. This would allow the carrier to begin moving in to pick them up.​
While he waited, Ajihad took manual control of one of the turrets. He began precisely blasting one of the transports, hoping the heavy guns would bring down its shields in but a few shots. He was sad to see that hadn't reprogrammed the turrets quite fast enough, as they had brought down another three allied fighters in the gap of time it had taken him to do so. They would be sorely missed.​
Beach Assault
Location: Outer City, high in the Branches
Objective: Final Atonement
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Mira Rekali"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]
Gear: Signature
The second Ori'edee was targeted and hurt very badly, its shield generator being temporarily disabled by the Republic Air Forces. Not a bad strategy to be honest, though it cost them in blood to disable to shield of just one. Gallons of blood. The other hadn't finished recycling yet and was not ready to power back on, so the Mandalorian forces were fairly exposed for the first time, not that it stopped their advance. Draco growled to himself, his shamans backing away from him, sensing the growing darkness in their master. "Careful Alor."

"Lend me your power. All of it." Draco said, his voice deep and ominous. The Republic forces were fighting with the Mandalorians on the beach, trying to launch a counter attack against them. Without the shield protecting the infantry, the blood on the field would paid heavy. They would still win, but how many thousands would perish. Ten thousand, one hundred thousand? Was that not why they fought? To save lives. He had been given time. None of the Republic Defenders had given him need to seriously use the Force, he had done little more that absorb a handful of blaster bolts that he didn't use his shield to deflect, since he had left the trenches to attack the city tree, they hadn't even required that. He had been pulling on the Force since then, he had even reached out and felt the fear of the battlefield.

Raxis was preaching, the past time of his clan, it was time for Draco to show the past time of his clan. War in all its glory. The Shamans did as they were told, the four of them pouring what energy they had left into his body, and he could feel is swirling about him, charging every muscle, every nerve, adding it with his own build up and power. He clutched the talisman in his pocket and brought it out, holding it carefully in his hand. "Tell me, is it evil to use Darkness with the best of intentions?" He asked to no one in particular.

<Only time will tell.> Was the thought in his mind, the only proper response. Flashes of light, the sensation of death all around him. No more. It had to stop. It had to be here, right now. The line had been drawn, the die had been cast.

The Dark side churned around him while his form faded from sight, a mere translucent outline amidst all these trees, all that fighting. They would spot him, but it would be too late. Power surged and gurled within him as he concentrated, drew on the Force more than he ever had before, pulling it all to him like he was a funnel, gathering it up to be expelled. "I'm sorry Faith. I will not have our children born into slavery. I will not let them be tormented as I was." He climbed through the branches carefully, moving quickly as he climbed and climbed, getting as close to above where wanted to be.

He looked down from the tree and into the Republic forces, they were charging wildly ready to die for their masters. They didn't know why, they didn't even know who actually ruled the Republic. They didn't even know what ideals the Republic held to on this particular day. Their sacrifice would need to be remembered if the Mandalorians intended to be better than their enemies.

Draco called out to the Force once more. "No More." He said to himself. No more fighting, no more death, no more war. He wanted a long rest on Alderaan, but this Republic, they would see it burn, like they had suggested before. Fear surged around the battlefield, and from it, Draco pulled power. More than he had ever controlled in his lifetime pooled within his chest, burning him. Hurting his very soul to contain like this. His thoughts stayed on Faith and his children.

His warriors continued clearing the tree as they had done before, firing down into the left flank of the Republic Forces. Off in the distance, Grak the Gorax and Sklor his director were smashing into Republic forces holding out against the likes of [member="Vilaz Munin"] and [member="Isley Verd"]. Nothing said fear like a thirty meter tall mandalorian bashing everything with a mace.
Location: West Beach
Allies: [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Enemy: [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Naast Kot"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] and the horde of none surfing mandalorians
Gear: Dueling Armour, Pink Lightsaber, A.P.T.G.G., A.I.C.M.G.

In the background Elaine could hear the drums, the beat was getting louder. She did not know who was playing the drums, the where but drums where beating, and they where getting louder. The drums where coming, and they where getting louder.

Trench 1
The mandalorains where now in charge here, and from what Elaine could tell the Mandalore himself was now here. This meant one thing and one thing alone, this was going to be it. She new this was not going to be hit and run attack, he was here, and it meant they planned stay and fight till the finish. This made her nervous, and she had to fight on.

Trench 2
Only the housecarls, and dead and mandalorians, pushing up to trench three where left here. The housecarls, had suffered heavy losses and she unsure if her captains was dead or alive. She watched this grimaced, she hoped they where just injured or ran out of power.

Trench 3
Her troops where know is disarray fighting was intense, some parts where holding, some had been penetrated and they pushing through.

It was utter chaos, she no idea which parts where still standing, and which parts had fallen. The Mandalorians where pushing on through, there bloody thousands of them. She had to sound the retreat, they move away from city area. Try to rally into an effective fighting force, for one last sally to try and turn the tide. They began fall back heading towards artillery line, that had been under constant attack, since the beginning. She could hear the drums, and they where getting louder.

Artillery Position
The position was almost destroyed, but this rallying point troops began to pour in take up positions, they the artillery began to fire again. As few thousand men began to rally here, they knew it was only matter of time before the mandalorian wars droids turned up again, though the missile and artillery was now ready for them. Even here they could hear the drums, why could hear the drums know was the question.

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