Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sacking of Zeltros

Allies: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Jericho"]
Enemies: [member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Seras Goto"]

Ben sat hunched over the data pad with his left hand propping his head up. He ran his free hand through his greying beard and brought it away only just long enough to swipe the data pad to the next page. The light from the pad was the only thing that could be seen from the dark room, and he preferred it that way, he took solace in the dark. News from the affairs of the Republic flashed before his eyes, reading every word, keeping himself caught up with everything that he could.

Losing Coruscant had taken a toll on him, if he did not fill fit as a leader before, he certainly did not now. He played the events over and over again in his head, the giant Sith Lord, the woman he trusted betraying the Jedi, he had failed them again and again. What would Teferi say to him if he saw him in this state now? Alone, beating himself up, refusing to move on from the past. Coruscant was his home, he grew up there, he realized how much he loved that planet only when he saw it fall.

A noise pierced his ears as a scream flooded his open window. His head snapped up and he stared out the window to make sure he was not hearing things again. Another scream, and then another, and he felt the darkside slowly flooding the streets. Dropping the data pad, he flung himself to his feet, the chair hitting the ground made a loud crack against the floor as he rushed to the window. Chaos in the streets met his eyes and he could do nothing but stare.

He finally spotted the origin of the noise, what appeared to be a golden masked Sith, supported by a few others and one more causing chaos. Across from her stood two would be heroes, people he did not know, one holding a lightsaber at the Sith. He hesitated for a moment, he should not get involved, he was too weak to do any good and this much evil around could be the end of him. His mind was weak.

His body was strong, though, and he was never one to look the other way when people were dying. Slapping his hand against the window seal, he rushed to lock box harboring his one and only weapon, his lightsaber. Opening it, he took a moment to gaze upon the weapon, of which had not been used in far too long. Now was not the time to think about those things, though. He grabbed it and hooked it to his belt.

Reaching down, he felt the bandages still on his ribs, they had not healed properly and he still had trouble breathing. Well, that's what one gets for not seeking medical attention, he would worry about it later. Nothing like re-injuring oneself for the "greater good", or whatever. Taking a running start, he sprinted towards the window, and dove through it using the force to enhance his abilities. He could no longer fight without the aid of the force, this made him weaker, but at least his mind was still in tact.

Landing nimbly beside [member="Flint Dexen"], he stood up and stared down the Sith in front of him, his eyes switching between the to of them. He felt something familiar, maybe someone he knew, but it was weak and almost unrecognizable. He paid no mind to it, he was a little busy here. "I do believe we are past negotiating." he muttered to the Jedi who was demanding the civilians be let go. In his experience, this just pissed off the Sith, and they killed even more. "May we skip the usual stuff? Jedi are scum, you are liberators or some other stupid crap that doesn't make sense, we brought this on ourselves, yadda yadda." He reached down and pulled the lightsaber into his hands, though he had not used it in some time, it still felt at home in his grasp.
Zeltros City
Communications Hub
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Enemies: [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Vyctora Romanov"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Objective: Beat the Sith down, keep them off the air. Command NPC forces at the spaceport.

You know. . . .it wasn't very smart for one ship with all the monsters to touch down right after a bunch of tanks, gunships, and just near one hundred infantry had just deployed. The unidentified and uncleared ship had been count on sensors and an RAET had moved to grab a visual just in time for the Sithspawn to barrel out of the landing craft. Needless to say no idiot would hesitate to unleash their full firepower as they called for one of the ground task forces to divert and eliminate the monsters. Composite Beam Turrets burned heavily as they fired on all the monsters that burst onto the landing field the moment they had exited.

Oversight Recon Droids moved in to hover about, flitting in front of the monsters being obvious targets while infantry moved in more slowly taking up the best positions they could against these creatures. The Rendili Battle Tank leveled its guns once in sight and in range and didn't stop firing either. Blasters, Plex Launchers, Tank guns, and Gunship Weaponry were trained on these shadow creatures of madness, especially the beasts such as the Leviathon, Hydra, and k'kayeh dragon who were prime targets. Missiles, lasers, beams, and artillery were directed at them as two of the RHDF Task Forces converged on them.

The third and final task force caught on quite clearly to the antics of a Sith who apparently liked to play with fire. .. .as if a sudden hanger bursting into flame wouldn't be noticed by low flying gunships either. Missiles fired from extended position would hurtle toward the Sith as troopers moved to surround him, aiming for pieces of cover and taking up sniper positions as well on some of the surviving buildings. The gunship would only move into closer range for its Beam Turrets once the infantry began their full attack, the Oversight Droids rushed the Sith being the distraction while forces got into position, and the Battle Tank for the group opened fire once within sight and range itself as well.

Things were clearly getting out of hand though. Leviathons? Dragons? Battle Hydra? A circus of monsters? Oh no, Camellia was fed up with the insanity when she heard that, damaged engines and comms her ship may have had, but she wasn't going to let the Sith's pets live for very long. Her forces at the spaceport were not equipped to deal with such beasts. "This is Captain Swift to Lt. Alvaris, bring the Hammerhead into atmo, position yourself over the spaceport. You got plenty of big obvious targets. If our forces get wiped out, burn the place with heavy turbolaser fire. Those monsters can;t be allowed into the city!"
Enemies: [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

CXC Conveyor Shuttle Moonlight, around Zeltros City

The starship began to continued to zip around the towers of the city, tracking down and eliminating the groups of Sithspawn. But Gir continued to engage in his thinking game, sifting through the information along with the crew of the Crescent Light. Since the Republic Navy still controlled space around Zeltros, and since the customs force had continued to inspect starships going in and out before the fight, there would be very few ships that would have been able to smuggle in such a large amount of lifeforms unnoticed. But a quick call from a Spaceport security guard announced the presence of such a mass gathering breaking out of one of the ships, Gir dispatched a quartet of the bombers to deal with the mass of creatures. He took a brief break from his data-sifting to watch the attacks from the quartet of starfighters.

No-one has contested our control of the air yet.

The quartet of fighters swooshed in from around the city to converge on the cargo ship and its spewing horde of ghastly creatures. Almost immediately, the starfighters fired upon the emerging cargo with sputters of red laser bursts, oftentimes incinerating the smaller Sithspawn outright. While they couldn't kill all of the Sithspawn, they could eliminate the large numbers and disperse them into small groups that the Republic forces could easily handle. A crackly voice reverberated in his headset.

"Sir, do we have permission to destroy the cargo ship..."

Gir briefly swore to himself. That's not entirely a responsibility I want to handle. There could be innocent people among it...but there could be more Sithspawn too. If the Sith have a hold of them, they're as good as dead anyways, if they aren't their willing servants. He frowned.

"Do it. Blow it up."

"Third Flight, you heard the man."

The satellite feed soon showed the fighters briefly fly away before circling back to unlease two volleys of proton torpedoes. The warheads smashed into ship, creating bright blue blossoms of light that might have been mesmerizing save for the awfulness of their destruction. Shrapnel from the dying craft sprayed around the spaceport like a death blossom, sending searing hot metal shards into the nearby sithspawn, lacerating, maiming, and outright killing them through exsanguination and other serious trauma. He guessed that few of the sithspawn that survived that assault would be entirely fit to fight at their fullest capability. Even if they were, they were now scattered and more likely out of their minds from the trauma. If they were difficult to control before, they would much harder to control being spread out from the assault and from the psychological assault of being blown up.

Gir wasn't sure if there were any more Sithspawn in the freighter as it exploded, but he was certain anything that was left in it wouldn't be able to survive that blast.

Yet some still remained.

He tapped a button on his comlink, going to the channel shared by the pair of gunships.

"Red Flight, pull back from your positions to conduct air strikes in the space port area. You will destroy any sithspawn present, but will prioritize destroying enemy ships."

"Yes sir."

-1 Cargo Ship
-numerous Sithspawn from the said cargo ship
Location: Communication Hub
Enemies: [member=Veino Garn] [member=Camellia Swift]
Allies: [SIZE=14.4444446563721px][member="Lady Exedō"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.4444446563721px]Objective: Seize Communications[/SIZE]

Lucifer was heavily pinned down by enemy gunfire, so he grabbed the door he just cut down and struggled to use it as a riot shield to get through the blaster fire. As Lucifer was closing in many of the enemy infantry were falling back further down the corridors, but a few were left behind. Lucifer stabbed one to his right his lightsaber, and crushed the other one brutally beneath his shield and then dropped it. Even with his vampire strength the door was too heavy to hold for long periods of time, the last troop remaining stood his ground, hopelessly firing as Lucifer drew closer to him, Lucifer slowly paced towards him, savouring his desperation. When he got close enough, he cut off his blaster arm and grabbed him by the throat. "Monsters cannot be killed by men." He then turned the guard into one of his servant, draining him to heal himself and regain his stamina, but not enough to kill him. Lucifer tore off the guards other arm and sent him shambling down the corridors, an act of terror, to weaken the morale of the Republic, and put on a bit of a show for the cameras before he dispatched them.

3 Unnamed Republic Troopers
Communications Hub
Ally: [member="Camellia Swift"], various brave men and women who have been ruthlessly murdered by Sith over television
Enemies: [member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"]
Goal: Cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies and should not be tolerated.

Veino stopped in his tracks. The small darkness was no longer the threat. The threat was the new Sith, far more powerful, and far more dangerous, practically reeking of death and decay. It almost made him want to puke. That may have been the pheromones though and maelstrom of emotions surging against his head. That would be tolerated though. The Force was his ally, and a powerful ally it was. He opened himself fully to its connection, centering himself, and letting the tug of pheromones and emotional input to dissolve into its clear waters. He had a mad Sith Lord to stop. He changed directions and hurried down the hallways, Force presence still cloaked. Surprise might be his best advantage in this situation.

Then Camellia's broadcast came through his comlink, and he slowed to listen. Thoughts flashed through his mind as he considered responses.

"Knight Veino Garn here," He paused to pinch his nose, trying to rub the growing headache away, "I'll do what I can for the Sith Lord, by the feel of it. The other feels..." He paused to stretch out with the Force, seeking this minor shadow, "Young. Inexperienced. Explosives and slugthrowers, especially shotguns, should overpower the defenses until another Jedi can arrive to take care of the situation. Going to comm silence. Veino out."

He placed the comlink back and set his jaw. He'd never really faced a Sith Lord before. The one at Alderaan he had barely gotten involved with, as he had been busy trying to rescue Niamh. This would be different. It was time to hold the line. Hopefully he'd be able to do that. No, correction. That is exactly what he was going to do. Come Sith or Sithspawn. He would not be moved. The constant party attitude of Zeltron was a different matter. He was looking forward to getting off this alcohol-soaked world.

A strange smell assaulted his nose. Barbecue, by the smell of it. Had the pheromones gotten through the filters and set the guards up doing a barbecue? He turned a corner. No. The guards were the barbecue. And a Sith stood in the hallway a dozen meters or so away, eating stuff. Was that a jawbone? Vomit surged up his throat, but he swallowed it back down. It was really time to stop this. He cleared his throat.

"By the power invested in me by the authority of the Galactic Senate, you are under arrest for assault, murder, cannibalismish activities, and," He paused for effect, "Destruction of property. Place all your weapons on the floor and kick them away from you."
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Direct forces
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic [member="Camellia Swift"]
Secondary Objective: Watch the Republic bomb their own stuff.

Balaya looked on, the cargo ship arriving as it opened. The blackblades and graug were the first out the soldiers moving quickly as the massassi took up the rear and Balaya spoke. "Blackblades go and find your master, Kaine is on the world and will need his legions." She looked at the commander, the mercenaries from the world knew well what they were doing. The warchief a powerful man who prepared and started marching as the sounds and attack came. Balaya covered her head while the roars came from within. "Get them out of the ship now, graug forces do as you do best, tunnel and get to the streets, massassi secure the spaceport and prepare for landing craft."

The sound of the soldiers Camellia Swift had deployed were there and she pointed for the Massassi to attack as they moved in with large swords and their warblades. The red skinned warriors from Arcis were powerful allies and fierce as she saw the attacks coming in. Balaya shouted letting the aura of domination come as she used the battlelord skills to inspire and control her men. They would not back down, they would not quit and they would would be able to take the small wounds as a blast let shrapnel slid across her cheek in a gash and it appeared on another. Balaya sneered snarling just a bit before she clenched her fist. "Keep fighting."

Her sneer was wiped away while more reports of inbound ships came, Balaya ground her teeth while she shouted. "Glitter rise and get to the palace, it is time to let them attack their own city my dear." The roar poured out while she looked, the massive Akure leviathan was a living superweapon, the leviathans built to face down armies and survive with their thick hides... He was over five times the height and nearly the same length in his tail that uncoiled swishing through the air while the larger forelegs came forward smashing buildings and letting another massive roar from its chest. Her link with the creature coming out while she pointed to direct him. "Go and destroy,"

Just like the medical center on Alderaan the massive beast could handle the situation and she sneered while the unseelie came shuffling out. Their darkside aura becoming a larger taint with more and more of them grouped together and stacking together. The glycon's roared and ran after the graug the fastest thing there with all its armored legs for the dread spiders. The tunnels beasts would be able to get under the ground quickly as her dragons came out the large two hundred meter Jaffa that had a hide as thick as armor and it snorted lightning crackling from its nostrils. "Jeffa... dig, get underground and cut off the communications hub" Balaya was focusing on its mind with the image.

The only thing left as the spaceport was getting torn up was her hydra while moving towards the beast and climbing atop it/ Balaya withdraw her saber and the sentient blade spoke as an airstrike began to rain upon them. She shouted as the one leviathan exited the ship, roaring when Balaya snarled at it. "Roam, kill, feed, protect the sith forces." Her dragon was immune to sensors and the force senses, her leviathans able to survive armies for a time and watching the ships incoming as her hydra lumbered forward pushing into the air Balaya moved her blade and directed it towards the streets as she spoke into the comlink.

"Elara get out of the basement of the spaceport.... the republic is going to destroy it for us." She actually had to laugh at that and cringed, Arcis was not going to be happy his massassi soldiers were left to die but their securing the remains of the spaceport if they were still alive as the cargo ship exploded brought a look to her face. She could see glitter swishing its tails to smack into sections of the port while the explosion went with the sabotage Elara was doing igniting the fuel in some and causing chain reactions. The sith warlord watched from above laughing more and more sparing a thought for her apprentice to hopefully have gotten out and to some form of safety.

Location: City Streets

Balaya watched now, she could feel her creatures with the warlords aura more then her senses but their ability to tunnels under the city and avoid fire from the sky.. Unless the Republic wanted to help them out and destroy their own sections of the planet again. That would be helpful while she saw the coms array in the distance letting her hands guide the hydra. The blackblades were moving their elite armor created by kaine and herself while they moved to back him up. The graug had followed with their spiders its claws able to rip through the metal and earth just like the dragon that had wookiee sized teeth. She'd have to remember to send the hunters a thank you card for getting it.

The chirping from her comlink came as she spoke. "Elara is that you?" The static was there but then it came through. "Yes master, the graug made a tunnel for me and I followed them and the spiders, we are going under the streets for the moment and will come up in the homes the civilians are huddling in. Terror is the plan and they are hungry." Balaya gave a nod of her head to that and had complete agreement in the situation. They couldn't do anything less to spread the terror while she watched Camellia's tanks going around Glitter, the massive Akure roaring and its foreleg protecting its face and more vulnerable spots.

Then she was watching it spin around swishing a tail into several of the division she had sent as the battle hydra moved in from the air. Balaya grabbed the hand cannon switching her technique before she was looking down at the tanks and charging it while the large beast charged into it. The tank rolling with herself and the hydra as above she saw the hammerhead approaching the city. These Republic ones were looking to escalate and make it into something she could focus on and fight with. A plan formulating as it was hovering over the wreckage of the cargo ship, over the spaceport their own people had destroyed before it even had a chance to fall to the sith.

She laughed seeing her hydra flip the tank as it fired into glitters feets and got a louder roar. The control from even Balaya almost slipping as she felt that link and pain. It was not happy for this while she sneered and focused going for the control again, hands raised, eyes focused and aura pushing to establish dominance while a claw came driving a spike into the tank. Balaya rose pointing to her hydra that was on two legs tearing at the metal while one of the men crawled out. He was looking at her and she pushed back her cloak revealing the armor while the hand cannon fired into his chest launching him into the air for the hydra to catch and fight about between hi heads.

"Come we fly." The hydra allowed her to get on again as she flipped the hand cannon and the casing for the shot came out another being loaded in. It wouldn't penetrate as she wanted but it would do something few others could while flying towards the Hammerhead, her senses and thoughts racing to find the unseelie, she found the leviathan rushing through the city as even broken and slowed down from the explosions the walking biological superweapon could last and limb around ravaging the locals. The com station would and should be getting the large dragon around and under it to keep others away while glitter continued to go towards and devastate the palace soon.

The hydra roared while it got close and her cybernetic eyes could see the men on the bridge as Balaya prepared not taking the shot but they moved quickly the large claws latching onto the metal as Balaya sat there looking through the hammerheads viewports and she held the gun to the glass. The cannon made to wreck their beskar clad enemies and in the case of transparasteel she had a plan as it fired then was followed by a saber sliding into the metal. Balaya slowly cut a hole she could slip through while one of the hydra's head came through after her and roared grabbing a technician. "Calm your mammeries." She looked at the captain. or whoever was in charge. "I am taking over this ship.

Balaya stood there at the ready and was looking towards them while she grinned. The republic had a new habit of shooting their own things so she was ready to make a quicker exit through the hole as the hydra removed its head giving her the space. A hand going towards the console as she pointed to the people on the bridge. "Now I only need a handful of you, to be alive and I can commence the firing so I suggest you do as I say if you want to survive." Balaya started walking over and towered over them while fire and weapon systems were hot. Targeting the spaceport for sithspawn as she set new target and pounded down on the controls to start firing with the turbolasers.

"Ah now that is better."

Location: Camellia Swifts Hammerhead Bridge
Objective: Use newly provided turbolasers to finish the republics job of striking their spaceport.

[Graug forces and glycon sent to terrorize streets]
[Blackblades sent to back up [member="Darth Vornskr"]]
[Massassi forces damaged and destroyed with section of space port]
[Unseelie shuffling around city]
[Glitter heading towards palace to back up forces and eliminate defenses]
[Leviathan wounded and shuffling through city]
[Dragon defending communications]
[Battle Hydra on hammerhead]
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Near Palace
Allies: Ceran Moerelle, One Sith
Enemies: Ekul Selah, Uther Weiss, Kian Karr, [member="Lan Graendal"]
Objective: Retrieve Golden Ropo - Infiltrate the palace

It was not rare for such a creature as himself to venture into the battlefield stealthed, particularly when he wasn't tasked with commanding other bodies.

His booted feet raced across the ground. There was a task to be completed, one of which he considered more significant than his comfort. The delivery of a specific package had been halted, evident by the Palace's lack of chaos. Golden eyes moved to his blurred surroundings as his invisible formed moved towards the palace. Helios could hear hearts beating, aided by the strained, final breaths of dying Zeltrons. He was deaf to it all. The delivery of death varied, but the result was always a wasteful corpse. A body left behind, unable to protect itself during moments of critical thinking and self-defense. Pity was irrelevant, and failed to cross Helios' mind. He felt a crunch under his boot as his foot stomped across another pink body on the sidewalk.

Tall in comparison to the average human, complexion too pale and hair too silky were the tell-tale signs of the Eldorai Sith Lord. Features that were all too polarizing for Helios' current task. Guards would find Helios to be immediately unrecognizable; another reason why Helios' had to both learn and master the art of Concealment prior to most of his other abilities. Helios always had an special affinity for stealth and subterfuge. He understood perspective distancing, positioning, movement, everything that came along with it. Truly, it wasn't until he joined the One Sith years ago though, that his practice was almost immediately escalated into more intense situations.

As he reached the grounds of the massive Palace, [member="Memorial"] and [member="Sawa Ike"] came into Helios' view. He lingered on their position momentarily and turned his attention back towards the palace. Their impending duel was none of Helios' concern. A couple more allies could be felt in the vicinity, some familiar, some foreign. It all mattered little however, there was but one banner that need be risen to destroy the Republic. One that seemed to attract numerous individuals it it's ranks lately.

Helios circled the palace, targeting a lone guard whom patrolled the right side of the massive palace. The majority of the guard's had their attention drawn to more obvious threats, wherever they may be. A frown raced across pallid features, a brow raising as aureate orbs watched from stygian sockets; glistening opticals in the hollow's of a skull. Helios lowered his invisible form into a crouch and awaited the guard's approach. As the guard drew near, Helios met the creature, which was in fact a human, with a cold glare. He stood, a single, elegant movement that straightened his limber frame. Drawing his right elbow back, Helios burst from stealth, swathed in abysmal clothing. His right hand seemingly materialized as Helios wrapped it around the guards throat, a shocking surprise in the middle of what was a lingering silence, with every intention of setting the guard on edge, of forcing him into panicked submittance.

“Open the door.” Pitch lips set themselves in a severe line as his lilting tone snapped short, aureate gaze refusing to move from the guard and his frightened features, A change of plans had occurred. The ropo could be retrieved later; its location to be pulled from someone's mind soon enough. The appearance of [member="Darth Praelior"]'s creatures proved that a lot would happen in the next hour. Which was a long time for a lot of things to go wrong. For now he felt it more important to eliminate his sudden sense of discomfort; it's source being the Jedi inside.
Communications Hub
Allies: One Sith [member="Lucifer Erebus"]
Enemies: Republic/Jedi [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Camellia Swift"]
Objective: Face down the Enemies, tear out his heart, and eat it

Shinju was eating and as she looked tore one of the pieces from the bone a sound came. A voice and he was ... cute. Turning her head Shinju with the piece tear off while she dropped it down to the floor and walked forward. More weapons on her while she smiled the flesh sticking in her teeth before Shinju sucked in a little air. Picking at it with her finger as she spoke. "I would... I mean I could do that but there are so many more interesting things one can do... and I don't see any back up for you." Shinju moved closer and closer with that though and she was reaching out. Her senses were less then a padawan but she could link and feed from all those around her.

"Why don't you surrender... you are cute but seem gamey... you might get stuck in my teeth when I chew your face off sweetie and is the one above really worth it? Are they worth your life?" She couldn't tell who Camellia was gender wise but she could taste her, all innocent and delicious with emotions. Those fed into her and kept her pushing forward while Shinju touched a hand to the wall for a moment debating what she was going to do with this one. He obviously had some skill wanting to come here and face her so he was brave... Dumb and crazy but brace which would go a long way in the end while she was eating him.

"Or perhaps there is something more, I don't taste emotion, I taste energy, I taste delicious.. scintillating special flavoring... Almost like a newborn babe but without the barbeque sauce." Her smile was showing incisors while she stepped a little closer, moved that much further down the hallway to close the distance and she withdrew with one hand the chainsword letting it touching the ground. Her other hand going to her belt as it closed around the silver hilt of the saber as Shinju gave a visible shudder feeling the pulse of the lignan crystal inside and the scream coming before her fingers wrapped around it slowly until she had a grip.

The saber came off her belt as she looked on at the jedi holding the saber off to the side and faintly the emotions would have been there but it wasn't until the wail came. Shinju activated the saber with a snap hiss as the sickly red blade brought a scream forward from the living crystal and she felt the pain, the emotions, the darkside pulsing within her saber into her hand. Through her body and empowering her as she held it. A smile curling her lips until the moment while she moved forward more getting the boy in range of her implants, the free hand going to the gunbelt and withdrawing a pouch of pelko barbs while she held it in her hand.

Do you hear the screams jedi? They are beautiful and such delicious emotions that when the moment comes... when you join in their music I will enjoy the taste of you. I will keep you alive just enough to see me take the one above and use her as I see fit and then I will let you..." Shinju trailed off and moved quickly letting the attack come as she squeezed the pouch to make a puff of the barbs as she blew it quickly. A small cloud of barbs to try and let them prick the skin of Veino and administer the toxin that made it feel like the limbs struck would be severed. The poisoned barbs one of the better ways to start amputating others.

Her saber was off to the side and streaking into the wall as it continued to wail and cry throughout the halls. Projecting emotions that could make the zeltrons go crazy so sh was waiting to see how the sound affected the jedi (as she doesn't know he is empathic) but slashing after the cloud remained there and letting her suit protect her from the toxin. Her slash came to try and strike his arm to maim and damage quickly with a third flexing of power from the directional defensive augments. In front of her chest while she sent the burst designed to knock an armored opponent on the ground, it was going after to try and keep the assault up on the jedi. "Time for some fun."

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Zeltros - Streets
Allies: @Jericho, [member="Ben Watts"]
Enemies: [member="Rosa Gunn"], [member="Seras Goto"], [member="Cordelia deWinter"]

"No one is innocent. This is zeltros, here, sins are committed in their thousands." Flint opened his mouth to reply, but whatever he had spoken outloud was drowned out by the screams. Sceams of the fleeing civilians, as the masked figure claimed another life, almost in a casual manner. The Jedi Knight had no doubt now that the masked figure was a Sith. The terrifying waves that the figure was emitting, along with the dark shadows rising around the figure, provided abundant evidence of being a Sith. Fear worked its way into Flint, no matter how much he tried to block it out. Screams of people echoed around him, and he felt tempted to do what the rest of the crowd was doing. Running away screaming.

Suddenly, the sense of great fear and panic that had started filling Flint was replaced by a rather calming sensation. A man had walked up next to Flint, and Flint watched in slight amazement when the person next to him lowered his mask and sent forth a bellow directed towards the enemy. Clearly, Flint's new ally was a well trained Force-User, something Flint found reassuring. He quickly returned a grateful nod.

Another man landed lightly besides Flint. "I do believe we are past negotiating." he said. Flint glanced at the new arrival, who was in turn observing the golden-masked Sith. Something told him that this man was another highly-skilled Force-User.

He had never met them before, but simply their presence with him gave Flint the courage he needed to stand his ground. Maintaining a defense Shii-Cho stance, Flint glared at the golden-masked Sith, his lightsaber still pointed towards the figure. Although Flint did not know any special Force techinques, he at least had the basics down. Using his free hand, Flint let out a Force Push directed at the masked figure and the surrounding illusions. "You are going to have to get past us before you hurt another civilian, Sith." he stated firmly.
Zeltros Spaceport
None ([member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"])
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Vyctora Romanov"]

The patrol had gone along as usual. The rains were as calming as ever and Kana walked along the corridors of the spaceport. The bad feeling was still lingering in the air like the hint of a bad perfume. It tasted sour, it tasted bad and the Kana’s urge to look twice over her shoulder only grew for each passing second.

Then she felt it. A presence, a dark presence. She didn’t recognize it but it was there and it was strong. The pheromones were still trying to influence her. They tried to warn her as it told of the state of terror that the citizens of Zeltros was slowly devolving into. There seemed to be explosions running loose everywhere, screams of panic and blasters as the innocent was slaughtered.

Kana could feel it all. She had to block it out, nothing she had ever studied at the temple could have prepared her for this. She hurried her way through the spaceport, there had to be someone around here.

Rounding a corner she found herself feeling another dark presence except it wasn’t as strong. A padawan perhaps? Did Sith even call them that? Kana shook her head, this was no time for humorous pondering. If there was a dark presence then it had to be investigated. She wasted no time trying to find it.

Coming up behind them she saw not one but two of them. One seemed stronger than the other.

"I was trying to be nice. Give you some customer service. But Nooooo Got to point all the guns at me."

Jokes about killing innocents, how tasteful.

“How noble! Killing those who cannot fight back.” Kana shouted out to the man. “You must be real proud of yourself.”

((If I left something out, please tell me, I feel like I have…))
Zeltros City
Communications Hub
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Enemies: [member="Vyctora Romanov"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Objective: Beat the Sith down, keep them off the air. Command NPC forces at the spaceport.

At Spaceport:

Well wasn't everything going to crap. Whoever had ordered a bombing run had been foolish, but at least the damage had been contained in a single strike. All the same the destruction of the cargo transport and the hanger was unacceptable when her forces were already initiating their attack. Of course, when the monsters began to disperse rapidly despite her forces reaction it was almost welcome since hopefully a bomber could slay a dragon before it could wander off. Since Camellia wasn't expecting her infantrymen to body block the damn things. Not when they would just be crushed underfoot, and apparently were having their hands full with a bunch of sword wielding maniacs rushing at them.

But then that prompted the Rendili Blademasters within the task forces to draw their blades and rush ahead too, excited to be in their element as they clashed with the massassi. It was at that point the RHDF troops would split up, leaving behind thirty of their sixty infantry to combat the Sith warriors while the tanks, Recon Droids, Gunships, and rest chased after the fleeing sithspawn and their mistress. (The remaining third of the task force assuredly still focusing on the Sith Nikolas, now having surrounded him fully and intending to end his threat along with any other Sith remaining in the spaceport). They would not escape, not if anyone had anything to say about it.As the battle spilled into the streets they continued to hound the leviathons with everything they could, their blasters and tank rounds hitting the beast, and several squads took to taking shots at the Blackblades who had split off as well.

The missing dragons were a concern though, and many soldiers were actually quite terrified, but if the monsters were not slain here. . . .when would they be slain?

Of course the soldiers felt revitalized as they watched their tanks begin to have an effect on the leviathon they were hounding. They renewed their attacks firing Plex Launcher missiles and lobbing grenades at the beast, surrounding it and pouring their blaster fire as the tanks continued their own fire. . . .that is until one was knocked over and under attack by the Battle Hydra and the sithspawn mistress riding atop its back. Several soldiers turned their fire on it to ward it away from their war vehicle, only to shout in dismay as it was torn asunder after a valiant final shot was fired at the leviathon. That left them one tank of three down, but they would not stop. The Gunships still circled, their beam weapons firing and missile launchers and laser cannons also spraying the beasts below.

So many monsters, so many monsters everywhere, and they were hunting them all as best they could. Infantry men fired on all sorts of beasts, trying to eliminate them and keep them from progressing. They would stop them from reaching the main fighting. And likely any Republic and Security forces along the way would likely turn on these shadow creatures as well.

The Hammerhead Cruiser descending through the skies above the city looked on at the massive fighting, attempting to decipher a purpose and method to curb this madness. Until a monstrous Hydra came up and said hello, its mistress breaking a hole in the viewport of the bridge and sliding on in. The Hydra grabbing one of the young ensigns was truly terrifying, even security holding their arms as the Sith Mistress spoke and began to fiddle with the controls. . . . only for her to soon hear a rather confused voice over the internal comm as the chief gunnery officer below decks received her sudden order to target Republic assets. "Um hello. . .hello! Um sirs these targets don't match up, why are our targets Republic assets and not those monsters anymore? Sir?"

Of course no more needed to be said as a lovely distraction was provided as one of the RAET ships would slam into the Hydra hanging off the hull. They had seen the creature rise and saw the threat, and were the most apt to respond, but they couldn't fire on the bridge. . . .so a rather brave and obviously insane pilot took it upon themselves to ram the beast, and assumedly would fire a concussion missile point blank as well with all cannons fire for a finale worthy of heroes. A security officer taking the opportunity to lunge with such a display likely being distracting for an alarm near the door of the bridge, before turning his blaster carbine on the Sith as the officers began to flee for the exit, which would soon also be filled with a response team moving to investigate the threat, several of them armed as Blademasters with their vibroswords. Perhaps it was futile still, but in an enclosed space with no ready escape, perhaps they stood a chance. They would likely attack in concert, moving in with a flashbang followed by a charge, one aiming their blade for the Sith's chest, another for her legs, and the third for her side.

At communications hub: [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Lady Exedō"]

Perhaps more than soldiers within the communications hub. Especially the three brave soldiers who knew the distance to the central operations office was getting close, and stood their ground to buy their allies time. His voice was heard over the security feeds as he slew those troopers, and it made Camellia laugh. "Humanity is the very spawn meant to put monsters under the dirt. And you'll soon find why." Indeed he would, as the next corner he would round would be the one where the Plex Launcher squad was laid up, behind them the injured man receiving medical attention, his wound encouraging the soldiers rather than daunting them, he had survived, he would live, and so would they. Of course, this would be assuming he reached them, as the soldiers ahead had spent their time well, setting up trip wire traps with their grenades that the Sith would have to navigate. And if he did turn the corner still alive they would fire their missiles, ahead and above him just a bit to either get him with the explosion or to at least put a substantial amount of debris in his way.

A similar tactic was being employed on the other side. Tripwire traps were set, but because word had been received that a Jedi was moving to intercept the Sith, three soldiers moved to back up the lone lightsaber wielding warrior, a plex launcher in hand. They would turn around the end of the hall away from the pair, and they would fire the first shot while the Sith was busy speaking, their aim meaning the missile to hit the ceiling above the sith woman. They knew what had happened to earlier squads, they were just taking the shot and retreating, this was their support for the Jedi against that monster.

Too many monsters. . . .

There was a dragon outside even. . . .

And reports were one leviathon was heading toward the palace, her men unable to hinder every beasts progress. Perhaps the Jedi in the streets and the Republic and local forces under their command could slow them. Or maybe the Palace's own defenses had adequate force to stop it.

A Warning: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Ben Watts"] @Memorial @Ekul Selah [member="Uther Weiss"] [member="Lan Graendal"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Jericho"] "This is Captain Camellia Swift to all Republic forces. My own men are combating enemy Massassi at the heavily ruined spaceport, others have surrounded several sith still within that vicinity. The communications hub is under siege from a pair of Sith, with a dragon outside as well. We are slowing their progress as much as possible. My forces, the RHDF, are hindering the enemy sithspawn and their mistress in the streets. One of their leviathons is injured, their Hydra is stalled, the rest fight my troops in bloody array. A large leviathon has escaped the fighting and is rushing toward the Palace, I have no more forces to slow it yet. If any of you are hearing this, if there are any forces under your command, any artillery or support craft or defensive cannons, turn them on the beast and slay it! These monsters are slowly losing, their shadow creatures are dying. This is a message to hold on. This has become a war of wills. And we should not be the ones who bend first."
Location: Spaceport

As Corvus reached the spaceport, a number of thoughts ran through her head simultaneously. ’How did the defences of this system and planet fail so terribly? What was it with Sith and their toys? Why?’

In studying Jedi Lore, Corvus inevitably understood the teachings of the Sith – or at least those from bygone ages. The current followers of the Order were a pale imitation of those great warriors. Evil, but none the less great - to consider them any less would be to underestimate them. Nowadays it was as if they were too frightened to stand up for their ideals without a host of monsters to hide behind. And why mindless violence? That was never the Sith way.

And that’s the problem with fighting evil. No sooner do you have a handle on it than it changes into something new. Always one step ahead.

But where to help first? Incoming ships meant more enemy troops – but they were a relative handful – this was a domestic spaceport, not a military installation designed for off-loading thousands of soldiers – and the planet had an entire army at its disposal. Even veteran troops couldn’t win against sheer volume. They could cause some serious damage – the only question was; how bloody would the nose be?

The Force snapped her back to the here and now. Ahead was a familiar Force signature - and she had company.

Rounding the corner, Corvus saw Kana and two Sith engaging in a friendly conversation. Kana, as ever, was pointing out the error of their ways. Quite loudly.

Corvus walked up to stand beside her friend, her robes bright as she stepped out of the shadows (pun intended). “What, you couldn’t wait for me? Please introduce me to your new acquaintances.” The emotion may have gone but the fondness for poor jokes seemed to have remained.

[member=Kana Truden"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Vyctora Romanov"]


Royal Palace-Garden
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Uther Weiss"]

He had moved through the gardens as soon as the shot had been fired, swift careful movements on his stomach. The massive trees and botanical plants kept him mostly covered. Behind him he left tiny silver orbs, dozens of micro-grenades that he had slightly modified to be triggered with a detonator. Their blast radius was hardly grand, but it would be enough for what he wanted.

Quickly, with his rifle over his arms he managed to reach the edge of the gardens near one of the palaces far walls.

Troopers had begun to search his previous location, men and women bought that sought to find the Sniper that had killed their friends. He smiled grimly for a second, then reached for something behind his belt. For a moment he fondled the device, then slowly got up into a crouching position. From here he could reach one of the far walls of the Palace. The thick duracrete was likely reinforced, hence why there was only one guard on this particular wall.

For what he had, it didn't matter though. With a sudden jerk, Ceran threw the device onto the wall. It splotched noticeably, making an odd noise. The Guard nearby immediately ran over, checking on his station.

Ceran smiled. As soon as he neared the mine, he triggered the micro-grenades. Explosions tore through the gardens, dozens of them in quick succession. Not enough to kill all of the guards, but enough to cause injury. Of course, that was hardly the objective. As soon as the explosion began, the guard whirled around, his sudden movements triggering the singularity mine that Ceran had stuck to the wall.

In an instant, the blackhole formed. The Duracrete wall, the guard, and everything else within ten meters was utterly torn apart and crushed into a tiny almost invisible speck.

The mine didn't last long, only a few seconds, but everything around it was completely and utterly destroyed. With a very large hole in the wall now present, Ceran ducked into the palace proper.

Catherine Romanov

Location: Zeltos Spaceport
Allies: [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"] ; [member="Corvus Raaf"]

She was scowling. Things were getting complicated. Vyctora hated complicated. Two Jedi Knights in front of her, combat ready. She was only a mere apprentice, and even filled with the hatred and desire to harm Jedi, she knew her limits. She was out of her depth here. She, merely an apprentice, was no match for a jedi knight head on, let alone two. She gave the Jedi a dirty disgusted look before uttering "Ugh. Complications. Now that's annoying." Vyctora glanced towards Nick, as the more powerful Sith, and moved behind in a position to support him, and awaited his move.
Through the Force, he heard the whispers of the past...

"I am one of the last Jedi Masters from the New Sith Wars.
It is by thy Force I can see thee, Ekul Selah,
for the light hath long been denied me."

The drum of war. The drum of his heart. It beat. Energetically. Savagely. An innately human and animalistic drive for survival. His adrenal glands formulated hormones, pouring them into his bloodstream. It was preparing his body for fight or flight. His blood pressure rose, so too did his heart. He breathed more vigorously as the air passages of his lungs expanded, his pupils enlarged. His body redistributed blood to his muscles and altered the body. Yet, all the while these mystical things his body were performing were natural. They were nothing of the Force, but the Force empowered this. Epinephrine surged through his veins, coursing its way through his body as it pinpointed key locations. The cosmic energies whirled around him, and time seemed to slow to the eye of the beholder. The muscles in his legs contracted and relaxed, each step bringing him closer to the wall behind him. His arm whipped his blade around, creating a series of deflecting movements but he was not defending himself from any attacks yet, nay, he was warming up his shoulders. He didn’t want to pull a tendon. That could be deadly. With the flux in blood flow to his brain, he felt almost immediately more attentive and focused. Though his lips grew dry, sweat gathered on his forehead, tracing their way down to his chin where they drooled and dripped harmlessly onto his darkened robes. The headlights of a speeder illuminated Ekul Selah briefly in a golden glow, and he began to drown into his memories. He recalled a place and time in which he had been in similar circumstances.
A time when hope seemed to be a possession he no longer possessed. The dismal days that torpidly dragged on. A place In the lowest levels, in the abyssal urban depths, of the ecumenopolis that was Coruscant, it was a rare thing indeed to see sunlight. For the inhabitants of the baroque and gleaming cloud cutters, sky towers and superskytowers—the latter reaching as much as two kilometres high— the sun was something taken for granted, just as were the other comforts of life. Since WeatherNet guaranteed that it never rained until dusk or later, the rich golden sunlight was simply expected, in the same way that one expected air to fill one’s lungs with every breath. But hundreds of stories below the first inhabited floors of the great towers, ziggurats, and minarets, in some places actually on or under the city-planet’s surface, it was another story. There hundreds of thousands of humans and other species lived and died, sometimes without ever catching as much as a glimpse of the fabled sky. Here the light that filtered through the omnipresent grey inversion layer was wan and pallid. The rain that reached the surface was nearly always acidic, enough so at times to etch tiny channels and grooves into ferrocarbon foundations. It was hard to believe that anything at all could survive in those dismal trenches. Yet even here life, both intelligent and otherwise, had adjusted long ago to the perpetual twilight and structured environment.
At the very bottom of the chasms, in the variegated pulsing of phosphor lights and signs, stone mites, conduit worms, and other scavengers flourished on technological detritus. Duracrete slugs blindly masticated their way through rubble. Hawk-bats built nests near power converters to keep their eggs warm. Armored rats and spider-roaches scuttled and hunted through piles of trash two stories high. And millions of other species of opportunistic and parasitic organisms, from single-celled animalcules all the way up to those self-aware enough to wish they weren’t, doggedly pursued their common quest for survival, little different from the struggles on a thousand different jungle worlds. Down here was where the jetsam of the galaxy, a motley collection of sentients dismissed by those above simply as “the underdwellers,” eked out lives of brutality and despair. A place Ekul Selah had called home. Seven months. Seven long months. It was merely a different kind of jungle, after all.
And where there’s a jungle, there are always those who hunt.

"Is it not true with thine own people that when one dieth,
it is accounted how well he lived,
rather than how long?
Why should it matter if the death hour is known or not?"

By way of part physical reaction and the Force, he knew she had originally doubted him, but whatever doubt had left. She was determined, defiant and resolved to not only defeat him; but to kill him. Here in the jungle, when predator met predator, it was do or die. To kill, or to be killed. His eyes darted from his opponent to another Sith, and he too felt her sickly presence. A cancerous and diabolic cloud that drifted through the Force. Ekul Selah surrendered to the Light Side of the Force, as he had learned to do so long before, letting it guide and direct him. Through this, it could allow him to move in offensive and defensive actions far faster and more precise than his conscious mind could possibly have executed. Relinquishing himself in such a way, he could see through the Force with better vision than any set of eyes. He wondered at his opponents naiveté, if she were. Young, tis was true, and Ekul far older, experienced, learnt and trained, but such skills oft mattered not. A duel could be won as easily with religious fever as it could with experience. Of both; he had.
Her attention was on him, and yet time had come to almost a standstill. He observed, silently, yet unable to move in equal speed. Someone approached the corpse of the Jedi, and appeared to pickpocket her, unwise with a Sith and Jedi nearby, but as they were preoccupied, granted, he did have an advantage. Emotions surged and fluctuated, he wanted to pull the man away from her, even though he had only ever seen her alive for a few mere seconds. A deep connection he had held with any member of the Jedi Order. He repressed these feelings, and controlled only on what was ahead of him; his destiny. A devout follower of the Unifying Force, believing the Force connected the planets and cosmos, rather than all living things. Often these Jedi were so few in number some would not live generations within one other. They did not believe on the now, but rather the then. They believed in a destiny, and those who could peer into the future were accustomed to the Unifying Force.
It was a unique path of study that had kept him alive in the streets of the underworld, providing deep insight into his own existence. He centred himself, drawing in of himself and pooled his energy. Today was not the day he would die, he still had things to do, goals to complete. He set about, bringing his internal and cosmic energies together. The metaphysical and ethereal energy that binded the planets and cosmos, and all living things together. A moral compass defined by the very living creature’s emotions and actions over the course of their lives. It could not be controlled by a single entity, rather it flowed through every living organism. Good or Evil, it cared not. He drifted back to Talia, cold and lifeless, unprotesting of the man that mugged her. Vengeance seemed so sweet, but Ekul knew a practitioner of the Jedi Order was forbidden to take revenge no matter how strong ones emotions may be. Ekul understood his emotions, and he was forced in this moment to face them, and ultimately embrace them. Such was the way of life. Such was the way of the Jedi.

"Take my blade,
and become the Knight
I know thy can become."

A pattern of ripples in the Force told him she was swelling with energy, and it was nigh to burst. Ekul raised his hand to deflect the unknown attack with a spherical energy manipulated by the Force. Then she bellowed, so loud it threatened to burst his eardrums.—He had been sucker-punched. The sphere exploded under sheer pressure, he was struck by the full force of a speeding podracer. The shockwave hammered him, lifting him and hurling him back. He collided against the wall with a terrible impact. The Force had protected him from much of the blast, but the wall had been a surprise. Dimly, as from a great distance, he felt the Force roil in sudden turmoil, like a placid pond struck suddenly by a stone. He was not aware of his terrible cry in pain. He slunk to his knees, heaving. Blood smothered his tongue and he tasted the bitter-sweet liquid, licking it from his lips. He was thankful he had not be pulverised, and surprised he had not received a fractured bone. His quick thinking had been the only thing to save him. It was an amazing testimony to both his courage and the efficacy of the Jedi training that he remained alive, after being in such close proximity to the burst of kinetic energy known as a Force Bellow. Though he saw, he did not with his eyes. He purposely flickered his eyelids open and focused on his enemy. Gingerly he pulled himself onto his feet.
The power of energy over matter, and the mind over both. A tug in the Force and his fallen hilt quickly flew back into his grasp, reigniting with an eager roar. It was his time to strike back, to show his worth. He would not go down without a fight. He would continue the legacy he had been gifted. He brought his blade to kneel before him, reaching out with his mind he envisioned a giant hand squeezing the joints of his opponents kneecaps, attempting to dislocate them, or worse; shatter them. The Force complied, and began an attempt to strangle the bones to the point of destruction. Yet, he was not done. He began to alter the air currents around her, turning it into a maelstrom. This swirling force would attempt to lift her into the air, spinning her around and leaving her incapable of moving out of it if successful. The aged Jedi, completed these tasks one by one, and as the Force threatened to break her knees and the maelstrom raged, tugging at her, Ekul attempted to launch the dumpster into the fray, an attempt to strike her out. She had done a sucker-punch, and he was now going for the uppercut. He put all his mental strain into this, leaving him physical exposed. Sweat dripped rapidly, his breathing became a wheezing noise from which was filled with strain and thought. He put all his experience into this, all his time, and all his knowledge. It was time to show her; Ekul Selah does not go down without a fight.

[member="Vargent Nordii"]
[member="Cypra Krum"]

Rosa Gunn

Zeltros City
Street Party
Allies: [member="Cordelia deWinter"] [member="Seras Goto"]
Enemies: [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] (i know you're around somewhere) [member="Nagate Hei"] (also around somewhere..on the roof)

She'd been so close, She could feel it in his bones, see it in his face as the fear began to take hold. Choking him, making him want to run. And then Jericho had appeared emanating calm undoing her hard work, emptying the street of her feast and bellowing at her. She didn't flinch, she barely even blinked as the wave of energy came towards her, stopped by her allies force barrier. Rosa made a note to get a name later.

What a collection she had before her. She poked and prodded at them all in the force, testing how sharp they were. The knight would fall first. He was an unknown, a nuisance, the other though. The others knew her, they new the woman who was buried beneath the beast. Tears still ran down behind her mask.

Amber eyes settled upon Ben as he spoke and she shook her head. "I am neither a liberator nor capable of negotiation, Master Watts." Another powerful wave of fear rippled from her as she restarted her mental attack on Flint.

"I am a Weaver of Nightmares, and its time you slept, Jedi Knight." This was no longer about making him scream, but about eliminating him. All fatigue she could find in him she amplified tenfold, it was time for him to sleep so she could deal with the others.

Cordelia deWinter

Zeltros City
Street Party
Aliies: [member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Seras Goto"]​
Enemies:[member="Jericho"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Ben Watts"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Nagate Hei"]
Objective: Empower Rosa's influence to make flint sleep, guide flint into a dreamwalk.

Layers upon layers. Just like a delicate web. One tendril woven by the Weaver's hand, those intangible talons wrapping a blanket of slumber....

In this the Voss Mystic would also imbue her own. The Dread Master's objective was that of Flint Dexen. Cordelia would see to it that her own powers as a dreamwalker would overlap and imbue the manipulations of the Force by Rosa.

Rock-a-by precious one. Let slumber take you away --- While Rosa would be the gilded path to oblivion, Cordelia, in turn, would be the guide to push Flint into the realm where dreamwalkers lie.

And face the demons of his own precious psyche. The ones he would carry in the locked shadows of his mind.
Location: Spaceport
Allies: TBD
Enemies: Dark Jedi

Making his way through the streets littered with dead bodies, the Mon Calamari Sith Master saw the explosions coming from the spaceport, the same place he was going to. He only hoped there would be at least one undamaged ship, as the idea of running through the chaotic battle and looking for a working spacecraft was not very appealing. His large eyes shifted towards the sky again; the Republic was here. This did not worry him that much though; he sincerely hoped the Jedi and Republic forces killed as many of those Dark Jedi scumbags who dared to call themselves Sith as possible after trapping them on the planet. How much Veles hated those insane, bloodthirsty madmen who craved nothing but death and pointless killing! They were the ones who have betrayed the One Sith; by turning this infiltration and sabotage operation into a mindless slaughter, they have signed themselves a death sentence, or so he hoped. Veles made a mental note to discover the names of the participants once he got off the planet, so he could properly mark them as Dark Jedi and recommend their immediate execution.

The Force warned him of several beings ahead. Instead of cloaking himself and wasting energy, as he wanted to save as much as possible in case he had to hide from the Republic army that he believed to arrive sooner or later. The signatures he felt belonged to both sides, but right now, the Mon Calamari did not care that much. Both Sith and Jedi would be of great use right now.

As he approached the four individuals, emerging from one of the streets that led deeper into the city, Veles’ cybernetic eye immediately studied them all, easily recognizing two women as Jedi, while the ones standing against them obviously had to be Sith. Whether they were true Sith or not remained to be seen, but it presented an excellent opportunity to explore just how many true Sith and what Veles considered to be true Jedi were present.

“Excuse me!” called out the Mon Calamari, waving with his webbed hand to get their attention and stop the two sides from tearing each other apart until he got close enough. Each of his bulbous eyes now looked towards one group, the Sith and the Jedi. “I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but there are several Dark Jedi who have betrayed the One Sith and are currently killing everyone they come across instead of following the original orders. It is necessary we eliminate those imbeciles before they ruin the entire mission.”

His head turned to [member="Nickolas Imura"] and [member="Vyctora Romanov"]. “By doing so, we will purge our Order of several psychopaths and stop it from further degeneration.”

The Mon Cal’s attention shifted towards the Jedi duo, [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Kana Truden"]. “And you have an excellent chance of stopping true monsters and saving many innocent lives.”

“Of course,” the Sith Master shrugged and looked at the damaged spaceport, “You can kill each other right here and now. It is your choice. Is anyone interested in hunting down the rogues, though?”
Corvus was aware of the new arrival but for now the Force wasn't warning her of any immediate danger, so she thought nothing of letting him come closer.

As the Mon Calamari spoke, her immediate thought was that this was some sort of Sith plan. A way of keeping them away from the spaceport perhaps? Yet his words rang true and she sensed no deceit in his voice.

"Your definition of monsters is, at best, a relative term. Although I share your sentiments - I am puzzled by your approach. I would gladly assist you in stopping the rogues, but what then? Would you hand yourselves over too?" She may be cautious, but she wanted to know where this conversation would go. "How would you propose we deal with these rogues of yours?" She had a bad feeling she knew the answer and wasn't going to like it.

[member="Avreet Zatarus"] | [member="Vyctora Romanov"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="[URL=""]Nickolas Imura[/URL]"]
Location: Zeltos Spaceport
Allies: [member="Avreet Zatarus"], [member="Vyctora Romanov"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Kana Truden"]

I had not quite finished killing the men when Two Jedi Showed up. Both of them so willing to fight. Drawing my saber, I did not activate it yet when a Sith came as well. The Jedi had made quips about me being there with my apprentice, however the Mon Calamari Sith had spoke about how some of the Sith had become Dark Jedi. And this would have been the greatest chance to purge them from the One Sith Order. I thought about this for a moment. If the ship up above were being controlled and fired down upon the spaceport anyways. Killed some guys, felt good doing it. Not a bad days work.

The Jedi questioned that if they were to help, then would we turn ourselves in? I scoffed at her. Speaking up for once, "First, It was kind of rude to interrupt my little talk with the spacers who are now toast. Second, We won't be turning ourselves in.... Not willingly at least." I pointed to both of the jedi, "How about this. You help us, and I will give you a fair chance of trying to take me down. You win, you get me. I win, I leave."

I smiled brightly under my hood. "Or, you could just pay me to leave. maybe with enough credits. Bounty Hunting doesn't always have such a great payout."

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