Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time to Face What You Have Always Been (Tarissa)

"For that part, I cannot blame you." Cora said with a shake of her head. Those were the kind of things that she generally didn't want to deal with these days. She'd long had enough of the politics and drama between bickering groups. There's no winning, and you only get a knife in your back as a reward, which so wasn't the kind of games Cora was up for these days.

Being good with undoing ropes, more than had it's uses. It helped when one had been kidnapped and bound up. And of course in the realm of certain bdsm activities. She lifted a brow as Ms Jaegar finally was able to speak with the gag removed. Without a word, she walked over to the washroom, to get a glass of water from the sink for the woman. "I am, the one and only." Those words a little sad, thinking about how she was the last Passek to her knowledge that carried the name. In some ways it made her feel utterly alone. Though, she was keenly aware a lot of that feeling was entirely her own fault.

"I was actually coming to ask for help. I've a task, I need to do. And, it's not something I should go out and do alone." She started, scratching at her head as she offered the glass of water to Jaegar with her other hand. Explaining what she needed to do, and why was a little complicated. That to her, seemed like a good start.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

Naamah greedily gulped down the water, spilling a bit. She looked somewhat embarrassed, put the glass down and stretched her neck. Her body did not appreciate the punishment she'd put it through, but she did not care much. After all, she deserved it.

It was not enough. Her expression was strangely neutral when she beheld Cora. "I see," she said after a while. Well, that was one way to respond to it! "Well, and the Priestess believed I could help you because I have a particular skill set?"

Eileithya nodded. "I shall leave the details to Cora, but I believe it's a quest that could help you both. It's a journey that would be worthwhile for you. More than...confining yourself here for the enjoyment of that...woman," she said diplomatically.

"Kyraea can be fun company, you know," Naamah shrugged. Her voice was rather deadpan. "So, what is it going to be? I imagine it'll be dangerous and borderline suicidal."
"Yes, the skill set was mentioned to me." Cora sighed as she glanced to the Priestess and back to the woman before slowly sitting on the end of the bed, near the Jaegar's feet.

"It's complicated." I use that word too much, don't I? She thought to herself before moving on. Her eyes dropped away to the floor, hating to talk about the situation. It'd been brought up too much in the last few days. Still this was supposed to help, right? Bring her closure, this quest. So, the details were something she was going to have to get used to saying aloud.

Cora swallowed hard, before looking back to the brunette. "Dangerous, and yes, borderline suicidal do fit what I had in mind. I think you know me too well already." Her eyes snapped back to Eileithya for a second, wondering what she'd told the girl so far.

"When I was still a teen, my family, all of them were brutally slaughtered in the dead of night. I got lucky, managed to escape. At the time, my family was quite loyal to the old Sith Empire that existed. And, naturally so was I. Thing is, the pieces have never lined up on how or why they were killed. There's a variety of stories out there. There's what the officials said, that they had nothing to do with the murders. There's what word on the street is, which varies on who I spoke to. And there's what I was told happened, that my father was a traitor and that's why my family was targeted, scorched earth style."

"Now, I have a few records from that time period. They don't fit that story in the least. And further more, my gut screams that there is so much more to this story. I need to know, who and why this happened. I've tried to let it go, but that's not been possible. I can't let it go. So, I've got to do this."

"It means going back to those same planets, hunting down old Sith contacts, probably killing a few people, and seeing if I can some how piece the story together of what really happened. It's not going to be easy. It's going to be dangerous. It's not the smartest choice I could make, but I have to do this."

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

Naamah listened to the story, not opening her mouth once. Her face was like a mask. "Ok," she finally said. This was probably not the sort of reaction you'd expect after someone told you they'd like to recruit you for what seemed like a suicide mission. "What's your first destination? Do you have any leads?"

Eileithya frowned. "You can take your time to think about this, Livia," she interjected. She was an empath and thus rather attuned to the woman's emotional state. What she saw in Naamah's aura made her very uncomfortable. "It will be very dangerous."

Naamah gave her a look. "I know. I have thought about it," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, as if this were the obvious thing in the world and she could not fathom why someone had reached a different conclusion than her.
There were few times in her life where Cora found herself unable to speak. But this certainly was one of those rare moments where all she could do was stare blankly at Livia with her mouth slightly agape.

After a moment or two, Cora shook herself from that state. 'Ok' wasn't the response she expected in the least. The blonde bit at her lip, and sighed. "Well, Dromund Kaas, is the closest and it's in Silver territory. Which makes it probably one of the least dangerous places we can start. I also still have a couple of contacts from my ... old illegal activities. Even with the place being in ruins, there's still undoubtedly remnants of the old regime that still can be found. It's not much, but it's a place to start." Cora didn't have much clue where else to begin. There was a lot of ground to cover, and waiting this long to chase this down, had allowed plenty of time for the trail to run cold.

"I also, do have a small and partial set of records from that period. It's my dad's file, which has a couple contacts listed in it, if they are still alive... We can seek them out. It also gave a small list of the places he frequented. So there's that." It wasn't a ton, but it was better than nothing.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

Someone who was in a more rational mood might have been discouraged by Cora's words, but Naamah looked as neutral as ever. "Kaas, then. A blasted darkside wasteland. Fine. Long as we avoid the Jedi." Totally the reaction you'd expect.

"If you need to buy information from criminals or ex-Sitihes, you'll have to provide the credits. Likewise, I don't have much in terms of gear since I'm not really receiving an income at the moment," she added. "I take it you got a ship and it's able to fly under the radar. I'm good with guns, explosives and at infiltration and so on. When are we leaving?"
"There's only one Jedi I hold any fondness for. And she sees past my mistakes, and crimes. The rest of the lot, given what I've done. What knowledge lies within my mind, I'd rather frankly like to avoid them, and any uncomfortable questions in which they might raise. So that is not a problem."

At least in the money department, Cora had little worries there. "I have the funds, to both buy information, as well as silence." She wasn't exactly the most trusting sort. And certainly didn't trust this particular brand of criminals and Sith to keep their word without incentive. And she damn well was going to do all she could to ensure such. For if they dared break their word, there would be the most severe of consequences. This wasn't a game Cora planned to lose. No, she was playing to win - whatever the cost. "I can pay you more than modestly for your help. As for the ship, I was a smuggler once upon a time. Flying under the radar and unnoticed, shouldn't be a problem. I've also got some gear, that I think will work for you. Seems, we carry similar skill sets. As for when we leave? The moment you can gather your belongings, my ship is waiting for us."

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Alright. Well, I suppose it's disclosure time. Sort of. Eileithya keeps telling me the truth's important. I don't see what the big deal is, but whatever." One could clearly hear the Priestess sigh. "

I was a spook, then a sadistic serial killer who tormented people for kicks till I got teleported to hell, got depowered and experienced a shock therapy that straightened my head out. Mostly." She said all of this in a rather detached voice. "So, go team."
Cora froze. Then she blinked once, as the wheels in her mind were trying to work out exactly what she'd just heard. Because it defied all logic in her mind, to just come out and say that sort of thing. Even she had her secrets, and things she liked kept hidden from the work. There was only one word she could really grasp in that moment, and it wasn't so much of a word as it was squeal. "Wuuuuuuut?" Clearly it was going to take a moment for her mind to catch up to the present.

Maybe a minute more passed them by, as Cora made sure she'd heard her right. Truth be told, knowing this didn't make her feel better. In fact it made her feel a little uneasy. "Straightened out? You're sure?" Well, I can always feed her to Fluffy if she tries anything. There was always that option she told herself. Though, on the other hand, Cora had known crime lords that were just as bad. "If I'm being honest, you're not any worse than the people I do know. Though, I think that's more a reflection of the company I keep." She gave a small shrug. "Such is life, or at least mine. Because I don't know anyone who's life is more strange, weird, and a mess than my own." It never crossed her mind, just how strange things were about to get for her.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

Naamah's expression did not change once. It remained as impassive as ever. The woman simply did not care. "Yes," she said flatly. Apparently she did not see the need to elaborate more. No need to talk about nightmares. Or the fact that she'd been suicidal after escaping hell. Monsters did not deserve pity. She liked to think she was better than those pathetic darksiders who whined about their life. At this point, she didn't feel much of anything.

"If I wasn't certain that Livia wanted to change her ways, I'd have ended the moment I heard of her past," Eileithya interjected. As peaceful and gentle as the Priestess was, she was no pacifist. Ashiranism was a rather martial faith, though she hated killing.

Naamah opened her mouth. The words were already on her tongue, but died on it when Eileithya thought her a withering glance. It kept her from saying that the Priestess should have killed her on that day. "I'm also a Clawdite, so I can cycle through various identities. Don't freak out when I look like a lizard in the morning." The delivery was flippant, which belied the fact that the often disgusted reaction to her true form did in fact upset her.
For her part, Cora was still a little wary of Livia. This was taking a risk. It also meant she had to trust another person's word. Between those two things she was feeling a little uneasy and uncertain. On the other hand, she knew just as well it was extremely risky to attempt to run this little game of hers alone. She needed someone who would watch her back. This whole thing depended on that given the dangerous territory she had to walk.

With a heavy sigh, she looked back to Eileithya. "I suppose that's a fair point." Fair though it was, it hadn't made her feel entirely better.

"I've been around another shapeshifter before. She was more than a little strange. But her primary form was this black cat looking thing, that entirely looked like it could eat you in a single bite." Cora shrugged having one off topic a little. "Anyway, point is I won't. It's not going to bother me. I've been around others, and that hasn't phased me. It's just another part of you."

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Works for me. Fine. I'll get my stuff," Naamah grunted and stood up, though legs still seemed to be a bit on the shaky side. Evidently the Ardarvian Priestess' stern love had been very overwhelmning for her.

"Not yet," Eileithya intervened, putting a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "There will be ample time for you to leave, but I'm not letting you depart without imparting Ashira's protection on you first." Naamah snorted and rolled her eyes, but the Eldorai was undaunted. "You will be ritually bathed in her holy waters and blessed. Then, since neither of you are feeling particularly trusting, I will teach you a thing or two about teamwork."

Naamah raised an eyebrow. "We'll have sex? You sure love to get down and dirty with your congregation." She sounded a bit grumpy.

"Eldorai society does not suffer from the same hypocritical prudishness as humans. You will both pleasure me and submit to me. You'll be facing more than enough tribulations when you go on this quest."

"Or we could get going. Kaas is nice and frosty this time of the year."
Cora nodded and rose to her own feet quickly. Keenly she watched, noticing how Naamah was a slight bit unsteady. Then her head snapped as she spun to look at Eileithya. The blonde, hardly seemed happy about hearing this. "I hate to say this, but it hardly seems the time for it. We've a job to go out and do, and I don't want to be delayed any further than I already have."

For a change, Cora didn't seem eager or have much desire to stick around and enjoy a little play in the hay. "I'm not really in the mood for this either." She grumbled loudly, her way of protesting. "I just want to get on my way, and get going on this little suicidal mission of death."

"So for a change can we just skip the ritual and sex and go. Or do it on the way, I don't care which as long as it isn't another delay." She sighed and started for the door, clearly a little annoyed by that point. She didn't like it when her plans were getting delayed regardless of reason.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

Eileithya gently took ahold of Cora's shoulder and pulled the blonde into a hug, whether the human wanted or not. "May Ashira's light guide you, dear. I will pray for your safe return. I hope you find what you seek," she said softly. She could not avoid a strong feeling of dread. Something told her that the answers Cora found would be terrible, but there was no stopping the human.

She released her and stepped aside, before hugging Livia, who looked uncomfortable and patted her on the shoulder. "I will pray for you, too. The Goddess forgives. Even you. Go with Ashira." She reached into her robes and gave each of them an amulet. Eldorai runes had been inscribed on both of them and they were surrounded by an aura of power. "Take these. When it is darkest, they will provide protection and clarity against evil."
With a little push, it was undoubted that Cora could and would put her annoyance aside. With a heavy sigh, her expression softened as Eileithya pulled her into a tight hug. The blonde wrapped her arms around the elf and held her tightly for a moment, not eager to let go. "Thank you." She said quietly as she released her and took a step back.

Reaching out she gently took the amulet offered and then took a moment to inspect it as she ran her fingers over the runes. "Thank you, again Eileithya. I'm sure we'll be fine. But the prayers are appreciated." She sighed once more, waiting to see what the redhead would do and to see if she'd try and drag them off to said rituals that had been previously spoken of.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Ashira will be with you. Always. Her light is within reach. Her fire shall be your ally," Eileithya said solemnly. She seemed rather reluctant to let the girls go, but finally did so and stepped back. Hopefully the two would be alright. "Both of you, come back home in one piece, you hear me?"

"Yes, mum," Naamah grunted. "Thanks for the, uh, amulets and prayers," she added a bit awkwardly, looking rather uncomfortable. She could not deal with someone who acted as if she cared about her fate. So she glanced over to Cora. "Come on, let's go. Where's your ship?"
"Thank you, my dear." Cora said, half smiling to try and help the priestess feel a little better about them leaving. She sighed deeply and nodded, "You know we will darling. We will." Cora was trying to be as reassuring as possible, for the redhead's sake. Mostly she was just trying to reassure herself that it'd all work out.

She glanced to Livia and motioned to the stairs, "I suppose we should get going. My ships over at the starport, so a small speeder and shuttle ride away. Do you need anything else before we get going?"

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

As usual, Naamah was a radiant ball of sunshine, very extroverted and terrible talkative. "Yeah, need my sabre and guns. They're at the guard station," she said laconically. As easy-going as Eileithya was, she had not let the Clawdite keep a laser sword in her room, which was more like a cell anyway.

So after a short detour to the station of the holy guards, Naamah had her gear, though the sentinel on duty shot her a moderately suspicious look. "Right, let's go," she spoke after stuffing some guns, knives and other toys into a duffel bag and slinging it over her shoulder. The loadout included a disassembled sniper rifle. There was a shuttle service from the Temple to New Santaissa's spaceport.
Cora nodded to Livia, "Alright. That won't be a problem." With a sigh she finally got up, hugged Eileithya one last time. "I'll be back before you know it. Don't fret about me." She said with a bright playful smile. The smile a bit of a mask for her underlying worry that things might not work out the way she wanted to. That things out there, the answers to her questions might be horrible. She truly had no idea of what was waiting for her on this journey.

With that they were finally on the way, only stopping to grab the woman's weapons. "Come on." She said motioning to the direction of the nearby shuttle to the spaceport. Once on board the shuttle, it didn't take long for them to make it to the spaceport. Quietly she led the way in the port to her ship. "She ain't much, but she gets the job done. Good ship, and it's entirely forgettable. Which, in this is rather handy."

Walking up to the rather simply freighter, Cora turned back to Livia. "Oh, and uh ... I have a pet nexu. Fluffy." Fluffy, such a sweet and innocent name for a creature that could eat a human whole. But Fluffy loved his Cora and guarded her with his life.

She then turned back and keyed in the code. The ramp lowered and inside the belly of the ship, a roar could be heard before the pounding of heavy feet seemed to race towards the entrance. Then the Nexu suddenly appeared, a large bone in his mouth as he looked from Cora to Livia. He seemed slightly confused for a moment, unsure of the stranger as Cora reached up and ruffled the fur on his head.

"Fluffy, this is Livia. She's a friend." She said sweetly as she took the bone from him and handed it back to the shapeshifter. "Here, throw it, he likes those that play with him. Well, and are female. He's not fond of men. I suppose he is trying to be the only man in my life. Not that I mind." She said brightly, seeming quite happy with her pet. "Go on, now." She encouraged. "I'd rather not have him eat you in the middle of the night." Fluffy seemed to be debating that very thought at that moment as he looked between the bone and Livia.

"She's not food, Fluff." Cora scolded, knowing Fluffy a little too well. He whined slightly and then sat down on his haunches and looked expectantly to the new woman. There was some debate in his mind as he looked at the bone, whether he wanted to try and taste the new woman, or just wanted his bone. Surely, he'd settle this debate as soon as he got his play time in.

[member="Naamah Aesham"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Cora Passek"]

"You got a Nexu? Cool." That was Naamah's response. The ship's landing ramp lowered, there was a loud roar and then the mighty Fluffy stood before them in all his adorable, predatory glory. He also seemed to be assessing whether he should eat Naamah or not. It was kind of cute.

"Men suck anyway. Itty bitty living space, you see," she said knowingly. This was a phrase a certain Mirien Valdier was very fond of. The one and only Mirien. The most beautiful woman ever, the one Naamah had so strongly wanted to impress...

Oh, wait, this is not that kind of thread. Naamah really needed healthier crushes. "He's cute," she smiled thinly. Yes, Fluffy actually made the unrepentantly grim, broody Naamah smile, if only for a little bit. Taking the bone, she tossed it back into the belly of the ship.

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