Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Siege of Commenor [TSE/CSA]

The ride up was eerily quiet and filled with silence as the repulsorlift platform rose high into the air climbing closer, and closer to the massive observation platform that hung far over the battlefield. The great platform was thoroughly shielded and defended with anti air turrets to take care of any would be amateurs that tried to assault it. To top it all off two squadrons of Imperial Shadow Droid's made regular flybys and were always on call in case the platform came under attack, they could be there at a moments notice. The Nerean Crownguard held [member="Lady Kay"] firmly in their grip, the men were large far larger than most if not all of the humanoid races that made up the Sith-Imperial Legion, rather they shared a similar size with their master.

They said nothing as the lift climbed until it finally docked with the large observation platform.

The smell of thruster exhaust filled the air and mixed with the strong stench of ozone and the familiar twine of copper that had not yet faded. The platform appeared to be in some sort of disheveled state as members of the Imperial entourage finished policing the area, a military attaché an officer by the looks of it stood next to a holographic display that allowed the Emperor to monitor the siege below without being part of the chaos of the command center and the attaché there to relay his commands when he chose to make changes. The Sith Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith [member="Darth Carnifex"] stood at the far end his back momentarily to the lift, a group of Crownguard stood along the edges. Prazutis walked down the platform and straight to the Emperor as guards, attaches alike bowed and showed fealty to him, he stood right next to him.

The Nerean Crownguard brought her before them with one of the men slamming her with the long end of an electro-bisento forcing her to her knees the gag removed, two stood on either side of her making sure she stayed in place while the other two immediately took up a wide position on either side of both titans. The ride up he was able to confirm from the platform defenses that [member="Veiere Arenais"] had escaped his execution, and they had Mandalorian hunters including [member="Koda Fett"] in pursuit. The Shadow Hand spoke in a different language to the Emperor the words rolling off his tongue like a native speaker "Oyl hoedu em Mi'duar vor viss nsovik dui rimodi uoss vor imdelisi' vsiolik ayd ah dui imipi' ed'r emdilmos kihimrir kavm xi' dui depi I ollezik. Id kekm'd doqi samb da xiod duer ami emda ryxperream. Ih rui'r mad imaybu da halvi duip da vonedysodi duim uil rays vess xisamb da yr, omk vi rdess uozi Mi'duar am dui emreki. I vom nyd uep da dorq oboemrd dui nosovi omk uil hopesi', al rimk uep omk uer Nyxeom rivyledi' halvir oboemrd dui Cuorem Cedi' rueisk bimilodal da rynnald dui ihhaldr ah ayl orroysdemb halvir" He said in Epicant.

Darth Prazutis then turned to look back toward Kay then and held his hands out in front of him. Quite suddenly a dark energy gathered between his two hands, the energy was whispy and almost like some sort of black ichor. It soon manifested into a long wicked looking, ornate runeblade that took shape in his hands. He attached the hilt to his side.

[member="Mythos"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"]

Vallory shouted in pain and agony as her teeth met metal, and then shouted again as she saw her fellow Sith [member="Ithnan Cryo"] making his attack. The Twilek raised an arm and the vampire thought she was done for, till the saber caught on the arm and she saw. Both arms were metal, and then...Vallory feared for her life. The Twilek was breathing fire! Or, doing something with it! She couldn't believe the sight before her, trying to struggle out of their grip.
The platform lift connected with the observation deck, the pair of guards that normally barred the path to the command console stand aside to let the Shadow Hand and his quarry pass unperturbed. They then turned back to block the way, keeping any unwanted guests from barging in uninvited. Inside the Emperor stood next to the holographic display, his back turned to them and both of his hands clasped behind his back as he monitored the destruction his bombers were wreaking on distant cities across Commenor. This was deliberate, a tactic to reveal to the now captured Queen of Commenor that her entire world was being subjected to the Empire's brutality, not just the capital.

He turned as his uncle spoke to him in Epicant, the Emperor's native tongue. Carnifex nodded in approval, their combined plans having gone off without a hitch save for the untimely escape of the fallen King, but the Emperor placed much trust in the ability of his Mandalorian mercenaries to find him and execute him. Still, with Queen Arenais in their custody, the former King was little more than an afterthought. An irritant that could be dealt with at a later date.

"Welcome, Queen Arenais. I have been expecting you. From here you will witness the final assault on your praised capital, and the end of your insignificant resistance." Even now, the attack upon the shields seemed to ramp up in intensity as artillery, hidden until now, began to open fire in concert with the Imperial assets already on the field. Meanwhile, several groups were moving towards the generators that kept the Empire at bay from laying waste to the capital city. "There will be no escape for your people, Arenais. Their defiance of the Empire will be their undoing, and soon enough all that will remain of Commenor will be ashes and bones."

He approached, reaching out with his right hand to cusp Arenais' chin and draw her gaze up towards his. "Unless you submit to the Empire and surrender unconditionally, then I might be persuaded to spare your pitiful subjects."

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
A silent ride. Kay expected as much. And given that she was both bound and gagged, all that she could do was glare at them. But instead she just ignored them. Her mind was too busy taking everything in and working on some means of escape, either with help or without it.

The lift reached the top. Kay's brows furrowed as she saw the commotion, smelling what seemed to be the aftersmell of Force lightning. What had happened here? Her eyes darted the scene, looking for [member="Veiere Arenais"] , but thankfully she didn't see him. Not even a crumpled form.

He got away. Veiere had gotten away.

There was some hope for them yet.

The guard struck the back of her legs then after she was brought forth. But thankfully her light armour took the brunt of the impact, causing her to merely stumble a little. Instead of kneeling like her estranged husband was forced to, Kay merely sat on the platform cross-legged. Her freedom of movement was so heavily restricted on her upper body, but at least her legs were free.

The gag was removed then, and she moved her jaw around while she listened to [member="Darth Prazutis"] speak in that foreign tongue. Of course she understood none of it, having never been taught the language herself. Most spoke Basic around her, outside of some of the Mandalorians of course. No doubt they were hiding whatever they were saying on purpose.

Kay clenched her jaw as [member="Darth Carnifex"] made his approached. She had only seen him in the flesh once before, and that was a very long time ago. She wasn't exactly eager to see him now.

The sounds of the assaults on the shields was intimidating in it's own right. Yet her shields were holding. Some of her people were safe at least. And that gave her hope. Hope was stronger than fear, and she held onto that tightly like a security blanket.

His touch on her chin made her skin crawl, her eyes glaring up at him while the battle still waged on around them. "Destroying Commenor will be the start of your undoing,
You Grace. The flames of rebellion will not end here, that spark will never go out. You may try to smother it, but it'll still be there. Commenor survives."

If it was one thing that people knew about her, it was that she was stubborn.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Location: Trying not to get stung by a swarm of...of...seriously, TIE drones?!
Equipment: Mariner IV
Allies: CSA and anyone willing to help civillians
Enemies: The vermin...sith is just too nice a word for them.
Tagging: [member="Micah"]
Post: 4

"What the frak!... how can they track us so tight on remote?!" She maneuvered her ship like that of a bat... her bow thrustes and jets firing away, rolling and dodging the targeting tones and laser fire. But although still ahead of them and not quite ready to quite book it, as there were life signs she had tagged back a few clicks. And she were aiming to get herself there and rescue those survivors...a family or fractures of family members who had found shelter during those attack that had laid waste their community.

But right now, Marina was trying to shake these two drone/droid fighters and at the moment, her little dance number wasn't too successful.
Be de bee be.. her droid came with 'Eyes-in-the -sky'. Apparently the drones were not just sending back their visual and sensor readings of the Mariner IV that whomever was operating them had the means of feed back, no. Something else, had their eye on the exercise and according to her droid TK-1213, it was from another source.

"The other manned ship?!...that's impossible..they aren't close or high enough!" She shot back, keeping vigil on the HUD and other means of spotting and figuring out what the two droid fighters on her tail were trying to do. And apparently they were trying to corral her to go north somehow. Sure, north was also where the life signs were tagged, but as much as she knew she had to go back there to rescue them, she couldn't well get snared by whomever was trying to catch her.

Be be de de beep... her droid informed her that there were larger vessels in higher orbits that had a broader range of sensor coverage. No doubt they were all interlinked and were tracking her by not only drone feedback and control ship, but also from some larger battle cruiser/destroyer or what not. This had been a collective sith organized attack. And based on prior such system attacks like that on her own home world of Alderaan, quite synchronized.
They had to get to some cover...some natural means of disappearing from the enemy sensors.

"Right!...was thinking just that..." Marina rolled, mid braked, and darted right, left before vectoring East. She momentarily popped her thrusters to let out what was a result of a sonic boom that thundered for hundreds of kilometers when she ripped through the air at ear spitting Mach-10.


But that was for just a momentary boost to widen the gap between her and the drones, before she had to break.
Break, for she didn't want to miss and fly past Juniper Canyon sir.
Juniper Canyon for some reason or other had some natural buffering effect on sensors and scanners. She had experienced that on her trip to the canyons months prior with [member="Lady Kay"]. That, and some other unexplained phenomenon that involved altering time itself somehow, when deep within it's caverns...
As it may, once within the influence of said canyon walls, it would hide her from the control ship and other orbiting ships/satellites, but not from the drones. Not as long as they had her on visuals.

Marina breaking as hard as she did nevertheless came up on one the canyon's fissures like that of an X-wing on a run through the first Death Star's trench. Of course, no way she could physically maneuver her ship through these random and winding labyrinth canyon walls at mach speeds......or could she?
ALLIES: [member="Belphaegor"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Heca Foliou"] | [member="Sebastian Thel"] | [member="Xevek Rakama"]
ENEMIES: CSA/SJO | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] (If you're at the generators and I've missed you or tagged you incorrectly, please contact me over PM/Discord/OOC thread!)
OBJECTIVE: Disable Easternmost two generators.
LOCATION: Base Camp --> Sewer System leading in to Chasin Citiy

Better at minds than faces, it was the in-between that piqued Matsu’s interest when the masked one joined them. That bow was particular but the wars between then and now...all the things that had changed... But she could remember a mind without fault. Partly because remembering allowed her to gain control of something quicker the next time around if needed, and partly because it was all that really mattered. The physical body was just a shell. The self was between the ears, and that was it.

“The more the merrier,” she said with a nod as she drew up the phrik headpiece of her suit, reserving further questions for later.
That was, of course, depending on the survival of everyone involved.


Outside the base camp, night ruled. The sky - usually full of stars, idyllic as the city it looked down upon, Matsu imagined - was blotted out by thick clouds of smoke. The underside of that cover glowed jade in a haphazard pattern, the reflected illumination of artillery bombarding the shield over Chasin City. That tableau - constant shelling of the shields, smoke rising from trenches and far-off targets alike, the increasingly distant screams and shout of men and women crowding the air - painted the backdrop that fell behind the group heading for the mountains. Their passage was marked only by the rhythmic hush of clothing, clinking of armor, hush of breath as they traveled. Their approach to the generators would be fairly long but they moved at pace. Matsu might not have cared for the idea of the Empire, but those boiling from the trenches as the Commenori began to fight back? Those were beings she’d fight for.

And so, the only thing to it was to bring down that shield.

Dark fabrics, shadowsilk primary among them, allowed Matsu to shrink in to the night they traveled through effectively, though it was unlikely anyone cared about a relatively small group traveling so far outside the more immediate range of conflict. No doubt however, the droid Six-O had thought of contingencies just like this among the endless possibilities in which she might need this suit.

The storm drain was tucked down low under a bank, forcing them to curve around a piece of land that brought them downwards as if towards its mouth. Symbolism of Sith as rats, bad omens carrying misfortune, ran through her mind if only for a moment before she transmitted the signal to base that indicated they’d made it to the entrance Agent Thel had located.

There was silence all the way down to the bottom, broken only by the slightly tinned voices of Section 13 operators greeting Matsu as she pushed out in to the low stream of water rushing by. No doubt it would be deeper the further the group traveled, and especially once they got to the main system just outside the city. The troopers however, had arranged themselves on a slightly raised platform of duracrete opposite where the storm drain emptied in to the flow of the sewer.

“Ma’am,” came Captain Nutano’s voice over the light sound of water - cognizant of course, of Matsu’s dislike for titles like ‘Lord’. A Maenan, like most operatives of Section, she was tall enough to make the dark uniform an even more imposing thing even without the blaster rifle held confidently in her gloved hands. “We have six men scouting forward in the tunnels. We have reason to believe defensive measures may have been placed since our mapping of the system. We have stayed back to escort your group as requested.”

Matsu nodded, knowing she didn’t need to inform Nutano of the others. She would already know Belphaegor and Heca, and as for the others? It was a Section operative’s job to know something of just about everyone.

Opening her comms, Matsu reached out to Agent Thel: “Made it to the sewers - moving towards the city.” Short and sweet; she’d already asked Thel to do enough without sending him a novel.

Section 13 spread itself around the group defensively, melding carefully with those Sun Guard present before everyone started moving down the tunnels. Light was provided by way of tactical gear and bioluminescent mushrooms and fungus that had taken root in the humid air. The smell was deeply unpleasant, but Matsu was too busy looking for signs of the defensive measures the Section had warned of. If there were any present of course, they would have been found and disabled by those operatives sent ahead...but it didn’t hurt to be careful.

Down here, under the earth and duracrete, the sounds of war still reached but distant - another world, another time. Any of a hundred places. Regular intervals of staccato rumbling made the water around their feet tremble, a constant reminder of the crunch of time.
OOC: Discontinued fleet stats since no ones biting. Let me know if you have any issues with this or me joining in.​

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Macharius Solaire"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]

They were right in orbit now, beginning to mix it up with the enemy fleet elements. She held fast as rockets and laser fire exploded and splashed against their forward shields. Then the comms officer turned and delivered a shout against the din of the alarm blaring and red lights flashing.

"Lady Kay has been apprehended."


"We have spotty reports they took her from the ground."

Karren glanced around the map and then her brown eyes shot like lasers into space. She latched onto one particular ship and began to connect the dots. Carnifex was all about theater. She had the same mindset in certain situations.

If I was him, where would I take her?
That's gotta be it.

"Tell the fleet to buckle in. Get me a squadron of Templar Knights in the Drop pod tubes."

"You're going down there Ma'am?"

She furrowed her brow deeper, jaw set in stone and then gave a quick shake of her head.

"No XO," She pointed with her gloved finger "I'm going there. Into the den of madness."

Before he could reply she began to bark orders.

"Full burn, Helm rotate us to port side one quarter thrust. Prepare the Pods for launch. You have three minutes. XO take command. If we don't return within the hour, assume we've bailed out. Jump the fleet out of here any way you can, and double back later to scan for our beacons."

The XO snapped a quick Salute.

"Aye Ma'am."

She stormed off the bridge.....
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Belphaegor"], [member="Sebastian Thel"]

Enyo had taken her time. She was not the type to rush in blindly. Especially since she’d had a battle to coordinate. Her Logic Processors were quite adamant about it being a bad idea to rush into No Man’s Land while the Sith Empire and Archangel were lobbing artillery shells. She’d felt the telepathic brush against her mind, but not responded. Her aptitude for telepathy was minor. Moreover, a Machine did not care for puerile playground taunts. The fact that he challenged her in such a way showed that he was vexed. Emotional. Good. Emotion clouded judgement.

But inevitably she found her way towards the battlefield. Clad from head to toe in imposing, heavy Phrik armour that encased her body like a second shell. The Western Front was a mess. Sith troops had been pounded with artillery, now hordes of Commenori infantry were exploiting the gap. The earth shook amidst the force of explosive detonations. The whine of blasters, the staccato of slugthrower fire and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Large columns of smoke rose up into the air. Body parts flew when a mortar shell impacted a bit away from her. Some of the shrapnel, blood and guts kissed her armour.

The Sandstriders were moving into position. They would seek to absorb the brunt of the fighting, like a dam meant to stem the tide of a huge flood. Or buy time at any rate. A glorious death in battle would bring honour to a warrior and his line. Victories would allow him to rise in rank in his clan and claim slaves. By contrast, cowardice or retreat would heap shame upon him and be punished. Clad in imposing heavy armour decorated with the symbols of their clan, armed with heavy blasters, flamethrowers, greatswords and hammers, the lizardmen could be relied upon to fight relentlessly. With them came cyber-hounds, fierce beasts of metal controlled by a mechanical intellect, ready to sink their vibro-fangs into enemies. They would be useful for ambushes.

She spied the Jedi from a distance, as he moved around, firing what appeared to be arrows at Sith troopers. Their deaths did not concern her. However, there was something…different about him. Enyo was not empathic enough to hear the conflicting emotions roaring inside him. But her mechu-deru senses perceived the presence of metal. She chambered her boltgun and took aim through the scope. Some rubble provided her with cover. The sophisticated tracking sensors and enhanced sight of her mechanical shell aided with following his movements. A mechanical finger depressed the trigger and she fired. One powerful ion round shot towards him, then another. As the bolter was essentially a semiautomatic grenade launcher, each round would produce an ion blast. Good against cybernetics – or against the electronic components of personal equipment in general.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Chasin City
Equipment: Spear, Sabers, Armor,
Allies: CSA and Friends
Enemies: Sith and Friends ([member="Taeli Raaf"]?) [member="The Slave"]


"Why I am just sitting here?" She thought on the matter for only a few moments, drinking from the flask before storing it back in her robes and stretching out her arms, yawning.

"Honestly, because I find the events of today to be rather curious, something for me to record down the line. Commenor falling as it fights against the Sith Empire, a faint hint of the light standing against the overwhelming darkness and the people of this planet standing behind the woman they call queen. It is rather amusing to me considering how some would turn over their queen's head on a platter to save their skin, especially those with rather benevolent rulers." She tapped her finger on her leg, smiling at the man.

"Or did you want to know how I enjoy the garden and found it to be relaxing. A small peace that I honestly could not find anywhere else, atleast, until your soldiers began to make the area smell of war. You not so much... you are far more interesting." Her eyes focused in on him as a more predatory look filled them, a dark presence held in captivity behind the shell that clung to the light.

"As for being in your way, I stand only in the way of a tree, so unless you are the worlds most attractive lumberjack, I believe you need glasses. The shield is several miles west, not ten feet infront of you." She smiled a bit wider.

"Unless thats your way of asking me for a dance, in which case I would love to oblige you, though I would ask you let me slip out of some of these robes and get into a state far more comfortable for our dance."

With that she leaned forward, waiting for his response and reaction.
Location: Front lines facing Enyo
Allies: CSA | SJO and allies
Enemies: [member="Enyo Typhos"] | TSE and allies
Objective: Defeat Enyo strike revenge for Mirial

The battle raged further on, there was no sign of Enyo at first, instead Yuroic made his presence known by slaughtering Sith soldiers and Sith. Pushing them back with his actions spurring the men and women of Commenor to fight harder for their city, for their future. Yuroic was slowly releasing the bloodlust monster that he had contained for so long after his parents' murder. His rage and self-hatred manifested into increasing steps of violence towards those who stood in his way. A Sith of little rank charged at Yuroic, who struck his bow at the throat of them before slamming his fist repeatedly into their head until there was little but a bloody mess.

That was when the Yuroic felt the Force call to him, he could sense danger heading in his direction. Utilising the Force, Yuroic jumped clear of the ion round. A round that would have made it impossible for him to continue fighting. He also now could sense the closeness of Enyo, she had finally answered his call. She had allowed many to die, allowed the Commenori people to be inspired by his reckless yet effective tactics. His eyes narrowed, his gaze darkened as Yuroic pulled from his quiver an explosive arrow. There was no doubt that his aim would be true, Yuroic could be mortally wounded and still pull off a deadly shot, he had shot arrows when much worse condition than this. What doubt laid was would she let this arrow hit, he knew she still somehow had a connection to the Force, she could stop it but would she think this a normal arrow that her armour would usually protect?

Even if she did, his Force Resistant arrow that was aimed for her neck would get a chance to strike as she dealt with the first. Yuroic had hunted prey before, he had fought this cyborg before, never again would he should weakness. He had the full range of Light and Dark side powers at his grasp, he would crush her not be crushed this time.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Location: Trying not to get stung by a swarm of...of...seriously, TIE drones?!
Equipment: Mariner IV
Allies: CSA and allies... [member="Jairdain"] , for one. Thank the gods!
Enemies: The vermin...sith is just too nice a word for them. But kitties are cool. [member="Micah"]
Post: 5

With that thunder that she created by her sonic boom, lightening followed.
But how could that be? Was light not faster than sound?..??

Marina herself could not hear of any thunder or laser fire per say, as her ship was quite hermetically sealed. But as she dove into what could well be a very deep trench, which actually was a fissure between the rock walls of the canyon, the sky lit up but for a slit second. To Marina, at first it was no different than the hot blazing laser bolts she was rolling around in, trying not to have them connect with her ship. But the lightning as such struck more than once, giving Marina notice that a storm had just taken to brew up above the walls.

Storms...lightning storms could be good, right? Like, wouldn't they themselves cause some interference with electronics...especially the lightning that she could spot over the canyon walls?
But if Juniper Canyon could indeed well keep her from the prying eyes of the orbiting surveillance as it once did months ago, then a lightning storm would add that much more cover.
The only immediate problem she still had on hand, were the two drone TIE fighters. She was certain both the fighters and the handlers had seen her not only head to the canyon, but at the point she disappeared from their scope.

As such, she still flew like a bat out of hell, trying to rely on memory and instinct as to which way the passages and walls were configured-

"Holy fodder!.." She pulled hard right, rolling her ship, as what she had remembered as an ez-way suddenly jutted her a rock wall.

Be be de be do do.. her droid screeched at her for nearly making them wall decorations.

"Oh frak!...we had come in the other way...from the West before....right..yea..." She replied to her droid informing her that this was indeed the way it had mapped it, only she was going the opposite way as when she had once flew through it.

"Ok, Ok, I got it..I got it..." She replied, regaining her reverse.
"What of the two drones?....they still following?" Sure she had booked like a slingshot, accelerating away from them at Mach-10, just before she had dove into the canyon. And certainly she had gone out of sight, for a moment before the lightning storm churned up. But if the drones had caught up to the point of her diving below, then they could easily follow her despite being out of sight range.
She was kicking up quite a dust trail, zooming through the lower canyon walls.

"Damn it... why don't we just leave out bread crumbs for them to find us?" Marina couldn't believe the dust devils she was trailing through the labyrinth...
Commenor, Chasin City, A Lovely Museum, Undetermined Time
Stopping To Rescue Local History | Assisting Commenor Systems Alliance | Combating The Sith Empire | Interacting Engaging with [member="Rook Lokar"] [member="Rohak Vizsla"] ~ Run Boy Run

Jetii. Mandalorian? "I think I can work with that!"

Ayessa's experience with their kind was pitifully limited, but she'd heard enough to be somewhat concerned. Even whilst a pacifist regime had ruled their people, the spark of their warrior ways had been hard to extinguish, which she could at least admire.

She wasn't admiring it when shots flew near her head and she tucked in closer behind the statue, eyes narrowed. Combat focus was a hell of a thing, and it was like tunnel vision had taken over. It was just her and this Mando.


Oh, no.

Her focus flew out the window and her pulse skipped a few beats as she sensed a presence all too familiar. What, in the name of every star system she could think of, was Rook doing here? There wasn't any time to think, perhaps her carefully-guarded secret would remain that and they would just get lucky. Right now her attention had to remain on the opposition lest they take the upper hand, so the now-revealed Jedi moved to slip around the right side of the statue, still using it to cover her body-- Though you could still see the green blade's light and white-hot centre still poking out from behind the stone, so it wasn't like she was truly concealed --And took a bit of a risk.

Reaching out with the Force, her fingers curled. A grip on a nearby piece of pottery, one she rather harshly tossed right at her enemy via telekinesis, in the hopes of knocking him off balance. There really was no hope in hiding it, hiding any aspect of her Knighthood here anymore.

Please forgive me.

R2-C4 | Lightsaber
Location: Silver Embassy (Palace District) > Shield Generators > Tunnels
Objective: Protect the Shield Generators > Save people.
Allies: CSA and Friends
Opposition: TSE
Directly Engaging: Kor Vexen and whoever else comes for the shield generators > Whoever comes to the tunnels.
Gear: (1) Corporis Skin Suit, (1) Osseus Class ExoSkeleton, (1) pair of VT Spark Gauntlet, (1) pair of MV 18 “Force” Class Vambraces, (1) SG 1001 “Vishnu” Military Shield.
Armory: (01) Standard lightsaber with mestare crystal (Amethyst colour), (01) Longhandle lightsaber with krayt dragon pearl (Pale blue), (01) Electrostaff, (01) OS 101 Retractable Vibro Sword, (01) SI 17 Stealth Blaster, (01) Utility belt (With six Anti Force User Grenade Series, two thermal detonators).

As a good soldier and a good Jedi, the Arkanian nodded to master Jyoti and went ahead to keep her orders. And as she stayed behind with the Wookie to help the ones setting up, the Arkanian keep breathing, slowly and then heavily, slowly and then heavily, trying to make herself more capable of allowing the force to flow over her body. To be in balance with the Force despite your emotions, to reach serenity and stability in war was the her goal.

“I am one with the Force, and the Force is one with me., the girl recited the old chant her deceased master taught her so long ago, when he found amidst slaves and their masters. Days of joyful ignorance over the affairs in the galaxy, now gone.

In the tunnels, the kept moving her eye left and right in the darkness beyond, watching and thinking what weak spot to attack this place truly was. She would face a hard time fighting with her electrostaff in there, specially against so many enemies. Earlier, she heard the fighting in the front was bloody and without an outcome. Now there she was, watching the shield generators and securing the pods as her master told her to do it so.

She liked Jyoti, the echani resembled her in looks and was harsh as a steel blade, but the way she spoke about this fight, made her feel a bit insecure. Not as much as not being able to hide her emotions, Jarael was no foolish girl as to not do that, especially when her companions were more than capable of reading her mind and sensing her feelings.
“We will win this. Break the Sith and lose their grip over the galaxy. We will.”, ‘we must…’, she thought in her mind, as her cold blue eye was back in the vehicles. Slowly watching as they did their jobs.
[member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Belphaegor"], [member="Sebastian Thel"]

The Jedi dodged her ion rounds. No matter, it had given her some information about him. He must lack special defences against ion, making avoidance a necessity. He immediately launched a counterattack. The manner he chose to launch it was a bit unconventional, for he utilised an arrow. Swiftly, he fired the arrow and it sailed through the arrow towards its target, aiming to cause harm to the mechanical abomination.

Precognition whispered inside Enyo as the projectile shot through the air. The Force stirred and the arrow was knocked off-course, exploding. However, no sooner had this happened than the Jedi's second arrow, this one possessing a core of Voidstone along with taozin skin to prevent preternatural detection, shot towards her. The Jedi's aim was true, her senses could not perceive it and so the arrow.

Finding a gap inside the heavy armour plating, it punctured a weak spot. Embedding itself in sythflesh. It stripped some faux skin away, exposing metal. Phrik, to be precise. Her neck was just as artificial as the leg his blazing sabre had kissed on Mirial. With nay a word or change in her impassive expression, Enyo pulled the arrow out, broke it in twain and tossed it away from her.

The Force flowed through her as she concentrated. With ruthless precision, Enyo focused upon the Jedi Knight's cybernetic arm. It was well-made and built to last, but there were less conventional, more esoteric ways to cause harm. Technomancy was a - comparatively - rare art, but one she had honed. Giving her the ability to manipulate machines and cybernetics, among other things, for good or ill. So she drew upon her power of mechu-deru to exert her willpower upon the Jedi's mechanical arm. Aiming to cause malfunctions, disrupt electronics, blow up circuitry, render the robotic arm and hand sluggish and slow to respond to his commands. Ideally plain nonfunctional for this engagement.
Location: [member="Lady Kay"]'s Office heading down to Bunkers
Allies: CSA and Allies
Enemies: Sith and Allies

She watched as the hologram of [member="Veiere Arenais"] disappeared. Lady Kay and the Sith must have finished their verbal spar. No doubt she told him to go stuff himself. There was no way in all the galaxy, that Lady Kay would give up Commenor. Still, finding the office empty and Lady Kay not present... Silfe was at a loss. Should she go into the fray or down the bunkers? Time was growing short either way. The decision had to be made and as soon as possible. Silfe went to the window and looked out over Commenor. So much of the area had blast marks and smoke plumes rising into the sun.

Where to go? How could she be most helpful? Fear didn't really enter into her mind. This was just a part of life and she had been far more terrified before she ever came to Commenor. What did that say about her?

A crackle came through her comm system and then ~This is @Lori Arenais. I'm topside and going to help secure the East Center Shield Generator. I've got some nice surprises waiting for intruders in the tunnels leading to you from this side, so keep everyone away from there! I'll set up more around the generator and move onto the next. I'll be back when I'm done~

That was as good a goal as any. Silfe left the Queen of Commenor's office and started to carefully make her way, blaster in hand, down to the East Center Shield Generator. She made sure not to go in the direction that the traps were set up. It would take more time and expose her to danger far longer than she would like, but she had no way of knowing what kind of traps were set and Silfe was not stupid enough to dare it. Where was [member="Caedyn Arenais"]? Where were her friends? Were they safe? Would Veiere get free and join his wife? Was Lady Kay safe? She worried horribly that her friend and Queen was in danger and there was little a woman with her lack of physical combat skills and no force ability (that she knew of) or training could do. The feeling of helplessness was encompassing and depressing. Still, she listened carefully and walked as swiftly as she dared through the Palace. Maybe she would be in time to help Lori.
Rage,Rage Against The Dying Of The Light.
Location Underground tunnels > City Sewers
Allies: [member="Vallory"], TSE and Allies
Enemies: [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] , [member="Darben Skirae"]

Ithnan felt a tinge of satisfaction when the saber connected with the Twileks arm, but it did not last long as he realized the effects it had on his weapon. Like his father had said "never rely on one weapon, everything is a weapon to a Mandalorian" raising his left arm he was prepared to grasp the Twilek face in slam her when suddenly his mind switched to defense as a torrent of fire and heat attempted to char him to a crisp. Projecting the force in front of him at the last minute Ithnan created a barrier in front of him and whatever troopers were lucky enough to be behind him. Two troopers to his left screamed and cursed life as they slowly died, their corpses replacing the lost illumination from earlier as the fire remained.

When the smoke and fire ceased Ithnan caught the tail end of the Twilek and her remaining troopers running with their tails tucked between their legs. Cowards, to run after such minor losses only showed their lack of conviction in the cause they stepped on the battlefield for. Ithnan gave a flamboyant wave to the two soldiers remaining and understanding his message they gave aimless shots at the Jedi and soldiers that missed their marked. They were obviously still dazed by the firefight and then literal fire so he didn't feel as enraged as he usually would have.

Quickly regaining himself and the close call he faced Ithnan tested to see if his saber was working and indeed it was. Whatever trick she had played wasn't permanent thankfully. "You, how many exits are there from this location." By now their data would have mapped out a significant portion of the underground lair so he had faith that there was a better option available than running into a possible trap.

" A few klicks north....and..and-" the soldier was gasping for breath.

"Spit it out!" Ithnan barked.

"A northeastern passage, but its cut off. Old sewer lines"

"I'll cut through. Let's move."

"But what about the-"

The passage began to shake cutting off the trooper and dust and rocks began to tumble from the ceiling wherever the tunnel was exposed to earth. A clever plan that truly put him in a rather annoying scenario. Instead of wasting time he immediately shot off down the passage dodging rocks and hopping over the bodies of the dead Twilek guards who had escaped this run for their life. Ithnan needn't say anymore as the two remaining soldiers ran behind him at full sprint, clinging to their chance at survival.

Before long they had directed him to the blocked off the exit. A metal wall w placed directly in front of what he could only assume was an old part of the city sewers from how rusted the metal had become. With the collapse all but happening he ignited his saber and carved out a large circle, enough for him to get through that is. The others were just lucky he was a large person. All three of them landed on the other side as the rumble of falling rock died, their connection with the surface dying with it.

"Now what sir?" A trooper looked at him

"Now we find out how to get to the surface. Any news of the shields going down?"

"None." the other trooper answered.

"Sir about that other Sit-"

"She will be fine. For now lets take care of our mission."

Ithnan meditated silently for a few seconds before picking a route to go,hoping to reach the surface.
Objective: Wipe them out. All of them.
Sith Imperial Legion
Enemies: CSA Soldiers // [member="Mereel Vaun"]

The Jedi was continuing to deny Tehkyram the fear he wanted. But at the same time, his pain was a fine substitute. He let the Jedi parry the blade away from him and get some distance out between them.That was suitable for the next part. In many ways, his prey had already conceded defeat mentally. They had admitted to themselves that Tehkyram was more powerful than they were, and that in a direct physical contest, winning was impossible. Perhaps they hadn't followed that line of thought to the conclusion yet, but they certainly had started down the road. It made Tehkyram flash a big toothy grin. He had already won. Now it was just a matter of driving the point home.

Tehkyram advanced on the Jedi, and with each step, he made a wide, sweeping, wild horizontal swing with his saber. While his motions were synchronized like a dancers, the blows themselves bore a maniac kinetic force behind them. They were fueled by confidence coupled with sheer bloodlust, a desire to bring the blade down on the enemy and sear through his flesh and bone. Of course, there was a strategy behind all of this: area denial, forcing retreat, draining stamina, etc. But all of that was secondary to the overwhelming pulsating desire running through Tehkyram's head. And that desire was simple: he just wanted to kill, KILL, KILL!
While [member="Caedyn Arenais"] was off flirting with [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] , or so she supposed, Lori was well on her way to the East Center Generator. For a while she travelled above ground, moving along the streets in a quick pace. Her eyes rolled as two members of Fringe Unit joined her; Florence and Hobbes. "And here come the babysitters..."

Florence was mute. All that she gave Lori was a smirk. Hobbes on the other hand, he was newer to the fold, so he was the more talkative of the whole unit. "Orders are orders. And besides. I hear you're pretty good with setting boobytraps.
Think you can teach me?"

"Little late for lessons, isn't it?"

"Better late than never.
Florence will cover us. Let's get a move on."

"Alrighty then. But you better listen to my instructions.
I don't have explosives, but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous."
Lori kinda liked being able to teach someone. It made her feel more important than others made her feel. Typical teenager, she wanted to feel special.

The trio headed off to the Embassy district, where they slipped inside one of the buildings and then went down underground. Florence led the way, each of them keeping an eye and ear out for intruders since it was a lot quieter underground.

A short while later they were close by. Close enough for Lori's liking, anyways. "The generator's just around the corner.
Let's set up here."
She started to unload her satchel, starting with the bucket of tar, box of nails, tripwire and brush. They both set to work on the same trap she had done earlier near the bunkers. Only this time there was no blowtorch. That was okay though. A blaster would work just as well.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Belphaegor"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Heca Foliou"] [member="Sebastian Thel"] [member="Xevek Rakama"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"]
[member="Ithnan Cryo"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Vallory"]

Her plan worked, now she had it one issue. She threw the girl to the side looking at her with eyes of intense hatred, she started approaching her with her saber leveled...but...some reason she wanted to you with her test her...some reason it didn't feel like fighting a sith at all more like a child, she lifted her up on her feet with the force and grinned

you better start running now!

She said as she started rushing upon her, her saber aimed to.slash right at her mid section yet just slice her in half merely graze it

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