Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk

Location: West Beach
Objective: Assault, focusing on pushing artillery positions
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | @Captain August
  • Beskar Bevii'ragir (traditional Mandalorian hunting spear)
  • Mechamiri
  • Multiple vibroknives​

The battle was already raging outside, the beach filled with smoke, fire, and blood. The clans had sent their best and the Mand'alor himself lead them into combat. For those fighting, it was an honor. For Kima, it was more.

It was a privilege.

She'd taken Katag'ihr as they'd neared the beach, the same as many of her fellow warriors. Others, the more experienced, worked themselves into a trance. The end result was dozens of battle hardened, rage maddened warriors disgorging onto the burned and bloody sands.

The modern battlefield was a loud, noisy, and deadly place. Tanks and artillery reigned supreme, blasting away with weapons that could easily disintegrate a fully armored warrior. Bes'uliik war droids flew overhead, raining death and destruction on those below, their pilots strafing the Republic positions or landing or assaulting straight into close combat. Ahead, Kima could see the warriors of the Vereen clan as they locked shields, preparing to assault. Behind her, she knew the Mand'alor was coming, the screams of his new terror weapon registering distantly in her mind. It was chaos; stark, deadly, and beautiful.

She felt the sand give slightly under her boots as she ran full tilt ahead. The Republic was dug in before them and the inner rage pushed her, and the warriors around her, forward. The berserkers broke and parted as they charged past the Vereen warriors, less out of courtesy and more because it was the fastest way to get to grips with the enemy.

The warrior ahead of her fell, his torso rendered nothing but black, stinking smoke as a heavy weapon of some kind zeroed in on the charging Mandalorians. Kima vaulted over his falling body, her boots crunching into the sand, her spear leveled. In moments, but what felt like hours to her enraged state, they had cleared the distance, though for every meter they gained, a berserker lay still in the dry sand.

She vaulted the lip of the trench, her body silhouetted against the sky for a brief, terrifying moment for the trooper she'd singled out. The spear point punched through his throat as her body collided with his, the force of the blow driving the spearhead through the neck and into the sand below. Kima stood and wrenched the weapon from the dying soldier and entered the melee in earnest. Around her the clash of weapons and the screams of wounded or dying men drowned out the sounds of explosions and gunfire. She heard a feral roar from nearby, a berserker rejoicing in the slaughter, before distantly realizing it was her own.

The battle raged on.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Beach Assault
Location: Forest----->Outer City
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="3X744"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"]
Enemies: The Republic
Gear in bio

As the Crusaders and Vanguard alike made their final decent down through Kashyyyk's lower atmosphere to the thick tree canopy that shadowed the planet's floor, the hell that only the Mando's could bring from their basilisk war droids lit the forest below to clear the way for their landing. It was spectacular from Briika's position on the back of the Akaan's bes'uliik.

After [member="Vilaz Munin"]'s expert touchdown, the battle medic quickly slipped off the red war beast and assumed a defensive posture with her Kath Hound at the ready as they regrouped. Keen azure eyes perused the area from behind her red tinted T-visor and looked for [member="3X744"] to make sure the Munin clan cadet had made it down okay. Briika motioned for the young Fett clone to stay close to her as they got the order to move out. Seems they were bypassing the beach for now and heading straight for the outer city. Did she feel like the mother hen of their clan, maybe a little.

[ Oh yeah you definitely earned some nice brownie points there, Vil'ika… Keep up the good work and you just might earn enough for the grand prize. ] Bree replied with a warm tone to her significant other over their private, encrypted comlink before the silver-armored baar'ur tucked in behind the leaders.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: Burning forest
Objective: Talk and maybe fight a little
Allies: Not really the Republic
Foes: Probably mandos if they choose to be asses. [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Equipment: One silver imperial knight saber, one blue saber, and a pretty dope suit.

Walking through the forest the Jedi Master and defender of the innocent the man known as Rexus Drath was there for one reason, try and do what he can to protect those who couldn't help themselves. He had already lead a group of children to a safe zone as well as volunteer to use his field medic training at a relief point. Was he there to save the Republic and fight for a nation that was corrupt and dying? No, he wasn't there for them. And while he sincerely hoped that whatever conflict he came into did not end in violence, he was ready to fight.

With the tree tops burning above from a scare tactic on behalf of the crusaders, the man squat down and held small bird in his hand that looked to be struggling from burn damage to its wing. Cupping the small bird in his hands he gently stroked its feathered head and closed his hands around it before a soft white light emitted from it.

When his hands opened the bird was rejuvenated and flew off. Rexus smiled as he saw the people responsible and of course Keira was with them, he had sensed her and hoped that this wouldn't come down to violence. So as he casually approached them in his suit he waved at Keira and smiled.

"Hey, bit of a tall order I know. But I'm not a fan of the Republic either but people live in these trees so if you guys could just refrain from burning them it'd mean a lot to me and the people who have to pick up after your crusade. Again, not trying how to tell you guys how to wage war, it just makes my job easier." He said in a very calm and professional voice.

"Hey Keira! Long time no see, I heard you had twins. I'm so happy for you." Rex said then took a step forward.

Reaching into his coat he pulled a pack of cigarettes from its pocket and put one into his mouth. Bending over he picked up a flaming branch and light it before stomping out the branch.

"You want one? Sadly picked it up after the wife passed."
Location: Behind the shields
Objective: Protection of medical personnel, CAS
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"]
Enemies: Republic Forces on the beach
Equipment: Bio, MMG-84S Gunship (Piloting), MMG-84S Medical (Escorting)

Sko sat in the cockpit and pressed the stick forwards accelerating the gunship as he sped towards the beach. Glancing at his scanners he made sure the unarmed medical gunship stayed just off his wing so it was protected from incoming fire. With his missiles expended and only four torpedoes left he opened up with the dual chainguns. Rounds raking off across and into the enemy trenches to suppress the troops inside as the medical gunship landed on the sand displaying it's side with the clear medical markings.

Taking aim at a wookie in a trench that poked it's head out to far he fired a burst. In a burst of laser fire he watched as the large beast crumpled over the front of the trench with it's head evaporated. The gunship moved from side to side spitting out lasers. His helmet pumped information from the medics as they loaded some of the wounded from the shallows into the transport while others dragged more wounded out of the water and onto the sand.

Lowering the gunship so his thrusters kicked up the wet sand creating visual cover for the medics and placing his vessel directly between the trenches in front of him and the medical vessel. Risky as it was to use medical transports when the beach hadn't even been secured it was important to get the wounded out of the water and the more critically wounded stable. More then that it allowed the beginnings of a forwards medical outpost.
Upper Atmosphere >>> Lower Atmosphere



Do things​

A last burst of red-orange flames flared brightly across the glasteel viewscreens before fading away and being replaced by the crisp clean sky of the Wookiee homeworld. Captain Tupu pulled his gaze from the windows, returning his attention to the holodisplay before him. His eyes danced over the display, taking in a hundred details in but a moment. <Way too fast.> He thought to himself before putting voice to his inner concerns. "Rate of decent is higher than planned. Naast'ika, nose up 12-degrees and prepare to activate Dovin Basals." He said aloud as he watched a set of numbers rapidly plummet towards zero.

The deck shifted beneath his feet as the ship complied with his orders. Captain Tupu gripped a nearby railing, readying himself for the G-forces that would soon be forced upon him and his crew. "We're not low enough yet." Captain Tupu said calmly, watching the numbers representing their altitude continue to race lower and lower. "We can't risk Dovin Basal activation until we're under 12,000 feet. We're going to have to try and glide in." He added, knowing that activating the ship's gravity based propulsion systems could alert low-orbit Republic Ships to their presence.

As the numbers scrolled ever closer to zero, Captain Tupu held tight to the railing. <Trees.> He thought to himself briefly as his brain struggled to identify the green carpet rapidly approaching in the forward viewscreens. <He never does well with trees.>



Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Republic Embassy, Royal City
Objective: Defense of the Wookie Sovereignty and the Embassy
Allies: GR
Enemies: MC
Thoja's Equipment: RSFU Officer Armour Eclipse Assault Rifle Oblivion Semi Automatic Pistol Obsidian Combat Knife

228th Equipment: Spectre Armour MK IV Eclipse Assault Rifle Oblivion Semi Automatic Pistol Obsidian Combat Knife

Thoja watched the security systems carefully, scanning over the feed for anything of note. Then one of his men approached.

"Sir, one of the wookie lookouts has gone dark."


"Beneath the Embassy, we're also picking up heat sigs from that area as well."

"Alright, send Squads Cascade and Avalanche, tell them to watch for mando's. And alert the others, we're gonna have company soon enough."
[member="Jack Varus"]

With that, his soldier left to assemble the two squads. Thoja turned back to the security feed, watching it even more closely.
The Admiralty
Location: The Western Forests --> Western Outskirts, Royal City of Kashyyyk.
Objective: The Twilight Raid.
Allies: TBD.

Clan Vizsla moved through the forests, they were silent and swift and ruthless in execution.

Just as on Illum theirs was the bloody task. They showed no mercy and offered no quarter, instead silently executing those that came before their path during their press forward.

::Cabur, six men squad approaching from the city proper.::

Ronan mused on that for a moment, while listening to the chatter of the other strike teams. Monroe had released her hounds, Balor was slowly approaching from the South, the East was getting hot with the Betna Clan and their vassals, the assault from Below was rapidly ascending and would soon be upon the Republic.

::They know we here?::
::Heavily encrypted comms, they don't know our locations yet, but they are far too focused to not have an idea.::

That did it.

::Assume positions and silently take them out- right behind them is the Royal City, we will be pressing on.::

There was an assumption to be made here, it could be beneficial to make noise in the West and draw their attention. They were already divided and pressed hard on all directions, if they made some noise... it could give the other positions a better shot at claiming the embassy.

::Targets acquired. Three Republic, two Wookiees and one... think it's a Jetii, Cabur.::

Ah, the Burlap Crew had arrived.

::Hold fire and don't even think anything of hostile intent. I will be approaching close to finish off the Jetii, when you hit 'em.::

Strike Teams
From the North: [member="Mia Monroe"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"], [member="Davon Karr"], [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"], [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From the West: Ronan Vizsla.
From Below: [member="Andy Rodarch"], [member="Kronos Oda"], [member="Aryn Spar"]
Twilight Raid
Royal City – Beneath the Embassy
From below: [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Kronos Oda"]
Enemies nearby: [member="Thoja Arlos"] | [member="Jack Varus"]
From the West: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"]

At first, Andy had tried to tell her alor’ad that putting her in a team was a genuinely bad idea. Not that she couldn’t be a team player because of some terrible egotistic streak. She liked to think she was just as selfish and self-absorbed as the next Mando. No, that wasn’t it. The problem was, the youngest Rodarch had trouble following orders. It wasn’t insubordination either. A dash of authority was quite alright in her book.

But then they mentioned it was Kashyyyk, and Andy had unfinished business on that flammable planet. It was very straightforward from then on. ‘Sure’, she’d said, ‘put me with some Death Watch people’. Maybe not in so many words, and likely with a fair helping of expletives, but the idea was the same.

And now they were clinging to the massive trunk of an ancient wroshyr, the five of them. She liked the togorian, enough to tell the hulking beast to stay far, far away once she squeezed the trigger of her flamethrower. Napalm was a nasty queen, moreso when you were covered head to toe in fur. The demoman didn’t talk much, and it suited Andy just fine.




The charges went off in quick succession once they cleared the area, eviscerating the structure above. She could count four holes in the floor of the embassy, but no structural damage far as she could tell. Ideal entry point, in other words.

Without wasting time, the pyro scaled the short distance and leapt inside.
Twilight Raid
Royal City - Beneath The Embassy
Immediate Area: [member="Andy Rodarch"] | [member="Kronos Oda"]

The charges blew, and Aryn moved.

There was no delay within the flames, no wait to see if things were clear. The massive Togorian pounced like any predator would. The blasts tore into the wooden floors of the Embassy, biting into and instantly incinerating the meager support that the treehouse offered. Of the four gaps that had been created by Kronos' charges Aryn chose the closest one. His hind legs propelled him forward, no jetpack or grapple needed. His claws dug into the edge of the gap, biting into and crushing the wood as the Togorian tore himself up and into the embassy.

His ears twitched as screams of fear resounded throughout the embassy.

Dignitaries, ambassadors, family members screeched as flames began to spread and among them stood Aryn.

He turned around towards a distant yell, coming face to face with a Republic Guard. The man held his rifle, hands shaking, face white with fear. The Togorian peered at the man, one good eye set upon the blaster rifle pointed directly at his chest. A low growl escaped his throat, a heavy thud sounding underneath him as he took a single step forward. His fingers wrapped around the barrel of the weapon, clutching the shaking weapon and ceasing it's constant vibration.

Slowly the Togorian pulled the weapon free of the man's hand, shock and utter terror crossing the Guards face as the Togorian disarmed him as though he were a child. A moment more lingered between the two, and then sudden pained confusion pulled across the mans face. A blade protruded from the back, drawn and plunged into place within a split second. Half a second passed, and then the man fell to the floor, his weight no longer supported by Aryn's sword.

Screams resounded once again, alarms rang, and in the distance he could hear the sound of clattering guards rushing from the perimeter into the building. Aryn regarded the Mandalorians that swept through the newly formed entrances, Jetpacks roaring. "Burn it."

His command was a low growl.

From the West: [member="Ronan Vizsla"]
From the East: [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"]
From the South: [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
From below: [member="Andy Rodarch"] | [member="Kronos Oda"]
Beach Assault
Allies: [member="Loray Tares"]
Mandalorian Buddies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | Et al.
Enemies: [member="Ali Hadrix"]
Gear in bio

As they pierced the atmosphere of the arboreal planet, Aver listened to the chatter on the Mando comms. And listened. And listened.

Because she simply couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

The Galactic Republic, with all its ancient wisdom and oodles of experience in warfare, had decided to… well. Set up shop with a couple of reporters, it seemed. On the beach, no less, where the most vicious fighting was taking place.

Their vessel shook as the flames of reentry licked its hull, but from then on it was smooth sailing. The ETA was as accurate as they get. Exactly five minutes later, they plowed through the white sand of Kachirho shallows and skidded to a stop.

Aver didn’t waste time. When the ramp hissed open, a pair of dull phrik boots sank into the ground with a heavy thud. She could almost feel the world shudder under their returned presence. They’d conquered it once before, back-to-back with two ebbing armies far above a bottomless fall. The memories only served to whet her appetite, which was a real shame for the group of combat journalists down the beach.

The Equalizers were positively ravenous. Now that She had returned to their lives, hunger had stirred again.

Her baton came alive in her grip, buzzing like a swarm of blood-frenzied insects. She strode ever closer, her other hand held just behind her back. Couldn’t make out what she was holding, if anything at all. Which was sort of the point, because Aver Brand was cooking a thermal detonator.

Didn’t matter if the GR actually had a deal with the UMC, in the end. The Equalizers weren’t UMC. They were… independent contractors. Governed by a number of rules they could count on the fingers of one hand.

Aver sneered and flung the detonator at the reporters. If anything crawled out of the rubble, they were ready to clean up.

And then… then they would revisit old killing grounds.
Location: East Beach → West Beach
Objective: Conquer
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Kima Betna"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August "]| The Republic
Gear: In profile

"Oya!" Caspian replied across the private comm to the Dragon just as their forces had begun hitting the trenches. Together witches and shamans made for an incredibly dangerous combination on the battlefield, and their enemies would bear witness to such deadly tactics. While their unnatural powers enhanced the vigor of the troops, pushing away fatigue, exhaustion, and tiredness better than any adrenaline rush. Just as the Dragon and his troops slammed into the trenches and defensive positions so did Clan Rekali. Their troops hacked, slashed and blasted while their magi went to work ducking out from behind the firing lines set up by Clan Vereen to deliver powerful blasts of fire from the magic ways of vahla fire weaving.

Warriors moved at blinding speeds allowing them to duck from trench to trench exposing themselves for mere seconds to drop in behind enemy positions that moved to defend against the infiltrated enemy and destroy them. They worked in tandem attacking the enemy both conventionally and unconventionally. The Young Warlock slid off his basilisk and with a force of trained Rekali warriors dropped into the trench a ways ahead of the advancing Vereen-Rekali force using magic to duck across open terrain without fear of being blasted. It was then that the machines brought by Mand'alor kicked on filling the beach with a thick black smoke billowing up into the sky while ear piercing screams erupted all along the beach head.


Quite contrary to what was often believed fear was not the tactic of the coward, rather the tactic wielded by brilliant strategists on the field of battle. A battle can be won in a fraction of the time if you get inside your enemies head, shattering an opponents morale and making the troops far more afraid of their enemies than their commanders and they'll take off running. In the trenches Caspian dropped in right in front of an officer delivering a powerful thrust through the mans chest. He spun him around using the mans body as a shield against oncoming fire while blasting away with his wrist bowcaster. Not before long they would sandwich the republic forces immediately engaging the larger Vereen-Rekali force under the Dragon between them, and both would move up together.
Location: Myrmadinas (Shift-Class Support Corvette), In Geosyncronous Orbit above Kashyyk
Objective: Be Mrs. Fix-It & Scout the Skies
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Republic & Shoddy Maintenance
Gear: A really big wrench.
OOC: This is my 3rd C. Only appearing in Cameo.

"... and I'm telling you Bestheilia, the booster coils do not go left to right! No wonder we had a rustle in the engine room I'm surprised we didn't veer off shooting backward into some unfortunate sun!" Aditya Mantis should have been up in her Command Chair of her personal ship the Myrmadinas. (Perks of her business not completely falling into the same unfortunate sun while she was missing in Hell, thank you Baiko, you're getting a raise! Teeny raise. Not Aditya-level raise.) Instead, the engineer was knee deep in the Eschan engines fixing a ruddy squeak-pop-rumble. It'd spilled [member="Yasha Mantis"]' milkshake.

The Squeak would die. Feeding the scanners and viewport ... er, view, through the console in Engineering, the wife of [member="Preliat Mantis"] continued teaching her chief Engineer what she expected from a member of her permanent (or not so permanent don't get comfortable) crew.

"Jimmy Joe, check on Yasha for me? Is she still comfy-wumf in my office?"

Jimmy Joe, a somewhat less physically ardent Mando'ad (it was the beer belly... and the beskar'gam that snuck up past his navel... maybe she'd put a pregnancy panel in his armour weave for him later... maybe....) sniffed, licked his upper lip and peered into the office window. "Yyyup! Still nappin' wit your dawg."

"Vornskyr. Not a... oookay. Maybe I should check on her, I don't want her up all night. Yasha, Sunspot are yo---" Aditya walked toward the office window...

[member="Naast'ika Laaran"] took that precise moment to veer across Aditya's screen and blaze into the Kashyyk's flammable atmosphere.

"--WOA! Son of a Bantha! That was way close!" Aditya said, throwing the piece of engine coil into Bestheilia's maybe capable hands.

"Fix that!"

"Jimmy Joe! Wake my daughter gently. Not like last time, when she stuck you with her stylus. Make sure she gets another milkshake. You know, the ones the Doctor provided. I'll be in Command!"

Aditya ran through the Myrmadinas and into her Command centre, where an Echani Captain stood monitoring the sensor readings. "Report!"

"It's a ship... perhaps reminiscent of [member="Captain Larraq"]'s designs? It's not burning up in the atmosphere, but it has quite the tail. It's flying no colours."

"Chime it!" Aditya said, watching her Comm officer shake her head. Nothing. No chime.

"Aaawesome. Comm, open a channel to the Aliit'Buirs." Aditya said, sitting in her chair (the one beside the Captain's chair, btw... Captain..... what was his name again? Captain Studious was .... great. Mad props.) and calling down on an encrypted channel in nearly perfect Mando'a.

"Aliit'Buirs ([member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] @AnyoneIForgot) , this is Rally Master Aditya Mantis in the corvette Myrmadinas, we have a bogey ship veering down toward the surface in a ball of ... ah, fire. Looks to be a Larraq special, need to confirm it, but so far that's what we've got. It's flying neutral colours, and we have not been able to make contact so please watch the skies and I will let you know what I find out. It's either a friend, an enemy or really confused. Mantis, over."

She cut the commlink and turned to her staff again. "So! Chime it again, let's hail and see what we've got. Either we're giving it cookies or showing it a better vacation spot outside of Wookie Space. Let's not prime weapons yet, it had the chance to blast us and didn't. Um, benefit of the doubt... Science Geek! Bring up the schematic info you have on Larraq's ships, will ya? Thank you... muchly? Do people say muchly anymore?"

The Comm officer stifled a giggle and hailed [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] once again.
Location: West Beach
Allies: [member="Kaiden Rohn"] [member="Myles Savar"]
Enemy: [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Kano Oda"] [member="Naast Kot"] [member="Tusk"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] and the horde of none surfing mandalorians
Gear: Dueling Armour, Pink Lightsaber, A.P.T.G.G., A.I.C.M.G.

Elaine saw the Mandalorian force split between east and west beach, she had duty of guarding the west beach for the republic. As she assessed the situation, mandalorian fighter where buzzing her artillery positions, they where destroying the odd pieces, but it was not all one way traffic. She did have anti fighter artillery pieces there, though she was hoping for air support soon. The scout troops sniped at mandalorains as they came towards the beach, though there firing line was never meant to hold them. As mandalorains began to landed there troops, scouts moved back towards the third line, she was getting ready to join the fray, then something weird and unexpected happened.

​Excuse me Lady Thul, do you think your force can hold the beach against the mandalorian onslaught? His voice was unfamiliar and he was not dressed in combat uniform, though he did have so armour on. Also they had what looked like a holo camera.
Who are you, and who let you my command tent? She answer rather impatiently.
I am Roger Duckswell, from GNN Global News Network, we are here cover the battle, so will you hold the beach? He repeated himself
She slight furious over some coming into her command tent, whilst trying to conduct a battle.
Look no offence, either grab a carbine, and get trenches or get out of my sight, I am busy!
He moved out of the the command area, and then reported back to his beloved viewers.
As you can see, things are tense in command area, we will be moving on.......
As he was about to speak a mandalorian fighter accidentally strafed, the command tent, killing the war reporters.

As the fighter strafed the command tent, Elaine managed to send some to block the fire directly at her with lightsaber, but a fair few of her command staff died. Things where getting tense, and it was for her to get to beach front itself. She head out to third tier of trenches, as artillery fired above her head, she had dark thought today. Though the force and it's visions where never truly right, and better to deal with the here and now, and not what may be.

She saw the first wave mandos hit the beach and her forces, began firing at them and firing grenades at them. The bloody battle joined here, it was crunch time.

Artillery position
As the battle was raging on the beach, mandalorains where above the artillery emplacement. The S.A.M. Batteries where busy covering fighter incoming, but not above them. The Howlers however began to fire E.M.P. rounds directly above them, they had no flak to rain down on them. The Reapers also started to move guns round, and ready themselves to try cut the riders down, as they started to come in. They had range of a thousand meters, and soon as they made the enemy made there descent they would open fire at them. They had ground troopers ready to help out as well, with the infantry blasters.

They had some effect on the droids, but not enough due sudden sweeping nature of them, as they crashed into ground the infantry, launched A.I.G. at the droids. They also had some incoming reaper fire, where it was safe to fire. The attack did stop artillery barrage, from hitting the enemy on the beach. The troopers where getting ready to engage them anyway possible, including close quarter combat with there bayonets.

First Trench Line
The mandalorains as expected had landed on the beach and began overrunning this trench, the where paths for scout troops, to run down. To try and make it, to next line trenches in order to save selves. As the mandalorains beached they began running as expected, of them. Those that stood there ground, where getting wiped out by the savages. The line had fallen, it was now on to third line of defence to hold.

Second Trench Line
As the first line fell, this line got up and fired at the enemy it was this line she hoped to repel them with. This was her rank and file, these where her infantry the back bone of her army. Equpided in decent medium armour, which allowed them to move quite well. As the first line fell they opened up at the mandalorians with there Blasters, and fired a concoction of grenades at them, anything from frag, anti armour, and crowd control. They also had there bayonets ready, as this line would fight in hand to hand combat. Also some started to fire plasma casters at the enemy, in hopes to cook them in there armour.

The Housecarls lead by [member="Captain August "]was also in the trench, as line fell these power armoured bodyguards let rip into the mandalorian lines. The Thul Reapers had the capability to rip into lightly armour vehicles, even baskarad armour troops would feel it's punch. They where her true vanguard if things did go south, she need this line to hold otherwise it was down to her third trench, for the people to rally and form a firing line. Though after that it was over for her and her men, she just hoped it never come to that.

Third Trench Line
The infantry companies heavy weapons where located here, Thul Reapers at the trench line and Grenade Launchers just behind them, the reapers fired over the heads of her men, whilst grenade launchers began aiming at the beach itself with frag grenade, the plan was to turn the beach into a quagmire, in hopes to slow the heavy armoured mandalorains down. As slower they where, the harder it would be for them to reach the second trench.

What scout troops made it back to this line, took cover just behind the front line. They started to fire there carbines at the mandalorains from a bit of distance, though they had set up skirmish formation, if this trench fell. Their job would be to try and keep the mandos at bay as troop rallied, elsewhere.

The Pioneers where here as well, they where busy, and I mean really busy. They setting up a mine field just behind this trench, so if they where overrun the enemy would have issues once it activated. They where also ferrying supplies to each the heavy gun emplacements, as well as keeping housecarls supplied. Last but least they where bring the wounded back to medical bays behind this line.

This line is where her medics where, already treating some of the wounded that came out of first trench where being treated. Some had also come from the second line of trenches, as they took a few hits the fighting was only going to get worse.
Location: Air ---> Forest
Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Zef Halo"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Deneve Verd"])
Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Bendak Orden"], @3X744)
Enemies: The Galactic Republic & Friends [member="Elaine Thul"]
Gear in Bio

It seemed as though everyone from the UCM and ME had chosen War Droids to descend upon the Wookie world. Nolan on the other hand had gone for a more traditional approach, by way of drop pod. The drop pod was hurtling towards the canopy of trees, flak fire rocked the pod back and forth, lulling Nolan into a nap. As he got closer though, he was awoken by a round that was far too close for his comfort. He startled with an audible snort and cleared his throat. The ground was coming up fast...time for to make an entrance...

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKINGBALL!!!!!" Nolan sang across both Mandalorian channels. Everyone would know the jokester Mandalorian had arrived. Full of vigor and spunk and ready to snap those turkey necked pubs from their furry roots on Kashyyyk.

As the pod slammed through the tree tops and "thunk" into a massive tree branch, the hatch popped and Nolan stepped onto the large limb, looking out over what was to become his playground.

"I'll buy a round for each of you that beats my kill count!" He chirped over the comms.

Nolan unslung his L3 River rifle and took a bead on a pair of sneaking wookies, which was as oxymoronic as it got. "Pew, pew... That's two!!"
Twilight Raid
Location: Wookie Embassy, Kashyyyk Royal City​
Objective: Eliminate Grand Marshal Arlos​
Allies: [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Andy Rodarch"] [member="Kronos Oda"]​
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"]​
A lesson that could be learned from history time and time again was that it didn't take a massive army to assail a fortress. Often times the most successful raids were conducted by a small team, or even a single person. The Mandalorians had taken heed of this lesson, opting to send only a small strike team to commandeer the embassy. However, there was one other piece on the board that serve them just as well.​
As the strike team blew open the front doors and started torching everything in their path, a lone individual would walk alone towards the control room. He was utterly invisible in every sense of the word. The force cloaked his body from sight, while his actual presence in the force was disguised by the Art of the Small. He avoided the Wookie pickets with ease, taking care not to kill any or so alert his enemy of his presence. He used the force to expertly navigate the swaying rope bridges that connected the different parts of the structure together.​
He could sense his quarry not far ahead, just another few minutes of walking would get him to the control room. The Mandalorian intel team had given him an ever-updating list of high-profile targets across the planet and their last known locations, all of which would greatly help them in conquering the planet. He was currently out to kill Grand Marshal Arlos, the general in charge of protecting the Royal City.​
Little did he know, he was about to be relieved of duty.​
Was that a good one-liner? It felt like something Schwarzenegger would say.
Beach Assault
Location: West Beach, Second Trench
Objective: Win, Conquer, Repeat
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | [member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Captain August"]
Gear: Signature​
Dirt and sand flew around as the Mandalorian Shield wall continued pressing into the trenches, groups of six holding the wall and engaging the House Thul Forces in close combat, using wrist weapons like MM9 Missiles and Wrist Beamers to take out heavy resistance, while a handful behind the shield wall lobbed grenades and used rifles to take out the enemy. The War Kindred slithered through the trenches with methodical precision and determination, driven beyond their physical limitations by the Shamans' chant.

They chanted, rattling staffs, clutching amulets, or howling in an elder tongue urging the body of each warrior just beyond what they were normally capable of, reinforcing their will to fight and press, giving them strength, endurance, and courage. Draco could feel it coursing through him and looked forward to some good solid combat while he was at it. "Unleash the young bloods, have them charge into the third trenches." Draco ordered. About a forth of the Kindred released a blood curdling roar, surging up from their positions in a hailstorm of grenades, mirco-missiles, heavy slug and ripper fire, storming across short passages of the beach, hurling themselves at machine gun nests and turrets. For all their lack of proper coordination, they were fierce and resilient, and they would die to the last man before giving ground to the enemy this close to their Alor. They would die willingly and gladly to prove their worth to the Clan.

Tanks rumbled and fired charges at artillery and machine gun nests, autocannons atop their turrets blasted at infantry, unleashing torrents of fire and ammunition at them. Mortars fired from their armor into uncontested Republic held trenches, and air support rained down at the enemy force. All the while, the enemy answered back with danger close artillery strikes catching Mandalorian warriors pressing beyond the protective shields as well as machine gun fire and sporadic pulses of blasterfire.

Big heavily armored beskar clad veterans leaped over the shield walls, dropping into enemy infantry wielding large beskar battle axes they used to dirsupt, disorient, and dismember. "Push on!" Draco called, breaking from the shield wall with a surge of speed, impaling a trooper and continuing on through the gathered resistance as Clan Vereen and Clan Rekali tore into the enemy from the left flank. The heavy push from the front was already giving the enemy cause for retreat, the disruption on the flank.

Draco slid forward tripping a soldier and flipping him over using the light shield. Before he could even stab the man, he was already shot by the shield wall's wrist weapons. The pair of warriors in the midst of the enemy would drive some into the waiting blades of the shield wall, and others to fall back. The Dragon began reaching out through the Force, looking for the Sith Leadership of House Thul. "Caspian, with me. Kima, keep the pressure on the infantry. Funky, See if you don't mind pushing onward for that artillery and cutting off their retreat." Draco barked some short hand orders during a brief lull in the combat, his spear already slick with blood and gore. Funky taking some Vereen and Balor warriors around behind the Young Bloods bullrush might trap the soldiers here already and they needed some additional pain at the artillery guns. Kima would basically be followed by the pair of Force Sensitives. "And someone tell me where I can get some Ice Cream on this planet."

In the forests, Sklor checked his weapon once more and pointed forward, "That way Grak. Food is thata way." The being he was with grumbled and angrily stamped its feet, sending twigs and splinters flying off in a spray. Things were flying overhead, distracting the creature, causing it to slow down to look at them and judge whether or not it could grab one to eat. The creature had to be reminded where to go by the shaman every so often.
Location of Aedan: Over Kesh
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Enemies: Don't know yet
Objective: Set out

Ships departing from Kesh:
Alor-class Dreadnaught Werda Kyr'am
Salvation-class Star Defender Pubtard

Aedan sat on the bridge of the newest ship in his force the Werda Kyr'am looking out of the viewport at the only other ship he controlled over Kesh the Pirate King smirked lightly. He watched as the last of the shuttles pulled away from both ships sending the okay signal verifying that his ships were ready to depart. Standing the young man walked across the command bridge to stand by the view port turning he nods to his communications officer. The man triggered the holo com device sending a holographic image of Aedan to the Pubtard. "This is Aedan Miles to all ships under my command." His voice echoed both across the two ships over Kesh and was transmitted to the other ships of his force over Echolya this was their signal to depart standing on the bridge was a leading member of Clan Akaata who nodded to the communications officer who signaled all ships to jump. Aedan continued the message going farther on. "The call has arrived my brothers and sisters. Mand'alor has called for us to make our way to Kashyyyk and join in the attack there. We are leaving late yes but our arrival is to act as the second wave. We will secure the space around the planet before spreading out through the system securing it step by step. You know that some of you may die but remain strong and comforted by the fact that your family will not be forgotten. YOU ARE ALL MEMBERS OF MY CLAN! YOU ARE ALL CARED FOR BY ME! REMEMBER NOW THAT YOUR FAMILIES SHALL BE SAFE HERE ON KESH THEY SHALL BE CARED FOR AND PROTECTED! I SWEAR THIS TO YOU ON MY HONOR! NOW LET US GO MAND'ALOR CALLS AND WAR CALLS! PRIZES AWAIT FOR US AT THE END LET US REACH OUT AND GRAB THEM FOR WE ARE CLAN AKAATA!" Across the ships a loud howl echoed after him causing the young man to smirk he turned towards the viewport and lifted his hand swinging it in front of him closing his fist the sign for the two ships he was on to jump to hyperspace. Standard hyperlanes would take to long he would use some of his closely guarded secret paths to arrive as quickly as possible. "All ground forces are to report to the holding area near the Drop Pod bays. There may be need for us to land more troops on the planet and if that is the case your presence and speed of arrival will be very important."

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Embassy, Royal City
Objective: Kill and survive
Allies: Bloody no one by the looks of it
Enemies: Almost anything that moves
Equipment: See 2nd post

The explosion shock the embassy, and that alone wasn't good. Now Thoja was getting reports of mandos all over the complex.

"Bloody hell." He muttered, pressing a few buttons on the console before patching into his comms. "All units, converge on my position." Soon enough, all the surviving members of the 228th were at the command centre, having been falling back to it since the first explosion.

"Orders Sir?" One man asked, holding his rifle at his side.

"We defend this room until evac gets here. I've signaled for pick up, but we can't say we'll be making it out this time... It's been a honour men, let's go down with some dignity. Lock down this room, nothing gets in!" He responded with a yell, aiming his rifle at the door as his men began barricading it. "May my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift." He muttered, moving a large table in front of him for cover.

Once his men were finished, they took up defensive positions behind tables and walls. Watching. Waiting.
Location: West Beach Second trench.
Allies: you know who you are
Enemy: People who can not surf and [member="Draco Vereen"]
Gear in bio

As the first line fell, and was clearing out, he popped over the trench and began reaper fire at the enemy, his job was simple hold the line. Even if his brethren fall back he had to hold the line, no matter what he and his men where not going to fall back, come what may. He had trust in armour, he had faith in his weapon, and he could not run on beach due to weight of the armour. Even if the housecarls fell this day, they would not be wiped out, as others just finished there training back on the new home world of Elysian, he would be replaced, new armour and weapons would be made. The ones that where here, would do there duty.

As he began to fire, he saw the enemy of his people Draco Vereen. He grimaced and then turned his gun on him, full fury of it firing at him. As he did pioneers began change his ammo pack, whilst he was still firing. This was one few beauty of this weapon, he had incoming fire as well. Though shields on his armour, bounced most of it of, and the what was not deflected was did not penetrate the armour, they where walking tanks.


Well-Known Member
Location: Kashyyyk, Royal Embassy
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: Clan Betna | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Lorsima Gratiir"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Titan Kryze"] | [member="Kronos Oda"] |
Enemies: [member="Thoja Arlos"]
Post (2)

Silently they had moved through the trees, their footsteps silently passing over the forest floor. Ga'yusr. Like ghosts they arrived without a sound. They'd encountered two patrols of Wookies on their way but they passed by, undetected. Buruk and his men were the elite of their clan. Hunters with many a hunt under their belt... they knew their profession well. As they approached Buruk's gaze rose upwards towards the embassy above them. The darkness was their ally and from it they would strike. And strike they had.

As the serenity of the night was shattered by a large explosion from above, Buruk raised his fist in the air, three fingers on his gloved hand extended.


His men looked upwards, a harsh ball of flame had erupted in the trees above them, they could feel the concussive blast in the ground beneath their feet and in the air around them.


Now two finger raised, shattered pieces of wood rained down on the Mandalorian hunters.


Time nearly froze, a sense of hyper-awareness settling on the small squad of 9. Each warrior a Jetpack on his back. As the last finger on Buruk's extended hand retracted they punched it. With a roar their packs all ignited at once, the time for surprise over, the attack had begun. As they shot up through the trees towards the embassy their HUD's lit up with heat signatures. The Embassy building itself had begun to burn. Buruk saw Aryn Spar as his clawed his way into the Embassy through the holes they'd blown in the floor. He grinned. The adrenaline was now pulsing through his system, his heart beating steadily. The Embassy was also their objective however he spotted a something that caused him to deviate from his original plan. For a split second he considered following Aryn Spar into the embassy from below but then he adjusted his ascent. There was a balcony, wide and ornate on one of the upper levels. That is where they would land... more or less. Still ascending he brought his weapon to bear, the A-30 Rancor mounted below the barrel of his E-17 aimed for the upper level wall. He was going to blow a hole right into the building.

With a satisfying WHUMP the launcher propelled a fragmentation round into the wall near the balcony sending splinters of wood and metal into the air. It rattled against his Beskar as he pushed forward, rifle recoiling as he unloaded into the room they'd blown a hole into. His feet touched down on the edge of the room, the pure devastation and shock of their assault had stunned the several occupants of the room, their bodies now scattered on the floor, just like the debris. If his calculations were correct, they'd be almost right on top of the central command center of the building once they moved into the corridor. Behind him, the 8 other members of Vhe'viin squad had landed, their slughtrowers leveled as they prepared to breach into the hallway. Moving forward, he pied the corner to his left, his second moving to cut right to cover his backside. Nothing. His eyes narrowed as the rest of his squad filed into the hallway, barrels of their assault rifles equally distributed on either side. They moved with rehearsed precision. Buruk pushed his rifle to the rear, heading over to one of their number who'd been carrying the breaching charges.

He removed them carefully, placing them on the floor. The charges were directional, and if he'd placed them correctly they'd open up a large hole right above the command center, or at least the most ideal location for a command center within the embassy. He placed two of the charges, he wanted to be sure the hole was large enough for him to get his entire squad and their firepower to bear immediately upon their entry. They would have the element of surprise, but even that only tilted the conflict in their favor so much. It took him only about a minute to seal the charges to the floor before his men spread out, giving the explosives a wide berth. Preparing themselves, Buruk once more raised his fist, a silent gesture as he brought his closed fist to the side of his helmet, indicating that the charges would be detonated in five seconds. It was the longest five seconds they'd ever experienced. Five of the Mandalorians had their weapons leveled at the place where a hole was about to open up, their fingers itching to pull the triggers on their grenade launchers. This was the Embassy... they didn't care who they killed, they were part of the Republic, or aiding them. This was vengeance...


The explosion would rip through the floor, almost acting as a flashbang if it had been executed correctly, simultaneously opening a rift in the ceiling above the command center. Not even a full two seconds after the explosion, five fragmentation grenades launched from their A-30 Rancor's would come careening into the room, each at a somewhat different angle from the gaping hole. Buruk's squad waited to hear the detonations of those five grenades before they planned to breach through the rift themselves.

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