[member="HK-36"], [member="Dagon"], [member="Amorella Mae"], [member="Darth Vulcanus"], [member="Break"], [member="Ember Rekali"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"], [member="Kassandra Distorith"], @EVERYONE
"Iron, don't make me get all teary-eyed, ok? It'll ruin my...rep. I worked long and hard at the whole Chaos Goddess thing," Siobhan joked lamely. However, deep down, though perhaps she would not admit it, his words did resonate with her. How odd again, that it would be droid created with the intent of being an assassin, though he had long transcended his base programming, would be trying to keep her from falling. Truth be told it was a fear Siobhan herself had, ever since that day when she had crushed the Bando Gora Primarch...and tasted the dark side, faced her own alt self in a vision.
She had tasted it many times over. Sacrifices made due to necessity? The only way to achieve victory over the foes she fought. That was what she told herself, perhaps some of it was even true. Of course, such rationalisations were terribly convenient. She knew the risks, but that did not stop her from doing it again. The truth was that part of her enjoyed it, revelled in the carnage and destruction she caused, as much as she sought to channel this primal desire to productive ends, give it a productive outlet by focusing it upon enemies that deserved this kind of treatment, pay evil unto evil and all that.
"If something happened to Tegaea I'd raze planets," she said honestly, but a moment at least a certain sense of calm washed over her. She felt the light side energy emanating from the blade that HK carried, though at first she seemed to recoil from the light, much as she had when Phylis had drawn upon it through a light side force meld to try and stop the dark side infection from spreading inside Coryth, as if fearing that it would burn her. Siobhan did not think she was better - beneath all the arrogance, bravado and narcissism she had...very deep issues - but she had to try, if not for herself then for Tegaea, the one person she could not lose or disappoint. Something like calm settled in, not Jedi serenity, not even close to that, but a state of calm fury, power controlled and harnessed for one purpose.
"But you're right. Let's do this. Thanks," she said, though the voice sounded far away as she was already far away in her mind, stretching out with her Force senses as she gazed across to perceive the masses of ships moving through the vastness of space, the endless void, the stars and...the asteroids, some small, others very big in size.
Some saner might have concluded that chucking asteroids in the middle of a space battle, when the slightest loss of control could mean they would come back raining down upon you was....sort of lunacy. However, as might have become clear, Siobhan was not the sanest person in the Galaxy. But where she lacked in common sense she excelled in destruction. Calm, tranquil fury, nurtured for just that moment when it had to be unleashed in full. Nothing held back, as the full fury of the Butcher was unleashed. Unlimited power....well, not quite, even someone as tremendously arrogant and vain as Siobhan could admit that! Though now, even for just a moment, she felt like a goddess, an avatar of death and judgement, here to smite. Righteously? That was debatable, but then she never claimed that.
Assuming direct control. Somehow Siobhan could never get out of the habit of using the same cheesy one-liners over and over again. A gigantic telekinetic fist - gigantic probably did not that close to describing it, though it fit - stretched out as her senses homed in on the asteroids. Power coursed through her, beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and temples at the exertion, it seemed like it was physically painful for her, but she persevered. All it took was will and energy, she had a great deal of both and so she poured all her will into the action, the Force flowing through her as she stretched out and gripped.
Just a simple, very powerful, insistent, telekinetic force grip as several asteroids were seized by her mind, shaking under the pressure, for a moment threatening to falll out of her grasp, perhaps the motion might even backfire upon their Moross allies and the Protectorate Nebulon-class frigate, but her grip held and secured itself. The fingers of her bionic hand were curled into a fist, gloved fingers digging into the palm of it as she concentrated, focused solely upon seizing the asteroids, several of them, all spread out before her, bionic eye ablaze as it flashed before resuming its normal human colour. Slowly, very slowly, but then at rapid speed the asteroids, improvised missiles began to move out of their position as she pulled. A simple, to the point word for the motion. It was tiring to be sure, though the sigil of hope gave fuel to her telekinetic might.
She stretched out further with the Force, homing in on the asteroid that was being fired upon by the artillery ships. Unbeknowns to Siobhan it was the one that contained the Everclear nuclear plant, a facility she obviously would not know about. She could not gaze through the walls of the facility and perceive what had been built inside after all, but then she did not need to. The only thing she knew about it was that it was big, which suited her purposes just fine, she would not know what she was unleashing. Whatever facilities had been constructed upon these rocks would be shaken by epic tremors as the asteroids, a number of the rocks, by no means all, for she could only carry so many, were pulled through space.
Bend to me. Then, concentrating ever more intently, she hurled them, unleashing several small and a few larger ones, a barrage to distract their enemies' defences. Doubtless many would be destroyed before impacting, but enough should get through for her purposes. Hurled them through the vacuum of space at great speed as she thrust them through space, the force unleashed, as terribly overdramatic as that phrase no doubt was. Her flesh hand trembled at the motion and she seemed to shake but grounded herself, refusing to yield, pushing herself ever more and drawing deeper upon the Force. There was no force meld to fuel her like on Atrisia, but then she was not trying to push Lucrehulks into mountains, so that was fine.
Through the vacuum of space, its serenity broken by volleys of turbolaser fire and hailstorms of missiles, asteroids came shooting like an artillery barrage, driven by her will and the Force that in her grasp turned into turned into a battering ram of power, a bludgeon with which she beat her enemies until they were down...or she was. Give or take a few limbs. Doubtless there would a heavy hit waiting for her for this action, but was fine. Through space they came shooting, straight towards where the Horde flagship was located, where the mass of the fleet had to be, aiming to come down upon them like a storm. She called out to the Force and it responded to her command, allowing itself to be turned into a weapon for this endeavour. For revenge, justice, to save others through righteous slaughter, it mattered not in the end.
Siobhan trembled, taking a deep breath, the darkness beckoned to her, though she resisted...for now. As the volley came shooting towards the Vong fleet, presumably their guns were busy now. She shook under the pressure, gripping the bulkhead of the transport ship tightly as she tried to stabilise herself, breathing heavily. The Vong leader had given the order to retreat, but she did not know that. Stretching out with her mind her senses homed in on the big asteroid she had noticed before, the one with the nuclear plant that was supposed to blow. Not thinking, not pondering the consequences, she grabbed it and pulled.
Then threw it towards the enemy. To smash them with it, to crush them, stop another world from suffering the same as Aurum, the images of the destruction and carnage the Vong had caused etched in her mind. The Butcher of Roche and Gehenna struck, somewhere in the depths of chaos Illyria was well pleased and laughed with glee. The Butcher slumped and fell to the ground, exhausted and drained after this display.