Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sacking of Zeltros


Zeltros City
Street Party
Aliies: @Reverence [member="Darth Odium"]
Enemies: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Ben Watts"]
Objective: Hunt

He had always liked hunting Jedi.

It was always a thrill, always a push of his skills, always interesting. This was no different. Even in the pouring rain with his hand only half attached he was still having fun. Oh there was difficulty, but the difficulty made it enjoyable. His smile beneath the mask widened slightly as he came upon the scene of a fight, still some two hundred Yards away.

“Providing Support.” He called to his allies.

These Jedi would die in a matter of moments, then more would be taken. Those at the palace had annoyed him, they could have come quietly, they could have simply been captured and taken back to Coruscant, but no, they had to resist and cut off his hand.

He twisted slightly.

They would pay for that.

Ceran wasn't vindictive, and he certainly wasn't a Sith, but he liked his limbs attached, even if he could easily repair them. Now that he was annoyed he cared less about the extra 250k for taking a Jedi alive. If he helped the Sith kill them, he'd still make money. Knowing this, Ceran step up his particle Beam rifle and aimed straight at [member="Ben Watts"].
Location: Communications Hub
Enemies: [member=Veino Garn] [member=Camellia Swift]
Objective: Heal, then slaughter everyone in that building

Lucifer was stumbling through the maintenance shaft, trying to make it outside. They had probably been sent to finish Lucifer before he could regenerate. Making his way through the confined space, Lucifer began cutting pipes with his Bloody Mary to create obstacles to slow down his enemies that might be chasing him through. Eventually Lucifer reached a dead end, a wall at least a foot thick. He desperately tried to cut a whole through it with his lighsaber. As the blade burned through the last few inches, he double checked behind him to make sure no one was following him, then he felt the lightsaber finish it's job. He broke down the wall and using the last of his stamina, Lucifer reached the nearest being he could find. It was a sithspawn, he had never tried sithspawn before. The Sithspawn fell to the floor, It's body completely pale and lifeless, all of it's blood had been absorbed by Lucifer, who held his hands to his face, feeling the power of the strong Sith alchemy. Lucifer looked around at all the fleeing civilians and decided it was time to raise an army.
Communications Hub
Boss Battle: [member="Lady Exedō"]

"Credits?" Veino spluttered, forcing a thin smile, "You ever lived on a Jedi food?" She was making a meal of him though. He could feel his energy draining. That, combined with the emotions seething against his barriers were exhausting. His face was paler. Sweat plastered his hair against his face. But then she moved. Aiming for a kick to his stomach.

Options flashed through his mind. Jensaarai training. Imperial knight training. Hitchhiker's training. Even some Jedi training. His position certainly wasn't great, from a fighter's perspective, down on one knee supporting himself with one hand while his other had a one-handed guard. But there was an option. It'd hurt. He opened himself more fully to the Force and twisted aside so the kick slammed into his hip rather than his stomach. He bent went the blow, wincing as he picture his bones and joints stretching to their breaking point. He sent a momentary burst of the Force to strengthen them all to avoid anything too serious. Pain still flared through his body.

But even as he had been doing that, his lightsaber arm had been snapping up and forward toward the leg had just struck him and should still be rather close. His other arm had been snapping around, strengthened and sped up through the Force, pulling a handful of his durasteel spheres to his hand, and shot his closed fist forward towards her other leg, yanking forward on it at the same time.
Location: Zeltros City
Aliies: @Reverence [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Ceran Moerelle"]
Enemies: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Kian Karr"]
Objective: Apprehend the Bounty Hunter

The rain poured in droves. Ceaseless and unforgiving. The distant booming of a never-ending party had been replaced by a much more sinister sound, the clashing of distant blades and the sharp hiss of blaster fire. Streaks of energy soared across the open sky, threatening to kill bystander or enemy, and it seemed no one cared who they hit. Ekul Selah had quickly separated from Kian Karr, and trusted that he could complete the job of guarding the Royal Family, all the while Ekul had another plan in mind. He had dashed off into the night, following the ripples in the Force, faint traces of the malignant aura that had been Ceran. His very presence in the Force sent the hairs on his nape on end, and what felt like the sharp stab of ice-cold water through his veins. Whatever hellish turn for the worse that Zeltron had taken, Ekul was determined to intervene. Even if that mean't one Sith at a time, or in this case; gun-for-hire.

His dark robes whipped about him in the strong winds. The damp cloak clung to his moistened flesh like a sick man with a towel upon his sweating forehead. He looked worse-for-wear, but the elderly man felt invigorated with righteous fervour. Each of his footsteps were as soft as feathers, and the rain drowned out any noise that could be heard. Seven months on the run from the Sith taught a man to tread quietly, and where to hide in the shadows. His informal training in the Coruscant Underworld had already proven useful once this night, and it may yet again as he closed in on his target. He felt his presence, looming ever nearer. His blade was grasped firmly in a tight clench, but not yet activated. He rounded a corner, and not far he saw Ceran, overlooking a fight in the distance. He raised the rifle, and took aim - on who, Ekul could not say. Time was of the essence. He had to act now. He broke into a break-neck sprint, and each footstep was softened by the Force, as quiet as a whisper as he howled down the street. He launched himself into the air, and propelled a right foot to the spine of Ceran, hoping to kick him square in the back. There was no doubt in his form; Ataru.

Such vile atrocities were just a means to an end, and with the Grandmaster now firmly entrenched in his web, it would be fair to say that such methods worked extremely well. Playing off of the sympathies of a Jedi was simple enough, it was a tactic as old as time for the Sith, and even in this day and age it still worked effectively. With the child's use all but spent, Vornskr unlatched himself from the child's mind even as the Jedi Grandmaster tried her hardest to dislodge him forcefully, but he did not push against her motions for once, but rather allowed his dark claws to recede from the child's shattered mind. The body may have been beaten and bruised, but it would have eventually healed unlike the child's mind. The process Vornskr used to enslave an individuals mind in such a manner that allowed him control of the body's motor functions was extremely taxing on the child's mind, and sometime during the process it broke completely and the child as he was known was lost forever to the darkness. Now all that was left was a blank shell, still alive, but for all intents and purposes he was a vegetable.

The one thing that was not going as planned was the intrusion by all of these fools, and if Vornskr was going to achieve what he desired they would have to be removed. Luckily for him, an old friend was bearing down on the trio with frightening velocity, and his power would be more than a match for the interlopers. Whatever or not [member="Disciple"] knew of his plan was hard to say, the Jester King was known to be wicked and highly erratic. Perhaps he was drawn to this place by the congregation of Force Users, or maybe he had gleamed some sort of knowledge on what he was conspiring to achieve and wanted to throw his own proverbial monkey wrench into everyone's machines.

Or maybe it was for shev and giggles.

Most likely that was the case.

It didn't bother Vornskr though, not in the slightest. In the end he would get what he wanted, and even if he wasn't the one to pull it off it would serve his will all the same. Now, however; it was time to quit wasting his time and hers, and usher in his most harrowing prey into the inner sanctum of his makeshift lair. A rumble and groan echoed throughout the dance club as the large double doors leading down into the depths of the basement complex that ran throughout the underground of the club opened up by their lonesome and a presence beckoned [member="Kiskla Grayson"] deeper within. The corridors would be mostly empty, but the hidden creatures and minions that were stashed throughout the labyrinth would allow only the Grandmaster safe passage. Everyone else, if they decided to foolishly follow her deeper within, would be assaulted and molested constantly by the dark creatures that Vornskr held in his grip.

The endgame was fast approaching.
Zeltros City
Communications Hub
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Enemies: [member="Vyctora Romanov"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Lady Exedō"]
Objective: Beat the Sith down, keep them off the air. Command NPC forces at the spaceport and streets.

With everything the way it was now Camellia left her soldiers to their work and focused her efforts towards the communication hub. The soldiers on the hammerhead would be reaching the bridge soon if their fighting went well, and from there they would be closing down the bulkheads to begin locking the Sith and her monsters in the compartments they had control over, which seemed to mostly be from one of the armories to the hanger. They couldn't really bring the Sith woman down, but at the very least they would keep her from roaming about the vessel and causing more trouble.

And speaking of trouble. The Sith that was still attempting to make progress through the hub had survived the plex launcher strike, and had cut his way through the ventilation. A quick evaluation of the maps showed where he went in wouldn't lead him any further into the hub, but he certainly was escaping her soldiers, not that they would have pursued him anyway. After all in tight quarters like that, after all the others he had cut down, it would be moronic levels of breaking their orders to simply defend and fallback if they had followed him.

So instead they went to work barricading up the whole he had left, first setting up some tripwires in the dark vents he had traversed to exit the building, but sealing off the hole he had cut to get in there with the door he had left behind and some office materials. Then once the group from the other side of the building caught up to them, they began setting up more tripwires in the halls just around some of the corners, along with some more filing cabinets and office equipment tossed around to get in the enemy's way, slow them down, and prevent them from making quick progress. The soldiers would be waiting at the end of the hallway where they had been when they fire their plex launcher, waiting for the Sith to return after traversing the hidden tripwires and barricades. there was filing cabinets, some more grenade tripwires, and some tables strewn in the hall the Sith would have to climb over slowly, they had ample time to shoot at him and fall back if necessary, that is depending on whether or not he didn't get blown up at any point along the way. Of course, this did leave them without anymore grenades of their own, and with the launcher attack on Shinju and the male sith already, they only had one launcher round left a piece. They would hold it for the sith once he began struggling his way through the corridor and its obstacles. They'd shoot it just as they had before to, at the ceiling just above and ahead of him for maximum damage and chance to hit.
Marcello rolled his eyes at [member="Kiskla Grayson"]'s expression. This was stupid and she damn well knew it. Here they were, standing around playing games...again. It took about half a second of effort to recognize the presence that was swelling from within the strip club. One that, of course, Kiskla was drawn to like a moth to a flame. Every. Single. Time. To a fault...a fault that, actually, had almost gotten her killed on more than one occasion by someone or something entirely different at least one time, probably more.

Inhaling deeply, Marcello's glacier-blue gaze remained focused on the spectacle that unfolded before him. Not on Kiskla or the child she was attempting to soothe...but beyond both. His natural sense of vision was all too irrelevant at this precise moment. The large Jedi Master cared not for the childish feud that Kiskla maintained with [member="Darth Vornskr"] while the rest of her people bled in the streets. There was no shortage of work to be done on the planet of Zeltros.

Then again...perhaps Marcello was just upset that he was standing here. In defense of someone that preferred to callously throw their life around to the benefit one. Love did not figure into the equation at the moment, the analytical and tactical recesses of his mind vastly overcame the emotional and romantic ones in this instance. The Jedi Master's presence here was much more Utilitarian. For a brief moment, Marcello's gaze shifted to [member="Christian Slade"] as the doors opened.

Marcello's reaction...was uncharacteristic of him. He laughed. He laughed deeply and with a resonance that could not be mistaken. "This is like a cheesy holovid." Marcello did not much care who was aware of his presence. There was a reality far too few understood. You, quite simply, could not save everyone, but if you died because of stupidity, you were guaranteed to save no one.

Lost his leg. Only for this crap to continue.

Location: [member="Camellia Swift"]s Hammerhead
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Allies: One Sith

"Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." Balaya's words continued to echo as she continued to focus for herself and welcome the ones coming at her. The words and magics flowing out of her to her familiars, to her apprentice as Elara stood there at the communications hub, the streets as the graug bodies twitched more on the ground. the bodies of the people they had shot moving as the words became louder. "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..."

Balaya stood up finally as the rising power popped in the force and she pushed it outwards, the resurrection spell from her she had seen Arcis use. It slowly seeped into the bodies as her downed sithspawn in the spaceport slowly started twitching, the ones laying around her in the hanger bay and the ship's bridge where her power was touching rising up to meet their former friends. The streets where her leviathan had fallen, the glycon, the graug and fallen humans. Republic soldiers rising up that had been taken down around [member="Titan"] for a showing as Elara ran and watched sending her masters energies into the communications hub with the ones the sith had killed. Slowly rising up on the cameras for a small laugh and the panting child was moving.

The palace as glitter tore into it further and created more sith soldiers to serve its master, the armor divisions were being attacked and the words continued to echo. "Mediis tenebris cadit e caelo, Et quod omnis lux tenebrae dies, Cupimus cordibus et mortem, Per manus ... nigrum, quod mortui resurgent! Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut..." The sith stood up and stood at the ready for the two approaching jedi knights that were coming to meet her. Her presence within the force acting like a beacon as she spoke. "Go, kill, spread. Overtake the Republic and add to your legion." She held her hand out but pushed the power through her pawns around the area and planet. "There will be nothing to stop us this time."
Enemies: [member="Veino Garn"]

Her saber connected with his, it had been the first thing coming in with her foot behind it and would have been blocked hopefully so not to slice itno his legs. Shinju felt her leg being jerked forward as the foot came up and she focused on her body letting blue energy shimmer like fire around it as she pulled at heat, at warmth, at the energy around her using the proximity to pull more. She wanted his body heat and to make him colder, taking it until he was sweating. The foot she pushed into bringing it up so her body could try and work letting the heel of her boot gleam with its small spike to try and drive it into him. She focused with the force to counter him using the implants to send a strong force push designed to knock heavily armored enemies down. She had shown what could be done with it before her saber deactivated and she was using her reflexes to try and grab him with two hands on the face. She was shimmering blue with tutaminis to absorb saber energy, she was coming in to steal and take everything from him while it crackled black and red in her hands with the power of drain. She wanted to steal every ounce of his essence.
(Been waiting for Balaya's post before reacting - and still not 100% sure where the Hammerhead is, so...)

Corvus and Kana made their way through the debris and finally found their way on to the Galactic Republic Hammerhead. An old design from the outside, internally it was nothing like the ship it paid homage to. But all of its armour and shielding counted for little when the enemy was on the inside.

It was impossible to mistake where Balaya was now. As she approached the Sith Lord, Corvus centred herself. This was not about revenge or even dispensing justice. She needed to know if Elaya was still alive and Balaya was the only one who knew the answers. But she wasn't just going to waltz up and start firing questions. The last time they'd met, the Sith had lots and lots of toys at her disposal. So Corvus made a mental note not to get too near and adopted Center of Being as Balaya came into view. As was her custom, her saber remained on her belt, not yet activated - but the defensive stance was in operation. Corvus trusted the Force to tell her if, rather than when, she needed to draw it.

[member="Darth Praelior"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
Location: Streets and stuff
Allies: [member="Darth Odium"]
Enemies: [member="Ben Watts"], [member="Flint Dexen"]
Objective: Super Smash Bro brawl 4 real.​

Red saber ignited from within the confines of the root cavity once belonging to a bull rancor hailing from Felucia. Torn from it's land and planted in the beating follicles of the underground fighting arenas of Tattooine, that monster had found no equal. Until betrayal had left the mercenary wounded and taking captive, pitted against man and beast alike. After he killed that Rancor, unleashing the force and destruction upon it, he took that tooth as a keepsake, leaving that place a free man under the tutelage of another Sith Lord. Another time, another adventure, and now the enamel was worn away on the tip of the hilt, colors of brown and yellow residue forever cemented against the narrow shaft. An immature tooth, they had thought, curious as to how it was the same size of a typical saber hilt. Nevertheless, crimson blade jumped from red diamond within, cutting the wind and rain alike as if the right hand of the Mercenary-turned-Sith Lord had manifested the energy himself.

The blade flashed upward as he moved to deflect the first attack of [member="Flint Dexen"], moving in from the Jedi Knights left, and his movement and arrival was aided by the speed of the force pushing at his back and giving speed to an arm that didn't need it, but pushed for advantage either way. In the same fluid movement, a force push was birthed from his finger tips (left hand) and he injected it in the general direction of the Jedi Knight, looking to push him away and allow for a counterattack. If that didn't work, a force push potentially cancelled by the assertion of a telekinetic barrier, Gabriel would step forward and deflect the second attack (the jab) with a pop of his saber, looking to open his opponent up and tap him on his right shoulder with a flick of the wrist, a snap of the saber.

All the while, his periphery captured [member="Ben Watts"] behind the assailant, a man in typical jedi fashion standing in defense. How peculiar, he thought in that split second, that he wasn't engaging. Something was awry, Gabriel would keep his mind focused, his hatred sharp and useful, his anger palpable.

Rosa Gunn

Sorry for the delay, LOA called. Apologies if i missed anything

Zeltros City
Street Party
Enemies: [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Jericho"]

There was doubt. Doubt in at least one of her opponents, she could feel it. It rippled through the force towards her, tugging her hunger that way, but while this close with Jericho, it was a danger to divert her concentration so drastically. Layil opted for a safer option as the dome of fire rose over her, concealing Zaren from her sight she let another ripple of fear out, meant to amplify his doubt.

The heat didn’t bother the sith, it had the opposite effect to what Jericho wanted. It empowered her. Using tutaminis to draw the heat energy into herself she began storing it. Her head tilted slightly as she recalled Thurion. Such a sweet little boy, and an even sweeter man. One who did not deserve her fate.

The knee connected sharply with her gut and she gasped, falling back a couple of steps, but her connection didn’t break, the pressure simply eased for a heartbeat. A heartbeat was all it took for her to recover, for vemon to ease its way back to her tongue. “Death will be all you bring back.” Images would flicker through his mind, images of all they knew and loved staring lifeless up at him.

The lifeless form of Asha Seren took center piece and Rosa tilted her head. “Would you have them share the same fate as her, Jericho?” Lightsabers deactivated and returned to her belt.

“Rosa Gunn is dead. My name is Darth Layil, and I am hungry.” Her hand snapped up before her, hoping to use the shock of the images to distract him. Golden tendril reached out connecting with him and beggining to drain the energy from him.

Location: Zeltros Streets
Objective: Defeat Sith Lords
Enemies: [member="Darth Layil"]
Allies: In question

From how the pain increase in his mind the fire empowered her and seemed to amplify her abilities. But it seemed that she remembered something when he had mentioned a member of the sanctum. Most likely Thurion thought he could've been wrong about the person. But from that slight tilt of her head he knew that she had remembered, that was a ability kinetic communication. Slight distance was made when he kneed her and though her attack on his mind didn't stop it eased for a slight moment before charging with pain once more. So much so he fell to a knee from her power, she had mental prowess that was indefinite even so to beat out his sentinel mental training. For a moment he closed his eyes and dark memories surged in.

“Kido…You betrayed m-” A gash on Jericho just opened and his blood spilled all over the woman. Tears fell from Amerll’s eyes, as she saw Jericho lying motionless as she was tied up to the pole nearby him. His right index finger twitched suddenly. He lifted his head and staggered up to his knees. “Let her go..” Suki approached him from behind and stepped on the back of his head. “Pathetic! We are going to kill this girl two days from now unless you bring me the package.” She pushed heel in the back of his head. Jericho grunted and groaned out in agony, “You became so weak after how much trouble you cause me and my master, over some little girl.” She lifted his head off the ground. “Take one last look at her while she is alive, Master Jedi…” Jericho’s eyes brimmed over with a sense of anger, but it quickly faded away. This was a mission gone wrong, what could he do to change the situation.

Suki and her sith knights, Kido among them, tossed him down once more and allowed Amerll to get close. She lifted and turned him over with what strength she had left, then moved his breathing mask to see his whole face. She was surprised when there was nothing wrong with it. “Master Jedi....I am sorry, to put you through all of things.” Jericho greeted his teeth he didn't want them to harm her at all. Suki brought edge of a blade to his eyebrow and dragged down to his cheek. Jericho’s did everything he could to not scream, he wasn't going to let them have the satisfaction of letting them know he was in pain.

Suki let go of his head, Jericho’s head fell to the mud and he covered his eye. Howling out, “Kido, lets retreat for now, we killed all the hot springs residents, lets head to the village.” Suki, kido and the other sith knights began to walk away from Jericho’s body. Leaving him to his fate; he reached out his hand trying to grab Amerll as they dragged her along. “I-I made a promi-“ His vision suddenly blurred and his head hit the dirt.

He opened his eyes once more to see only her project an image of Asha Seren, his old master. There was no lie he failed as her padawan and she was a symbol of true peace just like her successful padawan, Thurion. Seeing her body did not dishearten him, it enraged him. She was the only one who ever seemed to care about him, to give a damn about him. Every one else in the order disregarded him and the ones that did notice only called him a ghost, he was alone, he was always alone. When it came to fighting sith, when it came to saving lives he didn't even get so much as a thank you while others basked in the credit. The few he trusted betrayed him and left him for dead. The stone cold, silent warrior, let tears drip from his eyes as this pain and anger couldn't be held in.

Although she was draining his energy a surge of power came to him as he stood and roared a mighty roar. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, fire surged from his body engulfing him for a moment before diminishing. "I HAVE NO HOME, I AM A WANDERER, I AM ALONE!" He roared as he pulled her back to him grabbing her shirt and lifting her with one arm forcing her to stare him in the eyes. He then ripped off her golden mask to see her face. He raised his free hand and cocked his back surging fire around his fist and increasing his strength with the force for a final devastating blow.

He then unleashed his attack only to stop right before touching her face the flame. No. He had a home and so did she. Unlike him she had people who would care and miss her and given the choice they would welcome her back with open arms. She showed him that she was not far gone. Although seeing the body of his beloved master did enrage him, it reminded him of a lesson that she gave him when he was younger.

"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training."

Hate would only breed more hate and there is always a glimmer of light in any darkness. He remembered why he chose the route that he did, sacrifice one self not for the glory, not to be known. He did so others would have to endure as much pain, so children can grow and become great in their own means. He knew his choice when picked this path, all the things he would have to face. As such death, torture, loneliness, he knew no one could escape death and the fact couldn't save everyone. But the ones that he did save, seeing their faces, their smiles, their light. It was worth it, he had to do what he had to and luckily for him, it was what he was good at fight. "Rosa." He said in low tone as he lightly put her down on the ground. An aura of calm was released calming his mental pain, he then embraced her with a warm and tight hug. A rare thing for him to do. "Thurion and the others miss you. Remember them. Remember that you are a Jedi.....You are Rosa...."

Rosa Gunn

Location: Zeltros City Streets
Objective: Remove the obstacle
Enemies: [member="Jericho"]

There was no fear as the flame covered fist came towards her face, there was only relief. It would be an end to the pain, to the fear she emmited. Amber eyes fixed on his face, there edges swirling with darkness, tears rolling silently down her cheeks.

But he never delivered the blow. He set her down, tried to remind her who she was, embraced her even. So stunned she was by the action, that she didn't move. His aura of calm a stark contrats to the storm that she was. The storm should have settled, but as she thought of home there was only one person that came to mind. One person who would carve his way body by body to reach her. [member="Seydon of Arda"].

She couldn't let him. She couldn't go home. Death and fear would follow her wherever she walked. The cool cylinders of her lightsabers were back in her palms as she tilted her head back to look at him. Amber gave way, for a heartbeat, to brown. Brown eyes full of fear, of sorrow and of pain. "Silly boy," she said softly "I was never a jedi."


Angled inwards, the twin blades were pointed to puncture up from beneath his ribs. Amber replaced brown hues, hatred and hunger regained control, and Darth Layil simply stared at him.
Location: Zeltros Streets
Objective: Defeat Sith Lord
Enemies: [member="Darth Layil"]
Allies: In question

For a brief moment she showed her true colors, her tears and her beautiful brown eyes showed. For a moment it seemed that she was almost back to normal, that moment passed. The moment her eyes went back to brown, he knew the darkness took hold her once more, he released his grip of her and showing his athleticism, back flipped and pushed her back for safe precaution. Her sabers activated and both with how they were angled and the way he spun sliced his neck. He heat from the saber burned his neck and kept him room bleeding out. He whispered to himself to check whether or not he could speak. He could luckily enough. But the wound would remain on his neck. Though as a sith hunter it would be unwise for him not to wear saber defense armor and it seemed that he'll need to make something for his neck from now on. He took a step back and he took out his double-bladed saber activating only one end, it's orange light matching the fire surrounding them. That could have been a death blow had he not seen her eyes change and acted quickly enough. It seemed reason wasn't going to do anything here, he let out a sigh, releasing another aura of calm. He went into the Nimen stance and waited for her to make her next move, "Come then...." He said quietly. She was going to return with him, no matter what now.

Cordelia deWinter

OOC: Been busy, if i missed anything sorry! so just gonna start fresh.

Location: Zeltros City Streets
Objective: Remove the obstacle
Allies: [member="Darth Layil"]
Enemies: [member="Jericho"]

Backing from the balcony would take Cordelia from sight, and in this she would drop the chain that she had caught with telekinetic manipulation to the floor. Into the inky black of shadows she'd go, smirking along the way until she would move towards another balcony.

From those shadows, she'd peer at the fight between the Jedi and that of the Dread Master. Another smirk would dance upon her face, hidden behind the mask.

Her hand would extend, and in this she'd pour more energy to strengthen the woman. Fear fed fear. And the weaver of nightmares was not done just yet.

No, @Darth Layril had only just begun.

Rosa Gunn

Location: Zeltros Streets
Objective: Remove the Obstacle
Allies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"]
Enemies: [member="Jericho"]

How incredibly frustrating.

How incredibly boring.

Darth Layil stared on as her opponent took a fighting stance and urged her to come forward. She tilted her head, regarding him for a moment before settling her eyes on her mask, cast aside, a gentle flick of a finger brought it back to her, fixing it back in its place. Closing her eyes the Weaver reached out to the panicked and weakened minds around them, she tugged at them, whispered sweetly to them, told them there was nothing to fear.

Ten of them stopped trying to run. Ten of them walked towards the dome of fire that surrounded them. Eyes snapped open as Cordelia fulled her, she tilted her head as amber gave way to pools of obsidian. Her voice warped as she spoke again. "Not today." The puppets stepped into the fires edge, their fear rippling through the force towards hers. They wanted to run, to escaped the pain as the fire licked over them, but Rosa held them fast.

Their screams made her tilt her head and she watched Jericho's face carefully. "Walk away, Jericho, else more will die."

Do not make me kill you.
Location: Zeltros Space Port
Allies: [member="Camellia Swift"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kana Truden"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Praelior"]
Objectives: Beat down the Sith, Hold the Port

"What the hell?" mumbled Sergeant Fris, fumbling with the safety of her weapon; it finally clicked to the "fire" setting.

The woman pressed her body up against the rumble as she steadied the barrel of her weapon. Like many of Gir's marines, she had taken advantage of the lull in fighting to better position herself for another Sith assault on the space port. What she hadn't anticipated was the sith already being there. She watched as the body of something twitch in front of her. She guessed that at one point, it had been a Graug soldier judging by its large frame. Its torse was occupied by a large, charred hole where a laser cannon bolt had pierced through and killed the being before. Yet it began to move and twitch now, as if rising up from the dead.

Nothing could have ever survived an injury like this. What sorcery is this?

She pulled the trigger of her PDW-M1 and held it. A steady stream of ruby bolts stabbed and tore apart the body, chipping away at the flesh with its many ruby red bolts. Her concentrated fire separated an arm from by the body, which promptly fell back to the ground from which it had only moments earlier just risen. A large red bolt came flashing down from above and disintegrated the rest of the body. The remains crumbled once more to the ground, this time as dust. She glanced up to see the barrel of a Sniper Rifle slide back into concealment of a rooftop. Can't resurrect something that doesn't exist...She toggled her comlink.

"Republic forces, be advised, the Sith are using some sort of magic to resurrect their forces. Destroy any organic remains that you see. We don't need to kill them twice..."

Across the space port, the dug in Republic troops, and especially those that had previously set themselves up in ambushes, quickly began to dispatch their enemies and physically destroy any dead bodies they could find, including their own dead and those of any civilians unfortunately killed in the events.

This would be a day of ashes.


leave no one behind
Reaper moved as fast that he could luckily it would take a while before he got tired thanks to his training. while he ran he held his right arm up and activated his holo map, he searched the area for hostile contacts and luckily he didnt see anything except friendly dots that was inside the palace, he then searched for the roof and when he found it on the map reaper made a waypoint so he didnt need to check where it was all the time so he could follow it on his visor HUD. after a couple minuts running he saw a door leading to a staircase so he quickly started running up the stairs to the roof. the clone got to the door then slowly opened it and held his weapon high just in case, he started clearing the roof for any hostiles. reaper activated his coms and reported to any allies in visinity "this CC-3368 "reaper" does anyone copy, im at the palace roof, need pickup, anybody copy" after he reported he saw the city in flames, screams from civilians then he thought for himself "why does stuff always happen when im out" he sighed then he saw some corpes on the roof, "crap, republic guards probably. looks like the got shoot by a sniper rifle" he checked there gear for anything useful since his current equipment would not do much if there was sith here. he found a couple of grenades and some spare ammo clips, aswell as a stationary sniper rifle "lucky bastards, why does the most places with guards always have the good stuff" he grinned then grabbed it "holy shit, this thing ways almost as a damn wookie, just barely" he put the sniper in spot where the wall was destroyed "dont have to take knee to use it now" he layed down on the ground then checked the ammo clip. it was half full so he grabbed another mag and inserted it into the rifle, about 2 mags and a half was left "they should have trained more in how to use a rifle instead of wasting shoots, well im lucky enough that i can use it" he then held his finger on the trigger then he put his left arm under it since the rifle had pretty strong recoil. then he reported in and asked for targets "this is reaper, i got in a sniper position on the palace roof, anybody got targets for me to shoot?" he had kind of sadistic smile under his helmet then waited for an answer.
Location: That place Balaya is at...
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Camellia Swift"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Praelior"]

“We’re getting close.” Kana let her fingers drum at her hilt. “Can you feel it, Corvus?”

Of course she could, she had just said she did like a few minutes ago. Perhaps it would be for the best if Kana just shut up. That went for the rest of the battle that knocked on their doorstep. Last time she had tried to smart mouth a Sith she got burned to a crispy little bit. No, she had learned her lesson. Keep quiet and act, don’t try to be smart.

Following the signature they eventually found her. It was long overdue, wasn’t it?

“You can stop the cursing.” Kana cursed herself internally, she was being a smartmouth again. “You’re under arrest, Balaya.”

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