Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion The Ossus Massacre │ SE Invasion of SJC held Jomark & Nespis VIII

She Left Behind A Legacy

Objective II: Regicide
Inventory: Gear in sig
Allies: The Silver Jedi Concord, Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Caedyn Arenais | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion | Vulpesen Vulpesen | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan and anyone I may have missed!
Opposition: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Grundark Grundark | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Irina Volkov | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Meld talk = Color

Darth Maliphant said:
"Was that the depth of what you learned as a Sith? A poor excuse for Dun Moch?"

"Nope." She hit back, "I'm just a wisecracking blonde." She shrugged.

She slanted her body; slightly. Tensing her back leg, she kept her blade hand light for a quick draw. She let her own power fall around her in a rippling wave, inhaling and shrugging it on like a warm cloak. This planet, this temple, and the Jedi here, along with the energy lingering after Coren's blast would be hard to drown out, and a well she'd be able to draw from...for now. She have to make it quick.

And in some ways, a fight like this was her type of fight -- if it were going to go the way she assumed.

She barked a bit in laughter, "You need to ask?" She retorted, "Woah, I never beg..."

Her body naturally reacted in surprise it seemed; Her head lurched back at the incoming blast. She started a frantic dance backward, and negligently threw out her hands -- a first and natural response. Romi had just enough time to push out with the Force and create a small bubble of protection before she was engulfed in darkness. Jade breathed shallowly through the dread.The Force bubble lost precious millimeters with each roar that snaked along its surface.

She could feel the dark energy intensifying, infusing itself into everything around her.

And she was pushed back, more and more as the dark energy gained ground on her.

There were times where she held back...

She shut her eyes - envisioning the outcome she wanted and wiping her slate clean of any presuppositions. The dark side drew power from raw emotions and feelings such as anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, aggression, megalomania, and unrestrained passion among other things.

In emptiness mode— She started to feel her body as nothing more than walls of skin. There's nothing inside. There's no one inside. Emptiness was openess; she was conduit. An alabaster luminesce began to radiate off the surface of her skin. And this time she knew principles in Vaapad, the process of immersion in the loop. This fury, would hit a wall and be redirected. A process which Jade likened to deflecting a blaster bolt back at its source or dispersing it altogether.

She wove her arms, warping her bubble before her in a mixed display of lightside energy and hyper focused power. The alabaster wave sprawled from her figure like glowing fire, and turned a pinkish shade before clashing with his dark volley.

A feral look in her eyes. She tensed her calf muscle and stops her forced backpedal.

She infringed her presence and will on him and the surrounding area - using her abilities simultaneously to weaken and demoralize his grip on the perverted nature of the dark side that allowed him to cast as so. She dispersed his blast in an rippling echo that spread from her hands. She would've needed more time to weaken or sever someone from the force altogether, but she staved off his attack for now.

"Still worried about me being what was it?...crushed by overwhelming darkness?"

She went on the offensive.

Opening herself completely to the Force, using her resolve to draw it in, Romi threw out her left hand. A smokey luminescent ball of energy popped in her palm -- a Force burst; it was a missile on him. Expecting a caster of his experience to find a way around it, she yanked her hilt from her belt and called forth her scarlet blade.

The smell of ozone flooded her nose. Echoes of her footfall accelerated as she started sprinting over the distance towards him.

Tarish Galland



OBJECTIVES: Objective 1.1/2 - Take the Ground Relay, Find The Jedi.
LOCATION: On the Ground Chasing
ARMAMENT: Lighstaber
WEARING: Burial Raiment
FORMERLY ACCOMPANIED BY: 1 - Squad(8 soldiers) of Disciple Bois, 7 - Sith Interceptors, 5 - Sith Bombers
TAGS: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar (Enemy/Duel), Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Had he not been watching her closely, he might have missed the pause. Footsteps stopped, attention fixated on her as he titled his head slightly in a more thoughtful manner. Something was amiss in the whole situation.

"That still leaves you alone. All by yourself. Or are you practicing to be a guardian wandering off on your lonesome?" He spoke mockingly, a callback to their beachfront conversation. "It's interesting how Levron biology reacts to heat. Last I saw-no." He cut himself off, head turning away from her in that moment. The mocking was twofold in a sense. The Disciples of Typhojem may have given him clarity to see the Silver Jedi for what they were.

But this was still Ura, and feelings were beginning to return with his recollections.

Their conversation on the beach had been pleasant given their wounds. The old hope of her success giving him pause as he remembered both Ura and Amani in that moment, bruised, battered, and worse for wear before him in that healers tent.

Who had been attending them? Korra? Karra? The name slipped away, the woman's words reinforcing his own to the padawans as he wondered quietly how Amani was doing now. His own words rang in his head, thoughts conflicting with the irony of his new found perspective. His repetition of their code, their teachings to padawans as self loathing began to color the inner conflict already raging there.

His hand clenched the hilt of his saber. Part of him wishing to ignite the weapon and tear into the padawan particle by particle to free him from the turmoil of his own thoughts. The memories it's opposition, the past clinging to the hope of his own departure, and releasing her to accomplish her own goal. His boots felt rooted to the ground in that moment, an uneasy calm about him as the conflict within him brought itself to a stalemate.

His mask twitched, the voice changer shut off as a once familiar sound came from behind it to float across the chaotic winds around them.

"Please turn away and leave, Ura."

Tarish spoke quietly, a tremor running through his weapon hand as he struggled to keep himself at peace in that moment. If only to give her a chance to be free of him.

Escorting the Younglings
Ossus Jedi Temple
Tags: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Eyeing this Thesh fellow through the crack of the security door, Thirdas could tell neither was gonna come out and just say he's one of the bad guys. Still, the fact that the two hadn't chopped each other to pieces yet made him reconsider. The kids needed to get out, no matter what.

"Fair enough," came his simple answer as he yanked the door wide open, much to the outrage of some of the elders who demanded to know what he was doing. He wasn't even from this temple, so who was this youngster to call the shots?

Thirdas turned, towering over each and every one of them. "We're getting these children out. You lot can stay, for all I care. Protect your precious archives, or whatever."

Looking down at Lee-Loo clinging to him, the two shared a determined nod as they were the first to exit the meditation chambers, prompting a boat-load of younglings to follow their example. "Thirdas Heavenshield, Lieutenant, Antarian Rangers," he decided to introduce himself properly to the pair. "This brave little girl is Lee-Loo."

The Togrutan waved as she peeked out from behind him.

"Thank you," he looked to Thesh and offered a small bow of his head. "For your help."

Another explosion rocked the building, causing a cry of worry from the younglings.

"Gentlemen, after you!"

O S S U S - T E M P L E
His Twintail's sensors were a constant wail of noise. He muted them, stretching out with his senses to let the Force tell him what was important. He had angled towards the planet's atmosphere, watching the range rings on his display around the Sith capital ships. He was going to have to enter the danger zone, but wanted a plan first.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar was here, so was Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

He had no idea what Kyra was doing back at Ossus and it pained him a little not to know, but he had bigger problems. Listening to the local comms chatter the temple was being evacuated.

A burst of cronau radiation signalled the arrival of more starfighters. Friendly IFFs. Acaadi made a split second decision and angle down for the atmosphere. The Silver vessels could hold the line.

"This is Acaadi Tam, heading down to the temple to escort any evacuation ships getting ready to depart."

Errix Feh'room



OBJECTIVES: Knock out the Space Relay.
LOCATION: Aboard the Imperial II-class Frigate
TAGS: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Gir Quee Gir Quee

The moment seemed to take years to pass. Fighters engaged one another in a seamless dance with no sound. Explosions and streaks of laser fire creating a painting only the most abstract observer could enjoy. Feh'room was silent, the one overseeing him surely watching every moment of this with intense scrutiny. His fathers shame was a yoke that he would shrug off with victory, if only he could-

"Sir! Hyperspace signals detected behind-"

The fabric of space seemed to rip itself apart, and the hope of success with it. Dread settled in slowly, like a creeping vine over a beloved garden bed. This chance at redemption had been given with no room for error. And the failure of foresight had reared it's ugly head.

He watched in stunned quiet as the ordinance leapt from the fresh bombers. His own bombers did their best to compete, some breaking away to a poor attempt at fleeing. Others simply accepting their fate as they unloaded as many missiles at the frigates in a final hoorah. A grand number of them allowed chaff and flares to rocket out and away in a desperate attempt at last ditch countermeasures.

The self-oxidizing flares ignited, burning bright as chaff reflected the shine in a myriad of directions.

Only a few were spared, and only because of their direct attempt at putting distance between themselves and the incoming fire. A large swathe of bombers erupting as they were drawn into themselves and their squads with the detonations of the specialized missiles.

Errix was stricken with perplexed calm, examining the situation from afar as though it wasn't happening. Several missiles attempted to disable the DP20's moving forward. A large gutting of the forward most vessel as the bridge caught one that broke through the shielding and enveloped the entirety of the nose with a force that left a crumpled and flashing mess behind.

The engines sputtered, several remaining alight as it pressed forward without a command to stop. Crews in the aft sections amiss of the situation as they continued firing on targets of opportunity as they slowed to a crawl through space occupied with deathseeds and the new bombers.

The other two suffered minor damage in comparison, taking the hits largely on shields and laying down fire with near reckless abandon on the incoming missiles and bombers. The lancer frigates did what they could as they moved forward in the commotion to cut off further attacks against the Perilous.

The two knocked out DP20's began to restore power to sections, unable to command the entire vessel as engines came online. Navigation was still out as they slowly picked up speed headed towards Ossus. Crews scrambled to repair wiring that had burned with the electrical overload. All the while firing their turbolasers and laser cannon teams kept themselves prepared for the moment their systems came back online as bodies moved around them to reestablish the connections.

"Junior Lieutenant Feh'room, please make haste to the hangar and prepare to depart via Lamda shuttle." The Assessors voice called from the comms station, the operator having put them on the loudspeaker rather than relay the message.

The Assessor had been largely pleased with what he had seen. Nothing incredibly impressive, but also no remarkable failures as of yet. The situation had been largely set in their favor given the surprise. But that advantage had been a façade it seemed when hyperspace signals disturbed the peace aboard the Guardian. Alarms rang at the emergence of enemy bombers, and their immediate dispersal of ordinance upon Feh'room's fleet ahead.

Even though he was here to simply oversee the young man, there came a feeling of indignation at the disturbance to his business. A feeling that made him wish to correct this perceived wrong doing as he opened the communication line between the capital ships.

"Junior Lieutenant Feh'room, please make haste to the hangar and prepare to depart via Lamda shuttle." He called through the line, nearly allowing his boiling temper to seep through and into his tone as he heard the young man attempt to make a rebuttal.


"The circumstances of this observation have changed, forcing my hand. Make haste. To the hangar. And board a shuttle, Junior Lieutenant. Your attempt to remedy your shame will be for naught should you perish here. And you would be unable to benefit the Kainate from the potential I see in you." He hedged the conversation as the Guardian began to near the tail end of the Perilous. "Board the shuttle, and I will give my recommendation for a promotion should you survive this."

A trembling voice came back across the line. He didn't bother to discern the cause.

"Affirmative, Commodore. Feh'room, out." It had taken a bit more persuading than he had liked, but it was also a sign of willingness to act as well as stay in the fight. Something he wished to see benefit the Kainate more than see it fall above the skies of a jedi planet. Should the boy fall elsewhere would be of his own doing.

"All stations begin combat actions and assist the Perilous and her supporting vessels." The commodore ordered, feeling the array of turbolasers begin firing into the fray, unflinching as the fire caught their own interceptors in the mix. Point defense lasers and ion cannons taking aim at anything that drew near enough to catch their ordinance.

-Errix's first 2 DP20's headed toward the planets surface still while attempting to salvage their vessels.
-DP20's have suffered a direct loss and have begun to fire weapons at anything enemy.
-Sith Bombers have suffered a substantial hit.
-Chaff and Flares have been deployed in large scale.
-Assessor is assisting Errix's fleet directly.
-Assessor's remaining fleet formation is protecting the interdictor.
-Interdictor is still active.
Objective: 1
Location: Underground bunker, halls
  • Beskar'gam
  • Beskad
  • Tomahawk
  • Mandalorian ripper (pistol variant)
  • Blaster rifle
Allies: Soloman Priest Soloman Priest
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

In the span of just a few minutes the lightsaber was extinguished and fell to the floor. It didn’t exactly fill her with all the hope in the galaxy, but it put them in a slightly better position than they had been. The odds of retaliation now were slim to none, but everything she’d been taught growing up told her to ignore that comfort. Still, she had to hand it to Soloman. Maybe he knew what he was doing after all, despite the chain of events that had led them to this point in the first place.

While he dealt with the threat directly in front of them, she kept track of those that could emerge from their surroundings at any given moment. It seemed that the majority of the fighting had quickly left the bunker, most of the personnel assuming that those responsible for the blackout had completed their objective and left before the storm descended from on high. That had been wishful thinking on her part, apparently. She’d have to have a talk with him about what getting out quickly meant before they worked together next. If they did.

“Let’s wrap it up, ‘lek? We’ve spent enough time here as it is.” Again she spoke just to Soloman, remaining a silent, faceless figure to anyone else. Still that ever-present bite to her words, one that was becoming more obvious to be part of her personality than anything really personal. Where other Mandalorians were fire, she was ice, but even that had its limits. This day had lasted too long already.

She’d need to talk with Maliphant about the rest of this Frumentarii business, once they made it out.
There was hesitation, though he wouldn't have expected any less, consideration, from the one behind the door. If there hadn't been hesitation, Thesh might have had a few choice words to say... but there was. Yet all the same, soon enough, the door was opened and the towering man stepped forth with an entire gaggle of younglings matching his oversized step. Well, not matching but certainly trying to.
Another name was given, then a third. Thirdas and Lee-Loo. He nodded once, though it felt weird to once again be greeted by Jedi in such a fashion rather than at the cutting edge of a blade.
"Least I can do. As I say, I'm not here for them."
When the explosion rocked the area his eyes immediately darted to the kids. They were afraid, rightfully so, but all remained on their feet and all continued to move in unison. Brave little buggers weren't they? He supposed they had to be.
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was already heading out so he followed after him, hoping to take the lead at some point so he could direct them the correct way, from the conflict and out of the battlefield. All doubt he'd had was pushed to the back of his mind, he'd deal with the repercussions for his actions later.
Nothing more was said until the way forward came with strife, though Starlin took the brunt of it and knocked out the Sith who had tried to accost them. There were more coming, but he knew that if they continued on there'd be nothing there to stop them. They just had to keep moving.
"I'll lead, one of you take up a position at the back. We can do this..."
His hand reached for the lightsaber at his waist, and though he didn't wish to ignite it in front of the children he held it all the same in anticipation of the next who came into their path. He didn't want to cut down one of his brethren, so he hoped that no more would jump out at them, that they'd remain to the rear so a Jedi could deal with them instead.
In their haste to move, one of the children closest to him tripped and without giving it much thought Thesh caught them through the Force and hoisted them back up. But the experience had knocked much of the adrenaline from them, that brief fear-biting moment of falling, and the young one's wobbling legs seemed as though they could hold him no longer. He picked the lad up, knowing it would make things a little more difficult if they were engaged, and pressed on.
In his mind he saw Micah in all of them. That tricksy young Sith he'd once been charged with the care of. Why were the children always being dragged into matters that did not concern them? They should have been with their families, they should have been attending school, and playing in the evenings, not this.
Anything but this.
That thought brought to mind another issue though. How could he ensure that they'd be safe once out of the Temple proper? Grundark Grundark was in control of their ground forces, would he understand the choice Thesh had made here? Would he help, or at least have his men turn a blind eye? His mind went back to the Pilgrimage they'd made, to fight the dreaded Sithspawn of some far off world, and the way he'd been with himself and Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin ... Somehow he felt like the cragmoloid would understand, even if no other did.
So he sent the man a quick message, while they made their way toward the southern entrance, explaining what he'd done, and asking for the assistance he required.
"I'll take full responsibility," he tacked on to the end, the last thing he needed was for any other Sith to get into trouble because of this, "I just don't want to see them harmed. They're just children..."
Last edited:

Objective: Regicide
Focus: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Allies: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Cato Demora Cato Demora Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Irina Volkov Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan Caedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Maja Fiore Nathaniel Wellchoestor

Blood poured down out the wound on his head, hot and slick he wiped it away to keep it from his eyes even as Caltin began circling. This was why he liked hammers, had that blow been made by a hammer even though it glanced off his brain would be mush right now. Not that he felt much better then mush. Inside the force churned though, the madness pulling him towards the force rage which would make these wounds forgotten behind the pure power of giving into the madness of the dark side. Still he held firm though, he could win this fight without that.

The message from Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn came in about the same time the clouds began to darken, and even it dawned on him what was happening he already knew it was too late. Reaching out with the force he pulled his greatsaber too him, but it was too far too late already. Raising his arm up he ignited the blue blade just a moment to late as a bolt zapped through him reminding him all too much of his fight with Chasianna Chasianna just a short while ago. He really just needed to learn a better way to defend against electricity it was turning out.

Smoke rose from his body as lines of scorched and erupted flesh poured more blood down his body as the Cragmoloid just stood there for a minute still. He hadn't even known it was possible to do such a thing, much less been ready to defend from it. There was still so much to learn it seemed. A very painful amount to learn.

Hitting his commlink he spoke through grunted breathes as the force held him together. "All herd forces leave the southern corridor open for the retreating younglings. All airstrikes and bombardments are also to avoid the area on my orders." Switching to the boy alone real quick the Cragmoloid kept it short with enough focusing problems already. "Get out once the children are out, you're not a warrior little one and there is no shame in that. This isn't where you belong, and remember this in the dark days ahead of you." There was no note of disappointment in that, rather a simple pleased observation. He'd been right about the boy.

Taking another breath he rose his blade again realizing he'd been foolish to throw it off in the first place. The rage called to him just a heartbeat away the pain would be gone and with it he would be with out limit it said. He knew the lie though, and with a grin he pushed it back too. Better to die with honor then live that again. Laughing as he tasted the salty taste of his own blood away he embraced his joy of battle instead and lifting his head back as his opponent gestured him on he laughed again heartily letting the force fill him in joy rather then hate. Pulling it deep inside his hide again the blow slowed a bit, but it wasn't healing, more akin to simply holding it all in place and pretending there was no wound. Unlike the Jedi's light sided healing there would indeed still be a reckoning for the Cragmoloid when his focus slipped.

"Pick it up, my foolishness deserves no such reward. Let us finish this." Giving a moment for the Jedi to pick up Grundark attempted to keep the Jedi within the maximum distance for his greatsaber as he brought it in a wide slash from right to left at hip level. It was a good day to be alive.



Location: Ossus Temple
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (both unless specified)
Grundark Grundark

The battle ahead was something he had been preparing for. Not specifically, but all of the training, all of the duels, all of the spars and the damaged, as well as severed relationships, Caltin was prepared for every possible outcome. This may not the type of battle he was expecting, but it was coming nonetheless. What surprised him was what he was seeing, and even hearing. Was this Sith actually clearing a path for youngling Jedi to escape? Or was this a pathway to trafficking? There were more than enough Jedi currently in and around the Temple to take that chance and for once he was going to rely on the others for that.

As the beast charged at him, Caltin simply held out his weapon to block, but his free hand was up, palm facing Grundark as well.

If what you just said is true, I ask one request. We hold to allow them the chance to get to safety. I'm going nowhere, I'm sure you are neither. After they are clear of this, I give you my word we can complete this.

He didn't get the chance as some nameless Acolyte took the opportunity to attack Caltin with lightning from behind. This only served to anger him as he turned to face the would-be aggressor and be met by a second. The increased volts brought him momentarily to a knee but angered Caltin to the point that he fought to his feet and not only blocked their lightning, but fired back his own. Then the third one...



Objective 3
Location: Ventilation shaft, heading for the bridge
Writing with: Dis Dis

Trusting Dis had been the right decision. The feline shadow moved ahead of her, ensuring that the route ahead of them was safe. The network of ventilation shafts and maintenance tunnels had been unpleasant, but it had helped her move through the ship with astounding speed. And more importantly, helped her avoid the raging battle that would've kept her pinned and occupied. Now, however, she had to move through the final few hallways of the top floor to reach her destination.

Sakadi glanced over her shoulder as she quickened her pace. There was no one here. The top floor felt abandoned compared to the lower decks. Here, she could even hear her own light footsteps echo slightly through the corridor. She had her suspicions as to why the top floor was so empty. The crushing presence of the Dark side emanated from the bridge with a magnitude she had only felt a handful of times before. If something so powerful resided there, then there was really no need to guard every corner leading up to the bridge. After all, it was not like they stood a chance when they did manage to reach it.

Her attention was swiftly drawn back to the shadowcat. "The Jedi, you ask?" It had become a rarity to find someone in this war-torn galaxy who had yet to learn about the Jedi. "We are Force-users, united in our quest to understand the mysteries of the Force." Sakadi began. She held her unignited lightsaber in her hand as she followed Dis, ready for any surprises. ""We strive to learn, teach, and live in harmony with ourselves, but also with other beings and, of course, the Force." She took a moment to focus on the path ahead as they turned a corner. "We do so by giving up our individual attachments, so we may focus on the greater concerns and be the keepers of peace in this galaxy. But sadly, some of us have taken it too far and transitioned into crusaders and warriors. A mistake we have made several times in our history, and one I fear may have consequences in our near-future as well." It was a deeper underlying concern she had, but not one she wanted to unload on Dis. "Other than that, we're a lovely bunch." She continued on a much lighter note. This was not the time for dark thoughts. There was already enough darkness aboard this ship.

As they turned the last corner, they finally ran into some Imperial soldiers. While she was never relieved to fight, the fact that there were still guards around made it feel a whole lot less like walking into a trap.

Her approach seemingly startled the two guards. By the time they raised their guns, she had already motioned with her arm. The two guards were flung against the wall, by her quick telekinetic assault, their bodies dropping motionless to the floor. Not dead, but unconscious. When they woke up, the headache would not be pleasant.

Sakadi nodded as Dis explained what awaited them. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but are you able to defend yourself? I will not take their lives, but I am not almighty. I cannot promise that I will be able to defend us both." She was just one Jedi, against an overwhelming darkness. Certainty of death. A small chance of success…. Well, what am I waiting for?
Objective: Defend the Red Dragon and holonet bouy
Allies: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles
Enemies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Whatever the exploration ship was going to do was out of Arthos' hands at this point in time and as another attack occurred against the port side. Apparently they were focusing their firepower on the Admiral's side, but so far it had been all fighters and bombers. They'd expected to face a higher number of those, or at least hoped to. With fighters tending to make most patrols with some support they'd gambled on the Korriban defense fleet being enough, and so far it was paying off.

"Passion's Rise, break off from formation and relieve the Admiral's ship behind the Red Dragon. All other Frigates watch covering zones for any fighters who venture to far away from the Admiral's ships, but maintain position. Captain, rotate the Asha to fire upon the enemy carrier with the hellbore. As soon as we're turned began firing the proton cannon as well. I expect efficiency with every shot, Captain."

Now that they were getting down to business the Sith Lord began to meditate again but with a different intent now. Fear and death lived inside his realm of influence now and the obelisk was beginning to pulse in space with darkness. Each death, each fear driven moment he sucked up into it and the most powerful of all the very moments of death. It meant he had to give up on his battle meditation efforts but this was war and sacrifices would always have to be made.

Star Destroyers:
1x SD-9s "Khan" Class Sith Star Destroyer - Asha
(2x deployed, no losses)​
(2x deployed, no losses)​
Fury and Firestorm
(4 deployed, no losses)​
Thunder // Passion's Rise // Dragon // Gauntlet


Tags: (surface duel) Skorne (enemy) Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla Errix Feh'room (ally) Gir Quee Gir Quee Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Yula Perl Yula Perl GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Equipment: Lightsaber
Fleet: Sunrise (Yurbian Arquitens, shields damaged, Engine 3 heavily damaged), Seagoer (Neebray-class cargo frigate: carrier conversion, shields damaged), 9x Deathseeds, 9x Y-TIEs, 4x YT-2000 freighters

Location: Ossus Surface

Ura was confused. How would he know she was training as a guardian. She stepped back, hearing the voice again.

Something wrong? What? She closed her eyes again as she thought. That didn't make sense. He couldn't have know.... Wait how did the voice not know? It was her right? But then he hit another nerve. Lervon biology. How heat effected them. She looked at the green crystals that had replaced what she lost, minus some newer crystals that came up more recently. She eyed him, trying to hold back from attacking out of anger.

"Heat might be a weakness of mine, but... but I won't just sit by and let another world fall! Not like what happened to my planet!" She kept a guarded position, ignoring the many Nos that the voice kept giving her. She couldn't just run though. Ura was a Jedi, but deep down that militia training she started never really left, even if it took her some time to find it again in a way that wasn't anger. But then the Sith spoke one more time. He told her, by name, to turn and leave.

She froze, deigniting her saber as the definition of her body seemed to fade for a second. The lervon looked, surprised as she looked at the Sith. That voice. It was.... No. No he was gone. He helped Amani. He was one with the Force. It couldn't.... Ura reignited the blade, getting back in a fighting stance.

"Who are you? How do you know me? Why do you sound like...?" The she felt another burst of fear, but it wasn't from her, or at least not just from her. It felt like it wasn't just her that was scared....

Location: Space above Ossus

Nalos looked out as the Jedi bombers a happiness washing ever her as she quickly gave out orders.

"They're targeting everything! Fire at those missile frigates!" The two Yurbian capitals would target the Sith missile frigates, firing out with their laser cannons, particle cannons, and turbolasers. Gir's transmission came in as Nalos looked out, and the Y-TIEs dove into another attack run, targeting the drifting DP20's with their laser cannons. Nalos looked over, hitting the comms.

"Right. We'll try to get...." She was then cut off by an impact from something. "What was that!"

"Missile managed to hit engine three! We can move, but we're limping." She nodded, looking out before calling out.

"All ships! Jump to the coordinates!" The helm nodded, quickly going to attempt to jump, but the jump computers wouldn't let them. They couldn't get the jump.

"Gravity wells ma'am!"

"You've got to be kidding me! Pull back!" The larger ships would then attempt to turn away from the interdictor, burning at full speed to get out of the well. Meanwhile, the YT-2000s began to drop some of their scrap payloads between the DP20s and Yurbian ships, hoping to give some antimissile defense, and using their turrets like a gunship. All the while the Deathseeds continued to attack the Sith strike craft.

  • The Seagoer and Sunrise open fire on the active DP20s, and Sunrise loses an engine.
  • The Y-TIEs attack the drifting DP20s.
  • YT-2000s drop some scrap and open fire.
  • The Deathseeds continue fighting.
  • All ships start pulling back.

Tags: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
Location: Ossus, Jedi Temple
Equipment: What is detailed in the character sheet.

She was better armed this time. Armour plates were visible, she carried a pike and the cross-guarded sabre she ignited seemed to be a new addition too. All that was missing now was the family sabre from last time. Mathieu felt rather silly now - it had not been that long ago since he had been given possession of the weapon and had her in his custody. And now, she appeared to be way more dangerous than last time. If only he had been more careful and not just dropped her off with the Masters on Voss. He had managed to talk to her. Maybe things would have been different if he hadn't just left. It was something which gnawed on his conscience as both their blades were locked. His eyes stared down at hers - but instead of looking to her with anger, he instead seemed to be looking through her at an abstract. There is no emotion, there is peace.

Of course, the Sith wouldn't want that to last - and once more she started to speak as their blades slowly drifted further away from their bodies. Both trying their best to reduce the threat to themselves as the weapons hummed aggressively in their locked state. It was obvious to see - there would soon be a chance to kick her away. He just had to wait until their blades were removed enough. Until then, he had little choice but to let her blabbering continue. Mathieu produced a careful nod upon being asked the question, still not fully having learned the lesson to shut the Sith down and lock them out.

Upon hearing her words on how she felt his friends die, Mathieu's eyes zapped back into the moment at hand - his concentration slightly rubbed as he now actively looked at her. No longer staring through her he flinched for a moment, giving up precious space which they had struggled for for the last few moments. "I feel it too" he said with a sad tone. Still, he was determined to keep fighting to save those who could still be saved. The struggle would continue until she seemed to gain a sudden burst of energy to push their blades apart. Seeing the opportunity which he had waited for present itself, Mathieu sent a force enhanced kick her way, just as she sent one to him. The impact was somewhat dampened by the fact that he turned sideways to kick her but with the tremendous strength she could put behind an attack and the fact that he only had one foot planted in the ground, her attack was bound to be effectful.

The large Padawan flew back several meters. He thanked his lucky stars that the bodyglove had so few gaps or else, snow was sure to have slipped in under it. He had little to thank for the kick however, as tremendous amounts of pain now coursed through him. Trading blows was really something he should make more of an effort to avoid - for this was far from sustainable. Letting out pained grunts, Mathieu rose to his feet, his eyes quickly darting around to his surroundings, noticing how unusually many of his allies who had been on their last legs now laid dead. "What did you do?" he asked, not even trying to hide his accusatory tone.

Communication Blackout
Yula Perl Yula Perl | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

Communication Blackout
Yula Perl Yula Perl | Open for opposition

A jitter ran up Kyra's spine as she crept through the dark hall. The spices left her senses dull, but she didn't need em to know something was off.

So the dreams had been right after all... Force be damned.

She told herself she wouldn't come, but clearly she had the self-control of a bowless bowl of jello- all jiggling everywhere whether or not it wanted to. ... Alright, weird comparison, but it was what she felt like as she stumbled through the dark halls. She wasn't too far gone that she couldn't summon a ball of light to assist her, she just didn't think it was wise. Whoever did this to the station probably had planned; turning herself into a beacon while they lurked about was a dumb idea even to her.

That was, if people were the cause at all. A pang of self-doubt crept forward-- shots went off around the corner.

Kyra cursed and threw herself backwards. She crab crawled back the way she came, not wasting time to flip over and find her feet as she found her way around the corner.

Oh, she was so right! She forced herself to concentrate and reach for the distant hum of the force. A dim ball of light appeared at her side, illuminating her cybernetic arm as she pulled up the controls. She frowned, her good hand bumbling about for the life form scanner. Which was... where again? Metal parted at her wrist. A sharp whistle filled the air.

A flair shot out of the cybernetic.


LOCATION | Ossus Communications Hub | Vent to Hall
ALLIES | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
ENEMIES | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

Slicing her way through the door—either electronically or literally—wasn’t her best option. Too risky while under attack, you’d never know who might catch a wink of the plasma blade burning through durasteel, or be plugged into the same network.

Yet again, Yula found herself crawling through the ventilation shaft. Emily was ahead of her, the little spider droid skittering a path through the ducts. “Wait!” Yula hissed, grabbing Emily by the leg and pulling her back suddenly. Just ahead of them, a few rays of dim light filtered through the grate. “Someone’s there.

Squeezing her way past the indignant droid, Yula peered over the edge of the grill. Her dark brows scrunched together tightly, pupils restricting with the sudden onset of light. Then she saw who it was.

She kicked through the grate, dropping from the ceiling at the same time a sharp whistle nearly pierced her eardrums. Hanging by the pads of her fingers, she swung her body to the side and narrowly dodged the flare. The projectile spiraled down the hall, screaming its big fat presence to this half of the communication hub before fizzling out.

With the beacon unfortunately lit, there was little time to act. “Kyra!” She snapped, eschewing introductions and grabbing her sister’s wrist. She dragged the younger Perl down the hall and around the corner, stopping only to push her against the cold durasteel wall. Yula’s hand went to Kyra’s chin, gripping it tightly while she turned her sister’s face this way and that—noting the lidded glaze of her eyes.

A shocked pause. “Feth, you’re high!” She snapped in disbelief. Nida’s disappearance had been especially hard on Kyra, and Yula felt a pang of guilt that she hadn’t intervened sooner. It had never crossed her mind that Kyra—the baby of the family—would turn to this sort of vice to dull her pain.

Yula huffed, blowing a strand of hair from her face in the process. They’d get to that later. Now…

“Kyra—Kyra, listen to me. We’re under attack. Someone took out the power.” They were quite literally in the dark, not knowing who their assailants were or how many had swarmed the facility. “I don’t know who it is, but I doubt that the bulk of their forces are here.” Ossus had more valuable targets, and hindering communication was likely only a piece of the plan. “Listen. Listen.” She motioned Emily forward, and the droid projected a map of the facility. “There’s a backup generator somewhere around here, underground.” She pointed a finger at the far end of the holo projection. “I don’t know if they’ve gotten to it yet, but judging that the explosions came from here,” Her hand shifted, this time to another end of the map. “There’s a decent chance it’s untouched. For now. We don’t know who they are or what they’re packing, so our better bet is to get to the backup. It won’t restore the entire hub, but it should be enough to get most critical systems running again if the infrastructure damage isn’t too bad.”

She paused, suddenly wondering if all that sank in. “You up to it? Lights go out, we fix them, yeah?” Another pause. “Seriously, if you’re not, you need to tell me now.”

The hairs at the back of her neck prickled in warning. Something was coming, moving in their direction.

“We need to go. Now.

Communication Blackout
Yula Perl Yula Perl | Open for opposition


Kyra abruptly found herself yanked down a hall, her ball of light dissipating as her attention was snatched.


"Yula?" She replied dumbly back, her resistance melting away as the elder Perl started checking out the state of her makeup.

"Feth, you're high."

Or was that her eyes.

She jerked her chin back, wordless noises of sibling grumbles falling from her as she tried to regain her orientation. "And you smell like noodles." She huffed as the dreaded spider driod named Emily came forward with a map. They were still mortal enemies, though perhaps now was a bad time to try and crush her again. "Just what is going on he-"

Yula's explanation left her wide-eyed, dread creeping through her stomach.

"An invasion?" she echoed, not responding to Yula's final, probing question. Did the sith never let it rest? Stress crept through her shoulders, her scalp tingling.

Was she up to it?

No. Absolutely not. She wanted to skip right out on out. Her palms itched for the feel of a drink. Her skin craved the deafening vibrations of a club. Anything to drown out the chilling silence of these halls. Goosebumps rose over her skin.

“Seriously, if you’re not, you need to tell me now.”

And what? Leave her sister to it all? Her jaw set, her legs growing a little steadier on the ground.

"Don't be a doofus, I came didn't I?"

She pushed herself to her feet, mentally cursing the trippy dreams that had predicted this event. Either the spices were that good, or she was growing stronger.

She grimaced into the darkness, feeling along the wall with a sweaty palm.

"I'm all out of flairs tho'."


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

"Don't have any friends on Ossus.", he said flatly, synthesized by the vocoder

Soloman wasn't actually sure of that statement, but he somehow doubted it. Doubled down by the flaming corpses in front of him, he stepped over them without a second glance as he looked around - hoping that if he did have any friends on this planet, they weren't nearby. He'd hate to have to put one down by surprise, but it was often the way things went when all your friends were killers for hire.

Soloman's boots were muddled by a slight dampening material on the soles - but it wasn't enough to truly mask his imposing figure or the sound of his approach. At least when he wasn't trying - so as they rounded the corner and saw the two Zeltron's moving away from them, he shot a round off between their heads hoping to force them to a halt.

"Freeze, aruetii.", he said with the gruffness of his people's tongue.

"Where's girlies like you running off to at this fine hour?", he mused as he moved to close the distance.

As he followed them, approached them, he offered through his internal comms where they couldn't hear him to Jorri -

"We're going to need hostages if things turn ugly. Get at least one of them, see if they know the easiest route out, then move."


LOCATION | Ossus Communications Hub | Vent to Hall
ALLIES | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
ENEMIES | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

Yula felt a brief measure of relief when Kyra seemed to absorb the explanation. Maybe she wasn’t completely lost in the sauce after all. She studied her sister with scrutinizing eyes while she appeared to mull it over. The clench of her jaw told Yula everything, and the corner of her mouth peeled into a tense smile.

“Enough flairs for one day. Let’s get moving.”

The pair of Zeltrons stumbled into a jog down the hall, but their pursuers shored up the distance quickly.

A shot rang out overhead, pinging against the wall and Yula ducked on instinct, squeezing Kyra's hand. A glance to the side and the fact that her sister hadn't dropped to dead weight kept her heart from thudding out of her chest.

“Freeze, aruetii.”

Mandalorians??” She hissed to Kyra with an incredulous tone. The Mandos and Jedi had a tenuous relationship at best, but lately, they’d been keeping to themselves. Still, war was their religion. She hadn’t expected this.

“Bathroom emergency!” Yula called back, sending them into a zigzag pattern as they rounded another corner. “My sister’s got the runs real bad!” Which wasn’t far from the truth, considering what spice did to your gastrointestinal track.
Objective: 1
Location: Ossus, underground bunker
  • Beskar'gam
  • Beskad
  • Tomahawk
  • Mandalorian ripper (pistol variant)
  • Blaster rifle
Allies: Soloman Priest Soloman Priest
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Taking hostages wasn't a bad plan, in theory. Guaranteed them a way out and kept combat to a minimum. But even someone like her was wary of going toe-to-toe with a Jedi with the express intent of not killing them. She'd rather have taken their chances finding a way out on their own, but in the end their odds of ending up facing another Jedi were about the same. Better to have collateral.

"Sure, why not. We haven't tempted fate enough yet," Jorii shot back over that same private line. Whether it was another jab was hard to tell, but it was obvious she wasn't entirely on board with the strategy, nor expressly against. What was done was done, and it was a matter of rolling with the punches now.

Begrudgingly she switched her rifle to stun, watching as their quarry took off around the next corner. At least they were smart. She took off after them, stopping near the beginning of the next hallway and sighting through the scope of her rifle, lining up her next shot as best she could with the zigzag they were running in. She let off two shots in quick succession, pressing forward regardless of their success. Either they would get backed into a corner, or be inadvertently led to the exit. There were worse odds out there.

"I hope you don't expect me not to kill them if they stand their ground." She left it at that. It wasn't a matter of fear, but common sense. Her clan had raised her to treat Force-users with absolute prejudice, and some things just didn't change.

Communication Blackout
Yula Perl Yula Perl | Open for opposition

A shot whizzed by Kyra's head, the wind in her hair sending a chill down her spine.

That close, huh?

She blinked hard, trying to will her head into clearing. A small voice in the back of her mind screamed at her to smarten up, but she couldn't. The haze clung to her, fueled by the shocking events that she walked into.

She had come here suspecting something would go down, and yet she stared through the dim darkness with a look stupidity plastered across her parted lips.




She felt herself be yanked away. Her sister's urgency drove her forward, their connected hands giving Kyra an all too unwelcomed line into Yula's emotions. Her legs obeyed where her head couldn't. She jogged erratically, her pestering inner voice morphing into her master's. Be aware of your surroundings.

Yeah, okay! Sorry! She fecked that up!

Pew pew.

Her attention sharpened. She tried to jerk herself to the si- heat exploded over her shoulder. Her body seized up, the stun bolt sizzling its way through her muscle sheaths. For a flickering moment, the pain parted the fog...

And then she hit the ground. Her hand locked up and froze up inside her sister's grip, no doubt holding Yula back.


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

"Doesn't work if we kill the hostages.", he said as his heavy foot falls carried him past her - with a surprising speed considering how heavy the armor seemed to look. For his sake, it was due to the exoskeleton understructure that made his Beskar'gam nearly weightless to him - but for others, it was a nice intimidation factor to see the massive man charging them.

As he closed the distance to the fallen Kyra, and Yula desperately trying to pick her up and carry her, his foot would shoot out to hopefully land directly in Yula's ribs. He would have gone for the head, even activated the repulsor lift in his heel, but he wasn't exactly looking to take her head off - or discombobulated her too much. Just a sharp kick as revenge for making him run.

As soon as his foot would likely land, he pulled the other pistol from its holster and aimed one at each of them. The beskar'gam's helmet digitized his voice slightly as he began to speak;

"You have about ten seconds to tell me the emergency routines in this facility, where the exit is, and how many people I'll meet on the way.", he said with a harsh gruffness.

"And I'm not good at counting, so don't test my patience."

That sounded tougher in his head.


LOCATION | Ossus Communications Hub | Hall
ALLIES | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
ENEMIES | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

Like any well-planned attack, the assailants on Ossus had come as a total surprise. In the span of a few minutes, they had managed to cut the power to the communication hub and invade the facility. Yula didn’t know how many of them there were, if the Mandalorians were the sole invaders, or if they’d contracted their services to another power. Both were possible, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter why they were there, and it didn’t matter whatever the bigger picture was.


Kyra’s dead weight was what Yula had dreaded the most. Taking care of her sister wasn’t a burden, but when she felt her arm stretch with the heaviness of Kyra’s stillness, her heart thudded wildly in her throat. Suddenly, she was acutely aware of the tightness of Kyra’s grip. “Damnit!” She hissed with raw irritation, concern lining her tone. Yula’s worry for her sister, amplified by their physical connection, would be palpable to the young empath. She shook her sister by the good shoulder, urging her to get up without words. Emily skittered her way to Kyra's slumped form, alternatively chirping in concern and trying to hide in fear among the fallen Zeltron.

Nida had been hanging by a hair’s breadth over the point of no return for the longest time. Yula refused to come close to losing another sister today. A good marksman, an unfortunate stumble, a chance—it didn’t matter what had brought her sister down. Their chance for a clean escape was rapidly dwindling, but the Perl family never went quietly into the night. Her hand left Kyra’s shoulder, reaching to the side of her hip and retrieving a cylindrical hilt.

Their initial pursuer had closed the gap in a matter of seconds. Yula tensed, the adrenaline of being hunted and the baser urge to protect her family fueling her hypervigilance. In an instant, she had disconnected from Kyra and turned sharply on both feet, whirling around while activating her sister’s lightsaber. Cerulean streaks burned a brilliant path through the dead air, angling downward slightly to catch the Mandalorian’s foot before it could make contact with her ribs. She doubted the blade would be able to sear its way through his beskar’gam, but the pressure she put behind the plasma blade was enough to keep her lungs from being punctured.

She could see her hard-eyed gaze reflected in the gloss of Soloman's helmet, determined to protect her injured sibling.

“Ooh, what’s the matter—didn’t plan your exit strategy, big guy? I don’t work for free, give me your info and I’ll send you my consulting fee.” Yula chortled in derision, pressing back against the foot and pushing away from the Mandalorian, one hand splayed back towards her sister in both a gesture of protection and to aid her balance. She was acutely aware that there was at least another one in the vicinity, which would make this tricky. At least they were after information, not lives.

“They never taught you how to count in Mando school? That’s saaad.
Objective: 1
Location: Ossus, underground bunker
  • Beskar'gam
  • Beskad
  • Tomahawk
  • Mandalorian ripper (pistol variant)
  • Blaster rifle
Allies: Soloman Priest Soloman Priest
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

As soon as one of them dropped she knew the next few moments were either going to go very well or end with at least one of the three of them dead. Still, Jorii didn't stop Soloman from pressing the advantage, coming up behind him as he charged the one still standing. It was better to keep their kind backpedaling and not give them a chance to recoup and counter. She'd experienced firsthand what happened in that instance, and been raised on tales of worse.

All of that came to the forefront of her mind once the lightsaber ignited. In a split second the rules of engagement had changed. Her rifle was slung across her back in favor of the ripper she drew with her off hand, bringing it to bear on the other woman and aiming for center mass. If there was one thing they couldn't block, it was slugs, and she felt better knowing that if the attempt was made the only reward was melted lead in her face.

There was no need to communicate her change of strategy to Soloman, as he knew full well what that lightsaber meant. Mandalorians were raised to kill Jedi, and here was the chance to prove just that.

"Think carefully about how you want this to end. All you need to do is tell us where the exit is and what our odds are of running into any of your friends. Everyone can walk away." That was becoming less and less likely the longer this confrontation dragged on, and as good as their odds were she wasn't keen on testing them. Damn Jedi.


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Where Jorii had seen it fit to shoot at the standing zeltron, Soloman knew that fighting a Jedi was rarely about going directly at them. Unlike his Mandalorian brethren who chose to overwhelm Jedi with bigger and bigger guns, Soloman had some strategy in mind - but it was what had garnered him the marred reputation for being less than honorable.

All was fair in love and war, he imagined. So he took advantage of both in a single move. His two handguns twisted to point directly at the Zeltron still on the ground, hammers cocked, fingers already through the first stage of his trigger - even slightly more pressure releasing two verpine rounds directly into the drugged up Perl. His vocoder came through slower this time - darker than it was a moment before.

"These pistols have targetting assistance. Push me with the Force, move in a way I don't like, and your friend gets two to the head. Don't make me slip, Jedi - they didn't teach me how to clean in Mando school either, and I'm about to make a mess."

He motioned with his head towards Jorii without taking his eyes off Yula -

"Listen to my friend. Put the saber down, and you both might live."

Communication Blackout
Yula Perl Yula Perl | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla



Yula's fear was sobering. Flickers of her thoughts reached Kyra through the contact-- Not another sister. The words rattled her to her core. She hadn't paused to consider how Yula was handling the near loss of their other siblings. Kyra had simply assumed that she had been the only one affected. It was shallow of her, she realized. The intensity of Yula's fear shot through her like electricity.

Yanno maybe she had made a mistake.

Her face laid smushed into the ground, her breath fogging up the dirty tile. She should have thought this through more. She had been chasing a half-hazy dream and ended right back in the brutal reality of their work.

Her master's face bubbled up inside her mind, a phantom look saying it all.

Oh shut up. She groaned wordlessly, protesting the threats occurring over her head. No matter how much she screamed at her limbs to move and help, they laid unmoving. She tried to will her mind to clear, but will power alone couldn't clear her senses.

The spices she had taken to drown out the world drowned out the very skill that could save their lives. She could feel it pulsing in the cloudy distance.

The Force.

She had been shying back from it for months. She had witnessed the genocide of Myrkr. Tapped in, the empath had felt the death and heard the anguish of the billions the sith had eradicated in an instant. Every day it echoed in her psyche, reminding her of what might happen again if she reached out.

Her sister's fear pulsed through the air.

Not another sister. She steeled herself and reached out a quivering mental hand for the power.

The warmth of the force crept over her.


LOCATION | Ossus Communications Hub | Hall
ALLIES | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
ENEMIES | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla

Might live?

Yula was surprised by the measure of patience displayed by the Mandalorians. Maybe they taught negotiation in Mando school.

Her expression never withdrew, sharp features hardened with concentration. She might have been nimble enough to slip away and disappear into a vent, or disrupt the mechanical systems of their armor or weapons if she could get in closer. On her own, she might have been able to get away.

But she wasn’t on her own.

And she didn’t need to glance over her shoulder to know that her sister, ill and injured, had the muzzle of more than enough blasters pointed at her. Yula operated on taking risks—some measured, some not—and reveled in the thrill of her success and failure alike. Even if they were bluffing, and she was fairly certain they weren’t, she refused to play roulette with Kyra’s life.

The brilliant blue blade disappeared in an instant, its hilt clattering to the floor as Yula raised both hands, palms up to the Mandalorian in front of her.

“Fine. Don’t hurt her.”


Objective I: Blackout
Allies: Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

"Good girl.", Soloman said slowly, watching her through the built in HUD of his helmet.​
Priest put one of the pistols away, but kept the other trained on Kyra; letting the other slip back into its magnetic lock on his hip. With the same hand he reached into his belt and tossed a Datapad to her - pointing to it as she caught it;​
"I need you to point out the fastest way out of here, where we're likely to find your friends, and anything we might've missed. Can't have Ossus making any outbound calls now, can we?", he said once more.​
"And for good measure - when you're done pointing them out, you'll be taking a walk with us out of this place. If you want to save some lives, your pink friend here's included, best you get some good information. And quick."​

Objective: 1
Location: Underground bunker, halls
  • Beskar'gam
  • Beskad
  • Tomahawk
  • Mandalorian ripper (pistol variant)
  • Blaster rifle
Allies: Soloman Priest Soloman Priest
Enemies: Yula Perl Yula Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

In the span of just a few minutes the lightsaber was extinguished and fell to the floor. It didn’t exactly fill her with all the hope in the galaxy, but it put them in a slightly better position than they had been. The odds of retaliation now were slim to none, but everything she’d been taught growing up told her to ignore that comfort. Still, she had to hand it to Soloman. Maybe he knew what he was doing after all, despite the chain of events that had led them to this point in the first place.

While he dealt with the threat directly in front of them, she kept track of those that could emerge from their surroundings at any given moment. It seemed that the majority of the fighting had quickly left the bunker, most of the personnel assuming that those responsible for the blackout had completed their objective and left before the storm descended from on high. That had been wishful thinking on her part, apparently. She’d have to have a talk with him about what getting out quickly meant before they worked together next. If they did.

“Let’s wrap it up, ‘lek? We’ve spent enough time here as it is.” Again she spoke just to Soloman, remaining a silent, faceless figure to anyone else. Still that ever-present bite to her words, one that was becoming more obvious to be part of her personality than anything really personal. Where other Mandalorians were fire, she was ice, but even that had its limits. This day had lasted too long already.

She’d need to talk with Maliphant about the rest of this Frumentarii business, once they made it out.

'No,' she tried to say. It only formed into a wheeze. She could count the passing of the time with each slam of her heart against her rib cage. She tried to will herself to focus on the warmth of the force at her finger tips. It was hard to hold onto-- hard to control. That had been the point when she had injected the spice into her veins. She slogged through that, urging the force to seep through her.

Detoxification was not a skill she had ever mastered. Classroom lessons usually weren't. She hadn't paid attention like she should have that day, but she was pretty sure the concept remained the same.

Use the force to pull the toxins out of you. Or push. Or purify. Or whatever! She wasn't looking for an A here, she only wanted-- a small gasp of relief hit her lips as clarity hit her.

It was slow. Clumsy. But the task got easier with each wave of detoxification she pumped through her core. Nida would be so p-...

Her fingers twitched as she clamped down on that thought, the only part of her to betray her recovery. 'Ugh. I can taste your stress from here.' Came the unrefined mental intrusion into Yula's mind.

'Calm down. Lie. I'm the jedi. Say you don't know.'

Yula would get the vaguest sensation that Kyra was recovering, the girl's half cooked attention shifting down to toes that she could feel with growing clarity.

One unspoken concept flittered clearly between the two.

Surprise would be their friend.

'You know any trashchutes?'

Last edited:



"Captain Drake, more men would simply lead to more attention to your crew I believe. Very well, land and wait out this battle and perhaps you can join in on the prosperity that will follow in it's wake. Do not approach any Sith warships and you have my word you will not be fired upon. May chains never bind you."

"Long live the Empire?"

But the transmission was already cut off at the source. Maybe for the best. Atlas didn't exactly keep up to date on Sith politics. He ordered the Constellation's pilot to accelerate back up to full sublight. Nerit's atmosphere was now only a few minutes away. It certainly looked like sanctuary from up here. A peaceful forest moon totally at odds with the anarchy no doubt currently reigning on Ossus.

"We really gonna cut and run, Drake?" Q² finally asked what everyone else on the command deck was thinking, "Trust the Sith to keep their word?"

Atlas looked at the AI hologram. His expression was one of grim resolve.

"No," he said, "We're not."

Instead of landing on Nerit the Constellation entered a slingshot orbit. Slowly building up speed their view of verdant green below erupted in a hellfire of atmospheric turbulence. Gravitational stresses on the hull and worn out engines pushed well past their operational parameters joined together into one terrible groan. His survey ship arced across the sky like a shooting star. Then night overtook them as they passed over onto the moon's dark side.

"Mayday, mayday. This is Captain Drake of the survey ship Constellation to any Concord vessel that can hear me. We are stranded here in Adega system. Long range communications are out. If you can keep the Sith occupied, I am willing to attempt a direct interface with the holonet relay in orbit."

His crew stared at him.

"What do you mean by direct interface, cap'n?"

"I mean," he grinned, "Someone is going to have to take a spacewalk and dial out at the source."

"That's insane."

"Welcome to the Constellation."

They were really picking up speed now. Soon the survey ship would complete its circumvention of the forest moon and reappear on sensors to any ships in orbit of Ossus. At speeds well beyond what any TIE fighter was capable of, Captain Drake plotted a course which would aim them at the relay like a las bolt. He wanted to avoid taking life if possible but he would rather gamble on his own crew's resourcefulness than place his trust in a stranger to spare their lives.

Equipment: EVA Suit, Glie-44 Navy, Tehk'la Blade, Monocular
Allies: Gir Quee Gir Quee Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei
Enemies: Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea Errix Feh'room

  • Perform slingshot maneuver around forest moon. Now on high speed approach to holonet relay in orbit.
  • Contact Silver Jedi forces behind sensor cover of Nerit on an emergency frequency provided by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser .
Last edited:

Caedyn Arenais


Objective II: Defend the Ossus Jedi Temple
Inventory: Staff Lightsaber | Jedi robes
Allies: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius , The Silver Jedi Concord
Opposition: Cato Demora Cato Demora


The Force was drawn to the Jedi Knight's calling, flowing in serene strength as Caedyn drew in upon the natural energies permeating life throughout the Temple and using it to heighten his reflexes, his reaction speed and strength of the body. That so much power could be called upon and yet still feel so placid, calming to the mind and rejuvenating, the Jedi were the clear counterpoint to the Sith who thrived upon chaos and raw emotion.

Cato Demora Cato Demora and his squad had anticipated the Jedi's trajectory and landing, the mistake of being airborne meaning that you would always paint a clear path of descent. These troopers were swift in their response and counter, yet again Caedyn used the Force to act as his shield, throwing up a wall of kenetic energy in front of him immediately slowing the shells as his feet touched down with the ground, giving him just enough time to throw himself sideways into an evasive roll and finding cover behind one of the Temple Pillers.

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius had found herself looking upon the scene and immediately moved to assist him, Caedyn looking back over his shoulder in alarm as she immediately sought close-quarters combat against the veteran squad.

Disengaging and returning his lightsaber to his belt, Caedyn opened and closed both hands, stretching the fingers in want to loosen the muscles while stepping back out into clear view and this time with both hands, despite the distance between him and the squad, he focused on three of the troopers while Syd sought to take them head-on, wanting to give her further support by pulling them all off of their feet.

Loose debris from the wall that had been damaged from the explosives the troops had used suddenly gave way due to the power that Caedyn was summoning, large chunks of permacrete being wrenched from what little had held them in place, as large as one's head, being wrought down against the flank of the troops.

They would have to be fast if they did not wish to hit by the falling debris, those to the rear of where Syd was aiming, otherwise open to try and counter her with their rifles were it not for Caedyn seeking to make the most of the distraction.​

Tarish Galland



OBJECTIVES: Objective 1.1/2 - Reveal himself to Ura.
LOCATION: On the Ground
ARMAMENT: Lighstaber
WEARING: Burial Raiment
FORMERLY ACCOMPANIED BY: 1 - Squad(8 soldiers) of Disciple Bois, 7 - Sith Interceptors, 5 - Sith Bombers
TAGS: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar (Enemy/Duel), Jorii Vizsla Jorii Vizsla Soloman Priest Soloman Priest Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

He had yet to swing his weapon. Had not even stirred within the force yet as exhaustion began to seap into his limbs. Two forces waged a war only eclipsed by the disdain and ill will the sith and jedi held for one another. Part of him wishing he had never stepped foot here, had never chased down that falling vessel. The other glad to be seeing an old face once more.

Even if it might be both of their undoing.

A heavy sigh came from the mask, before the lightsaber was clipped to his hip. A long and thoughtful pause given as he mustered the strength to move his arms. They felt heavier than they ever had. Even his dying moments with Amani had not worn him down this much.

Perhaps a flaw of using the force to reinforce his body at that time. Perhaps merely a sense of peace that had given him serenity in knowing he had done what he could.

Revealing himself seemed infinitely more difficult. It would have been easier to strike at her had she believed he was some nameless evil entity that had come crawling from the shadows to strike at them. Easier to goad and taunt if he hadn't allowed himself to get sentimental. But memories had won out against better sense in revealing too much.

His movements were calm, fluid against the weight that seemed to press down against them. Arms reaching up and undoing the seal about his helmet before it opened with a soft hiss. Settling it with a single grip, he removed the amulet hiding his presence from his skin. Popping the container from his belt and casting it aside as the helmet came loose.

"Because I am who you think of."

Black hair and pale skin greeted her. The once olive tone drained as amber colored eyes revealed themselves to her. The scar across his cheek, once ashen colored in his death, coursed and shone with every pulse of his hearts. The helmet fell to the ground, a sad expression where once a gleeful smile had been as he stared at her.

Nearly the same as he had been, but his presence was chaotic and filled with dark force energy.

"Hello Ura."

"...and she's gone." Reece said as he made it to cover with the other Paladins. Looking back, he found that the Jedi Auteme Auteme had left them. When, the Ranger couldn't exactly say, how, he really couldn't know.

"Who's gone?" Asked Doss.

"The girl, you know the Jedi from the holo-show. She was just with us?"

"I didn't see anyone, Sarge." Said Specialist Argos.

Leaning forward, Sergeant Doss whispered to Reece as quietly as he could amongst the din of battle. "You're...not still on the death-sticks, are ya?"

Reece glanced back to the advancing enemy before looking to his friend. A fire welled up inside of him and he wanted to lash out at his friend for even suggesting such a thing, but it was a fair question. Reece had struggled with addiction since he was a teen. It had gotten him thrown out of the Rangers once, and even sent to prison. Even when Captain, then Lieutenant, Rarr had gotten him reinstated-he hadn't been able to kick the habit for long.

But on Yurb, he had left his unit while he was high. They had died, and he had lived. Yes, he had managed to save a group of civilians, but that didn't change the fact that he had abandoned his brothers and sisters in their moment of need. He hadn't touched a stick in all the years since that battle. "No, Doss." Reece growled. "On Erris Lota's memory," He continued, evoking the Sergeant who had commanded them both. "I'm clean."

Doss appeared about to speak when another voice cut in.

"Jedi Auteme Auteme has been led in another direction," Said Beltran. There was an otherworldly quality to his voice, as if he wasn't entirely here. "The Force has a plan for us all. And ours is separate from hers."

"Captain," Chimed in Lieutenant Mrawr. "This would be a really good time to start making sense."

"I came here believing we needed to destroy this place." Beltran explained. "But that mission has already been undertaken by others. Our job is to help them, before they are overwhelmed. We must find Omega. We must protect them and aid them in their mission."

"I really hate it when he starts talking all Jedi..." Reece muttered.

Beltran had neither the time nor inclination to challenge that statement. What he was, even he himself didn't know. But he was no Jedi. Opening himself to the Force, Beltran allowed all the pain, fear and hatred that surrounded him to envelope him. Like Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis had taught him, he used those emotions to strength himself. Then with his men at his back, he leapt forward into the throng of oncoming enemy troopers.

Somersaulting in mid-air, Beltran dropped his rifle and drew his lightsaber in one hand, and his hand-cannon in his other. As he came to land in the center of the group, his blade flashed and whirred as he beheaded a pair of Sith troopers in a single swing. Turning on the momentum of that strike, he aimed his hand-cannon and fired, using the force to direct the baradium slug through another three bodies before it disintegrated.

Shouts of alarm sounded as the unit stopped and the confusion and terror set in. Beltran could feel their fear and it tasted delicious to him. Yes, He coaxed, forcing himself into the their minds even as he killed another two. I am the harbinger of your deaths. I will feast on your suffering. There was a terrible, primal hunger to his killing, each death seeming to drive the Lorrdian even further into frenzy.

Soon, of the platoon sized element that he had engaged, only a few managed to run off. Turning to his men, he levelled his glowing green-animalistic eyes at them. "Move." He commanded, his voice thick with power. "Omega doesn't have much time."

With that, Beltran sprinted down the corridor, moving toward the location of Omega squad, which, incidentally was the way they had originally come. Mrawr cut the silent awe of Team Paladin with a growl turned roar of his own and sprinted off behind the Captain.

"Let's move!" Shouted Doss, spurring the others into action.

As they ran, Reece sent a text message to Bartleby.

B -
Paladin enroute to you. Captain's gone all Force-y Worce-y, says you need help. Hold on, help's comin'. Debt up to 100 creds now.

- R


The return of Team Paladin to the main Hangar of the Red Dragon was filled with violence of action. With much of the First Legion's attention on Michael and Samael as they sought to distract them, only a few soldiers had been detailed to watch the side-hatches. With Beltran in the lead, they poured through one of those hatches, spreading out and immediately sowing death and destruction in their wake.

Beltran sliced through soldiers, beheading some and fatally stabbing others while letting loose with well placed shots from his hand-cannon. Following close behind, Lieutenant Mrawr had abandoned his own rifle in favor of claws and teeth, literally tearing into the Sith soldiers. Doss and Argos kept to the edges, levelling their own marksmen rifles in support of the Omega snipers and creating a kind of ad hoc cross fire.

The twins disappeared between groupings of landed spacecraft, popping out from unexpected areas to deliver brutal and efficient death before fading back behind cover.

Through the Force, Beltran could feel the presence of another Force User below them. Moving quickly, he made for the maintenance rafters, comming Reece as he did so.

"Reece, set up the thermonuclear charge. We cannot allow this ship to complete its mission."

There was a brief pause before Reece replied. "On it."

It would take time for the demolitions expert to properly set up the charge, and it would be on Paladin to keep the enemy off of him until it was done.

As Beltran found and cut through an access hatch leading below, he could feel the Dark energy of a Sith (Darth Sephi) somewhere down there. They were hunting Omega, though Beltran wondered if they knew that they were about to be hunted in return...


Objective II: Regicide
Allies: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Grundark GrundarkIrina Volkov Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia MataanCaedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin RandMaja FioreNathaniel Wellchoestor
Reaper, stuck with his forearm resting over the melting and breaking face of the Knight underneath him felt the pipe move to ensare him around the shoulders - his armor creaking under the strain. With breath heavy, and the augmentations at work, he cried out as the synthetic adrenaline pumped through his system and be brought the knife in again - harder, faster, another blast of its repulsor then back out again, only to repeat itself once more. As many times as he could do before more of that piping found its way towards him.​
An unsaid message of faith in his brothers to keep him safe from the other Jedi in the room.​
Cato clenched his phrik teeth together with enough pressure to cause his phrik infused bones to groan. They had fought more than their fair share of governmental bodies, upstart legions, and rogue Frumentarii - but they had only a few true tests against Force Sensitives under their belt. While their augmentations made them perfect to fight them, he couldn't help feeling a touch of strain beneath it all; at least until his organs kicked in to bring him back to the moment.​
As the Inferos littered the area in disruptor blasts, Cato watched as Caedyn moved from the pillar and pulled. His reactions gave him a good hint at it as his feet began to slide, and a hand moved to the gun on his thigh. A verpine shatter gun carrying void stone rounds - enough to stop the unruly Jedi in their tracks. A shot rang out amidst the carnage - even as the others dropped their weight or fell themselves as Jedi began to swarm their position.​
Yet as he hit the ground, he glanced up - through the opening they had created in their mutual combat. Far above the city and the planet of Ossus, he could the slight glint of the 'Red Dragon' and its escort fleets - along with the hell fire they were raining down on anything that got too close. Only a few more minutes and they'd be in position. Their mission would be complete.​
His gaze fell back on Caedyn, but his pistol didn't fire at him again - instead twisting and shooting a shot off into a Jedi that came dangerously close to executing his squadmate. The shot made a harsh red mist and it blazed a trail through the Jedi's skull, but it gave them enough of a chance to get back on their feet.​
Or die on their backs - but they'd sure as hell take a few more with them.​

if they're watching anyways

No -- not empty, simply never full. An all-consuming fire. Enough to fuel the flames, never enough for the hunger to be sated; not truly. Thus it could not be granted a taste.

Fear assailed her. The monstrous Graug stood tall over her at the center of the room. Without warning his claws erupted with flames, the inferno swirling towards her. No, perhaps not without warning. There were ripples in the Force; a burst in the mist, strings plucked in the weave. She had fear. But, there was no other time to have courage.

She stepped forwards. Her hands rose. With a stroke of her right a barrier formed; it shimmered and gleamed a dozen different hues, bright as the sky on a clear day. It seemed intangible, like warm breath in winter air, yet when the flames struck it they were turned away to her right. It cooled the fire. When the barrage was over, a second stroke made the barrier disappear, unraveling what she'd woven.

"I don't know your pain, your hate, your hunger," she said, "But I can give you a moment of peace."

She thrust her left hand towards the monster. Threads of the Force -- her weaving -- shot out, forming a loose circle around her target. It'd take some time, but she hoped to ensnare the Graug in a cocoon, much like the one that had held the Mist-Weaver that taught her the skill. A place of isolation; out of time, trapped without being able to harm the outside world.


Objective II: Regicide
Allies: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Grundark GrundarkIrina Volkov Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Enemies: Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Vulpesen Vulpesen Taiia Mataan Taiia MataanCaedyn Arenais Romi Jade Romi Jade Starlin Rand Starlin RandMaja FioreNathaniel Wellchoestor

Maliphant could feel what she was doing in the depths of the Force - how she tried to absorb his attack and dark energies, then allow her self to not only be unaffected by such, but to create the exact opposite technique at the same time; Force Light permeated the weakest point of his attack and pushed at it. Each aspect suffered for the pure multitude of things she was attempting - but they weren't so muddled to be ineffective, and it spoke greatly of her skill. He offered a quiet smile as he ceased his own attack and let the light begin to overwhelm his person.​
"So close.", he whispered as a hand reached up to grip at her throat from behind.​
The staff was no longer in his hand, but rather his other hand moved to rest on her kidney - and she would feel the dark side personified in the form of a small blade jutting from his palm. Similar to the speak of midnight black, Maliphant had created what was essentially a lightsaber blade from his hand - and moved to thrust it directly into her back, always minding the distance he was at from the lightsaber.​
"I'm not worried. You and this entire planet will face the same fate, Romi.", he mused, unmoving even if she moved to cut him down.​
"Let me save you. The good you could do - if only you let yourself."​


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