She Left Behind A Legacy

Objective II: Regicide
Inventory: Gear in sig
Allies: The Silver Jedi Concord,


Meld talk = Color
Darth Maliphant said:"Was that the depth of what you learned as a Sith? A poor excuse for Dun Moch?"
"Nope." She hit back, "I'm just a wisecracking blonde." She shrugged.
She slanted her body; slightly. Tensing her back leg, she kept her blade hand light for a quick draw. She let her own power fall around her in a rippling wave, inhaling and shrugging it on like a warm cloak. This planet, this temple, and the Jedi here, along with the energy lingering after Coren's blast would be hard to drown out, and a well she'd be able to draw from...for now. She have to make it quick.
And in some ways, a fight like this was her type of fight -- if it were going to go the way she assumed.
She barked a bit in laughter, "You need to ask?" She retorted, "Woah, I never beg..."
Her body naturally reacted in surprise it seemed; Her head lurched back at the incoming blast. She started a frantic dance backward, and negligently threw out her hands -- a first and natural response. Romi had just enough time to push out with the Force and create a small bubble of protection before she was engulfed in darkness. Jade breathed shallowly through the dread.The Force bubble lost precious millimeters with each roar that snaked along its surface.
She could feel the dark energy intensifying, infusing itself into everything around her.
And she was pushed back, more and more as the dark energy gained ground on her.
There were times where she held back...
She shut her eyes - envisioning the outcome she wanted and wiping her slate clean of any presuppositions. The dark side drew power from raw emotions and feelings such as anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, aggression, megalomania, and unrestrained passion among other things.
In emptiness mode— She started to feel her body as nothing more than walls of skin. There's nothing inside. There's no one inside. Emptiness was openess; she was conduit. An alabaster luminesce began to radiate off the surface of her skin. And this time she knew principles in Vaapad, the process of immersion in the loop. This fury, would hit a wall and be redirected. A process which Jade likened to deflecting a blaster bolt back at its source or dispersing it altogether.
She wove her arms, warping her bubble before her in a mixed display of lightside energy and hyper focused power. The alabaster wave sprawled from her figure like glowing fire, and turned a pinkish shade before clashing with his dark volley.
A feral look in her eyes. She tensed her calf muscle and stops her forced backpedal.
She infringed her presence and will on him and the surrounding area - using her abilities simultaneously to weaken and demoralize his grip on the perverted nature of the dark side that allowed him to cast as so. She dispersed his blast in an rippling echo that spread from her hands. She would've needed more time to weaken or sever someone from the force altogether, but she staved off his attack for now.
"Still worried about me being what was it?...crushed by overwhelming darkness?"
She went on the offensive.
Opening herself completely to the Force, using her resolve to draw it in, Romi threw out her left hand. A smokey luminescent ball of energy popped in her palm -- a Force burst; it was a missile on him. Expecting a caster of his experience to find a way around it, she yanked her hilt from her belt and called forth her scarlet blade.
The smell of ozone flooded her nose. Echoes of her footfall accelerated as she started sprinting over the distance towards him.