Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The worst case scenario game

Ostdern Mastogar

Only to find out that it's a set up by the cops

You finally get the courage to ask out your crush
the gem is actually a radioactive 'utonium' of some sort, but you never find that out, and so you (and your friends/family?) die of apparently mysterious aggressive cancers and cellular degradation within 6 months or less.

You get a mysterious and interesting looking package in the mail.
Only to entice you into eating a concoction of poisons so that she can pursue the life she could have had without you.

Nicolas Cage stars in a new Star Wars film...

Rebekka Brek Madak

Paradoxical Bucket Full of Crazy!
only to realize that it was H2O2, and you deeply vomit All Night Long, spewing up all sorts of substances that you've never seen, nevermind don't have names for.

a hot girl in a van offers you a ride somewhere....

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