Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wake Up

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"Good!" Kira cried out, doing her best to try and set the shuttle down within the hanger.

"Go pull your weight around here. I can't do it all the time." it was an exaggeration of course. Soliael had a tendency to look after Kira more than most. Commendor had made it a little bit more evident, but it wasn't like he was fussing over her to the extreme.

He did his fair share to make sure they were both comfortable. It was just that they were both skilled in different areas and managed to compliment each other. Crazy to think that decades back they had faced each other in battle.

The Force worked in mysterious ways.

The shuttle slipped into the Freya with a few scorch marks but otherwise sound. Devin would have ample opportunity to make it out of the shuttle and get his technomancy on.
[member="Kira Talith"]

Soliael didn't have to be told twice.

As soon as they passed through the ray shield that covered the hangar bay Soliael turned on his heel and booked it off of the shuttle. The ramp was half lowered as he jumped off of the shuttle, letting Kira land the ship while he rushed towards one of the nearby consoles.

The hangar bay really only had two of them, one that controlled the door and the other that had access to the ships main systems.

Soliael went for the second.

He rushed over the hangar bay, heading towards the console and bounding over several tall crates before finally reaching it. The instant that he touched the console the force rushed through him, power couplings and conduits throughout the ship suddenly burst into life as Soliael's own strength fed through them. The directive was a simple one really, get them out of here. Within half a heartbeat the Feya began to slowly turn, and then suddenly jumped to hyperspace.

"Well." He said quietly. "I have no idea where I just took us."

He hoped Kira didn't hear that.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"That... isn't really soothing my nerves there, babe." Kira added, coming up from behind him as she trotted down the ramp onto the hanger bay.

Blind jumping anywhere could be dangerous. Could get them into a dark mass and end their lives then and there -- or so far deep into Rishi that they could get lost.

"Let's see if we can figure out where to." she added, setting to move up towards the bridge. She was pale, and he'd be able to notice the fine trembling of her fingers. Concern, alarm, and a bit of weariness coated her emotions.

Some vacation this was turning out.
[member="Kira Talith"]

"Well I just chose the nearest system in the database." He told her quietly as he slowly wandered up to her.

His big arms enveloped her, slowly snaking around her to pull her close. For a second Soliael leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

"I wouldn't worry." He doubted they would come out on top of a black hole. "We'll figure this out."

Pirates weren't all that big of a deal, even if they had a ship or two that was bigger than theirs. The probes they had sent out would tell them a bit of information about the surrounding systems, and perhaps they would stumble upon something that would help him and Kira locate where the pirates were working out of. Ships as big as that Gladiator class required a docking bay to stay properly operational, if only because of their fuel and food requirements.

He doubted they could keep that ship fully operational otherwise.

Soliael's hands gently caressed the small of Kira's back, a gentle, massaging touch that was meant to soothe.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Kira could appreciate the rubbing of her back. Right now she felt so unsettled. Where they had thought they were going to relax a bit and explore an ice planet turned into getting targeted by pirates. Figures. Odds were that there were more of them out there. The more she thought about it, the more the Jedi Master was convinced that these pirates had certainly managed some sort of foothold within the outer reaches of the Rishi Maze.

"Yeah, but makes you wonder just how often we'll be crossing paths with them." Kira said with a heavy sigh. A hot puff of air blew out of her mouth, pushing her bangs away from her face. They fluttered for a few seconds before coming back down in a tousled mess.

"Oh beans," she cried out, recalling suddenly. "We left the probe over there!"
[member="Kira Talith"]

"It'll be alright." They could self-destruct it, and they had more.

She was right though. There was no telling how often they would cross path with these pirates. There was no telling how many there were or exactly what they were after. He frowned for a few moments and then drew back, rubbing his face as he thought about what they could do. They'd already sent out about a dozen probe droids, they had a few more...maybe if they did some scans of nearby systems for inhabitable worlds...He frowned a second more.

"We need to find a planet with life on it." Easier said than done. "Sentients."

If the pirates were making their mark here, then someone had to know something. "If these pirates are moving throughout the RIshi Maze then the locals will know what's going on. Maybe we can get some information that way."

Soliael shrugged.

"I don't want our vacation ruined." He'd rather solve the problems. "Plus you like helping people."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"Gonna have to activate one of the other drones." and while, yeah, it would be alright, the point of the matter was that it was Nohei who had put in all that hard word on the droids. That they lost one of the probes so early on in their vacation stung a little bit more personally. It was something their daughter had created. Losing it was almost too much of a travesty.

After a moment, her shoulders sunk and Kira gave another deep sigh. Well, there was only so much they could do and wallowing around here half upset wasn't going to do either of them any good.

"I'll go up top. See what I can find." Kira was upset, and right now she needed to keep herself busy for a moment. Maybe scouring for other planets with sentient life might wear down her irritation and frustration.
[member="Kira Talith"]

"Alright Honey." He kissed the top of her head.

Kira didn't like what had happened back on that world, adding on top of that the loss of the probe and the stress of pirates chasing them? Well it was bound to make her a little bit more than upset. Soliael could well understand the emotions of his wife, and as much as he wanted to help there was really nothing that he could do to change the situation. They needed to find a way to beat these pirates, and then return to their vacation properly.

"Doesn't have to be Coruscant." He told her. "In fact the smaller the better."

They would have to disguise themselves whenever they went down, easy enough with all the costume.

If they walked in looking like Jedi? It wouldn't go over well, especially if some of the locals were forced to help the pirates. "I'll be down here, see if the shuttle is alright."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"Alright." a planet with a population, but nothing too overwhelming. A few towns would be good. Something small where they would be able to blend in.

"Although with our luck, we'd find the world that hasn't any space traveling technology." now that would be a wake-up call for those poor people.

"I'll see what I can do." Kira assured him, wrapping her arms around him once more for a quick hug. She needed one. A kiss was pressed upon his chest.

"Try not to break anything in the shuttle will you?" a small joke.
[member="Kira Talith"]

He gave Kira a light squeeze. "Can't break it anymore than you already have."

Soliael let go of his tiny wife, allowing her to turn around before giving her a gentle lovetap on her rear to send her own her way. She was in a bad mood, but small things like that, playing around even now would make her feel better in an odd way.

As soon as she was gone he turned towards the shuttle.

"Force I hope you can still fly." Landing The Freya everywhere that they went would be a massive pain in the ass. He let out a sigh and slowly wandered towards the small shuttle, his palm coming against the bare metal of the ship as he closed his eyes.

Almost immediately he felt a rush of power, energy, and conduits. The entire ship seemed to sing to him, speaking to him in some unintelligible language that made him feel as though he were beyond reality. Goosebumps crawled across his skin, a small shake rushing over him as he assessed the various damage the shuttle had received during their flight back from the surface of the ice world.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Kira took to the bridge. She was still in a fine temperament, but her frustrations were starting to show. For the most part, the Lorrdian Jedi Master was able to keep a positive outlook. It had never been any trouble to do so. Her cheerfulness and her optimism had been a few of the qualities that had drawn her husband to her. The only issue was that this had dealt with their vacation and a piece of technology that their daughter had created for them. It bugged her.

With a sigh, the blonde sank into the chair. A quick tap of her fingertips on the console and then the holoscreens appeared in a half circle around her. Each floating display providing information about the Freya.

Navigation would have to be first. See where they were at. A small world.
[member="Kira Talith"]

Soliael found out in a few heartbeats that most of the damage to the shuttle was simply aesthetic, the outside hull was a bit scorched and one of the engines had blast marks, but the shields had mostly held up against the assault of the Turbolasers. If they had fighters after them the story likely would have been very different, but for now at the very least the shuttle would still fly. He would have to make some minor repairs, but he decided to hold off on that until he had Kira.

Her smaller hands would help.

With that established Soliael wandered off the flight deck, his fingers pulling away from the shuttle as he headed to follow after his wife. She would already be on the bridge behind one of the computer panels by the time that he found her, diligently working away at whatever task she had decided to perform first. Soliael popped in behind her, slowly wandering his way across the bridge and putting a hand on the top of her chair. "Shuttle is mostly okay."

Soliael said as he leaned down and pecked her cheek.

"Mostly just scorch marks." He ran a soothing hand through her hair. "Need your tiny hands to fix the other stuff."

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

He always knew how to calm her down. Kira was touchy by nature to begin with, but with Soliael that trait managed to increase tenfold. Emotions and intent flowed from the body straight to the other, and with their connection, it only made that bond all the more stronger. The corners of her mouth gave an upward but weary perk. She was still feeling a little bit stressed but for the most part it had waned.

"Found a place." she informed him, giving a quick tap of the holographic screen. A round globe came up. Seemed to be a desert world. Not much information beyond a type one atmosphere and that there was some form of sapient life there.

"Without proper charting notes or surveying done in the Rishi Maze, we don't have much information to go by." that was the the fun and the risk with their little exploration.

"But I think it would suit us just fine for what we are looking for. "
[member="Kira Talith"]

"Just need a village." He told her.

They could find that from orbital scans. There was no doubt in his mind that any planet with life that was nearby would do at this point. Those pirates had followed them to an ice world that had nothing on it, he had no doubt in his mind that they would have found even the smallest town by now.

"We can find that once we get there." He pressed another peck on her cheek, his arm coming to wrap around her belly as he half leaned over the chair. "The pirates will have made a name for themselves by now."

If there was one truth about pirates, it was that they had egos almost as big as Sith.

"We'll find out what's happening here." Then they could get back to their vacation.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

With Devin so close and intrinsically aware she needed some cuddling, Kira rose from the wide chaorband made room for him. Once they were settled, Kira curled herself against his brooder form. Her cheek came to rest against his chest while his hand began to lightly cafune through her hair. Sometimes this was enough to help the blonde seap out of her mood.

"We should be there in a few hours." She informed him. The entire satellite galaxy was still pretty much undocumented. When they neared, they could dispatch another probr to determine if it was a low technology world or not. The last thing they needed was to give someone a heart attack by their arrival.

With all the Pirates and everything in between, Kira couldn't help but wonder," think the kids are ok?"
[member="Kira Talith"]

"The kids are fine." That was something he could say with quite a bit of confidence.

If anything were wrong he would have felt it through the tattoos. His children knew well enough when they were in danger, and if something was wrong they wouldn't hesitate to call. They were smart little boogers if nothing else.

"Come on." He nuzzled the top of her head. "Let's go lay in bed for a bit."

He gave her a light squeeze, signifying that he actually meant lay in bed and not other things. They'd been through a lot for the past few days, and getting some rest now wouldn't be a bad idea. Kira would need to rest up and Soliael himself felt like he could use a bit of sleep.

At least before the pirate show started full gear.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Lay in bed for a bit? Honestly that sounded grand. After the chaos of the day and everything involved between the Pirates, the Temple, and the sudden blind hyperjump, Kira was happy to simply be able to crawl into their bed and cuddle up close with Devin.

A nod and a sigh followed. With a quick swipe and swish, the Lorrdian minimized the holodisplays. Once they were close enough the Freya's systems would send them an alert. Then, they would be able to discern if they would be able to use the shuttle without fear or end up having to travel during the cover of night.

Having to deal with a native population with no experience with space faring vessels was not an exciting prospect. Trouble could escalate rather rapidly when having to face that.

"Yeah," Kira gave a weary smile, extending her hand up to take his larger one with her own. His soft tug brought the petite woman to her feet.

"Let's get some rest. I want to cuddle a bit."

And maybe get rid of this headache.
[member="Kira Talith"]

Soliael let Kira stand for a few moments, and then his arms swooped beneath her.

In an instant the great titan picked up his tiny wife, cradling her in his arms like he would a newly made bride. "Shouldn't be walking after everything you've been through Miss Talith."

Soliael said with a small smile.

A tiny giggle erupted from his wife.

"Let me carry you to bed." His tone didn't change. "It's the least I can do."

He would never stop trying to cheer up his wife. Even when a situation was stressful like this, even if it was more dire than this, he would never stop trying to make everything better. It was what he would always do for Kira, it was one of the key pieces of their marriage, what made them work.

He wouldn't have traded it for anything else.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

"Miss Talith?!" Kira managed in mock affront. A finger went to poke at her husband's right cheek. The bristles of his beard tickled the pad of her finger, prompting a small chuckle. As always, Soliael was able to bring a note of cheer to the Lorrdian Jedi Master. He always seemed to.

"I'll have you know, Mister Talith, that I am a married woman!" Rather silly, yes, but greatly needed. He was right, she was tired. Exhausted. Mentally, physically, maybe even a little bit spiritually. Even this bit, being engulfed in his broad arms as he carried her was a pleasant start.

A deep, flowing sigh fell from her lips, her cheeks puffing out. Bangs flew in the air a bit, and then Kira snuggled in close against his chest.

"[cololr=aqua]We'll have to handle the pirates, won't we?[/color]" it was said with a knowing. Soliael would likely rather not bother, but Kira well, things just didn't seem to sit well with her. There were situations where she couldn't simply walk away.
[member="Kira Talith"]

"Yes." He answered.

She wouldn't like it, he knew that, but it was the only way they could save their vacation. Soliael had already resigned himself to the idea that he would become the first pirate Hunter in the Rishi Maze. A part of him wanted to just ignore the problem, but he knew that as soon as KIra saw the first oppressed village she wouldn't be able to intervene. That was who his wife was, it was one of the reason that he loved her in the first place. She was pure good. "But It'll be easy. Pirates aren't a big deal"

He gave her a quick nuzzle.

It was best not to think about that right now, especially when they were fixing to relax. So instead of continuing on Soliael pressed his lips against her cheek and turned a corner towards their bedroom.

"Married huh?" He continued on in his silly fashion. "Well I bet your husband doesn't treat you half as well as I could."

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