* leans over and whispers in your ear.*
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Oct 1, 2014 #141 * leans over and whispers in your ear.* Spoiler
Cross Ikon The Red Admiral Oct 1, 2014 #142 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JphDdGV2TU[/media]
Finnegan Call 1-800-FINNEGAN Today! Character Bio Oct 1, 2014 #143 COME ON! DO IT! I'M RIGHT HERE! DO IT! KILL ME! KILL ME NOW! COME ON!
Finnegan Call 1-800-FINNEGAN Today! Character Bio Oct 1, 2014 #145 "I am a cybernetic organism; living tissue over metal endoskeleton"
Finnegan Call 1-800-FINNEGAN Today! Character Bio Oct 1, 2014 #147 "Oh no, put that back, that's the kid's lunch!"
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 2, 2014 #148 *In the middle of space* "Did you guys remember to refuel?"
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 3, 2014 #151 "Pa-Pa-Pa-Paper.... please" Most should get this preference
Jsc Disney's Princess Oct 5, 2014 #156 "...No but seriously? Aren't the Sith anti-heroes kinda and the Jedi Order the real bad guys? I need your opinion."
"...No but seriously? Aren't the Sith anti-heroes kinda and the Jedi Order the real bad guys? I need your opinion."
Johnny Diamonds Never Fade Away Character Bio Oct 8, 2014 #157 "Don't worry, it'll grow back in about a week."
Jonathon Patches Information Broker Oct 8, 2014 #158 "Pause. The batteries on my hidden camera are low."
Jonathon Patches Information Broker Oct 8, 2014 #160 Let's make this quick. I only have ten minutes until my 4 hours are up and then I have to consult a doctor or physician.
Let's make this quick. I only have ten minutes until my 4 hours are up and then I have to consult a doctor or physician.