Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Siege of Commenor [TSE/CSA]

Vallory landed hard against the ground, holding herself up. She had her saber still with her, and tried getting away as she was told to run away. The Twilek had such a look of hatred about her. She scrambled to her feet, but she did not run as the Twilek rushed her, and grazed her midsection with the saber. Using what knowledge she had, she tried force pushing [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] away from her, only to stumble back and fall down.
Darben Skirae ducked down as the tunnel was collapsed. He stayed down, coughing. The dirt surrounded him and the guards, and when he stood up the dust was still settling. Though he could see the glow of sabers, and noticed that it must have been [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] and the Sith that had been taken hostage. But with the grazed shoulder and his daughters, he knew that he could not help. "Quick we have to...get out of here" he said, still recovering from the settling dust.

That was when he made a heart wrenching discovery. That only one daughter was there, and that sweet Brigh was nowhere to be seen...
[member="Vallory"] [member="Darben Skirae"]

weak, pathetic, sith!

She said as she held her hand stopping for but a second dust moving off of her, starting upon the poor girl again and this time moving closer to deliver a punch right to her gut

the sith have let weaklings grow, to kill you would be a service to them...and id hate to do that

She said as she would grab the girl and spin her and tossed her towards a building wall as she started walking slowly towards her as she let a breath out...she deactivated her saber as she strode forth towards the girl

not to mention just using a mere child....pathetic
Vallory was breathing heavily, pushing herself back along the ground as the other approached and berated her. She groaned in pain upon being punched in the gut, near the gash. She stood and was grabbed then spun and pushed away, right into a building wall. But she had picked up something while on the ground, holding a hand to her midsection as if holding it against the gash.

" no child...I've been around long enough to pick...up a few tricks." Vallory put a foot against the wall, then pushed back in a flip. With her clutched hand, she opened and swung it at the Twilek's face, releasing dust and dirt as she spun her flexible body to kick to their back.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Darben had to find Brigh. But before they could, the sounds of fighting were closing in. Guards ushered Darben to the speeder, and three remained behind. They promised they would find her, and help [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] if they could. The Minister was nearly pulled kicking and screaming, or at least would have if he were not exhausted, into the speeder. And then the speeder backed up, and they sent off. He could not believe it, as he had been made to abandon his child, somewhere near her mother. And the Sith.
She closed her eyes as she started wiping her eyes, then she felt that kick right in the middle of her back and stumbled forward towards the wall. Turning quickly she started using force sight as she pointed towards the girl

oh your smart, maybe your not so stupid....

She reached for her sword nova and drew it as she chuckled and started moving towards the girl slowly, been awhile since she had used force sight she had to readjust to it yet again

now then let's play again!

She said as she swung towards her as she laughed a bit

Meanwhile bright had been following her mommas force signature, she was close and so was that evil lady. She stopped peeking from behind a wall watching as her mother had that sword she always kept locked up out and going towards the evil sith lady
Vallory stood, smiling proudly till she noticed that Star was still aiming at her. How could she see her? her eyes were still rather closed, and that surprised the vampire quite a bit. She drew her lightsaber, activating it. The red glow going across her features. She would have to do more than saber combat, as she was not so great with that. But what she did do well, was using her flexible bones to move unlike most could.

Vallory bent back further than most beings could, and swung a leg out as she went for a flip to kick at the sword arm up. Once she flipped back, the saber held in both hands she readied in case she had to strike back. Her plan was to wait for an opening, if she could. Using her flexible moves to move fluently in dodging moves.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]

She let her breathing calm, she moved with her as she listened as well, finally she felt the girl move yet she reacted to late and her arm was kicked up, she moved back quickly and got back into stance as she shook her head trying to get the dirt out...damn...that girl was smart to use the dust as a weapon.

Stardust looked towards the girl and moved forward swing the blade at her. Yet she found she hit nohing she couldn't judge the distance properly. She stopped moving and decided that if she could reach her she would allow the girl to come towards her

using your smart...unfortunately that won't save you sith

She said as she reached out with the force to attempt to pull the girl towards her

Bright watched the battle...scared yet she awed at how powerful her mother was! She couldn't see yet she still faced the sith lady! Bright stayed hidden maybe mommy could defeat her then they could go to daddy and leave and go to mommy's home away from the loud thunder and that sick feeling in her belly
Vallory stood ready. Then she felt the pull of the force, pulling her towards the Twilek. But this gave her a slight advantage, as she hopped off the ground and let momentum carry her. She prepared a swing, aiming wherever she could to get a hit in. Even if it meant she took a hit. But with her Vampirika blood it would be able to heal in a matter of a day or two. Unless a limb ended off. She took no notice of the child, ready to cut at the Twilek force user.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Stardust wen to swipe, but...nothing...then suddenly she felt her entire body tesned as she would look up slowly, no...She wouldn't be able to get her in time. She closed her eyes a she went to raise her sword, be it if her fate was to die right now she would accept it

Brigh watched in horror, mommy wasn't gonna be able to stop the sith lady! She panted and took a deep breath as she screamed


She said ad she ran out, stardust turned her head suddenly feeling a massive spike within the force, brigh held her hand out and went to...She didn't know...just stop the lady! She started slowly making a grabbing motion unknowingly starting to do a crush move

It was too complicated, honestly. Everything was complicated. And annoying. And stressful. And honestly? Beth was really wishing she could just hide under her covers at this point. Her smile was hidden by her buy'ce, but even so, she doubted [member="Kat Decoria"]'s words. They would get in... And they would destroy it. It's what the Sith did to subjects who didn't bow down to their rule. There would be no mercy from them unless maybe Lady Kay capitulated. But even then, would they spare? Heck, what about the rest of the planet? How many cities were probably under the flames of the Sith right now?

But she admired Kat's ability to be optimistic. Heck, if what had just happened a couple days before hadn't shaken Beth to her core, she probably would be similar. What if Carnifex never gave Adara back to Yasha? Beth's stomach was in knots as she thought about all the things that could have or be happening. She took a breath as she tried to focus her mind. She had to focus - what if they get ambushed or attacked? She had to be able to think clearly and right now, her mind was everywhere except here.

She chuckled, "Heyyy, I didn't ask for it but you're right. They are." Beth wished she could touch the necklace around her neck of the Naboo goddesses. It was one of the only things that could comfort her during trying times. "Yeah, I heard... I dunno where he'd be. I don't have my MBE comms so I can't access anything," she muttered. Probably wasn't the smartest decision of her life but she needed her presence during the Siege to be a secret - she really didn't want to start an international incident. Granted, she may have already done that, after all. "I hope she didn't. I think they've brought most of their fleet and armies and stuff honestly."

Staring at the shield, she shrugged slightly at Kat's suggestion. "I... Don't know, honestly. I figure it'd just... Burn us up or something, or just be like a wall." She turned red, not really sure. She hadn't thought about what the shield was made of or did.
"You are far more foolish than I believed you to be if you truly believe that, High Queen." He said his eyes returning to [member="Lady Kay"]. A gesture to his guards and she was forced through the force and physical means to kneel before the Sith Emperor [member="Darth Carnifex"]. Insurrection, rebellion, it was a fools errand and one they would not tolerate. The look of the Lord of Eyes molten eyes was absolutely bone chilling, like staring into death itself, it was the look of a man who held absolutely no regard for life on any level. Life meant nothing to the Destroyer and the untold trillions exterminated by House Zambrano chiefly because of these two men standing before her spoke volumes to his relationship with it. Kay Arenais was a stubborn woman and that was something he knew all too well, it had taken quite a while to break her. But he knew even she had her breaking point, and he knew just how to find it.

"There is a simple way to handle rebellion when it springs up, a tried and true method that has worked for thousands of years and one my family is quite familiar with. Death." He said staring down into her eyes as her chin was propped up to look toward them. "You replace rebellion with death. You eradicate those who dare to stand against you and all others one at a time until compliance is assured. This idea that "Commenor endures" is a foolish lie, one you spew to your people to keep them from panicking, to keep them focused and to reign in anarchy. But you are ever the stubborn one perhaps a demonstration is in order." He said turning towards the military attaché "Get me Captain Cano" He ordered looking back towards their prisoner while the attaché worked, the Captains visage appeared on the screen soon after "Captain Cano status report on the Munto bombing run." He asked.

"Our bombers are making our approach now your excellency, our escort fighters are engaged with heavy anti air." Cano said respectfully.

"Cancel that Captain pull all forces away from Munto City and get all naval forces out of the region." He commanded, turning towards the attache a swift signal from his hand ended the channel "Now get me First Captain Aquila, Goliath Command" The Shadow Hand asked, and it didn't take long before the physical representation of the artificial intelligence AQUILA appeared on the screen, a great red eye "Aquila are you in position for phase two?" He asked. The deep, demonic, mechanized rumbling voice of the AI quickly came through the other end of the coms "Affirmative in position and target locked. Final confirmation is needed to initiate firing mechanism my lord, high value imperial personnel are planetside." AQUILA replied. "All allied personnel are cleared from the targeting zone AQUILA you have confirmation fire when ready." He told the AI turning back towards Kay.
"Remember you did this to your people."

Munto City Front Lines, 122nd Assault Division
Commander Aldus Greenberg, Commenori Armed Forces

It was hell.

The sounds of anti air fire filled the air as Munto City's anti-air stations began firing at advanced Sith forces sweeping in. Low flying interceptors cut loose with torpedos and laser fire wreaking havoc on the front lines, the ground shook so much and the air was filled with so much noise he could barely hear himself think even inside the disheveled command center. But Aldus was a thirty year veteran and a participant of many a war in this galaxy despite the nervousness and widespread panic he was able to keep his men calm, keep them focused. Reports had quickly spread of bombers sweeping over entire cities, they held out hope for Anteluma but word had spread of the city's decimation by Sith forces and the bombs they were using that made bunkers useless, but he held out hope for survivors it wasn't the most thorough attack and after all Commenor endures. They would get past this.

"We lost two more turret stations in quadrant one, two in quadrant three and quadrant four has come under heavy attack." An officer yelled through the command center. Another officer yelled out "Bombers are sighted on final approach". "Move the mobile units to quadrant four and deploy mobile barriers we can't afford to lose anymore stations. All stations are to sight those bombers as soon as they're in range, if they reach the city were done." Aldus ordered. If just one bomber reached his city thousands were going to die, around eight million people lived in the clustered Munto City and the vids of those bombers showed just one of the bombs taking out a city block. If just one bomber cleared their lines every last death would be his fault, every last citizen who died would be on his head and he would have to answer to their families, he wouldn't allow it to happen. So carefully Aldus waited.


Quite suddenly the patter of turret fire grinded to a halt and the command center grew eerily quiet, before a cacophony of cheers erupted on com channels and all through the front lines. "Status report? Someone tell me what's going on." Aldus yelled. "Sir the enemy bombing run has broken off, the enemy is in full retreat." The young junior officer said a big smile on his face. Retreat? It didn't make sense. Why would they retreat the Sith Empire never retreated. Intel said they had Chasin City completely surrounded, the enemy had complete air and ground superiority. They shouldn't he couldn't figure out why they would.

But then he got his answer.

A notification came over the sensors officer's station and quickly it spread like wildfire, soon the entire command center emptied out. Aldus tried reaching them but instead chose to just see what the commotion was all about. There was a massive gathering outside as soldiers stood from cover in trench lines, and officers out in the open staring into the sky. High in low orbit over the city sat a massive shape that bathed them in its shadow. A ship roughly six miles from bow to stern. It was unlike anything he had ever seen in his thirty year career, a black hulled monstrosity bristling with firepower. It was such a stunning sight soldiers dropped their rifles and were frozen in place their eyes locked on the massive ships hull. Aldus's executive officer Reed ran out from the command center and said "It's gathering a massive amount of energy." In that instance they knew what it was doing. The Super Star Dreadnought, the sith forces retreating it now all suddenly made sense to him.

They were preparing to open fire.

"The Sith were not retreating. They were clearing the area for that...abomination to fire." He said with a shaky voice of utter horror to Reed, with a tone that stunned his fellow officers. In all of his thirty years nothing had shaken him, nothing had gotten to him until that massive ship entered low orbit. The shock rang in his ears like a church bell and suddenly he couldn't even hear his shouting, panicked officers. Reed shouted right in his face and he could no longer hear him. Aldus pulled out the flask his wife Barbara had gotten him last life day and took a long swig of the Corellian Whiskey, then he took another, and another. "Commander Greenberg. What do we do? We have civilians here, emergency raid protocol hasn't been completed yet, orders? Commander?" Reed shouted.

But Aldus continued to ignore Reed as he turned and called his wife on the comms "Barbara it's Aldus. I just wanted to tell you that I love you alright? I'm alright I'm alright, just give the boys a hug for me and tell them their father loves them would you? No don't worry everythings going to be alright, I will always love you." Aldus ended the call with her then. He didn't see the need to tell her that they were all going to die, a part of him couldn't even muster up the words for his goodbye without nearly crying already. If this was the end she would spend it with her kids, and force hoped it would be quick.


There was a massive eruption of energy from the bow of the ship a massive green beam cut through the atmosphere, breaking the clouds open like a god tearing open the heavens. As it cut down through the atmosphere for miles around Munto City the landscape was bathed in a deep green light, the beam visible across the planet. The beam was vast easily miles wide. As it rushed towards the ground there was a hurricane roar. As soon as it collided with the earth there was a deafening boom, a shockwave that swept through the entirety of Commenor as it cut deep. Nearly half of Munto City and the surrounding valley vanished in the beam, utterly annihilated as the earth shook ravaging the deep tectonic plates with so much force they shifted triggering a destructive earthquake easily exceeding 10.0 in magnitude through the local region. The earth buckled sending an avalanche worth of colossal chunks of debris thousands of feet into the sky the beam struck with such intensity, such ferocity the very earth buckled beneath it and it literally glassed what remained as all life died, the very temperature in the region rose as the entire area was bathed in the beams superheated plasma. It swept forward continuing the destruction and Munto City disappeared and in an instant eight million people died, devoured and swept screaming into the netherworld creating a massive disturbance through the force in their wake. The concussive wave of the beam sent massive tsunamis into the oceans over a thousand feet in height. Everything vanished beneath its might and just like that it was gone.



A great cheer swept through the ranks of the Sith forces to witness such devastation wrought upon their enemy, they fed upon it, gorged themselves in it. The shockwave of it's first impact swept through their ranks even at this massive distance it was enough to cause them to stumble and nearly fall, walkers even shifted as they were illuminated in the beam even at this far distance. But for the Lord of Lies he watched the destruction and made sure Kay watched it. The look he gave her after eight million people vanished showed his utter disregard for the lives lost.

"We have replaced rebellion, We have snuffed out the flames you speak of and replaced them with death. One by one we will burn your cities to the ground. Commenor will cease to exist because of the stubbornness of her Queen. Commenor will not endure our storm."

[member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Belphaegor"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Heca Foliou"] | [member="Sebastian Thel"] | [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
| [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Tehkyram"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]
Vallory was about to slash. To strike the Twilek down, finish this. And prove herself. For the first time, her eyes glowed with dark energy, the energy of a Sith. As she was about

She found herself not getting closer at all. And then, a surge of pain. Yet she could not scream. Make any sound. Something had her in their grip, strangling her entire body. Trying to move, trying to slash. She could not even turn her head to whatever held her. And seeing the surprise on the Twilek, she knew right away. Another was here. Her fragile flexible bones were starting to become worn under the pressure.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]


She calls don't to her daughter running over, she wiped her eyes and opened hem finally as she turned looking to the sith girl, bright had let her go as stardust used to force to catch her and throw her saber away...She approached her as she looked her in the eye

hmmmmm....if you value your life girl...

She pulled a little comm piece out a one way, and placed it in a pocket

you'll go to imahalyan and wait until you hear from get...the feth out of my sight

She tossed her away, turned towards her daughter as she picked her up, she got her comm out to contact her husband [member="Darben Skirae"]

I have me here and...and we are leaving the planet....we must keep our family safe

She was abandoning her post, her duties, yet however she had her family to think of and as of this moment she would do whatever it took to get them off planet and to her planet of zeltros first...then to imahalyan
Vallory gasped as she was let go, left there now. Floating in the air, breathing. She heard the words, then she was cast aside. Fear filled her expression. She took her saber and ran, planning to get whatever she could. She planned to get off world, fast as she possibly could. And Vallory had this feeling that she would be hunted down if she did not. So with that, she knew her next destination. And with that, she disappeared from the field.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Darben almost fumbled and dropped the communicator as [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]'s voice came through. And he sighed in absolute relief, knowing Brigh was in safe hands. "Guard, we have to go back! They-" "We cannot. A speeder can be sent for her, but we must get you to the bunkers!" He sat back in defeat, knowing there was no point arguing. He just had to hope that his daughter and wife would be left in safe hands.

Then Darben recalled something. "We have to go back! Stardust has a ship!" The guard driver hesitated...then with more relief, the speeder turned around and headed back. The guards would have to come with them, Darben knew that.
Anden Fancelo

Front of the Sith Trenchline, Commenor
Objective: Await the signal.
Allies: TSE | Vestille Thumahra
Enemies: CSA | Lauri Törniörni/

As the feud between the two trench lines remained, the Sith Empire giving it's share of blaster fire and the CSA replying with the same. Some members of Onyx chose not to burn up most of their ammo and deal with retreating back to the bunker and resupply on the cache. They don't know when the shield's going to go, and it could be at anytime. One of the Gravewalkers peeked over the trench, only having to recoil back from some tracers almost colliding with his head. He fell back and hit the dirt.

"Skrag!" He cursed, shaking his head as he gathered himself and rose up from the dirt. Some members of the squad chuckling at the show.

Fancelo merely shook his head as he was reading over something on his datapad, going over the data he was provided for this mission. Members of Onyx began to discuss.

"Why haven't we killed these sobs already?" Asked one of the Gravewalkers.

"We have, some. I think. But we haven't advanced because we've yet to receive the proper signal." Said another, messing about with the texture and shape of his weapon.

"But it's been so long."

Maxevan than broke his silence, holding the rather heavy blaster, ready to suppress when necessary.

"That's the thing about trench warfare, takes a lot of time for anything major to happen. Have patience though, Haktan."

The curious trooper now identified as Haktan shook his head and sighed. He glanced over to some of the legionaries and fellow gravewalkers beside them. They were mostly awaiting the order, some still keeping the CSA trenchline occupied. After a moment of verbal silence from the squad, Haktan looked over himself and started discarding the dirt off his armor, groaning.

"This would be less boring if Carmine was here.."

"Well Carmine is still recovering, so enough." Fancelo glared at the Gravewalker under his helmet, before going back to look over the data once again.

And Onyx remained along with the many others, awaiting the green light.
Stardust walked slowly, she was exhausted already, she held onto her daughter as tight as she could with her right arm...the left now dangling as it gave out finally.



did...did I do that to the sith lady

Started didn't speak a word, she walked for a few minutes before she sat down brigh crouching to be eye level

what you just did, was far beyond what you should, you havegreat power within you....but you must know when to use it and not let your feelings take control at random, however you did good but don't you dare leave your father again without least saying likely have him panicking

She watched the speeder coming, she opened the door and put brigh in before she entered sighing and laid back

go! We..we must leave
Darben hugged Brigh close to him as the speeder sped forward quickly. He was ready to berate her for leaving his side, but all he could do was hold her close to him, not saying a word. [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] looked in bad shape. Eyes red, her left arm didn't look so great. Whatever had happened worried him, but right now they needed to get out. "Where to, ma'am?" the driver asked back.
Location: Commenor, "Chateau La Arenais".
Opponents: [member="Koda Fett"], The Sith Empire.
Objective: Survive.
The Force cried out to all over Commenor as eight million lives were burned up amidst the destruction of Munto City. Such a terrible loss of life, so instantly taken tore a veil in the Force as if Veiere's very stomach had been ripped from his body, a sudden loss of strength sending his knees to buckle and Veiere to fall to the floor, his right hand taking a hold of the nearby door frame in an attempt to keep himself from harm while astonishment and sadness swept over him in waves.

"You Monsters..." he spoke in whisper under his breath, his senses reaching out in an attempt to determine what had happened. Presently he was still within the Cell of his Estate, yet the shear tremor that cut through the world of Commenor aided his assumptions and left him desperately hoping that Chasin City had not just been wiped out.

Recovering to stable footing, Veiere moved back up to the ground floor of the Estate, making sure to take hold of a Commlink on his way back outside and into the light where he would no doubt come into the line of sight to [member="Koda Fett"]. The Bounty Hunter remained hidden and with what had just struck Veiere in devastating revelation, he had momentarily forgotten his pursuer and instead sought to contact someone, anyone within the Royal Palace.

"This is Veiere Arenais calling any and all Government and Military Personnel..." He began, the commlink held tightly in his right hand while his eyes swept his surroundings in a moment of anxiety, the Force swelling to him, keeping close and within his control; "[member="Lady Kay"] Arenais has been taken captive. Repeat, the Queen has been taken by the Sith Emperor...-If we hope to survive this onslaught, we need to evacuate all civilian personnel immediately..." Veiere wasn't entirely certain how this was to be achieved yet the time for fighting had come and gone, damage control was required here least more people be cut down by a battle that couldn't be won. "Caedyn and Lori..." He then spoke to the twins [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and [member="Loreena Arenais"], "Your Mother asked that I get you to safety, yet I am on the outside of the Shield. Your first priority needs to be getting yourselves off of Commenor...." Veiere paused once again, taking a moment to gather himself before concluding "I'm going to bring your Mom back home".

He was closer to the Observation Platform than he was to reaching the Capital, even if he managed to reach the Cave Entrance to the underground Labrynth, Veiere still had a great distance to cover before he could reach the Children. The Twins weren't alone, nor were they without their training. Kay had been taken in by the Sith Empire before, tortured and corrupted, turned against her own people. Veiere had promised her that he would never allow that to happen again and yet she had been overcome once more by [member="Darth Prazutis"]...-No doubt to be forced to kneel before that of [member="Darth Carnifex"].

As the fallen King began to move back down the way he had come from, he knew that what he was doing had the odds pinned against him. The Emperor was bathed in the power of the Darkside of the Force, let alone that of Prazutis whom was another staunch Lord of the Sith and a Zambrano too. Veiere knew that he couldn't beat them both, he had doubts he could even overcome one of them yet Kay's life was at stake now...-All she had seen of him in recent times was disappointment and sorrow; he owed it to her, many times over. She had been the source of happiness in his life, given him so much to live for over the years.

Veiere simply couldn't let her go.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Belphaegor"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Heca Foliou"] | [member="Sebastian Thel"] | [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Tehkyram"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Beth Australis-Mantis"]​

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