Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate The Optimates and The Populares | Tsis'Kaar and SO Populate of Eishandruu Pica

TAG: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

Adean stood tall in her structured tunic. The garment was either new or exceptionally well cared for, it's points and edges sticking up proud and crisp, especially in the shoulders. The fabric had been pressed and artificially stiffened, to mimic upholstery while still maintaining some element of softness. A canvas interfacing did even more to maintain its shape while a silk lining kept it from irritating the skin. It wasn't the multifaceted make that had Adean standing with careful posture, however. It was the nature of the event.

"I would imagine it's a 'state of the organization's type of deal, judging from the attendees," she answered the Sith Lord who had thought to bring her along. Adean - no, Brassius - had already been planning on attending, having received an individual invitation as one of the Tiss'kar's would-be agents, though that was a detail Alina needn't concern herself with. "The dancing aspect calls that into question, however."

A part of her was apprehensive about the whole affair. Having them all gathered in a cave would be an easy way to have them all killed. For that reason, while her outfit was a mix of function and fashion skewered towards fashion, her belt had been prepared with a rebreather, small media, a couple rations, etc. it didn't hurt to be prepared.

"Oh? Wherever did you hear that?" Her recruitment hadn't exactly been in the most secured of places, but it was also something Adean had spoken of to anyone. Like all things, she kept her cards close to her chest.



Zari Daal

For the first time in a long time of joining the sith, Mariah actually came as herself. Properly herself, rather than by proxy of her droid arana. She was also far less careful than one would normally expect her to be. She was safe now, she felt. Having no longer been confined to a single body in spirit, rather than merely being able to send it out to command and empower her droid. She could truly be in two places, even if her power didn't quite mimic that capability. She would survive. No matter what. She felt far more sure of it now.

Taking on a dress she felt an appropriate level of flourish if she wanted to lean into the family name of House marr, and keeping one of her lightsabers on her person. As well as her necklace that never left her. Though she avoided bringing most of her usual additions, such as the technological gauntlet she often wore, nor even the blaster. Keeping her anxiety under wraps was an active effort physically, but she'd shrouded her sense in the force in advance. Hiding whatever feelings or thoughts she had behind a mental barrier boosted by meditation. It should hold up quite well she thought, invading a persons mind always took far more than blocking someone out. So even with her relative inexperience in active force usage, she felt she'd do just fine.

This time, she also for-went the use of either of her droids presences. Something she usually did both as an aid, and as a form of protection. Again, leaning on the ideas of a sith lady, rather than just some tech expert and smuggler who happened upon the Marr family before her sensitivity was awakened. Instead today, along with walking, moving, and talking with an air of formality, she had an aid. That of Zari Daal. New to her, but she felt they'd get along fine. Plus, he knew more than basic and that meant, at least in some company, there were chances to speak at least somewhat more discreetly.

Mariah entered, she didn't have nearly so much in the way of fancy titles yet. She was a sith, she ran a business, and she was a member of House Marr. She wasn't planning yet to advertise her other progressions she'd made. Not until she was a little more prepared. No, for now, she'd walk around, listen, participate, maybe socialize a bit, and she'd watch. It was time to really get into some social habits of a Sith Lady.


Zari Daal

Zari looked up as a female figure in a red sweeping gown entered. It was Mariah, at last, as pristine and delicate as when he had first seen her. His lekku curled in recognition.

He took Ellissanthia Ellissanthia ‘s hand in his and pecked the back of it with his lips. "I 'ope you will forgive me, my mistress has just arrived. I must see to her now, but…I 'ope I may snag you for a danze in a short while?"

He dipped his lekku again before striding across the cavern to the newly-arrived human woman.

"Ah, zey should 'ave blasted the trumpets at ze sight of you, m’lady!" he said eagerly as he stopped before Mariah.

He took her hand in his and grazed the back of it with his lips, his blue eyes never straying from her red ones, taking in her crimson dress and gold breastplate - and the necklace, the bewitched blue necklace that she had recently shared with him, how it always stayed on her pale neck.

"Oh, you are as beautiful as ze flowers that grow in ze winter…" Zari trailed off, closing his eyes as he rose from her hand and his lekku twitched toward the string musicians.

"Might I spin you around zis cavern for a dance? If zhere iz nothing else you would like first…."

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - Of Caves and Converstations
Immediate Goals -
1: Stand there
1.1: Look Pretty
1.1.2: Stand there while looking pretty.
2: Have some lighthearted conversations with your estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
2.1: Have some difficult conversation with your soon-to-be even more estranged cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown


There were always formalities that preceded informalities, and vice versa, though Trayze wasn't certain at which link in the chain he was at. For now, he was simply surveying the present company, this was (somehow) a ball, and so dancing was inevitable. Either that, or he could stag near the punch bowl until someone inevitably insulted the other and sabers were drawn - or there were some conversation partners.

Lets see... Malum's busy with Ansisa Ansisa , there were a few others... there was a member of the Sith Legion, which is nice, that Neimoidian bigwig from Geonosis, there was the Twi'lek he met while investigating those prisons, and - Bogan bugger me, Darth Imperius Darth Imperius the alleged descendent of-

...Wait a kark.

Burgundy irises briefly raise themselves as if trying to peer into his brain to reassess the memories he's had. With a pursed face, he briefly scowled to reassess the parties he's seen.

Malum and his blue beau. Fellow uniformed professionals. Grubby money bug. ...Zari Daal ?
Trayze briefly exhaled in barely suppressed bewilderment. When the Twi'lek he twisted the arm of a Separatist Tactical Droid in order to free a falsely convicted man, and now he's dancing with... Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr ?! How small of a galaxy was it?!

Paranoia gripped the mind of the Kiffar as he tried to frantically figure out how in the Bogan fried blazes did someone he met briefly somehow make his way into Sith Space and is apparently the plus one of a member of House Marr?! While he hadn't been actively involved in Sith internal affairs, he at least had common karking sense.
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Tags: Darth Callidus Darth Callidus Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Ellissanthia Ellissanthia
Location: Strangely Clean Caves, Dorvalla
Objective: Make good on the promise to Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Equipment: In Bio

A ball in the dark. A proclamation made by a secret organization. The irony was palpable here, and I had lost the sensation of touch eons ago. On one hand, a hidden venue such as this fit an organization like that of Tsis'Kaar nicely. On the other, a grand assemblage could easily gain attention. I prayed an ulterior scheme was afoot with this event. As much as I had my scruples, I did promise services to the Scion of Marr in exchange for some help integrating with the current state of the Sith. Appearing at an ostentatious gathering was a matter of ease, or should be.

I did not arrive with grand fanfare, nor a search for attention. Yet, it appeared going through the one entrance gave both. The oxymoron of such a ceremony in a society of secrecy was a conflicting matter. My vestige of pride was well stoked, yet the logic escaped my digital consciousness. The herald declared my arrival all the same. I merely strode forward with unnatural smoothness to my robotic steps. One advantage to abandoning flesh was having a permanent callous expression on what appeared to be a face.

My strides were mostly silent aside from metal scraping against rock, and my staff's tip hitting the stone with strides. The dark was nothing to ocular sensors that burned like coals in the sockets of my death mask. With it, I saw all in this chamber. A fairly sized crowd reflecting well for this organization. Perhaps my service as an archivist will be put to good use indeed. Before I would address the host, and newfound ally, I caught notice of a few forms along the side of this crowd that stood at a place where they could see all. The spite was palpable from this one with what connection I still maintained despite a robotic form. I was intrigued.

Another form was with this figure. Though this one was large and I sensed power. Perhaps both would be of interest. Despite a form that stood out tremendously, thousands of years in hiding has allowed me to learn how to slip through places like this on the periphery of notice. As I would appear from the periphery to these figures,
"Now here are some characters of interest.", I said while lowering myself to their tongue of basic, "Who are these figures of spite and power I encounter in this ironic setting?" Merely a tone of curiosity was conveyed on the vocabulator. Otherwise, my cold metal frame with a burning glow in my chassis was all that was seen by these others.
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Location: Underground Ballroom - Dorvalla
Attire: White Outfit
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber - Purple Blade │ Phase III “Force Avenger” Energy ShieldFAE/U-01 "Serenity" Anti-Signal Field System
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Zari Daal Darth Callidus Darth Callidus Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra

A webbed ear twitched upon sensing someone approaching, at which point Ellissanthia slowly turned her head to meet the azure-hued eyes of a male Lethan Twi’lek graced with chiseled features and defined cheekbones. He was taller than her, a fact which compelled the Undine to look up to meet his gaze. Fortunately, his smooth, thickly-accented voice and handsome visage made such a thing tolerable, coaxing a slight giggle from her plush lips. That, and the fact that she did not sense the Force flowing through him in great strength gave her some cause to relax.

“It is beautiful,” Ellissanthia agreed. “It is difficult not to be enraptured by it,” she continued. “I almost want to stand here and listen forever.” The Undine added with a slight, playful smile.

When Zari proclaimed her beauty, Ellissanthia felt her hearts begin to race, her webbed ears taking on a rosy undertone as his words flowed like honey into her ears. The Twi’lek bowed then, introducing himself as the Undine looked upon him with a fluttering-eyed gaze.

“I am Ellissanthia,” she introduced herself in turn. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Zari.” The Undine continued. Her eyes shifted then, picking out the unmistakably titanic figure of Darth Imperius from the crowd. The Dark Lord had arrived, and weighty footfalls were such that Ellissanthia could feel them, her ultrasensitive, webbed ears twitching as she marked his approach.

Shifting her attention back towards Zari, Ellissanthia offered him a final smile as took one of her webbed hands and pecked the back of it with a kiss. It seemed that he too had someone else who he was obligated to meet. A mistress.

“A dance would be lovely. In a short while, then.” Ellissanthia agreed, before Zari dipped his lekku and turned to leave. And with that, the Undine drew in a deep breath before pulling a small spray bottle out of her purse. Closing her eyes, she spritzed herself over with bacta-infused water (in order to preserve the moisture in her skin) before placing the bottle back inside her purse. Satisfied, she padded her way over towards the Dark Lord, who had occupied himself with the attention of a Sith Lady with pale, tattooed features and an imposing automaton whose chassis glowed with crimson lights.

Cocking her head to the side at the sight, Ellissanthia could only blink before she found herself at Imperius' side.
Location: Dorvalla
Attire: Dress
Equipment: Hidden daggers x2
Tag: Open for Interaction

The Tsis'Kaar leadership was hosting an event on the planet of Dorvalla, Eira's senses tingled since the planet was in close proximity to Echnos and Kaila Irons Kaila Irons so there was a deep temptation to avoid the event. However, she also knew that she needed to demonstrate herself as someone of noteworthy and power. Hiding away because of a brief lover's quarrel was something no one would find noteworthy in the young Sith.

No, she had to demonstrate that she was prepared to move forward and there were suspicions that this event intended to help move forward.

Finding the perfect gothic styled dress for herself to wear, Eira donned her choker with several necklaces and jewellery. Attempting to show off her beauty and grace. Eira was showing how much she was ready to move forward. Romantically as well as just as a Sith. It was also a smart move to hide some weapons on her person. The Tsis'Kaar and Jutrand Academy training was instilled too deeply into Eira for her to enter place of unknowns without some protection.

They had also taught her well in how to conceal the weapons and prevent detection from scanners. Eira was swiftly becoming a skilled young assassin. As well as her growing powers in the Force. Once Eira finished with sorting out her attire, she instructed some transport to take her to Dorvalla. Hopefully she would not be too late for the festivities.

Entering the room, Eira breathed in deeply. People were mingling and there were plenty of drinks being served. Taking a glass, Eira knew to keep her mind sharp and was not going to allow alcohol to addle her mind when she was wanting to figure the meaning for this event. She could not remove the thoughts that Sith rarely have a party for party's sake. Especially on a planet for mining and militarization.
Location: Cave Ballroom, Dorvalla
Wearing: Outfit
Equipment: Two lightsabers, each hidden on his lower back.
Tag: Open

Privately owned transporter brought Diem, and ten of his men, on to the landing strip, not far from newly decorated and fixed entrance to the underground structure.
He provided his ten men, all in minimalistically stylish black outfits, with a holo-pass issued by a High Inquisitor, so they can provide any additional security both inside and outside the event.

Diem himself wore stylish combination of breathable red silk shirt, with a long black vest over it. Vest was strategically covered with Kinetic Absorption panels, grinned down to a slim plates that covered his heart, liver, spine..

Since he was here as a part of Inquisitorium, and not as Governor of Binaros, he wore a mostly 'cosmetic' mask across his lower face. Hiding his identity of Omom Kaa. The mask itself had ability to present a small cylindric suction straw if needed, for drinks to be consumed. As well as part the center 2 plates to side, so the wearers mouth can be exposed for food consumption.

It was a mask created for this very purpose. Parties and gatherings.

Five of his men stayed outside, mingling with other guards, while the other half followed him in.
But the moment great ballroom present itself, they would fan out, each toward his own piece of it. Each man had a communication device behind their ear.

The announcers were proclaiming names known to him, as the dim light, but beautiful room, welcomed him.
He didn't have any particular plan at the moment, so it seemed smart for him to go to the bar area and take his time with one or two drinks, before the event get in to its deeper phase.

Bartender wore the Sith colors, and emblem of the Tsis'Kaar on his lapel..

"What It'll it be respected Sir?" human asked with a smile, as the two small droids flip and mix drinks behind him.

"You got Bloody Rancor, I assume?" Darth Diem asked, through the sounds of chatter behind him.

The bartender winked and grinned, disappearing few feet behind to start the preparation of this drink with rich history.​

Tags: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger


Darth Callidus stood with her arms crossed, her dark robes pooling like smoke around her boots as her piercing amber eyes swept across the grand chamber. The chatter of Sith Lords and agents, the pulsating music, and the ever-present hum of ambition filled the air. Her sharp mind cataloged the movements and postures of those gathered, each subtle cue adding another piece to the puzzle that was the Tsis'Kaar's grand celebration. She was torn between fascination and discontent, a feeling she rarely allowed herself to dwell upon.

Her attention shifted as Darth Imperius approached, his titanic form moving with deliberate purpose. She inclined her head slightly in acknowledgment of his greeting, her lips curling into a faint smirk at the thinly veiled sarcasm in his tone.

"Revelry is not my forte," she replied smoothly, her voice low and sharp, like the hiss of a blade being drawn. "I find the setting... contradictory, though perhaps that is the point. A grand ball to celebrate victory—a curious move for an organization that thrives in the shadows." Her gaze flicked to the stage, her expression unreadable. "Still, even contradictions can bear fruit. I am curious to see what blooms from this."

As Imperius's gaze wandered, Callidus returned to her observations, though her focus was drawn to the figure of Credius Nargath as he entered the hall. His aura was a miasma of hunger and death, his every step deliberate, calculated. Her smirk deepened as she watched him approach the young Dark Councillor. The Lord of Hunger was a predator, but even predators could be ensnared by the right bait.

It was then that a metallic presence brushed the edge of her awareness. The cold, mechanical steps of Akhuul Sautra echoed faintly against the stone, and his arrival stirred something within her—an interest bordering on amusement. She turned slightly, catching the gleam of his burning ocular sensors and the unsettling glow of his chassis as he addressed them both.

"Characters of spite and power," she repeated, her tone as smooth as velvet over a blade. "An apt description, though I imagine you know more of such qualities than most." She inclined her head toward him, her amber eyes studying his robotic frame with open curiosity. "I am Darth Callidus, and I find myself equally intrigued. Akhuul Sautra, the archivist who abandoned flesh for a higher purpose... or so they say."

She uncrossed her arms, her gaze piercing as it shifted between Akhuul and Imperius. "This gathering may be ostentatious, even reckless, but it has drawn us all here. That alone is worthy of note. The Tsis'Kaar are nothing if not meticulous, and I suspect our host has more in mind than simple celebration."

Her voice lowered, carrying an edge of dark amusement. "Still, secrecy is the heart of our strength, and I wonder if this display does more to reveal than to obscure. What do you make of it, my fellow shadows?" Her question hung in the air like smoke, inviting both men to share their thoughts—or perhaps to reveal their own motives.



"Lord Malum does like his speeches. It's good to see him out and about, rather than locked up in his room." She hummed in thought as she smoothed out the red dress she was wearing. Yes, full on red, flowing over her form. Or real lack there of. Muscle was more her thing than a shapely feminine form, much to her late mother's disdain. It wasn't going to stop her, though. She chuckled as she plucked up a drink, glancing to Adean at her question. One she wasn't going to answer.

"We can dance around it if you'd like, but the point is I do know. I suppose after seeing your familiar you do strike me as the type to be good for getting information. But an assassin? That has me very curious just what they're expecting of you. Want to share? Get it off your chest?"

Adean Castor Adean Castor

TAG: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

"Is he prone to that?" The acolyte asked in a hardly subtle attempt to fish for information. If she was to work for Darth Malum, it was only fitting she learn as much as she could about him. Personal stories and trade secrets would only help her in that regard.

Her brow furrowed, blood growing cold as Alina avoided showing her hand and only pressed Adean forward. That was twice now someone had sprung information on her, five times too many. A part of her couldn't help but think up a conspiracy in which someone had dedicated themself to learning everything about her and her falsehoods. A more reasonable thought would be that she was, after all, still an acolyte. There was much she had to learn.

The mention of the familiar did give her some level of comfort, at least. Either Alina was faking it or she genuinely thought the creature was one of Adean's creation, not one she had essentially hijacked from another more powerful acolyte. And for Adean's sake, she hopes Alina didn't start to doubt.

"What they expect from me, beyond loyalty, is a mystery," she admitted in a rare moment of honesty. As the words left her mouth she made efforts to make them sound as casual as she could, like the item wasn't at all eating her alive. "If you have insight, I'm all ears of course." Her brow furrowed again, this time incredulous. "Did you just ask if I wanted to vent to you?"


Zari Daal
As she walked through it didn't take long before the twi'lek came to meet her, she gave him a smile and a nod, "I suppose I'll need to get to giving them a good reason next time." she added. Whether or not she truly planned to act on that, she hadn't quite decided yet. At least, whether those plans would be public or not. She still had routes to make. Taking on multiple bodies was one thing, but she didn't want them to be just bodies that were her. She had grander ideas of what a person could become, she wanted to experience things that should be impossible for someone born human. Even the force could only do so much on its own, especially for her.

While she didn't do much more then another tilt of her head and smile at the kiss of her hand, it still felt odd to be shown that kind of respect. Good kind though she felt. Sure there were respectful people, and in the entertainment business people did all sorts of things just to be fancy. But now, the little graces came from a sense of authority. And while some of that came from her blood, she was still a sith now. And that was an achievement she could draw from.

"If only all people had your skill with compliments." she chuckled, in response to his words, then looked about, "No actually, I'd rather like that. Thank you."

This was at least something she did have a skill in too, it was another advantage of such a long life of so many different careers. Sure she may not have the martial prowess, but she did know how to dance, and Zari seemed particularly adept at these social areas in general. Opting to make the conversation a little more entertaining for them, she swapped to speak in Twi'leki herself, though using huttese words where she was unable to mimic the language due to her lack of lekku, [Twi'leki/Huttese mix: "What a shame we hadn't met earlier, yes? Would have made for quite some interesting times.] She was sure some sith here, if they didn't know one language or the other, possesed the right talents in the force to figure it out. But that did not diminish her enjoyment of shifting languages,

Note for [Twi'leki/huttese]: Using twi'leki where she can and supplementing huttese to make up for words she can't speak.


Zari Daal

Zari smiled as he took her hand, his lekku twisting at the recognition of his native tongue. He led her casually toward the area just below the stage, a large space cleared out just for dancing.

He squeezed her arm in his gratefully, as if to thank her for indulging in his culture. "Yes, I feel as if I have known you a long time…an old soul, in a young body," he said softly.

He stood before her and grasped one arm tightly around her waist and took her smaller hand in his. "Yes, but there are still more interesting times to be had, ma'am," he said with a wink.

With that he launched them into a breezy series of turns that started them in the middle of a wide, haphazard circle. He stepped continually to the left, his hand always pressed tightly into her back, just where her gown separated.

He pushed them along at half-speed, her gown shifting in the breeze as much as his lekku, as he hummed in his chest and gave her a half grin.

"Mmmm-hmmmm….." he sang softly with the strings. "And look at how shespins!"

He gave her hand a soft push and off she twirled away from him, brown hair swaying, before he caught the end of her hand, stopping her short, and pulled her back into his chest.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr



The Nightsister pondered for a moment how she actually used to care whether or not she could ever fit in with people of different cultures. Sith have their own guidelines by which they discern the value of life. By her own personal observations, Pomstychtivé concludes that the Nightsisters have a sense of family unity that extends to a broad scale sisterhood which the Sith may never wish to match. Looking over the crowd, she saw members of cliques gravitate towards one another, and felt the chill in the distance of their separation. She imagined all the intensive training it took to master their individual skills, such as that possessed by everyone crammed into this room, and pondered how their skills are vastly different from one another, as from her own…

Instead of schmooze into the void of the unknown for the moment, she made a beeline for the food. It should just make her feel better. So many herbs and rare delicacies from across the galaxy caught her eye. She found some of their dishes quite decadent, yet on second glance…"Potion ingredients?!" The Priestess' face lit up like a school girl at the notion! Then changed to one of absolute bewilderment at the realization that people have cooked them first…and…are…eating them. Sith certainly could learn to do differently on this; if they wanted to at all! Every morsel ruined of their natural properties. Some things should never have been chilled. She saw flowers put out as decorations, that lost all their magickal value the moment someone clipped their leaves from their stalks and shoved them into dark, dank vases. "What a damn shame! Such a waste!" Everything was tended to by droids that wouldn't know how to determine the magickal properties of a substance from its physical chemical composition.

Even the most intense healing magick could not mend such damage. She began to feel…queasy.

The language was an interesting one, she was curious if she could find a way to mimic the actions of a lekku if she used the force. But decided, even if she could figure out how to do so consistently, it would make her look rather ridiculous. It wouldn't have the right feel to it. "Well, I've had practice." she half joked. It was, afterall, the truth. But it did sound a little absurd without the context.

Following his lead as he lead them through the dance, actually beginning to properly enjoy herself while she tried to focus on the steps while keeping up with him.
"Always." she agreed with a smirk as he held on, She moved into his turns with ease, though it did take her the first few seconds before she truly got into the groove. Before she realized just how long it had truly been since she last danced, so poured into her work.

A light but quiet laugh escaped her lips as he spun her around and away and then brought her back in,
"Aren't we making good strides already." she agreed taking in carefully adjusted breaths for the activity. Though admittedly, cheating just a bit by using the force to bring her more stamina. She didn't feel like over-exerting herself too much in case he happened to plan on a more extended dance than she bargained for.

Zari Daal

Note for [Twi'leki/huttese]: Using twi'leki where she can and supplementing huttese to make up for words she can't speak.


Ansisa smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. Even before they were bound, they had had difficulty hiding their true feelings from one another. Perhaps it was that there had never been a need to.

“You will be perfect" she reassured him, her red gaze sweeping the room before them as a gentle hold on his arm slowed his walk to bring him to a standstill. “Afterall, everything you do now is for them too.”

She maneuvered herself in front of him, slipping something from her pocket as she did. Careful to shield it from the view of everyone else, she produced a silver bracelet with what appeared to be a rough hewn gem set within it, with a gentle brush of her thumb she activated the tiny disguised holoprojector, a soft blue glow between them as the small image of the twins flickered to life.

With another brush of her thumb the image faded, and she slid the bracelet about his wrist, carefully adjusting the ciff of his sleeve to conceal it. “Just in case you need a reminder.” She said softly.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr



Zari Daal

Zari's ears pricked up at her response. "Practice?" He gave a thoughtful grin as grin as he raised his arm and turned her again, spinning the Lady Mariah as if she were his own little ballerina. And how well she turned. He thought of what context in which she could have been a dancer. She would have to tell him that particular story one day.

"Well," he continued in Twi'leki, "You are…very…." He pressed his hand into her back and then dipped her upper half, so that she was suddenly looking at the party upside down.

He left her there for a heartbeat, then with a smile snapped her back up so she was facing him again. "Light on your feet!"

They swirled around the area for another tour, just out of reach of anyone gathered around, her dress fluttering and his tendrils curling, until he took her hand and spun her out again.

But as he pushed her out and prepared to snag her back in, his eyes drifted over the room and met the dark eyes of Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

It was only for two seconds - a fraction of a moment- but Zari caught it.

Oh, no. He does not look…pleased to see me. Internally, Zari panicked, which only manifested itself as his lekku doing a small flop down his back. The Twi'lek pulled Mariah back toward him in one fluid pull, as if nothing had happened, but his heart went racing as he tried to decode that look the Kiffar man had shot him.

His eyes had narrowed, and he hadn't looked exactly…thrilled? Well, he could fix it. He needed only to speak with him. After all, Trayze had done the impossible. He had virtually bent backward and jumped a chasm to make him a free citizen, to get him out of that…prison.

Perhaps it was just the shock of….

He blinked to clear his mind and focused on Mariah, sighing as he gave her a smile and closed his hand over hers again.

Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr


Equipment: Standard Issue Sith Trooper Armor, Vibroblade, Standard Issue Blaster Rifle, Datapad, Cloak

"A new dawn, in Reicher's love life?"

Reicher stepped up to the holotable, the faint hum of its power filling the room as new terrain data began rendering on the display. Elara stood across from him, her arms crossed and an amused glint in her sharp blue eyes. The gathered officers leaned in, clearly more interested in the dynamic between the two than the tactical scenario itself. One or two exchanged whispered comments, grinning like schoolboys at a tournament.

"This terrain looks… interesting," Reicher remarked, studying the rugged valleys and dense urban sprawl projected on the table. "Almost seems like Command had a sense of humor designing it. I assume you're letting me choose my side?"

Elara smirked, her voice carrying a teasing edge. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of robbing you of that advantage, Lieutenant. Take whichever side you like. I'd hate for you to have an excuse when I outmaneuver you."

The room erupted in muffled laughter, and one of the older officers muttered under his breath, "She's got teeth."

Reicher didn't take the bait, instead allowing a small smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. "Fair enough. I'll take the eastern approach—narrow valleys, good cover for ambushes. You can have the western plateau. Open fields should suit your… direct style."

Elara raised an eyebrow at the playful jab, her smile sharpening. "Bold of you to assume I'll be that predictable, Reicher. But I'll give you points for confidence."

He inclined his head slightly, his crimson visor tucked under his arm. "Confidence is half the battle, Thryne. The other half is execution. Let's see how you handle both."

The officers around the table leaned in as the simulation began. Reicher and Elara exchanged a series of opening moves, each placing units with a precision that revealed their respective styles. Reicher's deployment was calculated and layered, setting up overlapping fields of fire and fallback positions. Elara's was more aggressive, her forces advancing boldly to secure key terrain early on.

"Interesting," Reicher said, his tone deliberately neutral. "You're pushing your armor forward quickly. Hoping to draw me out?"

Elara smiled slyly, leaning forward slightly as she moved a unit. "I could say the same about your infantry maneuvers. Are you trying to bait me into overcommitting, or are you just stalling for time?"

The officers exchanged knowing looks, one of them stifling a chuckle. "They're circling each other like nexu on a hunt," one muttered, earning a few nods of agreement.

"Let's see who bites first," Reicher replied smoothly, shifting his forces to fortify a chokepoint near a critical objective. "Careful, Thryne. Your boldness might cost you."

"Only if you're clever enough to capitalize on it," she countered, her fingers dancing over the controls as she repositioned her artillery. "And from what I've heard, you're more cautious than clever."

A low "ooh" rippled through the gathered officers, prompting Reicher to glance up briefly with a raised eyebrow. "Careful, Lieutenant. You're dangerously close to motivating me."

Elara's smile widened, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Good. I wouldn't want you holding back. This is far more fun when you're actually trying."

As the simulation unfolded, their playful banter grew more pointed, each teasing the other with comments that hovered on the edge of flirtation. When Reicher feigned a tactical blunder to lure her forces into an ambush, Elara caught it at the last second, her grin triumphant as she countered his move.

"Nice try," she said, tilting her head in mock sympathy. "But you'll have to do better than that."

"I was just testing you," Reicher replied, leaning forward with an expression that was almost conspiratorial. "And I have to say, I'm impressed. You're… resourceful."

Their eyes met across the table, the unspoken connection growing as the game intensified. Around them, the officers exchanged winks and elbow nudges, their crude whispers barely concealed.

"Think we should clear out and give them the room?" one joked, earning a round of chuckles.

"They're not even hiding it," another quipped, shaking his head.

Reicher ignored them, though he couldn't suppress the faint smirk that tugged at his lips. He adjusted his position on the holotable, his tone shifting to something quieter, almost private. "You know, Thryne, you might be one of the few people I've met who makes this fun."

Elara's smile softened, the teasing edge giving way to something more genuine. "Likewise, Vax. It's not often I find someone who can keep up with me—on or off the battlefield."

The holotable glowed between them, the simulation forgotten for a brief moment as the tension in the room shifted. Whatever the outcome of the game, it was clear to everyone present that the real story was unfolding between the two combatants


"Presenting Reicher Vex, Governor of Polis Massa."

"Presenting Darth Callidus, High Inquisitor, and Governess of Denab."

"Presenting Alina of House Tremiru, Baroness suo jure of House Tremiru."

"Presenting Darth Imperius, Grand Executor of the Knights Tenebrus."

"Presenting His Royal Excellency, Lodd of the Grimmin Hive, Trade Monarch of Neimoidia and its Purse-Worlds, Protector of Narq, and Honorable Representative of the Galactic Trade Federation of Planets."

"Presenting Darth Halcyon, Lord of House Nargath."

"Presenting Mariah of House Marr, Lady of the House of Marr."

"Presenting Darth Cryptis, High Inquisitor, and Lord of the Sautra Vokh."

"Presenting Darth Diem, High Inquisitor, and Governor of Binaros."

More and more of those of high station and standing entered through the palatial doors, he could not help but feel heartened as he heard some of them, those of his worthy friends, those of his worthy subordinates, those of his worthy allies. Each and every one of them, even those that had slipped the eyes of attention, and scurried through the doors, were key for all that would come next.

And even his attention was stolen to the Chiss woman before him, only the barest amount given towards the booming voice of the herald.

In her red eyes, in her familiar voice, he was only given ever more pertinent reason and resolve, for the necessity of what he was to do, for not only himself, for even as much as accolade and title were not aimed for, it had strummed and come for him anyway. He was a scion of Darth Marr, the product of over four thousand years of careful efforts.

Of nobility, of honour, of strength.

Of duty.

What he was to do was for all of them, for all which his mind was so often broken into the pits of despair, for all which indecision and hesitation had cost him much, for all which he struggled against the cage that was his skull and his ribs, as his mind and heart pressed against their confines with the desperation of a lion cornered.

For that rare once.

There was clarity.

For them.

He would break all their chains.

He raised his eyes the barest moment as with the swiftness of wind she was in front of him, fingers finding themselves around a bracelet, one which he had not purchased for her, if the quality of the gemstone at its pinnacle was of any indication. Yet, brushing her thumb over it, his breath left him.

For the sight that lay within was more beautiful than any gemstone.

They were always on his mind these days, even without active thought, even under the pressure and influence of a thousand-minute efforts, his mind held ever still the picture of them which he had somehow imagined before he had even known they had existed.

His legacy to this galaxy, for all the titles he held, for all the prestige of the distinguished descent of which he stemmed, for all that he would ever accomplish.

...He might not have achieved anything greater, than what stared back at him.

His Caelia.

His Aureus.

The bracelet fit snuggly around his wrists, an ornament which he had never wore... but that could not have more perfectly fit him. He was a hypocrite, for one who so raged against the dancing players of Fates and Destinies, he could not help but wonder if it was a sign. As the anvil lowered itself upon his heart.

The weight for once...

...Felt right.

"...I could never forget."

He whispered, knowing that held within those four words, she would feel everything he felt.

It was time.

He laid a masked kiss upon Kara's cheek, for any outside observer, nought that he at this moment cared for their gaze, it might have looked as nothing more than the Lord of the Tsis'Kaar whispering some matter of import to his Shadow Hand, but for them, as the organ contained within his ribs, drummed against the bones, it was everything. A reassurance, of the promise which he had made to her... a promise, that he would never break another.

The blackened cloak billowed through the intervention of the underground wind, as dark boots broke gravel and cobblestone beneath his feet, for all who had been invited to the Lord of the Tsis'Kaar's grand celebration, for all those who would continue to arrive, they would bare witness to the armour of the once Queen of Shadows, worn by her heir, as he ascended the podium. The artificial lights constructed above dulled, as a singular remained full, gracing the stage with its presence. Every step measured, every motion calculated, upon his back the sword that had become his will was sheathed, yet the beskar hilt remained an ever ominous sight.

Yet, nothing was more ominous than the mask worn upon his face, a mask that the students of history below were well acquainted with, the Lord of Duty stared upon all of them coldly and silently.

The purpose of this evening to be revealed to them all.

Ansisa Ansisa
Mentioned: Reicher Vax Reicher Vax Darth Callidus Darth Callidus Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem
Zari Daal Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Adean Castor Adean Castor Ellissanthia Ellissanthia Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Nerralyn Raaf Nerralyn Raaf Eira Dyn Eira Dyn Lucette Lucette Zanami Zanami


Last edited:

Darth Callidus Darth Callidus | Ellissanthia Ellissanthia | Akhuul Sautra Akhuul Sautra

The contradictory nature of the event had not slipped his mind. Callidus was as calculating and observant as ever, even forgiving in a way, as her expectations towards this event offered room for hope to become something useful, something that justified resources wasted to scrub a cave and invite anyone into their midst. But the potential that they were standing in front of the precipice of something greater, was rather low in his opinion. The hosts did not do much other than occasionally devote to the war effort in between their petty infighting.

"Consider me doubtful of the fruit this evening bears for the hosts. We pave our own way."

His gaze shifted to the skeleton-like shape approaching, it was an immediate interest that made the crimson lenses observe the one who joined them and then address with a curious and slightly amusing choice of words. Imperius was intrigued by the figure's design, even more so when it was clear it was no droid nor automaton, but a Sith.

The Dark Lord remained silent though, letting his companion speak first to introduce herself and even introduce the one in front. Archivist Akhuul Sautra. His HUD rushed through information of this Darth Cryptis with his curiosity satisfied, for now. Considering the surface information and form chosen, this one was remarkably unique in a way and could potentially be the key to one of his experiments.

"Darth Imperius." The Zakuulan stated with little fanfare and pomp. "Your form is intriguing."

He was about to continue and comment, when the Undine joined his side. She had proven very capable in their mission and it was a welcome reinforcement should this evening go to what his thoughts had formulated as response.

"We can only hope that your cult does not start another civil war from this event or choose to topple another leader." Imperius offered dryly in response to Callidus' question, it was entirely possible in his mind. Backstabbing, deception and scheming were the weapons wielded by the lesser and to use such grand affair to make a public statement, seemed entirely plausible for a group of Sith whos greatest achievement was to overthrow the only instance of control it had.

"Whos archivist are you, Akhuul Sautra?"


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