[member="Jay Scott Clark"] - I feel you, but I also don't agree with you.
In the past month, there's been little competitive drive between Factions - when previously - we'd see factions "speed dom" the heck outta territory to force other Faction's into invading them. As I've stated before, I'm not wanting to remove the Dominion system- some people think it's fine as it is - while others don't. I'm seeing both camps and what they have to offer - meanwhile I'm acting my like my Jedi character in the hopes we, as a community,could come up with something that gives us a bit of both. I don't want to see Dominion's stripped away from the people that enjoy those episodic adventures, but I also don't want to see Faction's bleed members because of a "stagnancy" that's overtaken the map game either. As I've stated previously, I'm looking to enhance and flavour the map game by seeking out a supplementary system that enhances the map game; making it more enjoyable for a majority of people.
You want, and see nothing wrong with Dominion's? They're there for you. You want something more? Here are the options to keep things fresh and exciting!
Which leads me to admit, Yes - the status quo is just fine as it is. However, ask anyone that's have chicken and rice for a month straight - they're looking for something a bit more than the status quo. Things keep going the way they have been, only because that's the only way that a faction can retain it's major status. So, while it may not originally be apart of the status quo - why not make skirmishes meaningful and have them count towards a faction's activity level, and essentially allow them to spread their influence cloud across the map? Yes, you can do that in a dominion thread - but no-one can join said dominion thread to stop your faction from expanding - unless invited. At the end of the day? All you're doing is adding to their post count for approval. The Major Faction will still claim that hex and your contribution to it would be wiped away in a single line of flavour text.
But, if it was done under a skirmish thread; where anyone has the chance to join it with - or without the Major Faction's consent? Now, the thread's got stakes. Now, Skirmishes actually matter! Now that Faction's forced to fight off anyone that would threaten their claim to said planet/system/sector and protect their would-be vassals.
That's something you can't really do with a dominion thread, and something rarely seen outside of Invasion threads.