Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tweak the focus of the Map Game

Tathra Khaeus said:
Which is just condescending...

God, this is a headache.

Nobody is saying we want stuff for free.
I’m over simplifying your post to say something I’ve said to you privately many times. Learn when to just stop and quit having to have last word.

You’re getting a headache because you want to convice someone you are right and she is wrong, while also attacking her personally by the way. You’ve stopped making this about the issue, therefore you have nothing more to say or add so just walk away.

Also... the last line statement. The OP is basically asking to not have to work harder for what he wants. Boosting factory or Codex for expansion would only limit expansion because you’re now requireing that something which is optional he mandatory.

*puts on face paint and starts dumping tea into Boston harbor...*

[member="Judah Lesan"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

I mean, blatantly saying I'm just whining is turning it personal. But yea, you're totally 'onto my chit' even though the whole conversation to that point had numerous jokes about salt and mine was totally out of the blue and not contextually appropriate.

And Judah, just cause I'm blunt doesn't mean I'm the one making the 'personal attacks' in the first place. Not, that I was trying to 'attack' anybody.
Also I'm not OP.

But okie, stepping away.


I'm pretty sure we've spoken privately maybe twice Dizzy. I don't know hwere you're coming from with that.

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