Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There is Knowledge [Open to SSC - PM for Invite]

Connor Harrison

Connor watched from above, and when [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] spoke, he listened. He hadn't spoken to his oldest friend and Grandmaster for months, but he listened. When the Bearded One met his gaze, Connor nodded to him; a nod of appreciation and understanding.

As the others spoke, including another blast from the past - [member="Maya Whitelight"] - he licked his lips and felt an urge just to speak from his mind. Probably surprise some of the others who didn't know he was above, but he was always one for theatrics. He was a Shadow after all.

"I would like to say one more thing," he suddenly felt the eyes of many turn to him, "that when you feel you have the power, the authority and the ability to make everything ok for any mistake or error you or anyone else has made, that is when you're farthest from atonement."

Personal experiences spoke volumes.

"When you are at the point when you literally have nothing, nobody and nowhere to go as a RESULT of your actions to which you felt were right and justified, that is moment your soul will beat with the light that resides in you. Your spirit as a sentient being. Not a machine, not a monster, animal - Sith, whatever. You, a Jedi, a defender of the Light, will suddenly see that you have nothing except your intentions for good to keep you going through the pain and guilt you may be suffering. It is then, when you acknowledge that, that you have made the first steps to righting your wrong act. When you see that those you turned away from have always been there, and when you see the strength inside comes from your spirit, not from the Force. That is atonement, and that is what will always make you Jedi, and true Jedi at that and never fall prey to the deception, manipulation and cold lies of the Dark Side."

It was something he would have said to himself in his quarters, or to a Padawan in private. Saying it out loud was almost...part of his atonement. He nodded to the others and indicated with his hand to [member="Krux Mullarus"].

[member="Akio Diachi "]| [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Freyia Whitelight"] | [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Jenson Koraz"]


Well-Known Member

It was then as he nervously stood there before Knight Mullarus that he seem unknowingly been oblivious to the fact. He'd somehow been holding on still to Freyia hand all along that it would been no less suggestive or obvious. How he sort had been having feelings for her that had at that time not been fully clear on admitting to anyone even to himself. For knowing how shy and somewhat different she felt around others due to her. Seem unique traits and parentage, which was something he was keenly respectful of and not wanting loose lose her trust.

"Don't worry, Padawan Wendigo, I understand what goes on in the mind of a man in love."

But just the same what was said next sort caught him off guard as such his skin seem take on a slight silvery tone. Which was beyond his understanding at the time an indicative trait of part his own parental heritage. As his gaze then sort turn towards the floor and slight knot form in his gut while he tried speak.

" Ummm.......well......i...i..."

At any rate seem lost for words as he seem to continue still hold on to her hand for support. While his free hand rose to slightly rub behind his neck.Thought deep in his mind he sort was feel bit shy and at best embarrassed having such emotion be know out in the open. At any rate glance up towards him as he caught glance of him smile back at them before moving off as he passingly added.

"Have a seat, we'll begin shortly."

To which all he could do was nod and look back at Freyia with seem an innocent look of both. Concern at same time sudden shock as from behind he felt her mother hand give them both a light pat on the shoulder. As thought began race in his mind that he at the moment seem obliviously unable to listen as the discussion began start. While the two began move off slowly to find their seat in midst of the crowd.

Had she been standing there all along? How much if any of it had she come to hear.....about how he felt about her and all that had been all but race in his mind. As the two seated and his gaze slightly unable look her strait in the eye. While his feet fidgeted on the ground beneath were they sat. That it took him a while sum up the courage to partly turn towards her speak.

"I ....wasn't sure....but just didn't know how say it...but hope whatever was said wound't change things between any rate...."

He then slightly shug and nudgingly notion at the stage.

"....we can talk about it later but for now i guess we best listen and join in eh?"
[member="Krux Mullarus"] (too many others to tag)

There wasn't exactly an announcement, or a greeting, when Alcuin had stepped into the room. He had arrived after seeing a moderate amount of people enter, and had seated himself in a back corner, merely watching the younger kinds ask their questions and debate philosophy. Being unnoticed and overlooked was a particular skill of the ancient smith, even if he appeared only in his forties, if that. The cynic within him could barely bite back the acid laced comments at how easily some of them believed things to be done and taken care of. But in the end, it was contained. First and foremost, Alcuin was a crafter, a man of the Forge, and so such idle discussion did not typically interest him. But, given the fate of his race, maybe that was one of the first things he needed to correct. Picturing themselves as so advanced, they had perhaps ignored heedlessly the warning signs and implications of other peoples who might have warned them.

Dark eyes, hooded by lack of sleep and still spiking nightmares, gazed out over and around the collected assemblage. There was an impressive gathering here, and a hand absently tapped at his chin. So far, none on Voss or anywhere really knew him as much beyond a cunningly skilled blacksmith. It would be easy to sense his latent Force potential, but he hadn't exactly made it a habit to sell or ingratiate himself with or to the Jedi who frequented the Sanctum or this planet. But, he had felt the gnawing hunger of a keen intellect deprived of the ability to truly research and grow itself. To do that, he would need to enhance his abilities, and grow with this power others seemed to regard in a way almost akin to a divine being, with or without consciousness depending on who you asked. Metallurgically speaking, he was beginning to near the end of what he could learn, besides esoteric tidbits here and there that were really just cultural formulas.

Briefly, he eyed the elders like [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Connor Harrison"] as they spoke. Warriors and great minds even his isolationist self knew of. You couldn't really live on Voss and not know of some of those who spoke. But to a one, he wasn't particularly sure any of the ones gathered really would know much and be able to educate him. Crafters like him, that blended the Force into their creations, were turning exceedingly rare, and most often they were Sith who were steeped in the Dark Side. The very thought of utilizing and embracing that path brought up memories of black-skinned horrors descending from the sky in ships of twisted iron, and the war of Anefilt on Anefilt that had in the end destroyed their very way of life. To be honest, he wasn't sure there was anyone who could use the Force in the way he did. So he sat in silence for a moment more, before clearing his throat. No time like the present.

"I've been an outside observer for a while... The Academy here on Voss, and more, are excellent for your typical student of the Force... And all of the Silver Jedi and Sanctum as a whole are good people. But for one such as me, there seems to be few folks to learn from. Is this hole in the academia a loss due to my own ignorance of something, or are we who create rather than protect or destroy that uncommon a thing for those of the Light?"

As the gravelly voice fell to a hush, he waited, thinking, eyes glancing about as he broke his silence and cover for perhaps the first time on Voss.
Feeling now after what was said about a man in love could it be true that he found her more then just one that could understand him. Coming to thing about it what about her own feelings of him could there be more to this friendship then she wanted to admit to herself. Either way it was clear she would have to think more deeply upon this after this class, even as if he was reading her mind that they would take afterward.

"I would like that." [member="Ronin Wendigo"]

After which time she let herself drop her head once more as she look up and listen to the question and then the answer given by the others Knight and Master. Then it came upon her she would need to be able to do this with out knowing if her mother would seem to question her up bring. Wanting to keep us here and hidden as she would think of it as.

Standing up as she cleared her throat as she been taught how to address.

My fellow Silver gather here I have a question. pausing once more to gather her thought more and to look out over the crowd. "Even with one thinking they are being the best when it comes to other could one be of misjudgment to not let one experience what its like to be expososed to all these element that one is when out in the galaxy.

The second part of my question are they seen as less in the eyes of the order for this up bring.

Feeling as if she was the most isolated towards the order and less experience but for her book knowledge. Even in a way she looked around as if ashamed that she didn't have the story or the knowledge of the real world be on the gardens and the archives.


Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi perched on her the crimson pillow, knees shifted to one side. There were now many familiar faces in the classroom – [member="Connor Harrison"], the young [member="Tyyni Oluja"] and some others that she’d glimpsed at the Luminous Gardens party like [member="Valae Kitra"]. Even the Heavenshield family she recognized, Grand Master[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] had also been on Toola with Master Harrison. Her face blushed nearly as red as the pillow on which she sat remembering how awful her behavior had been on that frozen world. She must have seemed like some kind of out of control, childish monster to such intelligent and stoic men.

The past was the past. It seemed that many of the audience embraced that sentiment. You could not forever blame yourself for mistakes.

You needed to learn from them. But what had the former Sith learned?

She had no wisdom to impart, but plenty to absorb. For now, like many of the others in the room, she would just listen. Her mind and soul were much calmer than when she first entered the dojo. Setzi was no extrovert but being in the quiet company of the other peaceful denizens of Voss, invigorated her and made her feel at peace.

It was the isolation she was worried about. Again, she remembered her daughers. Perhaps if one of the twins could reside with me, she mused, I might feel less lonely. She missed Krux during these times also, but was far too proud to admit it.

Sighing, Setzi realized she’d drifted off into her own thoughts and as she regained focus she listened to [member="Freyia Whitelight"]’s questions.

I’ll ask [member="Krux Mullarus"] later about whether it’s a good idea to find at least, Astrid, she assured herself. The petite, shy and often melancholy one of her daughters would be the first one she’d bring back with her from wherever they happened to be. Amata was much stronger and more like her father. Convincing the other sister to denounce the Sith would prove more difficult – of this she was certain.
[member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Freyia Whitelight"] | [member="Alcuin"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

As George continued to stand listening to all the questions asked and the answers that followed. As the Grandmaster answered one of the questions he lead himself away from the wall taking a seat next to his son and Padawan. George however had no such relationships. Many of the Padawans he didn't know personally, he only knew them through their name, or having seen them around Voss whilst he had been there. However the questions that were being asked of Krux were interesting, almost attacking his knowledge of the darkside he seemed to be handling it well.

As each Master answered questions to help the Padawans of the room a question came up that seemed to fit George's current situation with his own adopted daughter. As Padawan Whitelight asked the question, George took a few seconds to come up with what would hopefully become a helpful answer. "Making choices for another isn't easy. Doing what you think is right as you said, may not be the best course of action. Personally I think we are all equals here, yes some have more experience and knowledge that is for sure. For someone who is protected it may be the best course of action for them individually. However in the end everyone has been brought up differently, some alone and difficult, others protected and loved. One would not be thought as lesser than the other for the upbringing, as everyone has their own story to tell. No matter how much or little you have done." George spewed words out in the hope it would be beneficial for at least someone. However the question made him think twice about his own daughter. For thus far he had made the decisions to keep her past from her. Something that he now second guessed.
Joza settled in beside [member="Dune Rhur"] and offered a small, polite smile to the young Arkanian ([member="Vorian Adasca"]) who had addressed the Bith. Crowds such as this did not make the Zeltron uncomfortable by any stretch, but she was unused to them being so orderly. Vaguely, she realized that she hadn’t been in such close proximity to this many force users before. Glancing around the room, her gaze quickly honed in on [member="Maya Whitelight"], a look of mild surprise crossing her face. Not one, but two other Zeltron Jedi? She was going to like this place.

Her eyes flickered back toward [member="Krux Mullarus"] as he began his introduction to the class, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride at hearing the former Sith speak with such clarity. She hoped that her pride wasn’t misplaced—he was leaps ahead of her and she wasn’t there for the majority of his journey to the Light Side—but she couldn’t help but bring to mind the point in time where he had kept his face covered when around others. Regardless, she was glad to see her friend doing well. A quick glance to the brunette woman near him ([member="Setzi Lunelle"]) reminded her that he likely had a few different reasons for making his home on Voss.

When [member="Tyyni Oluja"] spoke of love and how it corresponded to the Dark Side, Joza’s gaze lingered on the Hutt for a few moments as she fell into her own little bubble of thought. She’d asked Krux a similar question on Sullust, but didn’t quite know what to make of his answer as she was unable to separate love and infatuation. She’d had more time to explore both emotions since then, sneaking off to meet with a lover when she felt she could afford to. He claimed to be a former Jedi and hadn’t given her a straight answer when she’d probed him about his affiliation. But that had been when she was early on in her training, and now that she had a better handle on the Force she almost didn’t want to meet him again out of fear of what she might discover.

She snapped back to reality, realizing that she’d been idly gazing at the Hutt while lost in thought. Quickly, she moved her focus back onto Mullarus, trying to squash the feeling of embarrassment of having spaced out. If anyone would have noticed the dazed expression on her face, it likely would have been the Bith beside her. Still, she remained silent while questions were asked and answered we given. Joza was not shy, but right now was content to absorb the wisdom in the room.

[member="George O Rourke"]/[member="Freyia Whitelight"]/[member="Alcuin"]/[member="Ronin Wendigo"][member="Connor Harrison"]/[member="Jenson Koraz"]/[member="Matsu Ike"]/[member="Akio Diachi"]/[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]/[member="Sorel Crieff"]/[member="Valae Kitra"]/[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
He felt the approach of his father long before he entered the room. A smile formed on his lips, it was good to see him again. What with all Théo's training and father's duty to his station, it had been a some time since they had spent time alone. His father looked tired, a few more lines on his face from worry or work and his hair was longer. Théo gathered up the ends of his own hair noticing he needed a hair cut as well. But no way was that happening! No matter what mother would say!

But now was not the time to approach his father, the lesson had begun and so Théo joined Valae on the plush cushions on the floor to sit and listen. It was like the flood gates had opened, so many questions on so many topics fired at the 'masters' present. He could sense in the all a heightened level of emotions that ranged for confusion, angst and uncertainty, not only for the future for themselves but a past that was eating at their souls. Théo had been blessed being born into a family that is stable, he had not the history of lost parents, or unkindness from them. His childhood had been or rather still is, charmed.

Although he felt sorrow for them, the felt the sorrow coming from them, he could never understand it, not truly. Life's hardships not in his life, now. They are to come and so to the test of them. He had seen death, from an early age but because of his youth he did not fully grasp the meaning of it at that time. He had felt the fear for this live that had been at the point of gun which was in the hands of a man wanting to end it. But there was something that he had face recently, something that festering in his soul .. when on Galidraan.

On a route check, a patrol group he had been assigned to came across two Mandos that required some assistance. The Death Watch was present and there to take what was not their's. And so Théo had gone to aid the Mandos fighting them, the Death Watch and had joined the battle. Moreover, so did the Rangers under this command, yes they had looked to Théo for leadership since that is the Rangers mandate and some had died that day. This was his first leadership role, he was not prepared for what comes with it, the fact that men will die as a result of ones orders ..

"When .. men die under your command. When they die, following your orders .. how .. how do you cope that?", he sudden blurted out the questions to the room, to no one in particular. Any one close by would witness the welling of water in his eyes and to try and stifle them he raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck to sooth his own anxiety.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jenson Koraz"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Akio Diachi "]| [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | @Everyone else!

Taygeta Lightkeeper

Ph.D. Geneticist, A.K.A. "Doc"
[member="Freyia Whitelight"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Akio Diachi "]|[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | @all of the things!

Taygeta would nod and walked into the room, finding a seat near [member="Maya Whitelight"]. She kept quiet for the moment as she looked around the room and the growing population thereof. So many conversations and so much talk of things she had only just begun to form pre-conceived notions about. She was nervous, indeed, not really sure how to act like a Jedi. She would sit and observe for the moment, looking about and listening stoically.

Taygeta certainly didn't look like a Jedi, either. She wore a long blue tunic, white skinny trousers, white zip-up sandals, and a lab-coat. Her long fair hair was also held back by a wide headband in white and she wore glasses of relatively unobtrusive frame over her green eyes. She probably looked more like a cross between a hippy and a nerdy researcher.

She then started pecking away on her datapad, recording the goingson for later reference while doing some research on public knowledge of Jedi history. She had to wonder what exactly it was she was getting herself into.
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] (and all the rest :))

Jenson had been deep in thought, mulling over the words of [member="Connor Harrison"], when suddenly the young man nearby had made his question. Jenson was rather shocked at the outburst, yet he thought about the question. He had never led troops in battle. He truthfully had no experience. Yet it was an interesting question. Jenson looked back down at his hands and resumed his thoughts.
Oh my god there was so many of them and she only knew like.... four people in that room. The teenager stood in the doorway and raised an eyebrow before seeing one of the few people she recognized. [member="Ronin Wendigo"] was there while she moved in and smirked finding a seat. He had been there when she woke up from being crushed nearly by a building and... yeah fun times being a jedi while she leaned back a little listening to the people there. She looked at him and offered a smile while speaking low and letting the new synthflash go over her cybernetic implants. "Ronin, it is great to see you again."
[member="Krux Mullarus"] [member="Tyyni Oluja"] [member="Akio Diachi "][member="Freyia Whitelight"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] Vorian Adasca [member="Jenson Koraz"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="George O Rourke"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Alcuin"] [member="Bellalika"]

Xander showed up more than seasonably late wearing his Antarian Ranger Armor. He stopped at the door for a moment before sliding in the back of the group not wanting to make a scene. He would catch up on whatever the topic was as things went along. For the moment he would jsut stay lost and largely silent.

As he looked around the room he recognized more than a few faces and one or two more he could guess who they were based on their appearance.


Well-Known Member
Akio Diachi | Ronin Wendigo | Tyyni Oluja | Dune Rhur | Freyia Whitelight | Taygeta Lightkeeper | Sorel Crieff | Vorian Adasca | Joza Perl | Théodred Heavenshield | Valae Kitra | Setzi Lunelle | George O Rourke | Jenson Koraz | [member="Bellalika"]

It was then seem lost for words and thought as slowly but surely it all sunk in. That for what its worth he seem finally come understand somewhat that the feeling he was having being round Freyia . Was though maybe partly due to her Zeltron pheromone one could not fully know . Was maybe because he did seem be forming some feelings for her one which his young mind had yet to fulling grasp its concept. And for much of time had eluded his understanding as such. When it was call out right in his face by none other by a Knight then to be followed by her mother was well. Seem put Ronin on the spot that seem by some chance that....had she been read his thoughts or had they become so close these past few day they been together. That she came reply and her words seem all was but needed to ease his mind about the issue at hand.

"I would like that."

To which he seem just nod in reply as if in agreement at which time note her stand and seem quite unlike before, Thought still slightly hesitant yet with bit more confidence she spoke out to participate in the discussion at hand before he did. Which was something that he could help but smile about. As seem together in time each play a part in not only learning from each other but seem aid in seeing them grow. Blossom into person far more different and at best better than they were before. At which time as the discussion soon moved on with other chime in to participate in the discussion. To which he seem felt just contented to listen in for now. As he tried take in what was said and in back his mind try formulate a question of his own. When suddenly from the sideline another came take seat beside him and for moment he sort curiously turn glance over to her. As he then could have sworn seen her look back at him and flash a smile his way. Before lean close a bit to then whisper to him as he noted the strange interesting way one her arms looked to him.

"Ronin, it is great to see you again."

To which although having unintentionally let a curious slightly perplex look in his face show briefly. Thought not wanting be rude nor what with his memory still not quite what it use to be. He instead tried to give flash her smile back as well while he replied back.

" Well i guess it good be back thought the after effect of what i recon could been my last mission. Have left me with some interesting after effects. But i guess its good see you too again.....thought your name eludes me....i am all but embarrassed to say...."

Connor Harrison

Young [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] spoke next, and Connor didn’t recognise the youth at first. He hadn’t seen him properly in years and that was when he had tried to show a group of Younglings how to deal with remotes in lightsaber training. Now, he was sat here asking questions about dealing with the death of your fellow man. The galaxy really DIDN’T stop turning even when you turned your back to it.

"Théodred," Connor leant on his elbows on the railing, still on the tier above to watch, and spoke to the young man. "My answer to that, if I may give you one, is that you cope as any normal person would. You grieve. But, also, as a Jedi, you see their actions as something more hopeful than simply seeing them as being taken."

He linked his hands together.

"A close friend once told me as I tried to comprehend such a question as you, that because of what we do, even though we may not see it and never will, that the action from those who fall under your command have saved maybe just one more life. Maybe ten. Maybe a thousand. Because of them and what they have done under your leadership, a child is tucked up safe in their bed. A father or mother returns home to the family. A shockwave ripples out from a selfless, brave act that cost your fallen friend their life; a shockwave that hits one family, then another, then another and so on – until that shockwave becomes so big it leads to an overwhelming sense of hope and pride and belief that good can triumph over evil; that light can shine through dark even when we are faced with it, because if we thing death is something we will not glimpse, we are sadly mistaken."

He pointed a finger at the young Heavenshield.

”Men and women may fall under your command, Théodred, but they do so knowing that they fell to uphold the good in this galaxy that they want to preserve for generations. If you hold onto that, and mourn your loss to expel the grief, then you should ultimately feel that those who die have made a sacrifice greater than any mortal man or Jedi can do standing here – giving their life for another following their beacon; a brave and strong leader."

Connor lazily swept his finger across the others looking up.

”That goes for any and all of you who lead others or will do in the future. Death is as natural as life. If one dies following someone they believe in and fight for a cause you yourself would die to uphold, then they have simply shown us all what heroes they really are."

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Akio Diachi "]| [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Freyia Whitelight"] | [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Jenson Koraz"] | [member="Xander Stanforth"] | [member=Bellalika]
[member="Ronin Wendigo"]

Bellalika was listening to [member="Connor Harrison"] speak as she waited for a moment taking in Ronin and he seemed different but her cybernetic eyes could make out plenty. SHe was registering pheromone levels in the air for a moment before speaking. "YOu still haven't gotten those olfactory blockers like I recommended have you?" But he didn't seem to know her name and for a moment that pained what was left in her metal chest cavity. "I am Bellalika, one of the younger jedi knights from the older jedi and was your friend." She looked at him holding her hand up as it pulled the small ring around her neck. Sure it was her sistters but he didn't know that. Given he didn't remember her name she was guessing he didn't remember when she was in the hospital. "Remember?"
[member="Bellalika"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Xander Stanforth"] | [member="Jenson Koraz"] | [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"] | [member="Freyia Whitelight"] | @Alcuin

As George listened to the the questions and the answer. He overheard the talk about love and the darkside. George had not found love, he wasn't really looking for it. He had love for the Jedi and he had love for the Sanctum and all within, he didn't need anything more than that. However surprisingly to George there were more lovers here today than he expected. Possibly three including the Knight leading the training, that brought a smile to George's face. However as Theo asked the next question everyone's attention was drawn to him. He barley recognized the youngster as over the past few months he had grown from a boy into a man and his question reflected that.

It was always hard loosing men in battle, however in the end that is inevitable. You can only do your best to bring everyone home for dinner, and sometimes you just can't. Connor was quick to answer it and answer it he did very well. "What Connor said speaks volumes, remember those wise words, for soon you will be the teacher imparting your new knowledge onto the Padawans of the future." George replied, as he noticed the circles rolling. Connors friend had told him those words, he had just told the entire room and George was sure that it would soon spread even further. But he still had more to say. "Loosing but one man is straining to any leader. It may seem like you've failed, but it is your job as a Jedi and a leader to make sure that death is not wasted, finish your mission, celebrate you victory whilst also celebrating their life." He finished feeling as though he had finally brought something worthwhile to the training. He could see the water building up in Theo's eyes, something that was hard even for George to watch. For what he had just done George had great respect for the young Heavenshield Padawan, and he knew that one day the young Heavenshield will follow in the footsteps of his parents before him.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel sat and listened. The whole process was slightly uncomfortable for her. The others seemed at ease in sharing their questions and thoughts - even if they seemed slightly awkward in doing so. There were enough glances for her to understand there were subtexts that were clearly going on but she was not privy to. Not that she minded of course, it was just an observation. But her discomfort was threefold.

Firstly the fact there were so many gathered. She hadn't been in such a large group for a couple of years and she hadn't been part of such a conversation for maybe five. The last time was a class with a Master on Ossus. But it was all Younglings and one Master. And she knew all those with her back then. Secondly her Master had now arrived. She smiled at her when she sat next to her and felt an element of comfort from her presence and whispered to her that she hadn't missed much, mostly a debate on the dark side. But to ask a question, openly, in front of her Master might imply her own learning was at fault - and that might reflect badly on Master Ike. For questions she had she voiced openly and as soon as they popped into her head. That was the relationship they had.

And finally, she was still wrapped in a layer of arrogance that would not allow her to ask a question that denoted ignorance in front of so many. Her own Master knew her well and was used to questions and challenges - accepting them as a request for clarity from an enquiring mind. But these Jedi? Ones she barely knew? She could not face the loss of status if she asked something they thought was trivial. She looked at the ground as her face flushed. For the first time she saw her arrogance for what it was - a weakness. Their thrirst for knowledge was a strength and her desire to appear all-knowing was the true weakness in the room. But right here and right now, she could not break the cycle. But the moment the meeting was adjourned she would admit all to her Master. She suspected Matsu already knew, but it mattered nothing unless she - Sorel - was the one exposing the fault. She felt a tipping point in her development approaching and realised she'd been caught up in her own little world, so raised her head and re-engaged with the room.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Krux Mullarus"] [member="Akio Diachi"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Tyyni Oluja"] [member="Freyia Whitelight"] [member="Taygeta Lightkeeper"] [member="Vorian Adasca"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="George O Rourke"] [member="Jenson Koraz"] [member="Xander Stanforth"] [member="Bellalika]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Matsu was listening to the others there and taking in the sight of them with their expressions and reactions as her normally black eyes were a little blacker. The pupils dilated as she was committing the conversation she was here for at least to memory as she felt her padawan and looked at her. Focusing with the force while offering a half smile. "Is there anything you would like to ask Sorel?" SHe had learned a great deal while working with the young woman, Sorel had talent but she had something in her past. It wasn't her place to pry and make her expose it but she was slowly pulling back the layers of her padawan.

"I assure you, there are no wrong questions here and their perspectives can be curious, reaffirming or challenging your own. The goal is to learn and that doesn't just mean learning the lesson listed on the door." She was looking at her but prodding wasn't the way, no the gently approach while her hand came up nd she offered it on her shoulder to hopefully bolster her confidence to ask her questions for now. She could learn more about Sorel here but Sorel could learn a lot about her fellow padawans and jedi as well. From how they responded to their body language and more importantly just hearing all of their questions. See where they might want to learn, she could make friends by teaching them or getting taught.
Listening to [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] question she knowing all to well she might not have went out of these dangerous mission but her mother does long with other fellow jedi. Either way she couldn't help but have a feeling that she need to be out in the front in leadering as if one thing her mother taught her there is one way to became a great leader. Yes there was ones that was forged in battle but there was also those that had other leadership skills one being knowing how to listen to all that was taking place about them at all time.

It didn't escape that there was someone that had invited herself @Bellalikato sit by Ronin other side that was find this room was getting a bit crowded. Still there was something odd as it seem this one hadn't been taught like she had to be respectful to those talking then trying to talk over someone or to someone when all had came to share there knowledge not to socialize. That was for another time and place all together. Not even taking not what this one saying to Ronin. Reaching down instead and giving him hand a gentle squeeze to get [member="Ronin Wendigo"] attention. Mouthing a word to him.


@Connor Harrison @Thurion Heavenshield @Krux Mullarus @Akio Diachi @Ronin Wendigo @Tyyni Oluja @Taygeta Lightkeeper @Vorian Adasca @Joza Perl @Valae Kitra @Setzi Lunelle @George O Rourke @Jenson Koraz @Xander Stanforth


Well-Known Member
@Connor Harrison @Thurion Heavenshield @Krux Mullarus @Akio Diachi @Ronin Wendigo @Tyyni Oluja @Taygeta Lightkeeper @Vorian Adasca @Joza Perl @Valae Kitra @Setzi Lunelle @George O Rourke @Jenson Koraz @Xander Stanforth

It was then as he sat there and his attention seem divided between try hard to keep up listening to the conversation. As it move thru the room between question and answered made by most if not quite a few of those in attendance. Seem not mattering if they were of any particular rank just that keep in mind the conversation flow in a seem fluid manner. At any rate between his gaze turn from whomever was speaking to one who took seat beside him and the one he came in attendance her with. Ronin couldn't help but feel slightly hopefully lost. When all of a sudden one sitting beside him came out speak.

"You still haven't gotten those olfactory blockers like I recommended have you?"

To which given the state he was left him a bit loss as to what she meant other than from just guessing. He kinda had the impression whatever an olfactory blocker was that it sounded painful. At any rate he then just shrug and spoke. In a tone somewhat innocent at the same time curiously passive.

"Well i don't know about that....sound umm,.....pretty painful but yeah maybe...."

It was then seem feel a bit awkward as from what he could figured so far from person sitting beside him. That she maybe another one sort like Freyia and her mom judging from her skin tone. And the strange way he seem be draw to her thought it seem far different from what he'd experience or felt with Freyia. At any rate seem with his head cock to one side with a blank curious look at her he came forth speak.

"....And hmmm....who did you say you were and where did we meet?"

At which time seem in slight twist of things that the stranger beside him began turn the charm on as she spoke.In which time he try his best seem out of fear...doubt or simple awkwardness of the situation had come to seem reach grab hold of one person hand. The one whom in his mind gave him kind of calm effect and connection that help him center his somewhat trouble mind.

"I am Bellalika, one of the younger jedi knights from the older jedi and was your friend."

At which time seem sense his apprehension thru touch she then in turn squeeze his hand back. Turn to then face him momentary and as their eyes met. A sense of calm wash over him and he could help be draw back to her as she then seem mouth something to her which he sort understood and nod. Before not want be rude turn reply to the stranger.

" I see well its nice see you again and well i'm sort not with them anymore. Since my Master passing I've sort move on and come under a new Master. And things of the past are well...difficult for me say the least ..."

To which seem in response as he momentary turn his head to the crowd try to make out who was speak next. Before turn back to Bellika who by then was dangling a sort ring on a chain round her neck to him.


She then coy replied to which he just look at it for moment before reply.

"Sadly not so much as the past like i said been difficult for me as it no less brings back memory of my former Master. And like i said it good see you again thought i rather we speak later if you wish i don't think my Master Coci would appreciate me being tardy in regards to my studies at this time. Specially with all the miss classes I've already rack up at this time...."

He then gave her a respectable bow as his eye turn towards the distance and note Freyia mom. And healer Master who'd been helping thus far standing in the distance. At which time he turn his attention try get back listening to the crowd.

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