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Tinkering with Ophidia

The Soulsaber [Approved] (Claimed)​

  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To submit and claim the Soulsaber.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt](Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Go[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]ogle Ima[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]ge Search c[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]an help.)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon Link: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Soulsaber.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Restricted Missions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Canon Item Retrieval[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Primary Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt](Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A Dark Jedi [Name Unknown].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Darth Ophidia.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Modularity: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]None.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Production: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Unique.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The dark side of the Force, lightsaber components, bronze-like metal. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Lightsaber[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Size: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Average.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt](45 cm hilt, 150 cm blade)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weight: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Average.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Dark Nexus:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]A dark nexus surrounds the Soulsaber in a 10 meter radius. Within the nexus, non-force-sensitives feel uneasy and force-sensitives may experience headaches, nausea and difficulties concentrating. When the blade is activated, the nexus will fill the wielder’s mind with whispers of great power but also great negative emotions. An untainted wielder will find themself corrupted by it, one who is pure will also be subjected to a blast of dark energy upon touching the hilt.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Battlemind:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The soulsaber imbues its wi[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]elder with the ability [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Battlemind[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], allowing them to push beyond their limits at the cost of not knowing their own limits or how badly wounded they may be.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Destroyer of Life:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A manifestation of the dark side of the Force, the Soulsaber imbues its victims with terrible icy pain, negative emotions, and a vampiric drain of their life-force. It can even drain the life of its surrounding area.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Dark Nexus: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The dark nexus surrounding the blade affects everyone in a 10 meter radius. Non-Force-Sensitives feel uneasy, while Force Sensitives may experience headaches, nausea, and difficulties concentrating (The wielder is exempt). The dark nexus will also release a burst of dark energy when touched by a non-corrupted person.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Bringer of Pain: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Being cut with the Soulsaber fills one with a stab of unbelievable and agonising cold, and brings out negative emotions meant to corrupt its victim and bring them to the dark side of the Force.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Battlemind: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The wielder is imbued with a boost of battle prowess, concentration and stamina. Allowing them to fight even at the brink of death.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Vampiric: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Soulsaber’s blade is able to steal life force from the victim and transfer it to the wielder. With some concentration, it can also siphon life force from the surroundings.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Nexus Range:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Nexus can be sensed within 10 meters of the weapon and everyone will be aware of its dark presence, making it nearly impossible to stealth with it in hand. An adept at Sense may also track the nexus at a distance, as long as it is unchecked.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Corrupting touch:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Soulsaber will corrupt anyone that possesses it. Those who ignite it, are filled with overwhelming negative emotions. Those who already use the dark side will be driven deeper into its clutches.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Whispers:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] While in possession of the Soulsaber, one will be visited by whispers of great power, this may drive one into conflict with one’s allies, if not drive one to madness.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Limitless: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The downside of the ability Battlemind is that it blinds one of their own limits, with grievous consequences to the wielder’s health.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]On its surface the Soulsaber appears as a black cylinder, 45 cm in length, wrapped in bronze-like in the shape of a dragon. From the dragon’s mouth emits a 150 cm long, deep violet blade with a black core, red flecks flash up and down along its edge. Proximity to the Soulsaber fills one with an immediate sense of oppressive darkness from within the weapon itself. People become uneasy, force-sensitives feel extreme discomfort, but it all pales in comparison to the agony of falling to its edge.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]While this powerful weapon brings its wielder great power and resilience, it comes with a grave cost: The Soulsaber drives its wielder deeper and deeper into the dark side of the force, withering away its’ wielder’s mind with whispers while blinding them to their limits and the damage that has been done to their body. A careless wielder will find themself falling apart mentally and physically under the constant hunger for battle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Soulsaber is a manifestation of the dark side of the Force, an abomination to the Light, and a weapon made to destroy all life and light in the galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]An ancient weapon, tracing the Soulsaber’s origin is difficult, but what is known is that it was made by a Dark Jedi some 20’000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The fact that it still exists is a testament to its supernatural resilience. The Soulsaber fought many battles before being sealed away by the Jedi in a cave filled with light side energy. For a while, it was kept in the Temple of Pain in the Tascollan Nebula. Through most of its nearly 21’000 years of existence, it was moved from one place of safekeeping to another, with brief intermissions of wanton slaughter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was near forgotten when it fell into the hands of one [member=”Reverance”] who brought it back out into the battlefield where it belonged. Through the long campaigns of the One Sith, the Soulsaber earned its wielder a legendary status among the Sith and the Yuuzhan Vong. However, a time came when Reverance too would relinquish it. When the Wrath of the Dark Lord vanished and the Legion Yun’Do were left to roam the galaxy. The Soulsaber was thought lost until the Legion returned to the scorched world of Selvaris one last time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][member=”Darth Ophidia”] and [member=”Cerbera”] infiltrated the Yuuzhan Vong encampment and stole the Soulsaber from under their noses. Pursuit were made, but the two Sith Lords successfully escaped with the legendary weapon in tow.[/SIZE]
The Holocron of Heresies Approved (Claimed)​


  • Intent: To submit and claim the Holocron of Heresies in its intact form.

  • Image Source:

    In Umbris Potestas Est​: [member="Darth Ophidia"], uploaded through deviantArt

  • Holocron: Wookiepedia: Sith Holocron, first image. Edits by me.

  • Darth Andeddu: Imgur: Darth Andeddu, Immortal God-King of Prakith by Nibbets.


Primary Source:


  • Name: The Holocron of Heresies

  • Manufacturer: Darth Andeddu

  • Affiliation: Darth Ophidia, formerly Darth Andeddu, formerly Freedon Nadd, Formerly Darth Bane, formerly Set Harth, formerly Darth Tyrannus, formerly Darth Krayt, formerly Darth Vitium, formerly Braith Achlys, formerly Darth Vupua.

  • Modularity: Information may be added or sealed away (will require submission modification or re-submission).

  • Production: Unique.

  • Material: Alchemised gold, synthetic red crystal, crystal-lattice, other holocron components.

  • Classification: Holocron.

  • Size: Average.

  • Weight: Average.

  • Soul: Andeddu’s spirit and full intellect, including his affinity with the Force.

  • Memory: Information about previous owners of the holocron.

  • Knowledge: Detailed lessons on the following:

    ​The Ancient Sith and the dark side of the Force.

  • Sith Sorcery and the arcane arts.

  • Sith Alchemy.

  • Darth Andeddu's Sith Rituals.

  • Essence Transfer.

  • Darkside Healing.

  • Force Illusions.

  • Dominate Mind.

  • Telekinesis.

  • Force Drain.

  • Force Stasis.

  • Deadly Sight.

  • Spear of Midnight Black.

Crystal: Lightsabre Crystal of unknown origin.


  • Andeddu’s Spirit: This holocron does not only possess a recording of Andeddu’s intellect, but houses his actual spirit. This allows the holocron to not only teach, but to wield the Force on its own.

  • Extensive Repository: The Holocron of Heresies includes a vast collection of dark-side techniques mastered by Darth Andeddu during his lifetime.

  • Master Sorcerer: The holocron also includes many rituals and sorceries based on those of Karness Muur, as interpreted by Andeddu, including darkside healing.

  • Essence Transfer: The holocron includes the infamous Essence Transfer technique.

  • Lightsabre crystal: Within the holocron is a space, in which is a single, red crystal suitable for powering a lightsabre (It is unknown if this is Andeddu’s original crystal or a replacement)

  • Games and Riddles: Andeddu is not prone to giving up his knowledge willingly. The gatekeeper of this holocron will go on forever with histories, games and riddles made to teach ancient Sith values and ideas before divulging as much as an index.
  • Malevolence: Given the chance, the Holocron will attempt to siphon the life from a nearby person and attempt to summon Darth Andeddu back from the dead. The spirit can be defeated with major difficulty.
  • Force-Bound: Only a Force User can use this Holocron.
  • Void: Any Force-dampening effect (such as ysalamiri fields or voidstone) will prevent one from opening the holocron.
  • Darkspawned: Due to the alchemical processes within it is weak to Force Light. A powerful, direct blast may destroy it.


Physical Description:
The Holocron of Heresies is a palm-sized pyramid of alchemised gold trims and crystal walls that at first appears black, but will glow to a bright red when charged with the Force. The crystal is decorated with ancient Sith hieroglyphs and runes, and it carries the inscription "In Umbris Potestas Est" (In darkness there is power) on the four bottom rims.

When the holocron is activated, it illuminates in a red light and the spectral guardian, in the shape of Darth Andeddu, appears. The user must speak to Andeddu to learn from the holocron. Additionally, if opened correctly, one can find the chamber that houses a lightsabre crystal. As Andeddu's crystal was removed by Darth Tyrannus, the crystal that sits there may not be the original.

Ancient Lord of the Sith, Darth Andeddu, is a figure that deserves the utmost respect from his successors in the Sith. It is possible that Andeddu is the originator of the traditional title of Darth. He is infamous, not only for his rule as a great Lord of the Sith, but for his immense strides in the secret arcane arts of the Sith.

Darth Andeddu spent much time studying the original Sith Lords and based much his knowledge on the bizzare arcana of Karness Muur, one of the original Dark Jedi from the Hundred Years of Darkness, and the originator of darkside healing. This was the foundation on which Andeddu made his greatest discovery: How to cheat death - Essence Transfer. It was after this that he rose to the position of Dark Lord of the Sith and ruled over his peers on Korriban.

A cautious man, and some would say paranoid, Darth Andeddu crafted his holocron to keep all of his secrets from the greedy hands of the Sith Lords in his service, refusing to share with those he deemed unworthy. As Andeddu had foreseen, the Sith Lords sought to betray and overthrow him; Andeddu was forced to leave Korriban, but tricked his enemies into thinking he had died. He managed to elude his attackers and retreat to his homeworld of Prakith where he created the cult known as The Malevolence ruled as a God King for several centuries before finally passing on to the Nether. He was entombed on Prakith with his holocron.

As centuries passed, Andeddu faded into obscurity with the Jedi's attempts at removing his name from the annals of history. Yet, his name persisted and the Holocron was found on Prakith by Freedon Nadd, then taken by Darth Bane, and stolen by Set Harth before disappearing into obscurity. It fell into the hands of Darth Tyrannus, then the hands of Darth Krayt, whom Andeddu deemed a pretender for refuting the teachings of the Ancient Sith. It was Darth Wyyrlok who discovered the holocron's ability to use the Force and had to force Andeddu's spirit back into the holocron by defeating him with illusions.

For another bout of centuries, the Holcron of Heresies lay untouched until it was discovered by Darth Vitium. In a confrontation between Darth Vitium and Darth Carach versus Corvus Raaf and Connor Harrison, the secret of Essence Transfer were sealed. The secret remained sealed as it passed to Braith Achlys, and Darth Vupua.

When Darth Ophidia procured the holocron in an auction and collected it on Ambria, she brought it to the Library Temple of Krayiss Two and engaged in a ritual that successfully broke the seal on Essence Transfer, leaving her with the complete holocron.

  • Manufacturer: Joycelyn Zambrano.
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Joycelyn Zambrano.
  • Modularity: Spearhead can be detached and wielded like a lightsabre.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Songsteel shaft and hilt-casing, lightsabre components, lingan ore, synthetic lightsabre crystal.
  • Classification: Lightsaber pike.
  • Size: Large (full construction), Small (Detached blade).
  • Weight: Average.
  • Lightsabre Pike: A long shaft (210 cm) topped with a stout, red lightsabre blade (90 cm), featuring a crossguard design where the plasma prongs (2x15 cm) are set at an angle to the main blade.
  • Detachable Head: A concealed mechanism in the shaft of the spear can detach the head of the weapon, including the angled crossguard, to be used separately.
  • Songsteel Casing: Running the length of the weapon is a songsteel casing. Bright and silvery, it is an object of beauty, both light and strong. It will defend against a lightsabre.
  • Lignan inlay: Running down the shaft of the weapon is a thin, ornate pattern of rare lignan inlay. A force-user can draw power from this inlay (burning it off) for a temporary boost in the Force.
  • Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal: Red in colour, produces a strong blade with a small chance of "breaking" other sabre blades.
  • Lignan Focusing Crystal: Burns stronger than the usual lightsabre blade and will cut through materials slightly faster than normal.
  • Reach: The reach of this lightsabre pike is considerable, allowing its wielder to attack opponents from a range at which they may not be able to retaliate.
  • Cutting Power: Lignan combined with a synthetic crystal leaves for a mighty cutting blade. It will shear through most non-resistant materials with considerable ease and has a fraction of a chance to break an opponent's lightsabre-blade at a powerful swing.
  • Lignan Surge: The inlay of metallic lignan can help temporarily boost the wielder's affinity with the Force.
  • Detachable Head: If needed, the head and shaft can be detached, leaving a short, but perfectly fine lightsabre to wield. The mechanism to detach it is not obvious to the unknowing.
  • Songsteel: The hilt of this weapon is made of durable songsteel and will stand up against the power and heat of a lightsabre.
  • Size: A long weapon, the full pike construction takes room to carry and fully utilise. There is also a chance of opponents using the length of the shaft against the wielder.
  • Blade: Comparably short and stout, the blade of the pike leaves less cutting surface than the common lightsabre. When detached, it also features less reach.
  • Lignan Blacklash: While the Lignan inlay may temporarily boost the wielder's affinity with the Force, it leaves her light-headed in the aftermath. The metal will also burn away as it is used up.
    Lignan Addiction: If used carelessly, the boosting sensation of lingan can be addictive.

[*]Cortosis: Featuring dimetris circuits, the weapon is vulnerable to cortosis. Should the plasma be intercepted by a cortosis object (weapon or armour) then it may short out and become temporarily inert.

Joycelyn Zambrano is many things, at the spearhead of it all, she's a student of war. It was for this reason she found herself experimenting with the traditional weapon of the Sith, the lightsabre, and combining it with the martial forms of her two parental cultures. It was from the merger of these ideas, combined with her experience from the battlefield, that she landed on the idea of shaping her lightsabre into a polearm designed to fit her two-and-a-half meter stature (8'3 ft).

The complete design came in at three meters in total, featuring a songsteel shaft of 210 cm, a rather short, but thick lightsabre blade of 90 cm, and two plasmic prongs set at an angle from the base of the main blade, each at 15 cm in length. The songsteel casing is a silvery colour that off-sets the darker lignan inlay. The lingan inlay is shallow but securely fastened, leaving only shallow grooves when it's burned away. The weapon has great reach, but less cutting-length than the average lightsabre. The prongs makes it possible to trap enemy blades, but the total length of the weapon (in its full construction) could prove to be a disadvantage in certain situations. For this reason, Joycelyn made the sabre-head detachable. However, the detached sabre-head leaves for a shorter sabre than normal, which is its own weakness.

The junction between the sabre and the shaft had to be strong and the mechanisms for turning the blade on and off, as well as detaching it, should not be obvious to an opponent. Additionally, the grip of the sabre would need to be comfortable in the hand. With some help from an imperial engineer she met at a pub, an elegant solution was given that made the long shaft partially cover the part that would function as the hilt when detached. This allowed her to turn the blade on and off on the long shaft when connected, and gave the option of an otherwise concealed switch when handling only the blade on its own. It also made a release mechanism that will not be tripped by simply handling the weapon in combat, but is still available at a moment's notice.

The lightsabre blades are a vibrant red colour and burn with extreme potency thanks to the combination of synthetic and lingan focusing crystals. While it will not cut through sabre-resistant materials, it will do shorter work of other materials than a normal blade. It also means the pike has a small chance of "breaking" another lightsabre's stream.

The lingan inlay serves a secondary, but critical function: The metal can be used to boost one's power in the Force for a moment. This will result in the lingan inlay slowly turning to ash and falling off, and a post-surge light-headedness that may leave one vulnerable. One should be careful not to overuse the lignan as it may lead to an addictive sensation of power in the surge and a lingering sensation of ineptitude without it. If the lignan is burned away, one may replace it, but it is an extensive and costly procedure.
The Imperator's Raiment Approved



[*]Canon Link: None.
[*]Restricted Missions: If needed.
[*]Primary Source:
​Imperator's Rainment
Neo-Imperator Sith Armor
Sith Imperial Legionarie Mk.I Armor

  • Manufacturer: House Zambrano.
  • Model: Experimental Tyrant armour.
  • Affiliation: Joycelyn Zambrano.
  • Modularity: None

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Phrik, armorweave, Transparisteel, electronics, various trace metals and materials.
  • Classification: Heavy Multipurpose Combat Armour.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Resistances:
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High.
- Kinetic: High.
- Lightsabers: Very High.
- Other:
EMP: Average.
Enviromental: Average.
Sonic: Average. (High protection on ears, low protection from sonic blasts throughout)
Bludgeoning: Low.
Explosive: Low.

  • Armour:
    Phrik armour plating: Phrik is able to resist lightsabres, blasters, and most sharp objects with relative ease. The phrik is shaped into interlocking and overlapping plates, these plates have ridges that sweep away from be body, potentially turning blades and slugs away away and giving a greater surface area on which to disperse plasma energy. The overlapping plates are also constructed so that they disperse weight throughout the wearer's body, minimising exhaustion and allowing for greater mobility. However, this also leaves more small gaps through which to stab.
  • Armourweave bodyglove: Under all the plating and tech is a form-fitted layer of armourweave, providing a last layer of protection against anything that sneaks through the plating.
  • ​Thermal gel lining
  • Hermetically sealed (Sealing foam). Comes with optimal pressurisation mode for space combat.
  • Power pack with secondary redundant power pack: Activates if the main power is damaged or tapped.
  • Water recycling system.
  • environment underlay
  • Wolf's-head design: The interlocking plates of the helmet creates the visage of a large canine's head with glowing red eyes and pointed teeth, designed to create an intimidating silhouette.
  • Military grade ​HUD
  • Enhanced optics suite with electrobinoculars, anti-flash lenses, and rangefinder.
  • Broadband Antenna, encrypted HoloNet access and Comlink.
  • Environmental filter: Filters out smoke and airborne toxins while the helmet is closed.
  • Rebreather, oxygen filtration system, emergency oxygen tank (60 minute supply), external oxygen tank dock. Water recycling system.
  • Annunciator.
  • Sonic Dampener: Prevents damage to inner ear and loss of hearing.
  • Copper Faraday cage: A copper mesh that helps protect vital systems against electromagnetic energy.

[*]Combat Harness:

  • ​Cape: Magnetically attached, looks majestic. Fur trimmed collar. Flame retardant armourweave.



  • Phrik Plate: Both the nature of Phrik and the elaborate construction of the armour lends to its very high grade of defence, capable of resisting lightsabres. The plates are shaped to effectively to deflect blades and slugs, and to disperse plasma energy.
  • Systems Support: The armour is built to keep its wearer alive and provide them with the tools they need to fight.
  • EMP Resistance: Blast energy sinks and combat de-ionisers, combined with a copper Faraday cage renders parts of the armour resistant against EMP and Ion attacks.
  • Mind the Gap: No protection is complete. The armour has several points in which a precise attack could land. If in doubt, aim for the eyes.
  • Heavyweight: This armour is very heavy. This affects stamina as well as certain types of movement. She is not performing any kind of acrobatics in this suit. Nor will she be able to run a marathon or make any attempts at being stealthy.
  • Lobstered: While the multi-segmented armour-construction gives certain boons, it also makes the wearer less resistant to kinetic force, such as explosions or a good bludgeoning weapon.
  • Localised Resistance: The EMP resistance is localised on the survival systems in and around the helmet. All other systems will be hit.
  • Environmental Hazards: While the suit's environment underlay protects against extremes of heat and cold, it does not defend against radiation or corrosion, to mention some.

Contrary to certain beliefs, growing up a Zambrano is not all banquets and luxury. Joycelyn Zambrano and her sister had to struggle to survive against her half-siblings' schemes and plots. She eschewed the high life she could have clamoured her way to and sought instead to forge her own glory through war in the armies of the Sith, and in the spiritual service of the Ember of Vahl.

After years of campaigning in other people's wars, the Vahlacanthix had a dream- Not the kind of dream that came in her sleep, but the kind that grew in her heart and mind: Joycelyn the Conqueror - Sword and Chosen of Vahl. It remained with the dream until her ship crashed on Navrozh due to a hyperspace anomaly. When the rescue mission picked her up, Joycelyn was different, hungry, more determined than ever. She had stared death in the eye and come out on top.

As she made her progression to Knighthood, Joycelyn went to Thule and stormed into the Zambrano citadel to stake a claim, and she left with the Imperator's Rainment. She then declared for her Father, the Emperor, her intent to gather loose and fragmented planet states under the Empire, and her intent to claim her father's former sith moniker as Darth Vornskr II. To reflect this, Joycelyn had the Imperator's Raiment modified and fitted to her form and style of combat, and had its helmet remade in the visage of a Canine to reflect her intended moniker.

The result was a heavy armour of black phrik plates, cut in aggressive corners and points. The plates glide over each other with minimal gap and feature ridges designed to turn away points as well as provide structural integrity; it also increases the amount of surface area present to absorb the energy of a lightsabre or a blaster, meaning it is very resistant to plasma weaponry. The dog's head helmet is shaped to invoke a monstrous visage, highlighted by the glowing, red eye-slits, and incite fear in opponents on the battlefield. The internal systems are made to provide Joycelyn with every chance at survival no matter the battlefield; from the depths of space, to the vulcanos of Mustafar. From the deserts of Iridonia to seas of Mon Cal.

Joycelyn set out on the path of conquest in her very own version of the Imperator's Raiment.
Darth Ophidia's Nanotech Armour?
Darth Filiae's Cybernetic Arm
Darth Filiae's Cybernetic Eye
Darth Filiae's Cybernetic Leg
Darth Filiae's Cybernetic Body Enhancements
Darth Filiae's Cybernetic Cranium and Cerebral Enhancements.


  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers.
  • Model: SI-SG L-mod
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire.
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)

  • Production: Limited (TSE members who participated in the Rebirth rebellion thread on Jaminere)
  • Material: Duraplast, durasteel, personal shield components.
  • Resistance: The shield, when activated, erects a personal bubble that is highly resistant to conventional projectile damage. It is capable of blocking most blasters, slugthrowers, ion blasters, and even take the edge off an explosion. However, the bubble only lasts as long as the batteries do.
    - Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High
    - Kinetic: High
    - Lightsabers: Very Low
    - Other:
    - Ion: Average (shield up) None (shield down)
    - Sonic: Very Low

[*]Batteries: The shield is battery run, and while the batteries can replenish themselves, this takes time. Every hit that lands on the shield drains the battery, and if the battery power is entirely expended, the shield falls.
[*]Drain Effect: In order to make the shield more effective, it has been constructed with a drain effect that saps some of the energy from plasma weapons, such as blasters, back into the battery. This gives the shield more longevity or a quicker recharge, however, it cannot sustain itself in perpetuum and will inevitably falter.
[*]Blowback: One of the shield's most ingenious features is the 'blowback' effect. This optional setting prevents gathered plasma energy from returning to the battery (negating the Drain Effect) and instead lets it build up around it. When the shield falls or is deactivated, all the collected energy is dispatched in an outward blast without harming the wearer. This effect of the blast is directly linked to the amount of energy that has been absorbed and can equal a minor explosive device. However, when the blowback effect is in use, the batteries recharge significantly slower than normal.
[*]Compact: A neat and compact design makes the shield generator un-cumbersome and easy to use. It is all about practicality.
  • Shield: Provides high resistance against conventional ballistic weaponry such as blasters, slugthrowers, ion weapons and some explosives (grenades).
  • Drain: The batteries leech energy from plasma weapons, leading to a more resilient and lasting shield or a quicker recharge when facing this kind of weaponry.
  • Blowback: By forgoing the drain effect, the shield can collect plasma energy and release it in a violent pulse to repel combatants at the cost of a slower recharge.
  • Plasma: Only plasma weapons affect the drain. Solid projectiles and ion blasts are repelled, but do not recharge the battery nor contribute to the blowback effect.
  • Finite: Even with its drain effect, the shield can only take so much. It can only take so many hits, it will easily crumble under the pressure of heavier blasters like turrets, and while it may save your life, it will be shredded by a grenade. It is not impenetrable.
  • Less Than: The shield can only store so much energy and the blowback will never equal the sum total of firepower the shield receives.
  • Lightsabers: The particular circumstance that is the lightsaber will near-instantly deplete the shield's batteries. A solid thrust may pierce through without any significant issue.

The Sith Empire is always eager to reward those who spring to its defence.

When rebels struck on Jaminere, in the Tion Cluster, all present branches sprung into action to defend the acquisition of the world and its peaceful inclusion into the Imperial fold. Irrespective of the outcome of said rebellion, these individuals would be rewarded for their heroism and loyalty.

Ideas were tossed back and forth within the Imperial Corps of Engineers until someone made a rather stale pun about shields. While this spot of workplace humour earned little mirth, it did put gears into motion. What started as a joke developed into a serious engineering project, and finally an item worth gifting.

The original idea was only supposed to have the drain effect. The blowback was originally a bit of a mishap which originally occurred when the engineers attempted to make the shield impervious to lightsabers. They did not make it impervious to sabres, not without potentially exploding the batteries or making the whole object too large to be effective on the battlefield. One Dr. Pryys Desonne lost an eye during the first accidental detonation, and she became fascinated with the effect. After much research, she and her assistant were able to replicate a controlled, but slightly weakened effect. Dr. Desonne tested it on herself and found it to be quite effective.

Pleased with the Engineers' project, the items were distributed to persons of note that aided in the defence of Jaminere:

@ Darth Carnifex @ Darth Saarai [member="Darth Ophidia"] @ Cassandra Paige @ Itash Mecetti @ Farah
@ Joycelyn Zambrano @ Kor Vexen @ Tabigarashu Madara @ Leliana @ Jantar Keltainen @ Darth Filiae
@ Darth Ferus @ Darth Imperia @ Sebastian Thel @ Jacen Vadith @ Xevek Rakama @ Kaalia Pavanos
@ Orion Darkstar @ Khonsu Amon @ Tsisaar Taral @ Tavia Elori @ Llkt'tudrin'wyshd @ Ikilwa Arregai
@ Zahori Denko @ Vilaz Munin
The Holocron of Darth Krayt Approved (Claimed)​


  • Intent: To claim the Holocron of Darth Krayt
  • Image Source:
    Holocron: Wookieepedia: Sith Holocron, first image. Edits by me.

[*]Canon Link: Holocron of Darth Krayt
[*]Primary Source:
  • Sith Holocron (Wookiepedia)
  • Darth Krayt (Wookiepedia)
  • ENDGAME: Shadow's Fall: Darth Ophidia steals the holocron from the Jedi vaults during the Sith Empire's attack on Coruscant.
    Post: #3 (Claimed the holocron) #2 (Infiltrating the Vaults) #1 (Entering the Jedi Temple)

  • Name: The Holocron of Darth Krayt
  • Manufacturer: Darth Krayt.
  • Affiliation: Darth Ophidia Formerly Darth Krayt.
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Gold, capstone, crystal-lattice, other holocron components.
  • Classification: Holocron.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Darth Krayt's Intellect: Darth Krayt's intellect is preserved in this holocron.
  • Biography: The holocron contains Darth Krayt's biography: From time in the Jedi, the Clone Wars, surviving Order 66 and his eventual ascension to the Sith under the tutelage of XoXaan, and Krayt's interactions with the Yuuzhan Vong. It goes into deep detail concerning the rise and philosophy of the One Sith and their dominion over the galaxy, as well as illuminating some of the fears a Dark Lord had at the prime of his power.
  • Philosophy: Darth Krayt's holocron includes a comprehensive set of lessons on the folly of the Jedi, the power of the Sith, the philosophy of the One Sith and how to govern a Sith Empire by the One Sith philosophy.
  • Lessons of a Dark Lord: The holocron contains a number of skills, lessons about the Force and the Sith:
    Jar-Kai (To complete mastery)
  • Force Lightning
  • Tutaminis (To an exceptionally advanced degree)
  • Interpreting Force Visions
  • Resisting Influence (Resisting mind tricks and domination)
  • Life-Prolonging Sith Magics
  • Force Illusions
  • Mind Walk
  • Force Drain
  • Shatterpoint
  • Dark Transfer
  • How to create Sith Troopers

  • History Lesson: The Holocron includes a vast and important lesson in galactic history and a pivotal moment in the course of the Sith.
  • Power: Krayt's holocron includes a number of potent Force Powers and how he discovered them, including Dark Transfer and Shatterpoint.
  • Darth Krayt's Intellect: The Holocron contains Darth Krayt's intellect, allowing one to seek him out for advice.

  • Wilful Gatekeeper: Darth Krayt was a wilful figure and his holocron's gatekeeper displays it perfectly. Gaining access to his information takes time and effort. One must be worthy of Krayt's attention.
  • Force-Bound: The Holocron requires a force user to open it.
  • Force Dependent: The Holocron will not open if the Force is cut off (As in an Ysalamir field).

Darth Krayt was once A'Sharad Hett, a Jedi Master in the vaning years of the Galactic Republic before the Battle of Yavin. He was raised among the tusken raiders, survived Darth Palpatine's Order 66, found himself in exile on Korriban where he would discover the Holocron of XoXaaan, one of the first Lords of the Sith. Under her tutelage, the Jedi Master was trained as a Sith. His capture by the Yuuzhan Vong and their excruciating torture completed his transformation into Darth Krayt: Dread Lord and Dark Lord of the Sith.

Darth Krayt founded the One Sith and rebuilt the Sith Order. Through his wars, he brought down the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, deposed the Fel Emperor, and brought about the destruction of the New Jedi Order. He ruled with an iron fist and his challenges were many: The Galactic Alliance and the Fel Emperor had allied themselves against him. In the midst of his battles: Betrayal. His most trusted advisor, Darth Wyyrlock III, betrayed Darth Krayt and claimed his place as Sith Emperor.

Wyyrlock ruled by Krayt's principles, but Krayt had survived. The former Dark Lord returned to power, slaying Darth Wyyrlock III in the process and retaking Coruscant with his Sith Troopers. His One Sith was ready to reforge the galaxy in the crucible of war. Alas, as many great Lords of the Sith do, Darth Krayt fell to the lure of gaining the most powerful apprentice. As he tried to turn Cade Skywalker to his side, Krayt was struck down and killed.

Darth Krayt's holocron fell into obscurity, hidden by his Order until the day would come for them to re-unite. The One Sith went into hiding and only re-emerged in the last century. The flash-flame that was the new One Sith burned the Core to the ground and destroyed the Status Quo before they fell under their own weight and the insistent hammering of the Galactic Alliance. When Coruscant fell, the One Sith retreated, leaving ash in their wake. The Holocron of Darth Krayt had played a vital role in bringing the One Sith back, but in the flash-flame of the Galactic War it was lost-

Until it was re-discovered on Coruscant by Darth Ophidia during the fall of the Galactic Alliance.

  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers.
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire ([member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]).
  • Model: Daena-Class Assault Carrier.

  • Production: Unique.

  • Material: Trimantium and quadanium steel hulll; glasteel viewports; turadium blast doors and reinforcements; durasteel main structure and interior, and agrinium radiation shielding.
  • Classification: Assault Carrier.
  • Length: 5000 meters.
  • Width: 2800 meters.
  • Height: 1200 meters.
  • Armament: Very Low.
  • Defenses: Extreme.
  • Hangar: Extreme: 42
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low.
  • Speed Rating: Low.
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

  • Super Carrier: As a dedicated carrier ship, this vessel has taken its hangar capacity to the extreme. Its 42 hangars is able to unleash a considerable amount of fighters and ground-assault vehicles.
  • Flying Fortress: The ship has extensive shields, hull-plating and other defensive systems, giving it considerable defensive capabilities.
  • Advanced Suites: The advanced jamming and sensor suites gives the ship a good overview of- and immersion in the battlefield around it, as well as the ability to hinder enemy vessels.
  • Interdiction: The gravity well generators gives the ship the additional function as an Interdictor, stopping ships from escaping through hyperspace, or pulling them out prematurely.
  • Weak Spots: The classic Imperial design makes for one immediately visible weakness in its defences; namely the cluster of thrusters on the ship's rear. The Blackgate Multicore Shield System also leaves minor weak spots in its hull that may be targeted.
  • Minimal Firepower: As a dedicated carrier, the ship has sacrificed most of its firepower for hangar space and defensive measures.
  • Sluggish Flyer: With its considerable size and weight, the ship is left as a slow and sluggish flyer. It is easily outmanoeuvred and outpaced by smaller, lighter, and more agile craft.
The vahla have been a spacefaring people for the greater part of their history. Young vahla are born and bred spacers, knowing the inns and outs of any ship they serve on, and they have served with considerable distinction in Imperial fleets and inquisitions of the past. When Joycelyn Zambrano, a Sith Knight of vahla blood, sought to make her mark on the galaxy at large, she turned to the Migrant Fleet of the Vahla for crew and inspiration. Some would serve in her legion, others she recruited to be her guardians in the void.

Joycelyn herself being a ground commander in the Sith-Imperial Legion, not a part of the Armada, she sought to find a way to carry and land great numbers of troops to the ground as effectively as possible, rather than conduct combat from orbit. This was part of the Daena-Class' philosophy: An "impenetrable fortress" in the sky. Its design was drawn from the Harbinger and Ferrata-Class carriers, but scaled up. While it has a distinct focus on ground assault, the Daena-Class is more than capable at serving its function as an Armada carrier.

To boost its capabilities, it was decided that the Nepthys-Class should emulate some of the most successful features of one of the Empire's Super Star Dreadnoughts: The Song of Truth. It was for this reason it was fitted with more powerful sensor and jamming suites, as well as interdiction capabilities. It was also given more extensive defences against electronic warfare and slicing attempts. The idea was for the Daena-Class to be able to hold off attacks and 'lock down' the enemy, then attack with fighter squadrons or rely on the remaining fleet to deal the damage. It is a ship built with the full knowledge that it will never stand alone, and that its strength lies in its ability to support other ships.

The Daena-Class was also made to carry a large amount of troops and crew on campaign and is therefore amply supplied and made with efficient living quarters and storage space, inspired by the Vahla Migrant Fleet. It is also made to provide room for a number of occasions, such as interrogation, imprisonment, guest reception, or sustained living. No space is wasted and many rooms are easily converted to serve new functions.
Arkistniya Approved

  • Intent: To make a neat sword for a friend and unleash more sentient weapons upon the galaxy.
  • Image Source: Craven Edge by Iona Muresan on Twitter. Fan-Art of Craven Edge from Critical Role.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source:
  • Sith Alchemy
  • Force Drain
  • Force Rage

  • Manufacturer: Ancient Sith Alchemists
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: N/A

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Steel, alchemical components, blood, a soul.
  • Classification: Two Handed Sword
  • Size: Large.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Sentience: The sword has some sentience. It is vaguely self-aware, it can communicate telepathically through the Force, and it has a will of its own. However, it is more akin to a ghost, re-living a shadow of its sentience, than a living being per-se. The blade has an insatiable thirst for blood and will urge its wielder to fight at any turn. To accomplish this it uses the following features:
    Persuasive Presence: The sword can force its will on its wearer (At the writer's discretion) in order to feed. The wielder may hear a telepathic voice whispering to them, and that responds if they speak to it. The voice wishes to incite violence and encourages rash decisions. It is also argues passionately against being left behind.
  • Blood Rage: The blade instils its wearer with insatiable rage and bloodthirst.
  • Thirsting Blade: The blade drains the blood and Force Essence of its victims and feeds it to its wielder, giving them a fearsome ferocity and physical capability, and healing some of their wounds.

[*]Sithsword: As a sithsword, the blade is near impervious to most mundane damage and can even resist lightsabres, it can also absorb Force Lightning. However, it is quite heavy and may be destroyed by a direct blast of pure light-sided Force energy.
  • Beater: A blade this size and weight hits with a lot of authority. It deals a lot of damage and has a chance of simply beating its way through an opponent's defence.
  • Gift-Giver: As a means of satiating its thirst for blood, the sword grants its wielder certain boons:
    Rage: Upon wounding an enemy, the sword draws strength from its victim and gives it to the wielder. In effect, this puts the wielder in a state of Force Rage, granting increased ferocity and physical ability. While the state can be perpetuated as long as there is bloodshed, it comes at a cost.
  • Blood: Upon taking the life of another, the blade siphons life-force from the victim and into the wielder, giving a them a minor healing boost with each life taken, as though through a variety of Force Drain. This is enough to cure cuts and scrapes, and perhaps stop the bleeding of a larger wound or ease the pain of a broken bone. It does not, however, cure any major wounds in any short amount of time.

[*]Dark Presence: The blade's dark presence deepens the wielder's connection to the dark side of the Force, both through its telepathic connection to its wielder and through its mere being. This may instil a sense of dread and discomfort in weak-minded persons in its immediate surroundings.
  • Parasite: The blade feeds on the victims of the wielder, but also on the wielder themselves, particularly if the wielder refuses to satiate the blade's thirst.
    Uncontrollable Rage: When the blade grants is gift of rage in order to satiate its own thirst, the wielder is unable to distinguish friend from foe and weaken their sense of self-preservation, making them reckless and prone to injury. It also leaves the wielder exhausted post-battle.
  • Soul Eater: If not fed, the blade will begin to feed off its wielder, slowly eating their soul and sanity until all that is left is a husk, and the blade passes on to the next wielder.

[*]Heavy: Due to its sithsword nature and its two-handed design, the sword has a considerable heft. This makes it more difficult to wield and prone to exhausting its wielder in long bouts of combat.
[*]Dark Presence: Born from the dark side of the Force, the blade has a very distinctly dark presence. Unless somehow suppressed, carrying this blade leaves the wielder at a severe disadvantage in stealth and gains one the disfavour of most who adhere to the light side of the Force. It will also actively draw its wielder to the dark side of the Force and encourage evil deeds whenever it can.
[*]Dark-Spawned: The blade's dark nature makes it vulnerable to energies of pure light. The presence of Force Light hurts it and a direct blast may destroy it.
[*]Force-Born: Living through the Force, this blade loses all of its special properties (Except its toughness) if brought within a force-nullifying field or wrapped in force-nullifying resin. It will resume full function when brought back out.

In the dark eras of the galaxy's past, there were weapons forged for Lords of the Sith and their marshalls. The most rudimentary of these blades were instilled with considerable resillience, some gifted powers onto their wielders, and some yet had a mind of their own. The names of these master smiths, and the techniques they used to trap a mind and soul inside steel are mostly lost, but the blades, impervious to the wear of time, remain as a testament to the skill of ancient alchemists.

The blade, Arkistniya, meaning the Hungering Blade was forged as a gift for a Lord of the Sith sometime around the Old Sith Wars. It was meant to be a gift, cementing the relationship between Lord and Apprentice, but the master was betrayed. The apprentice had been trained by another who sought to supplant the Dark Lord and take his place. The ritual that commenced to bond the Dark Lord to his blade and the Apprentice to his eternal servitude had the blade fuse and devour the Dark Lord's soul. The apprentice, knowing well that he too could so readily be deceived, took the blade for himself and slew his true master as well, and in the end reigned supreme.

The blade was larger than many of its peers, demanding two dedicated hands to be wielded. It drove its wielders to a maddened frenzy, slurping up every drop of blood it could, and whispering words of violence in their ears when it thirsted. It was a mighty companion, but treacherous. Little did the former apprentice know, he was but one drop in the thunderstorm, and another had him slain as well. The sword changed hands, it fought, it feasted, they faltered, it waited.

At the war's end, the blade came into the custody of the Jedi. There it was lain in bondage of force nullification residue for millennia. It slumbered, waited, hungered. And then, the dark side emerged anew. Arkistniya was wielded again, but only for what seemed like the briefest moment. Labelled as a relic it was stowed away. The cache changed hands, from Republic to Empire, again and again, but none picked up the sword.

Its mind withered as it slept.

One day, a new awakening of the dark brought it out of its slumber. Something had changed. The air tasted so much sweeter, and soon it sensed a new wielder had arrived. At last, were it to taste flesh again?
  • Intent: To expand upon the lore of chaos-canon Sith Assassins and to make a small resource for current and future assassins.
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images.
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc, without other appropriate categories, here.]
  • Media Name: Codex Umbra.
  • Format: Book (flimsiplast).
  • Distribution: Rare. (Kept at select Sith Assassin compounds)
  • Length: Medium.
  • Description: The Codex Umbra is a text compiled by current leader of the Sith Assassins, Darth Ophidia, wherein she writes down the insights she, her contemporaries, and those before her have gained in service to the Sith past and present. The Codex Umbra is exclusively written on flimsiplast and in a cipher based on Ancient Sith runes. This makes reading it a challenge, but helps keep the secrets of the Sith Assassins safe from prying eyes. The flimsi is most often dressed in a cover of fine, black leather, richly decorated with silver studs and intricate embossing. No two issues of the Codex appear perfectly alike, but they are recognised by their opening statement: Ir hadzuska; midwan. The purpose of the Codex Umbra is to pass on the secret ways of the Sith Assassins to future generations.
  • Author: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
  • Publisher: Sith Assassins.
  • Reception: As a text issued only among the Sith Assassins, the Codex Umbra has slipped under the notice of the masses by design. The publication has generally been received positively as it gives insights gathered from experienced Sith Assassins, but also challenged within the order by those who stand to gain by changing their ways.

[Outline the contents of this publication as it would be read by a character in its possession. You should include a summary of the publication at the least, but you may also include a table of contents, verbatim excerpts, and anything else that can accurately describe the submission's contents. This should be the bulk of the submission.]

[Please include at least one paragraph on the publication's history. Describe who created it, how and why it was created, inspiration for its contents, any events tied into its creation and existence, etc.]
Assault Fleet Cinder

  • Intent: To flesh out a TSE fleet loyal to Joycelyn Zambrano.
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Role: Escort/Transport Fleet.
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]

[*]Total Length: 10 900 meters.
[*]Notable Characters: [Any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your fleet, as well as their ranks or functions. Approved Codex Ship Crews may be linked here.]
[*]Ports of Call: [Assigned patrol sectors / routes, places visited frequently, secret bases, space stations, or other relevant canon locations or Codex / Factory submissions.]
  • Strengths: [At least 1 situation or mission profile where this fleet may excel.]
  • Weaknesses: [At least 1 situation or mission profile where this fleet may struggle.]
Description: [Include any useful context or details, such as prior allegiances, notable battles, insignia/color schemes, realistic reputation, and the history behind how this fleet was formed.]

  • Intent: To flesh out a TSE fleet loyal to Joycelyn Zambrano, now with more SSD!
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Role: Escort/Transport Fleet.
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]

[*]Total Length:
[*]Notable Characters: [Any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your fleet, as well as their ranks or functions. Approved Codex Ship Crews may be linked here.]
[*]Ports of Call: [Assigned patrol sectors / routes, places visited frequently, secret bases, space stations, or other relevant canon locations or Codex / Factory submissions.]
  • Strengths: [At least 1 situation or mission profile where this fleet may excel.]
  • Weaknesses: [At least 1 situation or mission profile where this fleet may struggle.]
Description: [Include any useful context or details, such as prior allegiances, notable battles, insignia/color schemes, realistic reputation, and the history behind how this fleet was formed.]
Alk and Ilke Approved

  • Age: 3.
  • Species: Vornskr
  • Height: (To shoulder)
Alk: 79 cm.
Ilke: 78 cm.
  • Length: (Nose to tail-end)
Alk: 165 cm.
Ilke: 166 cm.
  • Weight:
Alk: 80 kg.
Ilke: 78 kg.
  • Appearance: Alk and Ilke are a pair of sleek, black vornskrs. They are young, but approaching their full physical growth. Alk is slightly larger and bulkier than Ilke, and has a shorter coat. Ilke has a longer tail than Alk and a pale patch running down her back. Otherwise, they are almost indistinguishable from each other. They both have strong, canine forms with long tails ending in a brush with a hidden stinger, and they both have a distinct, predatory presence in the Force, being force sensitive by nature.
  • Name: Alk and Ilke, Joycelyn's dogs.
  • Loyalties: Joycelyn Zambrano
  • Notable Possessions:
    An assortment of chew toys.
  • A few soft places to sleep.

[*]Personality: Alk and Ilke are virtually inseparable. If Alk is seen and not Ilke, then look behind you. While the two of them do bicker and argue, they always have each other's backs when faced with an outside threat. They are also very protective of their master and any item they deem theirs. It is easy to think the two vornskrs are tame; that would be a mistake. They behave themselves around their master and have become acclimated to a near domesticated way of life, but they are not tame by any means.
[*]Training: Alk and Ilke have a natural bond to their master and each other, reinforced through the Force. This makes them very skilled at cooperating. They are also natural hunters and trackers, abilities which have been reinforced through training, making them able to pursue targets over time and distance. They have also been trained in combat tactics against persons wearing armour, spotting and aiming for the soft bits.
[*]Combat Function: In combat, Alk and Ilke's primary function is to track down fleeing or hiding opponents, and assisting their master in melee. They track through the Force, as well as their olfactory and auditory senses, and they fight by flanking their opponent and attacking the limbs with their jaws and venomous stingers. They also function to pursue fleeing targets, harassing, shepherding and finally halting them so that they may be detained by their master.

After an attack by The Sith Empire on the Silver Jedi Order's conclaves on Kashyyyk, a damaged vessel of the Sith-Imperial Armada crashed on the planet of Navrozh. Joycelyn Zambrano was the lone survivor of the crash, having rested in the med bay. After treating her wounds and sending out a beacon, she found herself beset by a pack of vornskrs.

After defending herself, Joycelyn felt drawn into the jungle where she came to find a cave, and in this cave she found two treasures: A sithsword and a litter of vornsrk whelps who had grown up around the dark artefact. Knowing they would starve if she did not, and seeing the potential in them, Joycelyn adopted the two whelps.

She named them Alk and Ilke.

She spent many hours training the two whelps into working together and revering her as the definitive leader of their little pack. With time, Alk and Ilke had grown large enough to begin hunting their own prey. They started with easy prey to get the taste for blood.

A taste that would escalate to a hunt for force sensitives.

To Alk and Ilke, it was only natural that they would begin to hunt those with potential in the Force, just as their parents hunted ysalamir. Joycelyn taught them to hunt prey within the Zambrano palaces, and in the jungles of Sith worlds. Mostly, she used prisoners from the campaigns against the League of Voss. The hounds came to smell the difference between light and dark, and they learned with time that the taste of Jedi flesh came with extra praise and reward from their master.
Cathedra-Class Dreadnought Approved



  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Supercarrier Dreadnought.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Length[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 10000 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Width[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 6000 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Height[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 6000 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Armament[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Very Low.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Defenses[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Extreme.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Hangar[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Extreme:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 86[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Maneuverability Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Very Low.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Speed Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Average.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Hyperdrive Class[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Average:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt](Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Links:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Starship Weapons[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Approved Technology[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Shields[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Engines[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt])[/SIZE]



  • [SIZE=9pt]Hornet’s Nest:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] With its’ massive hangar bays, the Cathedra-class is a veritable hornets’ nest of fighters, bombers, interceptors, and more.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Flying Fortress: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Heavy armouring with impervium reinforcements, redundant shields, extended defence systems - To best serve as a fortress for the Sith Empire and a sanctuary for the Vahla, the engineers of the Cathedra-class spared no expense on its defenses, making this dreadnought a veritable fortress.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Grand Aegis:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Like the much smaller Athena-Class Shield Corvette, the Cathedra-class is able to project an external shield to protect either the front or rear of a larger fleet, protecting them against enemy fire. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Defensive Benefactor:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Alternatively to the Grand Aegis, the Cathedra can boost the individual shields of a handful (up to 2000 meters worth) of capital ships (Defence rating +1), at the cost of its own firepower (-1 armament to the Cathedra). [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Mother’s Mercy:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Cathedra-class is not only concerned with issuing fighters, but also keeping them in the air and pushing their performance to the limit. Therefore, it is equipped with a rapid repair bay where allied vessels may get patched up and issued back into the battle.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Dark Core:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Inspired by the Inquisition’s Belial-class, the bridge of the Cathedra-class functions as a Sith Meditation Sphere. This empowers a dark lord’s illusions and battle meditation to buff one’s allies and frighten one’s enemies.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Low Armament:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Sporting very little in terms of offensive capabilities, the Cathedra-class is almost entirely dependent on offensive support.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Sluggish Mover:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] It turns like a tortoise. This may leave vulnerable areas exposed for longer and puts it at a disadvantage against quicker ships.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Slow Flier:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Cathedra-class’ top speed and acceleration is hardly anything to brag about, and it will not be catching up to lighter crafts any time soon. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Behind the Shield:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The large shield projector of the Grand Aegis must either project the shield in front of the fleet or behind it, meaning the enemy may still flank through the unprotected side. This only affects the projected fleet shield, not the ships’ own shields. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Limited Boon:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] If the Cathedra boosts the shields of individual ships, they may not raise the Grand Aegis. Additionally, due to its low armament, it can only grant a +1 defence rating to other ships. It can only boost ships between 50 and 2000 meters. The total meterage of ships given a boost cannot exceed 2000 meters. The shield boost cannot exceed a rating of [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Extreme[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weak Spots:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Despite the ship’s defenses, there are chinks in its armour. For example, the engines are exposed at the rear, and most of the ship’s weaponry and hangars are focused at the front and sides, leaving a blind spot at its’ lower rear angle. And while the hull is mostly plated with highly resistant impervium, the viewports and hangar bays are made of less sturdy stuff. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The Ember of Vahl have long been allies of the Sith, brought together by the dark side of the Force and their shared hatred of the Jedi. A nomadic people, the Vahla are very skillful spacefarers, shipbuilders, and navigators. After a string of successful conquests, Joycelyn Zambrano -A Sith with deep ties to the Ember of Vahl and the Imperial Legion- had one chance to suggest a draft for one of the Sith Empire’s new super star dreadnaughts. She drew on Vahla styles when she chose her draft and combined it with classic imperial design, resulting in a carrier-based superstructure that can field an immense fleet of smaller crafts to occupy the skies, and dropships to field troops and machinery.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]With thick walls, layered shields, defensive systems, and impervium plating, the Cathedra-class is a veritable flying fortress. The thickest parts of the hull seem virtually impenetrable. However, when the multi-layered shields are surpassed, there are chinks in the armour - places where the plate is thinner and made of less sturdy materials, such as the viewports and hangar bays. Among its defensive systems are the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Diatium Capacitance Array[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], which absorbs the energy of energy weapons and discharges it to the ship’s system; the[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Blackgate Multicore Shield System[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] which makes for layers of combat shielding; the[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor Component[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] which mitigates damage taken, and [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Short-Range Missile Deactivation Transmitters[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] which helps protect against missile attacks.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]This extreme focus on defence comes at the cost of offence. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The true strength of the Cathedra-class dreadnaught is its massive hangar capacity. Like a hornet’s nest, the dreadnaught has a vast interior space and several hangar bays, able to field 86 squadrons of smaller crafts and swarm almost any battlefield. It also contains a number of landing crafts to field troops and equipment for planetary assault. This extensive fleeting-issuing network came at the cost of manoeuvrability, and restricts the engine space to a point where its forward thrust is mediocre at its best. Compared to smaller ships, the Cathedra-class is slow and sluggish, and it is largely dependant on escort to fight in a battle. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Due to its escort dependency, the Cathedra-class is optimised to aid its escort and keep fighters in the air. For this purpose, the dreadnaught is fitted with a rapid repair bay that helps keep allied fighters in the air. Furthermore, like its’ smaller cousin the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Athena-class shield frigate[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], the Cathedra-class is able to project a huge shield either in front or behind it to shield the fleet from harm. This shield is hemispherical and can be circumvented. Alternatively, the Cathedra can rerout power from its own armament and boost the shields of allied capital ships. It may not boost more than 2000 meters worth of ships, none of which may be smaller than 50 meters. As long as the parameters of total meterage and minimum size are met, any number or combination of ships can be boosted. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Once the ship was presented, two advanced features were suggested and implemented: One, a [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hyperspace Tracker[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], and the other was a [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Sith Meditation Sphere[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]. The hyperspace tracker speaks for itself, allowing the ship to track ships through hyperspace and cut them off. The meditation sphere has a much more grand purpose; allowing a sith sorcerer to use battle meditation to boost allies, or summon illusions so powerful they may have physical manifestations. Like in its predecessor, the Song of Truth, the Cathedra-class’ meditation sphere is located in the bridge, but also in a connected chamber below it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Beyond being a top of the line warship for the Sith Empire, the Cathedra-class also serves as a sanctuary for the Vahla people, many of whom serve in the Imperial Armada. It even includes a cathedral to the goddess Vahl herself. The “cathedra” is the seat of high-standing persons of a church, and the house that holds it is the cathedral. The “Cathedra-class” was so called because it is the seat of Vahla power within the Sith Empire.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To submit a unique cruiser to accompany Joycelyn Zambrano into war.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]AdamKop: SW Imperial Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] on Edited by [member=”Darth Carnifex”][/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon Link:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Cruiser.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Length[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 520 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Width[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 300 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Height[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 120 meters.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Armament[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Extreme[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Defenses[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Low[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Hangar[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]None[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: -[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Maneuverability Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]High[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Speed Rating[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]High[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt].[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Hyperdrive Class[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Average[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]All features for a standard cruiser.[/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Big guns:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Manticore-class cruisers are designed with offense in mind and punch well above their weight. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Movement:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The cruiser moves very quickly and is capable of making sharp turns and get into the best possible position to strike. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]No Hangar: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Manticore-class does not carry any squadrons of lighter craft and is reliant on support from a dedicated carrier.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Thin skinned:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] This ship’s focus on offense and speed has come at the cost of its defense. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: (Describing your submission's history is [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]optional.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]There is no requirement for amount of words here[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)[/SIZE]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission. Is the character there to assist with faction roleplays, to help train your character, or provide an antagonist for dominions or something else entirely? ]
  • ​Image Credit: DragonDogma wiki - Hydra
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, please link to the original location wiki here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Name: [ Name of the species ]
  • Designation: Non-sentient.
  • Homeworld: [ Please link their homeworld to either the planet Wiki or Codex approved planet sub. ]
  • Language: [ Note all the common languages of this species. ]
  • Average Lifespan: [ In standard years ]
  • Estimated Population: [ Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world), Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world), Scattered (Smaller groups found in many places around the galaxy), Inter-Planetary (Large colonies found within numerous star systems), Common (Can be found in most any space-worthy colony around the galaxy) ]
  • Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]
  • Breathes: [ Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes ]
  • Average height of adults: [ In meters ]
  • Average length of adults: [ In meters. If not applicable put N/A ]
  • Skin color: [Their commons skin colors ]
  • Hair color: [ Their common hair colors, if any ]
  • Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well variations between differing regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or aging specimen. ]
  • Races: [ Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races). ]
  • Strengths: [ 2 minimum ]
  • Weaknesses: [ 2 minimum ]
  • Diet: [ Note down common fods, what is poisonous]
  • Communication: [ Note their common communication medium ]
  • Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level ]
  • Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
  • General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[ Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why in at least three paragraphs. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. ]

  • Intent: To codify Darth Ophidia's custom swoop bike and experiment with vehicles.
  • Image Source: Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith Assassins
  • Affiliation: Darth Ophidia
  • Model: 811 "Ghost" Custom Swoop-bike.
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Nykkalt.
  • Classification: Swoop Bike
  • Role: Personal transport.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Minimum Crew: 1.
  • Optimal Crew: 1.
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift.
  • Speed: Extreme.
  • Maneuverability: High.
  • Armaments: None.
  • Defenses: Very Low.
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Passenger Capacity: 0.
  • Cargo Capacity: Very Small.
(Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note. [Links: Vehicle Sensors, Approved Technology] If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )
  • Speed: Above all, this vehicle is about speed. The swoopbike is sometimes referred to as a rocket with a seat, and this specimen pushes the very boundaries of how fast a vehicle can move.
  • Nykkalt coat: Blocks electronic sensors.
  • Sonic dampeners: Sonic dampeners temporarily mute the trademark banshee wail of the swoop bike.
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • Breakneck: There is such a thing as too fast, and this engine will take you there. This presents great hazard to an unskilled driver, and a crash at full speed would definitely be fatal. It also presents a danger to people nearby as they may be unexpectedly rammed by the vehicle.
  • Unarmed: The
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Shade-class Infiltrator


  • Classification: Stealth Infiltrator.
  • Length: 50 meters.
  • Width: 44 meters.
  • Height: 14 meters.
  • Armament: Very Low.
  • Defenses: Average.
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme.
  • Speed Rating: Extreme.
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2


[*]Advanced Sensor Suite.

  • Speed Monster: The Shade-class Infiltrator is built for speed and mobility, and it pushes these traits to the absolute limit in and out of atmosphere.
  • Stealth Systems: Designed for the Sith Assassins, the Shade-class Infiltrator is equipped with a stealth suite that makes it hard to detect uncloaked, and a stygium-based cloaking system that renders it virtually invisible.
  • Escape Artist: The combination of its speed, manoeuvrability, and the Shroud system, the Shade-class is very difficult to lock down with a tractor beam.
  • Sensor Suite: Complementing its stealth systems is a powerful sensor suite, allowing an assassin to efficiently survey an area before engaging.
  • Low Armament: Compared to most starfighters, the Shade-class is equipped with a pea-shooter of a weapon. This makes it poorly suited for straight dogfights.
  • Loner: These ships are not made to fly in squadrons, but alone. This presents itself as a particular disadvantage in combat. Furthermore, due to its size, it takes up a lot of hangar space if transported in a carrier (1 ship = 1 squadron).
  • Limited stealth: While its stealth systems are extensive, they are not perfect. The Shade-class cannot maintain its stygium cloak and fire its weapons at the same time. Once weapons are fired, the cloak will drop and require some time to re-set. Additionally, the ship may be detected by actively searching for its magnetic signature.
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your advanced systems.)
Darth Ophidia's Armour MkII

  • Intent: To make a new light armour for Darth Ophidia.
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Darth Ophidia's Personal Armour
  • Manufacturer: Sith Assassins
  • Affiliation: Darth Ophidia
  • Model: Mk II Pale Assassin armour.
  • Modularity: Yes.

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.')
  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Light.
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Kinetic: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Lightsabers: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Other: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples: Sonic, EMP/ION, Elemental. You must disclose each specific type that applies to this submission with its own rating.)

  • (Short brief detail list on any advanced systems with a respective link to the technology if available. What are the types of advanced systems that this armor has? This includes stealth, Bio-restorative technology, power armor, Force Enhancements, Alchemy Enhancements, Force Imbuement enhancements, or any similar or equivalent Force or technologies that may be rare or specialized. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, you must add them to strengths)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission. Any resistance ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)(If your armour is vulnerable to specific types of attack (e.g. Ion/EMP/Lightsabers) please list these here)

(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Joycelyn's Ionite Knife​
  • Intent: To create an ionite-edged, cortosis dagger for Joycelyn Zambrano.
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers.
  • Affiliation: Joycelyn Zambrano
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: None.

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Ionite-alloy, gold, wroshyr wood.
  • Classification: Dagger
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Ionite Edge: By combining ionite with another metal compound, the weapon has received what they call an ionite edge. The particular electric charge blade's ionite-alloy makes it able able to disrupt electronic systems such as droids. To keep the edge from damaging any of her equipment, it is kept in a a special sheath that neutralises the disruptive edge until the dagger is drawn.
  • Shape: By design, the dagger is able to cut, but favours the thrust. It is capable of delivering devastating puncture-wounds with relative ease. Its short, slender shape is also perfect for slipping into gaps or piercing clothing. Its ornate quillons also serve to protect the hand.
  • Fancy: The delicately wrought details, gold ornamentation, and delicate wroshyr wood grip is not just for show, but a sign of wealth and status. This is not the knife of just anyone, nor something you readily find in a market.
  • Ionite Edge: Settling for nothing but the finest, the ionite edge of this knife is of the highest grade and thus its disrupting effect delivers devastating blows against electronics such as droids, power armours, and the like.
  • Stabby: The dagger's thrust-centric blade is perfect for slipping into the gaps of armour and piercing through weaker materials, whether wielded alone in close quarters or paired with another weapon.
  • Fancy: The hilt of the dagger serves as a symbol that the wearer is of, or works for, the Zambrano dynasty.
  • Reach: While longer than the average knife, the dagger is outmatched in terms of reach by almost every other martial weapon. This puts the wielder at a significant disadvantage.
  • Bling: With its ornate design and open display of the Zambrano house sigil, this dagger is no assassin's weapon, and one seen with it would be immediately identified.
  • Cut: While devastating against most electronic devices, the blade is not resistant to lightsabres, which would slash right through the blade and hilt.
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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