Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

He knelt down next to her. He opens up the kit. The kit contain the normal first aid stuff plus it had a blanket and bottle water. He unfolds the blanket and places it on Leori. He didn't want her to go into shock. She didn't look too good. He opens a bottle of water. He takes a sip than hands it her.

"Ok. You do that. I'll stand guard."
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori accepted a drink of water before closing her eyes to go about healing herself. Head injuries were not easy to fix and never truly healed. However, she could restore her balance and worry about the side effects and long term effects later.

It would be nearly dark by the time she'd patched herself up to a workable level. Her eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the dimmer light. "Hawk?"
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Hawk watches Leori close her eyes going into a heal trance. He knew it could take a few hours. During that time, he set up camp by the tree. It just didn't feel safe in the ship at the moment. He had gone inside to grab more supplies.

It was slowly sinking into the mud. He had toyed with the idea of trying to lift it out of the mud with the force. He decided against it for now. He made a small fire and was warming up a can of soup when Leori called his name.

"Hi. Feelimg better?" He had mud in his hair and all over his body from his trips to the ship. He didn't seen any reason to get clean until they left this slimy planet.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori nodded. "Yes. But I need to get up." She lifted the blanket off of her and propped herself up against the tree, just in case. It turned out to be unnecessary, as her balance was restored. She did however have a mild headache, more than likely from being dehydrated. The Jedi made her way over to the fire that Hawk had going and sat down beside him. She could still see the ship, so the task didn't seem as impossible as it might have if it was completely submerged in the muck.

"How are your telekinesis skills these days?" She inquired as she gestured to the half sunken ship. "I am hoping that together we can move it. But first, we should eat and drink."
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"They are ok. I was thinking the same thing that together we can could do it." He pour some of the heated soup into a bowl and hands it to her. "It is going to take sometime to clean the ship off." He takes a sip of beef vegetable soup,

"FYI they are plenty of lizards, snakes, and here." Hawk already seen plenty of animals. Some were friendly and some weren't.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori chuckled a little and accepted the bowl. "Well, I'm not worried about cleaning it so much as getting it unstuck from the muck. And thank you." She was about to take a sip herself when he announced that they had animal company. That much she knew, though she hadn't taken the time to determine what animals were present. But she could feel them.

"Well, hopefully they will leave us alone if we do the same."

The Jedi sipped at her soup, keeping her senses sharp. A giant ship rumbling out of the muck would either attract more attention or scare everything away. She was hoping it would be the latter. Leori kept sipping, slowly.
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"I wouldn't count on it. I've already had to defend us a couple of times from the water lizards. Did you know that they can come on land? I didn't. That the reason I'm so muddy. I had to wrestle the damn thing. I should have killed it. Next time I will. You hear me!" He says to a pair of glowing eyes that popped out of swamp water.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori blinked. "Well then..." She trailed off. It didn't sound like he'd had any time to consider whether or not they were in the right place.

Quietly she finished the soup before standing up. "I think it would be a very good idea to move the ship to more solid ground now, so that we can use it as shelter from the creatures that you've made friends with..."

Thankfully, they could still see the ship so it wouldn't be nearly as difficult a task as it could be. Still, it wasn't going to be easy. "We need to work together on this, so where would you like to put the ship?"
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

He nods in total agreement about moving the ship to solid ground. But where? "There isn't much space around here by the trees. We might have to make a clearing for ourselves. We could uses our lightsabers to cut down the trees."

The green water lizard snaps its massive jaw open and shut. Hawk shifts his stance toward the water. Preparing to protect Leori.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori nodded in agreement and pulled her lightsaber hilt from the small of her back. It seemed that the wildlife didn't like the idea of them cutting down trees and disturbing their home. Unfortunately, they didn't really have another option. Her lightsaber activated with a snap hiss and she took a swipe at the giant lizard. It was already mad, so there was no point in letting it closer. She sliced through the top of its jaw. The Jedi was merciful, and so her next movement was to insert the blade into the creature's brain to end it's pain.

Her eyes darted around them. "Yeah, let's get moving before anything else tries to eat us..."

The trees would be a job on their own, but a physical job at least, rather than a mentally draining task, which would come next.
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Hawk smiles lopsided when Leori kills the lizard. "Frak. I wanted to do that. I get the next one." He hated that lizard. I won't be as merciful." He yells into the swamp. Ok he was going a little stir crazy.

He ignited his saber and helps Leori cut down the trees. Using the force he toss them into a pile in the swamp building a barrier between them and anymore swamp creatures.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori chuckled as Hawk yelled at the swamp, warning it that he would not be as merciful as she was. That'll learn em!

Hawk got to work, and she followed closely with her lightsaber. He was using the Force to move the trees, which was probably a bad idea considering their next task. "You may want to save some of that energy to move the ship out of the swamp, Hawk."
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

"Yeah I know. We have to put the cut tree somewhere. Beside I like the idea of making it harder for the swamp lizard to get a snack." He sliced down a few more tree.

He stops and wipes his brow. "A dozen more trees and we should be all set."
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori shrugged and went back to work. A dozen more he says....

It seemed like she'd cut down half the forest which made her both sweaty, and a little sad. She wouldn't normally do so much damage to living things, but they were backed into a tree. And so the tree had to be moved to make room for the ship they would need to get off the planet. Their needs outweighed the preservation of the world unfortunately. In time, the planet would recover from all the damage.
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Hawk surveyed the area after the trees were cut down. "Yeah this will do nicely. It a big enough area for the ship with a little extra on the side." It felt nice to walk on solid ground again.

"Ready to move the ship?"
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori nodded. "It will take everything we have in us to get the job done. Afterward, I recommend that we use the ship for shelter to rest before attempting to make repairs."

She moved closer to the edge of the swamp where the ship was still poking out. "You must keep your focus and concentrate on lifting the ship and keeping it in the air. I will focus on moving it to the clearing when it's out of the mud. Ready?"

With his affirmative response, she began the difficult task of moving the ship. Leori knew it would be difficult, but she also knew that it was not impossible. The Jedi could do it. She willed it. And it began to move.
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Hawk couldn't agrred more with her. It was going to take both the combine strength in the force to move the ship. Her idea of splitting the task between them was a good one. He takes a deep calming breath awhile drawing upon the force. He closes his eyes and slow lifts the ship out of the swamp.

He grits his teeth as muck and mud makes the task harder. "frak" he mutters under his breath.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori didn't speak, but she could hear Hawk struggling. The Force was their ally, and with it, they could accomplish anything. Even a task as seemingly impossible as this.

The ship slowly raised out of the swamp, with sounds of releasing suction as it cleared the muck. The hardest part was over, but it wasn't time to relax yet. It slowly began to move to the desired location. The Jedi Master was sweating, and soon would be on the brink of collapsing, but not a moment before their job was done.
[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

Levitation came easier once the suction was released. He held the ship steady in the air as Leori moved it over the spot they cleared. Mthe ship slowly descend to the ground.

Hawk released his hold on the ship. He falls to his knees exhausted.
[member="Hawk Solo"]

Leori didn't collapse, though she felt as though she might at any moment. "Come, let's get inside. We can rest there."

She moved slowly, but with purpose. She just had to make it inside the ship, and hopefully to a chair, or bed, or something. But if nothing else, on the deck inside the sealed ship would do.

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