Days ago, Lord Dvasius did not care about such events, but Falentra had cut him off as soon as his he began his rant about how frivolous and silly it was. "I don't care if you're going or not. I am. Anyways, make sure to wear something nice, if you do." She had told her colleague with a nonchalant shrug the last time he was over at hers. Falentra didn't care much if she was without a date, she needed a break from working tirelessly and the stressors of what was to come and was going to enjoy herself there. But surprisingly, despite the assassin's strong deterrence for public appearances, he had made his mind to go a while after that.
She was really putting him up against a wall, but at least he had some things to gain in going. He would at least not be thee by himself 'cause she'd be there and they could find recruits for "their cause". The Sith Lord sighed.
"Fine! I'll go.", he griped, but caved in,
"Guess I'll have to go home and put on my fancy robes.", he said jokingly, as he picked up his actual outer robe off the back of the couch and prepared to leave.,
"Better than sitting here and watching the holo... I hope, and I can 'make some friends' while we're there. You should help me with that. You know I'm not much of a people person... sober."
The assassin really shouldn't let her talk to him like that, but she was so damn cute and sweet most of the time. Dvasius wasn't gonna leave her without
saying goodbye.
"You know, you're lucky I like you so much." After saying this the Sith walked over and gave
Lady Falentra
one of those sweet kisses she liked, then touched her on the chin with his finger then across her cheek. That always made her melt. It would be fun to see her squirm before he left and it might make her happier to see him when he got back.
"Anyway. Bye!" he said nonchalantly as he turned around and left. He said one last thing before he went out out the door,
"Uh. Just let me know when you're ready and if I'm ready I'll come pick you up. Okay. Bye for reals."
He had fetched her from her apartment in a fanciful red and black suit complimenting her own
dress and
heels. It was different seeing him in anything that wasn't his usual black assassin robes. "
Huh, I didn't expect you knew how to tie a tie,
Lord Dvasius
." She took a jab at him with a coy smirk on her pretty lips before getting into the hovercar to their destination.
Dvasius got out and walked to her door then knocked. He was stunned by her outfit, her heels more than anything. He accidentally let out a,
"Damn.", without meaning to. The Sith Lord sighed and rolled his eyes at her little quip. she always had to get them in.
"I guess I'll just say what we're both supposed to, 'Wow! You look stunning, Falentra!', Alright, let's go. No, you do look good though. Very beautiful, as always." More politely he took her hand and walked her to the hovercar and opened the door for her before getting in on the other side.
"Alright, Jeeves." he wasn't even sure that was the chauffer's name or care,
"Move it!" Seeing as the Sith's anger was well known among those who worked for him, the driver quickly took off and they were on their way to "socialize with their peers". Ugh. At least there'd be drinks to help make it easier and bearable. Dvasius gave Falentra a cute little smile, like saying,
"See? I told you I could do this."
Back at the time of arrival:
"Remember, we're not here for blood." She whispered against his ear as she stepped out of the vehicle. Then she would hook her arm around his, "Shall we?" She asked before they made their way into the event.
"Yes, I know. We're here for our little date, to get drunk, and perhaps steal us some friends from my 'older brother'." ...
"We shall."
While her companion's eyes wandered to the bar, hers scanned for candidates for their cause. Her cyan eyes fell on a blonde woman
Alina Tremiru
she'd seen in the Tsis'Kaar inquisitor files. "
What about her? The Tsis'kaar has an eye on her. Harbours the Wonosans - followers of the traitor
Darth Strosius
- under her roof. Suprised no one has gone knocking yet. "
"Mhm. I've been meaning to introduce myself to those friends of my late friend. Could use them for my own little 'church of evil'. If she has them, she'll be our friend too. Hopefully.", Lord Dvasius agreed. He made his way behind her, to her right side and grabbed that hand in his left. He turned to talk in her ear,
"So, I know what you're going to say, but we're going to the bar. Hear me out. We get a drunk, a little tipsy. Makes it look less strange when go talk to these seemingly random people, and makes it easier for me to do it. Come on." There were other ways to do this of course, but it made enough sense and it was the best way for
him to do this, at least. The Lord of Shadows took his date in hand over to the mini bar and commenced his part of the plan. Hopefully this would be convincing and they wouldn't know he had a trick to of the Force to instantly sober up, so he wouldn't actually kark it up.
After a few drinks The Sith pushed himself off the counter,
"Alright. Let's do this.", He was pretty tipsy, but Dvasius wasn't as drunk as he seemed and could handle it pretty well if he was anyways. Lots of past experience. Whether
Lady Falentra
followed or not, he made his way to where
Alina Tremiru
was standing.
"Hey! What's your name? Tre-something... Ali-na! Got it. Who's the kid?" (
Adean Castor
) The Lord faked drunken idiocy and gave his hand to shake then he passed a card to her hand or dropped it on the table next to her, as if an accident he didn't realize happened. Suddenly he became serious and sober very fast, coming in for a whispered conversation,
"Go where that says, when it says, if you seek a change from this once great, little 'Inquisitorius'. Come thirsty. Hungry. For blood and power. I know you can keep a secret. Do me that favor.", with that cryptic invitation the Sith Assassin sniffled and turned from her, sipping heavy again on the rather strong drink he had in his hand.
"See you around,
Alina Tremiru
. Let's hope."
The "drunken" Sith karked off to find another drink. Inside he was laughing at the believability of his performance. Perfect.