Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tinkering with Ophidia


  • Intent: To submit a semi-mobile piece of heavy artillery for The Sith Empire.
  • Image Source: Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire.
  • Model: SIA-MAOG (Sith-Imperial Artillery: Mobile Anti-Orbital Gun)
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Minor.
  • Material: Durasteel, hypervelocity railgun parts
  • Classification:: Ground to Orbit Cannon.
  • Role: Heavy Artillery.
  • Size: Very Large.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Minimum Crew: (Lowest amount of people required to operate the vehicle)
  • Optimal Crew: (The ideal amount of people to operate the vehicle)
  • Propulsion: (Repulsorlift, Wheels, Tracks, Bipedal, Quadrupedal)
  • Speed: Very Slow.
  • Maneuverability: Very Low.
  • Armaments: Extreme.
  • Defenses: Average. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme). [Links: Vehicle Armor, Approved Technology]
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Passenger Capacity: None.
  • Cargo Capacity: Average.
(Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note. [Links: Vehicle Sensors, Approved Technology] If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )
  • Range: The artillery's firing range is exceptional, being able to hit targets in orbit.
  • Firepower: This cannon is a heavy hitter, using hypervelocity railgun technology.
  • Low Firing Rate: It hits hard, it hits far, but it does not punch that quickly.
  • Almost Stationary: Once it begins firing, it cannot move. It is dependent on an external vehicle moving it.

After the Battle of Dubrillon, the Conquest of Gree, The Sith Empire found a need for more portable anti-orbital artillery. Such ordnance is typically fixed, leading to an inherent weakness against bombing raids, sabotage, or the enemy simply assaulting a different target. The idea was proposed to make a cannon that could be dropped by a walker-carrier anywhere it was needed, remain fixed until the position is obsolete, and then be moved to a new location. Thus making a mobile defensive line capable of hitting capital sized starships in low orbit.

Mobility in this sense of the word was simply a matter of not being a fixed point defence system. The cannon is largely unable to move on its own, and requires a walker-carrier or similar vehicle to move it.

(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme.)
(​The stats for the deflector shield are in parentheses)
- Blasters Very High (High)
- Kinetic: Very High (Average)
- Lightsabers: High (None)
- EMP/ION: None (None)
- Sonic: Average (Low)
- Elemental: Average (Low)
- Enviromental: None (None)

  • Ultrachrome Shell: Forged out of rare ultrachrome, the shield is extremely well adapted against blasters and slugs, and resistant to lightsabres. Upon contact with a lightsabre, it will disperse the heat of the blade along its entire bulk, preventing it from cutting through. If too much heat is transferred, the entire shield may lose integrity. To mitigate this, the shield has been constructed with hollow sections and raised details that help disperse the heat over a greater surface area.
  • Heat Shield: To protect the wearer from the heat dispersing from a lightsabre strike, the shield is lined with thermal gel. This ensures that the wearer is not harmed, even if the shield approaches critical temperature. However, it is recommended to remove the shield at this point.
  • Bulwark: Due to the integrated shield generator, the shield can temporarily erect a flat (though a little bulging and rounded), rectangular energy shield 2.5 meters wide and 5 meters wide that can protect a squad. The deflector shield remains vertical, but travels with the shield as it is carried. The squad-shield will allow persons and inanimate objects to pass through at a low speed, but will stop objects in high speed such as projectiles. The squad-shield cannot absorb indefinite amounts of damage. It will falter under sufficient pressure and must recharge between uses.
    The deflector shield has the stats presented in parentheses in the resistances section above.
  • Points: As a low-tech, but efficient feature, the shield is made with three points that may be used to strike opponents.
  • Ultrachrome: Ultrachrome is resistant lightsabres by dispersing the energy through its entirety. The shield has embossed details to increase the surface area. A thermal gel liner protects the wearer from the heated metal.
  • Aegis: The shield repels effectively blades, slugs, and blasters, and provides excellent personal protection. It can also be used as a fairly effective melee weapon.
  • Bulwark: Triggering the internal shield generator raises a 2.5 x 4 meter, squad-shield, which provides a larger protective field against projectiles. .
  • Critical Temperature: If the ultrachrome is overheated by extended contact with a lightsabre, it will begin to melt, voiding most of its protective capabilities and potentially harming the wearer.
  • Range: While the ultrachrome shield itself is exceedingly sturdy, it only covers one side of the wearer, and may be circumvented. The squad-shield as well covers only one side of the squad, and it cannot be fired through.
  • EMP/Ion: Neither the shield nor the squad-shield is EMP/Ion proofed. The squad shield will collapse against such an attack, and will not be raised again until the power cell is changed.
There is a distinct difference between a great warrior and the champion of a cause larger than oneself. The warrior survives, but the champion protects its allies The Castellan was designed for Joycelyn Zambrano and crafted by the Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers to embody exactly that distinction: It is a shield that not only protects its wielder, but that may also protect their squad.

The shield is strapped to the wielder's arm and, while it is possible to hold an object in that hand, the shield prevents most fine motions. The squad shield is activated by a switch on the inside of the shield, within easy reach. The shield can be tilted without tilting the entire squad shield, making it much easier to use the shield in a retreat or advance.

The rectangular squad shield is fairly unusual compared to more typical globe or hemispheric energy shields, but it is made thus to provide maximum point defence as the squad advances, or rear defence for when the group retreats.

While the group-shielding ability is central to the Castellan's use and ability, it is also made with personal combat in mind. The weight distribution and construction of the shield makes it fairly nimble for its size and mass.
Dromund Kaas resources:

Maybe a Joycelyn palace in addition to the Emperor's Citadel?

White-fire legion: Joycelyn's personal army

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • ​Image Credit: [ Link to where you found the images, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help. ]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant development threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. ]
  • Structure Name: [ Name of the structure. ]
  • Classification: [ What kind of structure is this? Options include, but are not limited to: School, Temple, Laboratory, Homestead, Industrial plant, Farm, Shop, etc. ]
  • Location: [ Link the planet or other place where this location resides. ]
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns this structure? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages or groups. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this structure at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
[ What areas within the structure are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Normal civilian structures have a different scope in security, compared to military bases. As such a civilian structure with a Maximum security rating is not on the same level as a military base with a Maximum rating. A civilian structure with a Maximum rating could be the seat of a planetary government, or the headquarters of an inter-galactic corporation. Private security, alarms, perhaps even a defensive shield, but they should not have entire armies within or enough armament to destroy a fleet above. Please link relevant tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. ]

[ Include a description on the structure's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this structure's history and what role it played and still plays. For historical structures, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]


  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial, Royal Jewellers.
  • Affiliation: Joycelyn Zambrano
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: None.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemised gold, corusca gem, silk.
  • Symbol of Authority: Made by the royal sith-imperial jewellers, the Wreath of the Sovereign is a recognised symbol of imperial authority and serves as a badge of office for the Princess of Dromund Kaas, heir to the imperial throne. Every detail of this diadem is made to showcase subtle power without being in the way of practicality.
  • Dark Energies: Latent in the diadem is a current of the dark side of the Force. This pulls the wearer toward the dark side and gives them a minor boost of power when they lean into their dark tendencies.
  • Eye of Blasting: A centrepiece in the diadem is a single corusca gem nestled into the flame-shaped gold plates. A cluster of sith runes are carved into the back of the gem: 'control', 'reach', 'sight', 'blast', and 'power'. This gives the wearer the ability to concentrate the force in their line of sight and summon a blast of concussive energy analogue to that of a particle beam. The blast has a relatively short range (Optimum range: 15 meters) from between the wearer's eyes, and it follows line of sight.
  • Dark Power: The Wreath of the Sovereign grants a dark side aligned wearer a minor boost to their force affinity, making it marginally easier to employ abilities relying on the dark side of the Force. A follower of the light who dons the diadem will feel an immediate draw to the dark.
  • Combustion: A force sensitive wearing the Wreath of the Sovereign will be able to summon a straight line of concentrated force energy terminating in an explosion upon contact with a solid object or opposing force. This blast is similar in nature and power to the particle beam of a particle beam blaster.
    Sabres: The explosion is effective against lightsabres as it detonates on impact, possibly harming or disarming the opponent.

[*]Symbol: As a badge of office and a symbol of the Imperial royal family, the Wreath of the Sovereign inspires loyalty among troops and respect among citizens.
  • Blasted: The blast travels in a straight line from the wearer's forehead to the terminus and then explodes. If it is interrupted anywhere on the way, the blast ignites prematurely, potentially harming the wearer. If the wearer's line of sight is disrupted, the attack is similarly disrupted and will either fizzle out or ignite prematurely.
    Range: With an optimum range of 15 meters, the blast cannot compete with weapons with proper range.

[*]Local Currency: There is no supernatural inspirational effect, the Wreath of the Sovereign does not inspire loyalty in foreign troops. On the contrary, it may paint the wearer as a target for enemy snipers.
[*]Force-Born: Born from Sith Alchemy, the item is dependent on the Force to function. If placed in an ysalamiri bubble or similar force-void, the item will be inert until connection is re-established.
[*]Dark-Spawned: Born from Sith Alchemy, the item is also weak against attacks made from pure light, such as Force light. A direct blast may sunder the item.
Joycelyn Zambrano, also known as Darth Vornskr the Second, was made heir apparent to the imperial throne when she was granted the title Princess of Dromund Kaas in New Kaas City after the Liberation of Csilla. In celebration of her ascension, the Princess requested a crown be made as a symbol of her new office and an heirloom for the princes and princesses to come.

What was wrought in her honour was the Wreath of the Sovereign: A diadem of gold leaves shaped to look like a halo of flames wrapping around her head. Where the flames meet, on the top of her head, there is a small corusca gem, the back of which has been inscribed with sith runes. The diadem is worn over the top of the head and is fastened at the base of the skull by way of a black, silk ribbon. The design is made to be comfortable to wear, yet striking against the typical dark hair of the Zambranos.

After the based design was approved, each golden plate was inscribed with a sith compound-rune to help channel dark energies. By the end, the crown was soaked in an alchemical solution and imbued with the dark side of the Force. This process bound the magic of the runes to the item and allows the wearer to channel power through it in order to harness its powers.

Initially, the crown was only supposed to function as a focus of power, granting a boost to the wearer's affinity with the dark side of the Force. However, circumstances involving a failed attempt at reproducing Exar Kun's amulet and an unfortunate office death resulted in the already inscribed corusca gem being available. With a few minor adaptations, the enchantment was completed with greater effect than anticipated.

The item and its enchantment was also well received by the intended wearer, Joycelyn Zambrano.

Use of the item requires that it is worn and that the wearer takes a full moment to focus energies through the diadem. The explosive ray coalesces at the wearer's forehead and shoots forward until it strikes a solid target. However, the attack is only truly effective at approximately 15 meters. This means it cannot compete with the range of modern firearms.

The basic enchantment gives the wearer a minor boost when using force abilities that rely on the dark side of the Force, thus conserving the wearer's energy.
Zealot's Maille [Approved]



  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers.
  • Affiliation: Joycelyn Zambrano
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Phrik breastplate, armourweave, norris dye.
  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Light.
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration. We recommend using this spreadsheet tool to maintain general balance, but its use is not mandatory.Increasing weight, lowering production levels, or reducing resistances gives more room to increase resistance ratings elsewhere, typically on a one-for-one tradeoff basis.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Other:
- Environmental: Average
- EMP/ION: Average
- Sonic: Low
- Acid: Low

  • Cuirass:
    Phrik Plating: Phrik alloy makes an extremely durable compound. This has been expertly shaped into a breastplate and backplate. When put together, it forms a rigid shell around the rib cage and most vital organs. The breastplate ends at the natural waist.
  • Finely Worked: The cuirass is meticulously etched and engraved to display the wearer's royal lineage. It also has magnetic fasteners for a cape.

  • Armourweave: Worn as a bodyglove, offers protection against blasters and blades, and some resistance against lightsabres. The bodyglove is treated with an environment underlay. An optional armourweave cape with fur-lined collar follows.
  • Norris coat: The red coat worn under the cuirass, but over the armourweave is treated with a deep dye from norris root, staining it red. This dye makes the fabric more resistant to energy weapons such as blasters and lightsabres.
  • Trauma Pads: Small, rigid plates, stitched into the shin, lower arm, and abdominal region for protection against low level kinetic damage while affording movement.
  • Gloves: Supple leather with reinforced knuckles. Decorated with silver studs.
  • Boots: Knee high, made from supple leather, and based on those worn in the Sith-Imperial legion. The boots also feature reinforced toe tips.
  • Belt/Harness: A fine web of black, leather belts and froggers for holding weapons and equipment. The belt is decorated with engravings and silver details.

  • Cuirass: A phrik breastplate and backplate encases the wearer's torso in a protective shell. This shell is highly resistant against blasters, slugs and lightsabres, but covers only some of the body.
  • Soft Defence: Under the cuirass is a norris root dyed coat and armourweave bodyglove. This combination provides a fairly light and flexible defence that is resistant against blasters and glancing lightsabre blows.
  • Movement and Comfort: This armour allows more agility, endurance, and a greater range of movement than its heavier cousins. It is also fairly comfortable to wear, and easily suited to a range of climates.
  • Go for the Head: While the breastplate itself is highly resistant against many types of damage, the wearer's head, legs and arms are much less protected.
  • Limited Protection: While the armourweave and norris root dye provides some resistance to blasters and lightsabres, a solid hit may still penetrate the cloth and wound the wearer. Slugs and bludgeoning weapons are effective against the soft elements of the armour.
  • Area of Effect: This armour in itself provides little to no resistance against area effects like grenades, sonic weapons, or acid sprays that affect the whole body.


The life of a Zambrano is turbulent and full of unforeseen dangers. As a Lord of the Sith, colonel in the Sith-Imperial Legion, and heir apparent to the imperial throne, Darth Vornskr the Second has become accustomed to wearing armour. While the Imperator's Raiment offers excellent protection, it is far too cumbersome to wear constantly, and thus Joycelyn found a need for a lighter armour to wear off the battlefield.

The light armour would primarily have to protect her from blasters and lightsabres, and protect her vital organs from bludgeoning and solid ballistics. The ensemble had to be shaped for comfort and movement, but also display the appropriate station of the Princess of Dromund Kaas.

The Royal Armourers of the Zambrano dynasty went deep in their research to check every box.

Being the primary material of her larger armour set, phrik was an obvious choice for the breastplate. Armourweave was also chosen early on as a general layer of protection. However, it was thought to be less than protective enough. After much research, the head armourer was given an anonymous tip about the ancient art of norris root dye. When armourweave was combined with a layer of norris-root dyed fabric, it formed a layered protection against most energy weapons that was deemed appropriate. For further protection, some rigid plating was sown into the clothes. These plates mostly protect against low level impacts such as falling debris.

The deep, red dye combined with black leather and decorative silver studs also reflected the Sith-Imperial colours, and the breastplate was both engraved and etched with intricate designs to decorate the warrior princess.

Even with this layered protection, Joycelyn became keenly aware that the kit mostly protected her abdomen and only warded off glancing blows on her arms. The only true defence the armour provides is for the chest and vital organs, encased in phrik alloy. The complete ensemble is heavy for a light armour, but feels very light when worn by someone who often relies on medium or heavy protection. The material of the breastplate is light enough that it should still be classified as a light armour.

To avoid injuries to limbs or head, the wearer would have to rely on movement. Fortunately, the armour provides good movement.

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