*Does 'The Naked Man' and strikes a pose* BAM! Here I am!
H3xle Well-Known Member Character Bio May 13, 2015 #241 *Does 'The Naked Man' and strikes a pose* BAM! Here I am!
H3xle Well-Known Member Character Bio May 13, 2015 #245 "Wait, where are you going? You haven't even seen my p***s yet!"
Nyx Insert Hilarious Title Here Character Bio May 18, 2015 #247 Your sister was alright, how about we find out about you?
EmKay Well-Known Member May 18, 2015 #249 Hey baby, are you an angel? Cause I'm allergic to feathers.
Break System Reboot Character Bio May 18, 2015 #250 Did it hurt? When you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch?
Technovore Artificial Instigator Character Bio May 18, 2015 #251 If you were a machine, and I was an engineer. Then I could put the Screw in you.
Break System Reboot Character Bio May 19, 2015 #252 Baby you make my floppy drive into a hard drive? And you wanna know what I know you want the D:
Ra Vizsla The Undying Character Bio May 19, 2015 #255 If a polar bear crosses the street, when does he break the ice? Hi my name's Tsavong.