Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: West Beach
Objective: Win, Conquer, Repeat
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"]
Gear: Signature​

Waters roiled around the massive Ori'edee shield walkers as they staggered their entrance, shields alternating, artillery rippling across the energy shield as they made their way across the river. After moments of waiting, the first broke the water and surged up through the shallow water. The edges of its shield touched the beach and the walker stopped, locking its legs in position the cloaked Bral sitting behind it, using the walker and water as protection. The shield pulsed outward covering one hundred meters of beach, and then another, and another. Three hundred meters of the beach was suddenly covered in the powerful shield. The Other pair pulled off to the right, stomping towards the beach at an angle so that its shield wouldn't have much overlap once it was in place.

Mandalorians began howling, tanks and heavy weaponry began firing. Within minutes the beachhead turned to absolute hell. The surging tide of armored bodies arrived by sea, by air, and by transport. Offensive Sensor Nodes opened up using their powerful sensors to rely data through the command centers, and smaller local shields from Mobile Defense Units covered them with small groups of Mandalorians. Battle was in full swing now.

Draco and his people rolled up in their Myrkava Battle Tanks, firing Ionite Sabots towards the Republic Artillery from the far left side. "Let's move." Conquer said, dropping out of the rear hatch of the battle tank. Einherjar and shamans followed him, covering the far left side of the West Beach. Draco and his warriors charged into the Republic trenches like a storm, shields and beskads hacking, bashing, slashing.

A Republic Trooper fired his heavy blaster at Draco, bolts bouncing off the lightshield with a slight jar to his arm. The Mandalorian ducked forward beneath the stream of energy bolts and drove his sword into the troopers midsection. Draco hefted the trooper upwards towards the sky in a swift brutal motion, depositing him onto the beach and dropping to lock shields with five of his men in a solid wall of energy in the trench, just below the surface line. In the back the few warriors threw and fired grenades or took shots with Verpine Shatter Rifles. The front line used their wrist weapons as they advanced at a solid jog through the trench.

"Occupy the soldiers, I'll see about cutting the head from the snake." Draco muttered as he started looking for officers waving around. House Thul, this felt good given their past of betraying everyone they helped. "SKLOR! We are on the beach where are you?" His sword lashed out, the hilt expanding as he stabbed forward driving their way forward through the trench. Dirt and sand sprayed up from ripper and slug rounds striking the beach around them from both sides, shrapnel exploded from air burst rounds from Mandalorian tanks dinging off the shield wall. Some of the Kindred were bleeding, but they were still going strong.

"Still running late. You know Grak doesn't really run, right?" The gruff growling response came back to Draco from somewhere in the forests north of Kachirho. Draco heard another rumbling growl from a different source. "He says he was hungry, deal with it or don't." The voice on the comms laughed, deep and strong.

Draco grumbled to himself as his Shamans began to chant around him, muttering under their breath, clutching talismans and bestial artifacts. Draco could feel the Force swirling around their position on the advance, the roots of the great Wroshyr trees twitching subtly as the cantor rose in volume and in power. Good, about fifteen meters back down the beach and they wouldn't be able to.

"Rekali, we are pushing for the Thul artillery. You and I will cut heads from the hydra, gun every officer or commander we find. Tag team all the way." The Shukalar smiled beneath his visor, tasting the salt from the sweat on his lips. It was going to be a long day, battles always were, but exhaustion and tiredness wouldn't hit them until the fight was done. Draco could feel the tiny touches of the Force from the Shamans, urging the warriors' muscles to keep going, keeping fatigue at bay, pushing them just beyond their normal limits, forcing the fight harder, faster, stronger throughout the fight.

"OYA!" The beast hunter called across the private comm, expecting a quick response from the younger Rekali. Witches and Shamans were always dangerous on the field.

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Republic Embassy, Royal City
Objective: Defense of the Wookie Sovereignty and the Embassy
Allies: GR ([member="Jack Varus"], [member="Suravi Teigra"])
Enemies: MC

Thoja was brought to the embassy building via shuttle a couple of hours before the invasion began, and in that time he'd managed to set up various commando units to defend it if the enemy attacked it. As the Mandalorians got closer to the city, he gathered the teams into a makeshift briefing room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we defend this planet against those who would destroy it and us! They are warriors yes, but only cowards attack like this! We'll beat them back! Back to their homeworld, and further if needed! Give your all, because the mando's are gonna do the same!" Drawing his pistol, he glances at it before thrusting it into the air. "For the Republic!" His men give a yell, before leaving to their posts. Only one squad stayed, Thoja's personnel squad. Now they waited.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Defend the West Beach at all costs
Allies: GR [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Sko'saht"]
Equipment: 3 grenades, SI-74 anti-tank rifle, WESTAR Skirmisher armor

In the following 15 seconds it took for her weapon to recharge out on the beaches of Kashyyyk, a salvo of explosives was fired at the trench lines between the first two lines of defenses. Several Wookiees found their deaths in the trenches while the Jessica could almost pass for a Mandalorian Wookiee given her handling of grenades, but the remaining Wookiees close to her are - wait! - getting slaughtered. And the sight of a master space wizard running towards her was a frightening sight even for a Wookiee; yet these Wookiees wielded bowcasters, which could be batted away by a lightsaber. The main advantage a SI-74 had over a Wookiee bowcaster was that the resulting beam would not be batted away upon contact with a lightsaber, just explode. Said explosion would slow down the space wizard until auxiliary units with anti-Forcer grenades could pelt one or two of them down. And even a space wizard unable to use magic (like a silenced mage in World of Build-a-bear Knights, a game that other coworkers played, just not the other two in the Design Triumvirate) was still pretty dangerous at close quarters. But, if the space wizard, one Arumi Zy, dodged the particle beam, there's no telling what Mandalorian implement would be hit, a Mandalorian gunship, a Mandalorian tank... so she fired the big gun, aiming at the space wizard's lightsaber, in hopes that he will attempt to bat it away.

"The enemy may have punched holes in the trench lines, and slaughtered the Wookiees within, but the enemy space wizards haven't made it yet"

A Wookiee with a shyriwook translator told the non-Wookiees in that area, presumably a command-level officer: "Stand fast! These Mandalorians have burned Kashyyyk once, they won't do it again!"

Knowing that, for safety reasons, 15 seconds is better than 8 for cooldown, Jessica made a strategic retreat. That was one such case where a strategic retreat was the best course of action, given the slow firing rate of the weapon. This assumed a rather standard power pack, which on a normal bowcaster would last for about 50 rounds. Plus the Wookiees depleted the crate of grenades she just brought to Kashyyyk in the opening moves of the battle for West Beach. It took all of 2 minutes to exhaust the entire thing, hopefully some casualties have been inflicted on the to make them pay for their attack. And putting some Wookiees into her retreat path, fending off any and all Mando'ade any way they could, including with other supplies of explosives, of bowcasters and whatnot. Whatever the particle beam touches, it will explode at that location.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Get off the damn beach!
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] and company

Preliat's woes about being stuck in the trench were not unfounded, until the arrival of a contingent of armor came to the beach. They gained suppression over the enemy, but an accurate artillery barrage pushed him back, however briefly. Machine gun fire scorched across the beach, taking down a small number of his fellow brethren. They were not fortunate to be under the shields, unlike the others behind him...and himself, included. A shell impacted several meters in front of him, sending him flying. The M45 only stayed with him thanks to the sling. He recoiled and hit the sand with a familiar ringing in his ears. Blaster bolts scorched around him, giving him no time to recover comfortably. He scrambled to the trench, clutching his sand-covered rifle, letting the ringing in his ears subside before he cocked his head over the trench, and hopped over it. Mandalorians fell around him, determined to follow his lead into the fray.

The machine gun nest was dispatched with brutal efficiency, but not with the same amount of fanfare that some of the assault teams were utilizing. Preliat just shot them, and didn't take their heads and drink their blood or whatever everyone else seemed to be doing.

He waved his hand forward, as the beach assault continued to go into their favor. With nothing really opposing them, the Mandalorians seemed to have it entirely too easy.

"Get off the damn beach!"
Republic Artillery Emplacements.​
Mandalorian Clans and their allies.​
[member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Kade Kelborn"]​
Galactic Republic and their allies.​
[member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"]​
By the time the next salvos of flak missiles hit, the bes'uliik's shields had come online and provided significant protection from both the tungsten shards of the missile and the EMP it delivered. Few of the weapons ever made it through the barrage of return fire sent from the bes'uliiks, and of those that did their shields, armor, and evasive maneuvers limited the damage significantly. The choice of munition was puzzling to Kano himself, as their position directly above the artillery emplacements almost guaranteed friendly casualties as the tungsten shards plummeted back to the planet at terminal velocity. Honestly though, he didn't much care if they wanted to do some of his work for him. Activating his encrypted short-range comm, he relayed a new tactic to his men.

"Belay dismount until after rainfall. Your mount's shields will protect you, but our enemies will not be so lucky. Kano out."

Switching to the private frequency between himself and Onak, he fired off another salvo to intercept the next wave of missiles as he spoke.

"Onak, you're with me. Let's show them the fury of a mandalorian scorned."

"As you wish, my Lord."

He could hear the smile behind Onak's words, and all but feel the barely controlled violence seething within him. They'd been together a long time, since before Kano had founded Clan Oda, and if anyone could be trusted to have his back until the bitter end it was Onak. Somehow, though, he doubted that end would find him this day.

It was a mere 200 meters above the republic guns that the war droids finally engaged their repulsors, slowing their descent enough to make the landing survivable. When they did crash down, it was a thunderous affair, most landing directly atop the guns they were targeting in order to use their weight and velocity to mangle them beyond recognition. Once down, the mandalorians remained mounted but didn't hesitate to engage the republic soldiers with their wide array of mounted weaponry, smashing barricades with shockwave generators and spitting fire and death from their laser cannons while they awaited the arrival of the tungsten rain their enemy had called upon themselves.

Rekali the Hutt

Location: Landing on West Beach
Objective: Charge to the City
Allies: [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | @Varian Moxla | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Myles Savar"] [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Captain August "][member="Kaiden Rohn"]

The water skiff hit the beach, and the members of the Rekali Clan charged, following the sight of Caspian's Bes'ullik into combat. The Republic Forces themselves were, as expected, somewhat paltry. There were soldiers, but it seemed like the Republic's war chest had become disorganized along the way, choosing not to recruit as many soldiers as they did cameramen and reporters. Truly a mulfi-faceted enemy that knew the true weakness of the Mandalorians and their leader. PR.

But for now, in the middle of combat, PR wasn't a big deal to Rekali the Hutt. He would survive the hutt jokes as always, but the actual armed opposition was his primary focus. His Lightaxe was drawn, ignited, and ready to cleave Republic Soldier but for now it stayed thirsty, not quenched by traitorous blood. While Rekali the Hutt had been working on his body he still wasn't the fastest, and the mandalorians at his side were favoring their blasters at the moment. Enemy soldiers getting close enough to his ax were slim picking. He made a mental note to find a way to slither faster for next time or even get a ranged weapon, but he was at peace with his current job, which seemed taking a few blaster bolts for his vod while they carved the opposition. What better Tank than 500kg slug after all?
Location: West Beach.
Objective: Accompaniment for Vereen's team
Friends: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
Targets: [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Kaiden Rohn"]

Eukar'gam with funny boots
Grappling rope
Heavy Ripper
Jairi Edee (10 in a quiver on his back)
Jaian Bes'tratur

Funky smirked and did what he did best--laughed. This was the glorious defenders of the Republic? Artillery and barrels. Where were the clone armies, the mighty militias, the wookie war-hordes? Ah, well. He'd find some glory soon enough. The shields took another hit. He smirked as a voice came over his comm. "Solution found. They're about three clicks inland."

"Excellent," he said. "Their anti-air is design on the Besul'iiik It's a little large for nimbler targets. Let's take to the skies. Redal Bal'Jai." (Dance and scream)


Jetpacks fired in unison, hailing the warcry. All in rhythm too a tune Funky sang to as his compatriots marched:

High flies the vanguard,
Charging for glory,
Seeking the war we
Awaited with pride!

Death to our enemies,
Though they be many,
Seeking our vengeance
Manda at our side!

As the few hundred men of the small clan took to their skies, wild shrieking sounds falling from them as they flew over the battlefield literally catapulting themselves past the majority of the weaponry, unleashing their weapon. Funky's weapon. The Jairi Edee, the screaming teeth. Teh sound of a thousand shriekhawks diving for prey seemed to echo across the beach as each garishly clad Mando threw their spear down, while Funky slowly descended from the tank he was upon, switching to a Bantha like his fellow men. Each banging drums. Each crying for war. The few dozen that had flown over landed, switching to blaster rifles, aiming to create an extra front. It was a maniac's approach, but to hell with it. Those who died did so taking plenty of Pubbies with them, and those who lived would drink and boast gloriously of themselves and the fallen. The Mandos sought glory, after all.

Funky raised his spear and nodded. "Continue the advance. We will rendezvous with our brethren," he switch from clan channel to the command channel. "Dragon, I believe we've filled the sky with thorns. That should disrupt their momentum. I await your further commands...."
Location: Air ------> Forest
  • Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Isley Verd"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Deneve Verd"])
  • Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Bendak Orden"], @3X744)
Enemies: The basilisk war droid, The Galactic Republic
Gear: Sig.

Dropping down from the sky on board a droid shaped as a basilisk with its own personality was not an issue. Neither was the constant explosions ringing in his ears. Neither was it the yells and orders going through the numerous Mandalorian channels. Neither was it that blaster bolts and slugs flew all around attempting to kiss their target with one last kiss in this world. The issue was by far any standard...different.

"Hold-...Hold i-...Ho-...Hold it-...Easy...Eas-...Hold it, dammit. Hold- Whoa-" Was the sequence of words that came before the basilisk tossed Zef off its back making him land on his back.

"Dammit, you piece of junk!" Zef cursed at it and the droid retracted back in a manner that implied that it would attack followed by not comprehensive robotic language. "Whoa, okay, okay. You're not a piece of junk."


The droid calmed itself at those words but still seemed grumpy as much as a piece of metal can seem grumpy.

"So why the hell do you make them so unique?" Zef asked possibly anyone, most likely Isley as he often utilized the basilisk war droid. "And how the hell do you control this thing."

Meanwhile, the droid rushed forward into battle totally ignoring the scoundrel as it passed him by like a stop sign in the middle of nowhere.

Old man, old bones, he still stood up from the ground and gathered his fallen BFG. The Mandalorian's helmet retracted back to reveal his face and to take a drag from the cigarette he had been holding. One last drag before he extinguished stomping on the ground.

"Hell, it's about time." The helmet retracted back to cover his face and all hell broke loose.
Location: Moving Slowly Towards West Beach On The Lake
Objective: Beach Assault
Allies: Mandalorian Clans | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Zef Halo"]
Enemies: Galactic Republic | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"]

Ra's vessel was at the head of the second wave of aquatic transports floating slowly towards the beach.​
Ra's visor was slowly centered on the Republic HoloNews Network reporter, seated aside the baslisk he was riding. The Mand'alor then turned his head upwards towards the beach, watching as Mandalorians were landing and causing complete chaos. Blaster fire, mortars, shield walkers... it was insanity. It was the beginning thunder of the march that Ra had called for from the Clans. It was the venegance for Roche, the security of Mandalore, the glory every Mandalorian sought.

It was war.

Ra turned down to the reporter again. The man was told not to interact with Mand'alor until he was directed to do so.

He pointed down with his free hand, and the reporter looked up.


Ra's mechanical voice growled. He pointed his finger up in the air.

Black smoke began billowing in waves above the transport, trailing behind as it pushed forward.
It wasn't a very windy day.
A piercing scream shook the air above the lakes. Other transports aside Ra's began generating their own clouds of smoke.​
The scream began to get louder.
It was joined by other screams.​
The screams of the Mandalorians on Roche.​

Ra had hundreds of Black Smoke Generators planted on the second wave of transports, the wave he would be arriving on. Together, they began forming a massive black cloud. The visibility of the lake almost went pitch black. The Iron Wolf's visor turned red - he had switched to thermals. Hundreds of other visors began switching to red as the men and women accompanying Ra also switched to thermals.

The entire lake's Mandalorian armada began turning into an entire massive black cloud.
Soon, it would hit the West beach.
Twilight Raid
Royal City - Beneath The Embassy
Immediate Area: [member="Andy Rodarch"]

There weren't many things that hunted Wookiees.

A few times one would hear legends, tales, stories of great Wookiee tribesman heading into the Shadowlands to fight the only monsters that posed a threat to them. One would hear about how the Wookiees fought terentateks, Ryyk's, great beasts that one could never really imagine. There weren't many creatures that could fight a Wookiee and live to tell the tale. Even Trandoshan's, the Wookiee's greatest foes struggled to fight them toe to toe, only winning through the use of technology and trickery.

No, there weren't many creatures that hunted Wookiees.

Yet tonight, within the grand forest of Kashyyyk, clinging to the very trees the Wookiee's called home, there was one.

Aryn clawed his way towards the reaches of the Royal City. His hands dug into the bark, his feet scrambled against the wood, and slowly he made his way closer and closer. A low roar sounded in the distance, an alert of warning. The distant sounds of horns could be heard, the Togorians ears twitching as they sounded deep within the forests. The Wookiees knew that war had come to Kashyyyk, they were preparing, watching, waiting for their foes to show. But they were not expecting Aryn.

The first sentry was torn from his place by a large hand, Aryn's claw's wrapping around the Wookiees foot and tearing him from the branch in one solid, powerful yank. A loud snap of bone could be heard as the Togorians jaws locked down onto the Wookiee's throat, silencing it's roaring cry before it could sound out.

Aryn growled slightly, blood dripping down his jaw as he crawled onto the Sentry's point.

His good eye fell into the dark of the forest, slowly wandering across the branches. In the distance he could see other sentry points, small torches of flame offering slight illumination. He growled low and hushed, then motioned towards his squad. Two of the Mandalorian warriors that had been with him quickly headed off into the dark, metal grapples shooting out from their wrists as they quickly made their way towards distant sentry points. Aryn motioned for the third to join him, then pointed directly above. "The Embassy sits here. Place the charges."

They would begin soon.

Strike Teams
From the West: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] , [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"]


The Original Robot Space Ninja
Location: Air ---> Forest
Allies: Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Zef Halo"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Deneve Verd"])
Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Bendak Orden"] @3X744)
Enemies: The Galactic Republic & Friends
Equipment: Bastardized hoverchair, beskad, lightsaber, dome-mounted T-21 heavy blasters, Mandalorian Penetrator

How does a Shard with no arms and no real legs ride on a basilisk war droid, dropped from orbit onto a beachhead?

Space tape. Lots and lots of space tape.

It wasn't the most pleasant way to travel, for the basilisk or Goran, but it got the job done. They touched down with the others, and the Shard sliced away the tape with a few swift strokes from a beskad. It wasn't using its lightsaber because the basilisk apparently thought they were yummy treats, and had on multiple occasions on the ride over tried to take a bite out of the blade.

The next issue was one of mobility. An astromech cannot easily traverse pretty much any of the rougher parts of Kashyyyk. To that end, Goran had purchased a hoverchair, stripped off the actual chair part to form a platform, bolted some durasteel armor to what was left, and tack welded docking points for its feet. Voila! Instant mobility.

For this venture, Goran was armed with its usual dome-mounted T-21 repeaters. Both the beskad and its lightsaber were stored in internal compartments, should the need for them arise, and it had one of the massive new Mandalorian Penetrators strapped to the back of the hoverchair, should the need arise to shoot someone on the wrong side of a tank.

"Well," it muttered as it made its way over to the other Crusaders, "this should be fun."
Beach Assault
Location: Forest----->Outer City
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="3X744"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"]
Enemies: The Republic and Friends
Objective: Make them remember
Gear: First post

A grin was on his face as Vilaz heard the serious tease coming from his beloved when they soared down towards the earth of Kashyyyk. He sure wanted those extra brownie points from Bree which he could redeem later for cuddles between the two of them. He sure planned on landing the two of them very nicely within the forest of Kashyyyk.

The laser cannons of the iron beast that the Tor and Munin were mounting unleashed hell upon the the forest they were about to land in. It was like the heavens and gods of Kashyyyk were angry and furious with the Wookie homeworld and began to punish Kashyyyk and her children for the actions they have committed. Actions which involved in aiding the evil that made the gods roll in their sleep and not being able to feel themselves. Here, today, the Mandalorians would bring peace to the heavens as they would scorch the land with chaos and rid the devil's influence that had plagued the Wookies and Kashyyyk.

The other basilisk war droids followed his lead and sparyed volleys of laser at the forest in which they intended to land. Those within the radius of destruction from the Wolf and Ram's forces would most like be killed, and if not, then critically injured and would just await the embrace of death. Thunderous landings made by Munin and Verd clansmens shook the land as they made their entrance. Orders and objectives would be expected by the Akaan. "We're a few miles from the outskirts of the city. That's our next target." They could ambush the Republic forces on the west side of the beach from the sides, but the Cuir Rekr was confident that both Mand'alor and Shukalar would break the lines of the Republic.

"So do I get those extra brownie points," the Munin asked to Bree, in a sweet and thoughtful tone while using that private, encrypted comm of theirs, in regards of the extra brownie points that his beloved spoke of as they began their march to the outer city of Kachiro.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Skin a Wookie & protect her Daddy! Who obviously needs the help of a six year old.
Allies: [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"] Mandalorians
Enemies: The Wookies she mistakenly thinks are Ewoks, [member="Myles Savar"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

FWOOM! Buddabuddabudda FffffffzzzzzzzzzzzzzBANG!

Yasha ducked at the noises surrounding the beach insurgence, hiding under a camoflage curtain, which the Republic soldier had left scattered over top of an empty grenade box. The curtain would make the perfect cape! Throwing it over her shoulders and tying it with a lazy bow at her neck, the Mando'ad'ika hopped on top of the Ammo box to run recon and see whether her Daddy still needed help. The soldiers who hadn't been as lucky to have daughters like Yasha were lying in strange poses, some curled others flopped and silent in their beskar'gam. The Republic soldiers were even less lucky to die without Iron Skin. Yasha pursed her lips and pulled out her pistol. War was loud.

It bit into her like a bad dream of life with Mama in the nether-place, the agony lands where even songbirds threatened to peck out a person's eyes. Regardless of her current home and the bedroom with pink and purple baby vornskyr curtains, Yasha Mantis was bred in Hell, and the noises surrounding her had been a lullaby she would in decades hopefully forget.

She watched as [member="Preliat Mantis"] was flung into the air. "Daddy! You can't do that to my DADDY!!!" The child screamed. She put her blaster pistol into her hands and anchored the handle into her shoulder. She fired until the landscape surrounding the remaining Republic fighters, [member="Myles Savar"] & [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] was littered with falling people, falling equipment and a clear path for her father to make it into the jungle thicket.

A bolt from the Wookies (who she really hadn't seen up close yet) sent her careening off her box. Yasha bellowed, as a rough gauntlet pulled her by the scruff of her neck onto a Basilik Battle Droid.

"Aren't you a little young for war, vod'ika!?" The Mando's voice gurgled through his buy'ce. As he plunked the girl in front of him on the war droid mount.

"I'm this many!" Yasha said, holding up six fingers.

"We've gotta get you out of here, adiik. What's your clan?" He surged the Basilik through an enemy gun mount, holding Yasha around her small waist to keep her from falling off. "Put your hands here! Hold on with your feet if you can."

"I'm Yasha Mantis! Firstborn of [member="Preliat Mantis"] and [member="Aditya Mantis"]! Who are you? Aargh!" Yasha flinched as the man in beskar shoved both hands on the motion controls again and zoomed them to a severe angle, back toward the landing vehicles.

"Mantis!? He'll eat people alive if you're hurt, ad'ika! Gods! You would be a Mantis! I served with your uncle [member="Silas Mantis"], his big brother's no frelling joke! What're you doing out here!?"

"I'm gonna fight an Ewok!" She said, clinging to the controls.

"Ewok!? No Ewoks on Kashyyk, kid! I'm getting you out of here!" He swerved past a machine gun turret, racing back toward the Mandalore [member="Ra Vizsla"] and relative safety. The Black Cloud began to curl forth, Yasha was glad for that.


A grenade exploded beside them, sending the warrior catapulting off the Basilisk and rolling to the ground. Yasha shrieked, clinging madly to the controls with both hands and feet, kicking at the panel in an attempt not to fall off. The war droid pulled to the side, veering through the beach and into the thicket which heralded cover. No Ewoks on Kashyyk? Didn't that man read Wimpy Finds His Courage? There had to be!

Yasha clung to the console of the downed war droid, panting hard. A weird feeling trickled down her spine... What if he was right? What if there were no Ewoks on Kashyyk?

The tiny child came awash with the hope her Daddy had rushed in the same direction. Behind her, twin grunting, growling, groaning basso voices burst into the air. The Wookies were coming.
Location: Forests East of Royal City
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] [member="Titan Kryze"]
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"]

Davon’s toe caught on a thick root. It was broad and strong, old and anchored deep in the ground. It won the battle and the old man tripped and fell.

“Need a hand?” came a jovial call.

That was Samotin, one of his twelve great grandchildren. There was even a great great grandson now. Named after Davon’s second son who had died in wars long past. Morellian genes were strong in the region of Agamar the clan occupied and many lived long lives.

“Shh,” Davon replied. He slowly get back to his feet and continued his trudge upwards.

“Come off it. You made so much noise tripping over I can get away with a whisper,” Sam replied.

Davon came to an abrupt halt. His forest green helm turned inexorably slowly towards Sam. Even through a full suit of beskar, Sam managed to look sheepish. Yet their little discussion was interrupted by the waving of the point man. He directed them to look up at a branch ahead.

Very little starlight made it down this far through the canopy. That soft twinkling too gentle for the ferocity of the Kashyyk jungle’s lower layers. Davon’s suit had a number of sensors that could operate in passive mode and he could see the residual heat.

He indicated for Sam to cover him and the point man. The others in the eastern side may have spotted the sentry post as well. Davon shouldered his rifle and pulled the light hatchet from his belt. Time for some dirty work.
Twilight Raid
Royal City - Beneath The Embassy
Immediate Area: [member="Andy Rodarch"][member="Aryn Spar"]

Aryn motioned for the third to join him, then pointed directly above. "The Embassy sits here. Place the charges."

Kronos nodded, and the Gen'Dai Oda warrior moved to begin removing the charges and placing them on pillars around their current surroundings. He wasn't much for talking, Kronos. He had seen too much since he had left Titan Core and joined the Mandalorians. But the Gen'Dai was a low ranking member of Clan Oda and had been sent with the Twilight Raid to secure the Embassy under the Mandalorian Clans' rule. The behemoth Mandalorian had been placed under the charge of Aryn Spar, the leader of the newly formed Death Watch group, by his Alor.

After the Gen'Dai moved further and further from their location, he began checking in on his comms unit.

"Charges placed," he said, clicking the button for their current encrypted channel. The Gen'Dai, though large, was especially quiet about his movement beneath the city.

He slowly began making his way back to Aryn Spar and the main group of Mandalorians with him.

Strike Teams
From the West: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] , [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"]
Objective: Remind [member="Draco Vereen"] to bring home ice cream
Location: Aldera (cause its closer to Kashyyyk)
Non combat
Post 1

Faith waddled from the bedroom to the front porch of the cabin. It was crusade week and Draco was off to Kashyyyk. She felt bad that was Jack’s home he had never been anything but good to her, and his heart was in the right place.

//encrypted message//

Drahr -

Iggy and Aggie want ice cream. That new blue wampa brand puts out a heavenly asteroids vanilla with chocolate.

We may need to buy that company
//message ends
Objective: Provide medical support to Mandalorians on Kashyyyk’
Location: Frigate, stationary orbit above Kashyyyk

The response teams had been broken down, and sent two at a time on each front with each team. She had sent her best intern to the beach front to tend to Ra should he need help.

Rianna herself was tracking [member="Davon Karr"] , aka Death he was the pivot between the operations, he would know where she needed to send the MedEvac Transports. So would the medical personnel.

The med bays were prepared the droids on standby. The Mando’ade knew to send wounded to her of any of the civilians that could come to harm because war was war. Her new nephew was on the surface, as well as members of Clan Betna.

Word was also trickling up that [member="Ginnie Ordo"] had been spotted with Arla. The teenager while a big help with her siblings Maeve and Dral she couldn’t wait to prove she was worthy to be called Mandalorian.

Edee lay down looking up growling low as if she too could feel the tremors of the war cries rising from the surface.
Space >>> Air


Captain Tupu stood aboard the bridge of the Naast'ika Laaran with helmet on and face set. His attention on the holodisplay before him, Captain Tupu watched as the sphere representing Kashyyyk slowly expanded to larger and larger sizes as the small triangle that represented his ship glided closer and closer. <Not gliding.> Captain Tupu thought to himself. <Falling.>

As Mandalorian and Republic fleets edged upon one another elsewhere above the lush, green marble that was Kashyyyk, the Naast'ika Laaran drifted ever forward at a slowly increasing velocity. No propulsion systems were activated, nor were the Dovin Basals of the BioCorvette pulling the ship through the void. No. Either of those activities would have alerted the Republic ships of their presence. The ship had disabled its propulsion long before entering sensor range, relying solely upon inertia and the void to keep them moving towards the plant. It was the gravity of the planet itself that accelerated their approach, tugging ever stronger upon the Naast'ika Laaran's dense hull.

A low groan reverberated through the hull as the outer limits of the planet's atmosphere began to exert heat and pressure upon the hull of the ship. "Maintain heading." Captain Tupu said calmly, more for the benefit of the ship itself than to reassure his crew. In way of response, the etheric rudders on either of the ship's nacelle shifted ever so slightly, angling the hull of the ship back in alignment with their intended destination. Captain Tupu could feel the subtle shift in gravity as the hundred and fifty meter long ship shifted a mere two-degrees to better ride the air-pressure beneath them. His gaze shifted from the holodisplay to the glasteel windows lining the sloped ceiling on the far side of the bridge. Through them Captain Tupu could see the warm orange glow of flames as the ship careened through the atmosphere.

Objective: Twilight Raid
Location: Jungle, south side of City moving closer to perimeter
Allies [member="Ginnie Ordo"] , Clan [member="Ordo"] ,
Enemies: Republic
Gear: Sniper Rifle, Gear in Bio

She looked around for Ginnie for a few moment she stared at her, “I hope you didn’t sneak out” Arla smiled she couldn’t help it, it was nice to see her even if it was just her pink armor right now.

They were getting closer to the edge of the city, and the map they had to Jack Sparrows treehouse.

“We need to be careful, watch for non combatants, and keep coordinated with the other teams “ She shot back through comms.

The team spread out now not all bunched up the closer they got to Republic forces the more they needed not to provide them targets of opportunity. As they neared Arla held the team, they were at the edge of a field of can-cell styled wookie flyers.

She arched a brow it was so tempting to just blow them all up, but now, she wouldn’t there was a bigger plan ahead and right now keeping a low profile was key.

So they would wait now and cross one by one.

She looked at Ginnie, “We have to keep out of sight, don’t draw any attention that puts our mission at risk” She nodded and looked out, one by one they’d go and regroup on the other side. She sent her point man first, as she watched and waited for the signal, then she would follow him, then Ginnie and the others.
Location: South Jungle, Edge of City
Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Aryn Spar"], [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"], Wembley the Tuk'ata, [member="Kronos Oda"]
Enemies: Republic, Wookies,
Gear: Beskar'gam, Yoash Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine, Grenades

"Got it, vod."

In space, Ginnie's mother Rianna must have felt proud. Ginnie felt a surge from the sky, a brief moment in the oncoming thunder of her fellow Mando'ade and Mandalore's attack. Word came in from [member="Ra Vizsla"] himself, the Black Cloud of Mandalore, heralded by the scream which gave all good sons and daughters of Manda their reasons for shoving it to the collective Wookies and Republic. If only Ginnie could hear it.

Coming up to her older sister, Ginnie hoisted her blaster carbine on her shoulder and clicked her crushgaunt. Wembley rushed toward them, belly close to the ground and sat by Ginnie's feet. "I'm allowed, Arla. Buir let me. I'm doing good. I'm not in danger of turning dar'jetti or blowing myself up in my Forge."

It had been close. In a panic to rescue her father [member="Ordo"] from his critical condition, Ginnie had tried to unlock the mastery of her estranged birth-brother [member="Isley Verd"] and his Sith Alchemy. Her father [member="Ordo"] had saved her, only just. Her mother had rehabilitated her, just in time. Ginnie's fall to the dark side reversed and the girl was saved from walking the same path as her often dysfunctional former Clan Verd.

Some of the Wookies started searching around their location. Keeping to her sister's plans, the Clan Ordo Teenager held out her hand and sent a rock veering in the opposite direction. The Wookies bellowed and raced off toward the rock. Ginnie nodded at [member="Arla Balor"], then signalled to Wembley to go out front. The Tuk'ata rushed belly to the ground and raced off toward [member="Aryn Spar"] and the others, circling around to take out any sentries or brave Wookies who might call the alarm.

Ginnie waited until it was clear then rushed forward to the city and the Embassy of [member="Jack Sparrow"].

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