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War, What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing! (Invasion of The Silken Asteroids) [Crusade + Horde]

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The Old Man turned to face the Captain of the ship, whose name escaped him – not that it mattered much since he was not in command of this vessel, [member="Darth Vulcanus"] was.
“I do hope you’re going to avoid being hit by that asteroid.” His voice displayed no sign of aggression or hostility to the Captain, yet he began to panic; sensors having only just picked up the giant ball of rock moving from its local position into the fleet of Horde and Imperial vessels. Rightly so he began to bark orders to his inferiors, while the Old Man turned fully to face away from the transparisteel viewing screen. The heading had entire angle of the star destroyer had been adjusted to avoid the quickly-moving, Force-flung rock, that probably still had people on it. Or had left them behind as it hurtled passed.
Navigation controllers had started to count down the time when the asteroid would have hit, if the adjustments were not complete and as accurate as possible. Fortunately the Captain and his officers on the bridge were competent in their calculations and as such the asteroid floated by, through the Horde fleet and probably destroying one or two ships that were not adequately piloted.
Following their brief, victory at survival Vereor began to walk through the bridge, eyes not on any particular person but the exit. He did not intend to stay on this vessel for the duration of the invasion, but instead he had plans that needed to be placed into motion. Why he had waited so long to start the cogs were unclear even to him, but now seemed like a good a time as any.

Walking through the hallways and corridors, and even lifts, down towards the hangar bay. The Sith Master had been redressed to fit into a plain-coloured environmental suit, capable of sustaining air for at least five minutes in a vacuum. It was sealed and had a snug fit, despite making him look rather daft. Even with all his years and experience behind him, the chance that his life could end today was something that he did not lightly gamble with.
Lightsaber clipped to a belt of similar design, the last transport out of the hangar for that particular hour had been adorned with his presence. It was not until he arrived in one of the Horde-controlled hangar bays of the asteroid field did he truly feel the immense energies running through the air. It was dark, crippling full of evil and malice. But it was delicious. It was empowering and filled with the toils of war and the best of emotions – anger and pain and hatred. They had powered him throughout his early life as an apprentice and that had continued even now.

Soldiers had been cut down by his lightsaber, strangled with the Force or burnt with bolts as he made his way through the many passages, open to the starfighters and turbolasers of either fleet of ships, or covered with thick sheets of metal. He had one destination in mind: wherever the Sith Emperor was.

When finally the walking, and the small group of stormtroopers following, had discovered the location of the Emperor and his attacker, [member="Isley Verd"], a breath of relief escaped his lungs. Although it was not as if it was required of him, to babysit the Sith Emperor – the grey hulk was more than capable of babysitting himself – but just to ensure nothing out of his control arose. Like what was going on. He had been fighting another Sith Master for a few moments before hand and, other than the exorbitant levels of dark sided energies in this area specifically, something seemed odd.
At first it was unclear to the resurfaced Vereor, who pondered for a moment or two (while the stormtroopers spread out to secure at least this area of the corridor), but then it struck him. He had been stricken with some form of evil; more so than normal for a Dark Lord of the Sith. Something that meant to do him unwell and something that could not be seen. The Force, however, tells all. With right hand outstretched, and face concealed under a rather well-shaded, shined, helmet, the Force began to flow not outwards, but inwards. His left, despite being covered with the almost too-tight material, touched the wall at its corner.
A small, flickering smile crossed his mouth, albeit hidden from view, as the Dark Lord of the Sith conjured some terrible wraiths from the floor. The Force that had Afflicted Krag, or Vulcanus, slowly began to lift itself from his body. It was slow, just as slow as it was to set in. Its energy being not recycled but redirected into the very walls as something completely different: heat. He was not a pryokinetic, but Vereor knew his way around altering an environment. The heat from the dark sided and evil energy had passed through, completely channelled, into the air and the walls, their heat increasing so much so that eventually, with enough of this energy, the metal may begin to bubble and slide away from the walls.
Altering an environment did not cost as much energy as many other techniques he knew, and with the energy seemingly in abundance, creating a molten pool of metal flowing down the corridor was the least he could do for the New Order’s allies.


Edit: turns out Vulcanus did not even leave his ship, so obviously I didn't read a post or two properly. Instead of going through it and altering it accordingly, just pretend I did not leave the ship at all :)
Soliael made quick work of the rest of the Yuuzhan Vong Soldiers. He never touched them with the force of course, never even tried. Though Sith Lightning and other such powers could harm Vong, there was no killing them unless it was through more...External means, and that is what he did. He used the force to pick up tiny metal objects.

Ball bearings, screws, nails, everything one would find on a hangar deck. He then sent the metal debris straight into the Yuuzhan Vongs skulls. The Aliens were resistant, but they couldn't function without a brain...thankfully.

Very quickly the Yuuzhan Vong that had come to stop a God lay dead on the floor, twitching as the life ran out of them.

It was only seconds later that Soliael noticed a new opponent. One that could speak without the guttural drowning of the Vong Throats. He smiled slightly, this was an interesting one, and perhaps not even part of the Horde. Soliael began to walk over to the man, his mask shifting slightly as his gaze drifted.

“You.” Soliael said as he reached up and pointed towards the man, a single thin stream of Force Lightning jumping from his finger tip and towards the Mercenary.
@Kung Seilois

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Amorella Mae"] [member="Zoey Marix"] @EVERYONE

(Abridge version can be found at the end)

Vulcanus stood, feeling the effects of the force affliction as it tried to enter throughout his body. Luckily, he had his ally with him on the ship and his Sith Armor was doing enough to keep him from completely sub coming to the illness. Even so, it had sapped a little more of his energy than Vulcanus could afford right this second and everything seemed to be moving a little slower. The Dark Lord tried to think clearly, but the deep running affliction was starting to fight past his defenses and take hold. Then, like a cold finger trying to slip into his mind, the familiar feel of battle meditation began to drain him emotionally. No! He was not going to let these lesser take the day, he had to fight back! Pushing a surge of his energy outwards and to the Sith Armor he wore, he was able to block out the voice in his head thanks to the Sith helmet he bore. Still, however, he could feel the forces of the manifested poison trying to crawl its way into his veins and immobilize him just like the ring that strangled his leg.

He thought he would need to try and purge himself again when suddenly, he felt the hands of the darkside slip into his soul and the poison was dragged out like a possessing spirit. Vulcanus breathed out heavily as the feeling of the affliction drained from his body and he could once again breathe easy. Looking over, he saw that it had been Veroer, one of his trusted Sith Lords, who had reached into his soul and pulled the affliction from him. By the looks of it the Sith was channeling the poison into something else and before the Emperor could even imagine what, the wall began to heat rapidly from the effects of alter environment. Yes, this was good but the Dark Lord knew it wasn’t good enough. The Crusade was drawing near to his position and it was time to bring them to an end.

“You spit on the name of the Darkside, Mandolorian dog.” Vulcanus hissed as his Force Wraiths continued their assault of the man “But now you shall witness true power.” Turning towards the bridge’s forward window, Vulcanus looked out upon the asteroid belt and the Crusade fleet “Your friends and allies shall die in a holy fire of the darkside.”

Sliding his sword back into the sheath on his hip, Vulcanus began to pull all of the energy he could from his armor and sword. Both items acted as a sort of Force Nexus and Vulcanus was quickly leeching what power they could offer him at this moment. The darkside surged through his body like tidal wave, his every muscle tightening as he drew upon all the rage and anger and bloodlust he could muster from his own mind. The bloodlust from when he slayed his own mother…the hate he felt for the Jedi as he sacked Coruscant….the anger he felt when they defiled his palace on Korriban. His hate rose to heights that would frighten a lesser mortal, his sulfuric eye tuning a deep, empty black as he fully emerged himself into the embrace of the darkside. No, not an embrace for Krag did not wish to be the ally of the force he wished to be its ruler! He commanded it to engulf and so it did, wrapping around his mortal form and filling his veins with its eternal darkness.

“I AM YOUR GOD AND YOU WILL DIE BECAUSE I COMMAND IT!” The beast screamed, his voice sending waves through the force that could be heard by any force sensitive in the area as if he were right next to them barking. The waves didn’t just ripple the force, it tore through it and forced its way through time and space. The Graug Warlord raised his hands high, an unholy preacher upon the bridge of his Star Destroyer. Then, he thrust them forward and the force seemed to panic in every direction, manifesting in the form of a superheated burst of heat that instantly turned the metal of the bridge red hot like the floors of hell. The engineers screamed in pain as their flesh was burned from their bones and their bodies melted to the consoles and metal flooring, the force users might be able to spare themselves this fate if they were able to block the wave but the heat would soon overcome them.

Closing his grip tight, Vulcanus focused his hate and rage into the void of space that sat just in front of the Crusade fleet. The fire lord’s rage quickly brought the force to heed and began to pool in massive amounts right in front of the Crusade fleet, forming a dark ball of emotions that ranged from cold feelings of death to rage unmatched by most. “YOUR ACTIONS HAVE BEEN AS HALLOW AS THE REMAINDER OF YOUR SHORT LIVES!”

Throwing his arms out his sides like a bird about to take flight, Vulcanus imploded the massive ball of force energy into itself and another wave of heat burst from his person and engulfed the bridge. Sirens began to blare within the ship and the glass began to crack at the edges, lights and screens burst from the heat and the doors locks began to melt. Even Vulcanus’s body seemed to steam from the heat, but he didn’t even flinch in pain for he felt none. He was the master of fire and not he victim of it. Throwing his hands back up again, the darkside pool before the Crusade ships exploded outward and manifested into glowing ball of heat and plasmatic flames….a darkside force storm of fire in space. Fire could not survive in the vacuum and thus it led to only one creation that Vulcanus could manage, a darkside manifested star in its own rite.

The Sith Sword on his hip finally gave out, refusing to pull more energy from the force and his armor soon followed in suit to leave Vulcanus using only his pure hate and rage to fuel his storm. The star began to take shape, it was like looking at a spiraling pool of glowing purple energy but no heat poured from it yet. Throwing his hands forward, Vulcanus grinned and slowly closed his hands “Now you shall die” he whispered before pulling his hands violently into his chest. The star pulsed in response, throwing a wave of radiated heat out into the void of space. The wave would hit all ships in the vicinity and it certainly impacted Krag’s star destroyer. The wave of heat burned hotter than any flame Vulcanus had ever mustered before and when it washed over the shields of the Star Destroyer they sparked and shimmered in response. All over the ship, systems failed and emergency sirens blared for no ship could withstand the heat of such a wave.

Vulcanus keeled over, his power drained from his body and his force wraiths quickly slithered to his aid. He could barely afford the energy to keep himself up anymore, he…he felt so weak. Pulling himself up slowly by the console in front of him, Vulcanus watched as another pulse of devastating heat flushed throughout space and hit the ship. Weapons went offline this time and the shields flickered horribly in response. Outside, Tie fighters and corral skippers burst into flames or simply went dead in space.

Turning back to the mando, Vulcanus grinned “you…you have failed” the Emperor coughed weakly as his Force Wraiths picked him up from the ground.

(Krag has created a darkside manifested star in the middle of the battlefield. The Star is a massive pool of darkside energy that is powerful enough to with stand attempts against it. Its heat waves are washing over all fleets and are destroying friendly and enemy ships alike. Krag's star destroyer has begun to lose power and he has expended his energy and the energy of his sword and armor to create this massive star. He now is extremely weakened on the scorching bridge of his SD)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"You could not just rest without destroying any more ships, could you?"
He quipped as he saw one of the incoming Vong skippers crashed out of nowhere by Siobhan's telekinetic strike. He would sit down besides Kerrigan as he calculated what their next move should be, whether to board the Vong flagship while they are still distracted by the asteroid barrage and finish the Horde while they still had the chance, or to board the Sith flagship and in turn help to take down the current Emperor, more prestigious target on the field to be honest.

However, before the droid was able to decide where to start deploying his troops, he received a transmission from [member="Zoey Marix"], he would sent back a response,
"Roger that, transport will be coming shortly."
He would glance to Kerrigan,
"Moross troops need extraction from one of the remaining asteroids, I think all the rock flinging got them alarmed. Either way, we will be taking them in, I think afterwards we might hit the Vong flagship."

As the dropship and their fighter escort moved, HK sent a transmission to [member="Amorella Mae"] and [member="Vascious Relens"]
"The barrage is concluded, it does not seem the Vong have taken as much damage as expected, but their fleet are still distracted, let us hit them while we still have the chance? I can deploy my troops in a boarding action alongside Crusade forces in the next wave aimed at the Horde flagship, over."

By then, [member="Ordo"] and [member="Aedan Miles"] would be able to see the escorts of Protectorate fighters and one of the dropships move over the facility they were nearby, they both knew HK and the emblem he used for identification, the same emblem would be visible on the ships, letting them know of the droid's presence on the battlefield and that he was on the Crusade side.

The dropship lowered to the asteroid ground and the hatch of the shuttle opened as HK stood up, gripping to one of the beams for support he would wave to the trio, Ordo, Aedan, and Zoey, as the dropship flew above them, moving to the evacuation position.
HK would call out, his voice carried far and strong, mechanically amplified,
"Iron Knight here at your service for extraction! Now come on aboard while you still have the chance!"

Aboard the Siege Tower

"What is that?"
One of the officers on the bridge said as the dark ball of energy started to form. The Yeoman just looked at it and her eyes went wide,
"Get us out of here, now!"
"Aye, aye, engines full, turning."
"Divert power from front shields to aft and side"
"Aye, aye!"

As the Moross ships started to explode, the nimble frigate was already half-way turned and on it's way away from the would-be explosion, the panicked Communications officer would have sent an alert to Moross ships and their other allies.

"Mayday! Sorcery imminent, all forces be warned to retreat or take cover!"

However, the warning of the experienced crew would most likely come too late as the ball of plasma and fire would explode in a star of dark-side.

Thankfully, the Siege Tower kept to the back of the Moross naval forces, it was not a ship that entered ship-to-ship combat too often, besides they were taking cover at the back of the allied fleet from the now-damaged Sith Star Destroyer.

As the wave of energy reached the frigate, its shields flashed in blue lights, the engines putting out as much power as possible to get them, and the troops on board, to safety. The brilliant light of the shield mixed beautifully with the glow of the explosion's wave and the hull gained a glow in its wake.
"Shields critical!"
Somebody on the bridge called out,
"Hull status!"
"Hull holding, we'll make it!"
Sighs of relief would be heard aboard the Siege Tower, although the shields were taken down for now, and some damage to the hull was taken, staying at the back of the Moross forces and the ship's maneuverability saved them in the end.

And now, HK and Siobhan aboard that dropship,

HK glanced up to the skies as he saw the ball starting to form off to the battlefield, it did not seem they were at heart of it, there was not troops on the asteroids and little enemy fighter traffic, indeed they were lucky that they were not at the heart of it all.

Still, HK turned back to Siobhan, throwing her his own Sigil of Hope to let her gain additional power, he would point to the ball of energy forming,
"Siobhan, do something, anything!"
He pleaded quickly, now noticing a glow on one of the ships, a per-emptive glow, it was the bridge of Vulanus' Star Destroyer heating up and glowing due to all the energy emanating from Emperor's sorcery,
"Over there!"
He called to Siobhan, pointing to the farther glow of the bridge before he extended his hand in Zoey, Ordo, and Aiden's direction, motioning for them to hurry,

"Hurry up, now!"

Hopefully they would have gotten aboard the dropship before the explosion reached them.
All at once the ship for the Iron knight came, shrugging my shoulders as he was going to take everyone, I nodded to both men, "Ladies first" I rushed towards the ship.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Ordo"] @Aden Miles

@[member="Neskar A'toll"] | @[member="Azalus"] | @[member="Break"]

"Hrrrrng." Hannibal said, indicating to Azalus and Neskar that they were but mere moments away from the primary hangar of the Horde's command ship. The Ranator would remain blissfully unaware of the incoming transport. Stygium cloaking devices were just the best things ever, weren't they? The Sekairo-Class continued to duck and weave as stealthily as possible pass unsuspecting Vong starfighters. Hannibal had every intention of not being detected, so he neglected to utilize the Sekairo's fairly standard armaments. Once the Sekairo dove into the hangar of the Ranator, of course, that changed pretty quickly.

Stygium cloaking devices couldn't obscure sound. That wasn't too much of a problem in space, where sound had no medium to travel through. As soon as the Sekairo entered the hangar, the ground crews, pilots, and security present in there could hear the defeaning roar of a gunship. However, to their naked eyes, there was absolutely nothing there. They didn't have a whole lot of time to be confused. Not long after that, Hannibal got crazy with the weapons. The laser cannons of the ship opened up, cutting down hapless Vong and bewildered pilots. Some of the Sekairo's missiles were launched, slamming into ships that were still grounded or fuel containers. Explosions ripped across the deck. Pandemonium. Anarchy. All this coming from a seemingly vacant area of the hangar.

It only lasted for thirty seconds, but the ramifications were awesome. Debris and bodies littered the deck in twisted, mangled piles. Anyone still alive down there, and there were precious few, were surely wishing for death. Their screams and groans of agony were mostly drowned out by blaring emergency alarms. Pilot's anxiety or not, there was no mercy in Hannibal's dojo. There would never be mercy in Hannibal's dojo. He engaged the landing gears, and the still cloaked Sekairo touched down on part of the deck that was mostly clear. Mostly. Save for the Vong corpse that got crushed under it.

There was probably some symbolism there. Somewhere.

Hannibal unbuckled his seatbelt, exiting the cockpit and heading for the rest of the small transport. Azalus and Neskar were still alive, so that was good. The Fondorian hefted up one of the three C-PES he had brought with him. Despite the carnage, there was no doubt in his mind that they would be shot at as soon as the doors to this ship opened. Better to have a giant-ass energy shield.

"Ight, so, first thing we gots t' do is find ourselves a terminal. I gotta get a map 'a this hunk 'a junk." Hannibal explained, fitting the C-PES snuggly over his forearm and activating it. "Then we 'ead t' th' bridge, beat up all th' mooks up there, overload the engines, an' make like a leaf and get th' kark outta 'ere."
Random Horde Star Destroyer
[member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Amorella Mae"] [member="Zoey Marix"] @EVERYONE
The massive aura of Darkside energy caught Soliaels attention faster than anything ever had before. His eyes popped open, his lips grew thin, and his skin paled slightly. The Strength of this, the power, he could feel it in his very bones. The Darkside of the force called to him, it spoke to him, it screamed at him. He looked from the dead Vong on the floor to the living mercenary before him, then to the waves of Rasu that still fought inside of the Hangar. He frowned slightly, his eyes shifting towards the clear shimmering Ray Shield that covered the edge of the hangar.

Without regard for the mercenary, or really himself Soliael began to wander towards the Ray Shield.

Blaster fired poured all around him, blades swept past him, thudbugs threatened to stab and eat out his skin. Yet nothing touched him. No projectiles came near him, not Vong or Human made it past him, nothing touched him. He reached the edge of the Ray Shield, watching it flicker and dance as wave after wave of heat from the artificial sun struck it.

With a fascination the False God watched the sun. The blindness of his eyes saw something for the first time, a whirling pool of darkside energy. Soliael watched it, like a child hypnotized. A smile formed on his face, this was something unique, something never before seen in the galaxy.

He had no idea who had created it, who had forged it in the darkness, but that hardly mattered.

The Sith Sorcerer's smile tightened, looking at the whirling black pool of the star. There was no need to worry about going blind, the light had faded from his eyes long ago. Power began to build within him, a different kind of power however, a hunger, a sense of need, of want, of desire, a sense of absolute divine strength. His grin widened as a blaster shot struck the Ray Shield near him with a loud pang.

Soliael stuck out his hand, placing it on top of the Ray Shield in the direction of the star, and then he began.

At its very core, Sith Magic was the manipulation of Darkside Energies, pure Darkside Energies such as the manifestation of a sun that gave off heat. Soliael knew this of course, he had trained to become a Sorcerer under one of the most powerful in the past thousand years.

So when he set about dismantling the sun, it became a grand display of power.

His eyes popped open as the force surged through him, pangs and bites of Darkside Energy rushing at him from both the Sun, and himself. Dark thick purple lines of energy began to rush from the sun towards the Star Destroyer, striking the ship and tearing it apart. Every now and again they would hit Soliaels palm, like thick fast Lightning Strikes. Slowly but surely Soliael manipulated the energy of the sun. The Massive pool of Darkside energy that was feeding the heat. He took it, bit into it and made it part of himself. Soliael dismantled the nexus of the darkside within the sun.

He consumed it.

Neth the Keeper took with him all the power that he could manage, until he was fit to burst. His skin gave off a purple aura, his eyes, nose, and ears bled beneath his mask, and his head spun as the Sun finally dissipated, its energy sucked away and lashed into the greater parts of space.

Soliael stumbled slightly as he turned away from the ray shield, more power than ever before flowing through him. His eyes burned with intense heat, his skin shifting as the Darkside tore at it, trying its best to escape his mortal form.
Power flowed through him, and threatened to destroy him.

TL;DR: I ate the sun.
Among the fight, the blonde woman was a swarming vortex of Turbolaser fire and grenade shelling, slaying Resu life, right and center. Among the littered bodies were Vong as well, who all had frag or burns left over from the frag, explosive and incinerate grenades that the Sith Marauder used. Ayra did not care for the Vong or the Resu, for the dark side had risen up inside her like a beast rising from the very depths of her soul, anointing her with the powers of the dark side of the Force, like it was a living thing that had selected her to do it's bidding.

Turning her body and swaying to the side to avoid another Resu's attack, she expertly swung her WESTAR M5 rifle down and discharged the clip into it's head. It was at the moment of her point blank fire on the unfortunate creature that [member="Stone Hermes"]'s discharged caught her and sent her flying into the air. The unfortunate Vong (and if they were susceptible to such effects) and Resu found themselves flying with her, living and dying bodies joining the Sith Marauder on the floor, ear drums destroyed and with them, motor functions and senses. As disorientation took over her enemies and allies that were caught in the blast, Ayra took ten seconds to compose herself.

She was a professional killer and with that professionalism came readiness. The ear plugs that she had selected and placed in her ears on board [member="Darth Vulcanus"]'s Star Destroyer had sealed and blocked out the decibels that would have brought the Sith Marauder to her knees. Other than the winding she had suffered under @Stone Herme's discharge, both from it hitting her and falling afterwards, Ayra was still capable of mounting a full scale counter attack.

How unfortunate for Stone.

Rising up from the bodies, she removed her WESTAR M5 rifle, broken by the discharge and selected her Saberstaff. She felt her shoulder strap bag, which carried two disruptor pistols, several grenades and ammunition for her rifle she disappeared. Not that she cared. Her method of kill in a battle such as this was to utilize range weaponry to take out the easy opponents and wear down the stronger. But it was with the Lightsaber, the Saberstaff and the techniques that she knew with them that made her the killer that she was. Of course, said methods of killing and battle were made to combat Jedi, but Jedi were harder to kill, so alas, Ayra was in her element.

Her thumb pressed the ignition button of the Phrik-alusteel frame of her hilt and two rods of red energy protruded from the end of her Saberstaff. It was the Jar'kai variant of Juyo that Darth Ayra selected and with it, turned to [member="Stone Hermes"] with a malevolent, nefarious gaze that would make weak men shake. The Force gathered at her feet and she launched into the air, opening her assault on [member="Stone Hermes"] with a slash in mid air, the opening movement for any Juyo user.

Atlas Kane


The Gunslinger kept silent during the flight to the Flagship of those fleshy monster things. He wasn't here to chat, he was here to kill people and that was what he did best. The gunslinger rested on a crate at the back of the ship, his hat blocking out his face and making him appear as if he was sleeping. Though in reality he was contemplating things like life, death and existence itself. In his head he was always quite the poetic and philosophical type, though he never showed that side to anyone. He usually let his guns and other weapons do the talking, while remaining silent himself. That quality has earned him a certain reputation with certain people. A certain reputation of a ghost or a demon who knows no emotions and is only here to kill, though that was far from the truth, well, at least the first part. The man known as Azalus did feel certain emotions, like joy, hate, anger, rage and all those good things, but he never showed those emotions. They were always covered up by his mask or his hat.

But enough of the character description, let's get on with the story, shall we? Now then, where have we left off, ah yes, the Stealth Transport. It seems during the monologue it had already entered the Flagships hangar and unleashed major havoc on the crew inside. The ship was now no longer firing and had just landed. The man called Hannibal or something came out of the ship's cockpit and explained the situation. Him and a guy called Neskar were with him on this mission. Today would prove if they were a good team or not, which would certainly affect possible future alliances between the three, so Alazus would give it his best. He'd feth up some monsters, kill some beasts and murder some people.

The man stood up from the crate. He nudged his hat upwards with one of his WESTAR-34'ers so he could see more clearly. Hannibal seemed to have picked up some sort of fancy shield at a place where two more were lying around, just waiting to be used. The man moved towards one of those shields, storing away one of his WESTAR's and picking up the shield instead. Transportable cover was always pretty useful. He would soon follow the Bounty Hunter out of the ship and into the Hangar of the Vong Ship. He didn't make any fancy speeches, nothing inspiring for the three, he only said two words.
''Let's jam.''

[member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Neskar A'toll"]

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby


"Ooft. Remind me to never sleep on the job again. You'd think they'd notice the big gaping hole in their hull." muttered Neskar as he rose slowly from the bench, yawning groggily and rising to beleaguered feet. His beskar'gam fit him well, as he leant downwards to retrieve the stray buy'ce that still remained on the bench, placing it snugly on his head. A short hissing emitted from the helmet, as it connected to the body of the armour, allowing him to effectively breathe and operate in a vacuum. Hopefully. Maybe he wouldn't implode instantaneously, so that was a bonus, he guessed. With a swift hand, he grasped a C-PES and attached it to his gauntlet on the right hand; with any luck, he probably wouldn't be shot in the face right off the bat. That would be an unfitting end to his career if there was any. Neskar looked at the device quizzically (he was never up to date with the latest tech) and gingerly pressed a button. It hummed pleasantly, to the disappointment of Neskar. He rather expected a sort of.. theatrical display. Maybe some fireworks. But, as he gripped his slug-thrower and strapped his trusty beskad on the back of his armour, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Groovy, he thought - not about himself -, an opaque exterior and transparent interior. Inspired. He remained at the back of the group, still getting his poodoo together. Too early in the morning for me. Gah. He checked the time. Oh, so it's the afternoon then. kark.

Neskar slide a multitude of slugs into the rifle, checking he had some of each kind some place on his person. It never hurt to be malleable. Variety was the spice of life. All them clichés. "Er. Good luck and all that. Don't die. Try to reach a terminal in one piece." he said to his comrades with grimness underneath his helmet. He was ready, if anything. As well as the rifle and the beskad, he had brought a couple of thermal detonators, a WESTAR-34, fully loaded, and also the Chimera rifle he bought at the bazaar some time ago. Luck favours the bold, he mused as he locked and prepared his rifles. Neskar stepped towards the landing bay door, next to the control panel which controlled it. Smiling, he tapped the red button lightly, and the door went down with a hiss and a jet of steamy nonsense from the hinges. "Groovy."

The scene was gory, to say the least. Blood and guts decorated the hanger nicely, and the remaining Vong left unharmed but dazed by the imminent doom that was on their doorstep reacted slowly, heaving their biological weapons up and emitting beastly war-cries. But that made no matter to Neskar, who stepped down the bay door first, firing quick bursts with his slug rifle towards the torsos and upper bodies of any Vong near him. After about twenty seconds of being daring, and deflecting shots via his shield generator, he ducked with haste to a piece of torn up hull close to him, energy blasts zipping above his head. War was good, he decided. It was fun. And, by Manda, it paid.

[member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Azalus"]

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
[member="Darth Ayra"] (OOC: Really quick here to mention, the "Discharge" was an electrical attack, not a sonic one)

Stone didn't feel anything different than his utter zealotry when bodies went flying. Some Resu were slain yes, but most could take on many hits before falling. They were essentially hardened, partially alchemized durasteel, blaster hits to the body were like cuts and bruises most often. They were still susceptible in certain areas however, and very few creatures could live without heads of course. What did catch the ignorant Resu slightly off guard was the sudden infrared burst emanating like two shafts from the woman's hand. Had hadn't experienced a lightsaber before, but by and large the saber would face resistance and instantly cutting through any part of a Resu, and most damage done was repairable once the entire battle was concluded... and wounds rarely stopped Resu anyway before their alterations. He himself had been a cripple as a mere organic and still had the spirit to fight a warriors war.

The woman had been knocked back apparently from his awesome demonstration of Resu lightning, and thus the distance between them was much greater. The woman jumped with the strange weapon thingy, and not understanding its value to do damage, but regardless still wanting to use it to burn its owner horrendously to the point that it was irresistible and incapable of being ignored. She jumped, so he decided to jump just as high! With metallic muscle, his machine enhanced legs crunched down before springing upward in an attempt to tackle the enemy. His mouth would be frothing if he was capable of salivating. Wide open and loud both in the sonic, as well as dancing with sparks. He would likely not be able to scream quite as loud for a little bit.

He wasn't sure what his brothers and sisters were doing, or what the enemies soldiers were doing, and frankly he didn't care. He saw his shiny and he so desperately wanted to eat it, crush it in his mouth, tear it up with tooth, claw, tusk, or sword. It made no difference to him. Right now, in combat, his focus was on one thing: spread the virus! This was a form of reproduction now for the Resu, every enemy slain was granted their "blessing" in the form of religious metal. The double bladed woman slashed in mid air towards Hermes, and he decided he would maintain the upward slash he prepared for. If saber struck sword, it would damage it severely, but it would not yield, not for a while. Any damage could be healed when not fighting. All the edges of Resu remained ever sharp for any battle, and their swords had been forged out of their own flesh.

Stone Hermes swung, but neither foe had yet touched the other. His writer would allow the opponent decide were the wound lay, and how they would react to his blade.
[member="HK-36"] [member="Darth Vulcanus"], [member="Amorella Mae"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Zoey Marix"], @EVERYONE

Siobhan felt the ripples even before HK called out to her, even before they impacted with their awesome power to devastating effect, destruction incarnate, the malevolent energies of the dark side unleashed in full. The massive aura of the dark side swept across space like a great plague, seeking to engulf and crush all that stood in its path. It was a wave of heat that burnt hotter than any flame that Siobhan had seen, stronger than the firestorms unleashed by Jhaega, by the Machine God dragon whom the Bando Gora had worshipped.

Fortunately the dropship was not at the heart of it, having moved to the asteroids for an evacuation mission, but even so Siobhan's mind reeled under the vicious onslaught of the dark side, making her stumble though she caught herself, gripping the bulkhead tight. The sheer power, the strength of it, she could literally feel it, taste it perhaps even. It chilled her bones, her organic eye seemed to pop open and her knees threatened to buckle, still weakened from having tossed asteroids across space as if she were a catapult and they boulders.

It was HK, her trusted comrade, who pulled her back to reality, to what was needed, as he called out to her, as she as well saw the ball of blue energy falling. So much like the flames unleashed by the Machine God, but on a level of epic destruction that surpassed his by far. His voice took her back to reality and she quickly caught the sigil of hope he tossed her, a gift the Jedi had given the droid for his help during the undead rising. She herself already owned one herself, having been given one by the Jedi for helping out during a search for lost knowledge on Corellia.

Both sigils pulsed, then they seemed to glow as their power flowed through her, serving as force batteries that amplified her. For the moment at least the painful throbbing in her head stopped, the twisted energies of the dark side did not beat her down and she was focused, resolved. Power, so much power, making it feel like she was going to explode or simply lose herself by basking in and getting drunk on it. But, perhaps remembering his words, she forced herself to focus. Balance calm and rage, unleash the latter at just the right moment.

Gazing into the space where HK was pointing she beheld the distant, far away glow of the bridge of the Sith Star Destroyer, the scorching bridge where unbeknownst to her Darth Vulcanus was standing upon. The dark side energies were ravaging space, blasting the ships of allies and enemies alike in an explosion of heat, an outpour of the destructive energies of the dark side. It was awe inspiring, but it also meant that following them back to their source was rather easy, in a sense from a Force perspective the bridge would light up like a Life Day tree. Siobhan took a deep breath as she steadied herself as she sank into the Force, drawing upon what last reserves of energy she had, no matter how painful that was. The bridge was scorching, the Star Destroyer seemed to have taken severe damage....she could make it a good deal worse. It was generally said that there were two types of force-users, those who heard the ripples and those who chucked rocks. Siobhan was firmly in the latter category - quite literally, as had been seen - her entire skill set had gone into harnessing the Force as a bludgeon, wielding it like a hammer, a Mjoellnir, if one were so presumptuous.

The power of the dark side called to her, a thousand whispers filling her mind with promises of power and glory, trying to distract her from her endeavour, while at the same time seeking to beat her down, but she was not swayed. Gripping the bulkhead tight to stabilise herself, she perceived her first target, the bridge tower. Her bionic hand enclosed into a tight, rigid fist, so hard her nails were digging into her artificial flesh as she concentrated. No holding anything back, letting herself go completely. Her anger, rage, belief that this was righteous and necessary, desire to protect her friends and even her fear found an outlet as she manifested a gigantic telekinetic fist. It enclosed around the bridge tower of the Star Destroyer, the grip powerful, unyielding and merciless, telekinetic energy started compressing upon the tower as she attempted to crumple the entire structure.

She felt the massive riples as Soliael consumed the sun, dismantling the dark side nexus, an epic feat as all that power was devoured, but her mind was elsewhere and she refused to deviate from her course. Her eyes seemed to burn with intense heat, ablaze with righteous fury - or perhaps not so righteous, for she was most certainly not of the light side - then she pulled.

Pulled with such force to destabilise the entire bridge tower with such force the battleship would be shaken by what appeared to be tremors, then send said tower crashing down upon the battleship's structure. To destroy, to crush, bury the dark lord who was upon it and anyone else.

She took a deep breath, panting, her head aching very painfully, as she took a moment to gather herself, draw upon what energy the two force batteries could still give her, even though she felt like she might overload. Then she lashed out, again, as she exploded, in Force terms at least. Power rippled through her hand as she focused upon the bridge, then, as the tower was coming crashing down, unleashed a massive battering ram of force energy to slam straight into the structure of the bridge, pounding it with all the great force the master of telekinesis could muster as if she were carrying out an artillery strike. The power that had punched through the Star Destroyer level armour of a skyscraper sized Lotek'k abomination. All energy drawn upon for this very moment, all finding an outlet in an outpour of desolation - all it took was just a push, a push of colossal proportions, tidal waves of power to shoot into the bridge and blast it as the wave blossomed into a force explosion, which should make the metal creak and twist, crack sickeningly.

The Star Destroyer would shake under the impact, it would feel like it was being torn apart, as the tower crashed down and the energies unleashed by her punched through the bridge in a bid to utterly crush it, tturn it to scrape, tear it to pieces entirely. The bridge was already scorched by the massive wave of heat Vulcanus had unleashed, the battleship had taken severe damage from it, now she was completing the process, by tearing the bridge apart as the storm of telekinetic energy struck. She was sweating profusely from the effort, for a moment it seemed like she would falter and fall down but she persevered, her last reserves being drained from her. Blasted by her shockwave as if by a magical hammer, thrust down by her telekinetic grip, the bridge should fall into the gravity of the ship, be brought crashing down through hangar bays and engineering levels, close to reactors and drive cores as mass of burnt of metal went into freefall.

With everything unleashed for her destructive intent to lay waste to the bridge, the Butcher blacked out, unconsciousness taking over as she slipped into the realm of Morpheus, having done her part and being out of the battle now. There was a loud thud due to her beskar'gam as she collapsed onto the floor. After all, just before she had drained herself by chucking big rocks through space and had just recharged,

TLDR: Siobhan, charged up by two sigils of hope, made the bridge tower of Vulcanus' Star Destroyer crash and unleashed an enormous shockwave of TK energy to destroy the bridge. Now she's sort of out of combat.
Akon, watching the entire situation from where he was behind Zoey, tried to take everything in. What had started as what seemed like a small op to him, was now turning into an all-out war. When the transport came to take them, he took no chances and boarded it, greeting the droid on his way in. "Now What?"

[member="Zoey Marix"] [member="HK-36"]

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
“You.” Seilois narrowed his eyes a the figure, his display of telekinetic telling him he was dealing with a force user. One who loved his tricks. The thing raised a finger at him, and acting on instinct, Seilois rolled backwards, but he could feel the sudden flash of heat as it barely missed it's mark. He had seen such displays before... lightning. Few Force Users, usually the ones labeling themselves 'sith' were the ones who could produce such things, and the few that could... well, they usually were the ones paying him to do the killing. He hadn't fancied his chances against one, but now it seemed he had no choice.

Suddenly something grabbed it's attention as it started to walk towards the Ray Shield, Seilois raised his gun to fire, but stopped when the Vong troops, newly, arrived did the same thing to no avail. Even their blades were not harming the thing. Seilois knew there was a way to hurt the monster, but he would not risk his life until he found it. Attracting it's attention was not on his to-do list. Then he noticed it.

A star... but that wasn't possible. There were no stars here... a star could not form out of nothing... It... was not possible. Seilois lowered his pistol as he felt and heard the durasteel groaning under his feet from the gravitational pull from the new star, the shields not able to fully protect it. The thing stared at it before raising his palms to it and then suddenly, lightning flared from the star smashing into the destroyers shields, breaking through them, and striking the ship itself. The groaning of the grew louder and he felt the entire ship buckling, that wasn't good. The ship had taken critical damage.

The star slowly vanished, and the being had a purple aura surrounding him, and Seilois understood one thing. In his current condition, with his current equipment... he could not stop that monster. It devoured an entire star... Something that should not have been there in the first place. The Destroyer could not take much more punishment, and he did not fancy his chances in his light frieghetr out there in that chaos, so he did what he always did. He adapted.

Seilois looped his arm into the metal circuits on the side of the hanger, and tapped his comlink, "Turn off the Ray Shield in the Hanger! Vent it! Now!"

It seemed like hours, but in reality, was only a minute as the Ray Shield flicked then went off... and things in the port started to fly from it and out the doors, many heading right for the star eating monster. Seilois had to get that thing off the ship if he was going to survive.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Having left after the first few shots into the hangar began, Romeo finally came back after it was all done. Fires, broken ships, and dead bodies scattered the hangar. Accompanied by three squads of Vongies, making a total of fifteen ugly guys, Romeo sense a presence inside the hangar. Only reasonable answer was a cloaked ship was in it, searching deeper into the force for where exactly, he pinpointed the location, having the fifteen take aim at the direction, he stepped forward some. [member="Hannibal Oryen"] had apparently decided to take on a flag ship. Observing the destruction of the hangar, he shook his head. "This is why I hate flying. What the hell is this? I nearly died because of you people shooting up the hangar. How in the world the hangar isn't being purged right now I down know."
Ayra flew through the air, her blonde hair flowing through the current as she descended down upon [member="Stone Hermes"]; and in a heartbeat, her opponent was above her. She swerved in the slashing motion she had been performing and clashed with his swords, red energy upon metal. Sparks flew as the objects clashed against one another. Cracks appear on Stone's weapon, as after all, it had just gone tow to tow with a Saberstaff.

She felt his weapon slashed into her garments, cutting into the black combat shirt she wore. The seams ripped underneath the weapon before it clashed onto the metal underlay with a ping. As gravity began to pull them down, Ayra felt she would help Stone's fall by waving her hand to him and casting a Force Grip on his body. As she fell, back to the ground, she flung her hand down and used the grip of the Force to slam him into the ground at a higher velocity than she was going at.

Turning her Saberstaff off for safety reasons, Ayra then tucked her arms, leg and head into a ball and waited for the drop. She felt her body hit the metal ground and roll until she hit something organic. Pain waved throughout her body as she rose, instincts and training telling her to become a moving target. She felt nothing was broken, but damn, the bruise, cut and resulting pain would hurt for the rest of the duel.
Dagon's whole body tingled.
Every inch of his 16 meter long head and innumerable 100 kilometer long tentacles tingled.

The Force Users were powergaming.
He could feel it in every inch of this thread.

Waves of energy radiated from various focal points in space and consolidated as outlandish attacks against one spot or another.
A star was born and a star died in the blink of an eye.
An event only to be seen once in the galaxy.

For the duration of that instant, waves of heat, radiation, and plasma washed over the two fleets assembled in the asteroid field.
Shields flared and bright colors rippled across the bows of the Horde fleet as radiation played havoc with the electronics of the abominable machine ships. Shields failed entirely on the smaller ships within the Horde fleet and sparks flew from innumerable electrical and electronic stations as artificial equipment overloaded under the barrage of energy from the birth and death of a star. Dovin Basal organisms attempted to project gravity wells between the ship and the star in a hope to weaken the wave of energy that approached it. Swirling vortexes of energy swirled into the gravity fields projected in space, but the bulk of the energy wave kept coming. The Star Locus was partially protected from the energies by the bulk of the Star Destroyer and her energy shields, but numerous organisms spasmed in pain and panic as the heat and radiation washed over the bow of the Coral Ship.

Dagon could feel the heat and pain and panic of thousands of organisms.
Dagon could feel the confusion and disbelief.

Dagon reached out and felt at his children.
Dagon reached out to the scattered ships and fighters and crews.
Dagon reached out to the biots and war beasts.
Dagon reached out to the scattered soldiers and generals and Force Users of the Horde.
Dagon felt each of them.

Dagon could feel the chaos and confusion from within the battered Star Destroyer of [member="Darth Vulcanus"].
The mechanical hulk was all but dead in the water.
Bridge crushed, forward half reduced to slag, and electrical and electronic systems fried and overloaded.
Dagon skimmed the thoughts and emotions of his children aboard the vessel.
The artificial reactor of the ship had been destabilized by the energies released aboard her.
The crew could do nothing to contain the energies of the rampaging reactor.
She would soon explode.

Dagon found this unacceptable.
Reaching out to [member="Darth Vulcanus"], Dagon spoke to the Sith Lord.
"Wake up." Dagon said to the Graug, his voice reverberating in his head like a hurricane. "You do not yet have permission to die. Get to the reactor."

Turning his attention to the rest of the fleet, Dagon reached out to his children and calmed them.
Focused them.
The crews of the mechanical creations worked to repair the damaged systems with speed and precision that would make a Drill Instructor weep with envy.
Orders from Dagon spat out through mechanical speakers on the bridge of each ship.
The organic components of Star Locust trembled at Dagon's touch as they calmed themselves and returned to their duties.

Asteroids had been thrown.
Stars had been born and died.
The Force Users had been exhausted.
Now was the hour of the starship.

The Horde fleet adjusted their course, pointed their guns at the Star-Battered Crusader fleet, and advanced.
This time, the Star Locust would join the assault.
Artificial Turbolasers and Hypervelocity Cannons began opening fire at the opposing ships.
Plasma Cannons pointed at the enemy fleet and began launching molten rocks at the enemy ships.
The remaining starfighters and bombers poured out of the Horde's remaining Star Destroyer.
And the Star Locust opened her hanger bays...
From them wing after wing after wing of Coralskipper starfighters swarmed from the Carrier like a swarm of wasps and made their way toward the enemy fleet.

The lesser ships, at Dagon's command, organized themselves to the far left of the Horde fleet before beginning their advance. The small ships swarmed through the asteroids like a flock of birds through a forest as they approached the Crusader fleet, ever mindful to keep the massive rocks between themselves and the guns of the Crusader ships.

Targeting computers and tracking systems worked tirelessly for the mechanical ships while the organic Targeting Brains of the Star Locust did a similar job for the coral ship.
Dagon listened to the targeting brains and the crew that operated similar constructs on the mechanical ship.
Dagon listened and thought and calculated.
Dagon added his processing abilities to the fray and helped the organic and mechanical computers to create more precise targeting solutions.
Dagon helped to more accurately predict hostile ship movements.
Dagon helped to make what was left of the Horde fleet more deadly.

TLDR: Horde ships took damage from star. Horde ships are moving forward and shooting at Crusader fleet. Coralskipper starfighters and the remaining 'other' fighter/bombers from the Horde are on the far left flank moving forward, using the asteroids as cover. Dagon told Darth Volcano to wake up and go keep the reactor from going critical (heavily implying that he try to absorb the energy somehow). Dagon is buffing the fleet and making weapons more accurate and crews more efficient. Darth Volcanus's Star Destroyer is (more or less) dead in the water and heavily damaged.
[member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Darth Vulcanus"]

Phoebe had come with her husband, [member="Isley Verd"] on the war droid known as Cin Bes'uliik however once they arrived on the Star Destroyer Phoebe went in the opposite direction of him. She knew that he could take care of himself and didn't need her to babysit him so she decided to go her own way and see what trouble she could cause on her own.

Loosing holding on the green saber in her hand Phoebe snuck for the most part alone the corridor. She could every now and again come across a engineer or someone else whom she quickly took care of. The Master's lightsaber skills were not that great but she could get the job done when it came to non Force Users. The target that the woman had in mind was the control room. She wasn't trying to crash anything just mess up their communications unless someone found her first.

[member="Vascious Relens"] [member="Crystal"] [member="Kassandra Distorith"] @Everyone

Sitting aboard the Crimson Strife as it cruised into the battle towards the target Siara watched intently out the viewport, the fireworks display of the two fleets hammering at each other was mesmerizing. She had seen her fair share of battles but nothing on such a grand scale, she was much more accustomed to smaller engagements. In fact it wasn’t long ago she had left Corellia and her small time mercenary work to join the Crusade. The excitement and anticipation of combat washed over her, it didn’t affect her in the way it seemed to be affecting the Sith around her who seemed to be relishing in the death, destruction and general chaos of the battle. She let the go of those thoughts and focused on her task.

As the small freighter cruised in closer to their target Siara did a final check on her equipment, she had opted for light armor, so she didn’t limit her ability to move quickly. She could have worn any armor she wished even something as big and heavy as that Vacious chose to wear but that didn’t suit her style or her own particular strengths. She knew how well she could move with the equipment she had chosen, every pound of equipment was a loss of precious seconds of reaction time so it was carefully considered before it became part of her kit. On her belt she had chosen a pair of blaster pistols, a combat knife, a flechette blaster, she had also chosen bring her rifle on this mission even though the close confines of a the corridors of the ship they would be boarding made a rifle a less than ideal weapon. She didn’t want to be in a situation where she needed it and didn’t have it. Satisfied she was ready she settled back into her seat, she could do nothing but wait now, she pilot would have to get them there safely. She was relaxed, focused and ready for anything.
Vascious Relens ~ Crystal ~ Siara Vorru ~ [member="Anaudius"] ~ etc.



With a string of curses emerging past crimson stained lips and glistening fangs, the Sith Lordess yanked the steering yoke to the side as the Force screamed in alarm. When the Force screamed in your ear like a teenage girl clinging to her date in the middle of a horror flick, you had damn well better listen to it. Words to live by.

And it certainly saved their collective posteriors in that moment.

Kassandra's neatly manicured nails began to lengthen into claws, the feral blood-thirst startlingly close to the surface. But she was a Master of her own natural abilites and a Master of the Force. The blood-thirst this close to the surface served to send her vision into a red haze, lend her a deeper connection to the dark leviathan that dwelled within her soul and the rich energy of the Force that suffused every fibre of her being.

"SOMEONE SHIELD-" she began to shout, but was forestalled by the wave of energy that threatened to tear them apart. Sheer Force of will and a festering rage kept them together, though damage to the hull and the transparisteel of the cockpit windows were obvious with the sounds of shrieking metal. She shuddered to think of what was happening to her precious ship, but could not afford a spare thought to consider it. There was simply no time.


Her thought finished aloud, accompanied by a rush of Force energy as she endeavored to make Mick Jagger jealous of her moves. The Strife was doing things no YT-2400 ought to be able to do, but with the hands that maintained it at the controls and the Force rampaging through its Mistress' could it not do as she asked?

That blast of dark side energy...that supernova that tasted like a Graug carcass had been steeping in her sacred stimcaf...she knew what that meant. The Star Destroyer started tripping the light fantastic of its own accord, with a little Protectorate assistance, and what was left of the Horde fleet turned en mass and began assaulting the Crusade fleet.

Not. On. Her. Watch.


"Change of plans..." the Mistress did not purr so much as hiss, vile contempt saturating every syllable as it fell past her lips. "...what is left of the anathema Horde is attacking our brethren in earnest. What say we pay the heathens a visit?"

The Strife turned, both dorsally and ventrally mounted laser canons clearing a path as she made for the Star Locus.
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