Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: East Bank - Mandalorian Lines
Allies: Mandalorians; [member="Anija Betna"]
Enemies: Republic and Allies; [member="Kista Fel"] [member="Kara Runo"]
Objective: Halt the attack​

"Angel Two; Angel One copies," came Arrbi's response. "I see the bogies, too. Confirm Republic, they're not ours. Free to engage."

With that, he pulled the bes'uliik in a wide turn and angled towards the incoming fighters, his throttle at full. He flicked a few switches in his cockpit, turning off targeting computers and leaving only the necessary electronics active on his starfighter. A thumb rested on the switch to cloak for a moment and he keyed the comms on his helmet, swapping to open comms for a moment.

"You should have known better than to head into the tall grass, Aruetiise."

Message given, he hit the controls and the starfighter disappeared from sight. Deciding to get altitude, he brought the nose up and watched his gauge readings. That was the key in atmospheric fighting where physics played a part in the fight. Altitude, speed, and tactics determined the advantage, not numbers. In a situation like this, a few, skilled pilots with the advantage of starfighters made all the difference.

And the Republic was about to find out why.

Armament loadout:
3x heavy blaster cannons
2x mass drivers
1x 250kg proton bomb
Location: Engaging the Traitorous Clan Raxis on the Beach
Objective: Beach Assault

Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Kano Oda"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member=3X744] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member=Sko'saht] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member=Tusk] | [member=Goran] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rach Vizla"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Aditya Mantis"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Alena Reckar"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Jack Raxis"]

Ra crossed both of his arms in front of his face, interlocking at the bracers as he stood his ground against the flames.​
The molecular shield flickered on as Mand'alor was engulfed in flames.​
He did not expect the shatter gun, but he did expect some sort of trick. The kinetic energy was blocked by the Paragon shield, but the pellet itself was not. His armor began to be hammered by them, and Ra finally took a step back as his armor began to take a beating. He lowered his shield for a moment, letting the flames lick over his body and burn his exposed shoulder. His body began to try to shift under the heat of the flames, to escape them as Ra found solace from the projectiles in the black smoke as they began to fire blindly.

"...Do I remind you of your failures as a Mandalorian, Dar'manda?"
Ra blankly stated.​
"...will you miss home, ancestral Manda'yaim?"

To be declared Dar'manda by a Mand'alor was no small thing. The man would never march with his brothers in the afterlife. The literal translation was "No Soul." A dar'manda was to be deprived of joining his brothers in the afterlife, of joining his blood, his kinsmen. While Clan Raxis was previously declared sovereign, Ra had made known to Gray his intentions to not call upon the Clan against the Republic. Ra had never hid his intentions. In front of 30,000 brothers, Ra had declared open war on the Republic. In front of 30,000 brothers, Ra had declared open war on the One Sith.

Ra did not take the declaration lightly.

Gilamar Skirata, one of the Clans' Alors, had asked one thing of Ra when he was named Mand'alor. Destroy the Sith. To do that, the path was logical. Their breeding ground, their entire reason for being, had to be destroyed. The Republic had been at war so long with the One Sith, they had forgotten what it was to be the stewards of justice, the protectors of the Core. They had become sloth, they had become corruption. Arasuum sunk his mighty teeth into the heart of the Galactic Republic. They would worm, they would squirm. They would desperately try whatever tactics they could to prevent anyone from knowing the truth.

But Mand'alor knew the truth.

You couldn't destroy the One Sith without first destroying the Republic. They were two sides of the same coin.

But Ra had never guessed that Clan Raxis, as peaceful as they had claimed to be, would betray him like this. On the beaches of Kashyyyk. Ambushing their brothers from the sand.

This wasn't the Clan Raxis he knew.

This was the corruption of the Sith. The corruption of the Galactic Republic. The corruption of Clan Raxis.

And it had to be forcefully weeded out.
The gargantuan form of the Mand'alor burst from the smoke, leaping again to close the distance he had permitted his enemy, aiming to land the spear's edge vertically in the leg of the Dar'manda and pin him under the spear.

Ra didn't want to kill him.​
Ra wanted to maim him in order take him prisoner back to Mandalore.​
Battle of the Century!
Location: West Beach

Allies: Republic

Enemies: The Crazy Mando's. Also [member="Ra Vizsla"]

There was so much death here it swirled the force into a dark abyss. However long the Ysilamir lived, Jack was deprived of his favourite tool. The Manda'yaim to him was technically the force. Two sides to the same coin. There was many after life’s, and many more traditions to follow them.

"I'm not insulted Vizsla. A mere mortal does not influence the cosmos or the after life. Only the force does that."

The smoke was problematic, and the ammo running out of Jack's clip even more. There was too much noise for him to switch to sonar, and to few precious seconds for him to switch to thermal. One thumb slammed the ejector switch and a smoking clip met the sand with an indistinct thud. The other hand grabbed and slammed a fresh clip.

But it cost him.

Between all the jaw jacking and the reloading, now the hulking monster was right on him.


The spear met it's mark, impaling right through the unprotected thigh muscle on his leg. Now he was pinned, which was an advantage and a disadvantage. Now there was another question, which would tire first. Jack or the Lizard?

Blood dripped from the wound into the sand. Dirt and copper. Smoke.

Jack peered through the madness, steeling his jaw against the pain and laughed.

The Besk'ad came out from it's sheath point down and he crouched as much as he could.

The force swirled and crackled in his mind as the pain fed his determination. The Lizard would challenge his meditation, but his resolve was better than most. He continued the chant in his mind, drawing power from every source. A chant that would never cease.
"Eat dung."

The Shatter gun came up again, this time point blank range and aimed right at the Ysilamir.

His gloved finger squeezed the hair trigger and another volley of rounds spewed forth, like intent bees, diving right for their prey.
Location: Stationery orbit above Kashyyyk

There was a report one that Rianna paid a bit more attention to, there was word that [member="Draco Vereen"] was down. He had been seen falling the teams on the beach were already pressed to get to everyone. All personnel had been dispatched, except one or two and they were on board with her.

She had been following Death, [member="Davon Karr"] but he was currently in the Royal City near the Embassy.

She moved her fingers across the holo map showing her where the teams were, communications were difficult with eyes darting over to the challenge between the Mand'alor Ra and Jack Raxis. She knew she had to, "Team 3 are you ready to send up your wounded? I need you to move to where Shukalar fell, scoop him up with your next grouping."

Whether they could or not depended on traffic.

"The MedEvac Transport Skirata is on its way, be advised" This would give Team 3 time to get their wounded ready, and run to where Draco had fallen. "Dead or Alive Team you send Shukalar to the Frigate."

She wouldn't call Faith until she knew what they were dealing with. Had Faith become a widow so soon?

She remembered how she felt the day she watched Ordo fall, he should have died that day. The head shot had hit the neck it had taken countless sessions of healing to bring him to awareness, and then months of more healing to bring the bones back, nerves, muscle...they rebuilt parts of his spine. The healing crystal that he had secured for her was why he was alive today, [member="Ordo"] she couldn't bear thinking of the galaxy with him gone.

She knew to wait to talk to Faith...just in case.

Team 3 had split up one of them was headed to Draco.
Location: Engaging the Traitorous Clan Raxis on the Beach
Objective: Beach Assault

Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Kano Oda"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member=3X744] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member=Sko'saht] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member=Tusk] | [member=Goran] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rach Vizla"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Aditya Mantis"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Alena Reckar"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Jack Raxis"]

Raxis was impaled by the spear.​
The goliath Vizsla descended upon him, roaring, attempting to knock him over and put his knee on Jack's chest.​
A nearly empty shatter gun raised.​
A Ysalamir on Ra's back chirped.​
A shot wrung out.​
The Ysalamir fell limp in it's cage on Ra's back, dead, its inside spewed through the nutrient tube. Ra's crushgaunt shot out to the man's wrist, attempting to break it as it would squeeze and crush. His right hand stayed on the spear.

And Ra's helmet came crashing down on Jack's own.


Ra's visor flickered as the internals began to fail.


It went from red to black.


"....I know you," Ra whispered, his helmet beginning to dysfunction.​
"I know what you want.
But your Force evades you here,
your sorcery evades you here.
A Mandalorian needs not these things
but you are so desperate for it, Dar'manda."
Ra crashed his helmet towards Jack's again.​
"You desperately cling to the hope that the death of this creature on my back will grant you strength,
but you've ignored your surroundings."
Ra would attempt to move Jack's face in the direction of the Bral on the beach.*
Ra's helmet crashed towards Jack's again.​
"Just like you desperately cling to your dying Republic.
Do not worry, Jack.
I will keep you alive long enough to see it fall."
Ra began moving the spear back and forth.​
If the man wasn't unsconcious yet,​
Ra's intention was forcibly drive him into shock.​
Battle of the Century!
Location: West Beach

Allies: Republic

Enemies: The Crazy Mando's. Also [member="Ra Vizsla"]

The Bral indeed was there. For even as he chanted nothing was happening outside his mind. Except for way too much snarling ferocious Mandalorian coming down on top of him. Before the hand snatched his Jack retracted, knowing that the crush gaunt was and not wanting to feel it crush his bones to dust.

For the brief second of despair he felt, there was a sunrise. A plan was already hatched, and it relied on the other man being blind to what was coming at him.


The first blow landed, and he rocked backwards, letting his backward momentum soften the blow somewhat. His vision swam and the HUD shorted out completely. From underneath bloodstained skin a smirk began to emerge.

The Besk'ad, silent now swung up and shattered the haft of the spear between the ground and the point where it had stuck his leg.

Small victories...


The second blow toppled his vision even more. A small tunnel began to manifest. But it was something he could work with. The pain was not yet at the same legendary levels he'd experienced at the hands of Darth Whaletales a while back. His jaw ground shut, steeled with all his will...

"You made a fatal error of your own Vizsla."


The Besk'ad whirled in his hand, coming right up fro beneath the leg where it hand cut the spear, aiming to cleave the hand that grasped the top portion.


This time it was harder, and he stumbled, giving him a few inches of space.

One knee dropped
The Gun came up
He squeezed the trigger.
Location: Engaging the Traitorous Clan Raxis on the Beach
Objective: Beach Assault

Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Kano Oda"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member=3X744] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member=Sko'saht] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member=Tusk] | [member=Goran] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rach Vizla"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Aditya Mantis"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Alena Reckar"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Jack Raxis"]

Unfortunately for Jack's plan, the beskad didn't cleave the phrik spear in two.​
it did notch both the blade of the beskad and the shaft of the spear.​
Ra had had about enough of this.

He let the man go. There was no further glory to be gained from this duel, no further honor. Maimed, this man was obviously beaten. Ra pulled his spear out and just threw him back down in the sand as the man pulled his gun up to aim at him.

Ra roared with rage.

The shot rang out, denting the left breastplate of Ra's armor, some of the pellets finding their way into his skin. Ra backed up a few feet, clutching his chest.

Then he began pounding the wound. Blood came forth, spilling into the sands. He raised his spear, and the Mando'ade on the beach began to roar in unison.

The Iron Wolf bellowed, black smoke billowing off his back, the screams of the women and children of Roche emanating off his bacl. He took his helmet off and threw it to the ground.​
Emerald eyes, furious with rage.​
Furious with Jack.​
Furious with this unending betrayal. The man brought sorcery and a gun to an honorbound duel and claimed to be Mando'ade.​
He would never be Mand'alor.​

Ra pounded his left breastplate.

Battle of the Century!
Location: West Beach

Allies: Republic

Enemies: The Crazy Mando's. Also [member="Ra Vizsla"]

OOC: Sorry dude, missed that detail. PM me in the future I can edit.

It was a goading movement. Jack knew with a certainty that if he fired now and attempted to strike him down it would make him a Martyr. Clan Raxis was already all but extinct. Gray and the rest were in hiding, Kay had refused his summons. The Wolves were scattered and broken. His rage however was not.

Clan be damned, it was time to break free.

This Ra, whom had come out of the shadows.

This treacherous man out for only blood and no glory.


It was smeared all across his faceplate.

"I remember the old days Ra. When my Mother Vassara first settled down on Mandalore. When back then true Mado'ade were throwing the Shadows of the Deathwatch of their backs and tackling real issues like the Sith."


Infinite Rage.

"Now look at them. You turned them into mindless killers."

Jack rose, one hand plugging his wound with bandage from his belt. The other held the Shatter gun straight out and level with Ra's head.

He said to fire.

"My fething pleasure."

Location: Engaging the Traitorous Clan Raxis on the Beach
Objective: Beach Assault

Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Kano Oda"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member=3X744] | [member="Kade Kelborn"] | [member="Varien Moxla"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member=Sko'saht] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Arumi Zy"] | [member=Tusk] | [member=Goran] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rach Vizla"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Likar Kejis"] | [member="Aditya Mantis"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Alena Reckar"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Myles Savar"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Jack Raxis"]

Ra leaned to the left instinctfully, the shot going wild.

"You are delusional, Jack.
Your addiction to this Force is all too apparent.
You do not fight with honor. No, you fight like a child, flailing in the sand with your magic and your guns.
I find you unworthy of the title of Mand'alor
and unworthy to call yourself Mandalorian."
Ra paced. This was no longer a duel. This was one man's desperate plea for attention from the Iron Wolf, but Ra had a war to win.

"Extraction team to the beach. The Raxian traitors have been thwarted. We're taking a prisoner."

The Iron Wolf released the button to his comms unit.

He turned back to Jack, regaining his composure and sighing deeply. He bent down to pick up and put back on his helmet.

"I am Mand'alor.
You, Dar'manda, will never know the love of Manda'yaim again
and you'll forever walk this galaxy, cursed, unable to rejoin your people.
Forever labeled the coward that betrayed his own kin."
He glanced briefly at the forest.

Perhaps this [member="Arisa Yune"] would provide a more formidable challenge... a more honorable challenge.

One who just wouldn't shoot shotguns in the sand.


The Original Robot Space Ninja
OOC NOTE: Way behind on what's going on, feel free to ignore. Just had to finish up Sammy's storyline.

As it turns out, a Shard riding a chariot pulled by a Dantooine Plains Turkey, even an abnormally bright one, is not conducive to precise navigation. Ordinarily turkeys, like many birds, have a keen sense of direction, but Sammy was stoned, and that sort of put a damper on things. But, like all the best storytellers say, sometimes getting lost is a wonderful thing.

"Gobble gobble gobble?" Sammy asked as they pulled up next to a smoking heap of metal and feathers.

"Oh, that? Looks like one of those giant speaker things Ra was using. They're not really useful offensively, but they make for one hell of a distraction."

They had decided that Goran would reply to Sammy in Basic. Turkese was okay for some purposes, but it was a polysynthetic language that only had about 400 unique words. The meaning of the words was highly dependent on context, and that made conveying complex ideas difficult. If you wanted to talk about food, or danger, or a Gamorean soap opera known as "Tusk" that was something of a cultural obsession for the Dantooine Plains Turkey, you were good. If you wanted to discuss complex battlefield tactics, not so much.

The giant speaker thing had apparently malfunctioned, and was now laying against the foot of a tree. There were still lights on, but it looked like the repulsor had crapped out shortly after launch, probably from a stray blaster bolt.

"Gobble gobblegobble gobble?"

"Yeah, probably. I mean, I'm certain the repulsor is fried, but we can probably get the speakers to work."

"Gobble gobble gobble, gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gobble gobble gobblegobble gobble."

"Sammy, you're brilliant? But how did you know I could make illusions?"

"Gobble gobble gobble."

"You're a bird of many talents, my friend. Any good with a soldering iron?"

"Gobble gobble gobble," Sammy scoffed.

"Ah, should have known. Okay, so here's what we're gonna do..."

1 Hour Later

After much hard work, some singed feathers, a bit of on the fly programming, and one or two very heated debates, the pair finally found the beach, oriented on the Republic emplacements, and charged. Only they weren't alone. Behind them, a veritable army of Dantooine Plains Turkeys charged along in their wake, feathers flapping majestically in the wind. It was a charge the likes of which the galaxy had never known, and it was mostly fake.

See, the giant speaker thingy was only part of the plan. Goran had wired it to the chariot, and after muting the sound enough that it wouldn't be deadly to his Turkey friend, had custom composed, on the spot, a song for their mission. And then he had taken the spare power cell and Absorbed every single last joule of energy contained within.

Like many Shards, Goran was gifted with Absorb, immensely so. Being a being that relied heavily on electricity to interact with the world had its advantages, and since it granted an innate understanding of it, the ability to manipulate it was something that nearly any Force sensitive Shard could learn, given enough time. Some could turn Absorbed energy into fuel for immensely powerful telekinetic blasts. Goran's specialty was in illusion.

It wasn't the sort of Alter Mind nonsense that the Halcyon line was known for, but rather, physical projections created by bending light. Ordinarily, Goran could maintain an illusion about the size of a computer monitor for a few minutes. After draining dry the spare power cell, he was able to cast an illusion that could cover a football field. It was flat and 2 dimensional, like the screen at a movie theater, but when charging head on at the Republic's forces, it had the illusion of depth and thus, hopefully, looked quite convincing.

Meanwhile, the speakers blared an anthem of death, destruction, and turkey.

When the Winged Turkeys arrive

A cry for help in time of need await relief from Feathered League
60 days of siege outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the sky wounded soldiers left to die
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall

They're outnumbered 15 to one
And the battle's begun

And the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down to planetside
Let the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down they turn the tide

As the days are passing by and as the dead are piling high
No escape and no salvation
Walkers with explosive loads stamp on Pubbies like little toads
Storm the beaches and watch the enemy fear

It's a desperate race against the mine
And a race against time

And the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down to planetside
Let the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down they turn the tide

Turbolasers are coming down from the sky
The Mandos are ready for you to die
We will seek our vengeance eye for an eye

You'll be killed upon the steps of your gate
On this field you're only facing our hate
But back home the Chancellor's sealing your fate

We remember
In September
That's the night Kashyyyk was freed
We made the enemies bleed

And the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down to planetside
Let the Winged Turkeys arrive
Coming down they turn the tide

(Storm clouds fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel)

We remember
In September
When the Winged Turkeys arrived
The Admiralty
Location: The Western Forests, Outskirts.
Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Ava Lok"]
Enemies: [member="Bryn'jarr Astaris"]

Strike Teams
From the North: [member="Mia Monroe"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"], [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From the West: Ronan Vizsla.
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"], [member="Kronos Oda"], [member="Aryn Spar"]

Every single muscle in his body told him to execute the jetii right now.

It would be the responsible path, the true path- it lacked the silly nonsense most Mandalorians tried to instill these days.

Empty platitudes and words of honor.

There is no honor on the battlefield, jetii.” Vizsla responded to his question for a honorable fight.

War, the fields of battle, it was all blood, mud and sweat.

Good men cut down before their prime and possible futures cut off before they could come to fruition. It was the eternal conundrum for Ronan. All he knew was the weight of a beskad in his hand, the stock of a shotgun against his shoulder and the taste of copper welling up at the back of his throat.

But right then and there, when Astaris thought that this would be his end, something landed on the ground before him.

A gleaming blade, another beskad.

Fight, young pup. No magic tricks, no ‘saber, and we will see what the jetii made of you.”

Some of Clan Vizsla wore an ysalamiri nutrient frame.

The Force would no longer help him in this blood duel.
Location: West Beach, Third Trench, falling out gun nest, running with the damn best
Objective: Beach Assault, my fault, turn a fall into a flight. Charge through all the smoke and mud to make the Pubbies see the light!
Friends: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
Targets: [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Dented Eukar'gam with funny boots
Grappling rope
Heavy Ripper
Jairi Edee (8 in a quiver on his back)
Jaian Bes'tratur


I came to the battle at the speed of light,
And now I'm stuck in a hot firefight,
Uh-huh, It ain't no big thing.....
Late to the party, so I'll bring up the rear,
Blasted off the gun nest, and then I stood near,
Uh-huh, it ain't no big thing.....

I came to this beach to have a good fight,
Now I'm next to Rekali and the party's alright,
Uh-huh, it ain't no big thing....

But I know what I like
I know I like fighting with vod
I know what you like
You like seeking glory with me,
Charge 'em once!
Charge 'em twice!
"C'mon, Mando'ade, Charge them deadly!"

So charge 'em once!
Charge 'em twice!
"C'mon, Mando'ade, Charge them deadly!"

Need a drink of mead, my throat's gettin' dry
Must be all the salt or the brine in the sky,
Uh-huh, it ain't no big thing
My shoulder didn't take the fall so well,
So let's return the favor and raise some hell,
Uh-huh, it ain't no big thing....

But I know what I like
I know I like fighting with vod
I know what you like
You like seeking glory with me,
Charge 'em once!
Charge 'em twice!
"C'mon, Mando'ade, Charge them deadly!"

Charge 'em once!
Charge 'em twice!
"C'mon, Mando'ade, Charge them deadly!"
(Cause you're all seeking glory with me!)

Charge 'em once! Charge 'em twice!
"C'mon, Mando'ade, Charge them deadly!"

Charge 'em once!
Cahrge 'em twice!
Unsheathe all your weapons, charge 'em deadly!!

Mando'ade charge 'em
Mando'ade charge 'em
Mando'ade charge 'em, DEEEEEAAADDDLLYYY!!!!!
Charge 'em deadly!!!

Went to a beach to make war
I didn't get killed,
(And I fell from my precipice)

(OOC: And now for an intermission, I'm charging the trench, aiming for your position to throw in a wrench, uh-huh....PM if need be.....and if the wookies try to charge me back, just tag me in and cut a Mando some slack, uh-huh.......I can't stop sing-ing.....)
Location: West Beach
Objective: Defend the West Beach at all costs
Allies: GR [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Alena Reckar"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Kara Runo"] [member="Kista Fel"] [member="Jack Raxis"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Funky Balor"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Varien Moxla"] [member="Anaki Sann"]
Equipment: 2 grenades, bowcaster (primary), SI-74 anti-tank rifle (secondary), WESTAR Skirmisher armor

Upon hearing [member="Rekali the Hutt"] scream "Sniper" after the last SI-74 shot narrowly missed him, the sight of these jetpack-wielding Mandos have attracted the attention from some Wookiees in the bluff and high up the wroshyr trees, who attempted to hit these jetpack-wielding Mandos. These Wookiees also saw one [member="Draco Vereen"] fall to the ground but assumed it was a result of that very sniper Rekali screamed about, rather than being about a spell. That goes to show just how much terror Jessica could inflict on her own. Jessica knew that she needed to hold out eight seconds before she could fire one of the six shots remaining in her LSAT180. But because she aimed the ninth shot at Funky, and Rekali the Hutt was slow, lumbering as well as inside her firing arc, it was a natural choice for her to just aim the tenth shot at Rekali the Hutt. The suppression fire resulted in a few near-misses close to the trench, but also the jetpack Mandos seem to aim at the bluff as well. They realize that, while they aimed at the general area where Jessica was, they missed her.

"These Mandos... they probably suspect that some Wookiee zombie in the bluff shot the SI-74 at them" one of the survivors of the trench told the others before the enemy suppression fire hit him.

"Man down! Man down!"

"Let them believe in Wookiee zombies. I shall make them pay their misplaced beliefs in Wookiee zombies!"

Aiming her SI-74 at [member="Rekali the Hutt"], Jessica did as she saw on Dead Fantasy, the latest zombie-themed Dathomirian horror holoflick she saw. Fire that thing directly at the Hutt's head, knowing that a lightaxe would render the particle beam an explosive round if he tried to bat it away as he would a normal bowcaster. But a lightaxe would spread the explosiveness around him. Would the Hutt actually suffer significant injuries after taking the hit, only the Force could tell. Again, with the sheer density of Mandalorian forces around her, she would hit something even if she didn't hit Rekali. But the worst in all that was there was another Wookiee zombie using a SI-74 from the bluff to fire at [member="Funky Balor"] so that the Mandalorians would be facing two zombie snipers for the cost of one. By now, though, there were only three zombies left in the trench. While she waited for her SI-74 to reload... the survivors used Jessica's built-in megaphone to scream at the Mandalorians:

"Zombie snipers are everywhere: Wookiee zombies in the wroshyr, more in the bluff, zombie snipers forced [member="Draco Vereen"] off the tree!"

"This is even worse than Dead Fantasy! There is no space wizard to kill for you to stop production of Wookiee zombies!" another survivor screamed while shooting in Funky's direction.

"Wookiee zombies even caused PTSD in [member="Preliat Mantis"]!"

Yet there was no baat'kaysh in the Mandalorian army dispatched on Kashyyyk other than perhaps a physical therapist. Only baat'ade could possibly talk about PTSD, let alone do so in such a casual way on a battlefield. (Here baat'ad designates the profession of therapist proper, whereas baat'kaysh designates the entire range of professionals called allied healthcare professionals) And Jessica knew about PTSD only as some mental health problem affecting veterans and caused by combat.
Beach Assault
Location: Arriving at the outer city
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="3X744"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Zef Halo"]

Enemies: Republic and friends
Objective: Conquista?

The trek of the war band composed of Mandalorians and Friends continued. There was bloodshed and similar unpleasantness. The Mandalorians had taken casualties, as was inevitable in war, but all in all doing quite well. To kill a Republican was not a sin, it was the pathway to Valhalla/Manda/Ashira's Heaven!

Or whatever afterlife you happened to believe in, assuming you were the religious type. Lately, Elpsis had been discovering faith, though she was still a seeker in search of one. Presently she was doing her best serving the gods and goddesses of war. She accomplished this by harnessing the power and force of nature.

A very big Kashyyyk tree seemed to suddenly come alive when it was turned on Republicans and friends. Roots would grab and ensnare them, its branches attacked any armed non-Mandalorian that came in its range, its limbs functioning like arms. It reminded Elpsis a bit of a children's novel she'd read when she was still a kid. Back when she'd still been a Jedi Initiate.

However, then something dramatic happened! Elpsis and the Mando crew were probably far away from the 'blast radius' when the Shukalar [member="Draco Vereen"] unleashed his Deadly Field with the intent of consuming many Republican soldiers. However, the redhead was close enough to feel the pain and agony this attack had to cause. Especially since she was an empath.

It felt like many voices suddenly cried out in agony when their lives were extinquished, as they were drained by the life-eater. Their pain, fear and agony hit her like a freight tram. That was unpleasant. As the distant black sphere of doom expanded, the corruption was so strong that it affected even the flora and fauna within the radius. Being an empath and so deeply connected to the forest right now, she could feel the darkness spreading.

One might compare it to the darkness that permeated the Korun homeword: Pain and white-hot fury. Elpsis felt an awful headache and breathed in deeply. Thankfully, she was better at protecting her mind now, so she pulled herself together. She could not determine how badly the Republican troops had been hit by the deadly field due to the considerable distance, though she figured it was bad. She did not fear the darkness anymore though, like she had when she was younger.

The spectre of her evil father had been banished. First by Siobhan when she struck him down, then by herself when she killed him again in hell. She muttered a quiet prayer for the fallen, hoping that they were in a better place now. Finally she caught up with the Mandalorian war band. It seemed they'd reached the outskirts of the tree city. It was hammer time!

Naast Kot

The Beach Assault
East Beach
Ra Vizsla | Naast Kot | Draco Vereen | Preliat Mantis | Yasha Mantis | Arumi Zy | Sko'saht Funky Balor | Rekali the Hutt | Varien Moxla @ Any one else who is strictly on the East Beach.
Enemies: Anyone who wants to fight me!
Gear | Hyperion Combat Armor | Fett Kal Trench Knife | ML-1 Roughcut | Beskad | 5 BA-H377 Browncoat Forcebreaker Grenade | BA-K177 Browncoat Kamino Darts. || CZ-840 Combat Shotgun | 12 Gauge BASIC, BANG, FLARE, SHOCK, and VENOM slugs

"I can't get no..."

It began with a soft tune amidst the squawks of turkeys and mortars.

".. Satisfaction."

Naast Kot's deep base tenor rumbled out to the battlefield. His head bobbed back and forth, each step moving to the beat of his heart!

"I can't get no... satisfaction. I can't get no... satisfaction..." this was a catchy beat. One that his clansmen knew well. Before long, he wasn't the only one singing as they made their way up to join the first wave.

"Cause I try... and I try and try!!" And suddenly he stopped, spread his arms wide and began to belt out!

"When I'm looking for a fight. And Raxis decides to act fly! This is telling more and more, about some absent Republic soldiers, supposed to fight honorably, I can't get no... no no no!"

Two more sang in tune.

"Hey, hey, hey -- " BOOM!

The rocket-propelled grenade struck the trio at their feet. They all went flying, debris in the air. Pain registered for the Taung. But it was a GLORIOUS PAIN.

Winded, the Taung slowly staggered to his feet. Parts of him protested, but underneath his helm, he gave a toothy grin.
Location: En route to the beach
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: The other guys
Objective: Free Kashyyyk

The heat of atmospheric re-entry made his black and gold armor glow hot as he rode his ever present war droid toward the planet below. One large armor clad hand held the controls while the other gripped his heavy black beskad close to the beast to keep it from being ripped away. He thought of Rianna, Faith, Anija, Ginnie, and even crusty old Gilamar as flames licked passed his visor. Had he come full circle in the crazy journey of life that he'd lead or was this just another part of the ever turning wheel of time that was existence?

He roared into the comms as he broke into the atmosphere and his droid followed suit as if a living beast of flesh and bone rather than beskar and steel. They would make landfall in seconds and he would do his level best to save this planet from a republic he once believed in. The greatest friends could become the worst enemies it seemed.
Lower Atmosphere >>> Treeline >>> Water



Do things​


Captain Tupu's armored hand gripped the railing as he stared at the rapidly approaching wall of water, the metal within his hand giving way to the power of his crushgaunt. <What was it with this frelling ship and water?> Captain Tupu thought to himself in the brief seconds before impact. <Not every body of water is a bloody ocean.>

For a brief moment, Captain Tupu was aware that his feet were no longer held against the floor. In that moment, he was also aware that the forward wall of the bridge was far closer than it should have been. As the moment ended, Captain Tupu's awareness was replaced by intense pain and a bright light.


Captain Tupu's awareness would return though. This time, it was intense pain and an absence of light that he was aware of. Blinking a few times, he noted no difference between the level of light when his eyes were open as opposed to closed. Fearing blindness, Captain Tupu clenched his eyelids closed as hard as he was able. When faint stars appeared in the corners of his vision, he knew that it was not his eyes that were at fault. Tentatively, he reached his hand towards his head. It hurt to move the arm. But then again, everything hurt right now.

After a moment of fumbling, Captain Tupu managed to reset his armor's power supply. A faint whirring of computer fans accompanied a brilliant flash of light. A second of blinking later, and Captain Tupu was able to make out the interior bridge of the Naast'ika Laaran, illuminated by the flashlight built into his helmet. Turning his head (also painful), he noted that most of the bridge crew (himself included), were beginning to pry themselves from their place upon the floor.

"Status report?" Captain Tupu managed to cough out, along with a small splatter of blood within his helmet and a sudden awareness of a particularly sharp pain coming from the lower-left portion of his chest. An quick expedition by his left hand managed to identify the source of the pain. Something long and sharp protruded from his left side, roughly six inches above his kidney. Vaguely, he was aware of someone speaking on the other side of the room. Something about "ship's knocked the feth out." Captain Tupu's attention, however, was focused upon his injury. A painful turn of his head revealed the identity of the protruding object... He had somehow managed to impale himself on a broken... viewscreen mounting? Tupu didn't really care what it was at the moment. All he knew was that he was pinned to the floor and it bloody hurt.


Well-Known Member
Location: Western Outskirts, Royal City of Kashyyyk
Objective: Defend Against the Onslaught of the Mandalorian Clans
Allies: [member="Thoja Arlos"] [] Galactic Repubic
Enemies: [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [] [member="Ava Lok"] [] Mandalorian Clans
Post: (3)

The Zabrak's eyes shifted as they stared blankly at the beskad on the ground. He grit his teeth as he suddenly felt the numbness of the Force as it was held at bay by the enemy's nutrient frames. A small knot began forming in the put of his stomach but he forced himself to meet eyes once more with the Mandalorian warrior before him. There was truth in what he had said, there truly was no honor on the battlefield. The Republic had put up next to no fight, routing at the first sign of the enemy. He alone as well as another of his kind had fought back... and now they would pay the price.

Despite the numbness where he had been used to feeling the Force he was confident in his ability to overcome the physical exertion. That was... until he reached out, hands wrapping around the beskad. The weight was foreign in his hands, the blade of a lightsaber naturally weightless. As he rose to his feet, the point of the beskad rose, his stance defensive. It wasn't too late, he could likely make a run for it... but no. He had felt it before and now he knew, this was his destiny. It was troubling to him, the realization that he would never become a knight, that he would never fully learn what it meant to be a Jedi... and then his mind snapped, like that of a stick bent to a breaking point.

"Not all of us rely so heavily on the force Mandalorian..."

Blind rage, suppressed for his entire life bubbled forth, filling him with a renewed energy. This was not the Force but it was a force. His body surged full of adrenaline as he pushed himself forward, left foot first. He lowered the point of the beskad at the Mandalorian's chest, a conservative thrust forward. If this was to be his last day in the universe, he would do this Mandalorian the honor of putting up a fight... unlike the rest of the Republic. The way he felt abandoned fueled his anger... it drove him to a single purpose, death be damned.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Allies: Clan Munin | Clan Verd | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: The Republic
Objective: Do that "Real-sore-hair" thing that Briika talks about.
Gear: Clifford the Big Red Droid (Besuliik Mk II), DC-17 blaster pistol, Survival Knife

The smallest member of Clan Munin was being a helper.

That being, helping [member="Briika Tor"] take care of the wounded. That provided the benefit of Clifford's shield extending over to where the Mandalorian medic worked, and the young Clone Trooper had his DC-17 at the ready in case anyone tried to accost her as she was working.

Strangely enough. There wasn't a whole lot of accosting going on. There were a lot of explosions, but the Mandalorians seemed to be moving at a brisk pace through the Republic defenses.

The boy saw the Alor, as the man came to check on where Briika was working, and heard the call to make them remember.

...except, what were they supposed to be remembering? Because this just looked like a bunch of explosions kicking dust in the air.

And turkeys.

Flaming turkeys.
[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Aryn Spar"]

Royal City

Davon merely grunted. He knew well enough not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but at the same time he was hard to have the battle rush burn through such a short engagement. It was hard to keep his hand from shaking.

"Either they weren't permitted to defend the area by the locals, they're abandoning the planet or we've been out maneuvered," Davon growled.

He quickly signalled the medical teams that the city was mostly secure, with pockets of fighting. His suit's HUD showed where the casevac and medevac virtual flares had been set down.

"I'm going to sweep the upper canopy so we can get some ships in. Keep the force mobile in case we need to redeploy," he said to Aryn.

"Sam," he called to his family member. "Get one through three groups securing the borders of the city. I'm heading up to the upper tiers but make sure the whole city is swept. I want it held by the smallest possible force when the rest of the troops come in so we can potentially redeploy to wherever the Republic is hiding."

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